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Built with an innovative, user-generated narrative structure that immerses a child in the story, Little Red Riding Hood re-invents interactive storytelling. Readers play games to help Little Red Riding Hood collect three different objects in the course of her journey through the woods, choosing what items to gather at forks in the path. A revolutionary new form of non-linear narrative storytelling, with eight different routes through the tale — a sort of multimedia, animated 21st Century Choose-Your-Own-Adventure Nine different games and activities embedded in the story Innovative forms of interactivity: From Nosy Crow, the creators of award-winning apps: It means a lot to us!

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Sign up for app announcements: Book, Classics, Reading, Sight Words. Improved support for newer devices. Nosy Crow's spin on the beloved fairy tale is sure to win the hearts of yet another generation with delightfully fresh characters and marvelous, detailed illustrations. Because the storyline itself changes with the decisions and paths you choose, rediscovering this classic tale in a new way with your kids or on your own is a great pleasure.

New Spanish kids' story with audio: Little Red Riding Hood

This music monkey is like how many music Turns do we have?? The Three Bears Los tres osos decide to go for a walk because the soup they have prepared for dinner is too hot.

Little Red Riding Hood in Spanish - Grimm’s Fairy Tales - Read in Spanish with English Subtitles

The bears return to discover not only a surprise guest snuggled in Baby Bear's bed, but also the badly damaged chair. But first she leaves to find her friend, Little Rat Ratoncito , to help her. Once again the soup turns out to be too hot to eat and the entire group goes for a walk-all except Salsa, who enjoys the soup on his own.

After it is mended, they decide to touch it up with a new coat of paint. The group carefully considers the colors red and green, but the color blue wins the day.

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To everyone's dismay, Little Rat rocks in the new chair and breaks it again! Once Little Rat and Goldilocks have turned up, everyone looks for Salsa, who they find in a green bowl — where he's enthusiastically playing maracas. During the party preparations, Baby Bear reveals that he wants a puppy. He receives a banana, an apple, a soccer ball, a wooden train, a yellow shirt and, finally-a puppy! While watching a cooking show on television, the two decide to make hot chocolate.

Caperucita Roja

After the pair leave the kitchen to let their concoction simmer, Little Rat Ratoncito and other characters drop by to add some unconventional ingredients to the recipe, including a tennis shoe. After seeing that she is bearing many treats, the Wolf hatches a plan to steal them that leads to taking both Little Red Riding Hood and Grandmother prisoner.

Lucky for them, Salsa witnesses everything and tells a policeman, who saves the day. The Wolf el Lobo takes on different disguises in his relentless quest for food.

New Spanish kids' story with audio: Little Red Riding Hood

He pretends to be a chocolate salesman, a singer and, finally, a maid. Still not satisfied, the Wolf el Lobo tries one more disguise in an effort to get food. Grandmother la Abuela allows the Wolf to enter dressed as an old man. Even though everyone can plainly see it's the Wolf, they decide to play along with his charade in order to teach him to say "please" and "thank you. Bloated and queasy, the Wolf is carried away on a stretcher.

Grandmother la Abuela puts the Wolf el Lobo on a diet and exercise program after discovering how much weight he has gained. Then, the wolf put on grandma's dress and hat, and slid into the bed.

Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Soon, Little Red Riding Hood knocked on the door. May I come in? At that moment a hunter emerged from the forest. He saw the house and decided to stop and ask for a glass of water. He was looking for a big wolf who had been stealing sheep from the village. The hunter heard a strange whistling inside the house. He looked through the window and saw the big wolf snoring on Grandma's bed. He won't escape me this time! Carefully and quietly, the hunter crept into the cottage.

Approaching the bed, he heard the sound of a little girl crying The hunter used his knife to open the stomach of the wolf, and out popped Little Red Riding Hood and her Grandma, safe and sound. When the wolf woke up and saw the hunter, he ran away as fast as he could. The big rocks gave him such a stomach ache that he became vegetarian, and never bothered the village again.

Little Red Riding Hood's mother arrived at Grandma's house when the sun was setting. She had been worried because her daughter hadn't returned home. When she saw Little Red Riding Hood she cried tears of joy. After having thanked the hunter again, Little Red Riding Hood and her mother walked back home through the forest.

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