Services on Demand

The chemicals, plastics and rubber industries are among the largest and most dynamic EU industrial sectors. They generate about 3. The industry comprises a wide range of different sub-sectors, interwoven in integrated production sites and characterised by intensive partnerships in the manufacturing value chain.

Regulation can have a significant impact on the chemicals industry. The recent energy and climate package underlines the need to preserve measures to maintain a global level playing field for certain energy intensive industries. Other parts of the chemical industry depend much more on the EU's innovative capacity, and parts of it are highly competitive at international level.

A host of factors influence the competitiveness of this industry including security of supply, infrastructure, logistics, human resources and environmental regulation. It will address the issue of possible cost disadvantages. Sottrazione internazionale di minori — Applicazione della normativa europea e internazionale in Austria. The European Parliament Mediator for International Parental Child Abductions is increasingly receiving requests from parents that hold different nationalities regarding cases of child abduction or detention in Austria.

The enforcement in Austria of judgments ordering the return of children to other Member States often runs into practical difficulties, actually hindering enforcement, thus making the whole procedure followed under the abovementioned regulation a waste of time. The regulation provides for an expeditious uniform procedure whereby the left-behind parent can obtain the return of a child who has been wrongfully removed or retained. As regards enforcement, it renders judgments issued in one Member State capable of execution in another, in line with national rules and procedures.

The Commission monitors implementation of the regulation in all Member States including Austria. To this end, it carefully assesses complaints received from citizens and works together with the Austrian central authorities designated under the regulation to assist in its application and discusses proper operation of the instrument within the framework of European Judicial Network in Civil and Commercial Matters.

The Commission would like to inform the Honourable Member that it has launched a review of the Brussels IIa regulation and will adopt a report on how it has been applied in practice. In addition, a study has been requested to collect relevant data including on the child return procedure.

Il governo maltese ha di recente avanzato l'idea di mettere in vendita la cittadinanza isolana al prezzo di seicentocinquantamila euro. In tal modo ci si aspetta la nazionalizzazione di circa duemila extracomunitari. Se tale proposta dovesse divenire legge, automaticamente chiunque comprasse la cittadinanza europea otterrebbe anche la cittadinanza europea e tutti i diritti a essa connessi. Risposta congiunta di Viviane Reding a nome della Commissione. Can the Commission state whether it shares the concern that the decision of the Maltese Government is effectively to put European Union passports up for sale?

And will the European Union be monitoring the effects of this policy on the European Union as a whole? Some non-EU nationals were expected to acquire citizenship in this way. If this proposal were to become law, any person purchasing Maltese citizenship would automatically obtain EU citizenship, with all the associated rights.

Given that all the countries with which Greece competes for tourism have set VAT on catering services in single figures, does the European Commission realise that this is not just a budgetary question; it is, above all, a question of economic development? The impact proved however much smaller, as the economy contracted more severely than assumed when those quantifications were made. The Commission is not aware of any specific analysis on the macroeconomic impact of the reduced VAT rates for restaurants or of its impact on tourism.

While Greece has benefited from a strong tourist season in , this cannot be attributed to the reduction in VAT rates for restaurants and catering: The budgetary impact of a full year of reduced VAT for restaurants is significant. The selection of the most effective way to bolster economic growth and improve competitiveness is the ultimate responsibility of the Greek Government. Non potrebbe la Commissione farsi promotrice, a nome dell'Unione europea, di un intervento umanitario volto ad alleviare le sofferenze dei cittadini afgani rifugiati in Iran?

L'UE ha esortato l'Iran a rispettare gli obblighi sottoscritti in materia di diritti umani. La relazione di Human Rights Watch del novembre riguardava principalmente i rifugiati privi di status che possono essere espulsi a norma della legislazione iraniana. Le presunte violazioni dei diritti umani dovrebbe essere oggetto di ulteriori indagini. Un programma di rimpatrio volontario ha permesso di fornire assistenza ai rifugiati che desiderano tornare in Afghanistan. L'UE fornisce assistenza allo sviluppo a favore dei rifugiati afghani anche in questo contesto e intende continuare a farlo. As part of this hostile context, the Government recently took repressive action against Afghan refugees already present in the country.

The European Union has always endeavoured to protect human rights and fundamental freedoms and cannot fail to acknowledge the need to act as a mediator to ensure that the Iranian Government undertakes to protect the rights of Afghan citizens and, in particular, individuals who, by their very nature, are disadvantaged, such as women and children. Is the Commission aware of this situation of discrimination against Afghan refugees in Iran? What does the Commission intend to do to try and persuade the Iranian Government that it is essential to preserve the integrity and human rights of the Afghan refugees in the country?

Could the Commission not promote, on behalf of the European Union, humanitarian intervention aimed at relieving the suffering of the Afghan refugees in Iran? The EU has called upon Iran to respect the international human rights obligations that Iran has signed up to. Allegations of human rights abuses should be further investigated. Assistance has been provided to refugees who wish to return to Afghanistan through a voluntary repatriation scheme. It is important to ensure that asylum space in Iran. Humanitarian assistance is also focused on the needs of the most vulnerable refugees in terms of health and food and their life in dignity in Iran.

Long-term solutions for Afghan refugees and creating conditions for sustainable return and reintegration do not lie within the scope of humanitarian action alone. Political and development assistance from the international community is required for the Solutions Strategy for Afghan Refugees to support voluntary repatriation, sustainable reintegration and assistance to host countries.

The EU has been providing developmental assistance in this regard to Afghan refugees as well and is planning to continue to do so. Could the Commission, prior to its assessment at the end of the year, say what view it takes of how this instrument is being applied in Spain, and of the effectiveness of Spanish legislation to combat intentional public incitement to violence and hatred? Before it carries out its assessment at the end of , could the Commission give its opinion on the way that this instrument is being applied in Spain and the efficacy of Spanish laws intended to fight against deliberate, public incitement to violence and hatred?

It is up to Member States and national authorities to ensure that the framework Decision is implemented at national level. The Commission has announced that during it will enter into bilateral dialogues with Member States, with a view to ensure full and correct transposition of the framework Decision into national law. The relevant procedure for this is the regulatory procedure with scrutiny by Parliament. At that meeting, a non-paper on the possible modernisation of the agreement was submitted by the Chilean party to be studied by the European party.

It was also agreed that the next meeting of the Association Committee would be held in Given that negotiations over this modernisation process have yet to begin formally, could the Council state when they will begin and how long they are expected to take? It is also engaged in negotiations with India, Thailand, Vietnam and other countries. Finally, it is in the midst of negotiations to update the Association Agreement with Mexico. In this context, can the Council specify what degree of priority it is giving to the possible negotiations to revise and update the current Association Agreement with Chile?

Reiterate their recommendation that the contents of the Association Agreement and the opportunities that it offers should be given greater protection and disseminated more widely for the benefit of entrepreneurs and citizens as a whole. In this respect, the parties stress the need to strengthen the design of new areas of cooperation in which both parties can contribute equally; to explore shared areas of interest more deeply; and to seek new forms of association to bring about bilateral cooperation, including greater participation by civil society and the private sector or the deployment of triangular cooperation initiatives;.

The Chilean proposal to review the Association Agreement is wide-ranging and covers institutional issues, sectoral dialogues and trade matters. The EU welcomes this initiative and will soon provide an answer to the Chilean authorities. Depending on the area of cooperation, the speed of review may differ. The EU intends to begin new sectoral dialogues that will be determined by the substance and joint interest of the parties.

Establishing new Sub-Committees is not foreseen for the time being. As far as trade is concerned, the Chilean proposal is a useful contribution to the process of exploring the possibilities of modernising the trade part of the Agreement. Finally, as the coverage of any ambitious modernisation of the Agreement would go beyond the scope of the review clauses on agriculture, services and investment , the Commission will have to respect the relevant EU procedures.

It is possible that this will require an impact assessment and proposals for negotiating directives before launching any possible negotiation. This will depend on the outcome of the consultation process with Chile as well as on the internal EU consultations. A second chance for entrepreneurial ventures is a basic measure for sustainable development and prosperity. Does it intend to take the initiative to harmonise current Greek legislation with its own second chance proposals in a country such as Greece, where the need for a second chance applies to a large proportion of entrepreneurs and self-employed people?

Although this measure was not adopted on the basis of the Greek adjustment programme, this pre-requisite is consistent with the objective of enforcing tax compliance in Greece, thereby contributing to a sustainable social security system. Removing this requirement may therefore have a significant impact on collection of social security contributions, which already suffer from low collection rates.

The Commission is of the opinion that such measures should aim to reduce administrative burden and foster entrepreneurship, while remaining fuly compatible with the achievement of the fiscal targets. The Commission acknowledges the need to improve across the European Union the conditions for entrepreneurs including self-employed persons who are unable to meet their financial obligations, as set out in the Communication on a new approach to business failure and insolvency.

As a follow up, the Commission is working on a legal instrument which would support the efforts of those Member States currently undergoing or considering reforms in this area. What assessment has been made of the potential negative social and economic consequences for Member States of introducing a cap on the right of citizens to free movement?

