I have always disliked partisan politics, and we have put our finger here on one of the reasons why. When political partisans are doing battle with one another, there is a very good chance that the public good, a term I use reluctantly, recedes into the background before long. That particular evasion has always seemed to me a bit too neat and easy. This is not a comment on anything having to do with Romanian politics, with the details of which I am not in any case familiar. I am not, as I have said, attracted to party politics, but I must add that I do not have a better idea, either.
One may wonder, though, whether this really matters much. Maybe a partisan antagonistic battling is the best we can expect in political contexts, and maybe we should be willing to accept what occurs in such cases to be the most we can hope for with respect to political communication. He thinks that we do need something that constitutes communication in the sense of the engendering of shared meanings and purposes, and I would argue that he is right about that. My point about partisan politics should be taken as a cautionary note that even, or especially, within the heat of partisan battle, it would be wise for all of us to remember that it is always possible that the public good, assuming that there is such a thing, may transcend immediate partisan interests.
For this reason, partisan opponents in fact often have far more in common than may appear to be the case. This is not, in the end, a question of partisan politics, but of the strength and health of a society. Democracy and Common Interests The reason we want to say that genuine communication is important, or anyway one of the reasons, is that it is, it turns out, a necessary condition of experience and growth, both individual and social.
That is a mouthful, and I would like to unpack the claim a bit. Dewey spoke about this in many places, one of which is in his famous book Democracy and Education, published in Dewey , There he made the argument that democracy has its roots in two aspects of all successful communities. The first is that 7.
This is, I would maintain, a conceptually powerful and practically valuable way of understanding community, democracy, and by implication communication. The basic difference is that the idea of the common good usually suggests one value, or a set of values, that is good for a community or society as a whole. It is in fact far too easy to refer to the common or public good as if there really are or were some values on which we would all agree or which we would all accept, and then assert such a value or values as that to which we should aspire.
The problem is that it becomes far more difficult to identify such values. Even certain obvious candidates, for example peace, may turn out to be a value that arm makers, and the average people who need the jobs in their factories, as well as arms dealers, not to mention many with aspirations to political or military power, would not endorse. Common interests, however, imply no general or overarching applicability, but rather interests that some set of individuals or communities or societies or nations may share with some others. One of the reasons for the practical value of the idea of common interests is precisely that it does not require too much of us.
To illustrate the point, one of the more common ways that democracy, and other forms of social and political life for that matter, have been conceptualized requires that we gradually achieve some degree of consensus in society, which is to say the recognition of some sort of common good, or that the value of a given way of life is that it is conducive to consensus. The relevant assumptions in such theoretical analyses is that consensus is a virtue and that it is achievable. I rather doubt that either of those assumptions is true. It is not at all clear to me that we are better off if we agree on every, most, or even many things.
At the level of intellectual satisfaction, to speak autobiographically for a moment, I certainly enjoy the satisfaction that comes from having my own ideas reinforced by those who agree with me, but I enjoy at least equally the challenge and engagement of the company of those who do not agree with me. On a broader scale, there is great advantage to the diversity of ideas, habits, and social practices over the commonalities implied in consensus.
It is not that consensus is to be avoided, but simply that it ought not to be regarded as an overarching individual, social, or political end. Moreover, it is almost certainly impossible anyway. Any society of lively, intelligently engaged individuals is going to contain a multitude of differing conceptions and ends, and there is no reason to think that those could somehow be shaped, through discourse or any other means, 8. Consensus as a general social and political objective, in other words, is neither desirable nor possible. Another way some theorists have characterized democracy is in terms of embodying and spreading certain values.
Consequences alone should enable us to infer that such neo-conservative and liberal interventionist conceptions of democracy are counter-productive and damaging to perpetrator and victim alike. Among the advantages of understanding individual, political, and international relations in terms of common interests is that it requires neither the intellectual straight jacket of consensus nor the moral arrogance of interventionism.
Dewey was right that it is a simple social fact of the matter that we have some interests in common. We do not have all interests in common, and we do not in any given case need to be convinced that we should have any particular interests in common. We simply do share some interests among ourselves and between our societies and others, and these commonalities are distributed variously rather than as a single whole.
On an individual level, it is almost certainly true that, for example, any given member of the audience and I share some interests and not others, and some of those others he or she or I may share with some of the rest of you. If we were to outline and trace them we would have among us a web or latticework of intersecting lines rather than a solid block.
None of us has to be convinced to have common interests; we simply do have them by virtue of living together. To demand more of us, for example consensus or the recognition of a common good, in terms of what we individually embrace and pursue is to overreach in our objectives. I suspect, in fact, that one of the reasons we are seeing today a nationalist backlash in many of our countries is that those with certain more internationalist and cosmopolitan goals were forcing those perspectives socially in ways that many people have resented.
If, on the other hand, we chose, or choose now, to engage one another in terms of the common interests we already have rather than telling one another how we ought to think and act, we may find that the result is far more satisfactory than we have currently managed. The same is true at the level of social institutions. To offer a personal example again, and as earlier one that has to do with my current position, a few months ago I had the pleasure of meeting with the Rector of the University of Malta. The possible consequences for that university of the creation of mine has been among the sensitive points that have created controversy.
Our two universities do not share all interests, and there is no reason we would or should have all interests in common. We do, however, share some interests, and we agreed explicitly that in those areas in which we have common interests we will be pleased to cooperate with one another. With respect to interests that we do not share, we will mind our own respective business in those matters that do not concern the other, and we will communicate and work through those matters 9. Nothing more than that is required or even desirable.
Malta will benefit from various sorts of institutions, so there is no advantage in our attempting to reach an overall consensus. This point can, I would argue, be generalized to other social institutions in other contexts, including in Timisoara and Romania generally. The same approach, I have argued elsewhere, could and should be the basis of relations among nations. All our nations have some interests in common and not others, and the set of nations that share an interest shifts from one issue to the next. Among nations there is a web of distributed common interests, just as there is among the individuals in this room.
The latter two are both conducive of conflict, whereas identifying and acting on common interests is conducive of cooperation and the relatively peaceful pursuit of the solution of problems. In fact, I would go further and advocate not only the recognition and pursuit of common interests, but the active attempt to engender them.
But that is a stronger claim that we need not develop here. Dewey identified democracy with a healthy, successful society, which is a common enough assumption by Americans and others in the west. I am not convinced that a society must be democratic for its citizens to be healthy, wealthy, and wise, and to live valuable and meaningful lives.
But let us also leave that question for another time. For now, it is enough to notice that even on the fairly modest social and political conception that I am urging here — that a strong and healthy society is characterized by the pursuit of common interests within and across borders — one of the most important features of social life is communication, which returns us to the initial purpose of these remarks. Conclusion Is there a problem, we might ask, with political communication? In a more substantial sense, though, there is the serious problem with political communication of the sort Obama pointed to in his plea that we discussed at the beginning.
To a much greater extent than healthy societies can tolerate, we are not understanding one another; we are not engaging in the shared meanings and aspirations that individually and socially we need in order to prosper; we are not making the necessary efforts to identify and pursue common interests.
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We are, I am afraid, focusing far too much on what separates us than on what we share, and we seem to assume too often that what separates us is more important than what we have in common. That can be true in any given case, but I would submit that genuine and fruitful communication requires of us that we assume the opposite, at least as a point of departure, which is to say that what we share is in fact enough for us to build on, and that we can deal with what separates us as need be.
This point is especially significant for political communication and discourse. We can pursue our common interests through any digital or face-to-face communicative mechanism The priority is that we recognize the significance of our common interests and that we cultivate the communicative channels necessary to realize them. Democracy and Education, Middle Works, Vol. Southern Illinois University Press. Accessed May 25, It offers new ways to communicate, unrestricted by location, mostly related to free choice and autonomy.
Its portability has made possible the co-presence of synchronous and asynchronous communication, and has contributed to the popular notion that young adults are proficient multi-taskers. The ubiquitous use of the mobile phone by young adults serves as a vehicle for self-expression and collective identity, often through the use of text messaging and social media. This paper will explore some of the kinds of communication that are afforded via the mobile phone, and will then question some the potential strengths and weaknesses in communicating this way.
Introduction To understand the impact of technology on communication, one need look no further than the mobile phone. Consider the following testimonies written in from two young adults about their smartphones: I love using the applications and the map option on the phone. I do look up YouTube videos like crazy though…I cannot see myself going back to any other mobile phone now. It's addicting but amazing at the same time. I love to be able to Google anything I need to know, or to get maps, or directions, or check my very important Facebook.
It is a great asset to my ability to remain manly i. Cooper, , These comments illustrate how the mobile phone has been domesticated into daily life. The domestication of technology framework is a four-phase conceptual framework — focusing on the appropriation, objectification, incorporation and conversion of information and communication technologies as they become a ubiquitous part of the household, originally developed by Roger Silverstone, David Morley, Leslie Haddon, Eric Hirsch and others in the s Haddon ; Berker et al.
It evolved from work on the social shaping of technology MacKay and Gillespie ; Williams and Edge and sought to provide a new way to describe and analyze how the relationships between people and technologies are constructed, maintained, and modified in everyday life.
In broad terms, it allows us to avoid the The domestication framework originally provided a way to analyze fixed objects in the home, e. The domestication of the mobile phone is somewhat different because it is a portable device representing many digital technologies. In addition, the realm for negotiating its uses inevitably extends beyond the physical space; and as such, the word domestication may not fit completely with the portability of the mobile phone. Nonetheless, the domestication framework provides a way to examine how young adults learn to make decisions about the ways they will use mobile phones, and how they fit into relationships and established routines.
