Water at the convergence point of two flowing streams, for example, may not be well mixed for several hundred meters. Similarly, the heavy metal concentrations above and below the thermocline of a lake may be very different. Thus, several samples should be selected in order to define the degree of horizontal or vertical variation.
The final sampling plan should be based on the results of pilot studies. In cases where the average concentration is of primary concern, samples can be collected at several points and then mixed to obtain a composite. These con- tainers must be leached with hot acid for several days to ensure minimum lead contamination Patterson and Settle, If only the total lead is to be determined, the sample may be collected without filtration in the field.
Nitric acid should be added immediately to reduce the pH to less than 2; the acid will normally dissolve the suspended lead. Otherwise, it is recommended that the sample be filtered upon collection to separate the suspended and dissol- ved lead and the latter preserved by acid addition as above U. Environmental Protection Agency, The distance from emission sources and depth gradients associated with lead in soil must be considered in designing the sampling plan. Vegetation, litter, and large objects such as stones should not be included in the sample, depth samples should be collected at 2 cm intervals to preserve vertical integrity, and the samples should be air dried and stored in sealed containers until analyzed.
Brown and Black have addressed the problem of quality assurance and quality control in the collection and analysis of soil samples.
- El misterio de las coincidencias (Spanish Edition).
- Focusing on ‘Pet Projects’ in Retirement.
- Air Quality Criteria for Lead: Volume II of IV (Final Draft)!
A twelve-step procedural protocol and a three-step data validation process were recommended to obtain the most accurate results, and some suggestions were made for handling data bias, precision and uncertainty. Eastwood and Jackson reported the results of an inter- laboratory study that showed greater variations between laboratories than within a laboratory, especially when different analytical procedures are followed. The chemical similarities between lead complexes in natural waters and in the water associated with soil are not clearly established in the literature.
In the more concentrated medium of soil moisture, the lability of lead may change, favoring higher percentages of inert or slowly labile lead see Section 6. Although there are many procedures for the analy- sis of bulk soil samples and for extruding metals from soils in a manner that simulates plant uptake, there are few reports on the collection and analysis of soil moisture at the site of root uptake.
The techniques developed by Hinkley and Patterson for sampling the film of moisture surrounding soil particles have been used by Elias et al. Because most soil lead is in forms unavailable to plants, and because lead is not easily transported by plants, roots typically contain very little lead and shoots even less Zimdahl, ; Zimdahl and Koeppe, If the plants are sampled for total lead content e.
If the effect of lead on internal plant processes is being studied, the plant samples should be washed. In either case, the decision must be made at the time of sampling, as washing cannot be effective after the plant materials have dried. Fresh plant samples cannot be stored for any length of time in a tight- ly closed container before washing because molds and enzymatic action may affect the distribu- tion of lead on and in the plant tissues. Freshly picked leaves stored in sealed polyethylene bags at room temperature generally begin to decompose in a few days.
Storage time may be increased to approximately 2 weeks by refrigeration. Samples that are to be stored for ex- tended periods of time should be oven dried to arrest enzymatic reactions and render the plant tissue amenable to grinding. Storage in sealed containers is required after grinding. For analysis of surface lead, fresh, intact plant parts are agitated in dilute nitric acid or EDTA solutions for a few seconds.
Initially, this survey involved sampling of foods representing the average diet of a 15 to 20 year-old male, i. Various food items from the several food classes were purchased in retail stores in various cities across the nation. The foods were cooked or otherwise prepared as they would be in the kitchen, then composited into 12 food classes and analyzed chemically. Other FDA sampling programs are required for different investigative purposes, e. For those foods where lead may be deposited on the edible portion, typical kitchen washing procedures are used.
This survey procedure has been replaced by one involving separate analyses of individual foods and covering 8 age-sex groups Pennington, It is this revised sam- pling and analytical format that is the basis for food exposure estimates in Section 7. These materials often include contaminant lead that can interfere with the subsequent analysis Gandrud and Lazrus, ; Kometani et al. If a large mass of particulate matter is collected, then the effects of these trace contaminants may be negligible Witz and MacPhee, Procedures for cleaning filters to reduce the lead blank rely on washing with acids or complexing agents Gandrud and Lazrus, The type of filter and the analytical method to be used often determines the washing technique.
Skogerboe provided a general review of filter materials. The main advantages of glass fiber filters are low pressure drop and high particle col- lection efficiency at high flow rates. The main disadvantage is variable lead blank, which makes their use inadvisable in many cases Kometani et al. This has placed a high priority on the standardization of a suitable filter for hi-vol samples Witz and MacPhee, Other investigations have indicated, however, that glass fiber filters are now available that do not present a lead interference problem Scott et al.
Teflon filters have been used since by Dzubay et al. Failure to recognize these and other sources such as reagents and hand contact is very likely to result in the generation of arti- ficially high analytical results. Samples with less than ug Pb should be analyzed in a clean laboratory especially designed for the elimination of lead contamination. Moody has described the construction and application of such a laboratory at the National Bureau of Standards.
For many analytical techniques, a preconcentration step is recommended. Leyden and Wegschneider have described several procedures and the associated problems with controlling the analytical blank. There are two steps to preconcentration. The first is the removal of organic matter by dry ashing or wet digestion. The second is the separation of lead from interfering metallic elements by coprecipitation, co-crystallization, solvent extraction of chelate, electro-deposition or passing through a chelating ion exchange resin column. New separation techniques are continuously being evaluated, many of which have application to specific analytical problems.
