Editorial Reviews

I really enjoyed this, but won't do a review as it's one of those books where it's best you know as little as possible about it before you read it and discover it for yourself. Beautifully written, characters you care about, clever twists. Willow lost her parents at a young age and had been brought up by her aunt Hope. Even though she has had a relatively happy childhood she does seem to have some resentment to her aunt who seems to be reluctant to talk about Charity and her past.

The majority of chapters to do with Charity are prior to her having Willow and gives us more insight into her relationship and her relationship with two men who are play very big parts in her life. This is very much a story that needs to be inhaled slowly. Even though there are shocks and surprises in store, it is told at a gentle pace which draws you in and consumes you. I was desperate for answers like Willow but I savoured every minute until the author was ready to share them with us.

It held me captive throughout and I really enjoyed this slower paced thriller. Definitely well worth the read. Aug 20, Pamela rated it really liked it Shelves: It's amazing how one big secret can have so many little off-shoots from it. That is how this story is.

Told in two POV's with two timelines, the mother and the daughter. The characters are well written, even the supporting ones. The descriptions of the seaside villages and underwater forests made me wish I was there. I kept wondering what other secrets were going to be unearthed as the story progressed. I have to say that I did not see the "Big One" coming. This book is packed with family drama, l It's amazing how one big secret can have so many little off-shoots from it.

This book is packed with family drama, love, struggles and forgiveness. A very enjoyable read for me. Aug 21, Carol Hislop rated it it was ok. One star for introducing me to submerged forests-I would like to find out more about them. Another star for a bit of a surprise ending. I think I am being generous though. Terrible dialogue and ridiculous story. The last chapter was far too long and I skimmed through the last few pages because the story was a predictable tying up of loose ends by that point. The novel switches between past and present day time lines narrated by both Charity and Willow.

When Hope and Charity are young, a tragic accident befalls Faith and she passes away - which haunts the family forever. An adult Willow, goes searching for answers and will stop at nothing until she finds them. In doing so, Willow unearths, the biggest secret of one which was not even remotely predictable. In addition, I felt as though the initial secret kept by Charity would have been uncovered by proper police investigation and forensics and thus was not feasible.

Jul 08, Kim rated it it was amazing Shelves: Willow enjoys diving and looking at submerged forest sites. They sound absolutely fascinating. She's invited to a photographic exhibition and wonders who the photographer is and why she's been invited. She lost her parents when she was young on the maiden voyage of a cruise liner that her dad owned. When she gets the chance to dive down to the liner she can't resist. Her mum's handbag is found. D Does it unearth a secret? Her aunt Hope, isn't keen to talk about the past. I loved the characters and Willow enjoys diving and looking at submerged forest sites.

I loved the characters and wondered what secrets were going to be unearthed throughout the book. We go back in time and to the present day- following Willow's life and her mother's. I loved Tracy's writing style and already can't wait to read more. It was a real page turner, thrilling settings and very interesting characters. I'd highly recommend this one as a summer read. With many thanks to the publisher and Net Galley for the chance to read this great book. Jul 01, CL rated it it was amazing.

This was a great story and a real page turner. I could not put it down. This is my first book by Tracy Buchanan but I will definitely read more of her works. Willow was orphaned when she lost her parents when the cruise ship they were on went down. Now she has the chance to dive the actual ship where she lost her parents and she hopes to find answers to questions her aunt Hope will not answer. This is a great read and I would like to thank the Publisher and Net Galley for the chance to read this This was a great story and a real page turner.

La storia potrebbe non essere nuova: Ne La sorella segreta vediamo posti incredibili e mozzafiato, molte foreste meravigliose realmente esistenti di cui ignoro l'esistenza. Fin quando non ho cercato su Internet non ho avuto davvero idea che posti come quelli descritti nella storia esistono realmente e leggerli mi ha fatto sentire come se fossi io stessa la protagonista di questa grande avventura.

