As long as they're together they'll find just about any Haven agreeable to live in, and while they aren't prone to scheming or unsanctioned violence they will bring several more mouths to feed to the table. Strangely enough there's nothing preventing you from having a really smart Blood Brother. The game doesn't do much with the Blood Brothers: The Blood Brothers are not designed to be player bloodlines for all but the most niche games, but make for excellent tough mooks in a Camarilla, Anarch or even Sabbat game.
Even then, don't expect to see a lot of them: If you really want to pay a combat-focussed character in a Sabbat game take a look at the Brujah or Ventrue or even Salubri antitribu instead, or if you want to go the body horror route play a Tzimisce instead. So somewhere during the Renaissance either a Toreador got the hots a relatively common thing for a fairie or something and disappeared with some of these showing up some time later or a Malkavian fucked a Toreador or something and this was the result.
Whatever the case, it's a fairly modern all-female Bloodline who's gimmick is singing or fucking with sound such as by making a noise seem to be coming from somewhere else than where it is. Their weakness is that they constantly have music stuck in their heads which makes it hard to focus and increases their difficulty with Perception rolls. In a game about personal horror, they probably nail it the best given that it's very possible that they'll have to live centuries with Rebecca Black constantly reminding them of the daily calendar; it's a wonder they're not all mad after their first fifty years of existing.
Once again back in the good olde days just after Tremere the guy, not the Clan had Diablerized Saulot and were making up plans to play "Surprise Genocide" with his Clan; the Tzimisce got the Gangrel and Nosferatu on board with declaring war against the Usurpers who had stolen immortality by Diablerizing one of the most important characters in Vampire History as well as kidnapping a Tzimisce Elder from his haven to experiment upon.
Naturally, the Tremere was one small Bloodline at this point against three major Clans, and also just after getting the Mages, equally pissed, to leave them alone as nolonger their problem; so they had to play their cards VERY carefully and VERY cleverly, there was no room for fucking up a second time. Being squiggly little pansies who saw more value in being able to count in the Dark Ages than they saw to being able to put up a good fight, they started kidnapping prisoners of war and use their fancy Blood Magic into turning them into Gargoyles to do all that frontal fighting nonsense for them as loyal and mindless servants of the Usurpers.
The good news is, this worked; the Tremere survived until they helped the Ventrue form the Camarilla and thus got an entire sect backing them so they could work in peace to the powerful Clan they are today. The bad news is that the Gargoyles weren't quite as mindless as the Tremere originally intended and some of them started to violently break out of the Chantries and form rebel groups focused on freeing their brothers and sisters from Tremere bondage or just leave off somewhere isolated to live out eternity without a collar around their necks; either way the Tremere aren't happy about that and that's enough for most.
Unlike most, the Gargoyles aren't usually considered much of a Bloodline by most because most don't realize they are, in fact, Vampires; understandable enough given that they are walking blocks of stone. They cannot interact with mortals on much of any level whatsoever and are walking Masquerade breaches should they show off that they are more than just a statue. Tremere made an apologetic pact with the clans they used for gargoyles in modern ages: Still, who knows what's out there Remember the Cappadocians the Giovanni killed off?
The experts on Death and everything that it had to do with? Turns out it takes more than a few fires, genocide campaigns and their Antediluvian locking them below ground to finish them off completely. Back in the Ottoman Turks' time, there was an event called "Feast of Folly", where Cappadocius locked up the Cappadocian vampires that:. Cappadocius threw these into the catacombs of his clan and locked it crying blood, leaving them to prey on each other and die off from thirst. Then he went to the mortal population, and told them to pack up and leave and he cursed the place.
Then again when you read above, it takes more than a bit of retarded lockup to destroy thousands of Kindred, even if they are irresponsible dicks. Those that didn't go crazy or die did some crash course research down there and left their imprisonment with a spell that opened a passage to the Underworld. Escaping their lethal imprisonment, these Kindred re-appeared in the material world somewhere in the 20th Century. Once they got back to the real world and realized just how fucked they've gotten with no one lifting a finger to help them they were, understandably, pissed off and decided to join the Sabbat for a bit of back-up while they began discretely picking off the Giovanni one by one; which is making said cousin-fuckers shit themselves.
They also have a grudge against the Camarilla for signing a contract with the Giovanni of the "you leave me alone, I leave you alone" variety thus selling out the few remaining Cappadocians out as the Giovanni got free reign to scratch them off their to-do list. Supposedly not a single one of them have embraced since they reappeared in the world, which is relatively stupid given their goal of counter-wiping out a relatively powerful Clan, and their allegiance with the Sabbat is mostly on paper only.
They care very little of the Sabbat's goals and the Sabbat have very little to do with their vengeance-crusade against the guidos; both are completely fine with this so long as they see eye-to-eye on what they do and leave each other to their own hobbies. They look like dessicated, preserved corpses. They can't do shit to hide it, unless they learn Obfuscate, good thing for them the Sabbat doesn't care about the Masquerade. That is, if you believe their boasts: If the mages won't fuck their shit up, humanity itself would.
Somewhere during the Dark Ages, some Mage managed to con a Lasombra Methuselah into buying his mystery brew and have a taste. This turned him tall, pale-white with black eyes and with skin that glows in moonlight with capacity of seeing faeries and their magic for what they are. After several decades or so of being locked up for being weird, the first Anarch Revolts happened and he and the few Childer he had were let out after the supposed death of the Lasombra Antediluvian and promptly joined up with what would become the Sabbat several years later and settled down somewhere around Belgium or so.
They're fairly apolitical and most just wanna stay in their libraries or chase after curious artifacts and be left alone, so despite their Sabbat-allegiance, most don't have much of anything against the Camarilla. In the V20 Dark Ages their story was retconned into them being the result of a successfully embraced faerie, thus leaving their options a lot more varied in both terms of Disciplines, origin and sects; but at the cost of the previously-established lore. No, not like that. They are vampires dedicated to the service and protection of the Cappadocians.
