Poll on Germany's dominant role in the EU. Possible unfair business practices affecting newsagents. Merkies to the Commission. Minister of Finance's proposal to the Commission to restrict the full deduction of VAT from company car purchases for another five years. Liquidation of Kowent sp. Wave of Syrian refugees emigrating to neighbouring countries. Concerns about violations of European values in Hungary and Bulgaria. Action against growing anti-Semitism in Europe.
Riots following the presidential elections in Venezuela. The constitutional situation in Hungary. The common agricultural policy and the issue of discrimination. The common agricultural policy and fair direct payments. The common agricultural policy and the crisis. Gender equality in securing access to goods and services. Economic competition and the crisis period. Demographic data and personal data protection. EU Member States are encouraged to adopt measures against tax evasion. Developing countries and EU trade policy.
The fight against xenophobia and discrimination. Cooperation and Verification Mechanism for Bulgaria. Implementation of the Working Time Directive in the context of public procurement. Correctness of the information provided in the context of the aid authorisation procedure for Berlin-Brandenburg airport.
- Between Hell and High Water.
- A moins de deux semaines de la rentrée scolaire, les parents en difficulté pour les préparatifs.
- Fil d'Ariane.
- Return of the Stolen Ocean.
Plans to introduce EU-wide motorway tolls. Youth migration to countries outside the European Union. Conduct of the German Jugendamt towards Polish children. EU Spending on nutrition programmes. Employee vocational training in the EU. Extending food product expiry dates. Damage caused by wild animals and strays. Possible funding for setting up a museum of vintage civil, military and commercial vehicles in Rome. Possible infringement of environmental protection and public health regulations by the Tivoli municipal authorities.
Rights of children of incarcerated parents. Illegal activities of organised criminals in games arcades. Use of derivatives by the Member States. Availability of Schengen visas in Polish consulates in Belarus. Consumer protection through high quality broadband Internet connections. Varying staff levels and absences from work in OLAF. Reduction in the special excise duty SED on heating fuel or motor fuel for the Greek islands. However, the Commission is currently assessing the recent policy measures adopted in Spain and it will consider further action from or at EU level, if necessary.
Has the Commission completed its assessment of the recent policy measures adopted in Spain? In addition, the Commission is assessing several new measures changing renewable energy support schemes adopted in , with the view to conclude its analysis on whether or not to take action at EU level, if appropriate, by the end of If not, what steps does the Commission plan to take to ensure that Spain complies with the ruling of the Court of Justice of the EU? The Commission services are in contact with the Spanish Government concerning the formulation of such new rules. En el caso de Grecia, el asunto investigado afecta a la cadena DIA.
Members of the association claim that DIA has engaged in illegal and deceitful activities to serve its own interests, at the direct expense of its franchise holders. The chain is also said to have breached the labour regulations in force regarding employee working times and payment methods. It is also alleged to have subjected its franchise holders to force and coercion for defending their interests against practices such as transferring costs to franchise holders and reducing margins. Does the Commission have evidence of any commercial activities pursued by DIA which breach the rules governing the single market?
Has the Commission taken any steps, in which DIA is involved, to defend the single market and consumers? Despite the fact that there is no specific competition legislation concerning franchises, certain behaviour such as limiting franchises' freedom to price their products could constitute a violation of competition law.
However, it is likely that this might best be addressed at national level by the Spanish competition authorities. In particular, the Greek, Swedish, Finnish and Romanian NCAs have been investigating antitrust cases dealing with resale price maintenance imposed by large supermarket chains in their franchise networks. The Greek case refers to the supermarket chain DIA. Gibt es bereits Bestrebungen innerhalb der Kommission, ein solches Zentralregister oder ein vergleichbares System einzurichten? Die Kommission leistet technische Hilfe.
When administering justice, the national courts may consider it significant whether the accused already has a criminal record — and if so, what offence was committed and what the sentence was. In Germany, this information is contained in a central criminal register Bundeszentralregister.
