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Con Sapeva - never seen that before. Thanks for pointing that out! I tend to do things like that.

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Con Sapeva means to play with knowledge of the song, so in that variation's case, strong, and thoughtfully. I've never really seen it in anything else, so I guess it's a less common tempo marking. The March Tempo to me sounds very lively as well. This must be a really inspiring piece. I just finished my Picardy Third piece xD. You wouldn't mind if I upload it, would you?


I don't mind at all! You wouldn't mind if I wrote some variations of my own on your theme, would you? I'd love to see what you create! I really enjoyed this piece!

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Plus I got to learn what a Picardy third is so win win. I like at the end of Bach's famous Tocatta and Fugue when the brass plays around with the suspension on the final chord, finally slipping into the Picardy.

  1. Noology!
  2. Picardy Third Variations.
  3. Variations on Picardy!
  4. War in the Information Age?
  5. Star Trek: Spock Reflections (Star Trek (IDW)).
  6. Picardy is een melodie oorspronkelijk afkomstig uit Frankrijk, waarschijnlijk uit de 17e eeuw. De melodie wordt in Engeland meestal gebruikt voor het lied Let all mortal flesh keep silence.

    Berger Picard - Wikipedia

    Het solmisatieschema is , het metrisch schema Dit jaar is er opnieuw de Kerkliedwiki Adventskalender! Kerkliedwiki bestaat 5 jaar! Type Bezetting anoniem CP in: Oxf Organ Accompaniments p20 z o Baldwin, A. Preludes and Postludes 2 p14 v o Banks, H.

    Berger Picard

    Lutheran Service Book 9 p12 v o Blersch, J. The Parish Organist 12 - 35 Prel. Nov 2 Interludes p2 v o Copeland, M. Orgelboek gezangen blauw v, z o Eartherton, S. LvdK gz, koor- en orgeluitgave groen z o Fyfe, L. The canal is tree-lined and you will only be disturbed in your enjoyment of the countryside and wildlife by the occasional cyclist or pleasure cruiser. The towpath is suitable for wheelchairs and the proximity of the car park makes it suitable for those with limited mobility. Opposite the car park is a small picnic area. If you want a round trip take the bus to Boismont.

    You could alternatively hire a bike or a pleasure cruiser at St Valery. This wetland in Pas de Calais offers great walking all year round, with lakes and marshland perfect for spotting migrating birds. The footpaths and signage were updated last year, and now you can choose a 4. Follow Monet, turn your back to Dieppe and walk west on the clifftops two miles to Pourville-sur-Mer.

    Cathedral (Variations on Picardy)

    Monet loved the view from there and would have been excited by the window Braque designed for the little church. You can join the Normandy coastal path Sentier des Douaniers at any point of its well-marked way but my favourite is the final part for its breathtaking views of Mont St-Michel, stretching out into the Atlantic as the sun sets and haunting shadows stretch across the waves.

    Variations on 'Picardy,' arranged by Michael Helman

    In spring the heather is in full bloom and the neatly divided 20km footpaths are comfortable for all shoes, ages and levels of fitness. Stop in for lunch at the creperie in this amazing village make a reservation in summer , then go for a hike through a centuries-old beech forest to a chapel, returning along a different route. The views are spectacular. The hike is mapped here: