- Preacher, Book 3 by Garth Ennis.
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She, to her credit, takes offense at Jesse's chivalry, because she's not slouch with a firearm and general thuggery and wants to do her part in springing Cassidy from the Grail's clutches. Now, I loved the first two volumes, so maybe absence makes the heart grow fonder because I ate this book up with a spoon.
- Jesus Wept.
- The Revisionists.
- Preacher, Book 3;
- Princess Pleasure (Lesbian First Time).
- Afghan Sunset: A Jackson Pike Novella (Prequel to The Iron Triangle Series).
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Everything is played to the hilt, whether it's the action, the pathos, or the raunchy humor. I mean, when you consider this entire series is based on a former preacher hunting down God so he can kick His ass, it's pretty safe to say that there are going to be some risque subject matter--at least to a conventional comic book audience. There's a morbidly obese, bulimic cult leader and the comically inbred messiah in his care, the sexual proclivities of Starr in the wake of his The book might be a little heavy on dialogue and backstory, but that's some of the best stuff I though, especially when Cassidy retells how he became a vampire and his journey from Ireland to America.
I may have already read a fair bit of what's to come in the fourth volume, Ancient History, but I can't wait to re-read those issues in time and better appreciate them after having read Proud Americans. Mar 05, Jim C rated it liked it. This collection has three different parts. The first part deals tells a little story of the preacher's father and an incident that happened to him while he served in Vietnam. The second part continues the main arc as Jesse attempts to rescue Cassidy from the Grail. The third story is about Cassidy and his backstory. I will say again that these collections are not intended for young children.
We have sex acts, eating disorders, and murder. Nothing is off limits for these writers and this must have This collection has three different parts. Nothing is off limits for these writers and this must have been something to read when it was first published. I did not enjoy this collection as much as the first two. The problem was the stories that did not deal with the main arc. The story with Jesse's father added nothing.
I didn't mind the story about Cassidy but it did border too much of an ode to New York. The main story was the best part of this collection and I thoroughly enjoyed it. We meet new characters like the Allfather who was terrific and disgusting at the same time. We also welcome back other characters and this story had plenty of action. I am enjoying this story and I love the artwork. I like how the writers challenge beliefs but the heart of the story is about friendship, loyalty, and finding one self. I look forward to the next collection.
Apr 08, Jedi JC Daquis rated it really liked it. Proud Americans revolve around Custer rescuing Cassidy from the hands of the Grail. There were some moments that I literally fell asleep whule reading the book while there were many parts that I cannot stop myself from reading it. Here we witness Cassidy's transformation from an Irish revolutionary to a cold-blooded vampire, something that I really don't care about but wouldn't mind reading anyway.
We also discovered some of the Grails well-kept secrets, plus its centuries-long mandate of protect Proud Americans revolve around Custer rescuing Cassidy from the hands of the Grail. We also discovered some of the Grails well-kept secrets, plus its centuries-long mandate of protecting the holy bloodline. Preacher continues to inject blasphemous elements with an overly obese man and a retarded boy, but once you get over it, it really is a ridiculously funny read. Because yeah, 90s comics. Jul 07, Rade rated it really liked it Shelves: I mean I could find more offensive comics as I am sure worst ones are out there, but this is one hell of a comic.
Again, it has everything from graphic violence to copious amounts of swearing, as well as some nudity and everything in between. If a religious person read this, they would be VERY offended as the writers of this comic are not even a bit shy from offending just about everyone including God. I am not religious and sometimes even I think they could tone it down with swearing and offens I mean I could find more offensive comics as I am sure worst ones are out there, but this is one hell of a comic.
Mar 30, Holly The Grimdragon rated it really liked it Shelves: Disturbing, perverse, funny as hell, blasphemous! I felt like this issue ran a little long, but it does seem to be setting up for something big down the road. I was happy that Cassidy's origin story was finally revealed! Aug 07, Brittany rated it it was amazing. Finally, by the 3rd volume well into issues, what like You will fall for the main characters in this one for sure. Now I am starting to see what everyone raves about with the series, Preacher.
I must admit, the first two which set up the story was a lot to take on at first. There is some deepness here on the backstories of the characters which were interesting, also t Finally, by the 3rd volume well into issues, what like There is some deepness here on the backstories of the characters which were interesting, also the religious take is so intriguing, it is simply brilliant, and makes a person think, see from a different perspective.
It was definitely more enjoyable to see the action this time around, knowing it's going to be perverted. Proud Americans had an enjoyable storyline that was easy to follow. It made more sense of what was previously written and what is yet to come. So far this is my favorite one! That being said, since I liked this one so much, I am curious if I were to go back and reread the first two if my opinion of the ratings on them would change?
I also loved the old school comic book pages! Yes the matte, paper pages. No high gloss glare that you so often get from comic books " nowadays". Can't wait to read 4 and see Tulip's reaction! Jesse, you gonna get it!! Jul 25, Palomiix rated it really liked it. Sep 13, Quentin Wallace rated it it was amazing. Cassidy is kidnapped and taken to "Masada" by the Grail, so Jesse is determined to save him.