Their sire and namesake was a priestess to Lilith, the Dark Mother. Lamia claimed to be a daughter of Lilith making her the stepdaughter of Caine! When she died Lamia was given a vision by the Dark Mother and given a purpose. She and her line would serve and protect the members of Clan Cappadocius, with their unlives if need be. They never were a big bloodline, part because of the service and part because their bite carried a potent version of the Black Plague. The Lamia were almost exclusively women trained in the ways of combat. This makes them ideal bodyguards, especially with their Fortitude and Potence Disciplines.
Their loyalty proved their downfall however, with Lamia being killed by Augustus Giovanni himself and the last Lamia being killed in as part of a Camarilla blood hunt. The story goes that their founder bonded with a nature spirit to protect the trees. She was the Crone a mysterious figure who taught Caine how to perform blood bonds. This turned her into some kind of vampire in her own right. While the Crone was eventually staked by Caine and is set to return with Gehenna, she did sire Childer of her own.
The downside is that due to her nature creating a new Lhiannan not only creates offspring less potent than their sire, it also diminishes the sire. Lhiannan were picky in whom they embrace: Lhiannan Childer received good educations before being sent out to fend on their own, with the havens of Lhiannans being nearby, without them communicating much. This proved to be their downfall as pagan ways were cast down by the march of Christendom, and around the 14th century they were considered to be destroyed, aside from occational Gangrel claims of runes that were drawn in blood on trees.
Appearing out of nowhere with the explanation being "bunch of Mages turning themselves into Vampires before the Tremere did". How did they do it? Fuck if I know. Why did they do it? Again, fuck if I know. The only justification is that their Mage sect is heavily invested in death, but why they'd wanna shatter their avatars and lose all that fancy magic of theirs is a mystery.
Either way, there they are; few in numbers and up to fuck knows what. Gives the Giovanni a run for their money on the Necromancy front, but again are too few in numbers to be considered competition; mostly stationed around Asia minor. Needless to say, they are a serious threat to the Masquerade unless they get a hold of a mortuary with bodies that won't be missed.
They see the Northern Lights as a manifestation of the will of the gods and guide their people accordingly.
Hollywood Vampires:The Last Vampire Lyrics
They also served as protectors against mundane and supernatural threats. The Noiad existed openly amongst their people, who see their protectors as divinely-appointed. However, because of their views they see all interlopers as threats that will be turned away or killed. When it became clear that the march of Christendom could not be stopped, the Noiad drove their people further and further north, past where the land could sustain them and promptly starved to death, dying alongside their protectors with their fear of change and the outside world.
Think grumpy old grandfathers afraid of those newfangled technologies cranked up to Remember earlier when I said there were "Zombie Vampires"? Yeah, these guys are them. Harbingers of Skulls' other variety. Harbingers are dry corpses, these guys are rotting corpses. Because of their decayed looks they are massive Masquerade breaches if they're ever seen by anything not supernatural and can potentially cause them anyway if some cop happens to find pieces of rotten flesh having fallen off and calls crime investigators to the scene to have a closer look at it.
Thankfully, they have Obfuscate. Led by some fancy fellow calling himself "Baron Samedi" somewhere around the Caribbean; these guys either originate from Cappadocians who didn't answer Cappadocius' call of judgement, or was the experiment of a Giovanni spell of binding a freshly embraced mortal's soul to a corpse. Perhaps strangely enough, while neither the Samedi nor the Giovanni much like each other, they don't automatically try to have each other killed either, Baron Samedi even supposedly met Augustus Giovanni and walked out unscathed.
Or at least still undead, so we bet more on Cappadocian deserters from judgement. Some Samedi work as mercenaries for both the Sabbat and the Camarilla and a rare few have joined the sects entirely, but most simply stick around in their place of origin and leave it at that. The True Brujah are an odd bit of fluff in a quantum state of canonicity. See, the original Antediluvian of the Brujah, Ilyes known anachronistically as "Brujah" , got jacked by the hermaphroditic vampire Troile.
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The True Brujah claim that they are the direct descendents of Brujah, while the clan that usurped the name Brujah were sired by Troile. The Trujah have the weirdest of the Signature Disciplines, Temporis, which is control over the flow of time. White Wolf realized that this was a really fucking stupid power for vampires to have, and put their foot down the only acceptable use of Trujah is to emulate DIO.
During the course of the End Times book Gehenna , Ilyes stated that Troile was his only Childe and the True Brujah turned out to be nothing more than a bunch of stiff, emotionless, boring academics who stumbled across Ilyes' long lost Temporis discipline which is why the Brujah got stuck with "Potence, kinda" and got an egotistical stick up their ass about it. The "Anti-Tribe" are those vampires who have gone against the grain of the mainline clan. Collectively known as the Antitribu, they consist of the iconoclasts within their own clans and banded together to make sure that they aren't picked off by their annoyed kin.
Caitiff aren't a clan so much as a lack of clan. If a Kindred abandons and disowns his childer before teaching them about their new condition, the neonate is considered caitiff , bereft of the clan's support structure and reliant on what little goodwill he can scrape from the shadows. Another type of Caitiff is becoming more common in the modern nights: With nothing to better inform them, they develop psychosomatic weaknesses based on what they think "should" harm them: Their existence has always been feared as the harbinger of the Final Nights; the Camarilla treats them as second-class at best and the Sabbat treats them as cannon fodder.
These Kindred, especially of the 14th and 15th generations, are interchangeably called "Thinbloods" for their weak Vitae and difficulty in passing on the Curse. Caitiff don't have clan Disciplines, so they don't get a discount or markup for acquiring or improving them. This can make fighting a Caitiff dangerous since they can spring all sorts of Disciplines on you that you cannot plan for, unlike with the more predictable other Clans.