The Commission has not carried out any assessment of the potential social and economic consequences for Member States in case of introducing a cap on the right of EU citizens to free movement. Damit kommen auch Substanzen in den Blick, die in Ersatzteilen von historischen Fahrzeugen verwendet werden. Zudem ist nicht absehbar, wie eine Neukonzeption von einzelnen Teilen auf den Gesamtwirkungszusammenhang von Fahrzeugen wirkt. For many substances this gives rise to new requirements for authorisation.

This also includes substances used in spare parts for vintage vehicles. The relatively low demand for these spare parts makes new designs and the substitution of critical substances in the spare parts wholly unrealistic. Furthermore, it is impossible to know how a new design for individual parts would affect the overall working of vehicles.

REACH provides for a number of exemptions to that requirement, but the specific case of spare parts of vintage vehicles referred to by the Honourable Member is not foreseen in the regulation. The Commission is aware of these issues, which may also concern other older motor vehicles in addition to vintage vehicles. The authorisation requirement is not a ban and authorisations will be granted where the risks from the use of SVHC is adequately controlled or when the socioeconomic benefits outweigh the risks to human health and the environment from its use and there are no suitable alternatives.

The Commission is presently in consultation with the Member States in order to identify possible ways to address the matter within the existing legal framework provided by the REACH Regulation. Sebbene l'Ungheria abbia annunciato di celebrare l'Anno di commemorazione dell'olocausto , molti ebrei e altri osservatori nel paese temono che il problema dell'antisemitismo abbia radici profonde. Quali misure sta adottando per sostenere i gruppi e le organizzazioni ungheresi che si prefiggono di contrastare le percezioni negative degli ebrei e della cultura ebraica?

La Commissione ha annunciato di voler intavolare nel corso del dialoghi bilaterali con gli Stati membri per garantire il recepimento pieno e corretto della decisione quadro negli ordinamenti nazionali. Spetta dunque agli Stati membri prendere le misure necessarie, in particolare in termini di formazione e informazione, per evitare che la memoria della natura criminale e totalitaria del fascismo e del nazismo vada perduta o sia banalizzata.

The party has been accused of vilifying Jews and Israel in speeches in the Hungarian Parliament, where it is currently the third largest party. Hungary has announced that it will commemorate the Holocaust Memorial Year , yet many Jews, as well as other observers based in the country, suggest that the problem of anti-Semitism runs deep. What steps is the Commission adopting to support groups and organisations within Hungary that are working to challenge negative perceptions of Jews and Jewish culture? The Commission recalls that it is for the Hungarian authorities to investigate individual cases in order to determine whether they represent incitement to racial violence or hatred, and to draw the necessary conclusions under criminal law.

The Commission has announced that it will now engage in bilateral dialogues with Member States during with a view to ensuring full and correct transposition of the framework Decision into national law. It pertains to Member States to take the necessary measures, notably in terms of education and information, to ensure that, among others, the memory of the criminal and totalitarian nature of fascism and Nazism is not forgotten or banalised.

Stava cercando di prestare assistenza medica ad alcuni manifestanti, anch'essi in precedenza malmenati dalla polizia. Dopo quattro ore lui e altri otto detenuti sono stati portati al reparto penitenziario dell'ospedale per le emergenze di Kiev. Egli rischia ora di dover scontare da cinque a otto anni di reclusione.

Quali provvedimenti sta adottando l'Unione europea per documentare i singoli casi di cittadini ucraini che sono stati vittime di brutali attacchi da parte della polizia, soprattutto alla luce delle numerose manifestazioni di protesta che hanno avuto luogo nella capitale? He had been trying to offer medical assistance to some of the protestors who had also been beaten up by the police.

Harahuts was stabbed a number of times in the stomach, back and head and was detained by Berkut for three hours without receiving any medical attention. After four hours, he and eight detainees were brought to the police branch of the Kiev emergency hospital. He is now facing a prison term of five to eight years. The EU Delegation in Kyiv is in close contact with all actors involved to report this and similar cases.

In addition, the European Union fully supports the idea of an Investigation Advisory Panel, proposed by the Secretary General of the Council of Europe, and accepted by the government and opposition. Possibili connessioni tra perfluorurati e diabete di tipo 2. I composti perfluorurati PFC sono sostanze utilizzate in molti prodotti industriali quali pentole antiaderenti, schiume antincendio, grasso e materiali idrorepellenti, materiali a contatto con alimenti, sciolina e tessuti in GoreTex.

Il team di ricerca ha notato che questi sette composti perfluorurati erano rilevabili in quasi tutti gli individui coinvolti nello studio. Le analisi specifiche condotte hanno poi permesso di scoprire che alti livelli nel sangue di uno di questi composti, l'acido perfluorononanoico PFNA , erano collegati al diabete. I risultati finali dello studio, pubblicati sulla rivista Diabetologia, hanno tuttavia mostrato che non solo il PFNA era collegato al diabete, ma anche il noto PFOA acido perfluoroottanoico utilizzato nella produzione di pentole antiaderenti.

Perfluorinated compounds PFC are used in a wide variety of industrial products, including non-stick cookware, fire fighting foam, grease and water-repellent materials, food contact material, ski wax and GoreTex fabrics. They have already been the subject of many studies and investigations into their effects on human health, but a new study has been carried out by the Department of Occupational and Environmental Medicine at the University of Uppsala, Sweden, to measure the levels of 7 different types of perfluorinated compounds in the blood and assess whether these are related to diabetes.

The research team observed that these seven perfluorinated compounds were detectable in virtually all the individuals involved in the study. Specific analyses then enabled the researchers to discover that high levels of one of these compounds in the blood, perfluorononanoic acid PFNA , were linked to diabetes. The final results of the study, published in the magazine Diabetologia, nevertheless showed that not only was PFNA linked to diabetes, but so was the well-known PFOA perfluorooctanoic acid , used in the production of non-stick cookware.

This same compound was also was also found to be linked to disrupted secretion of insulin from the pancreas. However, a change of the harmonised classification of a substance can be proposed by a Member State on the basis of new information. Due to its classification as Toxic to Reproduction Cat. In the development of a restriction proposal, all relevant data shall be considered, including from registration dossiers and other information.

Fortsatta oegentligheter i samband med transport av delfiner mellan medlemsstater. In 11 bottlenose dolphins were transferred from the Lithuanian Sea Museum to Attica Zoological Park in Greece, while the dolphinarium in Lithuania underwent refurbishment. The Greek authorities have confirmed that they accepted revised source codes for the dolphins for their transfer certificates to Lithuania.

What action will the Commission take in response to these irregularities in dolphin trade between Greece and Lithuania? The Lithuanian and Greek CITES Management Authorities have recently provided information to the Commission on the conditions under which the transfer of the seven dolphins to which the Honourable Member refers took place. According to recent police investigations, Catalonia has become a focal point for the spread of Salafi-Wahhabi extremism across Europe.

In the city of Reus, Islamic training conferences have been held by two Salafi organisations that have been in conflict with each other since mid in an attempt to gain control of the Salafi movement within their area of influence. To what extent do Member States and their respective security services cooperate in fighting against terrorism in Spain? The Council has neither discussed nor taken a view on the specific situation referred to by the Honourable Member.

Is the Commission aware of this situation in Denmark? What does it advise Denmark to do in order to provide an appropriate form of compensation, where necessary, for citizens who have been harmed by this? Certain aspects with regard to the prohibition of defence lawyers to pass on documents to their clients as foreseen in Danish law seem to be related to the right to a fair trial.

A limited exception from this right is foreseen only if the refusal is strictly necessary to safeguard an important public interest, such as in cases where access could seriously harm the national security of the Member State concerned. The Commission is therefore not in a legal position to take any measures against Denmark for possible non-transposition of this directive.

As regards the interpretation of Art. However, the Commission is not aware of ECHR cases which cover a legal situation comparable to the one in Denmark described in your question. The agreement focuses on copyright exceptions to facilitate the creation of accessible and affordable versions of books and other copyrighted works. It sets a norm for countries ratifying the treaty to have a domestic copyright exception covering these activities, and allowing for the import and export of such material.

Why has this treaty still not been ratified by the EU? What measures have been taken by the Council to sign and ratify this disability rights treaty as soon as possible? What are the next steps? No such proposal has been submitted to the Council so far. According to data recently published in a Bank of Greece report on fluctuations in the pay of employees in the private and the wider state sector, it is clear that the total reduction in unit labour costs will reach As a member of the troika, is it working for the promotion of arrangements to implement measures in labour relations and collective agreements in Greece that were provisionally suspended with a view to cutting remuneration, and thus to reduce its negative consequences for the economy and social conditions?

Fine tuning wage-setting mechanisms can help in ensuring an adequate response of wages to economic activity in order to preserve existing jobs and facilitate the creation of new ones. One main objective of a statutory minimum wage is to reduce the risks of abuse in the labour market, namely wages much below productivity linked inter alia to monopsony power. Minimum wages can also reduce in-work poverty and sustain demand by low wage earners.

The goal is to analyse the issue taking into account the economic and labour market developments up to that moment and the trends expected going forward. A solid analysis should precede any recommendation. A lower tax burden on labour, and subsequently a higher take-home pay, can favour incentives to work.

