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I ended up reading the whole book in just over 24 hours. The twisty mystery had me guessing and I did have a guess on the end and I was correct but it was so fun trying to figure out if I was right. Jul 16, Amy Giles rated it it was amazing. Searcy is a master at keeping you guessing up until the very end. Fleshed out characters each with their own flaws round out this suspenseful story.

I inhaled Watch You Burn, desperate to know how it would end! Oct 23, Lindsi Do You Dog-ear? I received an ARC from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. My thoughts and opinions are my own. Any quotes I use are from an unpublished copy and may not reflect the finished product. Normally, I'm not a paranoid person, but I was suspicious of everyone and everything in Watch You Burn.

Jenny's actions made me feel anxious and unsettled, and she frequently chooses to be reckless. I wish she had refrained from taking unnecessary risks, but it did move the story along. She's struggling I received an ARC from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. She's struggling with her addiction to fire, and it wins more often than not. I thought it was an interesting perspective, and it made me think about arsonists in a different way.

I wish someone had helped her instead of letting her addiction spiral out of control. I sympathized with Jenny, but I didn't like her. I also didn't agree with most of her decisions. First of all, she was extremely hypocritical. She wanted to collect everyone's secrets, but she was unwilling to share her own.

Secondly, I think she should have come clean about her mistakes and dealt with the consequences of her actions. Jenny clearly needed help, but all they did was send her somewhere else. She's also insecure, petty, and jealous. Her confidence was fleeting, and would quickly be replaced by anger and frustration. At times I felt like the story was a little slow, but the mystery kept me turning the pages. I had theories, but never felt confident about them. Everyone was hiding something, so I suspected every person she came into contact with.

There were also a lot of unexpected twists that made me question everything I thought I knew, and I'm still not sure how I feel about the ending. It left things mostly unresolved. Overall, it was an interesting read. However, I do wish Jenny had been more likable. I found it hard to relate to her and her way of thinking. She wasn't kind to others, and she threw money around like it didn't mean anything to her. I was annoyed when she used her parents money for stupid things just because she could. We already know about her extracurricular activities, and yet she still takes advantage of others.

There were a few romantic possibilities, but ugh. I feel like the romance could have been left out. Jenny used people to get what she wanted. She only worried about herself and what would happen if her secrets were exposed. She went along with whatever Ro suggested, and didn't treat her or Kara with the respect they deserved. Her relationships with everyone felt strained and awkward, and I'm not a huge fan of her father. He should have inserted himself in her life more, but he was too busy being distracted by the woman warming his bed.

I sped through Watch You Burn because I was invested in the mystery. I wanted to know what was happening and why, but also learn more about Jenny and her struggles with arson. The characters fell a little flat for me, but the story itself was okay. Originally posted at Do You Dog-ear? Sep 06, Lindsay rated it really liked it Shelves: Making new friends and acquiring a boyfriend, Jenny attempts to behave and leave her past in Ohio, but once she lights the first match she spirals back to her old ways.

Now the police in Arizona are investigating the fires along with murders that suddenly crop up. This story was a splendid mystery. The writing style was a tad difficult to get into, but as the story progressed I was so engrossed with the plot that I paid no attention to how everything was written. One small negative was how long it took for answers to be revealed, but on the plus side it made me want to keep reading. I was on the edge of my seat until the end, very content with the final chapter and confrontation.

Jenny was beautifully written; you experienced her flaws instead of her good traits, but deep down she loved her family and would do anything to protect them, especially her little sister. The final chapter was when we got to see the true Jenny during her clash with the killer, and I adored every second of the power she possessed and manipulated.

Aug 02, Brittany Lamb rated it liked it Shelves: This is a harder one to really put my feelings into words for. I honestly considered giving up on this and just marking it as a DNF. But , I held out, and it did pick up, so I'm glad I did. Right from the beginning I was excited to have a main character who is one of the bad guys. There is a lot going on here, so she's definitely not the only bad guy, but she's certainly not who I would call the hero of the story. Actually, looking back on it, I don't think that there even is a hero in this story. I don't see this often, and I felt like the author could do a lot with it.