Non cercano di essere amati e di impressionare il lettore, ma sono semplicemente se stessi. Nel complesso, la storia si rivela molto avvincente dalla penna di una scrittrice di talento. Ci sono stati alcuni momenti carichi di emozione; mi sono ritrovata a vivere con i personaggi i momenti felici e a condividere il loro dolore nei momenti bui.

Jul 14, Meital Ben-Daniel rated it it was amazing Shelves: It has all the elements of a great bestseller! The setting of lost underwater forests was both magical and full of mystery. The three sisters who love to dive around these forests, the secrets around them and the romances kept me turning the pages with held breath. Willow, the niece travels along her family history in order to retrace her mother's path, in search for answers to her unanswered questions. I am not going to write more in order not to spoil the suspence Beautifully-written by Tracy Buchanan.

This is my first book by this author - I'm sure to be looking for more Enjoy a great summer read! Jul 06, Ana rated it really liked it Shelves: Ever since I read her debut 'The Atlas of Us' a year and a half ago I've lived in hope she'll publish her second one soon and was pretty convinced the story will be masterfully crafted just like her debut. As you see, I was rather impressed with Ms Buchanan's writing and the way she creates her characters, who seemed to pop out of the pages making you feel, live and breathe with them. Honestly, I don't think I will ever be disappointed in any next novel Ms Buchanan writes as she's truly mastered the writing skill and has the most vivid imagination absolutely necessary to create original plots.

The story might not be new, it's a story of two generations of women, story of three sisters with their own secrets and one young woman on a quest to find out more about her mother's past. Despite looking like a rather simple plot, and something we've already seen so many times in fiction, Ms Buchanan adds a very interesting and rather unusual story of submerged forests around which everything revolves. This is why I say that no matter how simple story Ms Buchanan chooses as a plot, she adds her original stamp and creates one very unique piece that definitely stands out.

Going back and forth in time, we find out more about Willow, a young woman working as a diver, and about the three sisters one of them Willow's mother, who passed away and about the mystery behind the death of one of their family members. Bearing in mind Ms Buchanan is a journalist, I had no doubts she'll once again create a beautiful setting and take us around the world, travelling different countries and even continents, just like she did in 'The Atlas of Us'.

I was not wrong, in 'My Sister's Secret' we see loads of amazing places and loads of submerged forests I even looked online. I really had no idea places like this even exist and reading about them really felt like one big adventure. The characters were rather different and I can tell Ms Buchanan doesn't feel the need to create lovable characters. On the contrary, they felt too real and even Charity's Willow's mum indecisiveness about the men in her life felt real and I guess it's something some women experience at a certain age. All the characters have flaws, but they're kind of perfect in their imperfections.

They're not trying to be liked and they're not doing anything to impress you by having a strong character, they just are The only reason why I'm not giving it the max stars, is because sometimes the love triangle felt overwhelming and too much for me to digest. However, it's still a beautiful story which will hold your interest till the last page. If I compare it to Ms Buchanan's debut, I can see she's stepped out of her comfort zone, adding more romance elements to this story. Overall, this was a gripping, interesting story from the pen of an amazingly talented writer.

I'm already Ms Buchanan's big fan and look forward to each of her next novels. I just hope we won't have to wait too long for her next. Willow questions her aunt about it, but Hope refuses to answer her questions.

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Frustrated, Willow searches for answers and, after discovering secrets that have been buried for years, wonders if her entire life has been built on a foundation of lies. The writing is pure perfection—the complexities of the characters are revealed with excellent timing, keeping you engaged in the story and provoking a whirlwind of emotions that linger long after you read the final sentence. All of which makes this a Book Worth Reading. I received an advance review copy of this book via Netgalley and Bookouture in exchange for an honest review.