This term was originally developed by the historian E. Thompson , who studied the relationships between private economic and social relationships in the household and those of the public sphere. For Silverstone et al. In the process, its members define and evaluate their shared experiences with one another. On the other hand, the domestication of the mobile phone affects the norms and values that are currently helping to construct meaning for the household. The consequences of the domestication of the mobile phone cannot be entirely foreseen, and so household members may come to renegotiate and re-evaluate the structure and meaning of the household itself.
The Pew Research Center, a widely-used source for statistics about digital technologies the U. At 42 percent, messaging apps are more popular among young adults years-old, compared to just 13 percent among those years-old. Consider some of the communication possibilities the mobile phone affords. First, the portability of the mobile phone makes communication possible anywhere at any time. Second, the ubiquitous use of the mobile phone by young adults is a vehicle for self- expression and collective identity, often through the use of text messaging and social media.
Whether or not this means young adults are skillful multi-taskers is another matter. How is one to contextualize these kinds of communication into traditional notions traditional forms of One way forward is to understand the mobile phones as media rather than merely as a new technology, thus allowing one to consider it as a vehicle for several kinds of communication Buckingham , viii.
One should also consider that the mobile phone was developed within a social and cultural context and is being used within a social and cultural context. Much of the available literature discussing the innovation of the mobile phone attempts to trace its roots to a moment in technological history. This is problematic because 1 media are not divorced from the society in which they are developed, and 2 technology is always evolving as the industry caters to consumers and current market forces. This paper will take a rather pragmatic approach and summarize two of the general topics often discussed within traditional communication studies, in context with the ways young adults use the mobile phone: There will inevitably be some overlap because communication is a non-linear transaction, e.
How the general use of the mobile phone affects relationships Many young adults today have never known life without a mobile phone, and some have never known life without an Internet capable mobile phone, which is referred to as a smartphone in the US.
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Its significance as a status symbol has diminished, and in the process, the mobile phone has become increasingly important for creating and maintaining relationships among peers, and between romantic partners. Research suggests that typically there is an emotional investment and connection with the mobile phone that makes it seem like an extension of the self Skog ; Taylor and Harper ; Green ; Ling and Yttri ; Vincent ; Martensen ; Caron and Caronia No other recent technology has managed to become so personal to so many.
Understanding the relationships young adults have with their mobile phones also reveals the kinds of mobile communication young adults use to form and maintain relationships. The rapid adoption and diffusion of the mobile phone among young people was largely unanticipated, and often while older adults were still navigating using it. The mobile phone seemed like the communication solution to an increasingly mobile lifestyle, however some of the daily social norms were disrupted as people figured out new etiquette, such as when talking or texting in public was acceptable.
Young people were According to Ling , the mobile phone is a supportive tool for maintaining existing relationships. This begs the question as to whether interpersonal communication is always FtF communication. Second, texting can represent affection and emotional connection. Empirical research Cooper revealed that texts were not extended conversations, but consisted mostly of information and endearments, the latter of which almost seemed like love notes.
It was a natural and virtual extension of being with romantic partners, which had taken on symbolic and emotional meanings as a way of continuing their relationships when physically apart. Texting also provided a means to release daily frustrations about work, workmates, etc. Photos are also a form of communication between peers, romantic partners and strangers, and the personal camera has largely been replaced by the mobile phone as the picture quality continues to improve.
There are at least two major types of personal and social uses of the camera: One photo can serve both uses. Social media provide platforms to share them with others, known and unknown. As photos are uploaded, the personal becomes social communication offering a group experience. Van House argues that people are creating narratives about themselves and their interests. Empirical research by Cooper found that all participants were used to being the subject of school photos, family photos and seasonal photos, and these visual images had become part of the implicit discourse about who they perceived themselves to be.
Such activity has raised questions and concerns about narcissism among some young adults. Although texting has been mentioned in this section, its significance in changing the traditional communication landscape warrants more discussion below. How texting affects self-disclosure and conversation skills Self- disclosure and conversation skills have been affected by the ubiquitous use of texting. Initially no one thought texting would become popular since it was originally limited to a character message written by repeatedly pressing a number button corresponding to its alphabet letter Green and Haddon Teens were the first to Texting allows people constant availability, offering a flexible way of coordinating everyday life.
Texting also offers a way to form friendships and romantic relationships without the awkwardness of FtF meeting and perhaps rejection. Texting also means avoiding awkward social situations. It remains one of the most popular functions of the cell phone. Texting is also a visible activity illustrating the domestication of the mobile phone, specifically the aspects of objectification and incorporation within the framework.
Objectification is primarily about the mobile phone as a physical object and what it symbolizes. This becomes apparent to others in the way it is displayed and talked about.