I think it turned out OK, but I was expecting more. I mostly decided to keep reading this one because I wanted to find out if my guess was right or not. We've got these two big plot lines that don't really have anything to do with each other, and that makes for a pretty interesting experience. On one hand, we've got Jenny itching to start basically anything flammable on fire, and then we've got someone running around killing people. It made for a fun time trying to figure out how everything was going to tie together, but the reveal wasn't really shocking for me.

The characters were interesting enough, but there were some small story lines here and there that kind of came and went but didn't get resolved. I wasn't a fan of the writing style whatsoever in the beginning, but after a while I got used to it. Overall, I don't hate it, and I don't love it.

It was a fun read, but it didn't quite quench the thirst for a suspenseful mystery, in my opinion. Oct 21, Paige Green rated it really liked it. All opinions are my own. October 23, Genre: YA Mystery Recommended Age: For the most part this book had a really engrossing plot. I felt that the book had some really interesting characters and I liked how developed they were and I liked how the book turned out. However, I did feel that the book was really hard to get into and it can be offputting for some readers. Twisty windy mystery galore! Watch You Burn has a lot of potential.

Her and her dad move to a new town and Jenny thinks this is her way of starting over. She thinks if she burns things that are non relevant that everything will be ok. I really liked the first half of this book. It was a great read. An unreliable character but someone you liked. The writing took a turn for the worse. There were thin Watch You Burn has a lot of potential. There were things that was happening where you thought, WTF did I just read and not in a good way.

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It became sporadic and unbelievable. Overall base your own opinion. You might like it. Jul 15, Mrs. Europaea rated it it was ok. Aside from the twist at the end, the writing left a lot to be desired. I don't know if Searcy has ever used matches before, but by the way she describes it, I'd think not. Sep 08, Ruthsic rated it really liked it Shelves: Jenny has an undiagnosed compulsive tendency to set fires, and she has been exiled by her stepfather to stay with her father so that she doesn't harm her younger half sister.

Here, no one knows her past, really, and she is trying to be better, only the 'itch' to be scratched in less harmful ways. However, soon, her actions are about to throw the town into conflict, as Warnings: However, soon, her actions are about to throw the town into conflict, as her illness entangles with the new friendships she is making. Jenny's perspective is troubling, with destructive thoughts circling and guilt from her past actions as well as her inability to contain her urges, swirling into a mixture of paranoia and scheming.

She wants to keep her activities on the down low, but also gets a high whenever she sees the destruction her fire sets. When she is close to being suspected, her adversaries are taken of, which is a touch troubling to her. Along with that, escaping from the shrewd eyes of her friend, as well as her dad's girlfriend has her constantly on the edge, which feeds the urges. Meanwhile, there's the fact that her father's business depends on the current job being done successfully, and there is opposition to that which puts her life in danger.

The identity of the killer wasn't really a surprise, because they were blatant clues in the text, so the mystery wasn't as exciting as the anticipation of how it would all be revealed. On the relationship side, Jenny has a very superficial connection to people in her new life. Her friend is a little too clingy, but she is also heartened by her support. While she keeps people at a distance, Jenny also wants to know everything about them, which in some cases leads to her butting into things are not her business particularly when it comes to a recovering addict who has asked for space.

She is unlikable in that aspect, always looking for an in, seeking to be close to a person, almost to be point of feeling entitled to their secrets. She is also ruthlessly manipulative when push comes to shove, knows how to use her privilege to her advantage, and yeah, some things can be taken as her just trying to survive but she is not above throwing someone else under the bus.

I kept wanting her to wake up and realize she needed real help, but she was so fearful of the criminality of her actions and the mounting strikes against her, as well as disappointing the people in her life okay, that part is relatable that she never considers it. In short, a gripping plot with a sympathetic but also unlikable antihero. Received an advance reader copy in exchange for a fair review from Delacorte Press, via Netgalley. First off I want to thank NetGalley and Delacorte Press for allowing me to read an advance copy of this novel for a full and honest review.

This was a 3. This was my first Amanda Searcy book and I did enjoy it quite a bit. It had the feel of Christopher Pike or R. Stine Not Goosebumps R. Stine but the YA version. The novel begins with Jenny arriving First off I want to thank NetGalley and Delacorte Press for allowing me to read an advance copy of this novel for a full and honest review.

