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Z6 Language, metrics, etc. Z7 Dictionaries, glossaries, etc. Middle High Gorman, ca. G6 Giindacker von Judenburff, ISih cent. H37 Hiitzler, Klara, 15th cent. H4 Hagen, Gotfrid, d. H8 Hartmann, der arme,fl. A2 By editor, A-Z. A2A--Z Selections, extracts, etc. Other works, by title. A Der armo Heinrich. A6 Editions, by editor, A-Z.
Z86, Biography and criticism. H83 Individual authors or works, Middle High German, ca. Hartmann von Aue, cent Biography and criticism — Continued Language. Metrics, etc Dictionaries, glossaries, etc , by date. Ileidelberger licderhandechriften, see PT H Die licilige regcl filr ein vollkommenes leben, Hciinonskindor. Reinolt von Montelban; Benout van Mon- tnlbaen.
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Heinrich der Tetch7ieryfl, Heinrich der Vogleff ca. Heinrich von Healer ffl. H84 Ueinvichvon Neustadtffl, Z4 Language, Metrics, etc. H3 Heinrich Cl6z6nero, 18 th cent. Helmbrecht, see Wernher der gartenasre, PT H25 Herger, 12th cent. Author of poems formerly ascribed to Spervogel.
H27 Hermann, Brwdcr, ISih cent. Hermann von Sachsenheim, see Sachsenheim, PT H32 Herzog Ernst Poem. H35 Hiitbolt von Schwangau. H8 Hugo von Langenstein, Jl. Iscngrtnes n6t, see Heinrich der Olichesaeret PT J77 ,J78 J79 K26 ,Ka Individual authors or works. Hu- J z — Continued. Jenaer liederhandflchnft, see PT 9. J3 Jeroflchin, Nicolaus von, jl. H75, Johannes von Frankensieinj Jl, Der Krouziger published as vol. G4 ; BX Johannes llothe, see Rothe, Johannes, PT Johannes Schiltberger, see Schiltbcrgor, Johan- nes, G Diemer, Deutsche gediohte des XI.
Judith 13th century poem. Kaspar von der P. K4 Kauf ringer, Ileinrich, 14ih cent. Die klage, see Nibelungenlied, PT 1C K7 Konig vom Odenwalde. K4 Konrad von Heimesfurij 13th cent. K6 Konrad von Megenberg, IJfih cent. Translator of Sacro Bosco's Sphaera. A 1 Anonymous editions, by date. A3A-Z Selections, extracts, etc,, by editor,.
A4 Translations, by language, A-Z. W4 Engelhart Engelhard imd Engeltrut. Die halbe bir doubtful authorship. Das Herze Herzmfthre, Herzemaire. Kaiser Otte Otte Otto mit dom barte. Sant Sanot Nicolaus authorship spurius. Der werlte 16n Der welt lohn. Konrad von Wurzburg, d. Z4 Language, metrics, etc. Laxnpreoht der pfaffe, iStk cent.
A2 Editions, by editor, A A5 F6 ,F7 A1-Z3 Z4 ,Z5 L76 X8 M M67 Individual authors or works. Frauendienst, Biography and criticism. Lof dor reinster vrowen, ISth cent. Das Marterbuoh Poem , Der Maget kr6no. Manesse's liedorhandsorift, see PT 14 Marienlob, Dos rheinisoho, aeo Lof der roinater vrowen, PT Haxiinilian I, emperor of Germany, Merigarto 11th century fragment. MO Mere win, llulnian, - Montford, Hugo, graf von, M or ant imd Galie. Morflheiin, Johann von, d, N Old hart won Rourenthal, ISth cent. Divided like PT Edition of manuscript A or h: A 1S6G; h For reference only, Facsimiles in Z , Cf.
Goedeko, Grundriss, 2d ed. A Individual authors or works. E di tions — C ontinued , Printed editions. A1 Under each, subdivided by editor, German. A3-Z By language, A-Z. Particular sagas or cycles of sagas, Mythological and historical charac-. PT , K8, Kiirenberg. Kelation of manufloripts, General. Arranged by autfior, A-Z. Note to PT IsrS. Phonology, Morphology, Syntax, Word-order, Dialect, etc. N6 Nicholas, Sami hp, of Myra, Legend. Nicodemus, Evangoliwm, see Bible. Apo- crypha, PT Oberammergauer passion sspiol, see PN , PT OCfenbarung Johannes, see Bible.
