She had four hairy legs with two toes on each of her four feet, and three arms with the third one coming from her chest! Her body was also very slimy. Regardless of her scary appearance, she was a very kind alien. She loved to play pranks and have a good laugh! She had been abducted because she had been the prettiest baby on earth. They desperately wanted a little baby to cuddle and raise as their own, so they plotted and stole the most beautiful baby on earth. Little did they know that their magical stone would turn her into the scariest looking alien in the universe!

When she was eight years old, Scareckila went back to the abandoned house she had been brought to six years ago to find the magic stone. She had always felt like there was something missing from her life and thought the stone might give her answers. She approached the door of the house and entered. Inside, it was full of spider webs and it felt like there were many eyes on her.

She almost stepped on some cockroaches and had to bite back a scream. Every time she took a step, the floor creaked louder and louder. Scareckila walked down a creepy hallway and entered into a room that, strangely, looked brand new. And there, in the centre of the room, was a glass case on a table, and inside was the magic stone! She approached the table, but the door slammed suddenly behind her.

She turned around at the noise, startled, and the lights began to flicker. Then, the stone began to glow, and then all at once, projected a hologram of that showed Scareckila what her life was before Rocket Planet and her abduction. She saw herself as a little, beautiful baby being loved by her human parents, and she saw the aliens come from Rocket Planet, take her away, and make her touch the magic stone which had forever changed her appearance.

My whole life has been a lie… she thought to herself in horror. Once upon a time there was a land filled with dolphins and chicken wings on a planet called Blob. On this planet, the weather was quite unpredictable, as on really windy days chicken wings would blow across the planet, hitting buildings and anyone unfortunate enough to be in their path.

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The aliens who lived on this planet spoke to their leader because they wanted to do something about the crazy weather and the terrible cheese monster, named Pain. Both were threatening their home, The Hidden Leaf Village. Cupcake Green Queen loved to dance! She had a blob body, rainbow dreads, pineapple arms, three eyes with a big one in the middle of her face, and could split apart into a million little Cupcake Green Queens at will. However, Cupcake Green Queen had a secret: Without saying why, she made every alien in the village throw out all their mirrors into space, because she got scared every time she looked into a mirror and saw herself.

She also had another secret! Pain the cheese monster was her brother, and he controlled the bad weather on Planet Blob.

Our Home – Planet Earth

She knew she had to defeat him, but naturally felt conflicted about it, because Pain was brother. But what had happened between them all those years ago…? He was jealous of Cupcake Green Queen because he wanted to be the ruler of the Hidden Leaf Village, which is why he was so mean to everyone he had trouble working out his issues and took it out on others. The last straw for Cupcake Green Queen was when Pain set her mattress on fire in a fit of jealousy. Pain left the village in a rage, and in his emotional state, he turned into cheese out of pure envy!

Empty half the Earth of its humans. It's the only way to save the planet

He snuck back into the Hidden Leaf Village and confronted Cupcake, and upon seeing herself reflected in his armour, she fainted and did not regain consciousness for two hours…. We are accepting intern applications for students starting placements in September, ! These may be subject to change, depending on your program and main areas of interest. Want to intern with us? Send your resume and a cover letter detailing why you want to intern at Story Planet and what makes you a good fit to candace storyplanet.

Wine, beer, and non-alcoholic beverages will also be available throughout the evening, because we now how to host a good party.

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Hurry and buy your tickets HERE! We would like to introduce you to one of our stellar new volunteers, Catriona Spaven-Donn. Favourite planet to live: Living on Earth is pretty cool — we can be in urban environments with huge streetcar and library networks as well as loads of choices of places to eat and shop; but then we can also be in other habitats. Earlier this year, I lived on an island metres above sea level where it was sometimes difficult to breathe and the high pressure brought tremendous lightning storms. Favourite book or the last great one you read: This year, I worked at the Edinburgh International Book Festival, which is the largest book festival in the world, and I was lucky enough to hear many great writers present their work.

