Consejo Real de Castilla Sin ediciones Obra. Tomo 6 Sin ediciones Obra. Ordenamiento de Montalvo Sin ediciones Obra. Ab urbe condita Livio, Tito Sin ediciones Obra. L'idea del libro de goberni di stato e di guerra Frachetta, Girolamo Sin ediciones Obra. La Junta Suprema de Castilla a los hombres Castilla Sin ediciones Obra. Circular de la Junta de Gobierno de Murcia, Murcia Sin ediciones Obra. La Junta de Gobierno de la Villa de Gibraleon, y Gibraleon Huelva Sin ediciones Obra.

La Junta Provincial de Toledo a los habitantes Toledo Sin ediciones Obra. Paskevitch, Ivan Fedorovitch Sin ediciones Obra. Chilam Balam de Chumayel Sin ediciones Obra. Vasselin, Georges-Victor Sin ediciones Obra. De bello italico adversus gothos Bruni, Leonardo Sin ediciones Obra. Estatutos Catedral de Zaragoza Sin ediciones Obra. Circulares de la Junta Provisional de Gobierno El fin de Napoladron por sus mismos sequaces, Historia romana Apiano Sin ediciones Obra. Historiae adversus paganos Orosio, Paulo Sin ediciones Obra. Los veynte y un libros rituales y monarchia Torquemada, Juan de Sin ediciones Obra.

La monarchie de Thiers, Adolphe Sin ediciones Obra. La folie espagnole Pigault-Lebrun Sin ediciones Obra. Noticias historiales de las conquistas de tierra Portugal Sin ediciones Obra. Historia verdadera de la conquista de la Nueva Breviarium ab urbe condita Eutropio, Flavio Sin ediciones Obra. Jalisco Sin ediciones Obra. Chronica latina regum Castellae Sin ediciones Obra.

Balaguer de Salcedo, Pedro Sin ediciones Obra. Epitome de Caesaribus Sin ediciones Obra. Animaduersiones ad Historiam Patris J. Marianae Mantuano, Pedro Sin ediciones Obra. Apologie ou defence des catholiques unis les uns Orleans, Louis d' Sin ediciones Obra. Le Bas, Philippe Sin ediciones Obra. Comentario de la guerra de Alemania hecha por Barnaud, Nicolas Sin ediciones Obra. Invencionario Toledo, Alfonso de Sin ediciones Obra. Dialogus Democrates secundus de justis belli Peecks, Jean de Los Sin ediciones Obra.

Rerum gestarum libri Amiano Marcelino Sin ediciones Obra. Obra selecta Jenofonte Sin ediciones Obra. Ordenanzas de la Real Audiencia del Reyno de Le camp et la cour de D. George Sin ediciones Obra. El clamor de la patria Rizzi, N. Repartimiento de Loja Sin ediciones Obra. Discurso pronunciado en el Senado por el Sr. Pradt, Dominique Dufour, Sin ediciones Obra. A la paz Hernando, Rafael Sin ediciones Obra. Carlos IV Sin ediciones Obra. Alborayque Sin ediciones Obra. Continuatio Hispana Sin ediciones Obra. Historias e conquestas dels excellentissims e Tomic, Pere Sin ediciones Obra.

Los desastres de la guerra Goya, Francisco de Sin ediciones Obra. Giornali nel governo de D. Zazzera, Francesco Sin ediciones Obra. La gran conquista de Ultramar Sin ediciones Obra. Chile Sin ediciones Obra. Dell'unione del Regno di Portogallo alla Corona Conestaggio, Girolamo Franchi di Sin ediciones Obra. La memorable y terrible historia del Vanquillo y Salazar y Castro, Luis de Sin ediciones Obra. Comentarios reales Garcilaso de la Vega, Sin ediciones Obra.

History of the reign of Ferdinand and Isabella Prescott, William Hickling Sin ediciones Obra. Melo, Francisco Manuel de Sin ediciones Obra. El pastor y sus ovejas Horcajada, Carmen Sin ediciones Obra. Chronicon Idacio, Sin ediciones Obra. Histoire constitutionnelle de la monarchie Scriptores historiae Augustae Sin ediciones Obra. Compendio historial de las chronicas y universal Garibay y Zamalloa, Esteban de Sin ediciones Obra. Gesta comitum Barcinonensium et regum Aragonum Sin ediciones Obra. Comte, Charles Sin ediciones Obra. Ciropedia Jenofonte Sin ediciones Obra. Bellum Africanum Sin ediciones Obra.

For whom the bell tolls Hemingway, Ernest Sin ediciones Obra. Bellum Hispaniense Sin ediciones Obra. Bellum Alexandrinum Sin ediciones Obra. Liber 1 Livio, Tito Sin ediciones Obra. Quatrevingt-treize Hugo, Victor Sin ediciones Obra. How people lived Millard, Anne Sin ediciones Obra. Barne-barnetik Sin ediciones Obra. Liber 21 Livio, Tito Sin ediciones Obra. The red badge of courage Crane, Stephen Sin ediciones Obra. The Spanish conquistadores Kirkpatrick, F.

Tenerife Ludovisi, Paolo Sin ediciones Obra. Spain Sin ediciones Obra. Moia zhizn' Trotsky, Leon Sin ediciones Obra. Life through the ages Caselli, Giovanni Sin ediciones Obra. Le Canarien Sin ediciones Obra. La forja de un rebelde Barea, Arturo Sin ediciones Obra.

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Icone Popova, Olga Sin ediciones Obra. Historia francorum Gregorio de Tours, Sin ediciones Obra. Historia eclesiastica gentis anglorum Beda el Venerable, Sin ediciones Obra. Compostela, a historia dunha lenda Carreiro, Pepe Sin ediciones Obra. Com'era una volta Ventura, Piero Sin ediciones Obra. The whalers Whipple, A. The gun Forester, C. The golden century of Spain, Davies, R.