Revelation, PT B5. H6 ,07 Oronclcl Orendel uiid Bride. Osterspiele, see PT Redon tiner osterspiel, PT Otto mit dem barte, see Konrad von Wtlrzhurg, PT Paraphrase des Buohes Daniel, see Bible, 0. Paraphrase dea Buches Hiob, see Bible. Job, PT , B By the unknown author of the Viiter- buch, PT Translation of Guillaume de Deguillevillet see PQ P2 Bor Ploier, fl. P6 Garcl vom blOenden tal. P7 Ptitorich, Jukob, von Reichertslmusen, Rcdoiitinor ostciapiol, aee PT , Low Ger- man. Regcnbogonr Barthel, ISih cenL. RO 13th century poem. Ber rcimer, aco Hugo von 7 i?
ROn, Kaspar von der, see PT Rosongarton, Dor kloino, see Laiirin, PT A3 Translfttione, by language, A-Z,. A4A-Z Soloctions, oxtraOts, oto. Rudolf von Ems, d. B4 Barlaam und Josaphat. G9 Der gute Gerhard. AV6 Wiilehalm Wilhelm von Orlena. M Dictionaries, vocabularies, etc. R8 Rudolf von Fenist fl. B2 Sachsenheim, Hermann von, d, Sftngerkrieg auf der Wartbiirg, see Wartburgkrieg, PT Der sammler, see Hugo von Trimberg, PT PT , Solomon, see Salman; Salomon.
Spcrvogel, see Herger, PT S75 Stagel, Elsbetli, ca. D3 Daniel vom blUhenden tal. K4 Karl der Grosse. P2 Dor pfafTe Amis. Tandarols, see Dor Flcier, FT Tlicucrdank, see Maximilian I, FT T66 Tirol nnd Fridcbrant. Titurol, see Wolfram von Eschenbackf PT Make added entries hero and for FT AJ Individual, by place,. T8 U2 U3 U4 U45 , Heinrich von Freiberg, PT Ulricli von Tiirheim, PT Ulenspiegel, see PT Ulrich von Singenberffy fl, Urstende, see Konrad von Flcimesfuri, PT The author unknown wrote also the Passional, PT ,P4.
Vintler, Hans, d, V77 Von dem jungesteii tngo Poem. V78 Von iinwerfl Heiren lidon Poem. A1 Anonymous edit i one, by date. A1A--Z Editions, by editor. Z3 Annivoreariea, Celebrations, by date. Treatment in literature, fiction, drama, etc. For individual authors, prefer PQ-PT. Sources, inanuscripts, chronology of works, eto. A3-Z Speofal, Dictionaries, Concordances.
W2 Walther von lihQinaUy fl. W88 Individual authors or works. Middle High German, m. Weihnachtsspiele, see Christinas plays, PT Der 'weias kimig, see Maximilian I, PT Wernher, priest or pjaffe jjt. Wemher der gartenaire, JSth cent. Author of Meier Helmbreoht, narrative poem. Author of a metrical life of the Virgin. Wemher vo7n Ntederrhetn, 12th cent. Willehalm, see Wolfram von Eschenhack, PT Wirnt Von Oravenhergf ISih cent. T8 Individual authors or works. Collected works, by date.
Collected works, by editor, A Subarrangcd by translator or editor. Other, by language, subarranged by translator. Parzival including editions of Parzival and Titurel. Editions, by editor, A-Z. Other, by language, 8ul arranged by translator.
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Criticism, see PT List here only works dealing exclusively with Titurel. Trojanerkrieg, see Gottwelger Trojaner- krieg, PT W8 ,A2. Z5 ,A2 W9 Individual authors or works. Separata works — -Continued. PQ Guillaume d'Orange. H4 Heinrich von Freiherg. Ufi Ulrich von Turheim. Special topics by author , e. Including criticism of Parzival alone. G8, Chronology, Dates of compositions. Other special by author. Wit and Humor, Heraldry, Illustrations.
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Added entry to bo made in PF Indexes of rimes, Lexicography. Dictionaries, Wolkenstein, Oswald von, Wyle, Niclas von, Jl, , Wyssenhere, Michel, l5th cent. A6 ,A7 EC Individual authors or works. Abraham a Sancla Clara, ? Abschatz, Johann Erasmus Assmann, freikerr von, Ackerinann, Johannes, IGth cent. Andreii, Johann Valentin, Assig, Hans von, Barth, Kaspar von, Cnllonbach, Franz, sec PT Canitz, Friedrich Rudolf Ludwig, freiherr von, Clauert, Hans, d, Czepko, Daniel von, Daoh, Simon, Villa.
