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And it isn't what they are told when they joined the experiment, it is what they learn once there…eight people walk in, only one will emerge. Welcome to the Iso-Stasis Experiment. The rules are simple. Opening the iTunes Store. If Apple Books doesn't open, click the Books app in your Dock. Do you already have iTunes?

The Experiments

Click I Have iTunes to open it now. View More by This Author. Description They thought it was an experiment. Customer Ratings We have not received enough ratings to display an average for this audiobook.

by Jacqueline Druga

Nov 04, Wanda Stratmann rated it it was amazing. If you like this book read the 2nd in the series amoeba. Nov 04, Cindy Pickens rated it it was amazing. Probably my favorite of all of Jackie's books. Aug 23, Mika O'Donovan rated it liked it. I had some definite issues with it, but none of those issues keep me from wanting to read the sequel and other books by this author. The set-up of the story is right out of the horror handbook: Of course, the experiment isn't quite as it seems, and neither are the participants. Nothing new, but always ripe for a scare, some character building, and that good tension when the characters wait for the next horror to unfold.

Unfortunately, the book falls short on these points, so it's not as fun as it could be. The main characters are inconsistent and unbelievable. They have some attributes, but fall short of seeming real because their personalities don't seem stable. A man starts out as a misogynist and ends up oozing more sap than all the maple trees in Canada. Other characters are not fleshed out enough to show any real depth.

They're black and white with no particular motivation for being that way. They are also pretty idealized: The moneyed antagonist is just an asshole but we never know why. The scientist who runs the for-profit experiment actually is a principled man, for no particular reason; apparently subjecting people to poorly constructed and controlled experiments that don't meet scientific or ethical standards does not, in any way, prevent a man from feeling bad about it.

The story is bloated with a romance that is incredibly juvenile. The lovers have excessively earnest conversations about their relationship and feeeelings with cringe-worthy dialog, to boot.


It read like a teenager's fantasy of romance, and did not, in any way, resemble the attraction of two wounded people. You would respect them more in the morning if it was just an adrenaline fuck, trust me.

Book The Iso Stasis Experiment The Experiments PDF Download -

When the action starts to build, the tension should start to rise; every time the tension starts to rise, the lovers have sex or drawn out discussions about what happens after they get out. You know what kills tension? Sweet loving sex and melodramatic dialog. The grammar issues are pretty minor, but tend to be kind of funny, which definitely pulled me out of the story.

Issues here are mostly homophones peddle vs pedal or near-homophones prepare vs repair , and punctuation. It's not so egregious to be frustrating to me , but it often ruins the flow. There seems to be a conflation of schizophrenia and dissociative identity disorder.

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  • The book is fun, but it could be tightened up to make it solidly entertaining. The creativity level for playing in an established genre setting makes the read easier, though the amount of disbelief that needs to be suspended is high; characters don't seem real, and the situations don't really make sense. Still, for a cheesy, pulpy, silly pop read, this isn't the worst. Recommended for people who love the genre or who really root for romance in the most ridiculous places and times. Apr 17, Anne rated it it was amazing Shelves: Narrator, not my favorite. I don't think he was all that good. I also didn't care for the last chapter LOL.

    Jun 01, Kimmarie rated it liked it Shelves: Not enough though to hold my interest for the rest of the series.

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    Nov 04, Karen rated it it was amazing. Great story with lots of suspense. The ending had me screaming for more. I can not wait for the sequel. The author is in my top 5 must reads. Heather McArtor rated it really liked it Aug 19, Judy Knuth rated it really liked it Nov 04, Cari Ray rated it really liked it Feb 20, Brenda rated it really liked it Jan 22, Chanel rated it really liked it Mar 07,