Torsi and Palmisano have described electrochemical deposition directly on a glassy carbon crucible during atomic absorption spectrometry. Yang and Yen have described a polyacrylamide-hydrous-zirconia PHZ composite ion exchanger suitable for high phosphate solutions.
Occasionally, it is advantageous to automate the sample preparation and preconcentration process. Tyson has reviewed the use of flow injection analysis techniques specific for atomic absorption spectrometry. Another promising technique involves a flow-injection system in conjunction with an ion-exchange column and flame atomic absorption Fang et al. For aqueous samples, preconcentration factors of 50 to fold were achieved while maintaining a sample frequency of 60 samples per hour. The application of these and other new techniques can be expected to shed further light on the chemistry and biological availability of lead in natural systems.
A variety of lead studies using AAS have been reported Kometani et al. Furnace systems in AAS offer high sensitivity as well as the ability to analyze small samples Lester et al. These enhanced capabilities are offset in part by greater difficulty in analytical calibration and by loss of analytical precision. Pachuta and Love collected particles on cellulose acetate filters. Another application involves the use of graphite cups as particle filters with the subsequent analysis of the cups directly in the furnace system Seeley and Skogerboe, ; Torsi et al.
These two procedures offer the ability to determine particulate lead directly with minimal sample handling. In an analysis using AAS and hi-vol samplers, atmospheric concentrations of lead were found to be 0. More specialized AAS methods have been described for the determination of tetraalkyl lead compounds in water and fish tissue Chau et al.
Atomic absorption requires as much care as other techniques to obtain highly precise data. Background absorption, chemical interference, background light loss, and other factors can cause errors. A major problem with AAS is that untrained operators use it in many labor- atories without adequate quality control. Techniques for AAS are still evolving. An alternative to the graphite furnace, evaluated by Jin and Taga , uses a heated quartz tube through which the metal ion in gaseous hydride form flows continuously.
The technique is similar to the hydride generators used for mercury, arsenic, and selenium. Other nonflame atomization systems, electrodeless discharge lamps, and other equipment refinements and tech- nique developments have been reported Horlick, A promising technique for the analysis of samples with high salt content has been developed by 01 sen et al. This sensitivity is not as low as AAS with a graphite furnace, so the technique would not improve the analysis of air samples with- out further refinement. The primary advantage of this method is that it allows simultaneous measurement of a large number of elements in a small sample Ward and Fishman, In a study of environmental contamination by automotive lead, sampling times were short- ened by using a sampling technique in which lead-free porous graphite was used both as the filter medium and as the electrode in the spectrometer Copeland et al.
Over samples collected by the NASN in were analyzed. Careful consideration of accuracy and precision led to the conclusion that optical emission spectroscopy is a rapid and practi- cal technique for particle analysis. More recent activities have focused attention on the inductively coupled plasma ICP system as a valuable means of excitation and analysis Garbarino and Taylor, ; Winge et al. The ICP system offers a higher degree of sensitivity with less analytical inter- ference than is typical of many of the other emission spectroscopic systems.
Optical emission methods are inefficient when used for analysis of a single element, since the equipment is expensive and a high level of operator training is required. This problem is largely offset when analysis for several elements is required, as is often the case for atmospheric aerosols. However, the ICP procedure does not provide the sensitivity required for determining the levels of lead in foods Jones and Boyer, ; Jones et al.
This fluores- cence allows simultaneous identification of a range of elements including lead. X-ray fluorescence may require a high-energy irradiation source. But with the X-ray tubes coupled with fluorescers Jaklevic et al. Electron beams McKinley et al. The fluor- escent X-ray emission from the sample may be analyzed with a crystal monochromator and detected with scintillation or proportional counters, or with low-temperature semiconductor detectors that discriminate the energy of the fluorescence. The latter technique requires a very low level of excitation Dzubay and Stevens, ; Toussaint and Boniforti, X-ray emission induced by charged-particle excitation proton-induced X-ray emission or PIXE offers an attractive alternative to the more common techniques Barfoot et al.
The potential of heavy-particle bombardment for excitation was demonstrated by Johansson et al. The excellent capability of accelerator beams for X-ray emission analysis is partially due to the relatively low background radiation associated with the excitation. The high particle fluxes obtainable from accelerators also contribute to the sensitivity of the PIXE method. Literature reviews Folkmann et al. As a result of this premise, a system designed for routine analysis has been described Johansson et al. The use of radionuclides to excite X-ray fluorescence and to deter- mine lead in airborne particles has also been described Havranek and Bumbalova, ; Havranek et al.
X-radiation is the basis of the electron microprobe method of analysis. When an intense electron beam is incident on a sample, it produces several forms of radiation, including X-rays, whose wavelengths depend on the elements present in the material and whose intensities depend on the relative quantities of these elements. An electron beam that gives a spot size as small as 0. The microprobe is often incorporated in a scanning electron microscope that allows precise location of the beam and comparison of the sample morphology with its elemental composition.
Under ideal conditions, the analysis is quantitative, with an accuracy of a few percent. The mass of the analyzed element may range from 10 14 to 10 16 g McKinley et al. Electron microprobe analysis is not a widely applicable monitoring method. It requires expensive equipment, complex sample preparation procedures, and a highly trained operator. The method is unique, however, in providing compositional information on individual lead par- ticles, thus permitting the study of dynamic chemical changes and perhaps allowing improved source identification.
