Que j'annonce aux dormeurs l'aurore! Nous contemplons l'obscur, l'inconnu, l'invisible. Marine Terrace, septembre La France, dans sa nuit profonde, 35 Verra ma torche flamboyer! Te Deum, je crierai: Le bois est sombre, Les corbeaux volent en grand nombre, Il va pleuvoir. Chasse le daim, chasse la biche, Cours dans les bois, cours dans la friche, Voici le soir.

Chasse le czar, chasse l'Autriche, 15 O chasseur noir! Le renard fuit, pas de refuge Et pas d'espoir! Les feuilles des bois — Chasse les ours! Chasse le brigand Bonaparte, O chasseur noir! Le ciel et la mer font rage. C'est la saison, c'est l'orage, C'est le climat. Tout prend un hideux langage ; 55 Le roulis parle au tangage, La hune au foc. Hymne Elle est la terre, elle est la plaine, elle est le champ. Ils sont petits, ceux-ci. La terre cache l'or et montre les moissons ; Elle met dans le flanc des fuyantes saisons Le germe des saisons prochaines, Dans l'azur les oiseaux qui chuchotent: Meurtrie, elle demande aux hommes: A quoi sert Le ravage?

Pourquoi tuer la plaine verte? Comment se pourrait-il que j'eusse des enfants? La cour du palais. Elle est fille de roi.

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Tu n'es pas ici dans ton pays. Si l'on parlait sa langue, on saurait son secret. Je ne lui parle plus. L'horreur ferme sa bouche. Je suis sans amertume. Apollon Loxias dans l'ombre. L'oiseau chante dans les bois. Les bleuets sont bleus, les roses sont roses, Les bleuets sont bleus, j'aime mes amours. Si je soupire, Chantez, c'est bien. Un homme semble Souvent trompeur.

Mais si je tremble, 15 Belle, ayez peur. He was born in Paris and brought up by an uncle at Ermenonville: His serious work began with a translation of Faust which Goethe admired, and some lyrical fragments of which were used by Berlioz for his great work. A book of versions from German poets appeared two years later. About this time a hopeless passion for an actress, Jenny Colon, drove him abroad. He wandered for some years in Italy, Germany, and the Levant ; and this obscure period of a driftless life, if not immediately fertile, seems to contain the secret of his most fortunate inspiration.

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In he became insane, and it is doubtful whether he ever recovered perfectly, though his most productive period dates from that year. It is not quite certain whether he killed himself. C'est sous Louis treize. His first published poem, La Paix Conquise, dates from , and is quite uninteresting: The by-paths throughout his career attracted him most.

He excelled in vers de circonstance, and frittered away much of his talent in compliments. He spent his last years, appropriately, at Versailles. His masterly imitation of the Spanish Romancero had a distinct and lasting influence in this direction. Emile Deschamps had a brother, Antony , who was also a poet of some note, and is best known for his translation of the Divine Comedy.

But he was also a poet: Through the editor he met Victor Hugo, and a strong friendship sprang up between them. Meanwhile he emulated the talent of his friends. Joseph Delorme, a book of prose and verse mingled, revealed a poet rather accomplished than spontaneous, a careful craftsman and a curious psychologist.

Sainte-Beuve was a man of books and also a man of pleasure. He had many friends and was capable of generous actions ; but he showed himself often jealous and rancorous. His life had no great vicissitudes, but was marked by a certain number of sensational incidents — a duel with his old master Dubois in ; the obscure but at any rate discreditable quarrel with Hugo ; ruptures and reconcilements with this editor and that ; and his political equivoca- tions sometimes gave scandai, as when, having rallied after a Re- publican youth to the ' party of order ' and accepted a professorship from the Empire, he was hooted by the Paris students and compelled to resign his chair.

Sainte-Beuve has well described the poetry of Joseph Delorme as 1 des peintures d'analyse sentimentale et des paysages de petite dimen- sion. It is the poetry also of a profound sceptic, though we owe Port-Royal to a phase of deep if rather morbid interest in the phenomenon of faith — and to the personal influence of Lamennais.

The poetry of Sainte-Beuve was collected into one volume in See, on this subject, M. Buvez, buvez, jeune abeille! Au gazon Que vois-je? Comment l'homme peut-il ainsi tomber? Rousseau and had written novels and books of travel besides ; his old cousin the Marquis de Musset-Cogners, and his mother's father and brother, were ail people of taste and attainments ; — and they were ail eighteenth century people, sceptical, indulgent and polite. His greatest friend through life was his elder brother Paul.

