Frank, to Life in Prison! Five Articles Written in by Future U. Part One And Two Updated: Centennial of Birth of a Nation by D. March , Centennial Audiobook: Leo Frank Meets Hollywood: Out of the Darkness in Memory of Dr. ADL Coronated on October 20th, COM by Curator on August 28, Dorsey at the Criminal Trial of Leo M. Marc Davis of TheJewniverse. Study the Leo Frank Case: The Temple of Shame: The Leo Frank Incident: Reuben Rose Arnold by Curator on December 28, As much as possible! The Jewish Bolsheviks regarded politics as a branch of Gentile pest control.
Hatred of Christians, especially the peasant "bourgeoisie" was their prime motivation. The systematic destruction of the Christian peasantry of Russia as so many vermin, beginning with Lenin's attack on them in the summer of and his forced starvation in , has been almost completely ignored in Western history. The Siberian novelist Valentin Rasputin wrote in They should feel responsible for the terror: They perpetrated the relentless campaign against the peasant class whose land was brutally expropriated by the state and who themselves were ruthlessly murdered.
Aleksand; Solzhenitsyn's biographer recounts what it was like to grow up as a Russian Christian child among the children of the Jewish communist elite: Solzhenitsyn was, as a boy, exposed to students whose parents had an officially superior status. Most of the members of the Young Pioneers and Komsomol movements, at least in Rostov, were Jewish children Here is the most genocidal political movement in world history, which created the largest concentration camps and the most horrendous slave labor system of the 20th century, in which millions of Christians were slaughtered.
This was a movement staffed in its upper echelons by Jewish Communists and yet the world is comparatively silent about the holocaust and war crimes this thoroughly kosher system inflicted and the identity of the persons who were its architects. Auschwitz is on the tip of every tongue but who has heard of Kolyma, Magadan, the Solovetsky islands and the other infernal Soviet centers of human destruction in eastern Siberia?
Only practiced deceivers, with all the sleight of hand of the most accomplished stage magicians, could pull off such a coup against the rest of humanity. To trick mankind into focusing nearly all expiatory sentiment, monuments and commemoration on Jewish victims and brand the Mark of Cain [17] ; the very words war crime and holocaust itself; on Germany and upon Germans alone as their proprietary trademark, must be regarded as one of the most masterful achievements of psychological warfare in the annals of illusion.
Jewish power in the West today has expanded commensurate with the expansion of "Holocaust" propaganda, as noted by the Israeli author Moshe Leshem: Jewish organizations and individuals thus labor continuously to remind the world of it. This is why Edgar Bronfman, the billionaire Canadian Seagram's whiskey merchant and chairman of the powerful World Jewish Congress says, "The growing numbers of revisionist supporters cannot be ignored. We must use every resource to stop revisionism now, before it's too late. Consider the fact that the people who bear the brunt of contemporary Jewish racist hatred and invective, the Germans, have among the lowest birthrates and the highest abortion rates of any nation in the world.
Far more Germans die every year than are born. Organized Christianity more accurately called Churchianity nowadays is little more than one huge turkey flock, truckling, toadying and crawling in search of Jewish sanctification and approbation. Their savior called the Jewish leadership of his time, "the children of hell" [19] but those who presume to speak in His name today, call them the saints and sages of the cosmos. But imagine; if you can, the hubbub if a grandson of a Nazi war criminal had shot a Turkish couple in Germany.
Sixteen million ethnic Germans were forcibly expelled from Silesia, Moravia and the Volga regions of the eastern territories at the end of the Second World War. On this trail of tears, two million perished; shot to death, starved, raped and beaten. Ask one in one thousand, one in ten thousand people on the street today: The Steven Spielberg movie images of cattle cars jammed with human cargo are reserved for Jewish victims alone. The , mostly Muslim Chechens deported by Jewish commissars and savagely stuffed into railway cars to Kazakhstan , where a quarter of a million died en route, do not meet Hollywood's standard of cinematic focus.
Who knows of it? Who tries to keep this history from repeating? To seek forgiveness in all humility is ordained when it is predicated on the truth. To do so based on false witness in order to idolize the Pharisees is a mockery of justice.