We see D'Aronique for the first time, as well as the last of the Holy Blood line. The very pure blood line. A little too pure you might say. If you've read the comic or seen the show, you know what I mean. There's also a two part origin of Cassidy. This is some of the best of Preacher, both story and art. Aug 08, Piccolo Diavolo rated it it was amazing. Jul 29, Mafalda Fernandes rated it it was amazing Shelves: Aug 21, Aimee Poulin rated it it was amazing. By far my favorite of the series Jul 14, Alex Highgarden rated it it was amazing Shelves: Sep 17, Joanne Myers rated it it was amazing.
Jul 20, Keith Moser rated it liked it Shelves: I think I found the part where I had to stop reading back in ol' First half or so of Vol. The volume starts with a one-off story of Custer's dad, told through flashback with the help of an old war buddy in the airport while our hero is waiting for a flight Last w I think I found the part where I had to stop reading back in ol' We find more out about All Father and the Grail, but what really bugged me was the layout of the panels I felt the story was really divided into a lot of different sections and the story kept cutting back and forth between them.
It's not that I don't like this kind of storytelling Quentin Tarantino damn near perfected it , but I had a hard time remembering key parts from just a few issues or maybe one volume ago I actually googled what happened to Starr's left ear because I didn't remember, and I read that story not that long ago! Maybe my memory was failing, but it usually felt like dialogue picked up mid-scene at the start of a page, and I often checked to make sure I didn't somehow flip two pages at once That is another weird thing about this volume The pages are paper, almost like newsprint.
Preacher, Volume 3: Proud Americans
Every other volume I looked at is made of glossy paper, like photographs. It didn't ruin my reading experience but it definitely was a change I wasn't expecting I almost forgot the last few issues center around Cassidy and his backstory--we meet two brothers during the Easter Rebellion in Ireland and I was fooled I think in purpose about which brother was our beloved Cassidy. His story was cute, but long and drawn out and not connected to the main story and I fear when I get into volume 4 I'll again have to google the plot to see what's happening Why you gotta be such a dick?!
So, a lot happens in this one, but the main thing I took away from it was that America's favorite vampire wasn't as perfect a friend as I once thought he was.
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He's not an awful friend, either, which is what makes this comic so amazing, and gives it the sort of layered feelings that you get in real life. Sadly, I cannot go into details because spoilers. But before you get to Cassidy and all of his shenanigans, you get to find out the Killer of Sain Oh my god, Cassidy! But before you get to Cassidy and all of his shenanigans, you get to find out the Killer of Saints' much anticipated origin story! And it is, eh I was thinking he might be a nice guy trapped in some sort of demonic curse, but that's not so much what happened. He's, uh, kind of fucking scary and for the most part evil.
Sometimes the outside does match the inside. I have to admit that I was somewhat bored with his Wild West backstory, and even though I was glad to know how he got his start, I don't want to read anymore side-stories about him, either. The absolute best stuff was the flashback to Cassidy finally finding another vampire, and then his disappointment when the guy turns out to be some sort of Lestat wannabe. The cluster of goth-emos who are hanging on to his newfound friend plays beautifully into the present story with Jessie and Tulip, but the good stuff funny stuff happens in the past.
I did not see that coming! Ok, the rest of the book is mostly a combo of voodoo, tragedy, cigarettes, booze, and belly laughs. Ennis, you've won my heart with this unpredictable little gem. View all 4 comments. Garh Ennis, my fucking hero. I do hate to review series as I run out super quickly with the stuff I am supposed to say, so here is the list of things I liked with the book three: In my experience, people who are NOT "easily offended" do nothing but are easily offended by everything such as real life, reality and nasty truths but like to highlight how the particular thing they are Garh Ennis, my fucking hero.
In my experience, people who are NOT "easily offended" do nothing but are easily offended by everything such as real life, reality and nasty truths but like to highlight how the particular thing they are offended by is really a big deal for realz as, after all, they are not "easily offended".
I have got some news for you, however. You are a fucking whiny ass pussies, and it doesn't get your halo any brighter as much as you would hope for. It just makes your whiny ass pussy bigger. I love the strength of Tulip as much as I love how she is in good terms with other women and shows little to no annoying feminine traits such as jealousy.
That's about it as in "I love Eeeeeverything". This comic was so effed up, but in a good way! In this volume, we get the origin story of the Saint of Killers. He's so badass that he even kills a certain someone in hell. It doesn't really get more badass than that. I did end up feeling something like sympathy for him, which is pretty amazing for a guy that's killed hundreds of people.
I felt no sympathy for the residents of Ratwater. Cassidy meets another of his kind in New Orleans. These have to be some of the funniest moments in the Preacher This comic was so effed up, but in a good way! These have to be some of the funniest moments in the Preacher series so far. I was laughing out loud, reading all by myself, and I just didn't care.
