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The Prince of Morocco was greedy in choosing the gold coffin, and this was his flaw that prevented him from marrying Portia. The second casket was made of silver, and bore the inscription: He was foolish to believe he could judge himself as worthy, and his prize was a picture of a fool. The scroll inside stated: On it was written: He chooses the lead casket because of he believes the other caskets have evil qualities, and are able to tear people apart.

The Symbolism of the Three Caskets in "The Merchant of Venice"

He feels the gold is able to trick and sicken the wisest man such as King Midas , and silver is able to cause conflicts between common men, yet the lead is meager and pale and no one fights for it. He believes the meager lead can bring people together, as it does at funerals where the family gathers to bury the dead in a lead casket. The inscription on the lead showed how he would have to sacrifice and risk all he has for Portia.

This is the type of man Portia father hoped she would marry. Freud identifies this uniqueness of the third as her "muteness," and then recalls how muteness in psychic life is typically a representation of death. The third daughter, seen from this perspective, may be viewed as Death, the Goddess of Death.

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The sisters appear, consequently, as the three daughters of Fate — according to mythological tradition, the three Moirai, Parcae, or Norns. Freud's detour through mythology makes the goddesses of fate represent the inexorable Law of Nature, and thus of the passing of time and the ineluctability of death as well.

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Returning to the choice between three sisters, Freud seeks to soften any resultant contradictions between this detour through mythology and the specific choice itself by reminding us that fantasy activity typically inverts what is disagreeable into its contrary. Fatality, the inexorability of death, is transformed into a free choice. In King Lear the old man appears at the end carrying the dead Cordelia in his arms. Freud refers the powerful effect this produces to the latent message transpiring behind the manifest representation of the scene: How to write a great review.

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Merchant of Venice - The three chests

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The Symbolism of the Three Caskets in "The Merchant of Venice" | The Classroom

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