This is mitigated by the fact that Caitiff are almost always of a very high generation, making them unable to use the more potent abilities of a Discipline. Caitiff are frequently hunted down because they are seen as the heralds of Gehenna. This turned out to be a self-fulfilling prophecy; the constant creation and destruction of new Kindred in the Final Nights called to the Antediluvians through the blood since the death of every vampire nudges its sire all the way up to the Antediluvian who is roused by thousands of psychic pokes.
This lead to the awakening of Zapathasura, who took most of his clan with him when he was destroyed. One of the most famous stories from Egyptian mythology is how Set was a dick to his brother Osiris. Except this is not a myth: But the details are off. Osiris was a scholar and philosopher in the court of a Pharaoh which one is forgotten.
Embraced by a vampire looking to exploit his knowledge, Osiris was horrified by what he had become. Instead of killing himself though he decided to make the Beast his bitch. Through rigorous study and moderation he managed to start on the path to Golconda. Except that before he reached it Osiris was murdered by his brother Set, chopped up and spread across the lands. Osiris' sister whether she was a vampire or not reassembled him and revived him from death.
This feat took its toll however: Osiris was no longer capable of creating Childer, but this did not stop him from pursuing his path considering Osiris' dick was lost Any Kindred that wants to join them is allowed to aside form the Setites, but they don't want to after some testing, and those who pass and renounce their old bonds will be welcomed into the fold. The Children of Osiris are a secretive bunch however, sticking to the shadows instead of acting in the open. Given their relationship with the Followers of Set this is the smart thing to do.
Basically a literally "good" vampire sub-clan, they cannot embrace humans or murder. Every last one disappeared in Gehenna, ascending to Heaven. The Caitiff of the Sabbat came together in under the leadership of Joseph Pander. Sick of being treated like shit by their kin, this eventually sparked the Third Sabbat Civil War.
Pander had devised a ritual called One of My Tribe , which severs a Kindred from all ties that work via lineage, making one a true Caitiff. Over the course of days a mix of violence and diplomacy eventually saw the Panders what they started calling themselves officially recognized as a part of the Sabbat, much to the chagrin of several existing clans.
But the Panders had proven themselves to be loyal and as such were recognized as equals. Joseph Pander is still alive to this day: Even then, there's a lot of kindred within the Sabbat who'd love to see him dead, but nobody's managed to off him just yet. In turn, he's smart enough to not jockey for too much power and prefers to stay out of of the limelight, making the rounds with his pack and acting as a sagely old Kindred to the younger generations, proving to older vampires that even a Caitiff's star can rise high.
The vampires of Asia, they are reincarnated in an unusual way to give them a second shot at life. They're the player characters in a Kindred of the East game. Relatives of Kindred in a way, and not relatives in another. Same Celestine named God cursed them but in a different way. Unfulfilled Asian people rise from the grave as cannibalistic monsters, but replace Qi life energy in varying ways according to their spiritual refinement.
They start with human flesh, get refined until they can draw energy from blood. Then further refining makes them draw Qi from people's breaths, and finally, simply absorb ambient Qi from the world. Make blood points into Qi and you get the point. As for generation, all of them start at 1, namely Dharma.
Three 9 Dharmic Kuei-Jin kicked the shit out of Zapathashura, though badly mangled in the process, so you be the judge of their power. Unlike Kindred, their Curse is more of a personal quest than a constant situation. They can ascend, return to reincarnation cycle if they complete their Dharma.
Ming Xiao from Vampire: Bloodlines is a hot piece of ass that can transform into a tentacle monster to molest the player character, we wish we made that up. The Laibon are an interesting gameplay choice. Basically they are normal vampiric clans changed by Africa's native magic over thousands of years. Even clan weaknesses are mutated: Guruhi, Offshoot of Nosferatu aren't ugly at all: Nagloper, offshoot of Tzimisce just need any African soil to sleep in.
Osebo, Brujah's African descendants need any ruler to follow else they feel like beating people up. Ishtarri, Toreador's African mutation, change their shape like mortals: Moreover, African culture has a different, dualistic moral code. Aye Heaven , and Orun Earth. The laibon's appearance changes according to each Guruhi appearance depends on mood. Or cool vampire superpowers. Without these, vampirism would just be "Schere's Disease" with the only advantage being a prolonged lifespan. Below are the 17 core Disciplines. Clans all have access to at least two of these that are common amongst other clans, with all but a few having a third one that's unique to them.
Many of the various Bloodlines have their own unique Disciplines that grant them unique powers that are not accessible to the core Clans. Technically disciplines, but they have versatility and applications on par with magical paths from the Sorcerer splatbook. Almost all of them have unique powers on a dot scale, allowing them to learn all sorts of terrible powers. Unlike actual disciplines, however, Blood magic is not an innate part of the Beast but an acquired skill similar to the linear magic of unawakened human warlocks modified to run on blood rather than willpower although some paths use both.
As a result when the Beast takes over control it cannot use Blood Magic, which puts practitioners at a major disadvantage in fights if they happen to lose control; which is quite easy given even insults can trigger Frenzy, and taking damage have a decent chance of frenzying even steel-willed kindred. Speaking of acquired skills, in case a mage is embraced and his Avatar is shunted to next incarnation, the currently dead vampire ex-mage can spend half of his former life's XP points to Blood Magic.
Many different clans and bloodlines practice this, often with their own ethnic variations. The masters are, of course, the Cappadocians and Giovanni. What clan Tremere took with them when they split from the Order of Hermes. The various paths are:. Regular Thaumaturgy is blood magic given form by experimentation and research. Dark Thaumaturgy is instead granted by demons that vampires can make pacts with in exchange for these Paths.
This is a shortcut to power, one that leads to the dark side and makes one a Infernalist. As such, employing Dark Thaumaturgy is risky as just about any Kindred: As part of the pact to obtain it, all of the Paths have a price to pay that affects either the Infernalist or limits the usefulness of the Path under certain conditions. Like its normal counterpart, Dark Thaumaturgy has a number of paths that each do something different:.
