Attacks Lafayette and de Beaumont. Abzac, Paul d', vicomte. Enquete sur la navigation, l'immigration, et le commerce frangais a la Nouvelle-Orleans en See also under Conditions du travail. Un ceil neuf sur l'Amerique. Les Lettres Franchises, He visited a football game, several great hotels, and Harlem. His book is hasty, fragmentary, enthusiastic, and uncritical and contains no "new slants" upon anything American.
De l'abolition de l'esclavage aux fitats-Unis. Imprimerie de Vaguer, Adam, Paul Auguste Marie. Vues dAmerique, ou La Nouvelle Jouvence. Authentic translation of a note from the minister of the French Republic to the Secre- tary of State of the United States. The gros mousqueton diplomatique; or, Diplomatic blunderbuss. Containing Citizen Adet's notes to the Secretary of State.
As also his cocade proclamation. With a pref- ace, by Peter Porcupine [pseud, of William Cobbett]. Printed for, and sold by, William Cobbett, opposite Christ Church, Interesting state papers, from Pres. Likewise conferences with G. Notes from citizen Adet Printed for Benjamin Franklin Bache, With a replication to the first note, by the Secretary of State. Ormond, by Or- mond and Conrad t ].
Rapport fait par P. Imprimerie na- tionale, An x. See also under Correspondance of the French ministers; Fay, Bernard. Gustave Aimard was the pen name of Olivier Gloux , who is usually referred to as Aimard. He was a prolific author whose works attained such popu- larity in France, England, and the United States that he became more than a mere author and rose to the dimensions of an industry. He was known as the French Fenimore Cooper; certainly he deserves a high place among the imitators of Cooper.
He spent long periods in North and South America, periods which are said to total more than twenty years. His first visit to the United States was from to ; he returned again about Through his many volumes he managed to convey to the Old World a considerable knowledge of Indian customs and of life on the frontier. What modern literary research has been devoted to Aimard and that has not been much reveals him to have had a sur- prising knowledge of life and customs in the South- west. His novels can, with certain reservations, be taken to accurately portray certain aspects of pioneer and frontier life.
Aimard's views on the United States were most interesting: He early accused the Americans of imperialist designs, designs that would bring the entire continent under American domination. The usual conclusion of travellers: The greatest virtue of the Americans was their conquering energy that was transforming a continent. Jones has written in the Southwestern Reviciv xv, , p. The list that follows is, I believe, the first attempt to compile a bibliography of Aimard's writings touching the regions now a part of the United States.
The total of his various writings is large: Both the collections of the BM and the BN have important omissions; nor can a com- plete bibliography be compiled from all these collections. In the following list the original French editions are arranged chronologically; each original edition is fol- lowed by translations, chiefly drawn from the collec- tion of the NYPL. At the end of the list will be found several translations for which I have been unable to find the French originals, together with the several books in which Aimard collaborated with J.
Aimard frequently borrowed materials from one book to fill another. For a more complete view of Aimard's productions consult the catalogues of the above-men- tioned libraries. Le chercheur de pistes. The trail hunter; a tale of the Far West [translated by L. Ward, Lock and Tyler []. Tales of Indian life and ad- venture, no.
Les pirates des prairies. The pirates of the prairies: Ward and Lock, Complete and unabridged edition. The prairie pirates; or, The hunter's revenge. Beadle and Adams t cop. Beadle's pocket novels, no. Beadle and Adams, cop. Les trappeurs de 1' Arkansas. The trappers of Arkansas. Ward, Lock and Tyler [? Tales of Indian life and adventure, no. Loyal Heart ; or, The trappers of Arkansas. Beadle's dime library, no. The Indian scout; or, Life on the frontier translated by L.
Complete and un- abridged edition. La loi de Lynch. The trapper's daughter, a story of the Rocky Mountains. Revised and edited by Percy B. The trapper's daughter; or, The outlaw's fate. A romance of California. The original French edition did not appear until Pet- erson and Bros. The prairie flower; a tale of the Indian border. The prairie flower; a tale. Revised and edited by P. A story of the Texan war. Ward, Lock and Co. Beadle and Adams, A tale of the Texan war. Ward, Lock and Tyler ,? See the BN catalogue. Re- vised and edited by J. Aim- ard's Indian tales. The bee hunters; a tale of adventure.
Le coeur de pierre. Revised and edited bv J. Les outlaws du Missouri. Translated by Percy B. La Belle Riviere, i. Le serpent de satin. Cardenio, scenes et recits du Nouveau-Monde. Le saut de l'elan. Feuilleton du journal Le Telcgraphe. Les bandits de l'Arizona, scenes de la vie sauvage. The queen of the Savannah. Die Konigin der Savannen. Eine Erzahlung aus den mexikanischen Freiheitskampfen. Nach dem Franzosischen bearbeitet von O. Ensslin und Laiblin [? Red Cedar, the prairie outlaw. The New York library, no. The Red River half-breed. A tale of the wild North-YYest.
The white scalper ; a story of the Texan war. The white scalper; a story. Revised and edited by J. Aimard, Gustave, pseud, of Olivier Gloux, and J. Les forestiers du Michigan. Les drames du Nouveau- Monde. Les drames du Nouveau-Monde. L'Aigle Noir des Dacotahs. Du Tonkin au Havre. The author visited the following principal cities and points of interest: Nouvelles du Scioto, ou Relation fidele du voyage et des infortunes d'un Parisien qui ar- rive de ce pays-la, ou il etoit alle pour s'etablir.
Chez Lenoir et Leboucher, Aoust With a large number of emigrants he sailed from Le Havre in February, Early in May they arrived in Chesapeake Bay, but after a most miserable crossing. In Alexandria they found neither food nor drink — nor the agents of the Scioto enter- prise, whom they expected to meet there. Two members of the group sent to New York did not return; the others considered travelling to Scioto, but were deterred by the stories of vast deserts, of savage Indians, of "ferocious beasts, tigers, bears, and flying serpents" that infested the region.
They determined to return to France; the greater part of the group were forced to remain in Virginia, the others reached Paris in July, and were cured of "la folie de Scioto. Allyn, Jack, joint author. See tinder Blouet, Paul, and Jack Allyx. The more important chapters treat: In a chapter of concluding advice to his countrymen he advocates the criminal prosecution of all authors who contribute to the legend of a rich, democratic, and happy America. L'action allemande aux Iitats-Unis, de la mis- sion Dernberg a l'incident Dumba 2 aout 25 septembre Journal d'une Franchise en Amerique sep- tembre juin Alviella, Goblet d', comte.
Ampere, Jean Jacques Antoine. Michel Levy freres, He first conceived the idea of visiting America from meeting Fanny Kemble. He found in America the materials to justify and support the theories of his intimate friend, de Tocqueville, to whom he dedicated the two volumes. His observations are intelligent, some- times shrewd, and often witty. He met the most dis- tinguished American scientists, publicists, and authors, but his travels were confined to the northeastern states.
He was so fascinated by the beauty of the American cemeteries that he wished to die and be buried in one, Ereferably at Mount Auburn, Mass. On second thought e states that he would prefer being at Cambridge and getting a professorship there. The lyric advertisements of the pork industry in Cincinnati reminded him of the poetry of Dante. Precede d'une etude sur J. Nouvelle edition il- lustree. Ampere relatives a sa Promenade en Amerique. Anadoli, pseud, of Gyula de Szilassy. See Szilassy, Gyula, baro. Mon itineraire du Havre a San-Francisco et dans l'interieur de la Calif ornie en et Luttes pour la liberte de l'figlise Catholique aux fitats-Unis.