It was as the Benjamin of the Roman tic family that he produced Contes d'Espagne et d'Italie at the very end of the year Two out of three poems which filled his next volume were written in dramatic form. Rostand's Romanesques recalls ; and the spirited, if licentious and driftless, story of Namouna has a conquering suppleness of movement. The year brought into the world the most Romantic of Musset's heroes, the sinister and sermonical Jacques Rolla.

The unedifying story ends with Mme. Dudevant's return to her home in Berry. The next few years were the most fruitful in his life. From this date onwards his production slackened, though it can hardly be said that the quality of his infrequent writing deteriorated ; and there is little more to tell about his life, which was almost divided between a sick-bed and the haunts of deleterious pleasure. Of his relations with Rachel, the Princess Bolgiojoso and other notable women there is no need to speak.

He had other friends who clung to him. Allan in and, one after another, won greater popularity than belongs perhaps to any other Romantic dramas. He was elected to the Academy in His death was almost unnoticed. If the rank of Alfred de Musset among the greater French poets of the last century is still uncertain, it is not that his positive merits — of which the chief is certainly the gift of tears — are ever seriously disputed. He is eminently a poet of disillusion: As an artist he has many obvious disabilities.

He is not one of those who lived in the words of Leconte de Lisle in constant communion with the sensible world: Composition is a quality which his longer poems scarcely show. After his nonage he openly dissociated himself from the extravagances and even from the glorious conquests of Romanticism. There was in Musset a classicist, born out of due time, even though no poet among his contemporaries is more patheti- cally subjective.

Qu'un grand faucheux bien gras Qui roule 15 Sans pattes et sans bras? Mais de vous en souvenir Et d'y revenir. A la lueur de mon flambeau, Dans mon livre ouvert il vint lire. Il pencha son front sur ma main, 10 Et resta jusqu'au lendemain, Pensif, avec un doux sourire. D'une main il montrait les cieux, Et de l'autre il tenait un glaive. Il secouait sous son manteau Un haillon de pourpre en lambeau. Qui donc es-tu, toi que dans cette vie Je vois toujours sur mon chemin? En te voyant, j'aime la Providence. Depuis vingt ans tu marches dans ma voie, Et je ne saurais t'appeler. Qui donc es-tu, si c'est Dieu qui t'envoie?

Tu me souris sans partager ma joie, Tu me plains sans me consoler! J'enveloppais dans un morceau de bure Ces ruines des jours heureux. Comme un plongeur dans une mer profonde, Je me perdais dans tant d'oubli. Je sens encor le mien jeune et vivace, Et bien des maux pourront y trouver place Sur le mal que vous m'avez fait.

Sur mon rideau j'ai vu passer une ombre ; Elle vient s'asseoir sur mon lit. Que me veux-tu, triste oiseau de passage? Je ne suis ni l'ange gardien Ni le mauvais destin des hommes. Bury, 14 juin Elle faisait semblant de vivre. Poetry was not young Gautier's first ambition: He showed some verses to Petrus Borel, who praised them and introduced him to the author of Les Orientales,.

About the same time he rallied in prose, with abundance of good humour, the foibles of a merely snobbish and shallow Romanticism: From this time onward, much of Gautier's time and energy was absorbed by travel and joumalism. At the same time he contributed ail sorts of imaginative articles to reviews and newspapers, passed several yearly Salons in review, and from onward his dramatic criticism enlivened Le Moniteur and Le Journal Officiel.

His most ephemeral work was always indefatigable, inventive, curious, often illuminating and never dull. And ail the time he was producing durable art. Gautier cared nothing for politics ; he had; a family to keep ; and it seems unjust to reproach him with servility towards the govern- ment of December. He could never be seduced, at any rate, from his allegiance to his master Hugo. The Princess Mathilde, a friend to so many writers and artists whom nobody could call 'officiai,' raade him her librarian: He set to work courageously to retrieve his fortunes after the Commune, but overwork and disappointment had worn him out.

He died in , mourned by a host of friends. Through an unusual acuity of some faculties and an unusual obtuseness of others, Gautier is the poet of his time who concerned himself most exclusively with appearances. He saw life as a work of art, sumptuously framed: Gautier worshipped his art and its instrument.

Like ail excellent craf tsmei lie loved obstacles for their own sake, and no poet pursued perfectioi with more severity. La voile ouvre son aile, La brise va souffler! Au carrefour douteux, Y grec de Pythagore, J'ai pris la branche gauche, et je chemine encore Sans arriver jamais. Comme un autre le beau, tu cherches ce qui choque: Le vrai, toujours le vrai, c'est ta seule devise! Aux pieds des patients comme tu mets la torche!