Vampire ritualistic magic that requires incantations, ingredients and preparation rather than vitae and the force of will although blood is a very common ingredient. Technically speaking anyone can use it, but in practice Blood Magic users keep it to themselves although they do often share rituals between schools, so having Tremere using necromantic rituals or Assamite sorcerer performing Koldunic ritual is not that unusual. There's literally thousands of rituals pretty much anything - from finding your lost keys to imbuing the blade with a green fires that eat through anything, to emulating pretty much any discipline effect, to avoiding tax collectors or siccing them on someone you don't like , to creating Frankenstein monsters.
Notable for creating "Vampire Batman" archetype that relies on a deep bag of tricks a few dozens of rituals and a lot of preparation can provide. Especially infuriating when Storyteller makes an antagonist of this type. Whenever a vampire feeds his blood to a human, his aging stops, and he can use a watered-down 2 generation less, since Caine's own ghoul, Jabal, Master of Servants uses 3rd generation as his blood potency However, once the blood reserve of a ghoul is zero, aging is back with a year per day.
Needless to say, ghouls are a danger to the Masquerade and a liability if their loyalty is suspect. The good new is that ghouls are affected by the Blood Bonds just as kindred are, so a ghoul who drank the same vampire's blood three times in three separate nights becomes his slave, which makes loyalty problem quite rare, as only exceptionally strong-willed subjects can resist the Bonds even for a short time.

The bad news is long-term Ghouls develop watered down version of Frenzy alongside watered down versions of clan weaknesses and eventually random mental disorders and tendencies for some sick fuckery even Sabbat would find abhorrent. However, it also displays a serious gateway for the mortal to ascend in the world of eternal night.
Vlad Tepes in oWoD is a badass Romanian warlord that staked vampires and harvested their blood for strength, ultimately bullying a TZIMISCE of all vampires into embracing him, diablerizing his sire and telling him to fuck off. If you are following this, it also brings a dangerous source of power for vampire hunters.
Make of that what you will And yes, Society of Leopold's elite know this and drain whatever vampires they can for longevity and durability. Again, humanity develops another way to destroy and absorb ancient powers without their drawbacks. When two ghouls conceive a child, it's a revenant, with a small inborn blood pool of the parent clans with a mild divergence between mother and father. Tzimisce have several revenant families which the player can mow down in Vampire: Baali also have their own ghoul revenant bloodline, D'habi, who somehow have an estate in Istanbul of all places.
As all things die, so did the Vampire: God has had enough of Camarilla, Sabbat, Anarchs and Inconnu fucking everything up, abducting and raping the lives of countless innocents. Seeing Zapatashura getting his shit kicked in by a nerdy Technocrat directing a bunch of satellites and a few bombers dropping their payloads, God gives up on Caine repenting and goes "Fuck it", deciding to wipe out all vampirism in one fell blow, declaring humans fit to inherit the world and that all monsters deserve death for trying to stop them.
Without even disturbing his human children in their sleep, he blasts the planet with a red deluge of invisible to humans mists, coming from Anthelios, the red star that influenced all White Wolf settings' plotlines. And just like last time there is a Noah. This time he's a fundamentalist Christian Gargoyle wearing sunglasses and has a half-vampire Mary Sue ward of a young girl and tells you to meet at a church or temple of Abrahamic faith.
Then the duo tell the players to sit and wait, and the players watch the mist bombarding Earth, slowly withering all vampires into nothing. All Kindred outside of the church lose their Disciplines, become unable to keep blood down and their generation keeps going up until they die. Now God starts to test the players subtly: Do you feel remorse? Do you wish to be human again? Would you sacrifice yourself for a loved one? Of course the questions come in situations such as a suicidal man who wants to jump off the roof. Will you risk death by sunlight or Withering to save a tormented soul?
Obviously God or the GM should understand and judge the player and his intentions. Such troubles should plague all players such as a situation demanding they leave the temple, have loved ones beg for their help via the phone, and other dark events testing your heart and humanity. The book says even a 10 level Path of Enlightenment following beast should be given choices to feel remorse. So it's God being your shrink, and you are the patient who needs an epiphany in 40 days.
At the fortieth day, the east wall collapses, letting in sunlight. Those who feel remorse and wish to be human, are suddenly feeling heartbeats and flush of life. Those who harbor evil burn to cinders in a painful way. The Gargoyle, who never questioned God's will and would do anything for it, even kill children, is also burnt to ashes. Wormwood is more of a calm, placid, social-focused LARP session or a relaxed social roleplay game with little place for combat. But it's compatible with other settings and is amazingly wholesome and focused on reconciliation, a rare oasis in an Edgy gaming market.
Lilith is back, baby, and she is mad. Gathering the craziest, most rejected fuckers in the setting she plans to kill Caine. The Crone Caine's old teacher , Brujah Ilyes, not Troile and Malkav's human sister are just one of the few guests Lilith hosts in her garden of wonders. Long story short, she carves Kaballic runes under a city to move some alleys, uses some sea monsters for lulz, and tries to call on Abel to forgive Caine and kill him. If you are stupid enough to help this colossal asshole you get eaten as well, something which you'll deserve.
If Lilith wins, Caine dies and his killer has vengeance taken upon them sevenfold by God, but the players can survive by submitting to Lilith and dwelling in her garden for the rest of their lives. The rest of all vampires are dead a-la Wormwood. Just like Wormwood, when properly played, it can be done without even ruffling the Masquerade. It's more combat-oriented though. The Masquerade is broken. The Ventrue iconic character Jan Pieterzoon gathers the players to kill what turns out to be the Tzimisce Antediluvian running amok.
Once they succeed, the world realizes that oh shit vampires are real. The players meet several vampire celebrities including famous dickflinger Sasha Vykos and go on a world-spanning race against the clock to kill the remaining Antediluvians. But they all wake up and order all vampires to some location in the Middle-East for judgement. Humanity loses its shit and keeps a peery eye from afar, not wanting to upset the blood-sucking abominations just yet. As it turned out the Sabbat was right: The surviving neonates were firmly ordered to get their shit together.
