The Lyonedes Legacy Modern mini series

Pursued by the Devil.

Carole Mortimer: Biography, Bibliography, and a List of Books by Author Carole Mortimer

Wicked Surrender Regency Sinners 2. Pursued by the Viscount Regency Unlaced 4. Harlequin Presents April - Bundle 1 of 2. Hot Nights with a Spaniard: Lovers in the Afternoon. A Taste of the Forbidden. A Prize Beyond Jewels. Captured by a Gentleman Regency Unlaced 6.

9 customer reviews

Dark and Dangerous The Scandalous St. Harlequin Presents March - Box Set 2 of 2. Claiming His Christmas Bride. Hired For His Pleasure: Glass Slippers and Unicorns.

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Write a product review. Most helpful customer reviews on Amazon. I'm fond of stories featuring sassy heroines reforming rakes and this one is gratifying. Gorgeous artwork and excellent adaptation by Takako Hashimoto. Like the story and the authors way of writing. This was a great read another book which ties in a previous one.

A book that I will keep in my collection. Maybe there is a problem with me but these novels, the newer ones seem to anti-climatic. It's really annoying to read through a whole novel and not relate emotionally or otherwise to any piece of the novel. It just seems like a waste of time. What happened to the old school novels that made me want more? I loved this book, it was hilarious.

His Reputation Precedes Him (Mills & Boon Modern) (The Lyonedes Legacy, Book 2) (E-Book, EPUB)

The characters reminded me of 'Pride and Prejudice', my favourite book of all time. The insults fly almost from get go because of preconceived notions of knowing who someone is before you have met them. Jul 03, Dalia rated it liked it. Jan 03, Charlie rated it liked it Shelves: This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers.

To view it, click here. I liked the h's putdowns of the H at first but then she was a bit of spineless plonker when it came to her ex who was the infertile one i mean come on she held all the cards and let him insult her and get away with it.

Carole Mortimer

If you're gonna be tough be consistent. The poor H didn't know what had hit him, he seemed to have no real past angst or issues so that made a refreshing taste. He fell for the h pretty darn quick although it took him a whi Erm He fell for the h pretty darn quick although it took him a while to realise it. I'd go back and double check but i really can't be bothered Nov 29, A rated it liked it. For once, the H was more like-able than h. Despite his so called womanizing reputation that 'h' keeps bringing up, his behavior and his intentions are really honorable. The h isn't so bad.

She is a little cynical and has no clues on exactly what she wants out of life except for a baby. Her bio clock is clicking so bad, she is considering IVF despite having no fertility issues! Mar 19, Megan rated it liked it Shelves: It felt a little rushed but I still enjoyed it. Mar 16, Vanessa rated it did not like it.

Eva knew all about the rep that Markos has and she tries to avoid him, but he soon corners her and their chemistry skyrockets.

She attempted the marriage thing before to a loser so why bother. He was even humorous in a few scenes.

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However, nothing satisfying came of that either. Markos annoyed me when he changed towards the end all because of a mutual acquaintance…. He seemed to believe that Eva was out to give him some of his own medicine or what he believed she believed was his own medicine — where did that insecurity come from?

It sort of irks me as well!!