Dans le flanc de Caton comme tu fais crier 35 La plaie, affreuse bouche ouverte comme un porche! Sur cet air, pistons, clarinettes, Dans les bals aux poudreux berceaux, 10 Font sauter commis et grisettes, Et de leurs nids fuir les oiseaux. Il me semble, quand ou le joue Voir glisser dans son bleu sillon Une gondole avec sa proue Faite en manche de violon.

Barbier wrote, besides poems, some not very distinguished novels and taies ; he translated from the English Julius Caesar and The Antient Mariner ; and with L. The latter part of his life was almost unproductive. The principal poetry of Auguste Barbier is to be found in one volume Lemerre. Or donc, je puis braver le regard pudibond: The poet, the son of a former naval surgeon, was born at Lorient. A short comedy in verse, Racine, written in collaboration with P. Italian art and the Italian poetry strongly infiuenced Brizeux's talent, particularly on its formai side. In appeared Les Ternaires, a lyrical volume inspired wholly by his travels: But Brittany claimed him.

The Breton rimes of Brizeux became really popular and, years after, Breton minstrels would recite them as their own! The poem was immediateiy famous, praised by Vigny and Hugo and, through their efforts, 'crowned' by the French Academy. A diffuse and rather forbidding disquisition in three books on the sources of inspira- tion and the function of poetry, was his last work in verse. At the public expense, his body was taken back to Brittany, and buried beside the Elle.

His 'local patriotism' is neither factitious nor complacent. His tone is always completely appropriate to his subject. Brizeux paints in the ancient manner, broadly, and with a noble economy. He is simple without an effort, which is the only way to be simple ; and his tenderness has not a false note. His first collection of verses appeared in ; it was his Sonnets humoristiques which made him as famous in the capital as in his native city, and won him the friendship of his great contemporaries.

He had no rival as a sonneteer in his lifetime ; and even since the appearance of M. Though the fascination of the sonnet form possessed him, and obviously governed his adven- tures into the field of structural invention, his achievements in longer lyrics and even in narrative poetry are by no means negligible. He was least happy perhaps in the verse inspired by the events of He wrote one comedy, Un grand homme qu'on attend. The newspaper in which it appeared was threatened with suspension, and the poet himself driven from his chair at Lyons. Just before the Empire fell it was offered him again by M.

Emile Ollivier, and declined. Pernette, published in , is another 'heroic idyll,' a story of the Napoleonic wars which describes the effect of foreign invasion in reconciling a dis- affected peasantry to conscription: He voted with the Right, but took no part in debate, and was frequently absent through ill-health. He had written considerably in prose also — chiefly on educational subjects.

With various gifts, he is essentially a moralist. Nature supplied him inexhaustibly with emblems of moral virtue, and appears in his characteristic poetry as the great consoler, the monitress and the wise nurse of human efforts. His satire is heavy but not ineffective. Accidentally asso- ciated with Le Parnasse, though he had little enough in common with its leaders, Laprade always avoided the Romantic exaggeration of personality ; but he professed himself a disciple of Lamartine, and shared his master's aversion for literary poetry.

Adieu, les nids d'amour qui peuplaient tes rameaux! Mais n'est-il rien de toi qui subsiste et qui dure? Et n'est-il de vivant que l'immense nature, 75 Une au fond, mais s'ornant de mille aspects divers? His life of wliich his writings tell us next to nothing was tranquil and liappy. Les Cariatides, his first volume of poetry, dates from Banville made his first athletic essaya and earned Baudelaire's comparison with the infant Hercules at a moment of transition.

The poetry which should shake thrones and foresee millenniums, or carry the conquests of the historical spirit into the domain of the imagination and fix in marmorean forms the transience of our illusions, was as yet hardly promised. This is his only link with the Parnassians: Banville's is a poetry of fantastic and delicious variations. In a word, the form of verse interested him profoundly: The principal volumes of Banville's poetry are: The works of Banville are published by Lemerre and by Charpentier.

Puis, tout flamboyants sous les chrysolithes, Les bruns Adonis et les Hyppolytes 10 Montrent leurs arcs d'or et leurs peaux de loups. Mon enfant, seul bien qui me reste, Dors sous ces branches d'arbre en fleurs. Dans les feux du soleil couchant Le vieux mont est brillant de neige. Ta petite bouche sourit. Ta petite bouche sourit, Pareille aux corolles qui s'ouvrent. Je vois luire des diamants Sur la montagne enchanteresse. Sur la montagne enchanteresse Je vois des topazes de feu. Dors, qu'un songe heureux te caresse, 35 Ferme tes yeux de lotus bleu!