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  • Stalin Deutscher, Isaac Sin ediciones Obra. Shu jing Sin ediciones Obra. Rivers of gold Thomas, Hugh Sin ediciones Obra. Res Gestae Augusto, Sin ediciones Obra. Paz en la guerra Unamuno, Miguel de Sin ediciones Obra. Paz de Westfalia Sin ediciones Obra. Opera Jenofonte Sin ediciones Obra. Maus Spiegelman, Art Sin ediciones Obra. Liber gestorum recentium Arnolfo di Milano Sin ediciones Obra. La historia del mondo nuovo Benzoni, Girolamo Sin ediciones Obra. L'uomo e il tempo Sin ediciones Obra. Itibar Usama ibn Munqid Sin ediciones Obra.

    In hiding Fraser, Ronald Sin ediciones Obra. Hotel in flight Johnstone, Nancy J. Historiarum libri quattuor Bryennius, Nicephorus Sin ediciones Obra. Historia de regibus gothorum, wandalorum et suevorum Isidoro, Sin ediciones Obra. Groenlendinga saga Sin ediciones Obra. Giza aztarna Sin ediciones Obra. Franco Crozier, Brian Sin ediciones Obra. De gestis Hungarorum ab origine gentis ad a. Barcelona Hughes, Robert Sin ediciones Obra.

    Atlas of the Jewish world De Lange, N. Aportacions catalanes universals Sin ediciones Obra. An essay on the history of civil society Ferguson, Adam Sin ediciones Obra. Age of kings Blitzer, Charles Sin ediciones Obra. Zhongguo hui hua Lin, Ci Sin ediciones Obra. Yuan chao bi shi Sin ediciones Obra.

    Xenophon's retreat Waterfield, Robin Sin ediciones Obra. Wild swans Chang, Jung Sin ediciones Obra. Who's who of the conquistadors Thomas, Hugh Sin ediciones Obra. Weimar culture Gay, Peter Sin ediciones Obra. Vida y muerte en la U. Vicksburg Hankinson, Alan Sin ediciones Obra. Venezuela Lombardi, John V.

    Vasconia en el siglo XI Sin ediciones Obra. Valence sous la botte rouge Dautun, Yves Sin ediciones Obra. Urchristliche Sozialgeschichte Stegemann, Ekkehard W. Union and liberty Calhoun, John C. Une famille de marchands Lapeyre, Henri Sin ediciones Obra. Un largo silencio Gallardo, Miguel Sin ediciones Obra. Tlaxcala in the sixteenth century Gibson, Charles Sin ediciones Obra. The yoke and the arrows Matthews, Herbert L. The world turned upside down Hill, Christopher Sin ediciones Obra. The victors and the vanquished Catlos, Brian A. The victorious counterrevolution Seidman, Michael Sin ediciones Obra.

    The unknown Stalin Medvedev, Zhores A. The tree of Gernica Steer, G. The revolt of the catalans Elliott, J. The pueblo Fraser, Ronald Sin ediciones Obra. The path between the seas McCullough, David G. The most striking events of a twelvemonth's campaign with Zumalacarregui, in Navarre and the Basque provinces Henningsen, Charles Frederick Sin ediciones Obra. The medieval Spains Reilly, Bernard F. The limits of liberty Jones, Maldwyn A. The history of money Weatherford, Jack Sin ediciones Obra.

    The gypsies Fraser, Angus Sin ediciones Obra. The great liners Maddocks, Melvin Sin ediciones Obra. The great favourite Williams, Patrick Sin ediciones Obra. The grand camouflage Bolloten, Burnett Sin ediciones Obra. The genius of Alexander the Great Hammond, N. The federal republic in Spain Hennessy, C. The face of war Gellhorn, Martha Sin ediciones Obra.

    The emperor Constantine Pohlsander, H. The discoverers Boorstin, Daniel J. The crisis of the twelfth century Bisson, Thomas N. The breaking point Koch, Stephen Sin ediciones Obra. The black legend in England Maltby, William S. The arabs in history Lewis, Bernard Sin ediciones Obra. The age of the revolution, Hobsbawm, E. The Romans in Spain Richardson, J. The Lara family Doubleday, Simon R. The Hellenistic world Walbank, F.

    The Franco regime, Payne, Stanley G. The European dictatorships, Lee, Stephen J. The Apaches Worcester, Donald E. The Ancient Near East c. Storia dei greci Montanelli, Indro Sin ediciones Obra. Storia degli etruschi Torelli, Mario Sin ediciones Obra. Storia d'Israele Soggin, J. Alberto Sin ediciones Obra. Spartacus Fast, Howard Sin ediciones Obra.

    Spanish fascism in the Franco era Ellwood, Sheelagh M. Spain, a unique history Payne, Stanley G. Spain, Europe and the wider world, Elliott, J. Spain's road to empire Kamen, Henry Sin ediciones Obra. Spain's first democracy Payne, Stanley G. Muslims who demand the right to practice Sharia Law, have the freedom to do so, in countries that practice Sharia Law. United States of America is the most diverse nation in the world. Immigrants have come for various reasons and with varied success.

    It is assumed that coming to the Unites States will result in tremendous adaptation and changes on the part of the immigrant whose religion and traditions still condone and practice behavior abhorrent in the United States. It is the responsibility of the immigrant to make needed changes in becoming part of our great nation. The strength of our nation is based on the solid foundation of our constitution. Any act to weaken our constitution is an act to weaken our country.

    We must stand firm that the law of the land, is the United States Constitution. I would think of special interest would be the home counties and the religions of those who were previously " legal" immigrants, but who have overstayed their VISA, and are therefore no longer legal. Since those entering with a VISA student, tourist, etc have a name and identify, it seems that information of who they are and where they are living would be important, especially since most terrorist activities in the United States have been by Muslim, here in this country legally.

