Natural history

Cows were first domesticated between 8, and 10, years ago from the aurochs B. The wild aurochs became extinct in the early s, the result of overhunting and loss of habitat due to the spread of agriculture and domestic herds. Today, there are two broadly recognized forms of cow: Genetic studies suggest that both forms descend from the aurochs, but they are the products of independent domestication events. Regional specializations led to the formation of a range of varieties, or breeds, that were adapted to different climates or that were selectively bred to emphasize valuable characteristics, such as milk or meat production.

Cows are used by humans in many other ways, such as a source of leather for clothing and other products and, albeit controversially, as participants in sporting events e. Cows may also serve as a measure of wealth, and they are even worshipped as sacred animals in some religions see sanctity of the cow. All mammals produce milk to feed their young, but dairy cattle, such as the well-known Holstein-Friesian cow, have been specially bred to produce very large quantities of milk.

Since only females produce milk, they are far more common in the dairy industry. Dairy bulls are often large, powerful, and aggressive and are more challenging to keep. As a result, most breeding in modern dairy operations occurs through artificial insemination , with bulls living at just a few specialized facilities. Different breeds of dairy cows have been bred for specific milk characteristics, such as to maximize yield or to produce a desired level of fat in the milk.

Milk from cows is a significant part of many food items; in addition to its direct consumption as a beverage, it is used to make a wide range of products including butter, yogurt, cheese, and ice cream. Dairy cows produce milk for around 10 months following the birth of the calf. A typical western dairy cow is usually milked twice per day and produces on average 30 litres 8 gallons of milk daily; however, the actual amount produced depends upon the age and breed of the cow.

Most modern milking is not done by hand but by machines. Cows usually have their first calf when they are just under two years old—with single calves being typical, although twins sometimes occur—and each cow may have ten or more calves over the course of her life. Even though cows can live for 20 years or more, older dairy cows are often culled from commercial herds and used for meat when their milk yield begins to decline. The meat of adult cows is known as beef ; meat from calves typically slaughtered at three months of age is known as veal.

Beef cattle, such as the common Hereford and Aberdeen-Angus breeds, have been bred to produce muscle , not milk, and tend to be much heftier than dairy cows. Breeds of beef cattle have differing characteristics in regards to growth rate, fat content of the meat, disease resistance, and ability to handle drought. In addition to muscle meat, a variety of organs from cows—including liver , kidney , heart , brains , and various glands —are also consumed by people.

Beef cows are typically farmed in less intensive systems than dairy cows, since they are not handled daily for milking. A comparison of selected breeds of dairy cattle is provided in the table. A comparison of selected breeds of beef cattle is provided in the table.

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Selected breeds of dairy cattle name distribution characteristics comments. Cow longevity is strongly correlated with production levels. Cows no longer wanted for milk production are sent to slaughter. Their meat is of relatively low value and is generally used for processed meat. Another factor affecting milk production is the stress the cow is faced with. Psychologists at the University of Leicester , UK, analyzed the musical preference of milk cows and found out that music actually influences the dairy cow's lactation.

Calming music can improve milk yield, probably because it reduces stress and relaxes the cows in much the same way as it relaxes humans. Certain behaviors such as eating, rumination , and lying down can be related to the health of the cow and cow comfort. Feeding behaviors are obviously important for the dairy cow, as feeding is how the cow will ingest dry matter, however, the cow must ruminate to fully digest the feed and utilize the nutrients in the feed. Also, the standing action while feeding after milking has been suggested to enhance udder health.

The delivery of fresh feed while the cattle are away for milking stimulates the cattle to fed upon return, potentially reducing the prevalence of mastitis as the sphincters have time to close while standing [30] This makes the pattern of feeding directly after being milked an ideal method of increasing the efficiency of the herd. Cows have a high motivation to lie down [28] so farmers should be conscious of this, not only because they have a high motivation to lie down, but also because lying down can increase milk yield.

To ensure that the dairy cows lie down as much as needed, the stalls must be comfortable. There are two types of housing systems in dairy production, free style housing and tie stall. Free style housing is where the cow is free to walk around and interact with its environment and other members of the herd. Tie stall housing is when the cow is chained to a stantion stall with the milking units and feed coming to them. Pasteurization is the process of heating milk to a high enough temperature for a short period of time to kill the microbes in the milk and increase keep time and decrease spoilage time.