Kupisch, Tanja – ISK | UiT
The individual is different because of the choice to text or not and it affects the people who are nearby as they accommodate or refuse to the changes texting brings to daily organization. Incorporation is the aspect that analyzes how the mobile phone is integrated into everyday life. It focuses on the ways in which individuals actually use their mobile phones and so it is also about possibilities and constraints of use. Incorporation is also about the ways in which young adults use a mobile phone differently from its advertised and suggested uses.
Examining the ways in which young adults text give an understanding of how texting fits into their communication practices, and how it affects communication generally. Ling has researched whether the volume of texting is a life phase common to all, or if it is characteristic of a cohort phenomenon. The first descriptor, life phase, involves studying mobile phone appropriation and incorporation to see if some meanings and uses for the mobile phone are a priority during a specific period in life before being relegated, or no longer used at all.
All age groups showed an increase in texting during teen years to mid- twenties, suggesting that texting is integral to various life stages. Ling argues that it is too early to definitely categorize texting as a characteristic of a life phase or as a cohort phenomenon, until future generations are studied. Both approaches may be needed in order to gain a comprehensive analysis and understanding the affect texting has on communication. Research by Battestini et al. The participants, who were between years old, considered texting an essential part of life, foremost to communicate with friends, and secondly, with classmates about college assignments, suggesting a cohort phenomenon as defined by Ling What is interesting is that the research also revealed a blending of mobile phone media to facilitate all communication, and conversations flowed between messaging, emails, texts, video chats, and sometimes voice calls.
Texting was the link ensuring continuity between all forms of conversations and information as they shifted between media. A study by Baron and Campbell among university students in Sweden, the US, Italy, Japan and Korea sought to discover gendered differences in the way participants used their mobile phones. With regard to attitudes about texting, females were the most frequent texters and preferred to text because they felt it was quicker than talking, while males preferred to text because it was shorter and to the point. Baron and Campbell also discovered that participants manipulated communication depending upon how important it was to the initiator to hear a voice, whether the initiator wanted to engage in a longer conversation, or which mode would be the clearest form of communication 15, Texting was used to control social interaction much in the way some studies have shown that people pretend to talk on their mobile phones in order to avoid social interaction Katz ; Baron and Ling ; Smith Texting has evolved into a tool that allows one to control the volume and the kind of digital communication that takes place.
Concluding thoughts So far, this paper has avoided the tendency to use a label such as Millennials because it can create artificial boundaries limiting a more holistic view of young adults. Labels can become a way of categorizing young adults mainly by their uses of new media technology, which can essentialize the significance of the mobile phone in their lives. The discussion has instead used elements of the domestication framework giving agency to young adults, who are not a homogenous group: It is inevitable, however, that a couple of the more popular concerns about the plethora of texting and postings on social media be mentioned here in order to encourage continued conversations about what it means to communicate as a young adult today.
First, in relation the effects of the mobile phone on relationships: In addition, the expectation that one should be constantly available might also prove to be oppressive. One might question how a person develops a sense of self- worth and identity if the majority of relationships are conducted online and most of the personal sharing comes in the form of posting photos or comments on social media. How will young adults learn to make eye contact, advocate for themselves or others, or deal with group dynamics or potential conflict in the workplace? Texting allows young adults to say what they want when they want without a filter.
There is no need for an immediate response from the recipient, unlike most FtF conversations. Texting and the use of social media also allows young adults constant connectivity, or in some cases, to switch off all together and become unavailable. Being connected does not mean there is a bond, or no existing relationship.
Texting and the use of social media are tools that allows one to control the volume and the kind of communication that takes place. How will instant texting and posting on social media help cultivate thoughtful communication and stimulate real dialogue? Summarizing these concerns here highlights the fact that the influence of the mobile phone on communication is dynamic and ongoing. In conclusion, here are some questions to consider when pondering what seems to be for some the differences between traditional forms of communication and the role of the mobile phone as a new form of communication: The influence of the mobile phone on young adult communication can be contextualized socially and also in relation to market forces driving the notion that everyone must be connected via the mobile phone at all times.
Some of the challenges in communication today have replaced the communication challenges overcome in the past. Talking Takes Too Long: Gender and Cultural Patterns in Mobile Telephony, available at http: Electronically-mediated communication in transition, 1st ed. Domestication of Media and Technology. Mobile Communication in Everyday Life. McGill Queens University Press. Presentation of Self in Everyday Life. Machines That Become Us. An Introduction to New Media. Information and Communication Technologies in Everyday Life: A Concise Introduction and Research Guide.
Cambridge University Press, pp.