Coordinating this across borders seems to be far more difficult. In practice, exchanging data is easier with some countries than with others. Yet, as mentioned, these data are extremely important. Is the Commission already trying to set up a central criminal register or similar system? As Member States could not agree on a central system, the European Criminal Records Information System allows for decentralized, computerised exchanges of information extracted from criminal records for criminal proceedings and other purposes between Member States, for example screening procedures for employment.
The Commission gives technical support to the system. Wie bewertet die Kommission die Verwendung von Insekten als tierische Proteine in der landwirtschaftlichen Nutztierhaltung? Consideration is also being given to the use in the future of processed animal protein from poultry in pig feed and of processed animal protein from pigs in poultry feed, as soon as validated diagnostic methods are available to monitor the ban on animals re-entering their own foodchain. However insects reared under controlled conditions before being dried and ground into meal can also make a valuable contribution to rebalancing the protein deficit in the rearing of farm animals.
Is the Commission planning to relax the feed ban on processed animal protein from dried and ground invertebrates? The Commission considers that protein of insect origin has the potential of being a useful form of protein for animal feed. The Commission is keeping this issue under review and will be prepared to propose modifications to the current rules where appropriate.
Since , the European Regional Development Fund ERDF has been able to finance programmes for housing renovation and the regeneration of urban centres in all Member States, in particular energy efficiency and integrated urban regeneration projects aimed at supporting vulnerable communities. The regulations were modified twice later in the programming period, after which housing investments became possible, to a limited extent, in all Member States. However, the available information does not permit the identification of amounts specifically allocated in favour of vulnerable communities in each area of intervention.
The Commission suggests that the Honourable Member contact directly the managing authority of the programmes, in the Ministry of Development. Can the Commission state how many students from third-level institutions in Ireland participated in the Erasmus programme during the years , and ? The participation of students from Irish higher education institutions in Erasmus student mobility has evolved over the last three years as follows.
Can the Commission estimate the economic benefits for the European Union of a successful Canada-EU Free Trade Agreement, and can the Commission provide an update on the status of the negotiations that are currently ongoing between both parties? Any comprehensive trade and economic agreement CETA between EU and Canada would cover key issues of relevance to creating a modern trade and investment environment, from ambitious new market access opportunities to clear rules for European and Canadian businesses and investors.
It is also expected that once implemented, an agreement would increase two-way bilateral trade in goods and services by As regards the status of the CETA negotiations, these are now in their final phase. The Commission has had very intense discussions with Canada during May and the first half of June. While important progress has been made, a number of key outstanding issues remain with respect to some aspects of investment protection and public procurement as well as agricultural market access and the protection of geographical indications.
The Commission remains committed to finalise the CETA negotiations as swiftly as possible but in respect of the EU's negotiating mandate. Although very close to conclusion, the final agreement on CETA will require further constructive efforts from both sides and the Commission remains in close contact with Canadian counterparts to this end. Can the Commission estimate the broad economic benefits for the European Union of a successful US-EU Free Trade Agreement, and can the Commission provide an update on the status of the negotiations that are currently ongoing between both parties, following the mandate achieved by the Irish Presidency?
Esto sigue siendo aplicable en el estado actual del proceso. This holds true at the current state of the process. Readmission agreements have been a focal point of a common European policy on migration. Are such bilateral agreements between Member States compatible with existing European legislation, such as the Schengen Code and Convention or the asylum acquis concerning the allocation of responsibility between Member States? Given that these agreements were signed before the legislation referred to above, are they still valid today?
If so, does the Commission have a regularly updated inventory of, and is it monitoring, all bilateral agreements linked to readmission concluded between Member States? There are, however, two exceptions to this rule:. It results that the application of bilateral readmission agreements which entered into force before the cut-off date of An exhaustive and updated overview of all readmission agreements between Member States is publicly available at the Return Migration and Development Platform of the European University Institute:.