This was a five star idea that plummeted to one star in its execution. The characters were all so shallow that they were totally unbelievable. How can anyone be madly in love with person A but forget about them the next minute because they had met person B? How does a millionaire businessman watch his beloved sister-in-law struggle in a failing business and not help her out? How does a fully equipped, newly built cruise ship SINK because of a storm and how was the little girl, orphaned because o This was a five star idea that plummeted to one star in its execution.

How does a fully equipped, newly built cruise ship SINK because of a storm and how was the little girl, orphaned because of it, left to live with an aunt who couldn't afford to make an attic room of her house safe? Surely, she should have been a millionaire through inheritance? And a duvet cover that had lasted for twenty years without falling apart? For goodness sake, couldn't it have been made a little bit believable.

As for the number of coincidences in the book- well, I don't know where to start. If the characters had been well developed the author might have got away with it; after all, most great books in literature have an element of coincidence. The book lacked menace, suspense, excitement and even credibility. Give it a miss. Oct 19, Book-shelf Shelf rated it it was amazing. Faith, one of the sisters, was killed in a car accident one night and its Charity's the main character boyfriend who is joined for hit and run.

Unfolds is a story spanning over the years of Charity and Hope's lives since the accident. They are not only told by Charity tho, Willow, Charity's daughter is trying to find answers and she is also a main character. The time lapse is done brilliantly and the characters are amazing at telling the story. Every reader will feel the feelings the character feels and won't be able to put the book down.

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As the secrets come out, the reader is most defiantly shocked and unsuspecting in every way. Totally loved this book and can't wait to get stuck in Tracy's next book!! Bei diesem Buch hat mich das Cover gleich angesprochen. Nachdem ich dann noch den Klappentext gelesen habe, war ich umso neugieriger.

Ich bin auch gleich in der Handlung drin gewesen, also der Einstieg war leicht und man kann auch gut der Geschichte folgen. Zwar gibt es ein paar langatmige Stellen in diesem Buch, aber das Wechseln von der Gegenwart in die Vergangenheit fand ich recht interessant und vorallem die Suche nach der Wahrheit.

Ihre Eltern sind umgekommen, nachdem das Schiff ihres Vaters gesunken ist. Dabei findet sie die Handtasche ihrer Mutter, die sie ihr damals geschenkt hat und darin eine Halskette mit Initialen. Ich finde die Wechslung von Gegenwart zur Vergangenheit und dadurch die wechselnde Sicht der Protagonisten sehr erfrischend und spannend. Beide Protagonisten fand ich sehr symphatisch. Sie war mir auch gleich von anfang an symphatisch. Sie hatte eigentlich einen Traum, doch ohne Geld kommt sie nicht weit. Sie war aber auch freundlich und hat ihr Herz am rechten Fleck.

Hope fand ich dagegen schon etwas unsymphatisch. Immerhin geht es um ihre Schwester und Nichte. Vielleicht liegt es auch daran, das Hope immer alleine war und niemanden an ihrer Seite hatte. Die anderen Charakter, die man im Laufe der Geschichte kennenlernt, waren eigentlich alle symphatisch. Es waren auch alle authentisch und bildlich beschrieben. Am besten hat mir hier die bildhaft beschriebenen Ortschaften gefallen, die die Protagonisten besucht haben. Jan 21, Suze Lavender rated it it was amazing.

Willow is a diver. She loves being under water. She's lost both of her parents at a young age and has been raised by her aunt Hope. She has happy memories of her parents and they loved her very much. Hope is always a bit reserved and they've grown apart over the years.

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When she discovers that her aunt is keeping secrets from her about her childhood and her family Willow starts to investigate her past. Charity, Willow's mother, doesn't marry her childhood sweetheart and true love Niall, but they Willow is a diver. Charity, Willow's mother, doesn't marry her childhood sweetheart and true love Niall, but they always remain close. He is a diver as well and he's made quite a career out of it. They are both interested in submerged forests because of Charity's sister Faith. She wanted to visit all of them.