The BN does not list a copy. Les travaux publics et le batiment aux fitats- Unis. La Conference de Washington. Canadiens et Americains chez eux. Journal, lettres, impressions d'une artiste francaise. Pages , treat of her visits in the United States. Arles, Henri d', pseud. See under Beaude, Henri. See La Rouerie, Armand, marquis de. Arrival in Amer- ica and first impressions. Les Editions Rieder, I, Guerre et apres-guerre.
Les miseres de la prosperity. Remedes a la prosperity. Artaud de Montor, Alexandre Maurice. Histoire de la vie et des travaux politiques du Comte d'Hauterive, comprenant une partie des actes de la diplomatic francaise, depuis jusqu'en Librairie d'Adrien le Clere et Cie. He was a close friend of Talleyrand, who later took him into the Foreign Office. Asmodee a New- York: The identity of the author has never been discovered: Several authors have written under the pseudonym of Asmodee: Asmodeus in New York.
Assollant, Jean Baptiste Alfred. Scenes de la vie des fitats-Unis: He was a liberal with republican sentiments, and, although his comments are often incisive and severe, he was sympa- thetic to the American experiment. Kentucky is the background of Acacia: New York and the Scioto lands, of Les Butterfly; and Baltimore of Une fantaisie americaine, an amusing burlesque of social life in that city.
Un Quaker a Paris. Librairie Inter- nationale, MBAt ; BN. He later became a professor of philosophy at Lausanne. Histoire de la Republique des fitats-Unis. Le reveil religieux des fitats-Unis, Course autour du monde. De Paris a Tokio. De Tokio a Paris. She was a republican before visiting America, but as a result of her ob- servations she concluded that such a form of govern- ment would never do for France.
Petty annoyances colored her opinions of American social life: American men seemed odious to her; American women, exactly opposite. She praised American railways, declaring that the Pacific Railroad was one of the few great achievements of the century. Constitution, mceurs, usages, lois, institutions, sectes religieuses.
Voyage en Californie He studied the mines, the miners, and the In- dians. He found thousands of Frenchmen who were stranded in California. The religious revivals which he witnessed he thought were worthy of the middle ages. Lauds the generous and noble instincts of the Americans.
A bord du Tennessee. Une chasse au boeuf sauvage. Auger states that San Francisco began as did all western cities: Londres et se trouve a Paris: Chez Jean-Fran- cois Bastien, Bacourt, Adolphe Fourier de. Souvenirs d'un diplomate, lettres intimes sur l'Amerique Publiees avec une introduction par la Comtesse de Mirabeau. Souvenirs of a diplomat. The Church in Kentucky. Letters of the Rev. Stephen Badin to Bishop Carroll. American Catholic Historical Societv. Origine et progres de la mission du Ken- tucky, litats-Unis d'Amerique ; par un temoin oculaire [S.
Chez Adrien Le Clere, See also under Garraghan, Gilbert J. Baldensperger, professor at the Sorbonne and a corresponding member of the Institut, is co-director of the Revue de litterature comparee. He has fre- quently been in the Tinted States, where he has held appointments at Harvard and at Columbia University. He has written widely and brilliantly upon literary history and literature and has been one of the most active of a small group of distinguished scholars who have established the study of comparative literature.
For his reviews and articles upon American literature and Franco-American relations, as well as his im- pressions of America and Americans, see the recent bibliography, Publications de M. Le premier "instructeur" de frangais a Har- vard College: He wrote his L'Abeillc francaise for his Harvard students in While in Boston he founded a bookstore and a news- paper, Le Courrier de Boston, which he continued for seven months.
He later moved to Philadelphia. Notes sur les universites etrangeres. Reprinted from the Revue des sciences politiques, troisieme serie, trente-cinquieme annee, tome 43, April 15, , p. Re- vue de Paris. Le sejour de Brillat-Savarin aux Stats-Urns. La Revue de litterature comparee. Baldensperger, Fernand, and J. La premiere histoire indienne de Chateaubri- and et sa source americaine. History of the formation of the constitution of the United States of America.
Appleton and Company, Resume de l'histoire des litats-Unis d'Ameri- que. Histoire des fitats-Unis, par O. Barbaroux, continuee depuis l'annee jusqu'a nos jours par T. Quelques observations sur Emancipation des esclaves, avec un projet pour rendre cette mesure plus facile et moins desastreuse, par un frangais d'Europe [C.
Barbaroux, Charles Oge, and A. Voyage du general La Fayette aux fitats- Unis d'Amerique en et Barbe-Marbois, Franqois, marquis de. Histoire de la Louisiane et de la cession de cette colonie par la France aux fitats-Unis de l'Amerique septentrionale, precedee d'un dis- cours sur la constitution et le gouvernement des fitats-Unis. History of Louisiana, particularly of the ces- sion of that colony to the United States.
Our revolutionary forefathers; the letters of Frangois, marquis de Barbe-Marbois, during his residence in the United States as secretary of the French legation, Translated with introduction by E. Duf- field and Co. Bibliographic critique; and Villiers du Terrage, Marc, baron de. Talleyrand's visit to Brooklyn in Voyage au pavs des dollars. Cy there en Amerique. Mes souvenirs et aventures de colon. Origines et progres de l'education en Ame- rique. Ar- thur Savaete, Baroux lived among the Indians sixteen years. Régis Guillet: Books, Biography, Blogs, Audiobooks, Kindle
Notice sur la mission des Pottowatomies, dans l'etat du Michigan. Deneve, vicaire- general, superieur du College americain de Lou- vain. Imprimerie de Morand, Marins et soldats frangais en Ame- rique. Barras, Charles, and others. Les conditions du travail aux fitats-Unis etudiees specialement dans la tannerie au chrome pour chassures.
Mission du Ministere du Tra- vail mai Rapports presentes a M. Richard, et Charles Barras, chef de la mission. Le Jury frangais a Philadelphie. Bartholdi, Simonin, Fouret, et Cie. Rapport sur les arts decoratifs. Exposition internationale de Philadelphie en See Comite France-Ame- rique. Basterot, Florimond Jacques, vicomte de. De Quebec a Lima; journal d'un voyage dans les deux Ameriques en et en Au pays des Peaux-Rouges.
Six ans aux montagnes Rocheuses. La medecine transatlantique, les ecoles de medecine et les hopitaux du nord des fltats- Unis. Exposition internationale de Chicago en Rapports publies sous la direction de M. Par M VAbbd Ron in. One of the earliest books of French travel in America during the Revolution. Voyage a la Louisiane, et sur le continent de l'Amerique septentrionale, fait dans les annees a Second voyage a la Louisiane, faisant suite au premier de l'auteur de a Voyage dans l'interieur des fitats-Unis, a Bath, Winchester, dans la vallee de Shenan- doha.
Seconde edition, augmentee de descriptions et d'anecdotes sur la vie militaire et politique de Georges Washington Chez Ba- tilliot freres, imprimeurs-libraires.
Memoirs of the Right Reverend Simon Wm. John Gilmary Shea, Amerique — Angleterre — Corse — Spitzberg. Bazin travelled in America during See also Comite Franxe- Amerique. Le college sur la colline [Brown University]. Beaujour, Louis Auguste Felix, baron de. Felix Beaujour sur la con- vention du 8 vendemiaire an 9, entre la France et les fitats-Unis.
Apercu des fitats-Unis, au commencement du xix e siecle, depuis jusqu'en , avec des tables statistiques. Michaud, De- launay, Sketch of the United States of North America. See under Evans, Paul D. Beaumont, Gustave de la Bonniniere de. Marie, ou l'Esclavage aux fitats-Unis, tableau de moeurs americaines. Troisieme edition, revue et corrigee.