And by the way, Eccarius IS a wanker. SUCH a big wanker! As are his little group of sycophants, which you'll discover for yourself when you read this. Aresface makes another appearance here and seems to be taking off on a whole new life. And Preacher and Tulip are still in pursuit of God. We won't even discuss how the scar on Herr Starr's bald head, caused by the Preacher, makes it look like a penis. The humor in this book is the blackest of the black and that happens to be my favorite kind. This series is dark, hilarious, irreverent and so much fun, I just want to read all the rest of this series right now!
View all 7 comments. Apr 22, David Schaafsma rated it really liked it Shelves: Book 3 in the Preacher story is really pretty great, as Preacher Jesse Custer continues his quest to find God who apparently has deserted the world. But the best story in this volume is the back story of The Saint of All Killers, where we understand his motivation is revenge rage. In the pr Book 3 in the Preacher story is really pretty great, as Preacher Jesse Custer continues his quest to find God who apparently has deserted the world.
In the process he even kills a Major Player in Hell. It kinda makes me want to go there, and now, but darn it, it no longer exists, RIP. Preacher has kind of epic aspirations like The Sandman or Swamp Thing, with more crazy humor and less philosophical or political intentions. It has outrage and intimacy and does both equally well. May 13, Mara rated it really liked it Shelves: At this point, I feel like it's pretty safe to assume that if Garth Ennis was involved in the writing, production, or even coffee-fetching for something, then it's probably not well-suited for children.
Actually, if you can be offended by almost anything, then you should probably cease and desist with reading this review right now. Ok, now that I've whittled my audience down to only the truly depraved, I can freely admit that this third volume of Preacher was awesome!! Ye At this point, I feel like it's pretty safe to assume that if Garth Ennis was involved in the writing, production, or even coffee-fetching for something, then it's probably not well-suited for children.
Fun to read and chock full of badass artwork? As one might have guessed based on the cover, we start off this episode alongside The Saint of Killers if you need to brush up on this character, his biosketch is in my book 1 review. And we all know that dude's one terrifying mofo! What we don't know, however, is how he got that way— everyone loves a good origin story. And Ennis creates one ugly picture both figuratively and literally when it comes to Gumbo McCready. Of course, the Devil is also involved whose banter with the Angel of Death, and general malaise reminded me of Satan and Saddam in South Park.
Flash over to where we were at the end of Preacher Book 2 , and you might recall that the trio of Preacher Jesse Custer , Tulip and Cassidy aka Cass were involved in a whole other scene of trouble.
Preacher Book One (Graphic Novel) Review
I suppose the summary of said events depends on who you ask. Herr Starr, for one, can always be counted on to put things delicately. For a different perspective on what our favorite trio's been up to, we could also ask Arseface. But, as for the twists and turns this time around, I'll leave you to discover those debauched delights for yourselves.
View all 9 comments. Jul 22, Jonathan rated it it was amazing Shelves: Jaysis, this is greatness. A Saint of Killers origin story that shows just how badass he really is, more backstory on Cassidy and a tale of further discovery for Mr. Jesse Custer, all rolled up into one book. The absolutely perfect dialogue alone makes this one of the best comics I've ever read.
Feb 14, Lindsey Lynn thepagemistress rated it it was amazing. These just keep getting better! Apr 13, Cheese rated it it was amazing. It justs gets better and better. View all 5 comments. Apr 29, L. McCoy rated it really liked it Shelves: Well, this series just keeps getting crazier! The Saint of Killers miniseries is now one of my favorite miniseries ever! As a fan of horror and westerns this is fantastic and never boring. Great story of action, anger and the twisted origin of who is possibly the best character in thi Well, this series just keeps getting crazier!
Great story of action, anger and the twisted origin of who is possibly the best character in this series. I would give this miniseries a 5 star rating! I could not stop laughing! The story is still interesting and insane. The art is still really good and it fits the book. The characters are still great.
This book is full of dark humor which is great. This book is never predictable. The ending is hilarious and a fantastic way to end a volume. List of Preacher characters. Script Review of Preacher ". Ain't It Cool News. James Marsden on Heights ". Archived from the original on October 30, Archived from the original on February 28, Archived from the original on October 28, Archived from the original on October 13, Archived from the original on Garth Ennis Steve Dillon. Jesse Custer Saint of Killers. Road to Damnation Fury: My War Gone By. DC Vertigo ongoing series. Deadenders Swamp Thing Vol.
The Age of Magic Fables Y: Fairest Saucer Country Dominique Laveau: Voodoo Child Astro City Vol. Second Cycle The Unwritten: From the Pages of Fables Lucifer Vol. Retrieved from " https: Views Read Edit View history. In other projects Wikiquote.

This page was last edited on 13 November , at By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. The cast of Preacher. Vertigo imprint of DC Comics. Satire , Supernatural , Action.