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Four weeks later, following a synchronistic conversation with a friend, I started on my 8 week Mindfulness Meditation Course at Evolution in Brighton.


It was as if I had just been handed a mental and emotional roadmap, a framework for recovery. I grabbed the opportunity enthusiastically but with a little trepidation. I felt ready to embark on this process, following years of psychotherapy. I had exhausted trying to work things out through the prism of the egoic mind and had also come to the conclusion that the process of analysing things in this way has a tendency to become circular and unfulfilling.

Mindfulness meditation enabled me to do this. Acknowledging that resistance to the process is an intrinsic part of it, allowed me to be kinder to myself during it, and not give up. The most important discovery I made, however, was that I could break the vicious cycle of thoughts, stressful feelings, and then physical symptoms. And I was able to have some freedom from the the problems that my mind had been creating, and some inner peace, for the first time in a long while.

Through this meditation , I have learnt to become more mindful in my everyday life too.

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To tackle it, I wrote a business plan, I made a website and I talked to my successful peers. The business books and advice of friends was conflicting. I thought I knew what I wanted.

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Public relations and communications was my bag from high school. Ultimately though, I knew my career path — it had been set for a long time.

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How does this connect back to my practice? As months passed, I stayed committed to breathing.

A Meditation Journey is Like a Personal Journey - Create Good Mornings

Other days, I made it to breath one, which was not an easy feat. Finally, I began making it to breath five, then with more time, breath twenty. Through the process, I learned that it was not about getting to breath twenty and winning a prize. It was about getting to breath one. The arrival is always the hardest part. As struggles arose, I became aware of my anger and dissonance and I could separate my emotions from my brain. And it was a feeling akin to how astronauts describe seeing Earth from space for the first time:.

The power of that realization rocked my world. A sense of glowing joy overcame me and I felt tears well up in my eyes.

Daaji's personal journey of meditation

I stopped being a prisoner in my own box. Through meditation, I was able to accept the unpleasant as unpleasant and I became more in tune with my soul — and less with reactive with feelings. Life is not a smooth road, and there are questions we will never have answered.

Soothing the ‘Monkey Mind’: A personal journey

I learned how to love every moment of my life, live into the question and embrace fear. Returning that back to you and the world around me is the absolute best I can do. And I am more than ok with that. The Power Of Exploration: A Personal Journey of Meditation. Group 8 Created with Sketch.