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The Allied genocidal policies behind what was euphemistically called "transfer" - that is, the expulsion of millions of people of German extraction living in the Eastern parts of Europe - many on German homesteads that were centuries old, some of them built before America was even discovered. Talk about ethnic cleansing! Imagine trying to force half the people of the United States into a territory no larger than Michigan, Indiana and Ohio with their cities, factories, railways and other production facilities demolished Diplomacy which creates such powder kegs is singularly lacking in statesmanship and humanity.
It makes sense only in terms of Soviet design A large barge is slowly being towed across the Oder River. In it, lying on straw, are children ranging from 2 to 14 years of age. There is hardly a sign of life in the whole group. Their hollow eyes, their swollen bellies, knees and feet are telltale signs of starvation. These are merely the vanguard of hundreds of thousands - millions of homeless, shattered, hungry, sick, helpless, hopeless human beings fleeing westwards Senator Eastland of Mississippi, quoting from a letter smuggled out of Breslau, September In unending succession were girls, women and nuns violated Not merely in secret, in hidden corners, but in the sight of everybody, even in churches, in the streets and in public places were nuns, women and even eight-year-old girls attacked again and again.
Dorothy Thompson, a noted US correspondent, reported: In Berlin, in August , out of 2, children born, died,. From Vienna, a reliable source reports that Months after the war had ended and the conquerors had assumed complete control of the German government and therefore responsibility for the German people and their future, the Bishop of Chichester, quoting a noted German pastor, said: Thousands of bodies are hanging in the trees in the woods around Berlin and nobody bothers to cut them down.
Thousands of corpses are carried into the sea by the Oder and Elbe rivers - one doesn't notice it any longer. Thousands and thousands are starving on the highways Actually we accepted at Potsdam a program which negated all of our principles, which could sell our form of democracy only in reverse. The Potsdam Plan was made to order for Soviet Russia Its very execution requires totalitarianism of the kind the Soviets are accustomed to, of the kind which, when the Nazis were practicing it, so outraged us that we fought a half trillion dollar war to eradicate it from the earth.
We have said it is democratic to make the Germans conduct their own purge, which is tantamount to accepting the Russian purges as democratic. But those purges were at least Russian affairs. The German purge machinery is operated by Communists and radical Marxist Socialists placed in office by an alien dictatorship Our military government is anything but democratic, except in the Russian sense. It is headed by well-trained military men, competent to carry out military tasks and orders received from Washington and prepared by What reigned in Germany were despotic conquerors backed by brute force who had the power of life or death over anyone.
Some of them are, to this day, bragging about their deeds on the Net - and I could name you some. In a chapter titled "Facts We Must Face," we read the following conclusion: Too much of what we try to make them believe the Germans know to be untrue. Our reeducation program should begin at home. If we could only overcome the effects of our own illusions born of propaganda and ignorance arising from lack of intimate knowledge of European affairs, if we could only possess ourselves of the facts and then face them courageously, we not only could reeducate the Germans, but could eliminate many erroneous and tragically dangerous features of our German program.
We must realize that there is something seriously wrong with nations, as with people, who cannot stand criticism, who try to place themselves beyond reproach, and that something is equally wrong with people who truckle to them In the Nuremberg Trials, the prosecutors and judges declared that the "forcible deportation or expulsion" of people from their homelands in order to turn such territories over to others, is a war crime - and who orders it is a war criminal.
While in the summer and fall of the Allies were preparing to hang the German leadership for having ordered such forcible expulsions, on August 2, , in the Potsdam Agreement, President H. Truman, along with C. Clement of Britain and J. Stalin of the Soviets, ordered " Now here it says "transfer" - which sounds civilized, orderly and benign enough. What it was, in fact, was a murderous journey beset by rapists, robbers and murderers! Five years later, Professor Austin J. App, a scholar who had always been an ardent champion for fair play towards all races, creeds and nationalities, and who had lost two jobs because of criticism of discrimination against America Japanese and Negroes, put out a little pamphlet titled: Are you against Racial Discrimination?
Some of the text: If you are, then do you know that IRO International Refugee Organization intended with your tax money to "help relocate refugees and displaced persons" brazenly specifies in Annex I of its constitution that "persons of German ethnic origin," no matter where they are or what their condition, "whether German nationals or members of German minorities who have been or may be transferred" shall be excluded from IRO assistance?