Seaside tourism companies in Europe have seen significant growth over the past few years due to changes in demand by tourists longer holiday period and also the local population current fashions and a warmer climate. These companies play a key role in managing European coasts, particularly in the Mediterranean. Seaside tourism companies play a key social role since they employ a large number of people in micro-regions and have also attempted over the past few years to move away from seasonal employment. The indirect implications for local economies are significant and should be evaluated.
Furthermore, seaside resorts are in a position to work together with municipal councils to ensure that the resorts are safe by putting in place surveillance measures and limiting the number of people on the beach. Funding opportunities for investments geared to ensure the sustainability and protection of coastal areas are available under different EU programmes, including the European Fund for Fisheries.
Support for tourism investments continues to be a potential activity area of the future Operational Programmes under the European Structural and Investment Funds, if they are connected to the thematic priorities and objectives of the funds. The Commission already encourages the exchange of best practice in the field of coastal and maritime tourism. Of those non-working persons, What action is being taken by the Commission under the European Employment Strategy to address the issue of unemployment among persons with disabilities?
What progress has been made by the Commission in implementing a framework for job creation in the Health and Social Care sector? As regards the assistance allowance, does the Commission intend to implement an employment promotion strategy to allow for investment in services for disabled persons, as set out in the Employment Package? The Employment Guidelines address the integration of people with disabilities in the labour market.
In the European Semester, the Commission monitors the Member States' performance in achieving the goals of the Europe strategy. A Joint Action on health workforce forecasting and planning has kicked off. In addition, the Commission carries out studies of recruitment and retention strategies and of continouous professional development. The Commission's social investment package provides policy advice in terms of tailoring support with regard to groups with special needs, e.
The European Disability Strategy includes measures to facilitate the employment of persons with disabilities. The definitions and criteria for determining disability are a matter of Member State competence. Around one billion people in the world are suffering from hunger and another billion are undernourished. Most of those affected are women, children and small farmers. Given its specific nature, agriculture is one of the sectors most affected by climate change. This has major implications for the security of food supply. Agricultural policy is a key factor in safeguarding food supplies, ensuring sustainable growth in rural areas and combating poverty.
Effectively this means that large-scale agriculture must exist alongside small and medium-scale agriculture, which accounts for a large number of farmers, particularly in countries afflicted by food shortages, the common objective being to improve access to know-how and secure additional market openings with a view to achieving sustainable growth in these areas and thus reducing hunger in the world. Given that the aim of the new CAP is the implementation of sustainable farming practices and rural development policies adapted to the challenges arising at local level, does the Commission intend to introduce a market management mechanism adapted to a variety of sectors and geographical areas so as to ensure the more effective and responsible involvement of farmers and their organisations and thus prevent the situation described above occurring in future?
Market management mechanisms under the CAP have evolved considerably since its beginnings and are at present considered as a means to provide farmers a safety net in times of severe market distortions. The shift in focus of the CAP from price support through market intervention to producer support through direct payments, while placing greater emphasis on environmental and territorial sustainability through rural development measures, was driven by the need to make EU agriculture more market oriented.
The present changes to the CAP agreed at political level for the period will enable further improvements in the competitiveness of EU agriculture, notably by ending remaining production limitations, abolishing certain aid schemes that artificially influence producers' decisions. Measures to facilitate cooperation amongst producers and along the supply chain are also introduced. Overall, the new CAP should be more focused towards longer term economic and environmental sustainability of EU agriculture through better targeting direct payments e. These changes should ensure the contribution of EU agriculture to food security in a sustainable way.
According to the latest reports, there is constant tension between the Frelimo Mozambique Liberation Front Government and Renamo Mozambican National Resistance , which is mounting as the elections approach. Renamo is seeking to renegotiate the peace agreements and disputes the electoral laws adopted by the Frelimo majority, and in particular the composition of the National Electoral Committee, and is threatening to boycott the elections.
Dans quels cas le médicament KEPPRA est-il utilisé ?