But those benefits have to be seen against the drag of lower tax revenues on the government accounts. As the European Parliament elections draw near, the sorts of political and ideological ideas that the people who are standing as candidates are relying on are becoming clear. Behind the political groups is a whole spectrum of social and ideological ideas and attitudes. Some of the political parties with their sights on the election, however, represent ideas that are questionable from the perspective of European values, and, furthermore, are contrary to the criminal legislation of many EU countries.

How is it possible that openly Nazi-minded or holocaust-denying candidates or candidates supporting racist attitudes and ideas are able to stand for election? How will the Commission monitor the ideological backgrounds of European election candidates? Does it intend to take action if representatives of ideas that are against the law stand in future elections? The Commission strongly condemns all forms and manifestations of racism and xenophobia, regardless of who they come from, as they are incompatible with the values and principles on which the European Union is founded. Member States must ensure that also legal persons are liable for such conduct.

This is one of the four conditions political parties at European level must satisfy in order to apply for EU funding. The regulation provides for a specific procedure to verify that that this condition continues to be met. Si tratta di una discriminazione esplicita e diretta a favore dei cittadini tedeschi e nei confronti degli altri cittadini europei che si trovano in Germania.

Pisciotti, cittadino italiano, arrestato in Germania al momento dell'arrivo a Francoforte, sulla base della richiesta di estradizione emessa dagli Stati Uniti per una violazione della concorrenza che, nella maggior parte degli Stati europei, non costituisce neppure un reato. Al riguardo, secondo una giurisprudenza costante, il principio della non discriminazione impone di non trattare situazioni analoghe in maniera diversa e situazioni diverse in maniera uguale.

Extradition of non-German European citizens living in Germany is permitted. That means that the regulations on extradition between third countries and the Federal Republic of Germany apply exclusively to foreign citizens, including Europeans, who are in Germany, but they never apply to German citizens. This is blatant and direct discrimination in favour of German citizens, against other European citizens living in Germany. Within the scope of application of the Treaties, any discrimination on grounds of nationality shall be prohibited.

It is in this regard settled case-law that the principle of non-discrimination requires that comparable situations must not be treated differently and that different situations must not be treated in the same way. The Treaty between the Federal Republic of Germany and the United States of America concerning extradition states that the contracting parties shall not be bound to extradite their own nationals subject to certain discretion for their authorities and provided their law does not so preclude.

This requires consultation and coordination with several different Commission departments. He will be informed directly of the outcome when finalised. Despite widespread violence and political instability in Egypt, Libya and Syria, relative peace and stability prevail in Tunisia, which was also affected by the Arab Spring. It was the first state to overthrow its dictator, in , and Tunisian protestors continue to focus on the need for democratic transition and national debate, rather than tending towards violence.

In this context, can the Commission detail what steps are being taken at EU level to facilitate continuing peace in Tunisia, as well as to encourage the application of democratic principles and values in every aspect of Tunisian society? The EU is well aware of the security risks and terrorist threats. The reform of the security sector is a priority for dialogue and cooperation with Tunisia and the issue of radicalisation is on the agenda at different levels. The EU is closely monitoring the protection of human rights and the reinforcement of civil society.

The EU financial instruments are used to support the transition in different fields ex. The EU has also facilitated the cooperation between the Council of Europe, and notably the Venice Commission, and the Tunisian authorities with a view to provide expert advice on the drafting of the new Constitution. This week, it emerged that the Commission has opened three formal investigations following allegations that public funding given to seven Spanish football clubs was in breach of EU state aid rules.

Allegations surround state-backed loans and the sale of land and involve seven clubs, including Real Madrid and FC Barcelona. In light of this, can the Commission provide a status update as to the nature, scope and proposed timeline for these investigations, as well as information detailing whether any other European football clubs are implicated? A second investigation concerns Real Madrid CF, which benefitted from a possibly advantageous real property swap with the City of Madrid.

The third investigation concerns the special tax status for four clubs. The effect of this exemption is that these clubs enjoy a preferential corporate tax rate. Spain has been invited to comment on the opening decisions. Once a non-confidential version of the decisions is established, in cooperation with the Spanish authorities, they will be published in the Official Journal, together with an invitation to third parties to make observations.

It is at this stage not possible to indicate a time for the adoption of the final decisions. The Commission is also looking into cases in other Member States. There is an ongoing formal investigation regarding several Dutch football clubs. Furthermore, complaints have been received concerning Celtic Glasgow and Swansea and possible aid to Athletic Bilbao for a new stadium.

These investigations are still at an early stage. What steps have been and will be taken at EU level to encourage social and political stability in the Central African Republic following the recent upsurge in violence? What specific efforts have been made at EU level to protect Christians and other vulnerable groups who are at risk of persecution as a result of the unrest?

If it is able to provide assurances that its approach to promoting peace in the Central African Republic will have the rule of law and the respect of fundamental freedoms, including freedom of religion and of association, at its core? The EU is involved in efforts of the international community to address the political, humanitarian, social, and human rights dimension of the CAR crisis and gave its full support to the appointment of the new transitional authorities and is ready to support the elections process.

The EU is the most important humanitarian and development partner and has recently scaled up its humanitarian engagement. The EU has development cooperation projects in the field of justice, police, public finance and infrastructure and is preparing a development package to support the transition phase. The EU will continue to support inter-faith dialogue and inter-communitarian mediation and reconciliation as well as the deployment of human rights observers within the UN Integrated Office in CAR. The European Institute for Gender Quality EIGE has published a report on the effectiveness of institutional mechanisms and gender mainstreaming in the European Union between and What steps is the Commission currently taking to ensure the effective application of the principle of gender equality?

In view of the conclusions of the EIGE report, what additional measures does the Commission plan to present? At the same time, questions such as a reduction in consumption and the re-use of recyclable products have been tabled within the framework of a dialogue on the creation of a new approach to waste management. Does it have data on the application of recycling strategies in the Member States? Are evaluation tables available on the take-up of European recycling programmes by the Member States?

Where does Greece stand? The Commission continues to develop end-of-waste criteria for certain waste streams to enhance their marketability. Recyclable products are promoted through the voluntary Ecolabel scheme and the Green Public Procurement policy. The Commission is studying the feasibility of including mandatory material efficiency requirements, including some aspects of recyclability e. The Commission will present in the near future a legislative initiative on resource efficiency and waste. The initiative will build on progress of the Roadmap to Resource Efficient Europe in unlocking EU economic potential to be more productive whilst using fewer resources.

It will review key targets in EU waste legislation and consider mechanisms and instruments such as industrial symbiosis, ecodesign and leasing to increase the proportion of waste being put back into productive use through circular economy models. Adozioni internazionali — Famiglie italiane bloccate in Congo. Il benessere di ogni bambino e la tutela degli interessi e dei diritti dei minori sono aspetti di assoluto rilievo e principi cardine dell'Unione europea. Quali iniziative intende porre in essere al fine di sbloccare tale situazione e permettere ai cittadini italiani di rientrare in Italia con i bambini adottati?

The situation has now been further complicated by the fact that the visas of some of the Italian parents have expired, and others will do so in the near future. Consequently, a number of Italian citizens could soon be forced to return to Italy without their adopted children, who have been looking forward to the day when they are welcomed into families which already regard them as one of their own. What steps does it intend to take in order to resolve this situation and enable the Italian citizens currently stranded in the DRC to return to Italy with their adopted children?

How does it intend to foster the establishment of a clear legal framework on international adoptions? There is currently no European Union legislation on adoption. This matter is regulated by national laws and international conventions. This means that it is up to the national authorities in each EU Member State to establish rules regarding adoption, measures preparatory to adoption or its annulment. In particular, the Commission monitors in general the developments in relation to the Hague Convention on Protection of Children and Cooperation in Respect of Inter-country Adoption, to which all the Member States of the European Union are Party.

It appears that independent consulting firms are being given contracts by the Troika to establish how much money the countries that have got into difficulties require in order to prevent a payment default. It is said that the consultants are often awarded contracts without any public tender procedure. Designing a financial adjustment programme is a complex task which has to be carried out in a relatively short period of time. In some cases, the high level of expertise needed to address very specific financial issues required national government to resort to external consultancies.

Asset Quality Reviews AQRs are supervisory tasks and it is the ultimate responsibility of the Member States concerned to contract for advisory services. This also applies to the handling of the selection process which is fully under the control of the governments of beneficiary Member States and any agreement on fees involved, but, as in any other case, the Commission always insist on the thorough application of EU procurement rules.

External consultants are not involved in the design of the ensuing policy response within, or outside, the context of the programme. Relevant expertise is normally available within respective national supervisors.

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But in the context of a severe crisis of the banking sector market participants typically question the quality and impartiality of prudential oversight of competent supervisors. Such doubts may give rise to major macro-financial risk. While Troika partners do not have the necessary capacity to necessarily quickly carry out large-scale banking sector assessments, the use of external consultants provides for a degree of independence of appreciation that is necessary to obtain a clear and timely assessment of the main problems in credit institutions and to reassure market participants and the broader public of the impartiality of such assessment.