Do you think this sort of racial discrimination should continue? If you don't, tell it to the world, your neighbors, your Congressman, and President Truman - and send them this pamphlet: The same restitution laws and principles invoked to indemnify Jews for property lost because of Nazi action must literally and exactly be applied to make restitution to the expellees for losses through Allied expulsions.
That is the action required of the American people for the war crime President Truman, in their name, committed at Potsdam. May God grant that the American people will thus belatedly but grandly rise to their duty. If we will not hang our war criminals, let them at least make them undo as much of the frightful consequences of their crimes as possible. What was Professor App talking about? Chances are the average American has not the faintest inkling. The Christ-hating government of Yugoslavia, under the umbrella of the Potsdam Agreement, rushed to deport forcibly , racially German Yugoslavs - and totally rob them.
The Jewish and Bolshevik governments of Rumania similarly proceeded. But the most staggering expulsion crime, claiming protection under President Truman's Potsdam dictate, is that by the Jewish and Bolshevik governments of Poland against the population of the East German provinces put under Polish administration by the Potsdam edict.
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From what represents almost one-forth of German territory, as ancient and respected as Ohio is American, the Christ-less gangster bosses of Poland totally robbed and forcibly deported the whole population of certainly over 10 million people. Not only were these expulsions from East Germany the most large-scale atrocity ever committed in the annals of history against the vanquished, but it was also one of the most brutal and murderous. Where have they gone, and what is their fate? That is a question not fully answered to this day.
The App pamphlet continues: The most theatrical thing President Truman and his government have so far done about their Potsdam expulsion crime has been self-righteously to persecute and hang Germans who committed in a small way what they were committing in a big way. That was a cheap but effective way of smoke-screening their enormous crime from the American people a little while longer. Worst of all, the Potsdamites have not once clearly re-enunciated the Atlantic Charter to the effect that no German territory may be stolen, that no Germans such as the Sudetens may be deprived of their rights of self-determination, and that all forcibly deported Germans must be given back their homes and homelands.
When the legislators amended the law so as to require a certain percentage of farm workers, and when that was found to limit somewhat the unrestricted immigration of Displaced Jews, they set up a fearful screech that the legislators were discriminating against the Jews Stalin once said that the death of an individual is a tragedy. The death of a million is a statistic.
If what we are doing is Liberty, then give me death. I can't see how Americans can sink this low. It is Semitic, and I am sure of it. In the Bolshevik era, 52 percent of the membership of the Soviet communist party was Jewish, though Jews comprised only 1. This list is by no means comprehensive. To catalog all of the Jewish communists involved in crimes would require hundreds of pages.
Lenin , Supreme Dictator. But he took his orders from the Learned Elders of Zion, of course. First president of the Soviet Union. Yurovsky led the death squad which carried out Sverdlov's order for the murder of the Czar's family, including the bayoneting to death of the Czar's daughters.
Chief mass murderer for Stalin, ordered the deaths of millions and the wholesale destruction of Christian monuments and churches, including the great Cathedral of Christ the Savior. Standing amid the rubble of the cathedral, Kaganovich proclaimed, "Mother Russia is cast down. We have ripped away her skirts. Deputy Commissar of heavy industry, supervisor of slave labor, brother of Lazar. Stalin's mistress; sister of Lazar. Matvei Berman and Naftaly Frenkel: Founders, the Gulag death camp system. Lev Inzhir, commissar for Soviet death camp transit and administration.
Firin, Rappoport, Kogan, Zhuk: Leiba Lazarevich Feldbin Aleksandr Orlov: He supervised the massacre of Catholic priests and peasants in Spain. At least one hundred Soviet generals were Jewish. Generals who were not themselves Jewish often had Jewish wives. The kulaks were subsequently massacred. Ehrenburg instigated the Soviet Red Army rape and murder of German civilians. Another publication distributed to the Red Army, this time as the soldiers approached Danzig, was described by a historian: The Soviet leadership acknowledged that Ehrenburg sought the extermination of the entire German people.
Afterward, a special plane was waiting to fly Khaldei, Stalin's top Tass photographer, to a Moscow lab, where his photo was further doctored loot displayed on one of the Soviet soldier's wrists was removed in the negative and Khaldei added clouds and smoke to the scene for dramatic effect. Khaldei continued to work as a premier Soviet propagandist until his retirement from Pravda in Supreme Dictator of Hungary in Kun was later Stalin's chief terrorist in the Crimea. There is no need to exaggerate the part played in the creation of Bolshevism and in the actual bringing about of the Russian Revolution by these international, and for the most part, atheistic Jews.