The last three months have witnessed mounting political tension in Mozambique. This tension takes place in the context of the local and general elections in Mozambique, and could be linked to the political decline of the main opposition party Renamo and the positioning for the succession of President Guebuza within the ruling Frelimo party. Tension is fed as well by a sense of exclusion from those not benefiting from the transition to a natural resource based economy and the ensuing rapid growth rates.
National and international efforts are being made and multiple channels of communication used, to defuse tension, in particular to avoid violence, and to resolve the current political stalemate. The EU is supporting efforts to help the Government and the Renamo should settle their differences through dialogue.
The EU EFM provided an assessment of the electoral process and pragmatic proposals on preparations for the up-coming elections. The EU will continue to make every effort to support the holding of right of elections in a calm and peaceful atmosphere. The Commission is aware of the deteriorating food security status in Guinea Bissau and is closely monitoring the situation. At the same time, the Commission is currently preparing two new programmes aiming at addressing the root causes of malnutrition and vulnerability to food crisis in Guinea Bissau by increasing food production, supporting selected agricultural value chains and adding value to smallholder agricultural production.
It is also foreseen to support the set-up of an improved early warning system for food security and nutrition, involving UN agencies and national specialized statistic bodies, in order to have more accurate information about the evolution of the food security situation, which will be accessible to all the stakeholders. According to the report, by the end of there was a total of Children are at the heart of the EU's humanitarian work.
The Commission is also developing new tools to foster and track age-sensitive humanitarian projects, bringing attention to the specific needs of girls and boys. The EU has dedicated its Nobel Peace Prize award to help children who are growing up in, or are displaced by, conflicts. The Common European Asylum System provides for child-sensitive reception conditions including special provisions for unaccompanied minors.
In addition to this, the European Asylum Support Office can promote best and harmonised practices on child related issues and the European Refugee Fund foresees special assistance for the resettlement of children at risk and unaccompanied minors. According to several international studies, the incidence of mental illness increases in times of crisis and unemployment. According to the national mental health coordinator, people with chronic mental health problems that tend to be incapacitating are most likely to miss check-ups more than usual and, in some cases, these patients have stopped taking their medication or have significantly cut down how much they take.
What figures does it have on the rise in the number of cases of depression and mental health problems in the EU? The Commission is aware of the scientific evidence suggesting that strong links exist between mental health problems, economic crisis and unemployment. The Commission is also aware of the adverse impact which mental disorders may have on adherence to treatment. Improving adherence to treatment and medical plans is the objective of one of the 6 thematic Action Groups established under the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing, a collaborative stakeholder-driven partnership under which more than voluntary commitments for action to increase the average healthy lifespan of EU citizens by two years by have been submitted.
As regards developments in the number of cases of depression and mental health problems, the Commission has no systematic data available at EU-level. Data are only available with a delay and are still particularly limited for the field of mental health. A first wave of data on mental health from the European Health Interview Survey, covering seventeen countries, was collected between and A second wave is planned for , however with slightly different questions.
These show increases from 9. In the following year to , there was a slight decrease of the rate to A group of British scientists recently met at the headquarters of the UK weather agency, the Met Office, to discuss the possible reasons for the unusual weather conditions in Europe in recent years. Thousands of people in Austria, the Czech Republic, Germany and Switzerland were recently ordered to abandon their homes because of flooding and other risks resulting from historic floods that devastated vast swathes of central Europe, caused by the cumulative effect of days of uninterrupted torrential rain.
Extreme hydrological events across Europe imply high risks for society as they often cause severe economic and environmental damage and loss of human lives. This issue has been addressed specifically in a recent call for proposals on seasonal to decadal forecasting, designed to improve prediction skills of operational forecasting systems at time scales from months to years ahead.
The UK Met Office is one of the leading institutions within these consortia and the regular exchange of information on climate change and its impacts between the Commission and the European scientific community at large is ensured. Whereas the meteorological phenomena causing extreme flooding across large parts of central Europe are well known, the basic understanding of the causes of the unusual meteorological blocking situation that Europe was facing in spring is still lacking. This is why the understanding, development and prediction of meteorological blocking systems is one of the priorities of ongoing research projects focusing on seasonal predictions.