They're using the map she made and keep running into each other when they want to dive. Because of Niall's involvement in a tragic accident that killed Faith they can't be together any longer. Charity and Hope are the two remaining sisters and Hope can't bear to be around Niall. That makes it difficult for Charity to still see him.

There are some things that are better left a secret and Charity doesn't tell the truth about Niall to her sister. A tragic accident eventually ends her life and Hope never wants to talk about her sister again. Will she open up so Willow can discover the truth?

My Sister's Secret is a fantastic book about sisters, diving and secrets. I love books about sisters and this is definitely a good one. There's so much mystery and I couldn't wait to find out more about both the past and the present. I didn't want to stop reading and just had to know more. This story is a real page-turner. It's fast-paced and there's a lot going on. Everything comes together very well and the ending is surprising.

I love Tracy Buchanan's writing style. She's very good at tension building and writing cliffhangers. It makes her stories both gripping and moving. I love how she writes about traveling. It's great to see different places of the world through her eyes. I wanted to pack my bags and go to each of the places she describes straight away. I found the variety of settings and the underwater forest aspect fascinating.

I also really liked the alternation between past and present. There are scenes that made me hold my breath. I love it when I feel so much while I'm reading a story. My Sister's Secret has many great aspects and everything about this story is exactly right, the timing is perfect, the plot is really good and the main characters are interesting. I think it's an amazing, thrilling read. It was all getting too farfetched for me and I'd had enough of them all. So it was all a bit too ridiculous. Of course there were apostrophe errors thrown in, that e-book staple and a couple of puzzling things I noticed.

This passage baffled me-"Dan took the bulging bag from her and smiled, following her out of the door. He threw the rubbish into it" And this too-it was mentioned that Charity went in search of Hope after getting off Dan's boat when we'd only just been told that Hope was there when the boat docked. It was all a bit scrappy. Of was used in place of on at one point too.

It wasn't without some funny little barbed asides I liked but that was about it for me. I like my reading a bit more realistic. Jul 20, Christine rated it really liked it. This was a great read, it was captivating, it was well written. I love stories that go from the past to the present or the present to the past.

The author did a wonderful job drawing you into the sisters world, you care about them, you feel their pain and their joy. This novel is packed with family drama, love, struggles, courage, and forgiveness. Its full of underwater adventures, passion, romance, and secrets. Its heart-warming and heart-breaking at times, but you are so involved in the sisters story, you read on.

Even though I had figured out the secret, I wanted to continue on with the story and when the book ended, I really wanted more. I will defiantly read this authors next novel. Originally reviewed on http: Well, after having given myself almost a couple of days rest after the turbulent journey which was neatly tucked away within this rather innocent-looking novel, I finally feel able to put my words together into what I hope will be a somewhat coherent order, fingers crossed anyway.

I must admit I was happy with the ending. Very happy that Emmy doesn't get to design wedding dresses. Go fuck yourself, Emmy! Oct 13, Holly rated it it was amazing Shelves: I received this book through a goodreads giveaway in exchange for an honest review. I loved this story! I thought it was beautiful in a simple way but still left an impact on me. Such a sad and devastating time. This book made me feel like I was there going through it with Emmy.

I could feel her loss and hopelessness. I could feel her desire to prove herself and to shed herself after losing so much. Emmy's story was wond I received this book through a goodreads giveaway in exchange for an honest review. Emmy's story was wonderfully told, one that I'm happy to have had an opportunity to read. View all 5 comments. Whyyyyyy did I wait so long to read this book?!

Sisters, Secrets and Sacrifice

It is an excellent, beautifully written novel of two sisters who are tragically affected by the World War II bombings of London. Emmy is a strong female character who has lofty dreams, and we see her mature into a woman on a quest to make up for regrets. Julia is the younger sister who lives with different regrets and is deeply affected by what occurs in London. I had a lump in my throat for the entire last part of 3. Many life lessons can be lea Whyyyyyy did I wait so long to read this book?! Many life lessons can be learned in these pages. I will think about this book for a long time to come.