Disadvantages are that the X-ray analysis requires liquid nitrogen e. It serves as the standard to which other analytical techniques are compared. No other techniques serve more reliably as a comparative reference. Its use for analyses at subnanogram concen- trations of lead and in a variety of sample types has been reported Chow et al.
The isotopic composition of lead peculiar to various ore bodies and crustal sources may also be used as a means of tracing the origin of anthropogenic lead. It was the primary method recommended by a National Academy of Sciences report on lead, and the basis for the tentative method of testing for lead in the atmosphere by the American Society for Testing and Materials b.
Prior to the development of the IDMS method, Colorimetric analysis served as the reference by which other methods were tested. The procedures for the Colorimetric analysis require a skilled analyst. In addition, the required apparatus is simple and relatively inexpensive, the absorption is linearly related to the lead concentration, large samples can be used, the method is easily sensitive to a few micrograms of lead, and interferences can be removed Skogerboe et al.
Realization of these advantages depends on meticulous attention to the procedures and reagents. They are characterized by a high degree of sensitivity, selectivity, and accuracy derived from the relationship between current, charge, potential, and time for electrolytic reactions in solutions. The electrochemistry of lead is based primarily on Pb II , which behaves reversibly in ionic solutions having a reduction po- tential near Two electrochemical methods generally offer sufficient analytical sensitivity for most lead mea- surement problems.
Differential pulse polarography DPP relies on the measurement of the faradaic current for lead as the voltage is scanned while compensating for the nonfaradaic background current produced McDonnell, Anodic stripping voltammetry ASV is a two step process in which the lead is preconcentrated onto a mercury electrode by an extended but selected period of reduction. After the reduction step, the potential is scanned either linearly or by differential pulse to oxidize the lead and allow measurement of the oxidation stripping current.
The preconcentration step allows development of enhanced analytical signals; when used in combination with the differential pulse method, lead concentrations at the subnanogram level can be measured Florence, The ASV method has been widely applied to the analysis of atmospheric lead Harrison et al. Landy has shown the applic- ability to the determination of Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn in Antarctic snow, while others have analyzed rain water Nguyen et al.
An ASV method for lead and cadmium in foods has been collaboratively studied and has been adopted as an official method by the Association of Official Analytical Chemists Capar et al. Current practice with commercially available equipment allows lead analysis at subnanogram concentrations with precision at the 5 to 10 percent level on a routine basis Skogerboe et al. New developments center around the use of microcomputers in controlling the stripping voltage Kryger, and conformational modifications of the electrode Brihaye and Duyckaerts, , The electron microprobe and other X-ray fluorescence methods provide approximate data on compounds on the basis of the ratios of elements present Ter Haar and Bayard, Gas chromatography GC using the electron cap- ture detector has been demonstrated to be useful for organolead compounds Shapiro and Frey, The use of atomic absorption as the GC detector for organolead compounds has been described by DeJonghe et al.
In addition, Messman and Rains have used liquid chromatography with an atomic absorption detector to measure organolead compounds. Mass spectrometry may also be used with GC Mykytiuk et al. Powder X-ray diffraction techniques have been applied to the identification of lead com- pounds in soils by Olson and Skogerboe and by Linton et al.
X-ray diffraction techniques were used Harrison and Perry, ; Foster and Lott, ; Jaklevic et al. Sampling with the hi-vol has inherent biases in sampling large par- ticles and does not provide for fractionation of the particles according to size, nor does it allow determination of the gaseous organic concentrations. Sampling with a dichotomous sampler provides size information but does not permit measurement of gaseous lead. The size distribution of lead aerosol particles is important in considering inhalable particulate matter.
X-ray fluorescence and optical emission spectroscopy are applicable to multi-element analysis. Other analytical techniques find application for specific purposes. There is no routine monitoring program in the United States for ambient concentrations of gaseous lead. Such measurements would require the addition of a chemical scrubber to the particulate sampling device, a procedure that is used only under special circumstances. Dis- cussion of the concentrations of gaseous lead are found in Section 6.
American Public Health Association. American Society for Testing and Materials. American Society for Testing and Materials; pp. Code of Federal Regulations. For presenta- tion at: Air Pollution Control Association; paper no. En- vironmental chemistry and cycling processes: Department of Energy, Technical Information Center; pp. Com- mission of the European Communities; publication no. Research Triangle Park, NC: Science Washington, DC X-ray fluorescence analysis of environmental samples. Ann Arbor Science Publishers Inc. Heffer and Sons, Ltd.
Applications of inductively coupled plasmas to emission spectroscopy: The Franklin Institute Press; pp. Department of the Interior, Division of Pol- lution Surveillance. Size distribution measurements of suspended particulate matter in air. Water Air Soil Pollut. A microanalytical approach to lead tracing. Assessment of prior model evaluation studies and analysis of model validity and sensitivity.
Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, report no. Accuracy in trace analysis: Proceedings of the 7th materials research symposium; October ; Gaithersburg, MD. National Academy of Sciences. Biologic effects of atmospheric pollutants. Proceedings of the 7th materials research sym- posium; October ; Gaithersburg, MD. Inter- science Publishers, Inc. John Wiley and Sons, Inc.. Lead in the environment. National Science Foundation; pp. Harvard University School of Public Health. Criteria and Standards Division. Department of the Interior, U.