Dedokind, Friedrich, d, Ebcrlin, Johann, von Gunzburff, co. Catholic theologian, ono of the chief oppo- nents of the Reformation. Eckstein, Ulrich, called Utz, , Emscr, Hieronymus, or Catholic theologian, opponent of Luther. P4 ,P6 Z9 F32 ,F G4 Individual authors, m.
Faust legend, see PT Fischart, Johann, ca, ? Selected works, by date. Translations, by language, siibarranged by translator. Only the more important listed here. Affenteurliche und ungeheiirliche geschicht- schrift, see Geschichtkiitterung,. Gargantiia und Pantagruel, see Geschicht- kiitterung. Gluckhafft schiff von Zuricli. Jeauitenhlitlein Peter von Staufteiiberg Philosophisch ehziichtbiichlein, see Ehzucht- biichlein,. Versification, Dictionaries, vocabularies, etc.
Fiseh-Plem, Fleming, Paul, Villa. Franck, Michael, Peter and Sebastian. See also ML , Music. PA , F85, Latin literature. Gengenbach, Pamphihis, fl, , Gorbel, Nicolaus, ca, G6 Individual authors, ca. Gerhardt, Paulus, , G7 Cf. Graff, Jorg, 16th cent. G8 Greflinger, Georg, ca. Translations, by language, A—Z. Af Selections, by editor, A-Z. The first edition contained five books. Its popularity was so great that the author hurriedly wrote a sixth book which appeared sep- arately in as a continuation and was later published in the same volume as the original work.
A65 Selected books, by date. A7 For added entry only. Translations, by language and date. Continuatio des abend theurliolien Simpliois-. AO simi, Simplicianische soliriften. Editions of all or several of the continua- tions and of minor works in which Simplicissimus appears, e.
Cou- rasche, Springinsfeld, Vogelnest. Gocdcke's Grundriss III p. Loclincr, Rudolf, in Prager deutsohe atudien, hft. Problcme der Grimmelshausenforaohung Barnhauter, Der erste beernbauter. Scholte in Zeitschrift fOr bOcherfreundo, N. Icbensbeschreibung der ortzbetrOgerin und landatortzerin. Der deutsche Michel, see Michel,. Des abcnteurlichen Simplicissiml owig wdhrender calendar, Der fliegende wandersmann nach den monde, oder eine. See also Satyrische gesicht, ,S2.
Gaukeltasehe, Simphcissimi wmderlicho Gauckeltasche, Dea vortrefHich keuschen Josephs. Later editions include Mueai. Kurtze und kurtzweilige reiae-beschreibung nach der obern monds-welt, See also Satyrische gesicht,. Grimm el shauaen, Hana Jacob ChristolFel von, Minor works — Continued.
Der stoltze Melcher, sambt einer be- aprecknusa von deg Frantzoss krieg mit der Holland, ? Des grundfrommen keiischen Josephs getreuen dienera. Des durchlouchtigen print zen Proximl und aeiner. Rathsttibel Plutonia, oder Kunat reioh zu werden. Reiae-beschreibung, see Kiirtze und kurtz- weilige. Satyrische gesicht und Traurageachicht.
Full text of "Classification German Literature"
The title of a collection containing: Von dir und inir, Der fliegende wandors-mann and Rurtze und kurtzweilige reise-besohreibung Satyrischer pilgram. Schwartz und weiss, oder Der satyrische pilgram, ? Schwartz und weiss, see Satyrischer pilgram. Simplicissimus ala arzt, Abbildung der wunderbarlichen werck- statt des weltstreiohenden Artzts Sim- pliciesirai, Broadside, n. G8 A1.
Ao-Z G2 ,GG H85 Individual authors, ca. Grimmelshauson, Hans Jacob ChristofTel von, Der stolze Meleher, see Melcher,. M4 Trauingeschicht von dir und niir. See also Satyrische gcsicht,. Trutz Simplex, see Courasche,. Des abonteuerlichen Simpiicii vor- kehrte welt ,. Cohected orks, by date. Collected poems, by date. Hamersteten, Augustin von, d. Harsdorfer, Georg Philipp, Haugwitz, August Adolf von, Hayneccius, Martin, Hertzog, Bernhard, 16th cenL Hock, Theobald, 6, L7 B,L6 M8 Latin works, see PA Hutten and the Reformation, see BR Biogiaphy, see PA Knorr von Rosenroth, Christian, Lauremberg, Johann, see PT L3, Low Ger- man literature.