Mar 27, Donia rated it it was ok. I deeply appreciate writers who tackle historical fiction and mean Ms. I truly wished to read a good story about War Time London but this poorly crafted story simply did not deliver. Perhaps it would have worked if it was listed as Juvenile Fiction? As an adult consumer I was annoyed by this poorly constructed story. At every twist and turn the plot was advanced through the use of transparent props. The blitz has happened; Winter is coming, Emily needs a warm coat; oh my t I deeply appreciate writers who tackle historical fiction and mean Ms.

The blitz has happened; Winter is coming, Emily needs a warm coat; oh my there is a suit case with a coat and pajamas; gloves; everything she needs. Emily needs a light to see with; oh my she just happens to have a key to the one and only building left standing in London with electricity and running water. This teenage know it all school drop out just happens to interest nationally acclaimed journalists. Mar 02, Sherri Thacker rated it really liked it Shelves: Loved this story from the beginning to the end!! Susan Meissner sure can tell a great story and make it seem So real!!

Mar 01, Jennifer rated it did not like it Shelves: If you get irritated by "prudish" reviews, stop now. You won't enjoy this one. I feel very disappointed right now. Susan Meissner has a way with words and I was immediately swept away by her beautiful prose and fully developed characters. I started to get a bit uneasy when the Lord's name was taken in vain a couple of times, but thought it surely would be a rare occurrence and I could press on.

Meissner is a Christian author after all. Then I realized that the book really didn't contain Warning: Then I realized that the book really didn't contain any Christian elements and the perspective on life presented was rather hopeless and dreary. Then more crude language and awful use of God's name popped up again and again. When it dawned on me that this book was going to include a sex scene, that was the last straw. I ended up skimming quickly over the last few chapters and was again disappointed to see that the book offered little hope.

I can't understand why the author would spend so much time writing a well-crafted story and squander the opportunity to point readers to God and His light. I'm not looking for a sermon or for clumsy Christian messages, just some light and some hope. Is that too much to ask? View all 8 comments. Nov 10, Pamela rated it really liked it Shelves: Quite the enthralling story!!!! We make our choices - you and I - in a world that isn't perfect. And while I wish I had made different choices, as I know you do, which one of us can say that if we had, nothing bad would have ever happened to the people we love?

And so much more: Susan Messiner is a beautifully gifted storyteller, weaving contemporary fiction with that of historical in a moralistically astute and emotionally satisfying way. You cannot live your life as though you still held all your cards. Some turn out quite well. Others, not so much; leaving a trail of sorrows and regrets in our wake. Like a pebble dropped in a pond, these choices can have far reaching rippling effects as evidenced in Secrets of a Charmed Life through the realistically imagined characters of Emmy and Julia Downtree.

No one but God in heaven has the benefit of seeing beyond today. Relationship-exploration in general is one of her strengths. And I truly appreciate her choice to write cleanly, sans vulgarity, no matter how unsettling or dark the subject matter.

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On a less stellar note, "Secrets of a Charmed Life" doesn't behold the most authentic voice in terms of narrative. It's evident an American author is attempting a British narration - without complete success. Nothing to get cockeyed over; at least not in my estimation. However, literary purists might find it irksome beyond forgiveness. Meissner also tends to be overly zealous with explanatory details. Every cause-and-effect instance need not be spelled out in minute details; readers aren't without deductive reasoning skills.

Then again, maybe some readers prefer being spoon fed????? Overall, peeves aside, this a beautiful touching story. It brings to light conflicting choices Britons had to make during world war two in regards to family and survival. And it explores family bonds, promises, secrets, intents, burdens, and disappointments. She exchanged a transparent life of abject poverty for one of secrets and illusion that kept her and her daughters fed and clothed.