Geological Survey; Geological Survey professional paper ; pp. John Wiley and Sons. These records are important for two reasons. They aid in establishing natural background levels of lead in air, soils, plants, animals, and humans. They also place current trends in atmospheric lead concentrations in the perspective of historical changes. Most chronological records document the sudden increase in atmospheric lead at the time of the industrial revolution, and a later burst starting in the 's when lead-alkyls were first added to gasoline.
Tree ring analyses are not likely to show the detailed year-by-year chronological record of atmospheric lead increases. In situations where ring-porous trees species that retain the nutrient solution only in the most recent annual rings grow in heavily polluted areas where soil lead has increased fold, significant increases in the lead content of tree rings over the last several decades have been documented. Rolfe found 4-fold increases in both rural and urban tree rings using pooled samples from the period of compared to samples from the period from Symeonides found a 2-fold increase during a comparable interval at a high lead site but no increase at a low lead site.
Baes and Ragsdale found significant post increases in oak Quercus and hickory Carya with high lead exposure, but only in hickory with low lead exposure. Dodge and Gilbert reported a chronological increase in lead deposited in the annual bands of coral skeletons near St. The 2-fold increase from to in the coral at the relatively unpolluted site appeared to reflect regional or global deposition.
Pond sediment analyses Shirahata et al. Other studies have shown a similar magnitude of increasing deposition in freshwater sediments Christensen and Chien, ; Galloway and Likens, ; Edgington and Robbins, ; Dominik et al. The pond and marine sediments of Shirahata et al. Chronological record of the relative increase of lead in snow strata, pond and lake sedi- ments, marine sediments, and tree rings.
The data are expressed as a ratio of the latest year of the record and should not be interpreted to extend back in time to natural or uncontaminated levels of lead concentration. Adapted from Murozumi et al. In a comprehensive review of chronological studies of global pollution in polar snow and ice, Wolff and Peel concluded that, although a few samples in the Greenland study of Murozumi et al. Intermediate studies that reported much higher concentrations were probably erroneous.
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In Antarctica, lead concentrations in snow and ice are about one tenth of the values from polar regions in the northern hemisphere. This phenomenon has been attributed to the restricted interchange in the atmospheric circulation patterns between the northern and southern hemispheres, and to the fact that 90 percent of the global industrial activity occurs in the northern hemisphere Wolff and Peel, It is likely that prehistoric concentrations of lead in snow and ice of Greenland and Antarctica were a maximum of 1. Data for Antarctica agree with atmospheric measurements of Maenhaut et al.
In summary, it is likely that atmospheric lead emissions have increased fold since the pre-Roman era, that even at this early time the atmosphere may have been contaminated by a factor of three over natural levels Murozumi et al. The history of global emissions may also be determined from total production of lead, if the amounts of lead released to the atmosphere during the smelting process, released during industrial consumption, and emitted from non-lead sources are known.
The historical picture of lead production has been pieced together from many sources by Settle and Patterson Figure They used records of accumulated silver stocks to estimate the lead production needed to support coin production. Until the industrial revolution, lead production was determined largely by the ability or desire to mine lead for its silver content. Since that time, lead has been used as an industrial product in its own right, and efforts to improve smelter efficiency, including control of stack emissions and fugitive dusts, have made lead production more economical.
This improved efficiency is not reflected in the chronological record because of atmospheric emissions of lead from many other anthropogenic sources, especially gasoline combustion see Section 5. The global lead production has changed historically in response to major economic and political events. Increases in lead production note log scale correspond approximately to historical increases in lead emissions shown in Figure Adapted from Settle and Patterson Measurements of soil materials taken at cm depths in the continental United States Lovering, ; Shacklette et al.
The estimate of Settle and Patterson is more direct, and perhaps more reliable, because it depends on estimates of sulfur emissions rather than total volcanic dust. Calculations of natural contributions using geochemical information indicate that natural sources contribute a relatively small amount of lead to the atmosphere. It has been estimated from geochemical evidence that the natural particulate lead level is less than 0.
In fact, levels as low as 0. Environmental Protection Agency, , Most of this urban particulate lead stems from manmade sources. Approximately 85 percent of the primary lead produced in this country is from native mines; it is often associated with minor amounts of zinc, cadmium, copper, bismuth, gold, silver, and other minerals U. Bureau of Mines, Missouri lead ore deposits account for approximately 80 to 90 percent of the domestic production. Approximately 40 to 50 percent of annual lead production is recovered and eventually recycled.
Total utilization averaged approximately 1. The gasoline antiknock compounds listed in Table include additives for both domestic and import markets. The additive fraction of total lead utilization has decreased from greater than 18 percent in to less than 9. Certain products, especially batteries, cables, plumbing, weights, and ballast, contain lead that is economically recoverable as secondary lead. This reserve of lead in use is estimated at 3. Of the one million metric tons of lead used in commercial products annually, 0. Lead used in pigments, gasoline additives, ammunition, foil, solder, and steel products is widely dispersed and therefore is largely unrecoverable.
Estimates of the dispersal of lead emissions into the environment by principal sources indicate that the atmosphere is the major initial recipient. Estimated lead emissions to the atmosphere are shown in Table Mobile and stationary sources of lead emissions, although found throughout the nation, tend to be concentrated in areas of high population density, with the exception of smelters. Figure shows the approximate locations of major lead mines, primary and secondary smelters and refineries, and alkyl lead plants International Lead Zinc Research Organization, The majority of lead compounds found in the atmosphere result from leaded gasoline combustion.
