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Books by John Hurley (Author of Emotional Intelligence in Health and Social Care)

The Golden Rectangle by Gillian Neimark. Buy the eBook Price: Unavailable in Russia This item can't be purchased in Russia. Ratings and Reviews 0 0 star ratings 0 reviews. Overall rating No ratings yet 0.

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John Hurley

No, cancel Yes, report it Thanks! Bestiality - Sexual relations between humans and real-world animals sex with Big Foot, dinosaurs, shape shifters and other imaginary creatures is not bestiality. Dubious Consent dubcon - A common and popular theme in mainstream fiction. Dubcon explores the gray area between consent and non-consent. Not clear if the receiver of the sexual act was fully on board or not at the time of the act. Most major retailers carry dubcon erotica. Incest or pseudo-incest - Sexual relations between family members, whether biologically or non-biologically related.

Includes stepbrother, stepsister and step-anyone.

Classic Interface

Nonconsensual sexual slavery - Erotic depiction of a person captured or held against their will, such as kidnapping, imprisonment or human trafficking. Not to be confused with BDSM, which is predicated upon informed consent and negotiation between both parties before the act, and which provides safe words so either partner can end the act if it goes too far. If the book adheres to BDSM best practices, we instruct authors and publishers to not classify it as nonconsensual sexual slavery. Rape for titillation - The dominant theme of this book is rape — whether the rape is by one person or a character is raped by a group of people, i.

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  3. Smashwords – Children’s books — highly-rated first?

Order by Order by: Most Downloads Order by: Under 20K words Length: Over 20K words Length: Over 50K words Length: Over k words Books in Series Box Sets. Storm is a most unusual horse. Under saddle he is a show stopping magnificent steed. Remove the saddle, and he is the cross between Dennis the Menace and Goofy. Life at the Doyle household is turned upside down when the family purchases Storm.

He has little knowledge of the real world.

The Roofers

For heaven sakes, he arrived not even sure what his name is! Twelve year-olds Jerry and Darren witness a burglary and pick up a priceless ring before running from their foster home,and are chased by the burglars, taking refuge with gipsies, a woman who delivers them to a slave children's factory, a rich woman who wants to adopt them, a mad woman on a remote mountain farm, hypnotists who exploit them and more.

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  • Smashwords – Children’s books — highly-rated first!
  • But on Earth, the Un-Zodiacal Activities Commission are interesting themselves in mysterious archaeological diggings. In orbit around Altair, Krell's sister planet, Novyeye Zemlya is approaching, bringing the deadly Surge. And somewhere between the two, the cadets on board the Levi Morgan are trying very, very hard to get their set of silver wings Toby's Monsters by Victoria Zigler Series: Toby's Tales , Book 2. Warming the Rose by Marta Smyk Price: Warming the Rose; Novella tells the story of rose frozen in time in the first chill of winter.

    For the love of this rose, a heroic flower Amadeus sets out on an epic journey to find a mythical tree to save Anastasia. The trials and tribulations, alliances and enmities, hopes and fears that the plants and flowers experience along the way serve as a unique allegory for child and adult alike. In Tumble's World by P. An orphan boy and his beloved hidden star Tolund's Waking by Thomas Gramza Price: Tolund Dellender's world was about to die. Swept up into a vile warlock plot that threatens to unleash a lethal plague upon all of Vedris, the young boy struggles to survive in haunted wastelands against rampaging giants, savage warriors, and nightmares of claw and fang.

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    Zeena Dragon Fae , Book 3. The adventures of Zeena and Saarik have already taken them through the woods and up the mountains.