    For more on this topic, click to: Donald Trump, is the first United States President ever to hold the office without prior military or government service experience. He authored one bill. But, what should a Trump presidency look like? What is the proper, constitutional role of the Office of the Presidency? I urge you as an American citizen to take this course and deepen your understanding of the proper role of the President in a constitutional republic.

    Thirteen Alabama counties saw a dramatic drop in food stamp participation after work requirement for able-bodied adults were restarted. Thirteen previously exempted Alabama counties saw an 85 percent drop in food stamp participation after work requirements were put in place on Jan. The counties - Greene, Hale, Perry, Dallas, Lowndes, Wilcox, Monroe, Conecuh, Clarke, Washington, Choctaw, Sumter and Barbour - had been exempt from a change that limited able-bodied adults without dependents to three months of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program benefits within a three-year time frame unless they were working or participating in an approved training program.

    As of April , the highest jobless rate among the 13 previously excluded counties was in Wilcox County, which reported a state-high unemployment rate of Ending the exemption has dramatically cut the number of SNAP recipients in the counties. That number dropped to 7, by May 1, Among the 13 counties, there were 5, adults ages without dependents receiving food stamps as of Jan. That number dropped to - a decline of about 85 percent - by May 1, The Trump administration has vowed to cut the food stamp rolls over the next decade, including ensuring that able-bodied adults recipients are working.

    Read more in the article below. War of Independence The rationale for the honor may surprise many in the U. It rests on the fact that his singularly distinctive bravery helped herald the sound of liberty throughout the young U. Most fittingly, they help to remind us that our Spanish Mexican ancestors gave substantial blood and treasure during the U. Most certainly, the early days of the struggle were unclear, with factions embracing one of two main camps; those supporting the status quo under England or those wanting change. Still, among the various military principals leading the independence cause, the coordinated efforts of an unlikely threesome were extraordinary: Essentially, their energy covered the colonies with a triangular-shaped blanket, with Gen.

    Washington to the east. Consequently, the superb three-prong attack discouraged, delayed, and eventually defeated the English forces in America. By the time the U. Plus, through capable Spanish officers, he controlled access to the entire Mississippi River. In carrying out his orders, he operated his war strategy in two phases. His brilliant military strategy expelled the British from the Gulf of Mexico.

    In winning this triumphant victory …, he had not only served his king to the limit of his strength but had made to the United States the most important gift an ally could offer: George Rogers Clark was from all indications highly admired among his contemporaries, such as Daniel Boone. Aided by substantial Spanish financing, Rogers Clark led his army in Missouri and helped end the British threat in the region. He was heavily criticized by political enemies, and his life spiraled downward from one controversy to another.

    That may be why today he is not warmly embraced by mainstream U. He deserves the credit for successfully binding all the elements of war against England. Valley Forge, just outside of Philadelphia, deserves special mention. It was here where the Continental Army camped for the winter. Yet, they endured and finally achieved victory over the British at the Battle of Yorktown, Virginia, ending in October Indeed, there is much that mainstream historians choose to ignore in rendering U.

    Their help was crucial in the financing and equipping of the Continental Army. President George Washington never forgot it. He meant to 1 show his personal gratitude to his brother in arms, and 2 officially recognize Spain for its vital financial and war materiel support.

    Clearly, their ancestors helped create the young U. He now lives in Universal City, Texas. He is the author of four books. It is available through Amazon. Last week, officials from the U. While illegal immigration and drugs dominate much of the public discourse around U.

    We have devoted years of our professional lives in government, academic and social sectors to developing and implementing strategies for improving our countries' relationship. As such, we've been taken aback by the sharply critical U. Academic exchanges as long-term bridges We have seen firsthand the impact of programs on young Mexicans who returned from U.

    We've also witnessed how American students interacting with their counterparts in Mexico enhance the appreciation and respect for each others' countries. Mexico ranks 10th for the number of full-time students studying in the U. There are many reasons for the low numbers, but here is the bottom line: Two such interconnected neighbors should be doing better. Their aim is to expand long-term investments in education and research partnerships between the U. More than , Mexican students - many of them from low income families - came to the U.

    Private sector sponsors, however, have worked with the U. Building things together While targeting such exchanges provides opportunities to young scholars and promotes cultural understanding, it can also produce better educated workforces. That's much more than the U. The "fourth industrial revolution" is unfolding: Both countries are going to need better equipped labor forces to maintain this highly integrated production network and to compete with others in the world.

    He joins Senator Menendez in the fight to establish a Smithsonian museum dedicated to Latino history and culture. We must honor their significant contributions to our country and ensure that future generations have a central place to learn about those contributions. Del Castillo continued to mesmerize viewers as came around. Aside from the industry, Del Castillo is an award winning and recognized activist and humanitarian. Kate Del Castillo continues to push the envelope on what it means to be a performer, a producer and a philanthropist. A total of 1, grantees will receive state grant funding for their work spanning the Arts Council's 15 unique program categories, benefiting California's students, veterans, arts educators, at-risk youth, formerly incarcerated individuals, underserved populations, and communities at large.

    An arts service organization provides specialized, practical services to working artists, constituent organizations and the cultural community. Collectively, these networks help to activate California Arts Council constituents, the arts community, stakeholders, and the public. Statewide artists, and media professionals in California will benefit. This grant will go towards expenses for the Latino Lens Incubators in the: All participants will be featured via nalip. By Felipe de Ortego y Gasca. T here are times when people have looked at me as if I were their wetback despite being born in Illinois and speaking English with a pronounced mid-western American accent.

    Estudiar en la Universidad de Salamanca. Vídeo promocional (SOU)

    Not that many years ago when I was on the faculty of the English Department at Sul Ross State University at Alpine, Texas, I was busy one afternoon tidying up my front yard and cutting the grass when a car pulled up to the curb and an attractive middle-aged white woman stepped out of the car and beckoned me with an understandable motion of her hand.

