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He shoots competitively and is a certified concealed weapons instructor. Larry resides in Utah with his very patient wife and family. He has also designed a special patch for the agents of Monster Hunter International, Inc. As he puts it, "If you don't look good while you're killing stuff, then you're not really a monster hunter. University of Washington University Bookstore.

Monster Hunter International Series

University of Wisconsin University Bookstore. Larry Correia is hopelessly addicted to two things: Only registered users can write reviews. Please, log in or register.

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  4. Monster Hunter International by Larry Correia - WebScription Ebook.
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Monster Hunter - Book Series In Order

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Into the Storm (The Malcontents 1) Larry Correia Audiobook

Select the format you would like to download: He discovers that there are various negative elements which try to disturb the peace and continuity of the world. He is offered with a job proposal and starts to work for an agency responsible for eradicating such disturbances from the world of humans. He is a new recruit and deals with various problems along with an exceptional dark force which has returned after centuries to take revenge.

Known as the Cursed One, there is a danger to the world, and the woman Owen loves. The second book of the series is the continuation for the first part of Monster Hunter International. The second book is known as Monster Hunter Vendetta. This book shows Owen Pitt taking on various monsters but by now has become quite good at his task of shooting monsters. He is capable of shooting any type of gun with efficiency for hunting monsters while a few years back accounting was the sole purpose of his life.

He has earlier managed to save plans of invasion of an old entity but after one year of silence they now face a darker entity which may even prove to be a fatal villain. The Shadow Man is the main enemy of this book and the government tries to help Owens by sending an enigmatic agent named Franks to the residence of Owen.

Owen now needs to prepare for a monster barrage which is about to befall him and his family.

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Though he is trained to kill and shoot he never expected the monsters to come shooting. With more adventure and skills Owen Zastava Pitt is ready to fight any challenge which comes his way. The reviewers often rate the works of Larry Corriea as engulfing and define his books as a wonderful page turner. People generally review his books positively as they are an entirely different experience and also fun to read.

The Monster Hunter Nemesis is a book later based on the adventures of agent Franks who is the lead protagonist. Agent Franks is now a main component of the U. Monster Control Bureau, he works for the bureau helping them with various missions and tasks. He is on the side of the government and tirelessly helps them in fighting against monsters. He is sworn to serve and protect the United States of America from every kind of monster.

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He has one condition to his work, no matter what the government learns behind his six foot five inch muscular body and his intelligent mind they are not allowed to make more like him. He is genetically modified but dies nit want the government to force modifications on other people based on his case. Project Nemesis is the head turner around this one as it is a project in a completely secluded and secret location where Franks is working to make other people like him.

He is intent on creating 13 genetically modified killing machines which can easily kill all the monsters.

Larry tells the readers how he was variously writing a number of books for his readers. He states that his family is a central piece of life to him but he wants to keep his family away from his work and publicity.

Monster Hunter Vendetta

He has even shared views that his family may be taking a house out in the mountains away from the hectic city life where he can have a farm and write in peace. Larry says that he is having a good time being a writer and really enjoys his profession. Larry also states that working different jobs helped him gain various experiences and people often quote that his ability to enjoy different jobs influences his work.

Larry once worked as a finance manager for a defense contractor and soon he was selling books part-time through a series of jobs. His contract with Baen helped him gain good popularity and he was surprised by the favorable response he received from critics and reviewers. Monster Hunter Series by Larry Corriea is now expecting even more twists and turns and continues to be regarded as one of the most readable books in the fantasy genre.