Der Spracherwerb Bilingual Russisch-Norwegischer Kinder (German, Paperback)
New Tech New Ties: In Wall Street Journal [online]. A sense of Place. The Global and the Local in Mobile Communications. Vienna, Pasagen Verlag, pp. The Politics of Information and Communication Technologies, 1st ed. Oxford University Press, pp. Youth, Identity and Digital Media. In Past and Present, No. Handbook of Mobile Communication, 1st ed.
The Meaning of Cell Phones for Society, 1st ed. The challenges faced by qualitative journalism are numerous, and the effects are clearly obvious at society level, when information consumption from various sources is increasing; however, we find that only some of the users are qualified to undertake and analyze data and journalistic content. There are numerous pressures registered by professional journalism, equally as much as creating journalistic content regarding the rules of the trade can be a difficult task for the non-professional author.
One of the first forms of such pressure was generated by the economic crisis in , imposing a restructuring of media organizations. Another valence of pressure consists in the inability and slowness of active journalists to adapt to the rigors of digital media. A main focus and of major importance is the re-tabloidization phenomenon in Romanian and international media, on every branch: The technological revolution has been a favourable breeding ground for commercial television channels, less inclined to the rigors of deontology.
A further development is the citizen journalism, varied in representation and extremely active. This study aims for the complicated mass media — citizen journalism relation, as well as the challenges of qualitative journalism. Painful constraints and other confused diversifications What does quality journalism actually mean?
Expressed in a few words, we are able to mention informative journalistic products, with carefully selected content, regarding context interpreted facts, presented in well-written journalistic products, coherent, equidistant, useful and interesting for their target community. They are presented in printed form, television and other media platforms. In this environment, they can be accompanied by opinion material or entertainment pieces.
Technically speaking, there are no differences between quality journalism and professional journalism. The first term covers the manner in which the users audience appreciates and validates journalistic products; the second refers to the imposed exigency over qualified practitioners of the field. The pressure applied on quality journalism has various and numerous origins. One of the biggest challenges is the financial one.
The financial crisis has led to reduced financial flows in many companies and institutions, including media organizationsi. Demand has fallen, incomes have diminished, thus classical media organizations were forced to restructure. Fewer copies have been sold, incomes resulting from journalistic material published were considerably smaller because the sector has also faced a major crisis, financial in essence.
The existing founds have been funneled towards the alternative areas, represented by websites and later by social media. Professional journalists were slow to adapt to the on line medium, regarding it as being insufficiently mature and non-representative, even unreliable. Enormous pressures are also issued by public relations specialists. They have begun to present their own communication products in a more journalistic fashion, content taken over with few or no changes and found in printed or on line publications, on the radio or television.
Given all that, a prolonged confusion was generated, demonstrating devastating implications over quality journalism, on the basis of lacking classical, obvious demarcations between communication products categories and fields, referring to journalistic, advertisement or public relations products. Another form of pressure is represented by citizen journalism. Communication products resulting from very insistent non-professionals are being published by media platforms without a trace of corroboration or fact checking, often accompanied by edit errors from the original source.
Market demands and professional exigencies There is a difference between a piece of news, in the wide sense — informative material in accordance with trade rules, and journalistic interventions, even informative ones, by citizen journalism representatives. Under this occurrence and pressure, we find the press adapting its style to survive and remain on the market. There are voices commenting upon this type of evolution as representing regress, referring to undertaking liberal and permissive practices of information editing and collecting, but at the same time the deficiencies we highlighted above.
We sometimes find journalists who retire from rigors, adopting citizen media procedures in established publications, but more frequently in new fields, blogs or website opinion comment boxes. There is also a category of journalists that manage to follow and maintain, to some extent, professional rigors in media organizations they collaborate or have contact with, but express themselves more freely and in some cases more vehemently on personal outlets like personal blogsii.
This is one aspect that needs further examination, because, in time, strict rigors of informative journalism have evidently restricted the freedom of press to express opinions. It is evidently clear that these opinions have always existed, but were repressed and censored. Out of this past we find one principal gain of citizen media: Information journalism needs to professionally cover the process steps.
Information becomes news when it is rigorously collected, then checked, delivered in a context and edited in accordance with the rules. Only by fulfilling this process, profession values can reflect the values of the society. Lasorsa, when presenting the manner in which media organizations all over the globe view outsider non-professional collaboration, will report that Sweden tolerates and encourages the process, Great Britain is moderate in involvement, and the US is reticent to collaborate in journalistic product actualization v. Collaborating and negotiating with human sources as well as the capacity to make careful observations remains a professional journalist trait.
It involves being insistent, having an offensive attitude, the capacity to accomplish an interpersonal relationship, often enough face-to-face, result yielding, as much as experience in such activities. These are conditions defining professional media, and in them we find resources to redefine and activate informational journalism, currently in a state of regress to some extent. Expositions, debates, negotiations and intermedia All of these convergent and divergent elements in the mass media system and the connections with other activity fields mainly in social media, public relations, advertising and management can be identified under the intermedia umbrella term.