    When I reached the car she asked in a peremptory voice how much I charged for yard work. Before I could say a word, in a loud peremptory voice the Registrar motioned that the trash baskets in the offices needed to be emptied. I explained that I was Professor Ortego and was there to pick up my class rosters. Professor Santiago Rodriguez, a social worker, and I were the two new hires for the academic year Together we doubled the Chicano faculty. It was obvious that while Mexican Americans were everywhere on campus as grounds—keepers, janitors, housekeepers, cafeteria servers, the white hegemonic elite of the university did not see Mexican Americans as faculty because there were so few of them as faculty, if any.

    Of the 80 candidates, I made it to the finalist list as the number one candidate. That notwithstanding, the Board of Regents selected the number 3 candidate instead of following procedural protocol offering me the position as the number 1 candidate, despite strong student support for my candidacy as well as strong popular support in the Valley of South Texas. Had I been given the job, I would have been the first Mexican American to head a state university in Texas. As a child and as a youngster I witnessed numerous instances of racism and discrimination but was unaware of their import.

    In caravans of cars heading west toward the fields of California we would stop at restaurants along the way. Select adults would go into the restaurants and emerge with armloads of food which we consumed outdoors. As a child I saw these moments as picnics unaware of their genesis and portents. When I was 16 Snake Garibaldi rounded up a group of us guys from the Pilsen neighborhood and told us he had a girl who would have sex with us for a buck a piece.

    I was last in the Que. I gave Snake Garibaldi a buck and left. More often than not Mexican Americans have been cast either as bandits or as lovable rogues; as hot-blooded, sexually animated creatures or as passive, humble servants. An incident that my sister and I still remember vividly occurred when she was 7. One day her teacher announced that my sister had head lice and was sent home with me accompanying her. A little known manifestation. An Underground Cultural History. Some years later for a class art Project I decided to Paint a rampant horse.

    I studied horse picture for accuracy, and when I finished turned the painting in to the teacher who tore up the painting, screaming at me that I had not painted the picture. That ended my aspirations as an artist. Settling in my wife and I enrolled the two older boys in the neighborhood school. Shortly thereafter Luis, my second oldest boy, came home with a note requesting a conference with his parents. It seemed that Luis had a language problem.

    I opted to look into the matter. Almost immediately after a perfunctory greeting the teacher began in a heavily pronounced Texas accent: That afternoon I explained the situation to my Commanding Officer who arranged Base Housing for me and my family whereupon I enrolled the boys in the Base School. In my subsequent assignment to Dyess Air Force Base in Abilene, Texas, we the family checked into a motel from which I made calls to realtors inquiring about house rentals.

    With an eager jaunt at first, he slowed down as he got closer to us. The Base Commander fixed us up with quarters right away. The incidents cited above are tame compared to the travails and hardships endured by Mexicans cum Mexican Americans of the Conquest Generation of when wholesale murder and lynchings of Mexicans along the U. The Mexicans who stayed in their homes in the territory of the Mexican Cession believed The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo would secure their safety and rights as explained by Mexican officials who promoted the territorial invasion of northern Mexico by the United States.

    What to do with the Mexicans? But the sheer number of the Mexican population vetoed that possibility. The territory of the Mexican Cession was not as void of people as had been bruited. The Mexicans of the Mexican Cession face three difficulties: Though challenging, none of these difficulties were insuperable.

    The real problem would be Anglo attitudes towards Mexicans, a problem still unresolved to this day. Baldwin uses that small Swiss village as a metaphor in cont rasting race relations in the United States between white European immigrants to the United States and African Americans who were brought to the United States as slaves. In " A Stranger in the Village," Baldwin relates his experiences in a small Swiss village composed of people who had never seen a Black man before he arrived in the village in the summer of Baldwin describes a kind of naive racism: Yet there is also a more sinister racism, even in a remote village that has direct experience with only one Black man: The first time I met Cesar Chavez was in El Paso in during the lettuce boycott; we would meet again during the grape boycott; and again during the march from the Valley in Texas to Austin in the year I turned We left Phoenix for Denton, Texas, in Cesar Chavez was one of those individuals whose stature grows commensurate with their public acclamation.

    He was not a man who sought the limelight, but neither did he shun it when it was in the best interest of the farmworkers cause. For as Rabbi Tarfon reminds us: As we all know, thatcause was larger than just farmworkers. For Cesar Chavez that cause was a universal imperative. He was just 7 months younger than me. We both attended segregated schools in which there were no teachers who spoke Spanish and who punished us for speaking Spanish, the only language we had when we started school.

    Bilingual Education was still four decades away. School did not seem like a venue for upward mobility for mejicanos. We both lived through the great depression; his parents and mine were itinerant workers. Cesar quit school in after finishing the 8 th grade; I quit school in after finishing the 9 th grade.

    We often talked of those dark days of World War II. I joined the Marine Corps in ; he joined the Navy in We kidded about Swabbies and Gyrenes. I married in ; he married in After the war our lives took different turns. With the help of the G. Bill, I turned to a life of service in education; Cesar turned to a life of service with the farmworkers. His achievements are now legend. He was 66 when he died. There are many who claim his cause— la causa —which laid the groundwork for the Chicano Movement.

    The Farmworkers struggle was certainly one aspect of that movement just as the struggle for literary representation via the Chicano Renaissance was another aspect of that movement. Cesar Chavez dedicated his life to the cause for social justice. In Chavez was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom posthumously for having "faced formidable, often violent opposition with dignity and nonviolence. He deserved the Nobel Peace Prize.

    Cesar Chavez Day March 31 is currently a holiday in eight states: In California, only three birthdays are official state holidays: Like Martin Luther King, Jr. Many did not realize that then, and far too many still do not. Forty-seven of the states have memorialized his work by establishing holidays in his honor, but mean-spiritedness persists in three states. And in those states that have a Martin Luther King, Jr.