According to a report by PricewaterhouseCooper PwC , the European financial system is threatened by the surge in the volume of non-performing loans across Europe. Given that the policies for the recapitalisation of European banks and the imposition of stabilisation regulations have created strong recessionary pressures on European economies, without creating stability within the banking system:. Does it have information on the volume of non-performing loans in the European Union and in each individual Member State?

Stability of the financial assistance programmes aim at ensuring financial systems. Other measures have been implemented for significant banks such as the EBA recapitalisation plan and the ECB comprehensive assessment to be conducted in Data on non-performing loans are made public by Central Banks, national supervisors or banks but the Commission does not forecast the evolution of NPLs in banks.

As a follow-up a public consultation was launched at the end of to acquire views on the need for and feasibility of harmonising some aspects of insolvency law. The Commission is aware about the social impact of unemployment and poverty. Hence, the Commission has promoted several initiatives to tackle these problems, including the Youth Employment Initiative adopted last year by the European Council.

Freedom of expression is not unlimited: Anti-defamation laws pursue the legitimate aim of protecting the reputation and rights of others. However, it remains the case that in a number of Member States actions in this field are pursued and prosecuted via the criminal rather than the civil law.

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There are currently no plans at Union level to regulate the decriminalisation of defamation. Member State laws and policies differ considerably with regard to the rules and procedures concerning defamation. A recent survey carried out by the Cyprus Institute of Statisticians shows that approximately 6. This is due to the rapid deterioration of the economic situation and the rise in unemployment, leaving many Cypriot citizens unable to afford even the staple foods necessary for survival. Does it agree with the view expressed widely in Cyprus that austerity policies implemented under the memorandum of understanding MoU are sharply exacerbating the social and economic cost of the crisis?

Does the Commission intend to introduce new support programmes for citizens who are unable to cover even their most basic needs due to the crisis? The economic adjustment programme for Cyprus puts emphasis on the crucial role of safety nets and takes into consideration the need to minimise the impact on vulnerable groups.

To this end, the Cypriot authorities have embarked on a reform plan of the welfare system aimed at increasing its efficiency and effectiveness, notably by providing a guaranteed minimum income GMI scheme, which will replace the current public assistance scheme and expand its coverage to cover also those currently not covered by the public assistance scheme i. The Youth Employment Initiative aims to faciliate job creation and the entrance of youth to the labour market and help reduce the youth unemployment.

In addition, a new instrument, the Fund for European Aid to the Most Deprived, will provide material aid contributing to reducing poverty. The Commission has also set up a Support Group for Cyprus whose aim is to assist Cyprus in alliviating the social consequences of the economic shock by mobilising these funds from European Union instruments.

Does the Commission consider its decision to participate in the Troika, while being an EU institution as appropriate? What are the democratic deficits and shortcomings identified by the Commission itself in the adjustment programmes in terms of transparency and accountability? Does it intend to review the fiscal multipliers used as a basis for the assumptions on which the support programmes rely? Why is it that the consequences of the fiscal policies currently implemented in Greece and in other Member States were not taken into account?

The Commission's role in past financial assistance programmes is to act on behalf of euro area Member States. Within this framework, the final decision on financial assistance and on conditionality lies with the lenders. The financial assistance programmes have been negotiated with the sovereign governments of the beneficiary Member States which are fully accountable before their national parliaments.

In crisis conditions historical fiscal multipliers do not provide a reliable guide for economic and fiscal forecasting. Fiscal multipliers tend to be larger at the current juncture. Economic assistance programmes prevented the disorderly default of a Member State, avoiding much more severe and abrupt social consequences, and limited contagion. The Commission assessments of the implementation of the programmes can be found in the regular compliance reports that are available on the Commission website: The Commission published its replies to the questionnaire related to the own initiative report of the parliament at: As stated by the Spanish Agency for Data Protection AEPD , the breach pertains specifically to the collection of data on users, the consolidation of the said data across all Google services and the retention of this consolidated file indefinitely, without the knowledge or the consent of the users.

Does the Commission know whether the other five countries, namely Italy, Germany, France, Great Britain and the Netherlands, have taken similar measures to prevent privacy law breaches by Google? Without prejudice to the competence of the European Commission as guardian of the Treaties, the supervision and enforcement of data protection legislation falls within the competence of national authorities, in particular the data protection supervisory authorities DPAs and courts.

The national DPAs have been examining the new Google privacy policy. The proceedings before the other four DPAs are pending. Several other expenses were included in the budget, e. The tender procedure was repeated and the project was finally awarded at a slightly higher price, in the context of which, the bribery in question was requested. The standard procedures at the selection stage include appropriate gathering of information from MS Authorities, with whom contacts are ongoing. The purpose of the evaluation-process is to verify whether the information falls within OLAF's mandate and is sufficient to open an investigation or coordination case.

On the basis of the results of the selection process, OLAF will decide if a formal investigation needs to be opened. Due to confidentiality of OLAF's investigative process, and in order to protect the fundamental rights of persons possibly involved, OLAF cannot make any further comments on this matter.

Hoe reageert de Commissie hierop? Deelt de Commissie de mening dat deze arrogante houding, van nota bene een kandidaat-EU-lidstaat! Ondermijning van de rechtsstaat. Tientallen leden van de regerende AK-partij en goedverdienende zakenmensen worden opgepakt op verdenking van corruptie. Drie ministers stappen vervolgens op. Is de Commissie bijgevolg ertoe bereid de toetredingsonderhandelingen tussen de EU en Turkije onmiddellijk, eens en voor altijd!

Does the Commission share the view that every cloud has a silver lining and that it is therefore sensible to take advantage of this situation by terminating the accession negotiations once and for all? If not, why does the Commission wish to continue with these never-ending accession negotiations, seemingly at whatever cost? If not, how would the Commission describe these actions? How does the Commission respond to this? If not, how does the Commission view the matter?

Dozens of members of the ruling AK Party and well-paid business people have been arrested on suspicion of corruption. Three ministers resigned as a result. He announced a cabinet reshuffle, in which a total of ten cabinet positions, half of the cabinet, changed hands. Does the Commission share the view that pointing the finger at others merely serves to deflect attention away from the severity of the corruption scandal, and that this is to be condemned? If not, how does the Commission interpret this situation?

Ir-riintegrazzjoni ta' persuni li kkommettew reat. Ex-offenders reintegrating into the community face a number of challenges, especially when it comes to finding employment. At the same time, support in finding and maintaining employment may help reduce recidivism. Certain existing projects in this field enable offenders to participate in comprehensive education and employment programmes while still in prison, and provide a continued connection to education and employment services after their release. What programmes does the Commission have in place, or intend to start, to support families of ex-offenders and ensure their economic stability and financial security during the reintegration process?

The Commission does not have statistical data on the rate of recidivism in the Member States. The Commission has continuously funded EU projects related to prison education and training through the Grundtvig and the Leonardo da Vinci programmes. A Learning Network of ESF Managing Authorities of several Member States was established during the period in order to support mutual learning and exchange of good practices to support the reintegration of ex-offenders http: In addition in , the Commission has undertaken a survey on prison education and training in Europe http: This is not only because the children are not even considered to be victims, but also because very similar things still occur in the European Union today.

These children trust their mothers who, following their biological instinct, want to protect their child ren , but then have their son or daughter taken away from them. The father is subsequently awarded custody or the child may be put in a children's home or special institution, even if the mother is perfectly healthy and capable of being a good parent. If so, what does it intend to recommend that Denmark do in order to fully protect the rights of children and mothers? Does the Commission intend to take action to protect the human rights of children and mothers?

If not, how does the Commission justify intervening in defence of human rights in non-EU countries when those rights are not observed in the EU? It is therefore for Member States to ensure that fundamental rights are effectively respected and protected in accordance with their national legislation and international human rights obligations.

Within its competences, the Commission has always been strongly committed to promoting the rights of children and women. The Commission is also committed to support Member States in combating violence against women, by improving knowledge and data collection, exchanging good practices, empowering women and raising awareness.

Through its three generations of Daphne Programmes, the Commission has also aimed to contribute to the protection of children, young people and women against all forms of violence. Con todo, ha decidido mantenerlo en su timeline. Before it carries out its assessment, could the Commission give its opinion on the way in which this framework Decision is being applied in Spain and how effective Spanish legislation is in combating deliberate public incitement to violence and hatred? Subsequent to the press picking up on this, Cano decided to protect his Twitter account to prevent the tweet being visible to the general public.

However, he did decide to keep the tweet on his timeline.

Product description

Before it carries out its assessment, could the Commission give its opinion on the way in which this framework Decision is being applied in Spain and the effectiveness of Spanish legislation? Is it seeking to combat deliberate public incitement to violence and hatred? It is up to the Member States authorities to implement the abovementioned decision. More particularly it is for national authorities to investigate specific cases, and the national courts to establish, according to the circumstances and context of each individual situation, whether such situation represents an incitement to racist or xenophobic violence or hatred.

Zusammen mit der internationalen Polizeiorganisation Interpol hatte sich die Agentur beispielsweise an Razzien gegen vermeintliche Mitglieder des Anonymous-Netzwerks beteiligt. Europol has been working to counter net activism since before the establishment of its new European Cybercrime Centre EC3. EC3 was created following a restructuring of the whole Europol organisation. EC3 is supposed to carry out threat analyses and test IT systems for vulnerability. So far, however, it has focused more on terminological refinements.

