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People have continue to compare the actress' "before and after" photos from her early years in the industry, speculating whether she got a nose job. But Berry quieted all those in question when she spoke to Yahoo!

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She continued, "It's almost like crack that people are trying to push on you. That's what I feel like. I just have kept reminding myself that beauty really is as beauty does, and it is not so much about my physical self. Aging is natural, and that's going to happen to all of us. I think of those women that I thought aged so beautifully, like Lena Horn. Even how Jane Fonda is aging—I don't know what she has or hasn't done, but she looks beautiful as she's going about her way. I just want to always look like myself, even if that's an older version of myself. I think when you do too much of that cosmetic stuff, you become somebody else in a way.

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The internal structures and cavities, including the conchae and paranasal sinuses form an integrated system for the conditioning moistening and warming and filtering of the air breathed in through the nose. The turbulence created by the conchae and meatuses optimises the warming, moistening, and filtering of the mucosa.

At the back of the nasal cavity there are two openings, one from each fossa, called choanae that give entrance to the nasopharynx and rest of the respiratory tract. The choanae are also called the posterior nostrils. There is a nasal valve area in the nose that is responsibe for providing resistance to the flow of air.

This enables increased warming and moistening of the air.

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Two valves are often referred to for this area, an internal nasal valve and an external nasal valve. The internal nasal valve is the narrowest part of the airway. The vestibule of the nose is lined with skin. This area is also known as a mucocutaneous junction that has a dense microvasculature. The respiratory epithelium also covers the paranasal sinuses. There are narrow openings called sinus ostia from the paranasal sinuses that allow drainage into the nasal cavity.

Adults have a high concentration of cilia in the ostia.

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The increased cilia and the narrowness of the sinus openings allow for an increased time for moisturising, and warming. The cilia in the sinuses beat towards the openings into the nasal cavity. Most of the ostia open into the middle meatus and the anterior ethmoid, that together are termed the osteomeatal complex. The shape of the nose varies widely due to differences in the nasal bone shapes and formation of the bridge of the nose. Some nose shapes were classified for surgeries by Eden Warwick in Nasology Other terms are used to describe the shape of the nose, and can also include a reference to the nasal index used to classify ethnicity: Leptorrhine describes a long, narrow nose.

Platyrrhine is a short, broad nose.

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Paul Topinard developed the nasal index for studies in India. The nasal index is the ratio of the width of the nose to the nasal height. Some of the types used in Nasology are also used by Topinard. He took narrow shapes as in to be European; medium width shape 6 were "yellow races"; broad nose shape 7 were African, and broad nose shape 8 were taken to be Melanesian and Australian Aboriginal.

Some deformities of the nose are named, such as the pug nose and the saddle nose. The pug nose is characterised by by excess tissue from the apex that is out of proportion to the rest of the nose. A low and underdeveloped nasal bridge may also be evident. Some birth defects such as Down syndrome commonly present a small nose with a flattened nasal bridge. This can be due to the absence of one or both nasal bones, shortened nasal bones, or nasal bones that have not fused in the midline.

The movements of the nose are controlled by groups of facial and neck muscles that are set deep to the skin. There are four interconnected groups connected by the superficial fascia that covers, invests and forms the terminations of the muscles. The elevator muscle group includes the procerus muscle that helps to flare the nostrils; and the levator labii superioris alaeque nasi muscle , which lifts the upper lip and the alae.

The depressor muscle group includes the alar nasalis muscle and the depressor septi nasi muscle. The compressor muscle group includes the transverse nasalis muscle. The dilator muscle group includes the dilator naris muscle that expands the nostrils; it is in two parts: The nose, in particular the nasal cavity, is well supplied with blood from branches of both the internal carotid artery , and the external carotid artery. The main branches from the interior carotid are the anterior ethmoidal artery , and the posterior ethmoidal artery that supplies the septum, and these derive from the ophthalmic artery.

One of the terminal branches of the ophthalmic artery is the dorsal nasal artery which divides into two branches. One branch crosses the root of the nose and joins with the angular artery, and the other branch joins with the lateral nasal branch of facial artery which supplies the nasal ridge and alae. Branches from the external carotid artery are the sphenopalatine artery , the greater palatine artery , the superior labial artery , and the angular artery.

The lateral walls of the nasal cavity and the septum are suppled by the sphenopalatine artery, and by the anterior and posterior ethmoid arteries. There is additional supply from the superior labial artery and the greater palatine artery. The nasal ridge is supplied by branches of the internal maxillary artery infraorbital and the ophthalmic arteries from the common carotid artery system.