Du systeme penitentiaire aux fitats-Unis et son application en France. On the penitentiary system in the United States and its application in France Note sur le systeme penitentiaire et sur la mission confiee par M. Gustave de Beaumont et Alexis de Tocqueville. Rachel et le nouveau monde ; promenades aux fitats-Unis et aux Antilles. Her French Company was well attended in America, but not well appreci- ated. New York is described as a very sad city and Boston, where her success was greater, as literary and cultured.
Fires seemed to be one of the chief American amusements and firemen were always on some kind of exhibition. Pekin, Yeddo, San Francisco: A voyage round the world. Pekin, Teddo, and San Francisco. Le Travail industricl aux fitats-Unis. Rapports de la Mis- sion d'enquete. Bellaigue de Bughas, Louise Dubois de Beauchesne , comtesse de. Nos Americains; episodes de la guerre de Secession. See Dialogue entre Deux Mondes. For an European family life does not exist in America, for here the family has lost all authority. Marriage and divorce are simple and frequent.
In the United States female education is founded on an exact knowledge of things, in decided contrast to that in Europe. The European woman has an exalted imagination: The American woman is a realist and not a poetess; she expects nothing very marvelous from a man. In countries that live by illusions poets succeed because they have most illusions, but in the United States it is the mathematicians who ought to succeed. Le Baron de Camebrac en tournee sur le Mis- sissippi, souvenirs d'Amerique.
Bellemare, Eugene Louis Gabriel de [Pseud. An adventure with the Apaches. New York, Cincinnati, Chicago: Impressions de voyages et aventures dans le Mexique, la Haute Californie et les regions de Tor; par Gabriel Ferry t pseud. En vente chez tous les librairies de la ville et du royaume, Les squatters, La clairiere du bois des Hogues. Hachette et Cie, Souvenirs du Mexique et de la Californie, vovages et voyageurs. Reflets de la vieille Amerique. Bellonte, Maurice, joint author. See Costes, dleudonne, and maurice bellonte. Bellot des Minieres, Ernest. La question americaine, suivie d'un appendice sur le coton, le tabac et le commerce general des anciens fitats-Unis.
Compagnie financiere et commerciale. No positive evidence exists that the author actually travelled in America. La decouverte des sources du Mississippi et la Riviere Sanglante. Description du cours entier du Mississippi. Observations critico-philosophiques, sur les mceurs, la religion, les superstitions Coup d'ceil, sur les Compagnies Nord-ouest, et de la Baie d'Hudson, ainsi que sur la colonie Selkirk A pilgrimage in Europe and America, leading to the discovery of the sources of the Mississippi and Bloody River with a description of the whole course of the former, and of the Ohio.
C, continued 2 I. To the public of New- York, and of the United States. Printed by Joseph Darke ,,. U as extra no.
Gérard Collomb : Le baron rebelle (Hors Collection) (French Edition)
Adresse du fondateur d'Icarie aux Icariens. Lettre sur la colonie Icarienne par un Icarien. Depart de Nauvoo du fondateur d'Icarie avec les vrais Icariens. Mort du fondateur d'Icarie [Cabet]. La colonie Icarienne a Saint-Louis. Celebration du premier anniversaire de la naissance du fondateur d'Icarie [Cabet]. Organization du travail dans la communaute Icarienne.
Notre situation a Saint-Louis. Deuxieme lettre a Maximilien. Inauguration du cours Icarien. A mon ami Eugene. L'Espagne, Cuba et les fitats-Unis. See Delegation ouvriere francaise.

See Blanc, Marie Therese de Solms. His- toire, souvenirs, impressions de voyage. Paillart a Abbeville, Bernard, Leon, joint author. See Labbe, Mar- cel, and Leon Bernard. Au pays des dollars. Au dela de l'Atlantique. He was in charge of planning an extensive system of coast defenses, in which he was eminently successful. Fort Monroe in Virginia was designed by Simon. With the accession of Louis Philippe he re- turned to France. It is to be regretted that he did not find the time to write on American conditions; he was endowed with great intelligence and an agreeable style.
Bernard du Hautcilly, Auguste. Voyage autour du monde, principalement a la Californie et aux lies Sandwich, pendant les annees , , et Stabilimento tipografico Fontana, Duhaut-Cilly's account of California in the years Translated from the French by Charles Franklin Carter, illus. California His- torical Society. Memories of my life. Ap- pleton and Company, Voyage a la Louisiane et sur le continent de l'Amerique, fait dans les annees a Imprimerie expeditive, An xi — Vue de la colonie espagnole du Mississippi, ou les provinces de Louisiane et Floride occi- dentale en l'annee Duval- lon, editeur, Travels in Louisiana and the Floridas, in the year, , giving a correct picture of those countries.
Printed by and for I. Aus dem Franzo- sischen des von Duvallon L, i iv-xxviii, p. Sprengel, Bibliothek der neuesten und wichtigsten Reise- beschreibungen. La colonie du Kansas. Joseph Bonaparte en Amerique, Accompagne d'un portrait d'apres une gravure de M. Librairie de la Nouvelle Revue, The author combines the history of Joseph Smith with his own experiences in Utah. He became an ardent propagandist of the faith in France, where he trans- lated many Mormon documents into French. Previous to his conversion in he had spent seven years in the New World and had returned to Paris where he became editor of the Populaire.
A Mormon mis- sionary visited him in Paris and converted him; with four other converts he was baptised on Dec. After this he left his wife in Paris and went to live for four years in Utah. Biancour, Felix Fernand de. Le droit des gens: La France et les Yankees. Imprimerie de Pledran, He lived in the South for ten years. When he went to the United States he was a repub- lican; he is still a slavery man. His entire attitude is colored by the American attitude toward French intervention in Mexico and he warns Mr.
Seward that Napoleon III will spank him, if he does not mend his ways. Mexico is the Poland of the new world, states the author, and the United States is the Russia that first disorganizes and then conquers. He hopes that the South will again rise up and triumph against the North. The cause of all the troubles in the South came with the arrival of the Abolitionists, wretched sentimentalists. All the wicked and corrupt people in the States united against the honest minority and be- came Abolitionists. From the immense confidence of the Americans comes an energy that nothing can stop.
American education makes counterfeits of Plutarch's heroes. Everything in America runs to an excessive individualism. Education is often a bad thing for a nation; fortunately the French have been able to get along quite well merely by instinct. My rambles in the New World. Translated by Mary de Hauteville. Sampson, Marston, Searle and Rivington, Land- und Lebensbilder aus Nord- und Mittel-Amerika.
Einsie- deln, New-York [etc. Biddle, Edward, joint author. De Paris au Niagara; journal de voyage d'une delegation. Bixc, Samuel, La culture artistique en Amerique. Biron, Armand Louis de Goxtaut, duc de Lauzun, afterwards duc de. Chez Barrois l'aine, Memoires du duc de Lauzun , publies pour la premiere fois avec les passages supprimes, les noms propres, une etude sur la vie de l'auteur, des notes et une table generale, par Louis Lacour [pseud. Poulet-Ma- lassis et De Broise, Poulet-Malassis et De Broise, Memoires du duc de Lauzun et du comte de Tilly; avec avant-propos et notes par F.
Didot freres, fils et Cie. Bibliotheque des me- moires relatifs a l'histoire de France pendant le 18 e siecle. Memoires du duc de Lauzun. Introduction et notes de MM. Maurice Vitrac et Arnould Ga- lopin. Translated from the French by E. The court series of French memoirs. Memoirs of the duc de Lauzun; translated, with an appendix, by C.
- The Original eBook Torch!
- Mistress On Demand (Mills & Boon Modern) (Mistress to a Millionaire, Book 21).
- .