It is certainly a very great one: With the notable exception of Lenin, the majority of the leading figures are Jews. Moreover, the principal inspiration and driving power comes from the Jewish leaders. Moshe Pijade sometimes spelled Piade: Commander, Yugoslav Communist People's Army. Tito's top butcher of hundreds of thousands of Croatian Christians. Pijade later served as president of the Yugoslav Communist Parliament.
The Yugoslavian communist party sent massive arms shipments to Jewish fighters in Palestine in the s. These men murdered or deported to Kolyma and the other Arctic death camps, tens of thousands of Catholic Poles. In Communist youth organizations, Jewish membership was even higher, while Communists of Jewish origin occupied most of the seats on the central committee. Of course when one encounters the issue of Jews, Communists and Catholics in Poland in the Establishment media or universities today, the mass murder of the Polish Catholics at the hands of the Jewish Communists, is never raised.
Instead, a minor attack on Jews by Polish peasants enraged at the role of Jews in Communist terror, which occurred in July, at Kielce and which has come to be called the "Kielce pogrom" will be the centerpiece of the "discussion.
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The motivation for the attack is not usually mentioned. Rather, the Catholic peasantry are painted in terms of "fiendish bigots" whose "blind, irrational hate" for the "poor, persecuted Jews" resulted in "yet another martyrdom of God's Chosen. With this record it is interesting to note that the Polish occupant of the papacy, John Paul II, consistently lent his prestige and his presence to canonizations and commemorations of politically correct victims of the Nazis.
Stalin deliberately put Jews in charge of such camps. Morel tortured and murdered thousands of Germans, sometimes with his bare hands. After all, he murdered helpless Germans, so what's the problem? Julius and Ethel Rosenberg: Morris Cohen Peter Kroger: American communist propagandist for Stalin. Stalin's ally, head of the U. International Ladies Garment Workers Union.
Soviet spy of all time. Zborowski was implicated in several other assassinations in and He trained numerous psychiatrists and medical specialists in the Bay Area. He died in The kibbutz system was the most powerful movement in the country and the most powerful kibbutz leaders were nearly all Marxists. The biggest Israeli holiday was May Day, celebrated with rallies, marches, red banners and red songs. Jonathan Jay Pollard was part of one such spy ring. Romania's communist regime received favorable trade deals from the U. The truth is more complex.
There was a left wing and a right wing within Zionism. The rightists, like the terrorists Jabotinsky and Stern, took a fascist approach. Slovo was born in a shtetl in Lithuania and grew up speaking Yiddish and studying the Talmud. He joined the ANC's terrorist wing, the Umkhonto we Sizwe, in and eventually became its commander.
Slovo, who had traveled to the Soviet Union many times, was awarded a Soviet medal on his 60th birthday Slovo is a dedicated Communist, a Marxist Leninist without morality of any kind, for whom only victory counts, whatever the human cost, whatever the bloodshed Slovo disputes little of his image as 'the Communist mastermind' behind the ANC's armed struggle.
For him the fears of South Africa's whites are both a measure of the ANC's growing strength and a crucial factor in hastening what he believes will be its ultimate victory. When we look at these gruesome personalities, who are only the tip of the Jewish iceberg that was Soviet Communism and who were responsible for the deaths of upwards of thirty million people; when we realize how little is written or filmed about their crimes, we begin to realize that the exclusive focus on the crimes of the Germans, real and imagined, is a function of propaganda. If the facts about the Jewish Communist holocaust against the peasants and Christians of Russia and Eastern Europe were given massive publicity, the supposed "special evil" of the Germans would stand exposed as a racist fraud.
German actions during World War Two must be viewed in a vacuum in order for the New World Order to advance its covert objective of Jewish supremacy. When Nazi actions are placed within the context of Jewish Communism's abominable crimes against the Christian people of Russia and Eastern Europe, the public will begin to understand that Hitler and the Nazis were a reaction, however unbalanced and excessive, to the Jewish Communist genocide against millions of Christians and peasants in the East. This is why the crucial facts about Jewish Communism must never be documented in Hollywood films, discussed in university courses or pictured in contemporary news magazines.