The arteries supplying the nasal cavity converge in the front lower part of the septum in a plexus known as Kiesselbach's plexus. Veins of the nose include the angular vein that drains the side of the nose, receiving lateral nasal veins from the alae. The angular vein joins with the superior labial vein. Some small veins from the nasal ridge dorsum drain to the nasal arch of the frontal vein at the root of the nose. In the posterior region of the cavity, specifically in the posterior part of the inferior meatus is a venous plexus known as Woodruff's plexus.

This plexus is made up of large thin-walled veins with little soft tissue such as muscle or fiber. The mucosa of the plexus is thin with very few structures. The nasal part of the lymphatic system arises from the superficial mucosa, and drains posteriorly to the retropharyngeal lymph nodes , and anteriorly to either the upper deep cervical lymph nodes in the neck , or to the submandibular glands in the lower jaw , or into both the nodes and the glands of the neck and the jaw.

The supply of parasympathetic nerves to the face and the upper jaw maxilla derives from the greater superficial petrosal GSP branch of cranial nerve VII , the facial nerve. The GSP nerve joins the deep petrosal nerve of the sympathetic nervous system , derived from the carotid plexus, to form the vidian nerve in the vidian canal that traverses the pterygopalatine ganglion an autonomic ganglion of the maxillary nerve , wherein only the parasympathetic nerves form synapses, which serve the lacrimal gland and the glands of the nose and of the palate, via the upper jaw maxillary division of cranial nerve V , the trigeminal nerve.

At four weeks, gestational age , the neural crest cells the precursors of the nose begin their caudal migration from the posterior towards the midface.

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Two symmetrical nasal placodes the future olfactory epithelium develop inferiorly. In the sixth week they invaginate to form two nasal pits. The nasal pits then divide into the medial and the lateral nasal processes the future upper lip and nose. The medial processes then form the septum , the philtrum , and the premaxilla of the nose; the lateral processes form the sides of the nose; and the mouth forms from the stomodeum the anterior ectodermal portion of the alimentary tract , which is inferior to the nasal complex.

A nasobuccal membrane separates the mouth from the nose; respectively, the inferior oral cavity the mouth and the superior nasal cavity the nose. As the nasal pits deepen, said development forms the choanae, the two openings that connect the nasal cavity and the nasopharynx upper part of the pharynx that is continuous with the nasal passages.

Initially, primitive-form choanae develop, which then further develop into the secondary, permanent choanae. At ten weeks, the cells differentiate into muscle , cartilage , and bone. Problems at this stage of development can cause birth defects such as choanal atresia absent or closed passage , facial clefts and nasal dysplasia faulty or incomplete development [23] or extremely rarely polyrrhinia the formation of a duplicate nose. Normal development is critical because the newborn infant breathes through the nose for the first six weeks, and any nasal blockage will need emergency treatment to clear.

The nose is the first organ of the upper respiratory tract in the respiratory system , and its main function is the supply and conditioning of inhaled air to the lungs. The nose is responsible for warming and moistening the air and providing its passage to the rest of the respiratory tract. Another function is to filter the air by removing particulates.

The three positioned nasal conchae in each cavity provide four grooves as air passages, along which the air is circulated and moved to the nasopharynx. The nose is also able to provide sense information as to the temperature of the air being breathed, and is an important route for the administration of drugs. Nasal hair in the nostrils traps large particles preventing their entry into the lungs.

Sneezing is an important reflex initiated by irritation of the nasal mucosa to expel unwanted particles through the mouth and nose. Photic sneezing is a reflex brought on by different stimuli such as bright lights. The nose also plays the major part in the olfactory system. It contains an area of specialised cells, olfactory receptor neurons responsible for the sense of smell. The nasal conchae also help in olfaction function, by directing air-flow to the olfactory region. Normal speech is produced with pressure from the lungs.

This can be modified using airflow through the nose in a process called nasalisation. No one with a flighty imagination should touch upon a subject which is prone to adjectives. It is not so with noses. For, incapable of deceit, noses express only themselves. But they mean so much. In fact, the nose is the signpost of the soul. In the sweeping and general sense, that is.

I note that the nose of an officious bus conductor is, from base to tip, altogether too officious. He lets his bus take me past my stop.

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I am sure he has put the Evil Nose on me. I have to walk all the way back to the National Portrait Gallery, where, on the bust of John Keats, I see an identical nose lending itself an air of the compassionate sublime. The adjectives proper to noses can therefore be reduced to a few anthropological terms, so plain is the nose on your face.

It is true that these peninsulas of the human landscape have their individual endearments. The people I admire most have noses which go off at all angles; they have nostrils like panniers, bellows, cabbage butterflies: You can keep your tiny tip-tilts, which are for shopwindow dummies. You can have your chiseled classicals, they are for a romantic taste. But what you prefer and what I fancy are beside the point, which is that the nose has a function.

It has three functions: The transcendent function of the nose is to proclaim humankind.