What other bodies or authorities participated and which EU Member States were they from? What firms or institutions are involved in the development of the European Tracking Solution? What products and contributions are they making? The Commission has asked the European Police Office Europol to deliver elements for a reply to the question put forward by the Honourable Member.

The reply of the agency will be transmitted by the Commission to the Honourable Member as soon as possible. The EU is concerned about the worsening security situation in Iraq, including the growing terrorist threat facing the country and the increase in sectarian violence that last year led to the highest casualty figures since The EU is also closely following the developments in Anbar province, including in the cities of Ramadi and Fallujah. The EU considers that the protection of civilians from violence is of paramount importance, and encourages efforts by the Government of Iraq to ensure the provision of essential services as well as access by humanitarian agencies to areas affected by the fighting.

The Commission answered that the Greek authorities are responsible for providing accurate fiscal and statistical information, while the Commission continues to monitor the implementation of the adjustment programme, including all factors affecting public pension expenditure. In view of this answer and the information provided by the Greek authorities, based on which the fiscal adjustment programme is assessed and Eurostat statistics are compiled, will the Commission say:. At which point are the relevant financial provisions for outstanding pension rights included in the calculation of the Greek deficit for and and to what extent do they encumber the general government deficit?

According to the ESA fiscal statistical rules a pension application affects the fiscal deficit once the application is approved. This resulted in pending applications for those who applied for a pension without having yet reached their new retirement age. These applications will naturally not be approved; therefore they will not have any fiscal consequences.

Since then, EU sanctions have been eased on several occasions. The grave economic and social consequences of the sanctions have caused deep suffering among the Zimbabwean people, in particular among the poorer members of society, by restricting employment, social services provision and development opportunities. The EU should not employ double standards in dealing with its partners. EU restrictive measures against Zimbabwe still consist of a prohibition to export arms and equipment which may be used for internal repression.

In addition, a number of Zimbabwean persons 91 persons and entities 9 entities remain subject to restrictive measures. However, these latter measures have over recent years been gradually suspended in relation to a large majority of these persons and entities. These particular measures have now been suspended in relation to all but two individuals and one entity.

National bans on the use of bisphenol A. Access to vaccines in developing countries. Infringement by Turkey of Greek territorial waters. Accession of former East Germany to the EU. Commissioner Kroes's involvement in the Dutch general election campaign. Kafkaesque treatment of air passengers. Problems at the border between Gibraltar and Spain. New Norwegian duties on selected agricultural products. Tax incentives to improve young people's access to the labour market.

Number of Syrian refugees in Turkey and EU readiness to act. Draft law on civil liability for defamation in Macedonia could limit freedom of expression. New human rights problems posed by Uzbekistan's cotton industry. Enlargement of the Yesa reservoir and police brutality against the residents of Artieda. Encouraging citizen involvement in separate waste collection. European assessment reports on waste management. Communication of waste management and prevention plans.

Indebtedness of Spanish Football clubs. Unjustifiable use of water from the river Aliakmonas to supply the Greek Electricity Board's lignite plants. Google and personal data processing. Campaign in the maritime and port sector against the revision of working arrangements. Possibility of investment in Austrian airports. Incentives for SMEs to taken on new staff. Croatia's accession to the European Union — state of play. Tax relief for microbreweries versus micro cider producers. Negotiation of EU-Canada trade agreement and Canadian liquor boards.

Entry ban on two Belarusian civil society activists by Lithuanian authorities. Development of motorways of the sea between the two shores of the Mediterranean. Objective criteria to define motorways of the sea. Cuba — Abolition of exit permits — Sakharov Prize winners. Cuba's abolition of the exit permit — Sakharov Prizes. Vaccination against maternal and neonatal tetanus in developing countries. Presumed irregularities in the hiring of Ryanair staff.

Ebook availability in Member States. State of implementation of the directive on the welfare of laying hens. Reintroduction of a visa requirement for nationals of the countries of the western Balkans. Sharp increase in the number of people living below the poverty line in Spain. List of Commission Chief Accounting Officers, with dates. Use of hydraulic fracturing for extracting shale gas in Spain. Centralised publication of grants per programme. Purchase of trains — Region of Tuscany.

Interventions to safeguard Sepino and the Italic sanctuary of Pietrabbondante. Crisis in the construction industry in Puglia. The dangers of passive smoking in cars. The UK's ability to opt back into pre-Lisbon measures once formal notification of the block opt-out has been given.

Outbreak of dengue fever in Madeira. Anti-fraud inquiry and the new tobacco products directive. Necessity and consequences of withdrawing GM crops from the EU. Support for the children of people with mental illnesses. Affordable mixed generation housing models? Baumgartner's jump from the stratosphere. More women in employment increase GDP. Another special arrangement for the UK. Biodiversity targets not met — situation in Cyprus. Stassen to the Commission. Solidarity system for football transfers. Cuts in the salaries of Greek judges. EU legislative acquis — quantitative assessment.

Combating the obsolescence of computers and other devices. India, Australia and the European Union. Online addiction and possible new treatments. Increase in unemployment with a simultaneous decrease in the number of unemployed persons receiving unemployment allowances.

Large road construction projects in Greece. Implementation of the Habitats Directive in the United Kingdom. Integrated therapies for the treatment of child and adolescent mental disorders: Reference Centres for Organic Farming in Italy — between the promotion of organic research and financial disaster: Collective traumatic events repeated over time: Reproductive health and family planning: Financing problem — cost of dismantling nuclear power plants.

Undue use of asylum procedures in the Balkans. Extradition procedure against Firat Demirkiran. Ability of the UK to opt back into pre-Lisbon measures once formal notification of the block opt-out has been given. Establishment of protected feeding zones for necrophagous species. Appropriate action by the Commission to investigate the DePuy scandal and establish responsibility. Cost to citizens and insurance funds of plans to entrust notaries with certification and computerised data registration. Decision to retain visa-free travel for nationals of the Balkan countries.

Transparency regarding commodity traders. Humanitarian situation in Sudan and South Sudan. Imposition of farm prices by major retailers: Tsoukalas to the Commission. Increased financing for the European School Milk Scheme and reduction in national contribution. EU action to safeguard Muslim women from being forced to wear the veil in Turkey. Former Commissioner McCreevy and Spanish banks. Industrial initiatives as past of the SET Plan. Protection of spruce and fir trees from bostrichid beetles. Motorways of the Sea: Internal market transposition deficit.

Renegotiation of Portuguese public debt. Role of the United Nations and its General Assembly. Detention conditions in the European Union. Solar panels and the People's Republic of China. Investment in and possible new locations for hub airports. Calypso cross-border social tourism programme in Ireland.

EU financial support for returning to education. EU action plan on combating violence against women, domestic violence and female genital mutilation. Treatment of non-Maltese citizens by Maltese authorities. Manning of passenger and ferry services operating between Member States. Incentive measures to favour the mobility of disabled drivers. Proposal for a directive on improving the portability of supplementary pension rights.

Health services in cross-border areas. Derogation to the marketing ban on animal-tested cosmetics. Airlines found guilty of unfair practices. Problems with resolution of cross-border small claims disputes and application of the existing procedures. Granting EU citizenship in exchange for payment. Neonicotinoid pesticide combinations and the decline in bee populations. Urgent solutions needed for the Erasmus programme.

Morocco — human rights violations and ratification of the Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture. Resignation of Commissioner John Dalli. Investigation into the possible rigging of the Euribor rate. Violations of fundamental labour rights in Greece according to European Committee of Social Rights ruling. Fee for European Health Insurance Card on fraudulent and unofficial websites. Creation of an EU-OR logo for products from the outermost regions. Adapting the standards of the education and training system in the outermost regions to those of the EU.

Participation of other non-outermost regional institutions in the work of the outermost regions unit of the Directorate-General for Regional Policy. Promotion by the Commission of regional management programmes in the outermost regions. General report on programmes in the outermost regions. Outermost regions and external agreements. The outermost regions as EU ambassadors and their contribution to relations with emerging nations. Restoration of quarries in Lourosa, Santa Maria da Feira. Environmental rehabilitation of waterways in Santa Maria da Feira. Privatisation of water services — the Commission's response to NGOs.

International Day for Disaster Reduction. Compliance by the Commission with the principle of multilingualism Internet. Dealing with State airlines in air transport agreements. Transparency of extractive industries and traceability of minerals. Member States where a property tax is levied on primary residences. Statements by Energy Commissioner Oettinger. Price transparency and comparison for VDSL. Legal status of Travellers not consistent with the European directive on non-discrimination.

Human rights crisis in tribal areas of Pakistan. Approval of the technical surveys is subject to an authorised investment plan, which is also non-existent. Does the Commission consider that the technical survey and investment plan approval procedures for surface clearance authorisation have been circumvented?

Does it agree that this is an infringement of Greek and European law? If so, what measures will it take? A la vista de lo sucedido:. In recent months, hundreds of workers from several companies in the Basque Country have been affected by the bankruptcy of a company based in another EU country, which was responsible for paying part of their pension fund entitlements. These workers had taken out a policy, with an Antwerp insurance company, to complement the ordinary benefits covered by Social Security in Spain.