Broadway library of xvm. Blanc, Marie Tiierese de Solms. Les nouveaux romanciers americains, par Th. How- ells, Henry James, G. Les Americaines chez elles. Choses et gens d'Amerique. The condition of woman in the United States. Bureaux de la Re- vue militaire franchise, Guerre d'Amerique ; journal de campagne de Claude Blanchard. Par Maurice La Chenais. Marins et soldats franqais en Amerique. Editions Bau- diniere, Les portes de l'Amerique. Coup d'oeil sur New- York. La naissance, la vie et la mort d'un gratte- ciel. Sous le signe des "Cochons Aveugles. Scenes de la vie commerciale.
Les barons de la Biere. Petite lec;on d'argot americain. Sears Roebuck and Co. Au galop des trains. Chez les fils de la prairie. Les jaunes de San-Francisco. Le jeu du petrole. La publicite nerf de l'Amerique. Hollywood ou "le pays des ombres en chair et en os. Les gentlemen de cou- leur. Le chemin de bagne.
Ce que j'ai dit a un americain. Les plaisirs du dimanche. La nuit a New- York. Journal of my forty-fifth ascension, being the first performed in America, on the ninth of January, Impavidus, sortem non ti- met Icarium. Printed bv Charles Cist, This is undoubtedly one of the most curious and interesting items of travel in the L T nited States. It is the narrative of the first successful aerial flight in America.
The author was a Frenchman who had made many successful ascensions in various European cities and who was the first to cross the English Channel by air from France to England. In his ascension from Philadelphia he flew a distance of about fifteen miles in little more than forty minutes. It is worthy of note that the first person to accomplish an aerial flight in America was equipped with a passport from President Washington, who displayed great interest in the ex- periment. It would seem that there were three editions of this pamphlet published during Evans states that there was a French edition, but locates no copy.
The reprint of the pamphlet in the Magazine of history- quotes verse from an earlier and less complete edition in English. See Comite France- Amerique. Blouet, Abel Guillaume, joint author. A Frenchman in America.
Are You an Author?
Recollections of men and things. Blouet, Paul, and Jack Allyn. Jonathan et son continent. La societe ameri- caine. Boislecomte, Andre Olivier Ernest Sain, comte de. De la crise americaine et de celle des na- tionality en Europe. Un vaincu; souvenirs du general Robert Lee. Bonaparte, Joseph, king of Spain. Lettres d'exil Amerique — Angleterre — Italic publiees avec une introduc- tion, des notes, et des commentaires par Hector Fleischmann. See also Bertin, Georges; and Masson, Frederic.
Souvenir d'une mission indienne. Nakam et son fils Nigabianong; ou, L'enfant perdu. Casterman et fils, Portrait, planches, et cartes. Tableau comparatif entre la condition morale des tribus indiennes de l'etat de Wisconsin con- sideree sous l'influence du paganisme, et celle de leur etat actuel envisagee sous l'influence du catholicisme: Roch, a Paris le 22 mai Le Congres des religions a Chicago en D'ocean a ocean; impressions d'Amerique. Biblio- theque de la Vie moderne []. Considerations sur les systemes penitentiaires en general, et en particulier sur celui de Phila- delphie De l'influence que le systeme de Pennsylvanie exerce sur le physique et le moral des prisonniers.
The author emigrated to the United States during the French Revolution, was naturalized an American citizen, but returned to France under the Consulate. See Fay, Revolutionary spirit Reponse aux principals questions qui peuvent etre faites sur les Etats-Unis d'Amerique Tableau des fitats-Unis d'Amerique au com- mencement du xix e siecle. Testu et Dentu, Histoire de la participation de la Erance a l'etablissement des fitats-Unis; and D it- rand, John.
Bordeaux, Albert Franqois Joseph. Notes de voyage et de sejour. Janvier decembre Bos- sange et fils, In the introduction to this volume he states that he is favorably impressed with cultural activities in America; that libraries are every- where being formed; and that all contain French books. The French impression that all Americans are mer- chants is explained by the fact that almost all French- men who come to America come on business.
Government bureaucrats and other unpatriotic French government workers are voting for Macron. Macron will be the Lincoln of France. Macron will precipitate a civil war in France. The police and the military and other patriotic government workers will vote for Marine Le Pen. Marine Le Pen is not afraid of the globalizers nor the bankers.
Marine Le Pen was born to save the great nation of France. Rothschild whore Macron might be the Lincoln of France. Macron is uniting the upper middle class French scum who benefit from globalization and financialization with the non-European immigrants who have flooded into France over the past sixty years.
This will lead to civil war and political power struggles in France. Marine Le Pen has done well to make sure that the patriotic French people know what side Banker Boy Macron has taken in the Globalization vs Patriotism battle. Macron sides with the dark forces of transnational finance against the sovereignty and liberty of France. Macron sides with the huge hordes of invasionary interlopers who are pouring into France. Macron takes the side of radicalized Muslims against the traditional and historical identity of proud France.
Macron will sell out the French people to evil plutocrats who will further pauperize the French people. For the most part I agree. Globalisation is the end of the nation states, thus of political power. Combined with free capital movement, if my remembrance is correct, and the introduction of the euro, just one power was left: Big money behaves capitalistic, but capitalism is no more than daily decision making, such as choosing between investment and consumption.
The old socialists manouvred themselves into an impossible position when they thought they could bring prosperity to the world. Who reads about those who ran the Comintern is amazed at the education these people had, none, just ideals. Who ran the now disappeared Dutch socialist party: Who ran the Dutch SP, the prototype of the head primary school master in the Netherlands. Who runs our Greens, someone with little more than primary school. And so on, and so forth. I agree with your observation on the free rein given to capitalism incidentally also after the fall of the Berlin Wall and the implication it meant for the survival of the Nation State, with one exception.
There is one nation state that is never criticized or questioned by the MSM, talking heads and think tank pundits: Well, there is also Japan that is a powerful nation state, though effectively vassalized. So I guess the nation state has no future, and this does not bode well for Israel. Your observation on the educational and intellectual level of Socialists is quite apt. Essentially they are a treacherous lot. Last American tax revolt I remember was Californians ending massive propert tax rises about 50 years ago.
When in fact it is the whole country trying to take back their country from the global elite. I think we may be starting to figure it out. They pay your wages. Stop beating up hard working people. Now they have already forced what was once considered a young, dynamic French administration to run up the white flag. Not only that, but they have also given succour to similar movements across Europe, especially those rallying around issues, rather than political parties.
The French people have spoken. Do you hear them now? When capitalism blurred the line between small town Free Enterprise and Global Finance, they screwed the pooch. Americans do nothing, because gasoline here is relatively cheap. Then you have to transport the crude to the refinery, refine it, then transport it to the gas station….. So everybody on the way has to mark it up to pay their own costs, and also make a little profit. There was widespread discontent, and a Proposition, Prop 6, was placed on the ballot by the people to repeal the tax.
They defeated Prop 6 by a huge margin: Everybody pays for this. Do they stop and diffuse or can they continue? I am afraid that police think tanks know more about the dynamics and control of movements than the participants of the movement and what stages they may go through and the necessary condition to transform to higher political level. A supposidly good looking intelligent man who rejected beautiful women in favour of a weird sexual interest in his much older teacher, who was groomed from an early age to be what he is now pushing the globalist EU agenda on steroids.
This is not a Tweet-forum. The worst video you will see so far from France French police against YellowVests in Paris yesterday pic. Paris 'Yellow Vest' protest turns violent YellowVests https: This is an EU country. Supposedly a democratic, for the good of the people, union of nations. Yellow Jacket protests spread to Belgium. France Yellow Vests use all available options to carry out their protests. French President Emmanuel Macron is booed by crowds in Paris as he meets with police officers and firefighters following Saturday's violent anti-government protests in the capital YellowVests GiletsJaunes pic.