At a first glance, intermedia means interaction and inter-relatingvii. Inside the standard media organization being it traditional, actual or virtual , citizen journalism can represent an option in intermedia, because of its offered participation and integration elements. Traditional and new techniques are thus combined, offering an ample debate space, stem for the aforementioned reduction of preponderant informative product phenomenon. In actuality, we could argue that it is not necessarily the reduction of the number of news could respectively be larger!
Everything is open for debate, something that old media outlets did not allow. The first group will continue to undertake hard news, regarding murder and arson, while the soft sector space daily life in the community are produced and supplied by the outer communicators in various local institutionsviii. The conclusion arising out of the activity of this local media platform is that, even at this level, citizen media is present and can add to the professional journalist activity.
Developing the capacity to observe and interact face-to-face is what sets the media professional from the eager amateur and professional from non-respected communication apart. It is easy to add a comment under or on the sidebar of a published content or to assume a position when faced with events. There are citizen attitudes that have the potential to become remarkable, but important news, impactful information is not often easily accessible.
Here, we are discussing those aspects best kept hidden in the opinion of the involved parties: These can be revealed only if proven and backed up by evidence, thus in a professional produced communication. A face-to-face discussion with a Age-old face-to-face communication is losing ground in front of the media based communication. From the aforementioned points we can observe that successful media content is amplified by the professionalism it benefits when communication is direct with the interlocutor or the information supplier.
Specification of main characteristics is needed: Storytelling elements and tabloidization Storytelling or life story, to give it the Romanian equivalent, is journalistically widely promoted as info-entertainment, protean field, with journalistic products that interblend informative genre sobriety with opinion pieces; add entertainment contents but also mass-media specific educational function. Life stories can have a central role in the magazine type of journalism, but can also be successfully represented in electronic platforms of quality press.
The abuse that these areas suffer, apparent not only in Romanian mass-media, that tends to cast a shadow over journalistic products with informative content or mask the lack off or reduced number. In addition, being an extremely persuasive type, storytelling articles, often employ argumentation and persuasion methods that exceed quality press rigors. The tabloidization we are currently experiencing in world media, thus also Romanian, is part of a wave forth of fifth, in media history manifesting since the end of the 20th century.
We identify various causes that contributed: From a technical perspective, tabloidization does not bring anything bad, we are concerned with shorter texts and more and larger images in small format newspapers, precisely to make them easier to read. There is nevertheless a darker side to the tabloidization process, reference point for lighter subjects, magazine oriented, for pictures and images photographs and films less adapted to the subject being considered or shocking content, not detouring sensationalism x.
The biggest problem is represented by the poor quality of information, being substituted or masked with journalistic products of rather fictitious content than factual one. Esser will highlight these mutations, as much in the US as in Europexi. In this context, Gaber speaks about public communication crisis, not only in journalism, his analysis data being contemporaryxii.
Intermedia benefits from the evolution of citizen journalism, not only because of new emerging elements that this type of journalism proposes in new digital media, but also by participating in actualizing journalistic products that can be framed in high use frequency journalistic types. In this category we also find media products akin to traditional media or offering a development model of traditional media. This is a challenge known under the name of digital storytellingxiii. The Romanian meaning of the idiom is of a story depicted in digital media, in the digital communication space.
When we establish correspondence, it is important to keep into account that in the media register, the English term story, primarily means narration linked to history, relating a Storytelling tends to gain the autonomy of a journalistic genre. It belongs to the informative genre, but it also presents the audience with elements of high emotional impact. This is an elaborate relation, closer to a report bearing the name feature in Anglo-Saxon journalism. Returning to the discussion about citizen journalism perceived as being correlation between citizens and power, as right and freedom infringement or against certain negative effects on the media, it is important that we convey attention to the fact that new technology and new media can be represented as a blend, which means: Environmental organization websites contain, for the most part, media products, aiming at favorable information and opinion.
These websites are engineered by the organization members or are a takeover from different sources, if the sources stand for the same cause and position, reinforcing it as well. Their objectivity can represent a major problem xiv. Civic platforms encourage debate and even opinion and argument confrontation. In the opinion of some authors, new media, in this context, concerning media technology and content, becomes a battle field, and the arsenal is an array of weapons.
The confrontation can devalue and mask important activities, worthy of less-militant citizen consideration. By means of selected subjects, content and presentation forms, storytelling is more akin to entertainment. It is allowed to bring upon a smile, but it is important that the communication impresses, not only informs.
Lambert describes the genre of story as: The link to citizen journalism is bridged by the fact that, although this kind of genre is oftentimes promoted by non- professionals and visits sensitive community issues, with clear knowledge that it attracts attention, even exerting pressures, its activity is diverse. Digital storytelling has thus become a genre practiced by journalist alongside amateurs, the latter group accomplishing to collect vast numbers of such events. They are depicted in simple language or more elaborated, ever literary.