Em Portugal, de acordo com o Regulamento CE n. Several products containing acesulfame potassium, a sweetener times sweeter than sucrose and whose effects on health have been the subject of contradictory studies, with some considering it potentially carcinogenic, are on sale alongside dietetic products and are distributed by at least one well-known Spanish brand and another Portuguese one. It was re-evaluated by the SCF in It is predicted that there will be changes in the magnetic fields in some parts of the world, particularly in western Europe, and that flows of solar particles could alter geomagnetic activity to a degree that could disrupt the functioning of telecommunication systems, such as GPS navigation devices and mobile networks particularly the latest generation of devices.
According to NASA technicians, disruptions in communications could happen within two months, particularly in western Europe. Is it planning to take any preventive or informative measures relating to possible disruptions in European telecommunications? The Commission is aware of the potential threats to space-based and ground-based infrastructure posed by space weather events including major solar storms.
Assessing the impact on Earth orbiting satellites, GNSS reception, the electric grid and other systems is an important aspect. Emerging risks such as those due to space weather will be addressed in the risk overview that the Commission has been asked to compile based on national risk assessments that Member States are preparing. A series of measures have been implemented, including the setting up of contingency procedures and notification to users to address the risk of service outages.
Complementary activities aiming at building up European space weather services are being conducted through ESA programmes. Diesel particulates, lead, mercury, methylene chloride and other pollutants are known to affect brain function and child development. According to the study, women exposed to high levels of air pollution while pregnant were up to twice as likely to have a child with autism as women living in areas with low pollution. Does the Commission have any up-to-date figures on the link between autism and air pollution in the EU? While this study is significant and would appear to provide evidence on the need for preventive action, the scientific consensus is that autism-spectrum disorders are multifactorial and that not all causes are known.
Thus there would be a need to repeat the study, also in Europe where environmental and socioeconomic conditions are different. The Seventh Framework Programme for Research, Technological Development and Demonstration Activities FP7, has funded two projects on the link between air pollutants and neurodevelopmental disorders. The recently finished ESCAPE project investigated six birth cohorts and found that traffic-related air pollution exposure during pregnancy was associated with motor development impairment in children.
The Commission does not compile statistics on the prevalence of autism-spectrum disease subjects causally linked to air pollution. According to press reports, widespread logging began early this year throughout Guinea-Bissau. In statements to the press, a young environmentalist from Guinea-Bissau said that 32 tonne containers of padauk wood had already been taken away. The EU has provided support for environmental protection in Guinea Bissau since , with the involvment of the local communities.
Reaction to the reports of logging activities and the adoption by the National Assembly of a resolution urging the government to adopt a moratorium on wood exports appear to have had an impact in reducing the scale of the logging operations. This was the first national meeting held on the subject of illegal logging, attended by government authorities, international partners and civil society organisations.
A number of proposals were made to stop illegal logging and to strengthen protection of forests.
Around three quarters of these children are girls and 6. The EU is committed to the target of the elimination of the worst forms of child labour. O Regulamento UE n. An EU legislative package on the labelling and content of food intended for infants and young children was recently adopted. Based on the principles of Better Regulation and simplification, it broadly follows the approach described by the Commission in its original proposal.
It repeals unnecessary and contradictory rules and replaces them with a Framework under which rules remain only where necessary to protect specific groups of the population such as infants and young children.
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Food for other population groups will be covered by other more recent and appropriate measures, such as the legislation on claims. The regulation sets general principles and requirements, while specific rules for the different foods will be adopted in the coming years by delegated acts.
This provision was not in the Commission's original proposal but was an important point for the European Parliament and was added by the co-legislators during the negotiations. When fully deployed, eCall could save up to lives a year and alleviate the severity of road injuries. The basic pan-European eCall service, based on , is a public service that must be offered for free. According to a recent study by the Karolinska institute, based in Stockholm, Sweden, and published in the Journal of the American Medical Association , premature birth increases infant mortality, neonatal morbidity, long-term disability and the more premature the birth, the greater the risks to the child.