This was how people balanced the scales [when] their world was tipping. View all 15 comments. Mar 07, Sara rated it really liked it Recommended to Sara by: This tale of two sisters, Emmy and Julia Downtree, takes place during the days of World War II when London was under the Blitz and children were evacuated out of the city into the countryside. It is a story of misconception, too many assumptions, too many actions without enough forethought to avoid dire consequences and the grief that comes from making a mistake you feel you can never rectify.

She misjudges her mother and in many ways distrusts her, and she sees only part of a situation but judes it as all. While it is hard to live with messing up your own life, sometimes it is even harder to live with your effect on the lives of others. The truth is uncovered in layers in the novel. Truths about self, about others, and about events. As one character says, The truth is a strange companion. It devastates one moment and enthralls the next. But it never deceives. And because of that, in the end, it comforts. I particularly liked this reflection on time and grief The rest of the world may zoom past at breakneck speed but when you are learning to live with loss, time slows down to the pace of your breathing.

And, the quote from which the title springs, that is all about responsibility and guilt: I want her to see that I understand there are no secrets to a charmed life. Meisser has done a good job of recreating the historical time frame, weaving believable characters and investing them with meaning beyond their own individual stories. An easy narrative with enough mystery and emotion to keep you reading to the end.

May 11, Carol rated it it was amazing Shelves: What an awesome journey Meissner takes us on!!! I love to learn history while submerged in a story full of events and characters that touch my emotions! I normally don't read much of this genre nothing against it, just doesn't cross my radar very often but the synopsis had caught my eye and thanks to Kate Morton, I love these kinds of stories I was eager to read it Thanks again to my friend Shaun for gifting me this for Christmas: It starts off slow, buildi 3.

It starts off slow, building up the lives of Emmy,Julia, and their mom before the war came to England. Not compelling exactly but it keeps your attention as the story moves along.

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We're immersed into the lives of these people and ache with Emmy as she endures the disappearance of her sister and the uncertainty if what had happened to her I understood her better later on. Emmy starts out optimistic, believing anything is possible and excited envisioning her future. Then Emmy and Julia were evacuated to the countryside to keep them safe and many events were set in motion. I truly don't know how I would have reacted if I had had to live through all they did.

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  • Charlotte was a wonderful character as well, someone I would have loved to know and Thistle House sounds so beautiful The kind of house I would want to have. Couldn't help but love Julia, such a sweet kid: Isabelle's husband was a good man, I admired him. Part three had me wanting to give the person whose POV it was a big hug The relationships between everyone were extremely well done, the bonds felt natural and not forced at all. Each one has their own powerful effect on the story and in some motivations of each person. A beautiful ending that made me smile as well.

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    The narrator is lovely, a softish way of speaking that suits the story wonderfully. It took me a bit to warm up to it but she was a good fit for it. Not my favorite narrator but I would probably listen to her narrating something else in the future. Would recommend, happy reading! Jun 09, Myrna rated it really liked it. Slow to start but interesting to read as the story unravels. Secrets of a Charmed Life is a beautiful historical fiction full of joy, heartache, surprises, tension, and sadness. Highly recommended if you like to read WWII historical fiction books about sisterly love and how fate can change lives.

    This will definitely not be my last Meissner book! Oct 11, Mlpmom Book Reviewer rated it really liked it Shelves: Mar 12, Dianne rated it did not like it Shelves: Could not get past the first few pages. Tedious, excessive references to irrelevant details i. Predictable and cliche descriptions i. They scheduled her interview with the lady on the same day as her 93rd birthday party? How realistic is that? Well, just as realistic as everything else I read the first few pages I'm all for running away, fantasy, a perfectly dreamy world to escape to, etc.

    But this is just too much. Feb 06, Rachel marked it as dnf. Lack of historical atmosphere. Last time I read one of her books I fell completely in love with her elegant writing and storytelling and found myself falling in love all over again. She is one of many authors that keep my interest with historical fiction alive and why I keep coming back to this genre over and over again.