Ses yeux tout grands ouverts ont des blancheurs de nacre. Il voudrait se coucher, dormir ; il ne peut pas. Il est malheureux comme un homme. Mercredi, 12 janvier He began riming as a schoolboy, and afterwards, between walking the hospitals and coaching pupils for a living, found time to perfect his talent. He gave up medicine in and thenceforward devoted his life to poetry. Its successors ail written in verse except one of the best, Faustine were produced with various success: His disinterested and laborious career ended prematurely, just when his appointment to the charge of the public library at Rouen had brought him material independence.

Bouilhet might be called a transitional Romantic. Ail his verse is of admirable work- manship. Cela se rapprochait et sonnait sur les dalles. He was brought up partly in the colony and partly in Brittany, and after leaving school spent some time in travel, being in- tended for a commercial career, and visited India and Madagascar to the incalculable advantage of a late-blossoming talent. It was only in that, abandoning ail idea of an active occupation, he settled in Paris and lived there 'on privations and Greek roots,' acquiring the science of verse and teaching and studying ancient languages and civilisations.

In his ardent Republicanism threatened to sweep him into politics, but he remained faithful to letters, and between that year and contributed to periodicals a certain number of poerns which formed the nucleus of his first volume. In appeared the first of Leconte's translations of the greatest Greek and Latin poets into French prose. In the events of the Terrible Year Leconte de Lisle took the part of a patriot and of an uncompromising Republican.

He had struggled with poverty during his best years ; a small government pension had been granted him in ; and in the Republic rewarded his zeal with the post of sub-librarian to the Senate, which gave him a modest independence. His followers gloried in a stoical or impassive attitude ; and from his works the record of intimate joys and sorrows, the strain of argument and prophecy, confidences and ejaculations, were conscientiously eliminated. The works of Leconte de Lisle are published by Lemerre. Comme vous, dans l'ombre sans bornes, Heureux qui roule enseveli!

Haine, amour, larmes, violence, Ce qui fut l'homme est aboli. Et si j'ai le visage et les bras trop velus, Eh bien! Si je savais nager, du moins! Au sein des flots J'irais t'offrir des lis et de rouges pavots. Rien n'est vivant ici, rien n'est triste ou joyeux. Une nuit d'or emplit d'un magique silence La merveilleuse horreur de l'espace et des flots.

Tout est vide et muet. Rien qui nage ou qui flotte, 25 Qui soit vivant ou mort, qu'il puisse entendre ou voir. Vide sur eux palais, maisons, temples et rues: He held a place in the administra- tion of the Senate under the Consulate and the Empire ; had painters and men of letters for his friends ; and died not quite six years after the poet's birth. Charles was only seven when his mother, still quite a young woman, married an officer, Major afterwards General Aupick. His stepfather wished him to enter the diplomatie service: Baudelaire refused to do anything but write; and from to he led a somewhat riotous and outwardly fruitless life in Paris, indulging a hundred curiosities, among a crew of Bohemians more or less intel- lectual ; until at last, after an open quarrel with General Aupick, his family, in alarm at his spendthrift idleness and the queer company he kept, put him on board a merchantman sailing from Bordeaux for the Indies under the charge of a friendly captain.

He returned to Paris on the eve of his majority and, possessed of material independence, began that life of studious dissipation, of feverish kbour without fruition, joyless vice, discontent and remorse and vagabondage and exasperated idealism, of which the history or the legend has been used too often to supply an unedifying com- mentary on his writings. Between and — the great landmark in Baudelaire's career — his most notable work was done in art criticism: A conscientious study on the ' philosophy of love ' and several dramas among which L'Ivrogne promised to be the most characteristic never got beyond the stage of fragments.

In Baudelaire published his translation of The Raven, which had been heralded by a remarkable article on Poe's life and writings in La Revue de Paris ; two volumes of Poe's Taies, turned into a French prose which is allowed to surpass the original, were brought out in and In this latter year, a friend who had set up a publishing business in a provincial town produced Les Fleurs du Mal.