According to a study that analysed 1. The study showed that the chances of premature birth increase in line with increased body mass index BMI , compared with births in women of normal weight, and the chances of extremely premature births double in women with a BMI of between 35 and 40 or greater than According to the researchers involved, maternal obesity has replaced smoking as one of the main causes of adverse pregnancy outcomes.
Does the Commission have any similar studies making it possible to assess the situation in the other Member States? In addition, the report noted that more than 1 woman in 10 smoked during pregnancy in many countries despite a decline between and The need to focus on pregnant women is a priority in the strategy for Europe on Nutrition, Overweight and Obesity related health issues. In addition, the Commission has launched pilot projects aimed at promoting healthy diets and increasing consumption of fresh fruit and vegetables amongst pregnant women.
Guinea-Bissau is one of 27 countries that have still not signed the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. According to a Unicef representative in the country, most of the disabilities found in children in Guinea-Bissau could be prevented by vaccination and by following good hygiene practice, but families often hide disabled children, which means the priority is to overcome the barrier of discrimination.
A study published in the journal Cell Stem Cell has identified the proteins responsible for producing blood stem cells, from undifferentiated tissue cells. This discovery may make it possible to produce blood products that are tailored to each patient, preventing rejection after transfusion. In the work mentioned by the Honourable Member, four new gene factors have been used for generating blood stem cell precursors,. The discovery reported is innovative but still in its infancy and confirmation and development will be required before any potential clinical applications could be considered.
According to a report published by the United Nations UN , the global population will grow to 8.
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Demographic change is a major driver of change in society and must be taken into consideration in the long-term impact of our policies. The White paper on pensions furthermore put forward initiatives to help create the right conditions so that those who are able can continue working — leading to a better balance between time in work and time in retirement.
The European Year of Active Ageing and solidarity between generations gave political momentum to policy initiatives in this area. Within the European Semesters the Commission has been proposing country-specific recommendations, including some concerning pension sustainability and adequacy, as well as improving access to education and training and fostering the reconciliation between work and private life. Water fluoridation involves adjusting the concentration of natural fluoride in water to the recommended levels for optimal dental health.
Does the Commission have any up-to-date figures on the benefits and risks of water fluoridation? According to the information available to the Commission, the practice of water fluoridation is still applied in the UK, Ireland and parts of Spain Basque Country. The device can identify up to 15 strains of influenza and all it requires is 0.
The speed of diagnosis could greatly help to reduce the potential for the disease to spread. The Commission is aware of a number of important developments in the field of medical diagnostics including Japanese research on the rapid detection of, and differentiation between, different strains of Influenza. The Commission fully agrees that the development of new, rapid and effective diagnostic tools could greatly help reduce the potential for the disease to spread.
Therefore, the Commission is funding research in this sector, which is not only of paramount importance for public health but also presents excellent business opportunities for science-driven European enterprises. Daniel is calling for another deep labour reform to be carried out in order to create jobs, as he believes the last labour reform undertaken by the government under his orders was a success.
The mission chief has stated that salaries in Spain are the same as in , when statistics from the Spanish National Statistical Institute INE itself show that wage income has fallen below business income in the distribution of GDP. At a time when poverty rates are skyrocketing and the quality of life is in freefall for Spanish workers, who are the ones suffering as a result of welfare cuts, this comes as another blow for them.
Workers, because of their greater marginal propensity to consume, are now the only ones who can consume and stimulate domestic demand in the country in order to generate economic activity for small and medium-sized enterprises. Trying to create more unemployment and reducing their income even further will destroy any hope of creating work in the country. Does the Commission agree with the conclusions of the report presented by the IMF mission? Does the Commission believe, in the light of the different statistics available, that the IMF is right in stating that Spanish wages are the same as in ?