At this point it's the players' job to find the reborn Saulot and a vial of blood containing the blood of Caine, which would normally destroy any vampire drinking it. Saulot downs it anyway, an angel appears, accepts Saulot's penance and wrecks the collective shit of the remaining vampires. The most combat-heavy of the scenarios, the Crucible of God sees the planet transfomed into something out of the early days of the Age of Strife.
Humanity first kinda likes the idea of vampires being real, but they quickly wisen up and start purging the lot. As it turns out vampires are no match for entire SWAT teams with phosphorous rounds and high-tech equipment and they are slaughered in droves. But every death stirs the sleep of their matching Antediluvian Basically, all the Antediluvians save some few ruin the planet and dot it with their sick fiefdoms where they rule humanity:.
Do not sneer at the fact that most Antediluvians are missing and dying for reasons that never specified, for it was written that way to make you fill the blanks Did Ur-Shulgi, childe of Haqim and suspected infernalist killed his sire? Did Lasombra soaked sunlight for a month via Fortitude and didn't botch his roll for a month, or was he betrayed by his loyal slave, a Malkavian Methusalah named Louhi, one of the most accomplished masters of Thaumaturgy, who might have been possessed by Malkav himself?
Anyway, Tremere himself approaches the players with a plan to save humanity. It would involve hijacking all of Humanity, including vampires, by utilizing its true name then ordering everybody to walk into the sunlight. Of course, Tremere himself and the players would not be affected, which would make him the most powerful of all vampires. But hey, that's not the problem right now. The party travels to Salt Lake City where they break into the headquarters of the Mormons, who somehow just finished on creating the family tree of all of humanity.
Using this family tree Tremere decodes Humanity's true name and starts to work his magic, to use the greatest ritual ever created. And then, this happens I have your lineage! I have your soul! Hear me, Children of Adam. You see, Tremere turned himself and his kin into vampires via Tzimisce blood.
Salubri blood came later. The thing is, Tzimisce can control anything that possesses his blood. Only now did he take control of Tremere, when he was at his most powerful and most vulnerable. Tzimisce changed the ritual a bit: Before Tremere gave his command, he took over and instead of connecting all of Humanity he connected it to himself, making everyone in the world become a part of Tzimisce. Everybody on the world starts being warped into horrible fleshy abominations as Tzimiscemania runs wild.
Tremere himself warps into a horrific Vozhd that only barely gets put down by the party. By now, every human and vampire became one with Tzimsice save the player characters, who were protected thanks to the ritual, with only one exception:. He foresaw all those events millenia ago, and prepared himself accordingly. He sacrificed himself and his Clan, to the thirsting fangs of Tremere, for the sake of this last move of the Jyhad, for the sake of not just vampires and mortals, but for the world as a whole, to stop Tzimisce, who would otherwise be the eternal victor of the Jyhad.
He tells the players to believe in God, believe in the potential of humanity , and believe in themselves, before all is either saved, or consumed. You both did it. He gave you another one. And here it is, and I hate you both. That morning I was not yet a vampire, and I saw my last sunrise. I remember it completely, and yet I can't recall any sunrise before it. I watched the whole magnificence of the dawn for the last time as if it were the first. And then I said farewell to sunlight, and set out to become what I became.
The trick is not to think about it. See that one there? She had the gorgeous young fop murder her husband. How do you know? The dark gift is different for each of us. But one thing is true for us all, we grow stronger as we go along. Just take my word for it. She blamed a slave for his murder. Imagine what they did to him. Evildoers are easier, and they taste better. Bear me no ill will, my love, we are now even.
What died in that room was not that woman. What has died is the last breath in me that was human. At last we are even. They all go to heaven. Do you want to frighten our little daughter? I'm not your daughter. Oh, yes, you are. You're mine and Louis' daughter now. You see, Louis was going to leave us, he was going to go away, but now he's not. Now, he's going to stay and make you happy. Where do you think, my idiot friend? We're in a nice, filthy cemetery. Does this make you happy? Is this fitting, proper enough? We belong in hell. And what if there is no hell, or they don't want us there?
Ever think of that? But there was a hell, and no matter where we moved to, I was in it. Have you heard enough? I've had to listen to that for centuries. It was rich, almost sweet, like the scent of jasmine and roses around our old courtyard. I walked the streets, savoring that long lost perfume. Her blood coursed through my veins, sweeter than life itself.
And as it did, Lestat's words made sense to me. I knew peace only when I killed and when I heard her heart in that terrible rhythm, I knew again what peace could be. Locked together in hatred. But I can't hate you, Louis. Louis, my love, I was mortal till you gave me your immortal kiss. You became my mother, and my father, and so I'm yours forever. But now it's time to end it, Louis. Now it's time to leave him. You see that old woman? That will never happen to you. You will never grow old, and you will never die.
And it means something else too, doesn't it? I shall never ever grow up. Which one of you did it? One of you did it! Which on of you made me the way I am? A vampire gone insane that pollutes its own bed? And if I cut my hair again? It will grow back again. But it wasn't always so. I had a mother once, and Louis, he had a wife. He was mortal the same as she and so was I. You made us what we are, didn't you? Did you do it to me? How did you do it?
Why should I tell you? It's in my power. Tell me how it was done. Be glad I made you what you are.
You'd be dead now if I hadn't, just like that damned corpse. Now, get rid of it! You get rid of it. A little child she was, but also a fierce killer, now capable of the ruthless pursuit of blood with all a child's demanding. Yes, can you look at them? Actually I am quite fond of looking at crucifixes. What about the old stake through the heart? Coffins, I'm afraid, are a necessity. Pay no attention, it happens to us all. I'm flesh and blood, but not human. I haven't been human for two hundred years. Mon dieu, what melancholy nonsense. I swear you grow more like Louis each day.