    The story mostly follows a year-old girl Emmy Downtree, her story told by Isabel McFarland when a young scholar comes to in The moment I saw that Susan Meissner wrote another book, I knew I had to have it. The story mostly follows a year-old girl Emmy Downtree, her story told by Isabel McFarland when a young scholar comes to interview the elderly woman in hopes of learning some secrets about the war. Emmy has big dreams, and all she really wants is to find love and acceptance from her mother, for her to be proud of Emmy. She loves to draw wedding dresses, so when she get's a job at a wedding dress shop, it feels like a dream come true.

    When her boss informs her that she knows a man who is willing to look at Emmy's brides and could offer her an apprenticeship, Emmy can't believe her luck. Luck, that unfortunately soon starts to run out. When the war escalates, Emmy's mother signs both of Emmy and her half-sister Julia to evacuate London and find refuge in the country side. What happens next changes both of the girl's life forever Such an emotional, riveting tale about love, lose, hope and perseverance.

    I found myself glued to page after page, immersed in the fantastic storytelling by Meissner. Emmy was just a young girl who thought she was doing the right thing, who just wanted to make her dream come true. In turn she watched her entire world crumble into pieces when the blitz hit and she found herself losing everything that has ever been important to her. I don't want to dig into the story as much as I want to talk about it more with a fear of revealing a little too much. I did find myself irritated by Emmy's reckless behavior, I found it selfish and one-sided, but I understood that she was just a young girl who was looking to make her mother proud.

    In hopes that Emmy would never feel like she had ruined her mother's life, she wanted to show her that she could do something good with hers. I found myself in tears by the end of the book. Everything that left me with questions midway through did get answered at the end of the book. Luckily there was closure, or else I am not sure how I would have done without it. I wanted to know what became of Emmy and how she coped with the hand that was dealt to her.

    How she managed to get through with losing so much in so little time. Her tenacity and ambition to make things right were inspiring, so was the fact that she had a hard time giving up. The year-old girl had to grow up fast during the blitz and become a strong and independent woman. I could have just hugged this book after reading it. Enjoyed it immensely, glad I gave it a shot and hope to see more from Susan Meissner soon.

    I got a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange of an honest review. Feb 18, Carole rated it it was amazing Shelves: She writes 2 story lines, one from the past, and one present day. I always favor the historical story, and was so glad this focused on the WW2 tale of Emmy and Julia, 2 sisters who were separated during the bombings on London by Germany. The only minor thing I wasn't fond of was the 3rd part told by Julia in letter form. If you are a historical fiction fan, this should be on your list to read soon! I look forward to her next book!

    Jan 29, Rori rated it it was ok. This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. The back cover leads you to believe that this story is about the intersection of two lives, one a modern young history student, the other an elderly watercolor painter who survived the Second World War in England. Let's just forget the first person Kendra because her only role is to set the stage for the second Isabel to tell her secret story that she apparently kept untold for years and years though, as the story progresses, we find out there are actually many people who know the story but The back cover leads you to believe that this story is about the intersection of two lives, one a modern young history student, the other an elderly watercolor painter who survived the Second World War in England.

    Let's just forget the first person Kendra because her only role is to set the stage for the second Isabel to tell her secret story that she apparently kept untold for years and years though, as the story progresses, we find out there are actually many people who know the story but keep it on the DL because We learn very little about Kendra other than the fact that she finds Isabel's story intriguing.

    The only mystery surrounding her is why Isabel chooses to tell her the story The plot of Isabel's story actually had a lot of promise and as I was reading it I couldn't help but think that this would make a nice screenplay, though perhaps I felt this way because the author at times goes into unnecessary detail about what a person was looking at or touching or hearing.

    The descriptiveness got a bit leaden at times and the abundant use of proper names "Emmy said Emmy looked around" made it feel more like stage directions than reading as a novel. I've not read any of Meissner's other stories, so I'm not sure if this is a stylistic trait of hers, but I did find it a bit distracting and inelegant.