After several companies were relocated, the workers were left unemployed, or took early retirement and, as well as Social Security benefits, began to receive the income support to which they were entitled from that Belgian company. After the workers had begun to receive these complementary benefits, the Belgian insurance company was taken over by the country's federal authorities. The first consequence of the takeover, which took place at the end of , was that the workers from the Basque companies stopped receiving the income support which had been included in their policy. After examining the events, the Spanish courts recognised the debts owed to the workers affected.

Nevertheless, until now the workers have neither recovered the amounts which are owed to them, nor received a guarantee that payment of additional entitlements corresponding to their contributions will resume. Does the Commission have any data, claims or complaints relating to this type ofproblem?

EUR-Lex Acesso ao direito da União Europeia

If so, how many workers are affected and from which Member States? The Commission is aware of the case mentioned by the Honourable Member. Several EU Member States operate Insurance Guarantee Schemes to protect policy holders in the event of an insolvency of an insurance undertaking. At this stage, and notably before further progress in the negotiation on the two legislative proposals, the Commission finds it premature considering a follow-up to the white paper. Bankruptcies are expected as an immediate result of the decision, particularly among small and medium-sized producers in the renewables sector, for whom the level of the charges is unrealistic.

When the charges were proposed there was a strong reaction both from the representatives of business and consumer organisations and from diplomatic representatives in Bulgaria. They called on the Government to intervene immediately. To date, however, the Bulgarian Government has moved neither to abolish the charge nor, indeed, to justify its introduction. Does the Commission consider that the introduction of these charges, without any explanation as to their value, is in accordance with European law?

Does the Commission not consider the provision for varying levels of charge, depending on the period for which producers were connected to the grid in previous years, to be a distortion of competition? Does the Commission plan to take any action in view of the anticipated bankruptcies among renewable energy producers in Bulgaria as a result of the introduction of charges for access to the grid?

The Commission is aware of the recent changes in Bulgaria's legislation introducing grid access tariffs apparently only for producers of electricity from renewable energy sources. Diskriminierung von Menschen mit Behinderung: Cases have, however, come to light in which persons with a visual impairment or another disability were refused entry into restaurants or shops because they had a guide dog.

Given that European primary law unequivocally outlaws discrimination, are there national standards or EU-wide rules under which trained guide dogs for the blind are classified as medical equipment, and can thus, regardless of general national regulations, enter as many places as possible?

Would the Commission agree that it must take action to remedy this unacceptable, discriminatory state of affairs by ensuring the adoption of clear European legislation? The EU acquis does not contain rules concerning access of persons with disabilities to restaurants or shops. State Parties must take effective measures to ensure personal mobility with the greatest possible independence for persons with disabilities.

The EU also became a party to the Convention in and is bound by its obligations to the extent of EU competences. Store:Kindle eBooks:Politics & Social Sciences:Freedom & Security

The Commission has made much progress towards dealing with the issue of the shock of high mobile phone bills due to roaming costs, but a considerable source of bill shock remains in the form of the consequences of a mobile phone being stolen. Currently, many customers have difficulty in quickly communicating with their mobile provider in order to report a theft, as often this is done via a phone call, which is difficult if their phone has been stolen.

In the light of the consumer protection legislation, is the Commission of the view that mobile phone companies are doing enough to facilitate speedy alternative means of reporting mobile phones as stolen, perhaps via a common online portal? Is the Commission aware of consumer disquiet over the issue and, if so, does it have any plans to investigate the European mobile phone market? The Commission is aware of consumer disquiet over this issue and aims, within its competences, at addressing this matter. It is therefore understandable that those in the industry feel strongly that this regulation should be amended.

Does the Commission have plans to reconsider this matter? In the Union, the removal of SRM from the food and feed chains has been mandatory since and is the most important public health protection measure. This opinion reviewed the distribution of TSE infectivity in small ruminant tissues and provided for the first time a quantification of the impact on public health of current SRM measures in small ruminants.

Considering this opinion, the Commission has no plan to reconsider the current rule related to the removal of the spinal cord in sheep. In the light of this, can the Commission provide a precise definition which can be used? This will effectively duplicate the services of another company which is already providing broadband in the same area. The company currently providing the broadband will not be able to compete against a company receiving state money.

The UK analysed the existing broadband infrastructure in detail. The consultation with existing operators in an open, transparent way ensures that any commercial operators' investment plans are taken into account, and public funds are used only where similar commercial investments do not exist and are not planned in the near future. Publishing all information related to the broadband scheme and individual projects will ensure a high level of transparency on the use of public funds.

The framework Agreement selection procedure was done in an open, non-discriminatory way in line with EU public procurement principles. The Commission did not identify any requirements of the framework Agreement that could have excluded any operators from bidding. If local authorities wish not to use the BDUK Framework Agreement, the UK confirmed that the tender process will be open, transparent and non-discriminatory. Therefore, aid for each project will always be allocated on the basis of an open tender process.

The inability of the Congolese authorities to contain the fresh violence that broke out a few months ago in Kivu in the DRC reveals the extent to which a climate of total impunity now prevails in the region. The aim of this initiative is to develop a closely-monitored tin supply chain outside the control of armed groups. What EU legislative initiatives is the Commission planning to take in order to achieve that objective, and when? The Commission is aware of the links between the illegal exploitation and trade of minerals and the conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo DRC.

The Commission has promoted an approach based on transparency of physical markets, supply chains and revenues. In this regard, the Commission continues to work at the OECD through multi-stakeholder processes on implementation of these Guidelines and the Guidance, as well as developing its corporate social responsibility strategy. In addition, the Commission and European External Action Service EEAS are working closely together on a possible comprehensive EU due diligence initiative, the scope of which still needs to be determined.

A public consultation should be launched in and contributions from Parliament will be welcome. The restoration of Congolese state authority and the rule of law in the eastern regions of the DRC, along with a wide-ranging security sector reform, as well as broader development strategies are crucial to ensure a long-lasting peace and stability in the region.

Gluten-free flours are 5. Particularly for the poorer classes this is a crucial question, because given to the current high prices they very probably cannot afford the diet food they need, thus endangering their health. The situation of people with a sensitivity to flour could be improved considerably if the special basic foods could be obtained on prescription from chemists. Such solutions are already being applied in Western Europe. In Finland and Italy a tax allowance or monthly subsidy helps to cover the expense of gluten-free food, and in France monthly supplies are granted.

Does not the Commission consider that the financial difficulties affecting people with food allergies as a result of the excessively high price of the foods they need place them — through no fault of their own — at an unfair disadvantage? Does the Commission plan to initiate legislation with a view to alleviating the significant burdens caused by the cost of foods for people with food allergies?

In the interest of balancing the internal market and improving the adverse situation of those suffering from food allergies, what other instruments and legislative options does the Commission envisage to remedy this problem? The Commission is aware of the health impact of food allergies or intolerance and avoidance of the foodstuff causing the problem is essential. The Commission does not intend to develop legislation to alleviate the burden caused by the cost of food for people with food allergies as it has no role in reimbursement of food for special dietary requirements, which remains the direct responsibility of Member States.

Aanpak onveiligheid en oneerlijke concurrentie in de Europese transportsector. In hoeverre is de Commissie op de hoogte van gevallen waarbij het afgeven van diploma's aan chauffeurs voor het vervoer van gevaarlijke stoffen in alle EU-lidstaten op onordentelijk wijze geschiedt? Is de Commissie bekend met de praktijk waarin chauffeurs in de transportsector collectieve arbeidsovereenkomsten ontwijken via legale en illegale constructies zoals het opzetten van satellietvestigingen in EU-lidstaten met lagere lonen en een lagere sociale bescherming? Welke actie is de Commissie van plan te ondernemen tegen deze oneerlijke concurrentie in de transportsector?

Het betreft niet alleen de regels inzake markttoegang, maar ook regels voor het vervoer van gevaarlijke goederen, de opleiding van bestuurders en het gebruik van de tachograaf. Deze regels evolueren constant om de verkeersveiligheid te verbeteren en eerlijke concurrentie en veilige werkomstandigheden te garanderen. De handhaving is echter een verantwoordelijkheid van de lidstaten, die de nodige maatregelen moeten treffen om te garanderen dat vervoersondernemingen en professionele bestuurders deze regels naleven.

Inbreuken moeten worden bestraft overeenkomstig de nationale sanctieregeling, die effectief, evenredig, ontradend en niet-dicriminerend moet zijn. De Commissie houdt toezicht op de tenuitvoerlegging van deze wetgeving op basis van de verslagen van de lidstaten, waarin de effectiviteit van de regels wordt beoordeeld en de standpunten van het bedrijfsleven worden verzameld. Regelmatig worden vergaderingen gehouden om problemen met de handhaving met de lidstaten en sociale partners te bespreken.

Indien nodig neemt de Commissie het initiatief om nieuwe wetgeving voor te stellen. De Commissie is voornemens om in een initiatief te nemen met betrekking tot de markt voor wegvervoer. Ook sociale normen kunnen in dit wetgevingspakket aan bod komen. To what extent is the Commission aware of cases in which drivers have been improperly issued with certificates for the transport of dangerous substances in all EU Member States?

