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Boeuf bourguignon m a stew of beef, red wine, and vegetables; a specialty from Burgundy. Boudin antillais m spicy blood sausage. Boudin blanc m a soft white sausage. Boudin noir m blood sausage. Brandade de morue f salt cod mashed with olive oil and milk until smooth; sometimes made with potatoes, too; a specialty from Provence. Brasserie f originally, a restaurant that served beer the literal meaning of brasserie is brewery and a simple hearty fare, often of Alsatian inspiration.

Bresaola f air-dried Italian beef. Brick f alternate spelling: Brioche f a lightly sweet yeast pastry, made with eggs and butter. Brousse f a type of fresh cheese from Provence. It is called brocciu when made in Corsica. Brut adj crude, rough. C Cabillaud m cod. Cake m a cake baked in a loaf pan. Calisson m an almond shaped confection from Aix-en-Provence, made with almond paste, sugar, and crystallized melons, with wafer paper at the bottom and a crisp sugar glaze on top.

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Cantine f school or office cafeteria, it is sometimes used to mean a restaurant that has a laid-back and relaxed atmosphere, and where you could see yourself having lunch or dinner everyday. Caquelon m fondue pot. Carbonade flamande f a stew of beef, beer, and onions; a specialty from the French Flanders and Belgium. Carte des vins f wine list. Cassonade f a soft brown cane sugar. Cassoulet m a stew from the South-West of France, involving white kidney beans and various meats cooked in goose fat.

Cervelle de canut f fromage blanc flavored with herbs and garlic; a specialty from Lyon. Chapelure f dried breadcrumbs. Charlotte f a no-bake dessert in which the mold is lined with ladyfingers, then filled with layers of fruit, and layers of custard or fromage blanc. Chaud adj hot temperature. Chichi m an elongated donut similar to the Spanish churro , usually sold by beach-side vendors, rolled in sugar and served in a paper wrapping.

Chipiron m small squid. Chocolat m the best edible thing on Earth. Chocolat au lait m milk chocolate. Chocolat blanc m white chocolate. Chocolat noir m dark chocolate. Chocolatier m an artisan who makes and sells chocolate confections.

Dessert du jour : dôme citron framboise - Picture of Boccaccio, Nice - TripAdvisor

Choucroute garnie f sauerkraut served with assorted sausages and cured meats. Chouquette m a golf-ball-sized pastry puff sprinkled with pearl sugar. Citron vert m lime. Clafoutis m a simple, grandmotherly dessert in which a pudding batter usually made of flour, sugar, milk and eggs, sometimes butter is poured over fruit most commonly cherries, to make clafoutis aux cerises and baked.

Clou de girofle m clove. Cocotte f a heavy most often cast-iron pot with a lid. Cocotte-minute f pressure cooker. Cointreau m an orange-flavored liqueur. Cointreau is a brand name. Complet adj full for a restaurant , or whole for a grain. Compote f a dessert made of fruits cooked slowly with sugar or syrup. Confit de canard m a duck leg, salted and cooked slowly, then packed in its own fat.

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Confiture de lait f milk jam. Coquetier m egg cup. Coquillage m seashell, or shellfish. Coquille Saint-Jacques f sea scallop. A specialty from Brittany. Croquant de Provence m a crunchy almond cookie from Provence. Croque-madame m a croque-monsieur with a fried egg on top. D Datte f date the fruit. Daurade f sea bream. Demi prefix half- as in demi-baguette.

Digestif m after-dinner drink, usually a brandy such as Armagnac or Cognac. Doux adj soft, or mild. Droguerie f hardware store. Despite the name, does not sell drugs, legal or otherwise. Droit de bouchon m corkage fee. E Eau f water. Eau du robinet f tap water. Ferme-auberge f a farm-inn, i. Fermier adj farm-made or farm-raised. Feuille guitare f a sheet of plastic that chocolatiers use to ensure their confections have a shiny finish.

Filet de boeuf m beef tenderloin.

A propos de Clotilde

Filet de poulet m chicken breast. Financier m a small almond cake shaped like a gold ingot. Fleur de sel f flecks of sea salt collected at the surface of salt marshes. Foie gras m the liver from a fatted duck or goose. Fondue bourguignonne f a type of fondue in which you cook cubes of meat generally beef in hot oil then eat them with a variety of dipping sauces.

tartelette fraises framboises - Picture of Fouquet's Cannes, Cannes

Fondue savoyarde f cheese fondue, made with white wine and cheeses from Savoie, a region on the French side of the Alps. Formule f a limited selection of dishes offered for a set price, usually cheaper than a menu. Friture f something fried. Fromage blanc m a smooth, unsalted fresh cheese, similar to yogurt. Fromage frais m fresh cheese. Fruits de mer m. Nuts are sometimes included in that category.

