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Language English View all editions Prev Next edition 2 of 5. Check copyright status Cite this Title The Chinese revolution in the s: Other Authors Leutner, Mechthild.

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Physical Description p. Subjects China -- Politics and government -- China -- History -- Warlord period, China -- History -- Warlord period, -- Congresses. Pantsov Comintern and the Guomindang: Garushiants "Bloc within" or a "bloc without"? Gilmartin Two versions of the "peasant-agrarian question" in China: Pisarev Peasants, peasant uprisings and agrarian revolution, Includes bibliographical references and index.

Chinese Revolution in the 1920s, The: Between Triumph and Disaster (Electronic book text)

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The Chinese Revolution in the s: Between Triumph and Disaster - CRC Press Book

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Description Editor s Bio. Summary Based mainly on Russian and Chinese archival sources that have become available only since the early s, the authors of this collection explore the main aspects of the Chinese Revolution in the crucial period of the s, such as the United Front policy, the development of communism, the Guomindang perspective, institutional issues and social movements. Xinjiang and the Modern Chinese State.

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The Formation of the Chinese Communist Party. Mao and the Economic Stalinization of China, — Mao, Stalin and the Korean War.

China At The Front (ca 1920s)

Worse Than a Monolith. Russia and NATO since Kazakhstan - Ethnicity, Language and Power. Stalin's Legacy in Romania. China's struggle with the modern world.

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Transitional Justice in Post-Communist Romania. Maoism at the Grassroots. The Soviet Union and Communist China The Arduous Road to the Alliance.

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A Chinese Jewish Quest. Making the Foreign Serve China. The Bolsheviks and the Chinese Revolution The Battle for Manchuria and the Fate of China. Historical Dictionary of the Chinese Civil War. Forgotten Voices of Mao's Great Famine, China's Southern Tang Dynasty, Ethnic Relations in Post-Soviet Russia.

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  5. The Chinese revolution in the 1920s : between triumph and disaster;
  6. Patriotic Professionalism in Urban China.