    In the tumultuous days of yore Martin Luther King Jr. Why would anyone want to burn a book about a young seven year old boy growing up in the llanos of New Mexico whose father wants him to be a rancher and his mother wants him to be a priest. More distressingly, however, is that those who want to burn the book are Americans. Anti-Mexican hysteria in the United States has reached repulsive heights with rants about constructing a border wall that Mexico will pay for. Boston Herald assistant publisher W.

    Yet, during World War II, these insatiable tidbits of hearsay threatened to undermine civilian morale and even cause unrest within the military community when they nearly spiraled out of control. Navy vessels survived Pearl Harbor. Men and women were being killed at shipbuilding corporations for supporting military efforts. The rumor mill churned. Recognizing the potential for widespread distrust and damage to civilian morale, President Franklin Roosevelt signed an executive order creating the Office of Wartime Information OWI on June 13, OWI consolidated several agencies, and was designed to be a central repository for overseeing and disseminating all wartime information that circulated in the United States.

    Twenty more clinics were proposed. But the program fledged and stalled under government bureaucracy. After the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in December , the government did not immediately provide details on the number dead and how the United States would respond. It took three weeks for them to release an official statement. The delay, combined with previous mishandling of public information related to the war, caused public confidence to drop to an all-time low and rumors to proliferate. The rumor was placed in italics, followed by the word FACT. Post exchanges are operated to the benefit of the soldiers.

    The articles encouraged readers: Send in your rumors! What wild, damaging, morale-eroding stories similar to those described in this article are current in your community? Readers who wish to help the Boston Rumor Clinic, and further the organization of similar clinics throughout the country, are urged to put such stories in writing and send them to Robert H. Soon after the articles ran, other clinics began cropping up across the United States. At one time, there were at least a dozen clinics in operation, in cities such as San Francisco, Philadelphia, and Syracuse.

    Some clinics were set up by social scientists. Rumor clinics became a new way for civilians to get involved in the war effort. The Roosevelt administration frowned upon these independent initiatives. It had established OWI to control the flow of information. The Boston relationship deteriorated after Allport criticized a report released by OWI, which attacked local clinics and their methods for researching rumors.

    A set of guidelines was issued in October of , outlining how the clinics should run. Groups that wanted to set up new rumor clinics were sent an extensive questionnaire. What might be thought of as an extreme use of resources today was viewed as a necessary public intervention back then. Knapp likened a rumor to a torpedo. They had a man tell a random stranger on the street that the chimneys in Boston could hide anti-aircraft. A Special "thank you" for introducing me to this extraordinary Spanish General that assisted George Washington in winning the war of Independence against Great Britain.

    The Life and Times of Bernardo de Galvez, will be an illustrated historic novel, written and illustrated by Eddie Martinez. Algo no me cerraba. El pueblo, seguro que no. Que, incluso resellada, era usada en Inglaterra y sus colonias. Creo firmemente que tanto Malvinas, como Belice, Esequibo y Gibraltar deben ser gestas conjuntas de la hispanidad.

    Saquen sus conclusiones sobre estos acontecimientos. Con las falsas independencias promovidas por Inglaterra, perdimos todos y fabricamos conflictos chauvinistas. Campos y Escalante campce gmail. Los anglosajones normalmente al hablar de la Historia de los Estados Unidos mencionan principalmente dos hechos: The ingenious maps played a role in some successful escapes.

    A "Mark III" military escape kit, with a silk map peeking out. You pry it open—and find a secret compartment with a file inside. In other compartments, other surprises: His gambit was successful. Finally called in for an interview, Hutton told the top brass about how, as a young boy, he had dared a touring Harry Houdini to forego his standard props and escape from a brand new box, constructed in front of a live audience. Christopher Clayton Hutton in , just after he begun working for the War Office.

    Hutton went straight to work. Over his six-year tenure as Technical Officer to the Escape Department, he would invent dozens of vital gizmos: These maps would need to be thin enough to be snuck into a boot or coat lining, durable enough to survive wear and tear in the field—but detailed enough that escaping soldiers could use them to find their way through unfamiliar terrain. Today, someone seeking accurate views of the world could turn to any number of satellite maps.

    In the end, Hutton had to fly to Edinburgh, where he met up with mapmaker John Bartholomew, a decorated World War I veteran who was happy to aid the cause. He gave Hutton permission to use any and all of his maps, free of charge. The necessary material had to fit a number of criteria: The heavy papers were far too loud, revealing themselves at the slightest prodding.

    So Hutton turned to another substrate: Soon, his suppliers were churning out maps by the thousands, with frontiers, demarcation lines, and other vital information clearly marked. Eventually, he heard about a boatload of mulberry leaf pulp, en route from Japan. A map of Danzig Port, showing where Swedish ships berthed to unload coal—a good escape prospect. The same qualities that made the mulberry paper perfect for weaponized balloons also made it ideal for maps.

    For soldiers not yet deployed, Hutton did as much as he could with flight boots: But the fighters who needed the maps most—those who had already been captured—were trickier to access. Hutton came up with a plan for that, too. He stuck maps into each side of a wooden chessbox, and a small wireless set inside the base of the king. There was only one trick they never figured out: After Hutton approached them, the Waddingtons set up a secret room in their factory, where a select cadre of employees rejiggered the game boards—punching small compartments into them, hiding the tiny tools, and covering the hole with a game space decal.

    All told, the British and American military produced 3. Orbanes says , captured airmen had freed themselves using tools designed by Hutton. The silk maps were declassified, and leftovers went on sale across Europe, as the same demureness and foldability that made them great escape aids made them even better scarves and handkerchiefs.

    This makes a certain amount of sense. Soldiers may eventually get rid of uniforms. We took a risk, yet active role to create our own income, to create our own work schedule, to ensure time as family and to have the time and space to grow socially, intellectually, artistically, spiritually. We started back in making artisan coffee and hosting poetry readings for community members. From day one we have been about creating positive relationships and having a positive impact on the community we are also a part of.