You must be a simpleton given that France has had a history of some of the finest low-cost and tuition free education in Europe. In addition, the French model of socialist-style health acre has done very well with the population like many similar programs throughout modern Europe.
At least until the neocon crazies got their grubby, little hands on them…. All hail the Calvinist Market-God! Whatever happens is the will of the Market-God … until it happens to me. Meanwhile, in The Great Socialist Paradise you use to think of as France while shaking your head, there is actually a private health service that works for everyone who can afford it. Now let that sink in for a minute. I strongly recommend anyone what is written in the above link: Mutti Merkel stating that nation states must give give up sovereingnty, for migration and for climate, at the same time parliaments are important.
Now who will get this sovereignty is not stated clearly, the EU is mentioned. Now how parliaments stay important while they have reduced their sovereingnty, can anyone explain this to me? And what is this EU that gets all this sovereignty? Just a bunch of bureaucrats, not controlled by anyone any more? Or are we just going to elect a European parliament, that then somehow forms a European government?
But if we have a European government, and a European parliament, then what are we doing with national parliaments? Here we get into translation problems, Volk literally is people, but with a cultural essence. German language since long knows the word Volksdeutsche, a German living outside Germany, yet considering himself to he German. Is anyone French who has the French nationality, or is one French when one feels to belong to the French culture?
The point of all this is beyond me. Merkel seems to be trying to change the world thoroughly, but what her end goal is, eludes me. When was the last time it happened? Americans internalized the gospel of free market and the condition that making the rich happy is in their interest better than anybody else.
America is the happiest and safest country in the world for the rich. Top down command and control models are exactly the sort of simple approach to planning that fails in complex systems like economies. Unlike you, I actually know something about complex systems science, having written peer reviewed papers in it. I doubt you know much about the subject. This is largely because compensation for medical professionals in France is way, way lower than in the U. Incidentally, per capita , public spending on health care is quite a bit higher in the U. Do you live in France?
At leaset they have public universities! Friends who live in France say the healthcare system there is fantastic. So, if it has gone downhill, that is something to mourn, and to fix. The German system, for instance, is not single payer. It is a two tier system with private hospitals and private insurers for those who can afford it.
It works better than the French system. I grew up in a single payer system, and even worked on operations research contracts within the very highest levels of the administration. There are massive and pervasive problems in a lot of single payer health systems pertaining to wait times, quality of care and the like.
I much prefer the US system for now , provided that one can afford it. What made you think I defend socialism? I was right that free mark is a fetish of simple minds like yours which is binary. It can hold only two categories it its active memory at one time. Probably a drop in the bucket compared to the cost of fixing up a palace on the coast for Macron and the First Mom.
French Riot Police remove helmets and stand with the crowd…. This is an interesting proposal, and thanks for taking the time to describe the program.
Régis Guillet
Actually, it sounds like an electronic scrip. I used to look favorably to the EU. More and more it looks like socialism for the financial elite. If you want access to EU internal markets you have to open your borders, open your: You are deprived of control over money supply, interest and exchange rates and so forth and finally government expenditure is limited by rules. Unfortunately references in this comment thread to Orwell and perhaps Huxley are close to the mark. To the extent these protests are indeed organic and spontaneous I wish the French people the best.
I like the titles of publications on your website. I was always interested in mathematical side of money creation. I noticed you discuss Fisher proposal from s. Doubt it would happen in modern day USA. Both sides of the political spectrum in the US love their helmet-clad enforcers. There are lots of others like that example all over US. No need for me to list any more.
Maybe Ms Johnstone figures that these days, no one will touch a story, any story, taking place in the real world without clearly-delineated leftist heroes, and heroism, to root for. Except, I think, for the ones left out of the telling. Are we sufficiently informed — let alone committed, to even come close to the Yellow Vests?
This is an obvious paraphrase of Aleister Crowley, who proclaimed himself in the XXth century as the Antichrist and the Beast In other words, obedient crowds should vote for Macron not for some rational reasons, not because of his ideas and virtues, but simply because this is the imperative law of the ruling elite.
And the disregard of the elites towards the obedient massacre masses is so open that they do not even bother to seduce them with impracticable promises: Europeans in Europe, should they desire it, would be allowed to retain their historic identities, physically and culturally.
Those countries wishing to form confederations or leagues with other countries. For Thierry Meyssan, by taking to the streets, the French have become the first Western population to take personal risks to oppose financial globalisation. Although they do not realise it, and still imagine that their problems are exclusively national, their enemy is the same force that crushed the region of the African Great Lakes and a part of the Greater Middle East.
In order to understand the project which inextricably unites these apparently disparate events, we have to take a step back. But if we analyse the situation as a single phenomenon affecting different cultures, we will discover the same mechanisms across the board. In these four countries, consecutive with the end of capitalism, the middle classes disappeared more or less rapidly, and with them the political system that they incarnated — Democracy.
So either the Western leaders abandon the financial system they have developed and return to the productive capitalism of the Cold War, or they will have to invent a different organisation that no-one has so far been able imagine. Failing that, the West, which has directed the world for five centuries, will sink into a long period of internal chaos.
The revolt lead to the overthrow of Charles de Gaulle. He resigned in Three years later a law was passed to reform the Bank of France. This means that Article 25 of the Law of 3 January prohibits the Bank of France to give credit to the state, condemning France to turn to private banks and to pay interest; whereas before this law, when the state borrowed money, he did it with the bank of France, which he owned, lent him uninteresting.
In other words, before the French state had the right to coin money, and with this new law, he loses this right is at the same time left to private banks, who take the opportunity to enrich themselves at the expense of the State lending him with interest the money he needs. This decision represents a privatization of money and bring the nation on par with any of its citizens.. As an addendum regarding the idea of the globalist types being allowed their own particular territory, perhaps called Pangea, or maybe New Pangea, where their fellows from all over the world could come live, any donated territory for such a project would have at least some chance of being given up only temporarily.
Do you Hasbara trolls enjoy your fake conversations, or do you think the the goyim are simply stupid enough to fall for you fake soliloquies? You sound like a rube for the globalists. They love accolades for the free market system, but in reality they hate it, and are deathly afraid of it.
They kill it off with monopolies every chance they get. The only system they can mildly tolerate next to theirs is socialism — another form of a monopoly. What is remarkable about the letter is the striking sweep of history, especially regarding Jewish-Christian relations, demonstrated by Ben Gurion, as well as his knowledge — from an avowedly secular Jew — of Jewish source texts including the Torah and the Prophets.
In addition, his language is bold and assertive, and he reveals secret meetings he held with the highest Arab authorities before the declaration of the Jewish state in an attempt to forestall conflict. He writes of the Jews as the first people to recognize the existence of one God, i. Late in , after his election to the Zionist leadership, he met with Muslim and Christian Arab leaders in Palestine, Lebanon, and Syria.
The major part of the negotiations was carried out with Musa Alami, a confidant of the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem. An agreement was reached. If they agreed, there would be a meeting of the kings of Arab countries in order to sign an agreement with the Zionist leadership that would be presented to the British Mandate government. Tragically, it was not to be. Toward the end of , the British Labour party did adopt a resolution calling for the establishment of a Jewish state on both sides of the Jordan, which also stated that Arab countries would be granted independence.
He had urgently implored Israel not to attack. But Israel ignored him and attacked on June 5. You will be considered the aggressor by the world and by me. You will cause the Soviet Union to penetrate more deeply into the Middle East, and Israel will suffer the consequences. You will create a Palestinian nationalism, and you will never get rid of it. By that time, however, Israel was receiving its major weapons from the United States and the embargo had little effect.
Do you think we are all dumb and lazy …. Video was taken down, but here it is again…. By allowing capitalism to run wild, President Bush Sr. But capitalism is not a political project, it is simply a system of logic designed for creating profit. The logic of the US multinationals was to increase their profits by de-localizing production to China, where it is now possible, and where workers are the lowest paid in the world.