A collection of Baudelaire's poems had been curiously expected by a small number of intellectual men ; the book drew praise, not unreserved, but warm and candid, from Hugo and Gautier, Sainte- Beuve and Barbey d'Aurevilly, E. Deschamps and Flaubert and other writers of worth: For a short period Baudelaire's life now became more regular and lus activity more fruitful. He was reconciled with his mother, General Aupick being dead. He was twice a candidate — the second time for the chair of Lacordaire!

Baudelaire's last books were translations of Poe which appeared in and In the former year he left Paris for Brussels with the idea of paying his debts by profits from lectures. His success as a lecturer on Gautier and' Delacroix was short-lived ; disagreements and misunderstandings with the agents left him penniless, hopeless and ailing. He founded new hopes on a book about Belgium, and took copious notes, and made many journeys up and down a country in which almost everything and every one exasperated him. In the spring of he had a paralytic stroke in a churck at Namur and was taken back, henceforth speech- less, to Brussels.

But he was born with a fatal avidity for sensations, and an intense consciousness of being irre- mediably alone. His irony and his cynicism — the armour he wore against the importunity of the self-complacent and the temptations of an easy expansiveness — hardly detract from the desperate sincerity which is the final impression of his verse. He made himself the centre of the world ; but there was in him an aristocracy which forbade the mercenary sob, the disorder, the revolted egoism of the debased romantic temper.

Baudelaire was besieged by images of corruption and by a vision, partly a memory, of some material paradise ; or rather, the sensation of death, the homesickness for an exotic bliss, are the poisonous excitants that continually sting ail his faculties of perception at once — hearing, touch, smell as well as sight ; and this is so rare among the poets that his merely visual power seems by comparison ordinary. His verse if we except what Gautier called his sonnets libertins is scrupulously correct.

He loved long words ; he used asson- ance before that subsidiary charm became common. Baudelaire is morbid, if excessive unhappiness is morbidity. He is also virile. The two things must be conciliated somehow. One thing should be added — his inspiration is essentially Christian: Many prose frag- ments, notably two curious diaries, are to be read in M. C'est le Diable qui tient les fils qui nous remuent!

O pauvres corps tordus, maigres, ventrus ou flasques, Que le dieu de l'Utile, implacable et serein, Enfants, emmaillotta dans ses langes d'airain! Peut-on illuminer un ciel bourbeux et noir? Autant qu'un roi je suis heureux ; 5 L'air est pur, le ciel admirable. Nous sommes tous plus ou moins fous! Sors de cette vie! Un seul Parmi ces ivrognes stupides 30 Songea-t-il dans ses nuits morbides A faire du vin un linceul?

Je serai ce soir ivre mort: Alors, sans peur et sans remord, Je me coucherai sur la terre, Et je dormirai comme un chien! He lias published little or no new poetry for some years. Among the less conspicuous followers of Leconte de Lisle, M. Dierx is distinguished as an admirable craftsman, especially ardent in the pur- suit of melodious effects.

In a remarkably sympathetic and luminous rendering into French verse of the first book of Lucretius prepared the way for two long philosophical poems, La Justice and Le Bonheur, which appeared in and in respectively. He is impersonal and im- passive, according to the Parnassian formula: The humanitarian strain in Sully-Prudhomme recalls Victor de Laprade, who was, like him, what is emphatically called a thinker. And he was a genuine poet as well as a genuine thinker: It is, in fact, too late in the day for a philosophical poetry, and we are fatally conscious of a double aim.

Tu n'es par aucun d'eux au passage accueillie ; 5 Tu peux longtemps encor dans l'infini courir: His family came from the Belgian Ardennes, but his father was a French captain of engineers. He married, unhappily, in , adhered to the Commune, travelled with the youthful Arthur Rimbaud and, at Brussels, was tried and sentenced to two years' imprisonment for shooting his friend in a drunken quarrel. For some time he was an usher in England, and towards the end of his career he gave lectures in Belgium, Holland, the French provinces, England, and contributed to respectable reviews.

He spent years, on and orT, in the hospitals of Paris ; and died in squalid surroundings at the beginning of Verlaine's rank as a poet is still hotly disputed. The phrase ' a transitional Parnassian ' defines him aptly, at least on the formai side of his art.

A real raaster of expression, who quite evidently thought in verse, he often preferred to suggest merely, and he carried the semblance of a fluid artlessness in discourse to the frontiers of genius and insipidity. His verse is of very various quality. Much or most of it is not only firm and regular, but rigorous ; and when he chooses to be demure, his sober utterance has almost the virtues of Racine's, without the pride of carriage. Racine alone, and possibly Lamartine, can match his naturel sensitiveness to the merely sonorous value of words — a gift he presumed on.