    As folks began engaging with the space more and supporting it they made it more safe, welcoming and vibrant, we just continue to make the coffee and care how we interact with all of our relations. For the past year we have been roasting our own coffee and working directly with autonomous coffee producers. We are focusing on the relationships within the production of coffee and reporting back to folks from our visits with coffee producers.

    Expediciones Españolas a Norte América que costaros miles de vidas

    We are raising resources to purchase a coffee roaster, import a ton of coffee and build a roasting space. A coffee roaster will not fit in our little cafe at 2nd ave, however, we are dedicated to adding on to our community space to roast and brew coffee, highlight the relationships involved in the coffee production process, create "sustain to gain" opportunities for coffee workers all while doing it in a good way- based on collaboration and participation.

    Sin Fronteras Coffee will: Too many times the focus is on the quality of the end product and it's branding, rather than the quality of the relationships that are involved in producing a drip coffee, latte or a bag of perfect coffee. Customers do not have enough information about the production process of coffee and relationships involved.

    Objectifying coffee producers and hanging their photo on a wall or sensationalizing their name and homeland on an organic ink-based label is not the way to build meaningful relationships. We will shift the value back to the relationships by highlighting them. With the operation of this project, we will implement a profit sharing program where both coffee producers and cafe workers benefit and participate in the growth of the project. A portion of sales will also go directly to a community based project "zapatitos", which focuses on early childhood literacy in Oaxaca, Mexico.

    This is more than just good jobs, it is about working together and actively participating in one's self-determination, it is about the relationships. There is a lack of coffee spaces which offer good coffee and good food with a welcoming artistic and cultural environment which builds with the community from the coffee lands from which the coffee originates. Just like Akat Cafe Kalli, this work will occur in a vibrant community cultural space where people come together to create and engage in positive interactions; it's about the relationship, not the transaction.

    It is vital to shift resources to projects like ours where growth starts from below and expands horizontally, through collaboration and active participation. Sin Fronteras Coffee has a solid community base and experience from which to grow. The experience of Akat Cafe Kalli has been a dignified struggle, one which has brought upon us many lessons, blessings and has connected us with beautiful and strong people.

    Over all it has been successful and we feel blessed and honored to be part of our community. There are many barriers to sustainable income and opportunities to gain economic and social agency within the coffee production process. We envision the free movement of people just like the coffee we all enjoy. Risks and challenges We understand that this project will take a lot of work and requires much time and energy. However, we also understand that we must take care of ourselves, keep stress down, keep our relationships healthy and enjoy the process.

    In the end it is about having good relationships with ourselves, each other, the coffee and the land. We are thankful for your active participation. Greetings, We are experimenting with mailchimp as a means to keeping you updated on our progress on imaging the colonial records of New Spain.

    I recently spent ten days last month visiting the sites of our current projects that being Durango, Guadalajara, and La Paz. In Durango we finished up the municipal archive and I was able to pick up our equipment and take it to La Paz. When I visited the state archive, Dr. Miguel Villabueno, greeted me with open arms by saying, "We were wondering when you were coming. My second visit was to Lic. He would like that collection imaged and we are working on getting permission to do just that. My next stop was La Paz where I deposited the equipment to begin imaging the colonial collection in the Pablo L.

    The director Isabel Acosta was waiting for me with the contract which we signed to image the colonial collection online. I was impressed with the professional level of how that archive was functioning. They should be commended. They bent over backwards to help us by even allowing our man in Mexico, Ernesto Ochoa to image from 9: We should shortly have the Parral archive and the La Paz archive on that website followed by the Durango municipal archive and the Zamora, Michoacan archive.

    I want to express our most sincere appreciation to all of you who have donated to make this possible. Our mailing address is: Do you have old family photos and documents that have been stored in poor conditions, so now they're deteriorated? If you answered YES to any of the above, there's a short course for you. Learn from experts about. Dear friend and partner, greetings!

    Several issue experts from the education community will join us to discuss this important subject. Join by Facebook Live: A press conference is scheduled for Please see attached flyer for details, and click on this link to hear Alex Juarez provide information on this event: If you have not yet joined our Facebook page, please do and help us spread the word www.

    Many thanks for being part of this journey. Get Social with Us! More than a family picnic, this courtyard of cousins is a well-spring of wonderful family knowledge and a great opportunity to give as well as receive. You can look up a surname or offer details about your next reunion. We would love to hear about it! Antonio de Luna: Books

    Estos son los links de un par de medios que han recogido la noticia: To buy the book in Amazon. Remembering Brother Tom Treadaway, S. My dorm, Charles Francis Hall, was closed for the summer. A couple of hours later, after I had unpacked and settled down I walked over to Assumption Chapel to say a few prayers of Thanksgiving.

    This was my tradition whenever I returned to the university. After climbing the concrete steps on the side of Reinbolt Hall, and with the blazing sun in my eyes, I opened one of the glass doors. Stepping inside I could barely see anything. There were no lights and my pupils had not adjusted to the darkness. I managed to walk down the middle aisle towards the altar by touching the back of the pews when I bumped into some object. I stopped, waiting for my eyes to adjust.

    I then saw an open casket on a bier. I quickly took one step back and slowly leaned over very cautiously to see who it was. To my astonishment and in a state of shock, I just stood there staring down at him—it was Brother Tom Treadaway! It was a staggering blow. My throat felt dry and lumpy. The images that were rushing through my mind were about the graduation ceremony that took place just a days ago.

    The distance from Laredo to San Antonio is about miles. After they rested, we went to the San Antonio Zoo, and I volunteered to drive. We got back in plenty of time to freshen up and head on to the Municipal Auditorium. Treadaway was standing close by and ready to shake my hand. I was exuberant at reaching the third goal of my life. For having been raised in the Barrio El Azteca, receiving this degree meant a great deal to me and my family. Mary's University, by way of a Greyhound bus to downtown San Antonio and then a taxi to the university. My purpose in going was for several reasons: College and plan my courses for the next two years, 3 I wanted to meet Miss Wylette Joyner, director of Chaminade Hall where I would be staying, and 4 I wanted to tour the campus.