Lied vom hurnen Seyfrid, see Siegfried, PT Lohenstein, Daniel Casper von, Luther, Martin, Villa , For literary works and criticism only. Montanus, Martin, fl, Morhof, Daniel Georg, Moscherosch, Johann Michael, — Murner, Thomas, Villa. Musculus, Andreas, r Villa. Opitz, Martin, XII. Pauli, Johannes, X6ih cent, Paumgartner, Balthasar, derjungere, d, or Pfaff Pfarrer vom Kalenberg, see PT Pontua imd Bidonia Romance ,.
P8 Probat, Peter, d. R15 Rachel, Joachim, R4 Reuter, Christian, h. R47 Rinckhart, Martin, R5 Riiigwaldt, Bartholomiiiis, ca. R8 Rollenhagcn, Georg, L Added entry to be made for PT , Swiss authors. Bibliographies in Litterariacher verein in Stuttgart, vola ,, PT Older editions and facsimiles. A2 Second folio v. A4 Title edition of v. A5 Kempten edition, 6v. A6 Modern editions, by date. A7 Miscellaneous works, by date. AS-ZS Selected works, by editor. Lieder, Sehwftnke, Fabeln, etc.
A5 For editions omitting the dramatic works, originally included in the Spruchgedichte. A3-Z Individual authors, ca. Collections and selections — Continued. H8 Das lied vom htirnen Seufrid. Index in Litterarischer verein in Stuttgart, vol. Translations, by language, subarranged by trans- lator, A-Z. EBL4 English, by Leighton. Doubtful or spurious works. Illustrations of the works.
Bibliograpliy, see Z Sources, Love and marriage, etc. Homes and haunts, see Nuremberg, DD Chronology of his works. Sachs, Haas, , Biography and criticism. Criticism — Co n tin ued. S15 Sardrub, Lazarus, fl. S18 Sclmllonberg, Christoph von, S3 Scheit, Caspar, d. S3 A 67 Grobianus.
S3A7 Lobrede von wegen des moyen,. S33 ScherlTer, Wencel, S Schmidt, Bernhard, S35 Schottelius, Justus Georg, S38 Schumann, Valentin, 16th cent. Wrote also on Theology and Pedagogy. S4A Separate works, e. Z6 ,Z6 Individual authors, ca. Schupp, Johann Balthasar, IX. S4A73 Der freund in der not. Niniviiischer buss-spiegel Der rachsiichtigc Lucidor. Regentenspiegel, see Sa- lome,. Register der sunden iind laster.
S4A76 Salomo, oder Regciiten- spiegel. Schwarzenberg, Johann, freikerr von, d. Schwieger, Jacob, ca. Scultetus, Andreas, l7th cent. Das lied vom liUrnen Seyfrid. Siegfried in folk literature, PT Spec, Friedrich von, IX. Stieler, Kaspar von, Voith, Valten, 16th cent. Weise, Christian, IXa. Welseh gattung 16th century poem. Wickram, J6rg, 16th cent. Wieland, Johann Sebastian, ? Zesen, Philipp von, Ziegler und Kliphaiisen, Heinrich Anshelm von, Zimmerisohe chronik, , see DD Zinkgref, Julius Wilhelm, Alilborii, Frau Luige Jager Albera, Paul, see PT Albrecht, Johann Friedrich Ernst, Alxinger, Johann Baptist von, Amalie, princess of Saxony, Amyntor, Gerhard von, pseud.
G4, Angely, Louis, Anzengruber, Ludwig, Villa. Apel, Johann August, C. Arndt, Ernst Moritz, Villa. Armm, Bettina Brentauo von, Collections and selections, by date. Ml nor selections, by date. Dies buch gehbrt dem konig. Goethes briefwcchsol mit einem kinde and translations. General and misceDaneous, by date. Arnim, Bettina Brentano von, , Correspondence — Continue d. Class here Brief- wecheel mit Goethe not lobe confused with A4A A4A Biography and criticism.