Several reports indicate that transportation sources, which include light-duty, heavy-duty, and off-highway vehicles, contribute over 80 percent of the total atmospheric lead Nationwide [lead] emissions report, , ; U. Other mobile sources, including aviation use of leaded gasoline and diesel and jet fuel combustion, contribute insignificant lead emissions to the atmosphere. The detailed emissions inventory in Table shows that 89 percent of the lead emissions in the United States are from gasoline combustion.
Cass and McRae assembled emissions inventory data on the Los Angeles Basin and determined that 83 percent of the fine particle emissions originated from highway vehicles. Lead is added to gasoline as an antiknock additive to enhance engine performance in the form of two tetralkyl lead compounds, tetraethyl and tetramethyl lead see Section 3. Bureau of Mines Updated from Battye Locations of major lead operations in the United States. International Lead Zinc Research Organization The most commonly used additive package contains enough ethylene dibromide to tie up all of the lead as PbBr2, and enough ethylene dichloride to tie up 1.
The factors which affect both the rate of particulate lead emissions and the physicochemical properties of the emissions are: The major types of vehicles are light-duty predominantly cars and heavy-duty trucks and buses. The important properties of the particulate emissions include the total amount emitted, the size distribution of the particles, and the chemical composition of these particles as a function of particle size.
The most commonly used index of particle size is the mass median aerodynamic diameter MMAD , which is defined as the point in the size distribution of particles such that half the mass lies on either side of the MMAD value National Air Pollution Control Administration, Table summarizes a recent study estimating the particulate emission rates and particle composition for light-duty vehicles operated on a leaded fuel of 1. Table estimates particulate emission rates for heavy-duty vehicles trucks operated on a leaded fuel of 1.
The lead content of 1. Another recent study utilizing similar composite emission factors provides estimates of motor vehicle lead emissions for large areas Provenzano, The fate of emitted lead particles depends upon their particle size see Section 6. Particles initially formed by condensation of lead compounds in the combustion gases are quite small well under 0.
Particles in this size category are subject to growth by coagulation and, when airborne, can remain suspended in the atmosphere for days and travel thousands of miles from their original source Chamberlain et al. Larger particles are formed as the result of agglomeration of smaller condensation particles and have limited atmospheric lifetimes Harrison and Laxen, The largest vehicle-emitted particles, which are greater than urn in diameter, may be formed by materials flaking off from the surfaces of the exhaust system. Environmental Protection Agency EPA , discussed in Chapter 7, are the maximum quarterly average lead levels from a composite of sampling sites.
Earlier reports for the period were based on a different, although comparable group of sites. Particles this small deposit by Brownian diffusion and are generally independent of gravitation see Section 6. The size distribution of lead particles is essentially bimodal at the time of exhaust Pierson and Brachaczek, , and depends on a number of factors, including the particular driving pattern in which the vehicle is used and its past driving history Ganley and Springer, ; Habibi, , ; Ter Haar et al.
As an overall average, it has been estimated that during the lifetime of the vehicle, approximately 35 percent of the lead contained in'the gasoline burned by the vehicle is emitted as small particles 10 urn MMAD Ter Haar et al. Engine deposits are, in part, gradually transferred to the lubricating oil and removed from the vehicle when the oil is changed. A flow chart depicting lead-only emissions per gallon of fuel charged into the engine is shown in Figure It is estimated that 10 percent of the lead consumed during combustion is released into the environment via disposal of used lubricating oil Piver, In addition, some of the lead deposited in the exhaust system gradually flakes off, is emitted in the exhaust as extremely large particles, and rapidly falls into the streets and roads where it is incorporated into the dust and washed into sewers or onto adjacent soil.
The largest volume of organolead vapors arises from the manufacture, transport, and handling of leaded gasoline. Such vapors are photoreactive and their presence in local atmospheres is transitory; i. Organolead vapors are most likely to occur in occupational settings e.
The use of lead additives in gasoline, which increased in volume for many years, is now decreasing as automobiles designed to use unleaded fuel constitute the major portion of the fleet Table His writing began in high school, through college and as part of his duties in his employment, military service and professional career.
He lives with his wife, Nancy in Nashville, with immediate family close by. An Alabama native, he is an Auburn graduate -- War Eagle!
Reviews for Queen Anne Guest House: "Girlfriend Weekend"
Are you an author? Help us improve our Author Pages by updating your bibliography and submitting a new or current image and biography. Learn more at Author Central. Popularity Popularity Featured Price: Low to High Price: High to Low Avg. Available for download now. Josh Goes to College Mar 30, Innkeeper Response Thank you for the kind review! We hope you come to visit again! Always spotless and well cared for. Bob and Pam are always hospitable, friendly and helpful. Best bed and breakfast in Jefferson.
We come a few times a year. Innkeeper Response Thank you so much for staying with us! We really appreciate your kind review! Bob and Pam truly welcome you into their home with graciousness. The location in historic Jefferson is close to museums, shopping, restaurants, and other fun things to do. Thoroughly enjoyed our time there. Innkeeper Response Thank you for your kind review!
We enjoyed the comfy king size bed, and wonderful breakfasts each morning. Visiting with other guests, and our hosts, Pam and Bob was one of the highlights of our weekend. A very relaxing place to be, whether sitting on the poach,or in the gazebo it is a beautiful environment, a place you want time to stop and just enjoy. Innkeeper Response Thank you for choosing us while visiting historic Jefferson!
And thanks for the great review! We enjoyed our visit and the breakfast was great. It did rain during the evening of our stay but we enjoyed watching the rain while sitting in the large gazebo. Innkeeper Response Thanks for your kind review! And thank you for choosing us while visiting historic Jefferson! My cousin and I spent two nights at Delta Street for a girls getaway and birthday celebration. We were so blessed by our accommodating host… And their incredible care to detail.
Breakfast felt like being with extended family… And we made new friends for life. Also Pam was very accommodating of my special diet, of which I am so grateful. I cannot wait to visit again and bring my husband. Innkeeper Response Thank you so much for staying with us while visiting historic Jefferson and thanks for your kind review! The town of Jefferson is also terrific with a lot of historical homes and buildings, along with some unique restaurants.
If we are in the area, we will definitely stay here again. Innkeeper Response Thanks so much for staying with us and we hope to see you again soon! Delta Street Inn was fantastic. Very knowledge of Jefferson and activities. Will book another trip with this property. Innkeeper Response Thank you so much for the nice review! We look forward to seeing you again soon!
Very comfortable king size bed with private bath. Wonderful game room and porches. The breakfast was excellent. Parking is spacious and the area is quite private, not a lot of traffic. Pam and Bob accept one night stays, so it is perfect for a weekend get away from Dallas. Innkeeper Response Thanks so much for the kind review! We hope to see you again soon! My wife and I stayed at Delta Street Inn this weekend.
The trip was a gift from our children for Christmas The trip had to be postponed due to health issues and was not made until March Bob was very helpful with us in rescheduling the trip. We arrived on a Friday and met Bob and Pam upon arrival. We found the establishment to be very clean and homey. Bob and Pam were very gracious and friendly. The other patrons were very enjoyable. The first morning's breakfast was outstanding and the next morning was even better. Kudos to Pam for the great meal. One evening we drove to River Bend Catfish Restaurant at Bob's recommendation for dinner and were well pleased.
We would highly recommend Delta Street Inn. Thank you Bob and Pam. Innkeeper Response Thank you so much for the wonderful review! We are so happy that you were finally able to use your gift certificate and enjoy our little historic town! We chose Delta Street because of the great reviews! It exceeded our expectations!
The lovely couple made sure our needs we were met and our stay was exceptional! We laughed and had the best time. The rooms were so nice, and we loved the balcony! We made a great memory!!! Innkeeper Response Thank you for the great review! We are so happy that you had a great time staying with us and we hope to see you again soon!
The rooms are all beautiful and clean. The breakfast was outstanding and the beds were comfortable. Loved their bed and breakfast and will stay there in the future! Pam and Bob are fabulous!! They know how to take care of their guests!
From start to finish, they do a great job!! We are never disappointed when we stay at the Delta Street Inn. Pam and Bob are welcoming, gracious, and top notch Innkeepers. The breakfasts are perfection, and the rooms are always immaculate and comfortable. Innkeeper Response It was so great seeing you again! Thank you for the great review and we look forward to your next visit!
OUT OF SEASON, Walace's Story (Jeffersonville Tales Book 3)
Innkeeper Response Thank you so much for the great review. We are so happy that your stay with us was relaxing! My husband and I recently stayed at The Delta Street Inn and found everything to be very comfortable and inviting.

Bob and Pam the innkeeper arranged to have flowers in our room upon our arrival for my birthday and offered to make dinner recommendations and reservations. The meals were delicious and filling. We are so glad you had a nice birthday weekend! Pam and Bob are such nice inn keepers who really care about their guests! The house is beautiful and has no bad rooms!
The breakfast is always extremely good! I suggest you book in advance It's the only place we'll stay in Jefferson! Beautiful, clean, friendly, great owners! Innkeeper Response Thanks for staying with us again! We appreciate the great review and we look forward to your next visit! Innkeeper Response Thanks so much for the great review! We look forward to seeing you in April! Our room was great, a most comfortable bed and it was beautiful. A lovely home, clean, great food and Bob and Pam are super people who make you feel at home. Repeat visitors to this awesome place!!!
Clean, comfortable, and cozy!!! Just like being at home!!! The breakfast are incredible and Pam and Bob are great hosts!!! My wife and I booked this visit to Jefferson as a business retreat and work weekend for our businesses. My wife and I wanted a couple days away in a quiet, quaint place.
Jefferson fit the bill and we really enjoyed your town. The only thing that was bothersome were trains blowing their whistles frequently through the night. Nonetheless we would recommend this place for those desiring a relaxing getaway. My husband and got married in Jefferson a fee years ago. It was our second trip to know and we were staying at the Delta Street Inn.
That first visit was so great, that Delta Street is our first choice when we are in town. So much so, that if they are booked on our original dates, we will adjust our dates to fit the availability of our favorite room. Bob and Pam are such wonderful hosts and I love hearing updates about they have been up to since our last visit. While it was nice, Delta Street is always going to be my first choice. The inn is so comfy and cozy. That it really does feel like your home away from home.
Breakfasts are always delicious and it you are really lucky, you are there when Pam has baked a fresh batch of cookies. Our room and bath were large and roomy we had the downstairs 5 and once our door was closed everything was extremely quiet. We slept great on a very comfortable bed and loved having coffee in the front porch rockers in early morning. This was just what we needed The food, friendly host, and elegant atmosphere was just what we needed. Very quiet, comfortable bed and very large room. We stayed in the downstairs 5. Pam's breakfast was so very good and I noted there were only crumbs left from the 8 guests around the large dining table!!
Bob and Pam were very friendly and such excellent hosts. One night was ot enough so we definitely plan to be back and look forward to our stay and seeing more of the charming town of Jefferson. Delta Street Inn is beautiful, relaxed, and gracious. And the breakfast alone is worth the trip! Enjoyed some of the best coffee we've ever had while relaxing on the front porch watching the squirrels and birds. We will be going back! Pam and Bob were wonderful hosts, friendly and outgoing. The home is beautifully maintained and the rooms are very comfortable.
We felt more like guests than customers with the family atmosphere. Coffee, soft drinks, water and snacks furnished and readily available. The peace de resistance was the delicious breakfast served, best ever in Jefferson! This was our first stay, but definitely not our last! Had a blast staying at the Delta Street Inn. Bob and Pam are great hosts, there for you but not in your face.
Nice DVD collection to watch in your room. All within a nice short walking distance from Jefferson! All in all, a clean and cozy place to stay! We will certainly be staying here again! The hosts and stay was awesome! Bath is a little tight for us full sized people, but we could not have asked for a better place to stay on everything else. Breakfast was excellent and the other accommodations were wonderful. Bob and Pam were amazing innkeepers during our two-day stay at Delta Street Inn.
The home was lovingly restore and had all the modern conveniences. The breakfast was beautifully prepared and the interaction with fellow guests was an added treat. This is one, if not the best, bed and breakfast homes we've ever stayed in. What a wonderful experience Jefferson was for these two history lovers.
Enjoyed interacting with the owners and will come back for sure. The grounds are pretty and we enjoyed having the balcony for some added space. We had a great experience at the Delta Street Inn--although we did not wake up in time for breakfast we were relaxed and comfortable enough to sleep in! The rooms were very clean and this is place is walking distance from everything in town yet serene enough to still have privacy. Would highly recommend it, we're planning to come back in the near future. My wife and I enjoyed the July 4th festivities in Jefferson, Tx. Our morning breakfast was perfect and we have stayed at Delta Street many, many times and every stay is as fabulous as the first!
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Beautiful large bedrooms with baths. Great suggestions on what to do and where to dine. We went for the weekend to check out Jefferson. We stayed here in room 3 with a fabulous balcony. The room was comfortable and your own private bathroom a big plus. We had coffee right out our door and drank it on the balcony every morning. At night we had wine on the balcony. Then 9 am breakfast for all who stay there. Great way to meet people. The breakfast was very hearty and just delicious each day. Thank you for your great hospitality Pam and Bob! Rita and John Kamp.
We really enjoyed our one-night stay at the Delta Street Inn.
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Pam and Bob were great hosts, and their house is wonderful. The bedding was very luxurious and comfortable. The rooms are spacious and very well done. We felt very at home. The Inn is located in a beautiful part of old Jefferson near downtown. It is very accessible to the downtown restaurants, shops, and museums.
The second time my wife and I have stayed at The Delta, will definitely not be the last. Great hosts, great rooms, great service, very historic and peaceful. We felt truly welcome. This was our first visit although we were made to feel like frequently returning friends. This won't be our last visit. Awarding full points when rating a place might seem over the top, but in this case I can say with certainty that Bob and Pam deserve it.
The room and private bathroom were very comfortable. The gardens immaculately manicured. Fresh cut fruit to start, and a home baked muffin or slice of banana bread rounded off the meal. Fresh brewed coffee is freely available too. We thoroughly enjoyed out stay and can recommend the Delta Street Inn with confidence. This is a great place to stay if you are visiting Jefferson, Texas. Excellent hosts and very reasonably priced. Ground floor is easily accessible for people with physical problems. The home is immaculate and very well taken care of. The breakfast was very good.
Thomas is a good cook and will not disappoint you. We had a great relaxing stay. Pam and Bob were very friendly and accommodating. The rooms were very clean and the beds were comfortable. Short walk to town. Overall we had a great stay. Great place to enjoy a wedding anniversary. The "small town" was just what we needed from the fast pace we live. We walked to downtown. It was an interesting stroll viewing the historical sites along the way. Next visit must do a carriage ride, the ghost tour, and the boat tour on Caddo Lake.
Sunday Easter seems the town closes up, but no problem there. Sit on the lovely porch or the gazebo at Delta. Rooms spacious and so clean. Options to entertain yourself at the house, a real plus. Enjoyed other couples there. Love to return very soon. Definitely must check this out, so worth what they have to offer. Thank you Bob and Pam! This was our first time at a bed and breakfast and we absolutely loved it.
The room was large, clean, and adorable with a king size bed and private balcony. Bob and Pam made us feel welcome right away and we enjoyed meeting the other guests. It felt like a little family. The breakfast was wonderful both days we stayed. The house was beautiful and we will definitely stay here on our next visit to Jefferson. Their home is so comfortable and welcoming. Our room had the rooftop deck that we used every day.
We walked to the downtown for dinners and found wonderful restaurants. Her breakfasts were outstanding. We will definitely return. We had a fabulous stay. Our room was beautiful, the location is private and quaint. The owners were so kind. The breakfast was incredible!!! We will definitely stay here again. Great stay at a beautiful historic place. Enjoyed our stay, room was very clean and neat. Bob and Pam were very friendly and helpful hosts. Just like the small town it is in, Delta Street is welcoming and friendly.