Soon you'll be eating rats! When did you eat rats, Louis? It was a long, long time ago. Before you were born, and I don't recommend them. How do we seem to you? Do you find us beautiful, magical? Our white skin, our fierce eyes? Madeleine, Louis is shy. Do it, Louis, because I cannot, I haven't the strength. You saw to that when you made me. You haven't the vaguest conception under God what you ask. Au contraire, Monsieur, I have.
You have found your new companion, Louis. You will make me mine. Evil is a point of view. God kills indiscriminately and so shall we. For no creatures under God are as we are, none so like him as ourselves. It's time we were on our way. I'm hungry, and the city awaits. How you love your precious guilt. Louis, what's happening to her? It happened to you, too, but you were too young to remember. The statue seemed to move, but didn't. The world had changed, yet stayed the same.
I was a newborn vampire weeping at the beauty of the night. Never in the house. Now who are we going to get to finish your dress? Powerful magic and conceptual weapons can kill them, also dismemberment if they are not powerful enough to regenerate. Fatal, but powerful Dead Apostles can withstand it.
Normal and magical weapons can kill them, and killing their creator also kills them; their thirst for blood will grow as they age. The Hoffan Drug can kill the Wraiths and if they are malnourished, more normal ways of killing can be effective. Living vampires Low and High Blood: They can die in any normal way.
The blood of an Undead is deadly to another Undead. Except for Jiro and Cassa. Yes, except for the old blood. Only to enter the Special Zone.
Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles () - Quotes - IMDb
They are afraid of white eyes painted on black dogs. Normal weapons can kill them. Gradually kills them, except for the vampires of Skyrim who are only weakened; some gain greater resistance after feeding. No, although the player character can still drown likely an oversight. Yes, except for the ancient vampires of the Illiac Bay.
One special case, but not most vampires. Holy places, but only for the vampires of the Illiac Bay.
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Vulnerable to Dawnguard weapons, the Dawnbreaker sword, fire magic, and certain Restoration spells; the strain encountered in Arena could only be killed by magic, otherwise they were only subdued. Non-fatal, but very irritable. Can't come close to them. Magical daggers, UV light sabers, spells can be harmful and the lucifractor can kill them. Only stakes made of Aspen wood. Drinking blood from a human with a blood disease gives the vampire that disease.
Only if they don't have blood to regenerate. They "die" when daylight rises, but relieve again every night. Yes, but he can create an aura to protect him. No, but it's implied that becoming a vampire erases the knowledge on how to swim. The loss of their blood, the attacks of a Majay-hi and magical weapons weakens them.
The poison of a dhampir is deadly for them. Only if is made of silver. Elder vampires have a greater tolerance. Only if the vampire believes is a weakness. Harmful, but not immediately fatal. Do not need to breathe. Not the holy symbol itself, but the faith of the person holding it. Fatal if made of silver. Exposure causes dehydration, sunburn, and eventually death.
Not inherently harmful, but disrupts magic. If killed in the right way, they can become post-corporeal permanent night-walkers. If a living Shadowspawn is killed in their night-walking form, the body becomes comatose and eventually dies. Fatal, but only if fashioned from wood, although the Nosferatu are immune. Yes; while in sunlight, vampires suffer a penalty to all actions, physically weakened, slowed by half, and if exposed for too long, they begin to suffer bodily damage. Fatal; severe brain or spinal injuries are also sufficient enough to kill them. Oxygen deprivation induces a coma-like state until their body is reintroduced to an oxygenated environment.
If a vampire is cut off from breathable air, they will eventually fall into a coma until exposed to good air again. Exact effect unknown, but is avoided. Angel blood can eliminate weakness. Depending on the beliefs of the vampire. Depending on the believes of the vampire.
Hurting the brain or killing the vampire master is fatal for the infected vampires. Yes, if not powerful enough to regenerate. Magic is harmful for them. From Dusk till Dawn series. Culebra venom incapacitates them. Fatal, although they can survive a few moments of exposure. The Barbed Cross can instantly kill weaker vampires if struck. Only weakened during daylight hours. They can be killed with firearms, due to hemorrhages and bleeding or after severe physical trauma; not feeding on blood causes their bodies to decay and their minds to become feral. Fatal within moments of exposure, except for day walkers and those able to bend light.
Irritates their sensitive sense of smell. Holy water burns them and a cross induces a "bad feeling". Yes; they cannot swim in running water. Ama-vampires are immune to a "Vampire's Kiss" and if a servant vampire drinks their blood they will be freed of their master. Exposure can cause an agonizing sunburn, but they can adapt. Unsettles them and reflects their true mortal self. Only when the symbol has been properly blessed or is wielded by the faithful. Only if the moon is reflected in the water. Any weapon can harm or kill them, although wood is especially effective against them.
Starvation will kill them and extreme physical trauma can incapacitate them. Fatal, but only if it is fashioned from a special wood such as, ash, hawthorn, or rosewood. Yes, however some may be weak to the dwarven metal Gromril or the elven metal Ithilmar. Only in some bloodlines or individual, however some may be repelled by rarer herbs like Daemons-root or Witchbane. Mortals who present holy icons can sometimes repel them, although some vampires are so cognizant of their freedom from the spiritual realm, that they fear no Gods or Daemons.
Yes, although for the purpose of this weakness, the water must be at least a yard across, a foot deep, and have a current; vampires can overcome this weakness through sheer force of will. Exposure to UV light will produce a toxin in their blood, however they can wear protective gear to neutralize this effect. Destroying their heads entirely will kill them a single bullet is not sufficient ; cursed gear and enchanted gear can limit their healing or outright kill them.
Ripping their heart out converts them to a demon if not returned to the vampire. Non-fatal, although exposure to strong sunlight feels very unpleasant for them. Some, but not all breeds. Only in the games, not the books. Vulnerable to an alchemical oil applied to weapons. No; they will eventually regenerate. No; magical flames can injure them, but they will eventually regenerate. Can only be permanently killed by the bite of another higher vampire. Contact causes pain and burning. Wood stakes can destroy them. As per humans, but they are injury tolerant, and can recover.