A1 Collected works, by date. All Selected works, by editor or publisher. A15 Novels Collections, by editor. A17 Poems Collections, by date. Drama Collections and selections. A18 Schaublilmo original and later editions. A19 Other oolleotions and selections, by editor. A English, by translator,. A French, by translator,. A Other, by language alphabetically ,. Bertholds erstes und zwoltes lebon, Subtitle of Die kronenwfichter ,IC8. G4 Gesdiige der liodcrtafel, Bd, 1, No more published. G6 Die gleichon Schauspiel , Die grttfin Dolores, see. H3 Hallo und Jerusalem,. K5 Dio kirchenordnung Novelle.
Dcs knaben wunderhorn, see PT A3AZ4 Individual authors, ca. Separate works — Continued, Kriegfllieder, Erste sammliing. Bd, 1 has subtitle Bertholds erstes und zweites leben, Landhausleben ErzklilungeiO 1. Owen Tudor, einereisegeschichto Novelle. Raphael und seine nacbbarinnen Novelle. Die verkleidungen dcs franztisischen hofmei- Bters Novelle. Arnold, Ignaz Theodor Ferdinand Cajetan, Auerbach, Berthold, IXa , Collected works, by date.
A3A56 Adam und Eva. A3A8 Auf der hdhe. A3D5 Dichtcr und kaufmann. A3D7 Drei cinzigo tdehter. A3F7 Dio Frau Professorin,.

A3J5 Joseph im schnee. A3J6 Joseph und Benjamin. A3L3 Das landhaus am Rhein. A3L4 Landolin von Reuters- hdfen. A3A51'-Z4 Separate works — Continued. A3N3 Nach dreiesig jahrcn; iieue dorfgcschichten. A3S3 Schwarawalder d o r f g e - achichten. A3Z3 Zur gutcn stunde. A8 Aiiffenberg, Joseph, freiherr von, ' A9 Ayrenhoff, Cornelius Hermann von, B25 Bassler, Ernst Ferdinand, B3 Baggesen, Jens, Ballestrcm, Eufemia, grdfin von, see Adlersfeld, PT D64, ,B6 Ballhcim, Bed a von, ft.
B7 B audio w, Heinrich, 18ie. B4 Bauer, Edmund, ft, B42 Bauer, Klara, B44 Bauer, Ludwig COlestin, B5 Collected works, by date. B5Z Other, by language alpiial etioally. Bayer, Robert von, Full name: Karl Emmerich Robert von Bayor. B3, Beer, Michael, Behrens, Bertha, see PT Bereslas, Ferdinand, pseud , see Baasler, Ernst Ferdinand. Bernhard, Marie, see PT Bemhardi, August Ferdinand, Berthold, Gustav Adolf, Berthold, Karl Adam, Berthold, Theodor Gottfried Johann, Bertuch, Friedrich Justin, , Bethusy-Huo,.
Beyrich, Frau Clementine Helm Nordryck ; Karl Heinrich Nordryck; C. Biernatzki, Johann Christoph, Cyane, ou Lea jeux du deatin, see PQ B25 Billig, Gustav, B3 Binzer, August Daniel, freiherr von, , Pseudonym: B5 Bisohoff, Josef Eduard Konrad, B6 Bitzius, Albert, B67 Bloch, Eduard, B8 Blhthgen, Viktor, r B2 Blum, Hans, Ernst von Waldo w. B46 Blumenreioh, Frau Franziska, Pseudonym: B7 Bodonstedt, Friedrich Martin von, B8 Bodmer, Johann Jakob, Added entry to be mado for PT , Switzer- land.
B2 Bdrnstein, Heinrich, B3 Boettger, Adolf, B4 Boio, Heinrich Christian, Bolanden, Conrad von, pseud. B6 Bolgiani, Valeska MliUer Voigtel from name of first husband. Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von Schelling, sup- posed author. Clemens Maria Brentano, supposed author. B7 Borkenstein, Hinrioh, Brachvogcl, Albert Emil, Braun von Brauiithal, Karl Johann, Brawo, Joachim Wilhelm von, Bredon, Christiane Friderik , Breior, Eduard, , Breitinger, Johann Jakob, Brontano, Christian, , Brentano, Clemens Maria, Mallon, Otto, Brentano-bibliographie, Selected works, by editor, A-Z.
Other, by language alphabetically , Separate works. Aloys und Imelde Drama. Aus der chronika eines fahrenden schhlers, see. Bogs wunderbare geschichte, see. W8, Chronika eines fahrenden schlilers Claudia. Prlihlingskranx, see PT