Meyssan supports redirecting economic activity along the lines of national development rather than de-localized global profits. But precisely, foreign policy has been kept on the sidelines of the democratic field since the dissolution of the Soviet Union. It is both necessary and urgent to resign from almost all of the treaties and engagements of the last thirty years. Only the states which are able to re-affirm their sovereignty can hope to recover. Almost impossible but there it is. This article was so informative for a non-French person, including the part questioning the electric car as an anti-nuclear social-engineering project that depends on maintaining the energy status-quo in France.
Elites assume that ordinary people never question the feasibility of their schemes; we lack the reasoning skills, they think. Some of the Yellow Vests are going too far, though, like the art maimers. Wonder if they will leave the marred statue of Marianne un-repaired, like a scarred ruin from Antiquity? Their job is to keep you ignorant and subservient to the oligarchs. The rest is just window dressing to try and hide that fact.
Interesting phenomenon, one of the few worth news. We see the chaining of these kind of movements, as partly described above in a short burst, the acceleration of the total sum over time of similar movements, as meaningful voting. All in the service of sustainable ethics? News for once, not daily brew and stew of suffocating junk. At the least an indicator that, although confused, the deplorable masses are groaning, AND directing their anger to where it matters. The artificial complexity of the system, convention needs to be broken down to clear the field of vision, and nothing much will be lost at that.
If our nihilistic public intellectuals are stark naked cheerleaders, what will become thee, but a second rate US presence on the world scene. In order to keep the Arabs on the allied side GB in drastically reduced jewish migration to Palestine. Zionists then began preparing for war, immediately after the end of WWII, in order to first expel the British, then the Palestinians. The only Arab army of any significance at the time was the tiny Jordan one. The deal; we the sephardic jews to work the land, you their possessions. Zionists were asjkenazi jews, as Solsjenytsyn already described about tsarist Russia, asjkenazi jews loved trade, tilling the soil was for others.
Probably should be pointed out — ideology aside, why has the yellow vest uprising been effective when Tea Parties and Occupy-Whatevers could never hope to be? Think about how easy it would be to turn back an army of ants, or an army of locusts, if they were dependent upon leaders. Even those that you pay for. Even those that you pay for can and do severely limit comments. I am not aware of any other site that is as tolerant of reader comments as unz.
I am not aware of any other web site that offers this variety of contributors from the entire spectrum. Unz moderators can flush a comment for any reason or no reason at all. They can outright ban a poster for any reason or no reason at all. Except, I am not sure what letter is referenced at the beginning of the post.
One very important correction. They are about heating fuel taxes, a big difference. Heating fuel taxes set off a monster inflationary spiral. Business raises prices to pay the tax. But consumers are buying less because they have to pay the tax to keep the pipes and family from freezing. Schools and government buildings have to be heated. So they charge more for building permits, drivers marriage tobacco sale and other licenses.
Cost of getting a copy of a birth certificate goes from maybe 2 to 5 euros. The travel documentary ramble about everything else in France I skipped. The issue has been litigated and decided thousands of times over the last years. The whole Sephardi thing is just part of Jewish victimology and grievances. Not the Persians, a separate group, but all other middle eastern Jews are mostly Mizrahi indigenous Jews who never left ancient Palestine, Egypt and other Mid East countries.
Never forget, never forgive. The real issue is not what happens internally at UNZ regarding free speech and censorship. Essence is gas, for cars; diesel, anyone understands; the word fioul is from fuel, light oil for heating, France is not rich, additional heating in winter is done with stoves without chimneys, that burn on fioul, maybe best translated by kerosene; gazole is for house heating installations on oil, with chimneys.
De Gaulle long ago wanted a France not dependent on ME oil countries, so France has dozens of nuclear power plants, electricity was quite cheap in France, was, often is, used for heating. What idiot Macron and his cronies do not seem to know is that even French double income households, quite common for French wives to have a job, for years had problems making ends meet.
Now a president increases the cost of living for CO2 emission reduction! As political commentators who follow the movement in the streets state, no discussion is possible between politicians and yellow coat wearers, they live in complete different worlds. An article was published she wrote in her Danone time: Danone as the arcadic work community, where anyone can develop himself harmoniously. This was at the time when French labour organisations had paralysed French society because Macron had made it easier to fire people, his labour reform.
What, in your opinion is a fascist these days, a thirties Italian concept, why is Marine le Pen a fascist, and, if she is, what is wrong with being a fascist according to your definition? This is an old pattern, Rags. The demonstration starts in one place and moves wherever it really wanted to be to begin with, or it gets hijacked. Might have been one in three. Never made the papers, gee whiz. Man, it seems like an eon since I was Ragnar at Original Dissent and all this seemed so much simpler, or earlier still at the Sam Francis Forum.
We thought elections had to do with something back then. We thought protests were real! The internet problem is that it does not exist. As it does not have central control it cannot be switched off. What I understand about it, not being an IT expert, that it is no more than a protocol, anyone who adheres to this protocol can hook up equipment to the system.
A multiplication of disruptions would poke at the pancake ars that goes for policy makers. On our side of the pond, if Paris is listening, please show us some bravoure alas brawn. Brains without balls, indeed a mortal mutation. The race is on, either the elites heed the warning and sophisticate their approach, including inviting in outsider talent, or they serve more of the same, betting the short.
There are a few timely redresses, they must include as a prime variable after all: The kCal energy use of the deplorables got an undesirable burst. We believe in top-down policies, many apply to range and over time, few are worthy in the long run. The cost of doing business, locally, but apt for copy-paste, got a jolt for all parties to learn from.
In addition, health care in Belgium is far better than in france using their socialized medicine model. After all they lived there for years. And what about the Russian and American soldiers who lived there and the Americans who still live in Germany? As an economic system, Fascism is the best system mankind has come up with since the ice age ended. Communism failed everywhere from Cuba to China. Socialism has been hijacked by anti working class rich progressives.
Capitalism is destruction of its workers, from engineers to dishwashers by cheap, cheaper cheapest labor. Facism is reasonable government help for everyone both capital and labor and nationalism to prevent capitalists from scouring the earth for cheap cheaper cheapest labor. Fascism is the perfect balance of all the competing economic forces. Mussolini and the greatest man of the 20th century, General Francisco Franco developed it and Franklin Roosevelt copies some of it for his new deal which was hi jacked by his communist advisors.
Every other country invaded caved in to communism. For some reason, Facist countries have a lower crime rate than capitalist socialist or communist countries. Japan is a perfect example of Facism. Government is heavily involved in the economy and keeps the capitalists under control. Crime is very low due to strict law enforcement and few civil rights. Japan is very nationalistic. Japan for the Japanese!!!!!! Belgium, suppose nobody follows the news about signing Marrakech there or not. For some time I did not understand what was going on, but I now wonder if I understand the game.
Alas, this party, NVA, is so big that Belgium cannot be governed without them. How this exactly is legally, do not know. But the game seems to be that the Belgian prime minister is going to sign Marrakech, thus manoevring NVA into the position that, in order to prevent the Belgian signature, NVA must let the government fall. NVA then gets, it is hoped, I think, a double blame: As the yellow coat movement has begun also in Belgium I wonder what voters will do at the next election, putting party interests before the interests of the country may backfire.
French politicians do not have a clue about the why of the yellow coats, I wonder if Belgian politicians understand their voters better. Videos are available on the net. There are strugles with policemen. But, there are also often call from the protesting crowd for police to take their side. This has succeded sometimes. Oh yes, it CAN be switched off, with ease, for the rest. The marred statue is only a copy. Mainstream medias have fabricated an impressive event from a nothingburger. AFAIK diesel fuel is the same as heating oil. At least, when I lived in Germany it was. That is, when you got the tank filled up for your little heating stove, I think the per-liter price was quite a bit lower than the price for vehicles at a gas station.
