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Equinus the Spirit Horse. Issrilla the Creeping Menace. Rashouk the Cave Troll. Spiros the Ghost Phoenix. Keymon the Gorgon Hound. Skor the Winged Stallion. Sting the Scorpion Man.

King Gizzard & the Lizard Wizard

Vigrash the Clawed Eagle. Arachnid the Spider King. Zepha the Monster Squid. Epos the Winged Flame. Vipero the Snake Man. Beast Quest Special Edition 1: Claw the Giant Ape. Silda the Electric Eel. Linka the Sky Conqueror. Tauron the Pounding Fury. Xerik the Bone Cruncher. Magror, Ogre of the Swamps.

Tina Turner as The Acid Queen in the film Tommy (1975).

Anoret the First Beast. Soara the Stinging Spectre. Tartok the Ice Beast. Quagos the Armoured Beetle. Plexor the Raging Reptile. Stinger the Sea Phantom. Koba, Ghoul of the Shadows. Vermok the Spiteful Scavenger. Crusher the Creeping Terror. Fliktor the Deadly Conqueror. Skrar the Night Scavenger.

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Karixa the Diamond Warrior. Skurik the Forest Demon.

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Fangor the Crunching Giant. Verak the Storm King. Kronus the Clawed Menace. Torpix the Twisting Serpent. Kull the Cave Crawler. Noctila the Death Owl. Creta the Winged Terror. Rokk The Walking Mountain. Amictus the Bug Queen. Blaze the Ice Dragon. Hellion the Fiery Foe. Trillion, the Three-Headed Lion. Drogan the Jungle Menace. Tengal the Savage Shark.

Mangler the Dark Menace. Stealth the Ghost Panther. Zulok the Winged Spirit. Styro the Snapping Brute. Shamani the Raging Flame. Tecton the Armoured Giant. Soltra the Stone Charmer. Kragos and Kildor the Two-Headed Demon. Gulak the Gulper Eel. Manak the Manta Ray. Grashkor the Beast Guard.

Nephro the Ice Lobster. Falkor the Coiled Terror. Kraya the Blood Shark. Korvax the Sea Dragon. Silver the Wild Terror.

Voltrex the Two-headed Octopus. Menox the Sabre-Toothed Terror. Rykar the Fire Hound. Krytor the Blood Bat.

  • On the Other Side: A Novel (Zane Presents)?
  • Tina Turner as The Acid Queen in the film Tommy (). – Pop Culture!
  • Astrochemistry and Astrobiology (Physical Chemistry in Action).
  • Mortaxe the Skeleton Warrior. Raksha the Mirror Demon. Brutus the Hound of Horror. Madara the Midnight Warrior. Lypida the Shadow Fiend. The release of their first two albums, 12 Bar Bruise and Eyes Like the Sky primarily blended surf music , garage rock and psychedelic rock into the band's sound. They were also the debut releases of the band's independent record label , Flightless, founded by Moore in In , the band promised to release five studio albums within the year: The band members all grew up and went to school in the Deniliquin, Melbourne and Geelong areas.

    The band started off as a group of friends jamming together, before a mutual friend asked them to play at a show.

    King Gizzard & the Lizard Wizard - Wikipedia

    The band's name was created "last minute". Mackenzie wanted to name the band "Gizzard Gizzard" while another band member wanted Jim Morrison 's nickname "Lizard King". They eventually compromised with King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard. It is named after Anglesea , the coastal town where Mackenzie grew up, and is currently not available for purchase, physically or digitally.

    The band's first full-length album, 12 Bar Bruise , was released on 7 September For example, the vocals for the album's title track were recorded through four iPhones placed around a room while Mackenzie sang into one of them. The album was written collaboratively by Smith and Stu Mackenzie. When asked about the album's influences, Mackenzie said: I love bad guys and I love Red Dead Redemption.

    Oh, and I love evil guitars". This was the first time the band took a "traditional" approach to writing and recording an album; the songs were written, the band rehearsed together, and they recorded the songs "as a band" in the studio. The band's eighth full-length album, Nonagon Infinity , was released worldwide on 29 April Stu Mackenzie, November [34]. The band's ninth full-length album, Flying Microtonal Banana , was recorded in the band's own studio [35] and released on 24 February Another full-length album, Murder of the Universe , was released on 23 June It is narrated by Leah Senior [45] for the first two chapters, and a text-to-speech program for the final chapter.

    Mackenzie described the record as "perhaps representing greater changes that are happening in the wider world, and this is our attempt to find beauty within a place that we spend so much time", referring to the constant changes in their neighbourhood. King Gizzard's twelfth studio album, Polygondwanaland , was released as a free download on 17 November The band encouraged fans and independent record labels to create their own pressings of the album, stating that "[Polygondwanaland] is FREE.

    Free as in, free. Free to download and if you wish, free to make copies. Ever wanted to start your own record label? Employ your mates, press wax, pack boxes. We do not own this record.