The Commission is monitoring closely Spanish labour market developments and reforms. Moreover, the cooperation between national and regional public employment services and between public employment services and private placement agencies should be made fully operational. A comprehensive reform of active labour market policies ALMPs needs to be implemented and additional action taken to modernise and reinforce the Public Employment Service itself. Specific attention should be also paid to young people not in employment, education or training, the low-skilled, older workers and the long-term unemployed.
EUR zu Preisen von , je nachdem, welcher Wert niedriger ist. Die Berechnungsmethode der Kommission basiert auf einem progressiven System mit zwei Komponenten: Dieses Verfahren kann einige Monate in Anspruch nehmen. How much can the countries concerned expect to receive, and how quickly will they get it? Major disaster thresholds are based on recent Eurostat figures for GNI. Applications for EUSF support are based on a solid assessment of the direct damage caused by the disaster and the responsibility of the national authorities.
Total direct damage is the basis of determination of the aid amount. The calculation method applied by the Commission is based on a progressive system in two brackets whereby a country affected by a disaster receives a rate of aid of 2. The two amounts are cumulative. For extraordinary regional disasters, the same method is applied. Countries affected by those disasters, meaning they remain below the threshold, receive 2. This procedure can take a few months. Once the budget appropriations are made available, and following the conclusion of the implementation agreement between the Commission and the beneficiary country, the aid is paid out in a single instalment.
Wenn ja, wer koordiniert den Austausch zwischen den Regionen, und wie werden etwaige Koordinierungsprogramme finanziert? Germany, Poland, the Czech Republic, Austria and Switzerland were particularly badly affected by the storms. Some countries were forced to evacuate areas because of large-scale flooding. Does the European Union have an evacuation plan at European level for use in natural disasters such as volcanic eruptions or major floods?
Does the Commission support the exchange of evacuation experiences between European regions? If so, who coordinates such exchange and how are any coordination programmes funded? The Mechanism furthermore facilitates the exchange of experience and good practice in disaster management. Under the future legislation it will assess significant risk scenarios and possible response situations with the objective of preparing coordination plans for mutual assistance at EU level. Clin Trials , 14 4: Anesthesiology , 2: Journal of Gambling Studies: Curr Neuropharmacol , 16 J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med , 30 J Invest Dermatol , 7: What factors contribute to joining or leaving?.
Psychiatry Research , Intensive Care Med , 43 7: Orphanet J Rare Dis , 12 1: Role of intraoperative hemodynamic instability and hepatic ischemia. J Invest Dermatol , 6: Plos ONE , 12 6: Annals of Rheumatic Diseases , 76 6: Eur J Dermatol , 27 3: Hum Mol Genet , 26 Journal of addiction medicine , 11 3: BMJ Open , 7 5: Neuro Oncol , 19 5: Transpl Int , 30 4: A single-center prospective study. Med Mycol , 55 3: Langenbeck's Archives of Surgery , 2: Biometrics , 73 1: Ultrasound Med Biol , 43 3: J Intensive Care Med: Value in Health , 20 4: Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery , 3: Eating and Weight disorders: Regression model of associated factors.
J Behav Addict , 6 1: J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol , 31 2: J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis , 26 2: Am J Kidney Dis , 69 1: Health and Quality of Life Outcomes , Quality of Life Research , 26 1: A Cluster Randomized Trial. Pediatrics , 1: A case study on a French disordered gamblers cohort. Addictive Behaviors , Statistical Methods in Medical Research: An exploratory study among breast cancer patients. Bourdon M , Roussiau N , Bonnaud-Antignac A Spiritual transformations after the diagnosis of melanoma affect life satisfaction via indirect pathways.
Journal for the Study of Spirituality , 7 2: A study in primary cutaneous melanoma patients. Cancer Nursing , 40 1: Br J Haematol , 5: Caille A , Leyrat C , Giraudeau B A comparison of imputation strategies in cluster randomized trials with missing binary outcomes.