By killing the microbes, decrease the transmission of infection, and elimination of enzymes the quality of the milk and the shelf life increases. Butterfat is the main lipid in milk. The industry can be divided into 2 market territories; fluid milk and industrialized milk such as yogurt, cheeses, and ice cream. This protein is commonly used in protein bars, beverages and concentrated powder, due to its high quality amino acid profile.

It contains levels of both essential amino acids as well as branched that are above those of soy, meat, and wheat. This process allows for more efficiency in cheese making and gives the potential to produce low-carb dairy products. Since the s, artificial insemination AI is used at most dairy farms; these farms may keep no bull. Artificial insemination uses estrus synchronization to indicate when the cow is going through ovulation and is susceptible to fertilization.

Advantages of using AI include its low cost and ease compared to maintaining a bull, ability to select from a large number of bulls, elimination of diseases in the dairy industry, improved genetics and improved animal welfare [38] Rather than a large bull jumping on a smaller heifer or weaker cow, AI allows the farmer to complete the breeding procedure within 5 minutes with minimum stress placed on the individual female's body. Dairy cattle are polyestrous, meaning they cycle continuously throughout the year. They tend to be on a 21 day estrus cycle, however for management purposes, some operations sync their cows or heifers using synthetic hormones in order to have the ideal time for breeding and later calving.

These hormones are short term and are only used when necessary. For example, one common protocol for synchronization involves an injection of GnRH gonadotrophin releasing hormone. Then, seven days later prostaglandin F2-alpha is injected, followed by another GnRH injection 48 hours later.

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This protocol causes the animal to ovulate 24 hours later. Estrus is often called standing heat in cattle and refers to the time in their cycle where the female is receptive towards the male. Estrus behaviour can be detected by an experienced stockman. These behaviours can include standing to be mounted, mounting other cows, restlessness, decreased milk production, and decreased feed intake. More recently, embryo transfer has been used to enable the multiplication of progeny from elite cows.

Such cows are given hormone treatments to produce multiple embryos. These are then 'flushed' from the cow's uterus. The result will be between 3 and 6 calves instead of the normal single, or rarely, twins. Hormone treatments are sometimes given to dairy cows in some countries to increase reproduction and to increase milk production. In Canada, Canadian Dairy farmers have high screening procedures they have to go through every time the milk is retrieved from the farm; if the regulations are not met the milk does not get loaded onto the truck for further processing.

There is to be no medication or hormones in the milk for safety reasons [34]. Nutrition plays an important role in keeping cattle healthy and strong. Implementing an adequate nutrition program can also improve milk production and reproductive performance. Nutrient requirements may not be the same depending on the animal's age and stage of production. Forages, which refer especially to hay or straw , are the most common type of feed used. Cereal grains , as the main contributors of starch to diets, are important in meeting the energy needs of dairy cattle.

Barley is an excellent source of balanced amounts of protein , energy , and fiber. Ensuring adequate body fat reserves is essential for cattle to produce milk and also to keep reproductive efficiency. However, if cattle get excessively fat or too thin, they run the risk of developing metabolic problems and may have problems with calving.

Some of these different fats include oleic acids , found in canola oil , animal tallow, and yellow grease; palmitic acid found in granular fats and dry fats; and linolenic acids which are found in cottonseed , safflower , sunflower , and soybean. Using by-products is one way of reducing the normally high feed costs. However, lack of knowledge of their nutritional and economic value limits their use. Although the reduction of costs may be significant, they have to be used carefully because animal may have negative reactions to radical changes in feeds, e. Such a change must then be made slowly and with the proper follow up.

Holstein cows either have distinct white and black markings, or distinct red and white markings. Holstein cows are the biggest of all U. They are known for their outstanding milk production among the main breeds of dairy cattle. Of the 9 million dairy cows in the U. Brown Swiss cows are widely accepted as the oldest dairy cattle breed, originally coming from a part of northeastern Switzerland.

Some experts think that the modern Brown Swiss skeleton is similar to one found that looks to be from around the year BC Also, there is evidence that monks started breeding these cows about years ago. The Ayrshire breed first originated in the County of Ayr in Scotland. It became regarded as a well established breed in The different breeds that were crossed to form the Ayrshire are not exactly known. However, there is evidence that several breeds were crossed with the native cattle to create the breed. Guernsey cows originated just off the coast of France on the small Isle of Guernsey.