    In our initial meeting, Brother Treadaway appeared very congenial, helpful and courteous. I thought he looked ancient, probably in his eighties or nineties. Nonetheless, he impressed me, among his other personal qualities, his ability to read documents backwards. I was standing on the outside of the wooden counter silently reading them and he was standing behind the wooden counter reading them backwards to me. During our conversation, he made me feel welcomed and told me he was available whenever I needed assistance. Afterwards, whenever I was in the Administration Building, I made it a point to stop by and say hello to him.

    It was only after he passed away on Saturday, June 7, , did I find out that he was born in Edna, Texas and attended St. Joseph College in Victoria. In , he joined the Society of Mary and had been at St. Mary's University since , a total of 31 years. I also did not know that he had received a Ph. Louis University and held the following positions: And, I am just only five months away from turning 71 year old!!! I wonder if the children of my nieces and nephews see me as an ancient person. I am sure they do.

    Lacayo died May 1st at his Newbury Park home after battling throat cancer. He was worried about education. He was a Renaissance man in that way. He made such a huge impact in so many ways. He always wore our United Way pin on his lapel. But it was in his public service where Lacayo truly shined, Rush said. They met more than a decade ago when she was running for state Assembly. He just didn't let cancer stand in his way.

    He'd say, 'You may need to watch out for this person. Today his name is associated with several local institutions, including the Henry L. Lacayo is survived by his wife of 44 years, Leah Lacayo, whom he met on the Tom Bradley for Mayor campaign in His son Henry died before him. Many years ago, he very humbly described to me his first-person experiences with blatant discrimination. A poignant part of his account was when he was sworn in as justice of the peace, he quietly walked to the front of the Goliad County Courthouse and paused to view the building.

    He then slowly walked in the front door. FYI, I am sending courtesy copies to Mr. If you wish to know more, please let us know. God bless you and your Somos Primos staff for what you do to preserve the rich Spanish Mexican history of this great place we call the U. Vargas, age 83, passed away on May 28, after a short illness. He lived a blessed life and was surrounded by loved ones at the time of his passing. Emilio and his siblings were first generation Americans. They both were immigrants from Mexico. He is survived by his sisters Nephtali Castoreno, Neurania Rubio, numerous nieces, nephews, cousins and in-laws.

    After graduating high school, he enlisted in the United States Air force where he was honorably discharged in as an Airman First Class. It is at this time when Emilio actively began his ascent as a civil rights activist and social reformer. Over the course of his young life he saw, experienced and felt the degradation and humiliation of a segregated America and began a life long endeavor to bring equality to all of the people. Judge Vargas belonged to numerous civic and political organizations and took on the fight to end the Poll Tax and to register as many citizens to vote as possible.

    He was always actively involved in his community, church and loved his family. Judge Vargas has been recognized by both the United States Congress and by the Mexican Government for his tremendous civic accomplishments in both nations. Judge Vargas fought discrimination his entire life and often said, "I walked in through the back door in order to open the front door for future generations. He was a life long faithful Catholic. Box , Goliad, TX, This is c 3 non-profit organization.

    Sanchez passed away Dec. He did it with integrity, with objectivity and fairness. Sanchez came from a big family. He lived most of his life in Highland Park and Mt. He went to UCLA and started off as an art director at an advertising agency that published magazines. At Eastern Group, running the business was a family affair. As the lone Republican of the bunch, Sanchez sometimes differed with family on issues, but he always listened, Alvarez said.

    Many knew him for his steadfast support of Latinos and small media. He was eager to lobby on their behalf, to preside over meetings and show up at promotional events. Gregory Arroyo was among them. Jonathan and Dolores Sanchez took him in and got him hooked on journalism. Children were an important part of his outreach work. Through the EGP Foundation, he and the Sanchez family held an annual Letters to Santa program that helped more than 90, disadvantaged kids and families. He shared his last moments with loved ones after a brief but courageous battle with cancer. Over the next three decades, the couple would grow the family-run concern steadily, becoming an important source of news and information in the predominantly Latino east and northeast neighborhoods and municipalities where their newspapers were distributed.

    Today, EGP newspapers reach more than , households and businesses as the largest chain of Hispanic-owned bilingual publications in the country, serving the East, Northeast and Southeast sections of Los Angeles County. Whenever he had the opportunity to introduce her to clients or other media industry professionals, she said, Sanchez could not keep himself from extolling her intelligence and her abilities. To him it was true. His generosity and genuinely friendly spirit, said Alvarez, were legendary. No matter what, he had time for me. He was always fighting for us to have a voice, for people [Latinos on the Eastside] to get their fair share.

    And he and my mom poured everything back into that newspaper. He was a man with conviction and big heart. But he grew on you. I feel honored to have known Jonathan. He was a giant. He was fun and positive to be around. We remain steadfast in the belief that if we fail to acknowledge those upon whose shoulders we stand, those who paved the way and opened the doors for us, we do ourselves and the community a disservice.

    It is our responsibility, we believe, to acknowledge the hard work and struggle of those in whose footsteps we have the privilege and good fortune to walk in today. Julio Guerrero camila umich. During the following ten years, the US government saw Mexican labor as a burden on the economy and implemented a Repatriation program by which hundreds of thousands of families including their US born children ended up in Mexico. She grew up and got married in Mexico until she decided to return to Texas claiming her US citizenship where coincidentally met and married another repatriado from Guadalajara.

    Death is actually rare in our family; it seems to visit every thirty years knock on wood. Mom like all matriarchs in our family came from a generation that had great work ethic and incredibly strong determination, something inherent in most working class people that learned to fend for themselves from an early age. As a single mother for many years she worked two jobs sometimes to support the family and never asked for help. Instead, she was always ready to help others.