Their common tendency is towards equi vocation. Verlaine has often attained an aerial tenderness, and as often sunk to an earthiness and triviality, which are equally characteristic. Celare artem was his sovereign art. Et je hais toujours la femme jolie, La rime assonante et l'ami prudent. Est-elle brune, blonde ou rousse?

Car c'est bon pour une fois. Vie atroce et laide d'ici-bas! Car qu'est-ce qui nous accompagne, Et vraiment, quand la mort viendra, que reste-t-il? Un frisson d'eau sur de la mousse! He began life as a shorthand clerk in the war office. But since the year of national calamity to which he paid his poetical tribute he earned no small part of his popularity by prose stories and by plays. He died last summer after a protracted illness. But he was without question a keen observer, a charming and familiar narrator, and had many moments of cordial inspiration. Et dans la serre chaude ainsi qu'en un harem S'exhalent sans parfum tes ennuis de sultane.

Three years later Heredia succeeded his friend and master Leconte de Lisle at the Academy: A very little more of his poetry was printed in one or other of the reviews a short time before his death. The limitations of the poet are those of his school: His verse, full, sumptuous, pellucid, and singularly varied for its compass, is his own, and uniformly admirable. An expensive volume of his poetry was first published in ; a volume of miscellaneous prose called simply Pages appeared at Brussels in , and at Brussels also, in , an essay — originally a lecture — on Villiers de L'Isle-Adam.

His rooms in the Rue de Rome were, for two or three lustres, a centre of eager intellectual life. It was not long since, upon the death of Verlaine, the young writers of Paris had publicly hailed him 'the Prince of poets. In other hands, the move- ment of which he is perhaps the most convinced theorist was pre-eminently a revival of sentiment: The absence of punctuation, the strangeness of a summary dislocated syntax which seems always to chafe at the necessity of presenting simultaneous impressions successively, are only superficial obstacles: Claude Debussy so happily, may be best seen the temper of his wistful and aristocratie imagination and in what company he loved to take refuge.

The author had indulged the taste for a wandering life long enough to guarantee the faithfulness of his pictures from the woiid of outcasts: He was elected to the French Academy in Jean Richepin's is a curious figure among French poets of the day. If nine-tenths of his 1 realism ' is the abuse of dialect and slang, he certainly knows the submerged classes and feels for them, and has conscientiously striven to make their joys and their revolts articulate — and picturesque. Walt Whitman was called ' the tramp in literature ': J'ai mis d'autres sous dans ma main Et, vite, ai repris mon chemin, 30 Fuyard honteux songeant tout bas Qu'il n'avait pas tort, n'est-ce pas?

He was educated at Brussels, Ghent and Louvain, and called to the Brussels bar. About the same time he began also to contribute critical articles to various 'young' reviews,both Belgian and French.

1008. Conversation dans un joli jardin épicurien. (1)

A violently personal poet for whom the world is rich in emblems and who has consistently sought to express himself by imposing his visions and his rhythms, who riots in furnaces of colour and whose einphatic accents betray the tribune boni, might be called a Romantic or a Symbolist with almost equal propriety: Verhaeren deserves better than to be identified with any school. It may be added that of late the meliorist in him, and the champion of what may perhaps bear the name of a pantheistic positivism, has been sometimes oppressively conspicuous in gnomic sentences and pro- phecies and loud denunciation.

Verhaeren is also the poet of Flemish hearths and familiar joys ; he has met heroes and spectres — S. George and the North Wind — on the roads ; he is saturated with the history and the legends of his country and penetrated with the still and sullen beauty of its landscape. There is more force than perfection in this poetry. And, it may well be by an atavistic instinct inherited from a speech more heavily stressed than French, he is given to reinforcing his rhythm by surrounding the strong syllables with enclitics which exaggerate their weight by contrast.

The following books of poetry are published by M. Lettres jusques au ciel, lettres en or qui bouge, C'est un bazar au bout des faubourgs rouges! Car vivre, c'est prendre et donner avec liesse. Heures de chute ou de grandeur! Jadis, on allumait des feux Sur leur sommet, dans le soir sombre ; 10 Et le marin fixait ses yeux Vers ce flambeau tendu dans l'ombre. Some years later he became in fact a Parisian, and began to rime in reviews of the Latin Quarter. Paul Adam in a couple of novels, and at the same time vigorously defended in pamphlets and letters his own conception of his art.