Don't need to breathe. No special weakness; can recover more easily than humans. Cannot enter dwelling for first time unless invited. Some poltergeist -like activity. Various other powers based upon region such as control over nocturnal animals or the ability to spread plagues. Nocturnal animals and mist. Enhanced senses of smell. If they abstain from blood for too long they mutate into Subsiders. Regenerates in moonlight [10].
Yes, grip can paralyze limbs temporarily. Powers are enhanced in moonlight. Limited; Dracula still possessed a scar where Harker had struck him with a shovel months ago. Wolf, bat also giant bat , dust, fog - possibly dog as well. Can also impersonate Jonathan Harker. Can impersonate a coachman and a doorman though it is not known if he only used darkness to disguise himself or a little magic as well in addition to that darkness.
Yes, the hunters track Dracula through his telepathic link with Mina. Improbable, as he would then have carried his boxes on his own though he might still have been too weak to use that hypothetical magical power. Plausible, since he started a massive fire and the characters who were not present when he did it simply had to guess he may have used a match, but they cannot prove anything. Control of nocturnal animals, wolves and rats mentioned specifically. At least one vampire if not all is able to shrink to fit under a door. Hypothetical array of other powers due to former magical scholarship - undocumented, and very briefly mentioned by Dr.
Van Helsing ; lizard-like climbing abilities. Rats and plague follow the vampire. Yes, but it resembles teleporting. In winged creature form. Vampires can walk on walls and ceilings. Most are able to walk on walls and ceilings. Children of the Millennia can cause blood vessels to rupture. All vampires have enhanced memories.
Gifted vampires can have a variety of different abilities. Yes; vampires can also see in ultraviolet. Only Dracula and La Magra, the latter can shed his skin, turning into a ball of fire to methodically stalk his prey gained from the Ligaroo tribe. Only La Magra, which can control minds, matter and the elements gained from the Faustinas tribe.
Deacon Frost , when merged with La Magra was impervious to silver, is able to day-walk due to Blade's blood, and can instantly turn any human in his path into vampires. Enhanced sense of smell. Can be resurrected from ashes. As a bat or as a "human". Overcome inherent weaknesses with psychological conditioning. Spirit users can heal. Vampires that are fire users. All Moroi have an extra power: Only if they had the power before they turned. Can "glamour" humans, erase memories and bend their will. Eidetic memory , voice imitation, maker abilities calling, commanding, empathetic link, and releasing ; Unique Powers: Can climb any surface and may hang from the ceiling to sleep.
They can control the elements, animals and the weather. Only in the first episode; retconned soon after. Non-Original Vampires can compel humans. Animal compulsion was seen in the first few episodes, although this was retconned later. Dream manipulation; vampire blood heals humans; can "turn off humanity" their emotions. Able to levitate marshmallows. Turns into milk chocolate , 15 vitamins and minerals.
Some can turn into mist. Various other powers that vary greatly between individual members of the Nobility. Hypnosis , now discontinued. Can generate thunder by counting. Sending memories through kiss. Are able to walk on walls. They have other abilities, like weather manipulation, among others. Ability to walk on walls and ceilings, briefly read the minds of those they drink from, other unspecified abilities. Powerful vampires can pass through walls, shadow and blood manipulation, can summon the souls of those he has previously consumed.
Yes, but wounds from silver heal slowly. Holy water inhibits healing. Telepathy is stronger after biting, can enthrall with eyes. Call animals, drain power from sired vampires, rot without damage dependent on bloodline. World of Darkness [power 3]. Yes, with some clans being able to increase it further.
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- Vampire: The Masquerade!
Vast number of potential Disciplines; consumption of a vampire's blood three times causes blood bonding, an imposed state of intense love. Saliva has healing powers. Among higher ranking full vampires and briefly during transformation into a vampire; not exclusive to vampires. Only illusion of telekinesis. Exhales gas that causes unconsciousness in humans, Runs at high speeds outside normal space. Can be developed with age. Ancient Vampires were able to fly, Kain can levitate, and Raziel can glide. Wolf, bat swarm, and mist. Corruptions caused some clans to gain abilities others did not.
Some powers are also granted by the Reaver or by consuming the blood or the soul of some characters. Ability to lure prey to the vampire. Only Markus in his winged creature form. Through drinking their blood. Selene and her daughter can perceive through each other psychically and can cling to surfaces. Extended life, potentially beyond years. Memory erasure and hypnotic barriers. Adult vampires and some children can control bats. Spring of Psyche vampires cannot control bats or erase minds, but produce blood rather than sucking blood.
They are immortal if they want to. Maya can perform magic. Bat, wolf, and a cloud of mist. Vampires can command the lesser nocturnal creatures of the world, is resistant to the cold and electricity and any magic associated with either, can walk on walls and ceilings, and are able to use magic; powers can vary by the campaign or edition. Ability to persuade through mesmerism [14]. Killglance, necromancy , and precognition.
Only in the film, they could travel in a hazy mist-like form. In the film, they could make themselves invisible. Either this or teleportation. Time travel, necromancy, possibly teleportation. Stronger than humans, but not unnaturally so. Faster than humans, but not unnaturally so. Depends on vampire affinity. Most are specially talented or have an affinity for one thing or skill. Vampires can scale walls and roofs with no support at all and talk to dogs. Very long-lived, but may not be truly un-aging. Induce and harvest emotions. Normally about human in power, but can boost to superhuman using harvested emotional energy.
Either immortal, or very long-lived. Can create thralls and "renfields" insane, violent, permanent thralls.
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Can control or alter animals and are capable of learning and using magic. Can change from human-looking to natural bat-like form by removing outer skin. Potent narcotic , euphoric, addictive saliva. In The Sims 2 , but not The Sims 3 where they only had an extremely long life cycle might die from external causes. Implied they can recover from anything as long as the head is undamaged. By shape-shifting into a bat. Some vampires can control the weather and some animals; pseudo-vampires don't have these powers. Only Queens and Chevaliers. Only Chevaliers when they shape shift.
