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Rachel rated it liked it Jan 06, Jennie marked it as to-read Feb 22, Tarcini Shabari marked it as to-read Dec 17, Igraine added it Apr 29, Kali marked it as to-read Jul 06, Nancy marked it as to-read Jun 16, Maria marked it as to-read Jun 20, Kimberly Wingate marked it as to-read Dec 14, Martin marked it as to-read May 24, Gazmend Kryeziu marked it as to-read Sep 24, Manijeh added it Jul 07, There are no discussion topics on this book yet.

Walter Crane - was an English artist and book illustrator.

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He is considered, along with Randolph Caldecott and Kate Greenaway, one of the strongest contributors to the child's nursery motif that the genre of English children's illustrated literature would exhibit in its developmental stages in the latter 19th century. His work featured some of the more colorful and detailed beginnings Walter Crane - was an English artist and book illustrator.

His work featured some of the more colorful and detailed beginnings of the child-in-the-garden motifs that would characterize many nursery rhymes and children's stories for decades to come. He was part of the Arts and Crafts movement and produced an array of paintings, illustrations, children's books, ceramic tiles and other decorative arts.

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Walter Crane

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