This is why Malcolm Muggeridge's book, an eyewitness account of the Jewish Communist holocaust against Christians, Winter in Moscow, has been tightly suppressed. In the Sunday Telegraph London, England: The answer may lie in Muggeridge's handling of what was then called the 'Jewish question. Winter in Moscow is acutely concerned with Jews It was of course the case that a very disproportionate number of the early Bolsheviks were Jews and thus of commissars and apparatchiki The Campaign for Radical Truth in History's documentation of these forbidden facts constitutes the chief motivation for the suppression attempts of such Stalinist censorship groups as the A.
L and Simon Wiesenthal Center. Both of these organizations would, if they could, have this writer jailed for publishing the documentation herein in Germany, France, or Austria. In the ADL sought to assist the prosecution of 69 year old American writer Hans Schmidt who was imprisoned in Germany for publishing a newsletter in Florida.
These Jewish censors would like to have similar laws passed worldwide, resulting in the jailing of more writers and researchers who will not toe the party line or worship the Golden Calf. The Beginning of Communism. Began With The Illuminati. Illuminati Back in B. From the official printing press of the Rosicrucians, it states: It was quite apparent that Egypt was to be subjected to a devastation and that its great learning might be lost. It was finally decided that 'no undue haste should be sanctioned in permitting the Brothers who have gone abroad to establish Lodges, but rather that those who travel here in search of the Light should be tried, and to those found qualified shall be given the commission to return to their people and establish a Lodge in the name of the Brotherhood.
It was this dictum; known as the 'Amra,' that in later years proved the wisdom of the Councilors at this meeting, for it not only became a hard and fast rule, but made for the success of the plans of propagation. It was in this wise that the phrase 'travel East for learning or Light' first came into use; for those who soon began to travel to Egypt came from the West. About the year B. If this is true, Israel's King Solomon was trained in the Illuminati teaching.

No wonder he allowed his wives to establish their own private booths to worship their false gods. From the book Kabbalah by Charles Ponce which shows this symbol to be of occultic origin. It is one of the three greatest occultic or Satanic symbols. It had nothing to do with King David, but a 15th century teacher of the Kabbalistic teachings. The Saloman brotherhood was closely watched by the fraternity in Egypt, which had removed its headquarters to Thebes again because of political changes and the warring invasions in the territory of El Amarna, which eventually reduced the entire community to ruins.
It was found that Saloman restricted his order to males and adapted a great many of the details of the Rosicrucian initiations and services. At first it was believed that he would apply to the Grand Lodge in Thebes for a charter and make his work a branch of the R. Of the growth of the Saloman brotherhood, as it was officially called in all ancient documents, one may read in all literature bearing upon Freemasonry.
The Greeks were now coming to Hebes to study, and it was at this time that the world-wide spread of the organization began. Let's Go Back to Egypt: According to the Rosicrucians, in B. Their official history says that he was: His mind and understanding were usually keen, for in his fifteenth year he composed many of the most beautiful prayers, psalms, and chants used in the organization today , as well as contributing to the philosophy and sciences.
To him came the inspiration of overthrowing the worship of idols and substituting the religion and worship of one god, a supreme deity, whose spirit was in heaven and whose physical manifestation was the Sun - the Symbol of Life. This was in accordance with the secret doctrines, and it changed the worship of the Sun as a god to the worship of The God symbolized by the sun.
This was the beginning of Monotheism in Egypt and the origin of the worship of a spiritual deity which ' existed everywhere, in everything , but was nothing of the earth. Amenhotep IV started monastic life, and it is passed down to us today through the Roman Catholic church. At El Amarna he also built a large Temple for the Brotherhood, in ' the form of a cross,' and a large number of houses for his Council. Here was the beginning of monastic life , for within the boundaries of El Amarna lived two hundred and ninety-six Brothers of the Order, each having taken an oath never to pass 'beyond the shadow of the Temple.
It is from this institution that all monastic orders, especially that of St. Francis, derive their methods, even their costumes. The origin of the Rosicrucians is still an unsolved mystery; it is even as Disraeli wrote in On the other hand, as in all so-called Rose-Croix Orders, the R. Many were its Temples, and among many nations were they established, though in process of time some lost the purity of their primal knowledge.