    Her giving nature was in her DNA coming from generations of workers in the service industry. Because of that, I make it a point never to ask for room service when I stay in hotels and honor the work of cooks and support laborers in public functions. But for mom it was a lot more than that.

    She would tell me about her days with the children, all the class activities, projects, exercises involving, drawing, spelling, writing their names and the little tokens she created to reward them when they finished. A relationship permeated by the magic of innocence and patience. I realized in time that this is common when a single parent plays both roles. This one afternoon, as we were buying groceries we read on the paper the Apartment was showing on television. We had just moved into a town west of Chicago and had not even a chair to sit on but Mom decided to buy a black and white television set in a Montgomery Ward store.

    We rushed home, unloaded the groceries, set the TV on the kitchen counter and while Grandma was cooking dinner we sat on the floor and watched the movie. People like Mom are great teachers from whom we learn by example. A couple of years ago she was told that her kidneys were in perfect condition after a medical check-up so she told me she was thinking about putting one up for donation. I only hope I can honor her memory through my actions and am able to pass on her legacy to my daughters whom she adored.

    I write these lines as a tribute to her and as a way to say goodbye. A million thanks for all your sympathies and reflections. Really sorry to Hear that my dear friend Julio. I hope your family finds a soon resignation. And she loves you;. Always and forever and that's long. Thank you for this piece; what a courageous life she led. Loving her for ever also because ha hecho un hombre como tu!. This is so beautiful. I remember her loving The Apartment Movie. I remember the TV. I didn't know about the others.

    She did like one song from Aerosmith. I was surprised she listened to it. I wish I could remember which one. But it was in Toys in the Attic album. I am printing this and am going to put it in my Our Family Album with her picture and this letter. I am also going to print it for my kids. They will love it. I still cant believe she is gone. I have good and bad memories of her. Thanks for sharing the wonderful life of your Mom. It is easy to see her loving spirit and strong determination in you. I am from Rosita Coahuila and my family has gone through a similar journey as yours has.

    I hope we can see you soon. A moving tribute, My condolences. I lost my Mom a couple of years ago and felt about her a lot like you describe your feelings for your Mama. As you say, we must try to conduct ourselves in the ways our mothers exemplified throughout their long, beautiful lives. We both broke fre of her expectations in very different ways. Life wants to live and we make our journey as much unplanned as planned. The road is rocky and winding. Surprises can be exhilarating and, or devastating. And as I say the major cause of death is life…no way around it.

    So we serve and expect to be served with more than a good reputation I guess.

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    Thanks for this note. I really appreciate it. Te mando un gran abrazo,. Peace and blessings to the spirit of your mother. Peace, love, and solidarity forever, Gracias Julio por compartir esta bella y poderosa historia de un legado que continua. Gracias por tu apoyo claro que eres el reflejo de su espiritu compasivo. Te envio un fuerte abrazo solidario y a ella le envio un cordial agradecimiento por crear en ti un gran ser humano. Que el universo la regocige con esa calidez para un dia encontrarnos con ella.

    Thoughtfully and beautifully expressed, Julio. And it took years before I finally tapered off thinking to call Mom about my gardens or something cute the cats had done. She passed in , Dad in Wow Que inspiradora historia la de tu mama! For sure she is in a better place. What a beautiful woman tu Santa Madre was. It humbles me, when I think about my own sweet mother. My mother was extremely humble, pios, and giving. She only made it to 2nd grade, felt her English wasn't good enough to go to PTA meetings always her excuse not to attend when we performed. She used to tell us that she and dad worked so that we would never have to experience working in the fields.

    She felt it was cruel to make children work the fields. It something I'm extremely grateful to her for. I read your tribute to your mother. I posted it on Facebook. We must keep their memory alive and share with the world los modos y los hechos de estas grandes mujeres. I hereby encourage you to continue writing.

    Comparte mas de ella y sus acciones. Me dejastes a medias carnal! Sabes que te tengo mucho respeto y carino. Hermano this is a very moving and inspiring tribute a tu Mama. Julio what a beautiful tribute to your mother. You have her heart and passion. Thank you for sharing and know I am thinking about you.

    Historical Fiction based on personal interviews. I have always said: Mexican-American Medal of Honor Recipients Look into the eyes of the Mexican-American heroes who earned our nation's most heartfelt gratitude. Poster of Vietnam Unit Badges This colorful new poster features nearly all of the unit badges which our forces proudly carried in Vietnam, respectfully reminding us of the high cost of that war. The editorial board welcomes articles based on oral history of migration to all regions of the U.

    Submitted articles must be based primarily in oral history interviews and follow the best practices recommended by the Oral History Association. Upon receipt, all texts will be subjected to a double blind peer review process. The journal also welcomes the submission of reviews of academic books centered on U. Submitted reviews should not exceed 1, words. All texts should be submitted by the Oct. Today, June 15, , there appeared an article in our local Whittier newspaper, talking about how I finally received my high school diploma from Garfield HS in ELA, fifty years after walking off of the campus for the very last time in , just prior to my enlistment into the US Army.

    Receiving my diploma after so many years, turned out to be a very important event in my life. I never planned or contemplated on the idea of a diploma, however, it did naw at the back of mind. After so many years of serving my country, and in more recent years, serving my Veterans and my community, I have been to so many places, met so many famous Politicians, movie stars and people of importance, including the Prince and Duchess of England!!!

    Pareja policiaca (Spanish Edition)

    I've received several awards, medals, plaques, etc, for recognition for some of the work I have done to help our Veterans move forward after their military obligations are completed. Ironically though, this HS diploma has turned out to be one if the best days of my adult life, no kidding.

    Fellow Vietnam Veteran Alfredo Lugo, was the main force behind this diploma becoming a reality, with an additional push from Carlos Venegas and Arnulfo Hernandez, also fellow Vietnam Veterans.