Yale Attitude Change Approach. Ultimate Terms Certain words carry more power than others. This theory breaks persuasive words into three categories:. You, Because, Free, Instantly, and New. You might consider these 10 theories the building blocks of the persuasive techniques explained below.

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We all know how important food, water, shelter, and warmth are to survival. The Hierarchy of Needs pyramid, proposed by psychologist Abraham Maslow in the s, shows the advancing scale of how our needs lay out on the path to fulfillment, creativity, and the pursuit of what we love most. The version of the pyramid you see below shared by the Doorway Project shows the five different layers of needs.

The three steps in between the physiological needs and the fulfillment needs are where marketing most directly applies. Christine Comaford, an author and expert on the subject of persuasion, has found safety, belonging, and esteem to have incredible value for our everyday work and our creative lives:.

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  • Motivate, persuade, influence.
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Without these three essential keys a person cannot perform, innovate, be emotionally engaged, agree, or move forward … The more we have of these three keys the greater the success of the company, the relationship, the family, the team, the individual. Her experience has helped her hone three phrases that are key for influence and persuasion and for creating this sense of safety, belonging, and mattering that we all need.

When you talk about influencing people, our ears perk up at Buffer. The advice from Christine Comaford above has that familiar ring of Carnegie to it. Default to happiness and positivity. Be welcoming to others.

How To Use 10 Psychological Theories To Persuade People

We aim to include as many Carnegie principles as we can in the way that we communicate in emails, in comments, and of course on social media. The full article contains 10 tips. Here are two of my favorites:. Too often we forget this and treat online audiences as easily manipulated rubes. In other words, talk about benefits instead of features. Here is a screengrab from the landing page of Keen.

Here are a few specific examples that Zeltin cites that deal directly with how you speak to others:. Michael Hyatt nails these elements of persuasive speech in his communication with email subscribers. Here is an email that includes both a big thank you and some praise. The idea comes from Roger Dooley of the blog Neuromarketing who uses the variables of a person on a slide to show how different factors affect the outcome of influence. Additional motivation that you provide the angle of the slide can serve to enhance the gravity. If a customer has low internal motivation, it will take a steeper angle to get him or her down the slide.

Friction , seen here as the difficulty real and perceived in converting, causes the slide to slow down to varying degrees. The nudge could be most anything persuasive, for example a couple of psychological theories that we outlined above. Amplification could mean that the customer is further cementing his values and attitudes as he propels down the slide. Social proof could be a stronger push down the slide, resulting in a faster conversion. In the book, Cialdini outlines six principles of persuasion, most of which will likely sound a bit familiar based on our previous discussion on psychology.

The principles of liking, authority, and social proof all deal with relationships with others: We are persuaded by those we like, by those whom we deem to be authority figures, and by the general population. Here are a few unique applications of these, as told by Cialdini and Parrish:.

One way people exploit this is to find ways to make themselves like you. Do you like golf?

How to Persuade Others with the Right Questions: Jedi Mind Tricks from Daniel H. Pink

Do you like football? Liking is similar enough to consistency that it bears pointing out the difference here. Something as simple as informing your audience of your credentials before you speak, for example, increases the odds you will persuade the audience. Noah Kagan does this for the each guest post he publishes at OK Dork. He writes a quick intro on how he made the connection with the guest writer and all the amazing credentials the guest writer has. People will more likely say yes when they see other people doing it too. Social poof is not all bad. Basecamp has a great example of social proof on their website, showing the wide variety of respected clients that use the product—and doing so in a fun, approachable way.

Personally, consistency is the one I find myself most susceptible to, and I identify a lot with how Parrish describes the effect: As for scarcity, Visual Website Optimizer wrote an extensive post on all the different ways you can use scarcity to increase e-commerce sales. Have you noticed that Amazon tells people there are only a certain number of products left? Bushra Azhar, a persuasion strategist and founder of The Persuasion Revolution, wrote down several of her techniques that she has used to great effect in creating persuasive copy. Instead of standard names for their pricing tiers, TeuxDeux went with a disruption technique with the copy and then reframed the pitch with the pricing info below.

Personal Success personal power. Your ability to persuade and influence people to help you get the things you want in life is one of the most important skills you can develop.

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By learning how to persuade and influence people, you can achieve greater personal power and get more of the things you want faster than anything else you do. It can mean the difference between success and failure. It can guarantee your progress and enable you to use all of your other skills and abilities at the very highest level. Learning how to persuade people will earn you the support and respect of your customers, bosses, co-workers, colleagues and friends.

The ability to influence others to do what you want them to do can make you one of the most important people in your community. Your job is to become absolutely excellent at influencing and motivating others to support and assist you in the achievement of your goals and the solving of your problems. All truly effective people have mastered the art of getting lots of other people to work with and for them in the accomplishment of their objectives.

You can learn this skill set to achieve personal power and master the art of influencing others. The opposite of being influential is having little or no influence at all on the behaviors of other people. It is the difference between being powerful and being powerless. You can either persuade others to help you or be persuaded to help them.

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  • Motivate, persuade, influence;
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It is one or the other. Most people are not aware that every human interaction involves a complex process of persuasion and influence. And being unaware, they are usually the ones being persuaded to help others rather than the ones who are influencing people to help them.

All successful people with personal power are persuasion experts. They give a lot of thought to how they can get other people to help them. They plan and strategize before they act.

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They define their goals clearly and then they choose the people whose cooperation they will need to achieve those goals. They then think about what they will have to do in return to get the other people to help them.


They achieve their goals of persuasion and influence indirectly. The key to persuasion is motivation. Every human action is motivated by something. In order to learn how to persuade others , you must find out what motivates other people and then to provide that motivation.