The novel begins with Jenny arriving from Ohio where she lived with her Mother, Step Father and half sister Hailey after an unfortunate incident. Shortly after she arrives a slew of fires begin to appear within walking distance of the Motel she is staying in.

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There is no point in hiding the fact that Jenny is the one starting the fires as it is revealed very quickly. We also find out quickly that she was in a fire herself as she has a burn that is an itches whenever she has a desire to light a fire. As Jenny tries to settle in to town and her new school she makes some new friends and that is when we get hints of what is to come in the novel.

I have to admit that it did take me a decent amount of time to really get into this novel. I never thought about not finishing it as I would never not finish an ARC.

That just does not seem right but it did not hold my interest for a good amount of the beginning. The reason for the 3. When the book picked up it really did pick up. All of the sudden things really begin to happen. You start to see the deep cracks in each of the characters that come in Jenny's life. Everyone is broken in some way, shape or form. Some you really love and some you begin to suspect have very shady motives almost immediately.

I thought the character of Ben was extremely well written. In fact I thought he was actually the best written character in the book. There is a classic whodunit and though there are plenty of suspects I think the guilty party is pretty easy to figure out. Thi is not a book where everyone gets a happy ending, in all honesty there is no real, true happy endings but there is a an ending that I felt was very fitting for the novel.

I wanted to love this book but I think I kind of just liked it. I did enjoy Amanda Searcy's writing and will be picking up another novel by her. Nov 06, Elisquared rated it really liked it Shelves: A "I-need-to-know-more" read, the mystery will keep you turning the page, as you learn about Jenny's pyromania and unravel who the real villain is!

Jenny is too close to an arson case in her hometown, so to lay low, she is sent to live with a father she hasn't seen most of her life. With that move, also comes a fresh start. But is she even willing to give that fresh start a chance? The reader soon finds out, that while Jenny has the best of intentions, she does a very bad job of sticking to them. But that isn't where the story ends; no, there is someone out there who knows Jenny's secret, and is killing because of it.

So there are two stories in one: With all of this intensity, Jenny doesn't know who to trust, maybe not even her own father. So while the pacing is a little slow at first, you'll definitely want to keep turning the page to figure out the mystery. Jenny is a very suspicious person, for good reason, but that also makes her very shut-off from everyone. She wants to know everyone's secrets, but won't share any of her own. Also, with this suspicion, Jenny makes bad decisions.

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Her mania is well articulated, with her uncontrollable itch that only fires can settle. And within that mania, she is unlikable, selfish, and ultimately the cause for a lot of her own suffering. So in no way is she is typical "likable" character. But that's what I did like about her. I think that her reactions, while frustrating to the reader, came across as realistic. It's hard to know how you'd act if you survived something like Jenny did, so take that into consideration when reading.

Also, the cover design is on fire sorry for the pun I will definitely be picking up Amanda's first book, The Truth Beneath the Lies , and watching for more from her! Oct 23, Kat rated it liked it. This was a really interesting read. There are tons of mysterious circumstances scattered through the plot that constantly made had me trying to piece them together.

We follow a main character who has had a pretty traumatic history surrounding fires which quickly turned into her obsession. And it took me about halfway through the book to figure out what was going on. She's now living with her father, who she hasn't seen in years, which in and of itself is unique. She's literally living in a fantas This was a really interesting read. She's literally living in a fantastic, remodeled suite in the middle of a run down motel, which is also in the middle of nowhere.

I felt like going into the story, there was a lot that I had to try and piece together before I had a solid understanding of where everything was going. But I wouldn't say that it's a bad thing. Because this is a mystery thriller novel, and a decent one at that. Once the plot thickened, I could tell that this was going to be a book that would leave tons of questions until the last chapter. The characters were all over the place for me. The main character, Jenny, is struggling with her past and the threats that her burning obsession may lead to in the present.

Discovering her history with the fires and her burning itch was one of the aspects that kept me reading, trying to understand where she was coming from. She's unpredictable, but she doesn't necessarily want to give in. She meets some friends that bring their own pasts to the table, and there's even a romance snuck in there.