What action will the Commission take to tackle this international problem and guarantee the safety of the transport of dangerous substances throughout the EU? Is the Commission aware of the practice whereby drivers in road haulage evade collective agreements on terms of employment by means of both legal and illegal arrangements such as setting up satellite establishments in EU Member States with lower wages and poorer social protection?

What action will the Commission take against this unfair competition in the transport industry? The issues raised by the Honourable Member relate to various pieces of EU road transport legislation. Apart from market access these rules also include rules on transport of dangerous goods, driver training and the use of tachograph. These rules are under constant evolution to enhance road safety, fair competition, safe working conditions. However, enforcement is the responsibility of Member States, who must take the measures to ensure that transport companies and professional drivers comply with these rules.

Any infringements should be sanctioned in accordance with the national system of penalties, which are designed to be effective, proportional, dissuasive and non-discriminatory. Enforcement issues are reviewed with Member States and social partners at regular meetings. If appropriate, the Commission takes the initiative to propose new legislation. In the Commission plans an initiative on the road transport market. This initiative could include actions on the categorisation of serious infringements and on enhanced harmonised enforcement.

Social standards could also be part of this legislative package. Dieser Antrag ist zurzeit bis zum Abschluss des Einhaltungsverfahrens ausgesetzt. The Commission estimates that the enforcement of sanctions will take one to two more years. Can the Commission predict how much the remainder of the process will cost the EU?

This request is currently suspended pending the completion of the compliance proceedings. In response to points 1. A detailed estimate of the costs is however not possible, also because there are ongoing proceedings. In response to points 5. Juni Antidumpinguntersuchung bzw. August Antisubventionsuntersuchung zu geschehen hat. Imports from China of solar energy systems marketed at dumping prices are forcing more and more European manufacturers of photovoltaic equipment to declare insolvency or lay off workers. Since every week sees another solar energy company forced to declare insolvency or make workers redundant, EU ProSun has called on the Commission to speed up the procedure and begin keeping a formal record of Chinese imports as a matter of urgency.

The Commission is in the phase of collecting information for its investigation into the anti-dumping and anti-subsidy complaints on crystalline silicon photovoltaic modules. Given the great number of parties involved, the Commission has selected samples of exporting producers in China and producers and importers in the Union, and has requested that they reply to specific questionnaires.

Other interested parties, like users and also the Government of China in the subsidy case , are also requested to provide information. Within those deadlines, the Commission will work as speedily as possible. The speed of the case will be determined by its complexity and size as well as by the need to carry out out the investigations properly and accurately and the requirement to ensure due process for all interested parties.

Aspekte der Robustheit von Computern und Netzen werden in diesem Zusammenhang behandelt. After some major cyberattacks on several Member States, a European cybersecurity strategy is currently being drafted by the Commission. Cybersecurity activities range from cyberespionage to cybercrime and cyberwar. Each of these has its own motivations and goals. Policy responses and attempts at standardisation are becoming increasingly difficult due to the wide range of activities and areas of focus. Does the Commission have an overview on whether any national cybersecurity strategies exist within the EU?

Has the Commission already analysed national cybersecurity standards at European and international level? If so, please could it share the results and conclusions? Until now, there has been no EU voice on international standardisation bodies in the area of cybersecurity. How does the Commission plan to change this situation? A number of Member States have already informed the Commission that they have adopted national cyber-security strategies.

Most of those strategies are also publicly available and have been translated into English. Those strategies cover various aspects of cyber-security including prevention and resilience, research, the fight against cybercrime, defence and its external dimension. Cyber resilience aspects will be taken up in this context. Moreover, the forthcoming EU Cyber Security Strategy should further address the issue of standardisation. The aggression of the Israeli State towards the Palestinian people and its provocative intolerance of its just struggle to end the occupation and create an independent, viable and sovereign Palestinian State has once again found expression in a speech given by Israeli Prime Minister B.

Netanyahu at the recent UN General Assembly. The criminal actions of the Israeli army of occupation have culminated in murderous attacks against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip and the other Palestinian territories. Imperialist rivalries increase the risks of a generalized war, with devastating consequences for the peoples of the region as a whole.

This EU-Israel agreement essentially constitutes a straightforward recognition and legitimization to the Israeli occupation and its crimes against the Palestinian people. Will it pursue this policy in support of Israel against the Palestinian people and its just struggle for an end to the Israeli occupation and the establishment of an independent, viable and sovereign Palestinian State within the borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital, for the removal of the unacceptable wall, for the release of Palestinian political prisoners in Israel and for the right of return of all Palestinian refugees to their homes, on the basis of the relevant UN resolutions?

The EU is committed to a two-state solution and convinced that the ongoing changes across the Arab world make the need for progress on the Middle East peace process all the more urgent. Heeding the aspirations of the people in the region, including those of Palestinians for statehood and those of Israelis for security is a crucial element for lasting peace, stability and prosperity in the region.

The EU recalls the applicability of international humanitarian law in the occupied Palestinian territory, including the applicability of the fourth Geneva Convention relative to the protection of civilians. Amennyiben igen, melyek ezek? Common ragweed is widespread internationally and is constantly spreading into an even wider area, assisted by an increasingly mild climate. Can the Commission provide information on the following pilot projects initiated by Parliament and included in the EU budget:.

Pilot project on complex research on the methods of controlling the spread of ragweed and pollen allergies grant. If so, what are they? Deliverables will be shared after finalisation of the project. The project will deliver policy-relevant guidance to combat Ambrosia invasion as of Vi sono diversi strumenti e apparecchiature tecnologiche, come ad esempio respiratori, carrozzine, deambulatori e materassi anti-decubito, che sono necessari per determinate categorie di pazienti, e che in Italia sono quindi garantiti dal Servizio Sanitario Nazionale.

Il Nomenclatore tariffario contiene l'elenco completo di questi strumenti, ma il suo ultimo aggiornamento risale a ben 13 anni or sono Decreto n. La tecnologia in detto ambito si evolve in maniera piuttosto rapida, e i pazienti che necessitano di questi ausili si trovano di fronte a una difficile scelta, ovvero utilizzare strumenti obsoleti oppure dover pagare di tasca propria la differenza per poter usufruire di migliori servizi. Questi nuovi dispositivi non si caratterizzano per essere dei prototipi specifici, ma solamente delle innovazioni entrate oramai nell'uso comune in ambito sanitario.

Direitos Humanos no Brasil CF 88 e tratados Internacionais

Esiste a livello europeo un coordinamento per lo scambio delle migliori pratiche e tecniche innovative in ambito di dispositivi medici e sanitari? La Commissione ritiene tuttavia importante identificare e condividere informazioni sulle innovazioni che intervengono nell'ambito degli ausili medici. There are a number of instruments and pieces of technological equipment, such as respirators, wheelchairs, walking frames and anti-bedsore mattresses, which are necessary for certain categories of patient and which are therefore provided by the national health service in Italy.

In theory, there were supposed to be regular adjustments, every three years at the most, but this requirement has been completely ignored and the revision of the decree further postponed. Technology in this field is evolving fairly rapidly and patients who need these devices are faced with a difficult choice — either having to use outdated devices or having to pay the difference out of their own pockets in order to receive better services.

Sometimes they do not even have that choice, as some new innovations are not even included on the official list. The continuing health service cuts are also forcing many local health authorities ASL to seek lower-cost products on the market, but these are also often of poor quality, such as many wheelchairs that are manufactured in the Far East. These new devices are not specific prototypes but are simply innovations that have now become commonplace in the health sector. In the light of the above, what measures can the Commission take to try to resolve this situation, which is undermining the autonomy of these patients and preventing them from having a normal social and working life?

Is there, at EU level, any coordination with regard to the exchange of best practices and innovative techniques in the field of medical and health devices? Does the Commission not think it should facilitate a wider dissemination in Europe of the best instruments currently available? These responsibilities include the management of health services and medical care and the allocation of the resources assigned to them.

Nevertheless, the Commission believes it is important to identify and share information on innovation in the area of medical devices. The Commission therefore organises regular meetings on new and emerging technologies where interested parties such as national Competent Authorities, the medical device industry, Notified Bodies and standardisation bodies can exchange views and share expertise on innovative devices coming onto the European market.

Does the Council not think that the prize money from this award could be allocated to help Belarusian society? It is a disgrace that a dictator remains in power at the very border of the European Union. The Council underlined that the prize also recognises the historically and globally unique project of regional integration and enlargement in Europe, where former enemies today are united as friends around a core set of values.

The Council undertook to continue to work tirelessly for peace and in the promotion of fundamental rights and values and to strive to make its external action more coherent, comprehensive and effective. Mahdi Akhavan Bahabadi, segretario del centro nazionale iraniano del ciberspazio, ha negato il coinvolgimento dell'Iran negli attacchi. Ciononostante, si ritiene che gli attacchi siano stati lanciati in risposta alle sanzioni promosse dagli Stati Uniti e al worm digitale Stuxnet impiegato per paralizzare gli impianti nucleari iraniani.