There were sold out events for Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie and Zadie Smith, both of whose novels I have very much enjoyed reading. But rather than the sit-down talks with famous authors, my favourite events happened in the Imagination Lab, where we set up cushions and tables with crayons and arts and crafts for infants and children.

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  • Calendar of Events.
  • Vegetarian Cooking: Mini Cakes with Lemon-Rose Jam (Vegetarian Cooking - Snacks or Desserts Book 76)!
  • As you can tell from my Britta Teckentrup recommendation, I love books about nature. Kathleen Jamie is a Scottish poet who writes about the Scottish landscape, which makes me feel very connected to where I grew up in the countryside outside of Edinburgh, and also in the mountainous, windswept wilderness of the Scottish Highlands.

    Favourite thing to do on Earth: Anything chocolate mint flavour but sadly also dairy-free due to dietary restrictions and tortilla chips and humous. The Social Media Volunteer will participate in the development of a social media plan that includes detailed strategies to: Art by Chantal Taylor Our Character: Art by Chris Green Our Character: A moon called Third Moon, located in the Milky Way in the year , years in the future The moon is very hilly nothing is flat , and there are lakes of lava, and the sky is green There is no oxygen, so all its inhabitants breathe through a tube connected to the ground The weather is donkeys because it rains tiny donkeys It is always hot — even the wind is hot!

    Zuc, and he wants to stop the queen from eating strawberries because he hates the snow Lava Moon In the future, some time around , there lived a nine-year-old dinosaur named Riley. Scareckila stared in shock. Art by Chris Green Our Character An alien named Cupcake Green Queen with an alien code, She has pineapple arms, rainbow dreads, a butt chin, and a circular blob body that is multicoloured like a layer cake She has three eyes, the middle one being the biggest and the other two half its size, and she can add eyes to her face whenever she wants She wears a mask and a helmet Is a psychic Has transformative powers: Story Planet Intern Qualifications: It would be more a matter of managing how we made the move, and what kind of arrangement we left behind.

    One important factor here would be to avoid extremes and absolutes of definition and practice, and any sense of idealistic purity.

    Our Home – Planet Earth

    We are mongrel creatures on a mongrel planet, and we have to be flexible to survive. So these emptied landscapes should not be called wilderness. Wilderness is a good idea in certain contexts, but these emptied lands would be working landscapes, commons perhaps, where pasturage and agriculture might still have a place.

    All those people in cities still need to eat, and food production requires land.

    The 100 million city: is 21st century urbanisation out of control?

    Even if we start growing food in vats, the feedstocks for those vats will come from the land. These mostly depopulated landscapes would be given over to new kinds of agriculture and pasturage, kinds that include habitat corridors where our fellow creatures can get around without being stopped by fences or killed by trains. This vision is one possible format for our survival on this planet.

    They will have to be green cities , sure. We will have to have decarbonised transport and energy production, white roofs , gardens in every empty lot, full-capture recycling, and all the rest of the technologies of sustainability we are already developing. That includes technologies we call law and justice — the system software, so to speak. Income adequacy and progressive taxation keep the poorest and richest from damaging the biosphere in the ways that extreme poverty or wealth do.

    Peace, justice, equality and the rule of law are all necessary survival strategies. Meanwhile, cities will always rely on landscapes much vaster than their own footprints. Those areas will be working for us in their own way, as part of the health-giving context of any sustainable civilisation. And all the land has to be surrounded by oceans that, similarly, are left partly unfished. All this can be done. All this needs to be done if we are to make it through the emergency centuries we face and create a civilised permaculture, something we can pass along to the future generations as a good home.

    There is no alternative way; there is no planet B. We have only this planet, and have to fit our species into the energy flows of its biosphere. This week, the Overstretched Cities series examines the impact of the rush to urbanisation, which has seen cities around the world explode in size. Follow Guardian Cities on Twitter , Facebook and Instagram to join the discussion, and explore our archive here. Topics Cities Overstretched cities.

    Population Food Farming Agriculture comment. Order by newest oldest recommendations.