Actually, I think farms could also get the fuel for farm vehicles at a cheaper price than Mercedes drivers. My friends who had an old Mercedes would come out to visit me and fill their tank from our heating oil tank. I had a stove in my Bude that burned heating oil. Very common in those days. There was a tank out in the shed. We all shared paying for the heating oil. You had a Kanne that you filled from the tank and brought back to your living space and filled the tank of your heating stove. You got the thing going by letting a small amount of oil enter the burning cavity. T hen you dropped down into it a strip of wax-impregnated paper that you had lit with a match.
Hopefully, the strip burned long enough to heat up the fuel so it started to burn, and you were good to go. This had to be done first thing on cold mornings in the winter. Not everyone has central heating, you know! As for whether this is the same thing as kerosene—not sure. We had a kerosene stove also when I was growing up. I never heard that one could drive anything with that fuel. Yawn and a laugh.
And to put into that indictment the major charge: And then it dawned upon us, what would we do? Holocaust Denial , by Ron Unz: As part of the process, information would be made readily available to any and all interested as to how partitions had been accomplished in the past.. Those wishing for the right of self-determination would be freely allowed to campaign and fully inform their respective group, pros and con, on the subject.
After a set period of time referendums on the subject could then take place to determine just which groups might be interested in separating and those person or groups that do not. They would meet, possibly under some form of agreed upon arbitration, to determine what territories would be occupied by whom. Any such self-determination process were it to happen would have to have strong police and military presence not in general to protect from those desiring or seeking self-determination, but from those of the Antifa sort and or what is termed the radical left, in the case of the latter, more and more simply the US Democratic party.
Of course, despite a strong police and military presence and despite their best efforts to suppress it, there might be some violence during such a process. And hence, a big part of the reason for those who desire self-determination. The slavery aspects underpinning multi-culturalism and its implications are devastating to the powers that be. That amicable separation if at all possible is best.
Find those amongst the Jewish people of good will who are open to that and consider joint speaking engagements. First, regarding certain of the mechanics of it. BTW, that information is available, in minute detail, as we speak, to the public. Anyone willing to spend some time on the topic. There is no political violence right now in US.
What you see as a violence people with experience in those matters see as a kindergarten play. Similarly stay away from the Confederacy meme, but know the history of the Civil War. Regarding those things, some seem to think this is all some sort of a game. I believe there is no will at the moment and foreseeable future. So, I do NOT have any ideas about that at the moment and foreseeable future.
He will get enough votes from parties not in the government to pass the proposal remember that there are dozens of parties in the Parliament. The Prime Minister will sign the migration pact which will trigger the collapse of his government. New elections will be called, most likely in January at which time he will not be the new Prime Minister. Remember that the King of Belgium is actually the King of the Belge people and not of the country. We, the peasant voters projected our wish for a leader on to candidate Trump.
In the last 2 years Californians have seen the dangers of the kind of heating arrangements you describe. Many rural and suburban areas that burnt down in the fires are in septic and propane tank areas. When the fire hits the propane tanks they just explode, flaming fuel everywhere house to house to house. Relative lived in that Napa neighborhood where 22 people burnt to death. He saw the propane tanks exploding one by one up the hill to his house. They were the only family that survived. They took the fire road up the mountain and then to the coast. That town Paradise that was burnt out had a lot of septic and propane homes on the outskirts.
It all costs money and taxes can raise the price to an unsustainable level. We have those systems in many areas of the US too. I assume you thought I was writing only about a municipal utility company with underground gas lines directly into the furnace and stove. You can go out into the woods and get your own wood, but you still have to buy any kind of oil gas propane diesel whatever is used in your building.
Both paths would challenge current US Neoliberal power, and would be contested by all means, with the real issue being how that fight would work out. France — and Italy, Greece, Portugal … — suffer from 9 years of depressed economies because of the eurozone straitjacket. Spent into circulation by national governments. Then it depends solely on political will in the country in question. The issue is domestic, and political not legal.
They would of course like to stop it, but then they would have to invade. The European Central Bank shall have the exclusive right to authorise the issue of euro banknotes within the Union. The European Central Bank and the national central banks may issue such notes. The banknotes issued by the European Central Bank and the national central banks shall be the only such notes to have the status of legal tender within the Union. Member States may issue euro coins subject to approval by the European Central Bank of the volume of the issue. The Council, on a proposal from the Commission and after consulting the European Parliament and the European Central Bank, may adopt measures to harmonise the denominations and technical specifications of all coins intended for circulation to the extent necessary to permit their smooth circulation within the Union.
Then it is not government debt as defined by the EU.
Equating a heating oil tank with a propane tank. You are really ignorant. Judging by your name you may be Belgian. In the last case, new elections, of which the ruling class hopes that NVA will be the loser. Now again, I may be completely wrong in this analysis. But clear seems that many in Belgium are fed up with this circus, as it has been called on Belgian tv. How it became possible that in many of the EU member states there emerged a ruling class completely without contact with middle and lower class, I still do not understand. Since quite a while, year s maybe, the inclination of resorting to violence has been seen increasing in many EU member states.
But those in the Brussels EU ghetto seem to live completely isolated. The easy victory of the yellow coats in France does not seem to have made any impact among most Belgian politicians. Never before in French history had a president to accept defeat in just under two weeks. One thing is clear: Jupiter lost all credibility and authority.
The only way out I see in new elections, president and parliament, but if the French electoral system is not changed profoundy before elections, nothing will change. De Gaulle, when he was asked to save France from civil war, could demand a new constitution, and got what he wanted. But who in present France is so in esteem that he can demand a new constitution as condition for saving France? What if in few days Michel will be in the same position as Macron now? The only man capable of leading Belgium right now seems to me to be Bart de Wever.
If clown Michel flies to Marrakech to sign, there are quite a few good hotels there, Churchill and Harry Hopkins liked it there. It is rumoured that the Michel family has African investments for dozens of millions. Have you ever heard of a tank of diesel fuel exploding froma spark hiting it, like propane? So, back to the main topic, which is that I think the French know what they are rioting about, and so does Diane Johnstone.
She is writing about France, not California, silly. While I sympathize with France also want to put these technocrat, neoliberal, globaist people six feet under and those not conforming to the following statement, victims of a broken electoral process, France voted this guy into office! He was literally likened to Obama. What the hell did they think would happen?? These protests need to stop outside the doors of the people drinking the punch who vote for these clowns.
He just controlled the primaries in Left and Right himself did not participates in order to have only dumb or discredited adversaries. Then in final round he comfronted Le Pen, which was kind of a nazi, according to every mainstream media. Macron is not the worst of the worst.
That may explain this: Anyway, before he got elected: The French voting system allows anyone, not quite, but practically, to run for president in the first round of the elections. Now I do not now remember the results of the last election, but differences between the three main candidates were very small: I must admit that few French bothered to vote. The present French consitution was designed in such a way that always a stable government was assured. Any country has the problem of its history, between the two world wars some cabinets were in office for a few days?
The problem with this constitution is of course that a ruling class has been formed, mayors have great political influence, if I remember correctly you need the personal support of a number of mayors to be a candidate. Stability is great, of course, but a stability that makes it possible for a ruling class to remain in power, one wonders what democracy is.
After the Hollande Le Pen election, based on the popular vote, Front National should have got some of the seats, at least. My wife is Belgian of both Wallonia and Flemish roots and my late mother in law was born in France. I have lived like a Belgian at home for some 40 years and have been to France and Belgium many times. You may be interested in my comments on the new French Revolution in detail at:. Now I finally understand why France is importing so many young males from the Middle East and Africa. One look at the French soccer team is all it tales to understand the plight of the poor French woman.