Galette des rois f a puff pastry pie filled with frangipane , which is a mix of almond cream and pastry cream. Girolle f chanterelle mushroom. Glace f ice, or ice cream. Gras adj fatty, greasy. Gressin m pencil-shaped breadstick cracker, similar to the Italian grissino. H Hareng m herring. Haricot mangetout m snow pea.

Harissa f red chili garlic paste from North Africa. Infusion f herbal tea. J Jambon m ham.

Début de la saison de la framboise - France 3 Metz

Jambon cru m cured ham. Jambon cuit m cooked ham. Jarret de veau m veal shank.

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  6. K Kaki m persimmon. L Labyrinthe m maze. Lait de coco m coconut milk. Lait ribot m fermented milk from Brittany laez ribod in Breton , a cousin to the North African kefir. Lardon m a small strip of bacon. Levure chimique f baking powder. Levure de boulanger f yeast. Lisette f a small mackerel. M Macaron m a cookie made with ground almonds and egg whites. Madeleine f a small, butter-rich teacake baked in an oval mold that gives it a vaguely scallop-like shape. Magret m the breast of a fattened duck or goose. Maison, or Fait maison homemade. Mendiant m a disk of chocolate topped with dried fruit and nuts.

    Mie f the crumb of a loaf of bread. Not to be confused with miettes , crumbs. Mimolette f a bright orange cheese from the North of France. Mirabelle f small yellow plum. Moelleux adj soft, mellow. When referring to wine: Morue f fresh or salt cod. Mouillette f a finger of toasted bread, usually spread with butter, to be dipped into a soft-boiled egg. N Navet m turnip. Noix de coco f coconut. Nougatine f a crunchy mixture of caramel and chopped almonds, often used in pastries as a layer or as a decoration. O Oeuf m egg. Onglet m hanger steak. Orangette f a chocolate confection in which a strip of candied orange rind is dipped in dark chocolate, sometimes with chunks of almonds.

    Oursin m sea urchin.

    French-English Food Dictionary

    P Pain m bread. Pain de campagne m rustic bread. Pain perdu m French toast, i. Pain polaire m a soft, flat round of bread with dimples from Sweden. Palombe f wood pigeon. As wel l, the raspberry har ves t was a lso severely [ Aujourd'hui, il est plus fa ci l e de t r ou ver u n e barquette de h a ri cots verts ou une botte d'asperges indiquant le temps de cuisson [ It is easier today to find a packet of s tr ing beans or a bunch of asparagus with the cooking times than a packet of pasta.

    The orchard has been producing sask at oon b err ies , raspberries, str awb errie s and wild black cherries since for sale at their U-pick fa rm an d at f armer s' markets. Unsubstantiated accusations have been made public regarding. It i s a receptacle of 3 9 cm pots, pre-printed in red, pink or white, wi th Poinsettias of co lours matching [ Les baies sauvages telles que les myrtilles, les fruits du.

    Wild berries like bilberries, cloudberries , cranb err ies , raspberries, bla ckb errie s and wild strawberries, edible wild mushrooms chanterelles, bay boletus, hedgehogs, for example , wild gam e meat from roe de er an d red d eer and carnivorous freshwater fis h from [ To be released for consumption, the 'Patata della Sila' must be packaged in one of the following types of packaging: Vertbags; Girsacs and bags of: No matt er how bi g a raspberry cro p w e ha ve , the [ Around two t hi rds of tot al su pp ly to th e industry i s made of f roz en raspberries.

    Poland has succeeded to capture a sizeable share of the market in the last ten years and seems poised to further improve its position. Ad d slice s of pea che s, raspberries, a nd str awber ri e s to [ Amidst the cranes and the loading bridges, he made sketches of the outline s of t housan ds of ve ssels, from the cockleshell to the most majestic passenger liners. T he finished tra y is placed on a conveyor and mo ves to the o ptional [ I n e ach package pou r 1 t sp of ho ney a nd 15 ml Grand Marnier.

    I ts tray is fil led wi th wholesome, creamy [ Il mentionne un produc te u r de framboises q u i avait besoin [ He r efers to on e raspberry g row er who n ee ded [ In the l ar ge s uppl y of raspberries fo r the indu st ry in [ What we were un able to do i s hav e the f res h raspberries, and find t he Cyclospora organism o n the fr esh raspberries.