The mysterious Brothers of the Rosy Cross designated themselves as Invisibles, and their legendary history was: The Fraternity was founded by a certain Christian Rosenkreutz [52] , born, it is said in , of a noble German family. For twelve years, from the age of five, he was educated in a cloister, and thereafter travelled to Damascus, and from thence to a place called Damcar in Arabia, where he was well received by the Magi. These wise men expected him as being the one who, it had been foretold, would regenerate the world, and they initiated him into their Arabian magic.
After visiting Fez and Spain, he returned to Germany where, along with three disciples, he founded the Fraternity, and they built their house called "Domus Sancti Spiritus," in which Christian Rosenkreutz lived until his death. There they wrote the book "M" Magicon, according to Dr. Wynn Westcott; compiled, it is said, from the magic taught to Rosenkreutz by the Arabs of Damcar. Also the books Axiomata, Rota Mundi, and Protheus. Christian Rosendreutz died, we are told, in , at the age of one hundred or more, and for one hundred and twenty years the place of his tomb remained unknown.
In , while repairing the building, they came upon the door of the vault, and when opened they found the body of their founder and much magical property and occult manuscripts. The triple consideration should be, in fact, ever present in the mind of all Freemasons, since the royal art has, like the ancient mysteries, no other aim than the knowledge of nature, where all are born, die, and regenerate themselves This regeneration of man was and will always be the work of the philosophy practiced in the mysteries The rose was also the emblem of the woman, and as the cross or triple phallus symbolized virility or the sun in all its force, the combination of these two emblems offers one more meaning expressing, as the Indian lingam, the union of the two sexes, symbol of universal generation Fire or vital energy is concealed everywhere, it embraces all nature, it produces, it renews, it divides, it consumes, it maintains the whole body Their combination formed a mysterious meaning long before Christianity and the sages of antiquity had attached to it one of the greatest secrets of nature; that of universal regeneration All ancient mystagogies were terminated by all breaking bread and tasting the wine from a common cup, to recall among themselves the community of goods and that initiates have nothing of their own.
The bread and wine are consecrated. This mystic nourishment, which should feed body and soul, was an emblem of immortality. After his death the brothers devoted themselves to the study of the secrets of nature and its hidden forces, besides practicing medicine, gratuitously, using some mysterious remedies.
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Corpus Christi Day, the summer solstice , they should meet together at the house Sancti Spiritus, or write the cause of absence; 4 Every brother should look for a worthy person, who, after his decease, might succeed him; 5 The letters R. These invisibles awaited what they called the purification of the Church, when, before the end of the world, they hoped to re-establish everything in its primitive integrity. After the opening of the tomb, the appointed one hundred and twenty years having more than passed, they issued two manifestos: For a time these made a great stir, but with little outward result.
These documents by many were ascribed to Jean Valentin Andrea, although he, himself, always denied the authorship. He did well in showing the importance attributed, during the time of Paracelsus, to the magnetic fluid in the Theosophic-scientific doctrines After having observed that the followers of Paracelsus and van Helmont made a mystery of it, Fauvety adds, that the magnetic power 'might, indeed, according to some writers, have been the secret of the Rose-Croix, who in the sixteenth century were said to possess a universal remedy. What supports this supposition is that even the adversaries of magnetism reproached the doctors, followers of Paracelsus, with curing by magnetic processes similar to those of the Rose-Croix.
He claimed to know and expound the entire system of the Mysterious forces which act in nature and in man Man must unite himself to the forces required in order to produce either physical or intellectual phenomena. The Universe was the Macrocosm, man was the Microcosm, and they were similar as above so below. Monnier also knew that in certain lodges the initiates practiced magnetism. According to Monnier, "they magnetized by divine grace sic , by force of faith and will, through walls to great distance, from Paris even to Dominica. In an anonymous book, Mysteries of the Rosie Cross, published in , which is full of documented information, we read: A Rosicrucian, therefore, is a philosopher who, by means of dew seeks for light; that is, for the substance of the philosopher's stone.
The Quintessence or five elements, earth, air, fire, water, and ether; the illuminised man! As to the Rosa-Crux interpretation, the R. As we know, I. Return to Book Page. Kindle Edition , pages. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia.
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