No one should burn down French cities. Just burn the cars, etc. People live in cities, plus we like to visit French cities. There is no French soccer team. This began when the European Court obliged France to accept a Belgian black soccer player in the national team. That can make the difference when dealing with seemingly overwhelming power, especially if those you are dealing with solidly know they have a very poor moral cause. If there were not already some like that, they would pay for their presence amongst those opposed to the present state of things which they no doubt do in certain instances.
It needs too much work and planning and Washington will stop it every way they can. That leaves a dictatorship, which implies a coup, and probably Civil War 2. Anyone worried about being called a Nazi! But when a raging forest fire hits a propane tank it explodes and flaming fuel shoots all over and burns the homeowners to death as well as spreading the fire silly city sissy boy. I googled around the internet and discovered that th tax raise applied to all heating fuel, whether municipal utilities or whatever they use in alpine hunting cabins with well water and propane tanks.
Johnstone seemed to think the new tax applied only to gasoline taxes for vechicles. And after looking around the internet I learned that the tax raise applies to all fuel, gas for vechicles or heating fuel of every kind silly city sissy boy. Segue off into a display of what you assume about French heating systems silly sissy boy? And being a silly city sissy boy you have no idea of what happens when a forest fire hits a neighborhood heated by popane tanks. Bwahaha, On two counts. The lengths the macho men of RU will go to insult others are hysterical.
Once again, Little Girl, what I posted had nothing to do with propane. Why are you trying to pick a fight and be right. Grow up and grow a pair. Why did you assume I was only writing about city underground gas piped directly into the furnace and stoves?? Why do you assume many French use heating systems you describe? Maybe up in rural areas of the mountains, but not in cities and towns. From what I understand the taxes are on a wide range of items.
Appended are the increase in taxes proposed by Macron in Notice how the media fails to mention taxes other than fuel taxes. Such taxes will force businesses to raise the cost of purchasing other items to the French public e. Taxes and the percentage increases: The taxes also apply to kerosene diesel propane essence or any kind of fuel. I checked before I posted. They use the system you describe and they pay the taxes in the feud on whatever kind of fuel it is. I just read about heating taxes. Heating and electricity taxes are so destructive to an economy.
Prices are raised to pay the taxes, consumers and businesses buy less and less and a depression ensues. But people on welfare got some kind of subsidy paid for by the workers who paid the full tax on their utility tax as well. My own opinion is that the Globalists want to turn France into a plantation economy for the rich globalists. Warning from Saber Solo Seven: This is a video of the director general of the National Police stating that armored vehicles will be deployed this Saturday.
In response, the VIGI police union for support staff has just announced an unlimited strike to shut down the five police unions who are calling for the military to put down the French people. Without the support staff the National police actions will soon crash as the police are worn out and are running out of tear gas. Many also do not want to carry out their orders but cannot strike. Videos also show that a portion to the CRS riot police are very violent which is normal as they are often former military deployed around the world to crush brown and black people for the corporate interests.
For this faction of the National Police cracking the heads of French is much easier to do now that they have gone full sadistic. There is a lot of evidence that the National Police do not fully support the Macron regime but cannot strike. General Bertrand Soubelet retired as soon as he found out the composition of the corrupt Macron government. As far from perfect as I am, I at least sometimes see the cup as half full, and not always being empty.
The vigi union is a subsidiary of the CGT union. This one was bound to the communist french party. They obeyed to Moscow. The anger of people is quite real. Nevertheless everybody should understand that it is a color revolution, like the Arabs Springs. If the color revolution does not suceed, it will be the end of the American Empire, since USA will have lost almost every allied governement in Eurasia, but UK and Japan.
Such is the way Macron police reacts to protestors, they are pushed to burn cars in area of Paris which are notoriously cosmopolitan upperscale and pro-US. Macron is neither dead, neither stupid. You took a brief look at that possibility and, with reason, recoiled in horror. Commander Rockwall comes to mind in that area. Cannot imagine French soldiers using machine guns on French citizens. The 14th of July each year is a national holiday, at that date French soldiers joined the mob storming the Bastille.
If they indeed shoot, what the consequences will be? But, the Sun King tried to escape, his coach was halted, he ended under the guillotine. If the French airforce will let him go, not sure for me. Obviously the Globalists are up to no good but we do not know what is it exactly.
France has been playing the game the NWO wants for some time already. France even returned to NATO. The French have stronger immune system. Is their resistance and ability to react used against them in this case? This would be a complicate and risky operational game. Were they purposefully provoked or was it spontaneous and unexpected and now various actors are trying to steer it in directions they like? One should not overcomplicate speculations. At this point we can only look at who may benefit from it in different scenarios but even this leads to multilayer speculations.
Basically we mast wait and see. Those carbque you have seen before were always in suburbs and ghettos inhabited by children of immigration. Dumb poor peoples put on fire cars owned by other poor peoples. It makes for a few hundred cars every years. That is nothing relative to 20 million cars in France.
For instance, I live in paris, but I cannot remember seing one in real life. Basically, you can take anything US media say about life in France as being wrong or overated. That is why this text from Diana Johnstone is exceptionnal. I only found one small error about the tidal energy. Today, the cabque is not the one we knew. Suddenly, police forces were not able to protect car in this upperscale area.
Success, as defined from the point of view of the instigators: Or, long lasting chaos may be good enough. There was different kind of troops at that time. There was Royal Army, Guards from the City of Paris and some troops, drafted from the jails … which were used by Insurgent Authorities.
Anyway, there is several cases in the last two or three centuries, when soldiers shot civil protests or workers on strike. About today, of course lot of police or army forces are neutral or sympathetic to protestors. The real thing is: Anyway, twelve armored vehicle have been dispatched. Not sure about the exact area which will be protected. Maybe the storming crowd will be permitted to attack some other official building in the vicinity? Would you say that resignation of de Gaulle in was one of successes of instigators of the revolt?
That Pompidou years later could bring French law concerning central bank in sync with the Anglo-American consensus? I believe you know as much as myself on these topics. A few details which could be relevant: May be the instigators did not make very much in But it had been the choice of DeGaulle to give him First Minister position, many years before. Furthermore, Pompidou was deadly sick at the time of the central bank law.
After that, he had been a major player in the making of European Union. Usually, chiefs of french army keep their position when a new president is elected. There is two cues: Since both previous french presidents were US poodles, no usual place of meeting was safe. You started the fight by jumping on my comment about how a rise in fuel cost including heating fuel leads to inflation and then recession with your ignorant claim that the tax only applied to gasoline.
The tax applied to all utilities including water and electricity. Water is plentiful in France due to snow melt from the mountains vast numbers of lakes and rivers and days of rain a year in some areas. But a tax on water was included in the utility tax raise. All utilities including all fuel were subject to the new taxes, not just gasoline as you claimed. And those tanks of heating fuel propane or whatever in France or America are extremely dangerous when there a wildfire as they spread the fire. France is a modern country and uses nuclear power for electricity and heat more than USA does.
The taxes on nuclear electricity were raised along with power produced by fossil fuels, silly sissy city boy. People in the Anglo world are really deprived of information about France and most importantly what the French really think, what are their attitudes, prejudices and even paranoias. American and Brits are dismissive of France and not infrequently hostile to France. The working knowledge of French language is rare. And French commentators are infrequent on English language blogs.
We often have been in France, a country with stil a lot of room, many months, each year, during the last fifteen years or so. Now of course, there is not A France, no country is homogeneous. Already in there were serious rebellions, mainly Muslims in suburbs, called banlieues, places where mainly white French police hardly dares to go.