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She is overcome by a strange sensation and runs off down the corridor. The Doctor tells the others to gather everyone in the Operations Room, and confronts Piper in the airlock. Piper explains that she had infected the starsuits with a virus to transmit information to IMC, but it caused malfunctions, like the one that killed Paula. Cheryl comes around the corner and punches Piper in the face. One of the spacesuit lockers opens and Sam's body falls out.

Miles materialises in the Operations Room. Ace leads IMC troopers in through the airlock. Christine comes too in the medlab and realises she has an artificial left arm. Legion appears before her and tells her she will be seeing her mother. In the executive transporter bay, she throws coffee into the face of her guard Atrimonides and runs away. They both fall off the observation deck.

War in Heaven

The artificial gravity fails, fire fighting systems fill the room with foam and Christine finds herself between one of the ships and the wall as the ship begins to move. It is too big for her to get out of the way before it crushes her. She enters the ship through an access hatch, but Atrimonides is not so lucky. Bernice enters the refectory to see it full of IMC troopers. She asks the Doctor to make a distraction. He walks to the centre of the room and begins juggling, while she climbs inside a food dispenser.

Legion appears behind the Doctor and stops his act. It tells the crew members that IMC now owns this colony, and they will have to pay to get back to Earth. Bishop tries to take control of the situation, but he is interrupted by Bronwen ap Bryn, who tells him the Guild is no more.

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Legion orders Ace to shoot Piper. Legion puts Bannen to the task of making plans for a new starpod, and brings his simularity son back online. It then tells Ace that it just need Bannen to think he is helping so he'll stay out of the way. Bernice gets out of the food dispenser and tries to talk to Ace, but she just points a gun at her.

Lucifer Rising - Illuminati, Fallen Angels, Demonic Deceptions (4 of 10).flv

Ace leads Benny out through the airlock onto an executive transporter to take her to the Insider Trading. Cheryl arrives and tells Julie she's needed. Miles tells them the Tewa origin story. Bishop knocks out the guards and helps them all to escape. Christine gets in a starsuit on the executive transporter and looks for files concerning Project Eden. She finds a video of her mother telling Legion her plans to shut down the project and leave all the crew except Christine for dead. As they rush down the corridor, Bishop asks the Doctor about Moshe-Rabaan's body.

The Doctor explains that he wanted to draw suspicion to himself so the real killer would come out into the open. They run right into Krieg and Ardamal, who are about to shoot them when Bronwen ap Bryn stops them. In the "methodology" section of the file, Christine finds out that IMC's plan is to use eight controlled black holes to strip away Lucifer's atmosphere with no regard for the Angels. In her stolen spacesuit, she tries to leave the executive transporter bay but Ace spots her. She takes Christine and Bernice to a room and locks the door as she leaves.

She investigates the medlab, and finds no trace of the crew from Moloch. Meanwhile, Bernice and Christine use the antigravity units holding the chandeliers up to ram the table into the door. On the Lift, Miles Engado holds the medicine wheel. Piper joins him and explains how she betrayed the Project and worked as a spy for IMC.

Ace had deliberately not killed her. Miles says he needs her to debug the starpod software because the virus is still in it. Alex Bannen is dropped off on Moloch by Ace. Legion doesn't listen to his requests for materials. The Doctor and Bishop investigate the Mushroom Farm. Ace comes in and hands over Bannen's files to the Doctor. Teal knocks him in the side of the head with a piece of plastic.

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They run into the Mushroom Farm and shut the doors behind them, but a pulse from Ardamal's gun makes it through and kills Teal. He comes in and threatens to shoot Cheryl, too, but Ace stops him. Bronwen ap Bryn leads them out. Piper and Miles sit in the starpod, falling through Lucifer's atmosphere. Piper is overwhelmed by regret, and they cry in each other's arms. Further down, seas of zelanite meet islands of cloud.

Piper sees Paula, now an Angel, who tells them this is her funeral. Miles tries to tell her something, but she says there is no time. The Angels gather around her and she begins falling. Miles flies the pod after her. Christine and Bernice have changed into IMC uniforms. They enter one of the transporters, knock out the pilot, and take off.

Legion ignores them and orders the black holes to be released. Bernice and Christine are watching the atmosphere of Lucifer be ripped away into the black holes, when they realise they are heading towards one. The fuel quickly runs out trying to evade it and they are being crushed. All of a sudden, they stop. The starpod chases after Paula, undergoing extreme atmospheric pressure. The medicine wheel begins to glow. Without explanation, the pod slows, and in its external arms is the body of Paula. Miles releases her, and the wheel fades.

The pod begins shuddering again as the black holes eat the atmosphere. Then, they stop as the Angels dance around them. Legion appears and tries to justify his actions. Bannen's son enters and tells the Doctor his dad has locked himself in the Mushroom Farm. Ace, Krieg, and Ardamal go to investigate. Ace returns, saying they couldn't get in.

Legion orders Bryn to take everyone out of the base.

BOBBY BEAUSOLEIL - Lucifer Rising Suite - Music

Bishop takes her gun, but she pulls out another and points it at him. Ace shoots first, killing Bryn. She explains that in the twenty-sixth century, the Lucifer system is at a strategic point, but there is an exclusion zone around it. IMC sent her to figure out a way around it. Suddenly, Legion bursts through Bishop's chest, killing him. The Doctor decides he has manipulated others into acting too often in the past, and shoots Legion.

Out of thin air, four people and an Angel materialise in the room, and the Angel quickly vanishes. They give a quick recap of what has happened to them. Piper says Paula has changed the medicine wheel to be mad of the high-mass elements the Project has been searching for. The Doctor tells everyone to leave in Bishop's shuttle while they still have the chance.

Krieg and Ardamal finally break into the Mushroom Farm. Energy arcs between the mushroom. Krieg begins to say something, but her voice literally becomes liquid. As they run out the door, Krieg's skin becomes purple and spiny, Ardamal's legs are jointed differently, and their bodies fuse.

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Reality-altering energy is emanating form the Mushroom Farm, and all across the base, people's biology fundamentally alter and they die horrible deaths. The Doctor explains that the Mushroom Farm controls morphic fields , a force that shapes the biology of all organisms. Bannen wants to improve humanity, but he needs the Doctors help because he isn't emotionally stable enough to completely control it.

The Doctor tells him it's impossible now that the interior of Moloch has been burned. Piper, Miles, Cheryl, and the surviving crew are trying to outrun the wave of energy to get to Bishop's ship. They get to the airlock, but the energy begins to seep through the doors. In the end, only nine people make it into the shuttle. As they leave the system, it vanishes completely. The Doctor explains that although the feedback mechanism is destroyed, that the four of them together can stop this.

In this series the Demons are the enemies as well as a power hungry Archangel. This series takes place millions of years after the Fallen Angels left heaven due to one power hungry Archangel Metatron. By doing this many were miserable from being separated from loved ones.

Ron Rhodes

This series is about reuniting loved ones and bringing balance to good and evil. All in all great series which I strong recommend if you enjoy mm paranormal fantasy or anything along those lines this is a great series for you. If u enjoyed this series and want to know what happens next, move onto the "Angels and Demons" series as it take up strait after the awesome conclusion of this one.

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