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Overall, I gave this book a 3 out of 5 stars. I really enjoyed the tense moments and the plot twists that squeezed in during the second half of the book. Even though there is a lot of stuff we are introduced to in the first half with a slower pace, once I got through that fog, I was able to really enjoy the story itself and rush to the end. This was a really well developed mystery that created a maze of possibilities.

I couldn't stop reading it until I figured out how it all pieced together! A great book if you're looking for a lighter, thriller novel for the Fall season! Nov 02, Barbara rated it liked it Shelves: I loved the title and the cover of this YA thriller. As a couple of other reviewers wrote, this one starts out strong, but somewhere along the line, things go awry, and the narrator, year-old Jenny seems to lose all control just as the author seems to lose control of the plot. I was fascinated by the idea of a teen girl who has been shipped to a small New Mexico town to avoid possible suspicion and arrest for fires started in her Ohio neighborhood.

But as the book moves along, it's clear that I loved the title and the cover of this YA thriller. But as the book moves along, it's clear that Jenny has quite a history with fires, and that her urge to burn has not left her. Why her parents haven't tried to get her help through some sort of therapy and behavior modification is beyond me; instead, they opt for the geographic cure. On the very day she arrives in New Mexico to stay with her father while he works on a run-down motel that is being renovated for tourists, she heads out to the wilderness and starts a fire.

As she meets various individuals and even makes friends, she dares to hope that everything will turn out okay. But each time she feels stressed or pressured, she turns to her friendly companion despite the risks. This book has a lot to recommend it and I read it compulsively, mostly to see if my guess about the person who is watching her and knows her secrets was right. The resolution seemed pretty predictable to me, and I ended up feeling sad for this girl who cannot outrun her past and who seems to be making the same mistakes over and over again.

The amount of time that elapsed between burns was a bit confusing and vague, and I knew from the first few pages that this was a narrator that I'd have trouble trusting.

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Too bad that those around her didn't realize the same thing. Some of the references to the homeless in the area and the poverty and drug use just didn't feel as authentic or developed as they might have been, and mostly they served to support some of the assumptions and prejudices many readers already have about those populations.

Aug 01, Jackie rated it it was ok Shelves: First off sorry for the fire puns. Okay so this one of those books that stays pretty much one note for the entirety of the novel which is sad considering it contains arson and murder. It sets itself up for a darker twist than what it delivered which is disappointing and the overall reveal was somewhat random and equally upsetting.

Not to mention there were a few big plot points that were left unresolved or forgotten once they served their purpose in setting up the bait and switch and instead of being cleaver it comes across as lazy. Oct 10, Jodi Gallegos rated it really liked it Shelves: Jenny has just been sent to live with her dad, a contractor who is renovating an old motel in New Mexico, because there's an arson investigation back home in Ohio, and things have gotten a bit, er Even though she has the best of intentions, Jenny can't fight the "itch" to start fires.

One little fire, what could it hurt? Unless someone saw her. And now, that someone is lurking outside her room at night and Jenny is sure it's just a matter of time until she's turned in. But then the man she's certain witnessed her starting a fire is murdered. And another murder follows, and soon Jenny realizes she's surrounded by people she doesn't really know and everyone is a suspect There were so many red herrings that, even when I was certain who the "bad guy" was, I kept doubting myself.

It was an intriguing book that kept me turning the pages, anxious to find out what would happen next.

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The Samsung forum moderators are monitoring such complaints. One of the moderators told affected users to seek medical advice. There could be a variety of reasons why you are getting rashes, burns, blisters, and other skin reactions from your smartwatch. It could be due to allergies, extended exposure to irritants, environmental factors, and sometimes the materials used in the smartwatch bands. Many bands contain elements like Methacrylates and Nickel. Though the level of these chemicals in smartwatch bands, bodies, and magnets is kept below the European regulation levels, some people could still be susceptible to them.

If you wear your Samsung Galaxy Watch too tightly or loosely for a long time, it could also cause problems such as redness, itchiness, swelling, and irritation. Sometimes sweat, water, soap, and other irritants get trapped against your skin under the device, causing skin reactions. If the band is too tight, it could block the sweat ducts. One of the Samsung forum moderators says that skin irritation could occur due to friction and pressure if you wear the Samsung Galaxy Watch for a long time or during high-intensity workouts.

You should remove the device from your wrist from time to time.

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