At this stage, the Commission does not intend to speculate with regard to security arrangements put in place by EU companies against possible state-lead cyber attacks. Alcuni gruppi, quali i separatisti di Pattani, selezionano questi obiettivi in quanto simboli dello Stato thailandese buddista. Anche gli studenti sono stati al centro di brutali attacchi e sono rimasti feriti durante gli attentati dei ribelli contro il personale di sicurezza. Il governo deve garantire protezione a quanti sono nel mirino dei ribelli ma la soluzione militare non basta a dare sicurezza alle popolazione nel lungo termine.

Per una pace duratura nella regione occorrono soluzioni politiche. Groups such as Patani Independence Fighters choose these targets as they are viewed as symbols of the Thai Buddhist state. Insurgents have set fire to more than government schools in eight years, and teachers have been ambushed on their way to school or killed in their classrooms. Students have also fallen victim to brutal attacks, and been wounded in insurgent attacks targeting security personnel.

These attacks on schools seem to be part of a larger campaign by insurgents to use violence and terror to drive Buddhist Thais out of the southern provinces and keep local Muslims under their control. The EU follows the conflict in Southern Thailand with concern. The EU is particularly alarmed by the surge of violence in the past few months. The EU is engaged with the authorities and other stakeholders in addressing the issue.

While the protection of all those targeted by the insurgents should be a priority for the Thai government, military solutions alone cannot provide security to the population over the long term. Sustainable peace in the region can be only guaranteed through political means. A degree of devolution may go a long way, if it is coupled with other political reforms aimed at restoring justice and providing a wider cultural and educational space for Malay communities. The EU is currently funding a number of activities with a view to strengthening the voice of civil society, fostering dialogue between Buddhist and Muslim communities, and promoting social and economic development in Southern Thailand.

Zu diesem Thema gibt es jedoch keine EU-weiten Erhebungen. In providing such services, many agents and agencies apply unfair or even mafia-like methods. For instance, they often demand continuous monthly payments from personal caretakers for whom they have only provided a one-time mediation service. Illegal contracts with personal caretakers are not uncommon, in many cases enforced through coercion, extortion, misappropriation of funds, bogus self-employment, infringement of contract rights, and, in some cases, even of violation of fundamental rights. To counter this problem, one feasible option is to introduce certificates for personal care that certify the caretaker as well as the agent and agency.

On the one hand, such certificates provide quality assurance in professional, linguistic and legal terms. On the other hand, they improve the situation for both the caretaker and the person receiving care. In addition, jobs can be created for caretakers and language trainers. Is the Commission aware of the problem described above, and does it have access to EU-wide surveys on this issue? Is the Commission considering introducing or promoting such certifications throughout the Union? Is the Commission considering taking action in this field, given its cross-border nature? The precarious status of such care workers would make them vulnerable to abuse and could also imply insufficient quality assurances for care receivers.

However, there are no EU-wide surveys on these issues. The problems are likely to differ from one Member State to another, and it is the responsibility of Member States to enforce the applicable legislation to protect care workers and care receivers. However, the experience from Austria referred to by the Honourable Member could be of interest to other Member States and could be presented in the context of the peer review activities under the auspices of the Social Protection Committee.

The Commission has no plans for introducing an EU-wide certification, but could promote the exchange of information among Member States on the issues to be addressed through certification schemes. The Commission will act if there is a breach of EU legislation, notably concerning the right to free movement of carers from other Member States.

The establishment of a European Platform on undeclared work is foreseen in the Commission Work Programme. Its aim would be to enhance cooperation and exchange information as well as best practices at EU level between different enforcement bodies to achieve a more effective and coherent approach to the fight against undeclared work. Pochissimi, infatti, sono stati i responsabili portati di fronte alla giustizia e puniti per i reati commessi. In tale contesto permeato di violenza cronica, raramente i crimini sessuali vengono denunciati. I maggiori ostacoli all'accesso alla giustizia sono dati dal timore di stigmatizzazione e alla mancata percezione di reale sicurezza per le vittime sopravvissute e coinvolte nei processi legali.

Indeed, very few of the perpetrators have been brought to justice and punished for the crimes committed. The message that clearly emerges from the government's attitude is one of impunity and tolerance towards criminals who trample on the human rights of their victims every day. In the National Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences carried out a total of 22 examinations into suspected cases of sexual violence, compared to 12 in In situations of armed conflict, sexual violence against women is carried out to sow terror among communities, to force them to flee and to wreak revenge on the enemy.

In such a situation of chronic violence, sex crimes are rarely reported. The main obstacles to access to justice are the fear of being stigmatised and the perceived lack of real security for surviving victims involved in legal proceedings. In addition, administrative delays, a lack of funds and the infiltration of armed groups into local institutions make the legal process inadequate to meet the victims' needs for protection and humanity.

The real problems in the country are not due to a lack of laws to punish sex offenders, but to the fact that those laws are not genuinely and consistently enforced. The Colombian government has made significant efforts to strengthen the rule of law and to reduce impunity for human rights violations throughout the country. However, these are hampered by the continued existence of the complex and multifaceted conflict, which represents a persistent human rights challenge and a formidable obstacle to the effective administration of justice. Verkoop illegaal afval door overheid. Reden voor inzameling is optimale recycling en het tegengaan van illegale export, dump en verwerking.

Veel kostbare grondstoffen gaan alsnog verloren, de arbeidsomstandigheden bij veel recycling buiten Europa laten te wensen over en milieuvervuiling is een groot risico. De lidstaten moeten de inzameling en verwerking van deze afvalstromen organiseren. De overheid certificeert instanties die de inzameling mogen doen. In hoeverre verplicht de Commissie lidstaten aan te tonen welke problemen er zijn bij de inzameling van deze afvalstromen en welke acties de lidstaten nemen om deze problemen op te lossen?

Welke actie onderneemt de Commissie als een lidstaat in gebreke blijft bij de inzameling van het afval en transparantie van wat er met deze afvalstromen gebeurt? Welke actie onderneemt de Commissie om inzage te krijgen in wat er gebeurt met de hoeveelheid elektrisch en elektronisch afval dat niet ingezameld wordt? De betrokken verslagen moet een evaluatie bevatten van de positieve en de negatieve ervaringen met de tenuitvoerlegging van de richtlijn.

The aim of collecting it is to ensure optimal recycling and to combat illegal exports, dumping and processing. Large quantities of valuable raw materials go to waste, working conditions for those who perform recycling outside Europe often leave much to be desired, and there is a major risk of environmental pollution.

Member States are required to organise the collection and recycling of these waste flows. The public authorities certify bodies which are permitted to collect waste. In the Netherlands, it has now become apparent that illegal trading is going on between local authorities and uncertified dealers in electrical and electronic waste De Telegraaf , Is the Commission aware of dealing in electrical and electronic waste between local authorities and uncertified dealers?

What action does the Commission take to combat illegal trade between authorities and uncertified collectors? To what extent are Member States required to demonstrate to the Commission what happens to the unregistered part of waste flows? To what extent does the Commission require Member States to demonstrate what problems exist in the collection of these waste flows and what action the Member States are taking to solve these problems? What action does the Commission take if a Member States fails to collect waste in the required manner and does not ensure sufficient transparency regarding what happens to these waste flows?

What action does the Commission take to ascertain what is happening to electrical and electronic waste which is not collected? The Commission will ask the Dutch authorities for further information on the specific case to which the Honourable Member refers. Such reports should include an evaluation of the positive and negative experiences with the implementation of the directive. It is also generally accepted that airports with fewer than one million passengers are not economically viable and cannot continue to operate without state aid.

Will the Commission take this economic reality into account when drafting its revised guidelines and, in particular, authorise operating aid for airports with fewer than one million passengers? Regional airports can play an important role in local development and accessibility. Nevertheless, it is also important to avoid undue distortions of competition and wasting public resources. This risk is particularly high in cases of duplication of non-profitable airports. The Commission will take all these elements into account when revising the Aviation guidelines.

Anden og tredje energiliberaliseringspakke. Vil Kommissionen derudover oplyse, hvilke retsakter fra anden og tredje liberaliseringspakke de enkelte medlemsstater har implementeret korrekt? The European Commission and the Commissioner for Energy have previously answered many questions concerning the implementation of the second and third energy liberalisation packages.

For the sake of clarity, the Commission is requested to provide a comprehensive overview of which countries have received letters of formal notice and reasoned opinions, and which countries have been the subject of a case brought before the European Court of Justice. This overview should be broken down by legal instrument. The Commission is also requested to state which legal instruments from the second and third energy liberalisation packages have been correctly implemented by the individual countries. In addition, the Commission refers to the tables on this topic sent to the Honourable Member and to Parliament's Secretariat.

Esto solo puede generar un consumo irresponsable, no sostenible y desinformado de las conservas pesqueras en lugar de una apuesta por la calidad, la sostenibilidad y el respeto al medio ambiente dentro de la actividad pesquera. El etiquetado de los productos de la pesca y la acuicultura forma parte integral de la reforma y tiene en cuenta las disposiciones del Reglamento de control, en particular aquellas en materia de trazabilidad. One amendment in particular to the original text stands out among the many tabled.

It removes the obligation on producers to inform customers about the origin of the product they are selling.