Its author has hardly left Paris, or at least France, since he first settled there, except to visit his country at the time of the Greco-Turkish war. By diligent reading of the elder poets he has amassed a treasure of verbal associations, and he has learned the secret resources of his adopted language by donning the habit of successive periods.

It remains to be seen whether he will succeed in delivering a personality which is possibly vigorous from the nemesis of his triumphant assimilations. The earlier verse was published by L. Ainsi, en la bailli' de celle Dont les cheveux passent l'or fin Las! He read enormously — philosophy and science as well as literature — wrote much both prose and verse, got in touch through friends MM. He lived four years in Germany and left Berlin finally in to marry a young Englishwoman whom he had met there ; but he had hardly settled again in Paris with brilliant literary prospects and published his first volume, when his lungs were found to be affected and he was ordered to the South.

The disease was however too far advanced already, and he died in Paris within two days of his twenty-seventh birthday. In French poetry he inaugurated something more than a new manner. But also his undress served the ends of a new irony, gay and glacial, inexorable and infantile, based on the obsession of our nothingness, which lisps the cruellest syllables and veils a shamefast sensibility. Camille Mauclair's remarkable monograph on Jules Laforgue. Pauvres morts hors des villes! Comment va cette affaire?

Entretien tombe et messe. Since that date M. It is quite likely that his success owes something to a versatility real enough to cause a little misgiving: But there is every reason to call prose his relaxation: His imagery is rich, not recondite ; his vocabulary personal with- out strangeness. In a word, M. Vanier , republished in La voici qui vient. Are you an author? Help us improve our Author Pages by updating your bibliography and submitting a new or current image and biography. Learn more at Author Central.

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There's a problem loading this menu right now. Mais Cortes, les notes c'est bien beau, mais il y a plus dans la vie, non? A ce petit jeux minable Il faut croire que la tentation est trop forte Dites, c'est haut de plafond chez vous?

Le Pape François allume un incendie dans la chapelle Sixtine — Religioblog

Je l'ai bien lu et relu, ce billet. Il n'en est rien. Merci encore pour ce grand moment de franche rigolade! Au coeur de l'Europe; est un pays exportateur; Oui, pour les gens comme moi, indiscutablement, cela fait "sens" Le Pourquoi s'inscrit dans une autre dimension. Per quem omnia facta sunt. Que se passe-t-il - vraiment - au Vatican? Conversations avec Jorge Bergoglio. Cela risque de vous priver d'un exercice dans lequel vous excellez: Qu'est ce qui me fait dire que , pour vous, A ce titre, et pour revenir sur les paroles initiales du philosophe: De ce fait, rien, absolument rien BA de l'activisme religieux, non?

C'est le point de vue marxiste de la loi. Esclavage, puis droits des femmes, puis droit du travail et statut des travailleurs, puis reconnaissance sociale des homosexuels ect Nous comprenons enfin les raisons pour lesquelles "le mariage pour tous" ne leur convenait pas. Vous avez peur de quoi au juste Du reste, je trouve Parce que la vache ne supporterait pas plusieurs taureaux sur son dos vu leur poids! Cela dit, cela reste contre nature! Nous ne parlons pas du statut de la femme qui ne pouvait pas participer au pouvoir politique mais du mariage: C'est vrai que le christianisme a eu l'exquise politesse d'introduire le question " consentez vous A la magistrature Le syndicat perdure Exhibant en armure Sa dent creuse mais dure Il faut bien qu'il la cure.

Ne vous excusez pas, chacun son style Ce qui compte, ce n'est pas uniquement ce que je suis, ni la raison pour laquelle je m'exprime Abusivement amalgamer discrimination et concept de mariage constitue une preuve d'inacceptable manipulation des esprits. De Gaulle avait raison: Dans l'absolu, il n'y a qu'une seule valeur: Sans aucun doute ce serait peine perdue de vouloir le remplacer Retournez vous, Aurore, et contemplez notre histoire avec vos deux yeux Ce n'est donc pas un reproche que je vous fais, mais juste une remarque..

La loi Taubira touche non seulement les lesbiennes et les gays mais aussi toutes les femmes et tous les hommes sans oublier leurs enfants. Car que va-t-il se passer? Les hommes deviendront alors inutiles. La nature fait bien les choses. La psychanalyse n'a pas fait mieux depuis en terme de cerveau reptilien et sublimation des instincts. Il serait temps que la France en fasse autant! Et bien que les poursuites contre Laurent Louis se poursuivent!