Stat Methods Med Res , 25 6: Eur J Dermatol , 26 6: Journal of Applied Measurement , 17 3: Annals of surgery , 5: Br J Dermatol , 5: Statistical Methods in Medical Research , 25 5: A Retrospective Multicentre Study. Acta Derm Venereol , 96 7: Relevance of a Clinical Sub-group. Plos One , 11 A national longitudinal case-control cohort study. J Behav Addict , 5 4: Br J Clin Pharmacol , 82 4: J Invest Dermatol , BMC Psychiatry , 15 1: Audiology Neurotology , J Palliat Med , 19 9: Intensive Care Med , 4 8: Expert Opin Drug Saf , 15 Trials , 17 1: J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol , 30 8: Prognostic Factors of Long-term Visual Outcome.
Americal Journal of Ophthalmology: A two-year study comparing breast cancer and melanoma patients. Quality of Life Research , 25 8: J Clin Epidemiol , Am J Kidney Dis , 68 1: Stata Journal , 16 2: Advances in Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety , 5 3: Journal of Behavioral Addictions , 5 2: PloS One , 11 6: Neurology , 86 British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology , Quality of Life Research , 25 6: Drug and Alcohol Dependence , Eur J Dermatol , 26 3: Journal of Dental Sciences , 11 2: Transplant Direct , 2 6: Acta Derm Venereol , 96 4: Is There a Paradox?.
J Palliat Med , 19 5: Prevalence and associated factors. Journal of Addictive Diseases , 35 4: A Clinical Assessment of Its Advantages. Substance Abuse , 37 4: European Journal of Emergency Medecine , 23 2: BMJ Open , 6 4: Eur Respir J , 47 4: Stat Med , 35 7: Br J Dermatol , 3: Stat Med , 35 5: A National French Survey. J Clin Microbiol , 54 2: A distinct presentation in patients with red hair. J Am Acad Dermatol , 74 2: Transplantation , 2: Leuk Lymphoma , 57 2: Intensive Care Med , 42 2: Transplant International , 29 4: Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology , 36 1: Fournier MC , Foucher Y , Blanche P , Buron F , Giral M , Dantan E A joint model for longitudinal and time-to-event data to better assess the specific role of donor and recipient factors on long-term kidney transplantation outcomes.
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European Journal of Epidemiology , 31 5: Stat Med , 35 2: A French multicenter observational study. A multi-state model using a Markovian approach applied to the JEU cohort. BMC Nephrol , 17 1: J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol , 30 1: Transpl Int , 29 1: Supportive Care in Cancer , 24 1: Horoscope's influence on perception, cognitive performances, and creativity. Personality and Individual Differences , Relationship between muscle coactivation and joint kinematics..
Clinical Biomechanics , 30 Infection , 43 6: Dement Geriatr Cogn Dis Extra , 5 3: Ann Surg Oncol , 22 A retrospective, observational study. Diagn Microbiol Infect Dis , 83 4: Blood Press Monit , 20 6: Usefulness in clinical practice. Int J Antimicrob Agents , 46 6: Int J Clin Pharm , 37 6: J Clin Invest , What next in daily practice for patients?.
International Journal of Colorectal Disease: BMC Psychiatry , Quality of Life Research , 24 Do Physicians Follow the Guidelines?. Journal of Nursing Management , 23 7: J Nephrol , 28 5: Front Neurosci , 9: Journal of Applied Measurement , 16 3: J Affect Disord , 1 Americal Journal of Ophthalmology , 4: N Eng J Med , Journal of General Internal Medicine , 30 9: BMC Med , 13 Journal of Gambling Studies , 31 4: Clinical Features and Response to Sirolimus.
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Plos One , 9 1: Science of the Total Environment , 70 Titre original Lanakila trad. Titre original Nalowale trad. Orci et David Wolkove. Titre original Ko'olauloa trad. Titre original Ho'apono trad. Lenkov et Jim Galasso. Titre original Mana'o trad. Titre original Po'ipu trad. La femme laisse le cadavre dans la chambre et s'en va.
Titre original Heihei trad. Titre original Palekaiko trad. Titre original Hana 'a'a Makehewa trad. Titre original Ke Kinohi trad.