The breed was first known as a separate breed around Guernseys are known for their ability to produce very high quality milk from grass. Also, the term "Golden Guernsey" is very common as Guernsey cattle produce rich, yellow milk rather than the standard white milk other cow breeds produce. The Jersey breed of dairy cow originated on a small island located off the coast of France called Jersey. When they were first bred in this area, they were not known as Jerseys, but rather as the related Alderneys. The period between and around was a popular time for Jerseys. In this time span, many countries other than the United States started importing this breed, including Canada, South Africa, and New Zealand, among others.

It is also the highest in protein, at 3. According to the American Jersey Cattle Association, Jerseys are found on 20 percent of all US dairy farms and are the primary breed in about 4 percent of dairies. Amongst the Bos indicus , the most popular dairy breed in the world is Sahiwal of the Indian subcontinent. In Portugal, Spain, southern France and some Latin American countries, bulls are used in the activity of bullfighting ; Jallikattu in India is a bull taming sport radically different from European bullfighting, humans are unarmed and bulls are not killed.

In many other countries bullfighting is illegal. Other activities such as bull riding are seen as part of a rodeo , especially in North America. In modern times, cattle are also entered into agricultural competitions. These competitions can involve live cattle or cattle carcases in hoof and hook events.

In terms of food intake by humans, consumption of cattle is less efficient than of grain or vegetables with regard to land use , and hence cattle grazing consumes more area than such other agricultural production when raised on grains. Bulls are sometimes used as guard animals. The average sleep time of a domestic cow is about 4 hours a day. The meat of adult cattle is known as beef , and that of calves is veal.

Other animal parts are also used as food products, including blood, liver , kidney , heart and oxtail. Cattle also produce milk , and dairy cattle are specifically bred to produce the large quantities of milk processed and sold for human consumption.

Cattle today are the basis of a multibillion-dollar industry worldwide. Cattle hides, used for leather to make shoes, couches and clothing, are another widespread product. Cattle remain broadly used as draft animals in many developing countries , such as India. Cattle are also used in some sporting games, including rodeo and bullfighting. About half the world's meat comes from cattle. Certain breeds of cattle, such as the Holstein-Friesian , are used to produce milk , [] [] which can be processed into dairy products such as milk, cheese or yogurt. Dairy cattle are usually kept on specialized dairy farms designed for milk production.

Most cows are milked twice per day, with milk processed at a dairy, which may be onsite at the farm or the milk may be shipped to a dairy plant for eventual sale of a dairy product. If the calf is male, it generally is slaughtered at a young age to produce veal. It has been bred selectively to produce the highest yields of milk of any cow. Around 22 litres per day is average in the UK.

Most cattle are not kept solely for hides, which are usually a by-product of beef production. Hides are most commonly used for leather which can be made into a variety of product including shoes.

How India's sacred cows are creating havoc on the streets

In India was the world's largest producer of cattle hides. Feral cattle are defined as being 'cattle that are not domesticated or cultivated'. Gut flora in cattle include methanogens that produce methane as a byproduct of enteric fermentation , which cattle belch out. The same volume of atmospheric methane has a higher global warming potential than atmospheric carbon dioxide.

One of the cited changes suggested to reduce greenhouse gas emissions is intensification of the livestock industry, since intensification leads to less land for a given level of production. This assertion is supported by studies of the US beef production system, suggesting practices prevailing in involved 8. The number of American cattle kept in confined feedlot conditions fluctuates.

From 1 January through 1 January , there was no significant overall upward or downward trend in the number of US cattle on feed for slaughter, which averaged about Such designation of cattle CAFOs is according to cattle type mature dairy cows, veal calves or other and cattle numbers, but medium CAFOs are so designated only if they meet certain discharge criteria, and small CAFOs are designated only on a case-by-case basis.

A CAFO that discharges pollutants is required to obtain a permit, which requires a plan to manage nutrient runoff, manure, chemicals, contaminants, and other wastewater pursuant to the US Clean Water Act. An estimated , cattle operations were operating in the US in EPA enforcement highlights for fiscal year indicated enforcement actions against 12 cattle CAFOs for violations that included failures to obtain a permit, failures to meet the terms of a permit, and discharges of contaminated water.

Another concern is manure , which if not well-managed, can lead to adverse environmental consequences. However, manure also is a valuable source of nutrients and organic matter when used as a fertilizer. Grazing by cattle at low intensities can create a favourable environment for native herbs and forbs ; in many world regions, though, cattle are reducing biodiversity due to overgrazing.