Only a certain type called Fairies. Methuselah also possess varying individual abilities, like the forming of a blades that come out of their arms, claws, or even prehensile hair; some Methuselah have displayed an ability to control some elemental powers such as fire and ice. All Crusniks have a variety of different abilities. Only the Alpha vampire. Andrew Bennett can do magic. They have the ability to understand another person's identity and native language by tasting their blood.
Some, when shapeshift into bat. They are immune to witches' powers and can hang or cling to ceilings. By turning her arms into wings. Are able to spawn weapons from their bodies. No, but can hibernate for decades to avoid overhunting its food supply. Yes; due to increased ATP production. Yes; due to tapetum lucidum and tetrachromatic vision. Yes; due to thicker axons increasing nerve impulse transmission speed. Altered brain structure provides omnisavantic pattern-matching and analytical skills.
Can drain the color red from objects instead of feeding on blood, become invisible, and animate corpses. Only the Purebloods, the other levels are long lived. Only the vampires in Castlevania: Some can manipulate electricity , black magic , summon bats and Dracula can resurrect every years. Some can possess people. Some can manipulate reality and move from one place to another by recreating their body.
Gifted; by absorbing mystical beasts. Gifted Dead Apostles can summon familiars and become invisible; mages that became Dead Apostles through magical means, can still perform magic afterwards; when injured The Curse of Restoration turns their time backwards to a point in which they were unharmed. Night and thermal vision. Wraiths can take or give life-force. Living Vampires Low and High Blood: Living High Blood vampires are empath and pull an aura. Gifted; vampires of broken bloodlines are unlikely to master this ability. Vampires can possess a variety of other powers based on bloodline or individual; The Dark Princess of the North can manipulate the weather.
Can control magical bugs. Vampirella can manipulate shadows and blood, and induces sexual arousal. Yes, except for the vampires of the Sanguinare vampiris strain. Yes, except for the vampires of the Sanguinare vampiris. Most vampire clans, but not all. Only the vampires of Arena. Various unique powers based on clan, such as invisibility, silencing mages, reanimating corpses, poisonous claws, summoning gargoyles, enhanced magic and skills, and numerous resistances. Only by inserting a bit of own flesh into victim's head. Dio Brando can shoot blood from his eyes at high speeds and freeze a person's blood by touching them.
He can manipulate his cape, create protective auras and temporarily change the gender of male opponents. Possibly, or very long life. Do not age, and can change their apparent age to their liking. Saitohimea has a lot of magic. Yes, but resurrections require energy and can only be done by vampires that had lived long enough. Ones that had lived long enough can grow wings at will. Yes, although it's implied that not all vampires possess this ability.
Can drain the energy of others and generate matter; can change the length of their hair; can do very long jumps; if given massive enough energy source, Kiss-Shot can summon a temporary time portal. Some vampires can control animals and all vampires have to obey the orders of the one who turned them. Only if they have wings in their true form. Some vampires can assume their true form.
Gifted; Zerenski could turn into a flock of bats and Rayne gained the ability to become a raven. Gifted; Rayne's ghostly double can enter and control others. Gifted vampires and dhampir, like Kagan or Rayne, can have a variety of extra abilities others may not have. They can transfer their consciousness from one human host to another. The elders have different special abilities. Powers vary outside of their physical capabilities based upon their bloodline. Mostly in bat form. Bat; standard form can grow claws. Powerful hypnosis; can control beasts or men, rewrite memories; requires eye contact.
Can walk on walls and ceilings in defiance of gravity; able to induce lasting paralysis in beasts or men. Can swap locations with their Bat familiars, making it appear as if they turned into the animal. Very long-lived, can become theoretically immortal post-corporeal night-walkers. Only in some forms. Only when night-walking; can become anything or anyone they have the DNA of. Manipulation of chance, telepathy, possession of bodies emptied by a nightwalker's death. All of their powers derive from extreme manipulation of chance.
Yes; they do not age and can live for centuries or even millennia. Yes, although they are not physically strong to a supernatural degree. Yes also possesses thermographic vision. Yes, although they are not fast to a supernatural degree. Yes; all vampires are able to change into a misty form and vampire magic users may be able to use magic to assume animal forms. Only the Nosferatu strain possess this as a natural ability and even then, it is limited; they can also invoke extreme fear in others.
Immunity to poisons, toxins, and diseases and they are capable of using magic and the transformation may unlock latent magical potential. Wolf, bat, fog, and can shapeshift into other humans. Can cast spells of illusion, can possibly turn invisible or teleport. Can control certain mortals. Immortal, or at least capable of reaching great ages. No, but they can relay communication from necromancer pilot. Extraordinarily good climbers; non- sapient , telepathically piloted by a necromancer bloodthirsty mindless monsters, otherwise.
As a winged animal. They can teleport and some have special abilities. Only those who have wings. They are able to walk on walls and ceilings. All of Bloody Mary 's vampires must obey her; Firstborns can disguise themselves as humans. Can hypnotically control to some extent, if you meet their eyes. Older vampires are more powerful. Can "Glamour" humans, erase memories, and bend their will.
Can enthrall humans through unexplained means. Yes; they are twice as strong as a human and can enhance it further with magic. Gifted; they can enhance their speed with magic. Gifted; Sangromancy magic can transfer consumed blood into health. Gifted; Falkenrath Elders are more likely to master this power.
Gifted; the Voldaren Elders can more easily master magic that makes it possible to assume various animal forms and the Stromkirk Elders can dissolve their bodies into a cloud of mist. Gifted; the Markov Elders possess a special affinity for psychic magic. Vampires are magic users and are able to develop new powers through magickal study and may learn a vampiric form of glamer quasi-illusion magic that enables them to alter what nearby humans think they're perceiving when they look at the vampire and they can emanate a two-foot-wide aura of silence at will.
Possibly immortal or just long lived. Vampires are naturally able to use magic. No, but they are stronger than most humans.