On les a vu en avril au jardin du Luxembourg! Et d'autres choses aussi. Et comment entendons-nous ce mot aujourd'hui? Mais, je vous ferais remarquer que, dans le processus "naturel" de filiation, l'enfant, comme le souligne le dicton, n'est JAMAIS en position de choisir ses parents! Il n'a pas eu gain de cause. J'aurais du faire comme ci-dessus. Il y a eu des campagnes aux USA pour le faire censurer. Pardon, je n'avais pas saisi l'ironie.. When you're chewing on life's gristle Don't grumble, give a whistle And this'll help things turn out for the best Always look on the light side of life J'adore l'humour de ces derniers et j'ai bien ri en regardant "la vie de Brian",mais rien de plus Cela me parait absurde et injuste..

Les politiques ne se contentent pas de les maintenir mais y imposent une nouvelle marque de fabrique familiale. Faut -il s'abstenir de s'exprimer pour autant? Si vous croyez les "instances musulmanes" -lesquelles au fait? Bien sur que non, mais je ne sais pas de quel "discours" vous parlez Qui vous dit le contraire? Preuve en est le nombre de familles dites traditionnelles qui se dispensent de passer devant le maire.

Ces politiciens sont tous misogynes! A part le droit de l'homme, ils ne connaissent ni le droit des enfants ni celui des femmes! Au violon a du ordonner Manuel Gaz ici:. Croyez que je n'ai aucun doute concernant le calibrage du discours papal. Le suffrage universel permet aux plus riches de gouverner! LA martyr des plateaux tv. Ils auraient pu me demander pour les clous! Autrement elles seraient toutes dans la rue! On a le temps de voir venir une voiture prioritaire venant de la droite! Pour ce qui est du "contre-nature" La question qu'il faut maintenant se poser: Tous ses ministres se font chahuter en province.

Et pas qu'une petite somme mais 15 millions d'euros! Si Hollande reste au pouvoir, la France est mal! Tout le monde devrait se mobiliser pour qu'il se retire. Elle a juste , par nature, la nature humaine Oui, c'est la mariage Ce n'est pas du "moi-je" En fait, je n'ai absolument rien contre, c'est une institution qui a tout mon respect Ce trouble est bien curieux. Et votre concierge, elle en dit quoi? Ensuite et pour finir Mais bon, tout n'est pas parfait dans ce bas monde!

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C'est votre opinion et celle des sionistes khazars mais pas celle des vrais juifs! Vous savez, avant les sionistes, Juifs et Arabes s'entendaient en Palestine! Pourquoi donc ce marocain dit ne plus aller psychologiquement? Il n'a rien compris des animateurs gays! Pour vos tendances sado ou maso etc N'allez pas croire que vous naissez pour aimer les femmes grosses! N'allez pas croire non plus que vous naissez homo! Vous avez eu besoin d'une initiatrice, vous Eh ben pas moi En prison par exemple! Or, le stress psychologique, lui, ne semble laisser ses marques que dans le cerveau.

La question reste donc ouverte. Pourquoi y a-t-il lutte sur le mot mariage? On joue sur le mensonge! Et on interdira aux religieux de dire le contraire! Il lui est pratiquement impossible de changer. Quand est-ce que vous comprendrez comment cela fonctionne? Remarquez que nous avons 5 sens!

Une phrase ne commence pas par une conjonction de coordination. Car la foule tient pour profond ce dont elle ne peut voir les raisons: Ensuite, le nombre ne fait pas non plus la pertinence ; il y a plus d'un milliard de musulmans sur terre, cela ne ne convainc pas pour autant de la pertinence de ce que j'ai lu dans le coran, ni de la charia A cause de qui? De gens comme vous qui ferment les yeux devant ce qui est contre-nature! Autre solution, s'il s'en sort, trouver un compagnon d'infortune homo aussi!

Mais cela ne durera pas plus d'un an! Des jeunes comme celui de Marrakech, il y en aura plein en France! C'est sans doute ce que voulez! Autre exemple, le revirement d'Audrey Pulvar: Si en Asie on sait les fabriquer, aux USA aussi:. Que des femmes deviennent diaconesses et cardinales. Mme Michelle Meunier, rapporteuse pour avis de la commission des affaires sociales! Elle doit faire partie de ces mondialistes pervers!

Le monde va vraiment mal! Pour ceux qui ne connaissent pas, car notre cher Coste semble le confondre avec Orwell. Actuellement en France, bien des jeunes qui y ont leur place et qui travaillent! Elle est acquise tout autant que celle d'agir selon ses opinions. Oui, pour l'instant et pour nous