It also represents a mode sophisticated way to socialize. In these non-professional circles, storytelling loses its media institution rigors lax by nature and description. Kaare shows that the genre to be in progress. The narration first person narrative, the body of work is completed by a small number of participants, often a single individual. The noticed evolution is geared towards the highlighting of different community problems, molding reality and its elements xvii. Here can also find positions of protest, affecting and reconfiguring the image of an institution.
Something worthy of mention is the complex structure of digital storytelling. The final product can be even more complex, combining diverse artistic These aspects were also noticed by Pavlik, who underlined the interactive character, proposing the term interactive storytelling Pavlik, However, Higgins will show that storytelling registers an important development in cyber media. We will step out of the family sphere events, the mundane, and we will enter a field of wide social implication, even political xix.
Audience numbers will increase, favored by the same digital expansion. Dissipated audience, involved users The audience and audiences! A distinction that Umberto Eco would theorize from the beginnings of television. He will identify participation and segmentation, television, most notably through its live broadcasts, redefining media communication. Those deep past changes in the reception mechanism ease the understanding of fakery of today: Audience segmentation in evident in the given example, the broadcasting of a soccer match.
The stadium spectators constitute a different type of audience, different from the one watching at home in front of the small screen. Sport is a vast and rigorous field that is attracting a vast number of interested views. The subject area is anchored in reports about competitions and competitors, but also anything else that interacts with it. Diversity in the base characteristic, actualized in journalistic products covering all directions: The sport area is a dynamic and well individualized sector of the media industry, functioning by its own rules, as will be shown by Frandsen xxi.
The rules shall allow a stronger distinguishing of the subjective emotional aspects when presenting competitions and races. Commentators shall function as both media analysts and experts, profiting from being able to express their opinions in a live medium, without it infringing deontology. Controversy shall also be present in debates and discussions, oftentimes heated in nature.
In the last years, this approach model shall see expansion, overtaking the borders of professional journalism, involving positions, inter-relations and posts on non-professional managed platforms. Reporting on sports events represents an important activity for the entirety of the mass-media categories.
Specialty websites covering this vast field were between the first to assert them in cyberspace. At the same time, the excitement and fever of live broadcasting, in real time, represented and still does a major preoccupation. Support was given by technology, there is an evident pressure of the media industry for convergence in this field, to allow fast presenting often also live online of information in various journalistic products regarding major sport events.
Copying and informing Online journalism challenges were already vast, halfway through the first decade of the third millennium. One of the solutions will be synthesizing information stemmed from other media sources, besides own ones xxii. This is a work manner enforced by intermedia. In the first phase, the new behavior of the audience was noticed, inclined to consult various and diverse sources for news. Switching channels by pushing buttons in front of the television was only the beginning. The number of television channels on offer was soon doubled by the number of electronic publications.
In this context, media institution employees have started synthesizing information taken over from other market competitors, including direct competition, and using them in own journalistic products. The intention is to capture and maintain a motionless audience, focused only on the particular news station possibly also a news site, not necessarily television station. Because the audience is still switching stations, other methods will be discovered to customize it for the spectator, to make it score as high as possible in the preference charts. A news outlet remains one of the favorites if it supplies as many high-interest features as possible and if it combines it with a specific delivery manner.
Rare are the cases where media stations offering summaries or synthesis of the market products that have lasted in time. The most sought after stations will be the ones capable of offering own products, actualized in maximum accuracy conditions. The phenomenon of getting information off the internet is a natural process to a point, but media organizations cannot collect their fact off of it. It is clear that big publications, news agencies, radios or television stations, taking each one of them as a separate case, cannot always claim exclusivity for all their important news covering the globe.
A large number of own news, collected through own sources and broadcast in exclusivity, insures stability for the respective media station, being perceived as a trustworthy station by its audience. Trustworthiness is constructed out of various elements, but the following two, the capacity to offer own exclusivity news and present a panorama of important daily news, are among the most important. From this starting point we contour two important digital media elements: There is a possibility that the audience of the first supplier will not to increase too much, if the subsequent distributors do not mention the original source instance that happens quite often in actuality!
This forms an interesting procedure of mixing data, the resulted journalistic product may be, in cases, an impactful piece of news. For instance, discovering pictures of a senator at a certain gas station, on a low-impact site, can, for a news writer, form the evidence that the aforementioned senator has had a meeting in the respective town with a controversial character. This framework was also underlined by Rosentiel Rule appropriation and limit enforcing Society societies, people cannot function without a value driven balance. Balance is actuated by accepting rules.