It keeps with the historical appeal of Jefferson. Located on cul de sac. Trains nearby in case that bothers you. Will stay here again. Close to downtown, which has good cafes and neat antique shops. We stayed at Delta St. Inn for our anniversary. It was a wonderful experience. Bob and Pam are so hospitable and thoughtful. We enjoyed visiting with them and 2 other couples at the wonderful breakfast Pam made. We will definitely be back! We come here at least 3 times a year, just as a relaxing get away!!! It never fails to satisfy, we will continue to be patrons of this establishment for years to come!!!
Bob and Pam have a beautiful bed and breakfast. They are great hosts, the inn is charming, and the food was delicious! We enjoyed our stay and hope to return in the future. If you're going to Jefferson, stay at Delta Street Inn! I would highly recommend this weekend to anyone looking for a romantic get away. Exceptional service, breakfast was excellent, very clean and great hosts. Quiet area and close to Jefferson downtown. The right place to relax and unwind.
From the moment you drive up you realize you made a great choice. The hospitality is second to none. The rooms are clean and so comfortable you don't want to leave and the weekend breakfast are better than any 5 star reastarant. Bob and Pam are the best host. I will always stay here when I'm needing that quite country getaway. Bob and Pam are great hosts. The inn and our room was beautiful, and breakfast was delicious - - fresh fruit, frittata, sausage, and French toast. Fantastic cookies for snack were available as well.
Had a great stay and hope to be back! Each has their own charms, but this one stands out. My daughter and I spent a night here for her birthday. We had a lovely room, with a faux fireplace, that actually was a heater. We loved that, as it gave the room such a cozy feel. They had an electric kettle and Keurig for self-serving beverages around the clock. They also had a game room of sorts. We borrowed the game Pictionary to play in our room. They had a DVD player in the room, which was nice.
I don't really recall seeing Bob much, however, he was very polite when we did see him. His wife, Pam, was kind to us and sat down with all of the guests during breakfast to chat. She wasn't the overly chatty type of owner, nor did she hover or tell silly ghost stories. I know some people really enjoy that type of thing, but we prefer things a little more mellow. Now we just automatically book Delta even year. Pam and Bob are awesome hosts, the food is incredible and the accommodations excellent.
Pam and Bob are excellent hosts. Felt like staying with close friends. Pam prepares an excellent breakfast! We had an excellent experience. The room was beautiful and clean. There were common areas for visitor use such as a game, tv room, quite reading room and dining room. There was a gazebo and chairs on the front porch to enjoy morning coffee and snacks that are available all the time. The full breakfast was an awesome way to start the day and a good way to meet other people.
We will go back. It does not disappoint. We recently stayed here for one night for our anniversary. The house is decorated tastefully and is very clean. We stayed in room 5 on the first floor. It is right off the staircase so we did hear some foot traffic but nothing too disturbing.
We also heard the people on the second floor walking around a good bit. Train noise can also be heard and may keep you up at night if you are a light sleeper. But overall it was very nice and quiet. We enjoyed the front porch and Gazebo in the evening. The bed was comfortable and private bathroom had plenty of space. Breakfast was good but nothing extraordinary. The owners were very friendly and accommodating. The room was very comfortable, the hosts were friendly and helpful in making suggestions about things to do in Jefferson, the breakfast was outstanding. Overall a great experience.
We loved the little town, our room and the roof-top patio, and the service. THe breakfast was amazing as well! This was a spur of the moment girfriend's getaway and the inn was absolutely gorgeous, especially in all its Christmas glory! Room was gorgeous and immaculate! Bob and Pam are wonderful hosts! Will definitely be back! It was a wonderful bed and breakfast, and we have stayed in many across the South. Our host and hostess were wonderful, and the breakfasts were excellent. We stayed in room 1; it was perfect. We will definitely return to this bed and breakfast for our next stay in Jefferson.
Everything about our stay was wonderful! Especially looking forward to that comfortable bed and homemade breakfast again! Great room, very comfortable! This was our second time to stay at the Delta Street Inn and was as good as the first. The rooms are quiet and comfortable and the hosts, Bob and Pam are very friendly and knowledgable about what Jefferson has to offer. You read a lot about the trains in Jefferson running all night and waking people up. Delta was probably the quietest of the group. We have already booked for next March and can't wait to go.
Pam and Bob are wonderful Inn Keepers and make you feel like you are just staying overnight in their home. The breakfasts each morning were so delicious! We can't wait to go back! Bob and Pan were very helpful and gracious hosts. We will stay again and recommend Delta Street to our friends. The innkeepers, Pam and Bob, welcomed me with smiles and Bob gave me a quick tour of the inn.
My room was perfect with plenty of closet space and clutter-free tables. Breakfast was delicious but nothing beat the rocking chairs on the porch. I could have stayed there all day.
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- Reviews for Delta Street Inn: "Great experience!".
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We had another relaxing stay at Delta Street Inn. We watched a couple of movies from the game room, read a lot on the porch and balcony, and never ran out of coffee. The owners are just the right amount of engaging, and breakfast was great. The rooms are spacious and the owners Bob and Pam, are very accommodating and want your visit to be perfect. This is my 3rd visit in Jefferson and at the Delta Street Inn and I will definitely visit them again. We have stayed many times at Delta Street Inn and we will continue to recommend and stay at this bed and breakfast.
I have never felt as welcome and pampered before. Everything seemed to have been thought out to provide a stress free and congenial stay. Delta Street Inn is a beautiful Bed and Breakfast. It was a wonderful weekend there. We met friends for a 3 day visit, and this was a great place to stay Delicious breakfasts and very friendly, helpful hosts. We spent one night at this inn and it was lovely, as are the owners.