Overview, Legislation, and Laws Chapter Viewing and Visiting Congress Chapter Putting It All Together: Being a Member of Congress 1. Campaigns and Elections 2. Lobbying and Congressional Ethics 3. Allowances and Staff 4. Members, Leaders, and Committees 5. House and Senate Rules 6. Scheduling and Privilege 6. Methods of Consideration 6. Stages of Action 6. Motion to Recommit and Final Passage 6.

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Motion to Reconsider and Final Passage 6. Federal Budget Process 7.

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Congress's "Power of the Purse" 7. Deferrals and Rescissions 7. Special Procedures and Considerations 8. Separation of Powers, Checks and Balances, and Federalism 8. Department of Commerce 8. Ratification of Treaties, and Foreign Policy 8. Oversight and Investigation 8.

Presidential Election and Succession 8. Exercising Congressional Powers 8.

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Declaring War and Committing Troops 8. Treaties and International Agreements 8. Legislation, Appropriations, and Nominations 8. Financial Support for State and Local Governments 8.

Amending the Constitution 8. Overview, Legislation, and Laws 9. Bills and Joint Resolutions 9. Simple and Concurrent Resolutions 9. Committee, Chamber, Party, and Administrative Publications Viewing and Visiting Congress Senate and House Signals Tracking Legislative Action A Working Example Schneider is a frequent speaker and lecturer on Congress and legislative procedures.

Job Search Success Story: Congressional Staff Assistant Jessi Calzado-Esponda

She holds bachelor's and master's degrees from The American University. Koempel is a senior specialist in American national government at the Congressional Research Service, a department of the Library of Congress. He worked previously for Congressional Quarterly Inc. Koempel holds a bachelor's degree from Georgetown University and a law degree from The Catholic University of America, and is admitted to practice law in the District of Columbia. Chapter 7 Robert Keith , who worked at the Congressional Research Service from , was a specialist in American national government.

He specialized in legislative procedure and the federal budget process, focusing particularly on the development and consideration of budget resolutions, reconciliation bills, authorization and appropriations acts, revenue and debt-limit legislation, and proposals to change the budget process. He now consults on the budget process and other issues of federal governance. The views expressed in this book are those of the individual authors. They do not represent the views of their employers or of TheCapitol.

Scores of books and studies about Congress are published each year. Some address legislative or budget procedures. Others detail documents that are generated on Capitol Hill or catalogue available Internet resources. Some explore an aspect of congressional history, or tell the story of Congress through a biography, voting patterns, leadership styles, or individual legislation.

This book owes much to earlier books and studies. In some ways, it is a synthesis of these publications; in other ways, it is a complementary volume. We decided that another book on Congress was not superfluous, but should provide as much practical information on the operations of this institution as possible in one volume. In this book, we cover legislative, budget, and special procedures; how various procedures relate to each other; the forms and impact of political competition on Capitol Hill; overviews of the election, lobbying, and ethics laws and rules that regulate congressional behavior; the work of congressional, committee, and administrative offices; and the variety of congressional documents.

Gatekeeper to the Floor and more Our Capitol Learning Audio Courses can be customized with your logo in quantities of to 10, copies. Contact our Client Liaison for details. Also see these related publications. New Legislative Processes in the U. Have a suggestion for the Congressional Deskbook? If you have a suggestion for a change or addition to a future edition of the Congressional Deskbook, please contact us or complete our online suggestion form.

Net is a non-partisan firm, and the opinions of its faculty, authors, clients and the owners and operators of its vendors are their own and do not represent those of TheCapitol. Book Preview See larger image and description of cover images Find Congressional Deskbook in a library near you.

It is concise, clarion clear and comprehensive all at once. It is spare and crisp -- but it never oversimplifies. It is written in lay language, but it never 'dumbs it down. The breadth and depth of its coverage of Congress and of the institution's innumerable rules and practices are truly extraordinary.

Most importantly, such detail is presented in an exceedingly accessible and efficient fashion. I have no doubt that the Deskbook will become an indispensable teaching tool and reference volume in my teaching and research. It can be used effectively as a basic text on the operations of the legislative branch and as a reference guide for answers to simple and complex questions about the first branch of government. An essential resource for those working within, reporting on, lobbying, or just trying to understand our very complicated and essential national legislature.

Judy Schneider (Author of Congressional Deskbook)

It pulls it all together by using concrete examples and documents to make things easily understandable--no mean feat given the labyrinthine ways of Congress. Beyond the valuable information about how Congress works and how bills become laws, the Congressional Deskbook takes the reader inside the Capitol, explaining the customs and power structure. If you want to know how House and Senate leaders are chosen or if you are searching for a list of those who have lain in state or in Honor in the Capitol Rotunda or how federal spending decisions are made, this reference book has all that plus more.

The Deskbook contains an amazing amount of highly useful information for anyone who deals with Congress or wants to fully understand its workings. Koempel is a senior specialist in American national government at the Congressional Research Service, a department of the Library of Congress.

Congressional Deskbook, The Practical and Comprehensive Guide to Congress, 5th Edition

He worked previously for Congressional Quarterly Inc. Koempel holds a bachelor's degree from Georgetown University and a law degree from The Catholic University of America, and is admitted to practice law in the District of Columbia. Chapter 7 Robert Keith , who worked at the Congressional Research Service from , was a specialist in American national government.

He specialized in legislative procedure and the federal budget process, focusing particularly on the development and consideration of budget resolutions, reconciliation bills, authorization and appropriations acts, revenue and debt-limit legislation, and proposals to change the budget process. He now consults on the budget process and other issues of federal governance.

The views expressed in this book are those of the individual authors. They do not represent the views of their employers or of TheCapitol. Judy Schneider , Michael L. Complete Table of Contents with links to other material at CongressionalDeskbook.