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While they are excellent mangudai counters, they still aren't mangudai and what camel archers struggle against, mangudai don't. What do u mean when you said they aren't mangudai? Why are the mangudai better? Other than being good against siege. Generally the mangudai's stats are higher.

Design Sprint 2.0 Monday - Long Term Goal & Sprint Questions

It's not bad, it's just mangudai are absolute monsters. I don't want to submit new text post can somebody told me how I'll play hd version on voobly? The latest tower nerf is all towers cost 50w. While not as strong they are still in the top 5 tower rush civs whole not being as broken like before. It's common for casters to mention the latest patch quite often as many people come back to the game after being away for so long, it may seem repetitive but trust me when people still ask "why can't he make a tower he has the resources for it" whilst doesn't see the "not enough wood" in bold red notifications at the bottom.

Sometimes a little reminder goes a long way. Least that's what I understand from it. In this tournament a custom Arabia map called KOTD 2 made by Chrazini is a desert like Arabia where wolf is replaced by lions, deer is replaced with zebra and ostriches 3 zebras is the one players will always have near their base, ostriches can be anywhere around the middle of the map. Boars are still boars due to the fact elephants have no attack delay like boars do making unloomed vills pulling in far boars unfair even if they had loom it's still risky.

The random camels you see on the map are just purely aesthetic although you can use this as an indicator as where the enemy might be due to cliffs being removed and if you see the camels randomly running it means some unit has passed by them sort of how deer run and scatter around if that makes sense. The camels will never spawn near the enemy so if you see them you know they aren't around that area.

Usually it just means having another farmer so you have the food to up.


Hi Hyun, Thanks for the detailed response I knew about the wood cost, but like I said, I felt it was like, a while back Anyway, good that Koreans building speed is reduced Some of those Korean games were horrible Thanks for the info about Camels, but I am not sure why you brought up the other animals I will check out Stark's video The other animals because it's good info to know if you run into ostriches that's not where enemy is. The nerf is the wood cost, and the fact that Koreans no longer build them at the speed of light.

It wasn't that long ago, in the grand scheme of things. Thanks for the info, Gwin.. I think T90 mentioned a long time back that the devs might add a wood cost and maybe, I was thinking about that time and that is why I think it was nerfed a longer time ago Recently got back into the game and got voobly successfully set up, though I'm curious about the following: Is it possible to imitate the HD feature of holding down right click to quickly move your view around on voobly? Or is that strictly an HD thing. It is strictly an HD thing. That's a shame, the right click thing felt really intuitive and fast to me.

I'll work on getting fast with the other ways. Thanks for the quick reply. What IS Voobly, why should I get it and do I need to install another version of the game to play on it?

If you have the original CD's and want to use them to play multiplayer, or you own the HD Edition and want to play with the UserPatch, which offers less lag, fewer bugs, and more features. If you want to play the new expansion civs that were released on Steam, then you must also own those expansions. There is a guide for setting it up here: My general question is, what to do when I get to castle age?

I seem to get lost as soon as I get to that. Recently, I got into this game, and have been practicing vs AI. I can beat standard AI pretty easily, even though I don't have a great opening or fast apm, etc. However, I can't beat the moderate AI for some reason. The moderate AI has tons of cavalry units along with infantry and archers by the time I get to Castle age. I would not be as concerned, if their army was just skirmish size and came to harass. The problem is, it's a massive, massive army of knights, halbediers, crossbowmen, etc by around minutes. And I can't seem to beat them at all since I get destroyed by then.

I tried turtling and that also didn't work as I had walls, but no sizeable army to defend. It's a big question that you've asked. What to make in Castle age depends on civ, map, opponent civ, what you were making in fuedal age etc. This ensures you have unearthed the real challenge. Too often we develop two options and pick the best, but research shows that is not as effective as selecting from even one more alternative.

Medieval Monday: Ask Your Questions and Get Your Answers : aoe2

So get more possibilities out, and find the real challenge. How many choices do you need? He calls this the foundation question, which transcends the previous challenge question to ask what is the outcome the individual you are coaching wants. The problem is you may resist asking that question, fearing the response will be something you can't accede to. But if you ask the question or not, they want something.

If you know what it is, you have some chance to act. Incidentally, a reason we resist offering feedback to others, he says, is that what we aren't clear what we want. So ask this question of yourself.

After hearing what the challenge is or what they want, short circuit your instinct to act by asking the individual how they want you to act. Even a second break before you offer advice will lead to a richer conversation.

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If you are saying yes to this, what are you saying no to? This instills a sense of strategy in your subordinate, picking between choices rather than jumping on the first opportunity or every opportunity. You can't do everything, so get all the possibilities on the table explicitly before choosing. Often saying yes to something requires saying no to somebody else, so it's important people become comfortable with narrowing choice. This question is an excellent way to end meetings, encouraging people to reflect on what they are taking away.

Tax Time 411 answers your last minute tax preparation questions Monday

People don't learn when you tell them something. It happens when they reflect. Try seeding the questions into conversations — perhaps one question you'll ask many times, because it's a comfortable way to learn the habit, or planning different questions ahead of discussions. The hardest part is not choosing the right questions, he stresses, but getting to question mode and delaying the instinct to offer your brilliant advice.

Harvey Schachter is a Kingston, Ont. He writes Monday Morning Manager and management book reviews for the print edition of Report on Business and an online work-life column, Balance. Regarding the second part: But, "our Monday's meeting" is wrong: The latter makes "Monday" sound like the title of the meeting, and would only most appropriate if you have a meeting every Monday morning.

The Globe and Mail

If this isn't the case, say "Monday's meeting" or "our meeting on Monday". Home Questions Tags Users Unanswered. We will discuss about this in our Monday meeting. Thank you 2 Thanks for providing the details.