Cattle conservation and preservation is important for maintaining ecology of the rural areas and villages which in turn is crucial for nature conservation. Govidyapeetham, a cattle conservation institute by Aniruddha's Institute of Gramin Vikas Rural Development situated in Karjat city in the state of Maharashtra, India is dedicated for research based reproduction of cows using modern technology. The veterinary discipline dealing with cattle and cattle diseases bovine veterinary is called buiatrics. Cattle diseases were in the center of attention in the s and s when the Bovine spongiform encephalopathy BSE , also known as mad cow disease, was of concern.

Cattle might catch and develop various other diseases, like blackleg , bluetongue , foot rot too. In most states, as cattle health is not only a veterinarian issue, but also a public health issue, public health and food safety standards and farming regulations directly affect the daily work of farmers who keep cattle.

For instance, in the U.

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For example, the United States has just reviewed its beef import rules according to the "mad cow standards"; while Mexico forbids the entry of cattle who are older than 30 months. Cow urine is commonly used in India for internal medical purposes. Digital dermatitis is caused by the bacteria from the genus Treponema.

It differs from foot rot and can appear under unsanitary conditions such as poor hygiene or inadequate hoof trimming, among other causes. It primarily affects dairy cattle and has been known to lower the quantity of milk produced, however the milk quality remains unaffected. Cattle are also susceptible to ringworm caused by the fungus, Trichophyton verrucosum , a contagious skin disease which may be transferred to humans exposed to infected cows.

Stocking density refers to the number of animals within a specified area. When stocking density reaches high levels, the behavioural needs of the animals may not be met. This can negatively influence health, welfare and production performance. The effect of overstocking in cows can have a negative effect on milk production and reproduction rates which are two very important traits for dairy farmers. Overcrowding of cows in barns has been found to reduced feeding, resting and rumination.

Cortisol is an important stress hormone; its plasma concentrations increase greatly when subjected to high levels of stress. Reduction of stress is important in the reproductive state of cows as an increase in gonadotrophin and lowered progesterone levels may impinge on the ovulatory and lutenization process and to reduce the chances of successful implantation.

Cow (Bos Taurus) - Animals - A-Z Animals

Oxen singular ox are cattle trained as draft animals. Often they are adult, castrated males of larger breeds, although females and bulls are also used in some areas. Usually, an ox is over four years old due to the need for training and to allow it to grow to full size.

Oxen are used for plowing , transport, hauling cargo, grain-grinding by trampling or by powering machines, irrigation by powering pumps, and wagon drawing. Oxen were commonly used to skid logs in forests, and sometimes still are, in low-impact, select-cut logging. Oxen are most often used in teams of two, paired, for light work such as carting , with additional pairs added when more power is required, sometimes up to a total of 20 or more.

An ox is a mature bovine which has learned to respond appropriately to a teamster 's signals. These signals are given by verbal commands or by noise whip cracks.

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Verbal commands vary according to dialect and local tradition. In one tradition in North America, the commands are: Oxen can pull harder and longer than horses. Though not as fast as horses, they are less prone to injury because they are more sure-footed. Many oxen are used worldwide, especially in developing countries. Cattle are venerated within the Hindu religion of India. In the Vedic period they were a symbol of plenty []: In later times they gradually acquired their present status.

According to the Mahabharata , they are to be treated with the same respect 'as one's mother'. The deity Krishna was brought up in a family of cowherders, and given the name Govinda protector of the cows. Also, Shiva is traditionally said to ride on the back of a bull named Nandi. Hinduism considers cows as divine and satvik with pure virtues and they are worshipped as goddesses.

Medical science stresses the importance of the cow for her milk, her urine as well as her excreta in our day-to-day life. Govidyapeetham, India aims to revive reproduction methodologies undertaken by Balram brother of Lord Krishna, a deity in Hinduism combining with modern technology. Milk and milk products were used in Vedic rituals. Veneration of the cow has become a symbol of the identity of Hindus as a community, []: Slaughter of cows including oxen, bulls and calves is forbidden by law in several states of the Indian Union.

McDonald's outlets in India do not serve any beef burgers. In Maharaja Ranjit Singh 's empire of the early 19th century, the killing of a cow was punishable by death. Cattle are typically represented in heraldry by the bull. For , the FAO estimated global cattle numbers at 1. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. For other uses, see Cattle disambiguation. For other uses, see Cow disambiguation. List of animal names.

Sleep in non-human animals and Cow tipping. Dairy cattle , Dairy farming , and Dairy. Environmental effects of meat production. Cattle slaughter in India. Arms of Mecklenburg region, Germany. Arms of Kaunas , Lithuania. Arms of Turek, Poland. Arms of Bielsk Podlaski , Poland.

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