In a massively complex field, as the communication field, there is the preference to choose the auto-regulation route, functioning under the rule empire…auto-imposed and appropriated. The fascinating evolution of the postmodern world has further eroded the trust degree in communication means. Journalism history can also be viewed as a history of deviation from professional norms. Online and social media diversification has strongly affected the capacity of main stream media to maintain its presence on the market, but the migration towards online journalistic products was actuated to a certain extent.
A vast number of the users have definitely given up media, in spite of the fact that social media has seen an explosive development. The online medium registers more and more active individuals but the opposite is true when discussing the interest for professional online publications. It is a space dedicated to confusion and diversity, which required taking measures to stop the decline of the main stream media and to demarcate the online medium. Quandt underlines the fact that there is a major interest in being active in digital media, but also to massively study the field, with a far less reduced interest for traditional media xxiv.
Surprising for some, the mutations registered in traditional media printed publications, radio or television are spectacular. They highlight the preoccupation to overcome predicament, by adapting to the new media order, but also by maintaining former values. An all-encompassing image of the contemporary media phenomenon can be achieved by investigating the specific of old and new media, in comparison to the elements that lead or do not lead to convergence between diverse presentation and activity forms in the media field.
There are attempts to redefine professional journalism in new and digital media, expressed through a found again ethic with up-to-date provisions, possibly defined under the term new ethics media. Ginny Whitehouse shows that the old controversies and dilemmas of the 20th century second half will amplify in the digital age, prompting traditional publications to make their own ethic codes public xxv.
It is an attempt to define and demarcate a composite and postmodern universe of social and multimedia. Preoccupations in this direction will also be undertaken by the new professional journalist associations which are active in the digital medium. Referring back to the individuals that post online comments under diverse journalistic products, we notice they are very motivated.
Balanced, analytical or critical messages expressed in civilized terms are a rarity, and a vast number of honest commentators avoid engaging with passionate users, on the basis of the potential insulting attacks they can be victim to. There are electronic publications which favor and stimulate anger and tussle between the users. The targets of these verbal aggressors are: We also notice there are differences in appreciation of certain publications. If we judge from the angle of the comments, we conclude that the entirety of media is extremely deficient, because the comments are vastly negative.
When we analyze the degree of trust placed in the media, generally, and particularly for every Differences are also apparent when we compare the negative comment percentage aimed at personalities from different fields and the degree of trust as results of opinion polls undertaken in quality control conditions. There is no solution to diminish this wave in lack of respect and civil behavior in intermedia.
Maybe only intense and prolonged efforts in educating respect on a societal level. In this given context, we can observe that the degradation of journalistic practices has different origins. One of the first categories includes field professional actions and non-actions, less preoccupied with information collection on the spot, avoiding face-to-face contact, preferring to interact by means of telephone or the pseudo communication through e-mail or social media platform. One of the other introduced practices is the taking over of journalistic content supplied by outsiders, public relation specialists or amateurs, often without modification or additional fact checking.
Moreover, the quality of the journalistic act can also be affected by the convergence of media, when journalistic products are subject to user added comments, attachments and attacks, through interaction and interactivity. There are numerous provocations that a professional journalist faces.
They can exit this confused state by fact checking and following truly interesting events, worthy of being published, establishing event to context adequacy, giving everybody involved the opportunity to have their say and relate their side of the story, editing balanced journalistic content, that is clear and impartial.
These are actually the original values of quality journalism. The UK experience" in Journalism, 17 5 , pp. Autobiography and Assumed Authenticity in Digital Storytelling". Digital Storytelling, Mediatized Stories: Self-representations in New Media. Mediterranean Edition, 6 1 , pp. The Center for Digital Storytelling in California". This book is for brands, advertisers and developers who want to create compelling, emotive, iAd advertisements that generate revenue and increase brand awareness.
You don't need previous experience of creating adverts or apps for iPhone and iPad, as you'll be taken through the entire process to make motion-rich, beautiful ads. Eclipse plugin development by example beginner 's guide. A Beginner 's Guide following the ""by Example"" approach. There will be major examples that will be used in the book to develop advanced plugins with the Eclipse IDE. This book is for Java developers who are familiar with Eclipse as a Java IDE and are interested in learning how to develop plug-ins for Eclipse.
No prior knowledge of Eclipse plug-in development or OSGi is necessary, although you are expected to know how to create, run, and debug Java programs in Eclipse. French course for beginners. If you wish to participate in one of the following courses, please discuss with your supervisor and apply electronically directly from the course description pages that can be found on the Web at: Applications will be accepted in the order of their receipt. A French course for beginners level 0 will take place from 12 July to 27 August.
CHF Please enrol as soon as possible through the Web: A step-by-step guide that spices up your web pages and designs them in the way you want using the most widely used JavaScript library, jQuery. The beginner -friendly and easy-to-understand approach of the book will help get to grips with jQuery in no time. Relativity and quantum physics for beginners. As we humans have expanded our horizons to see things vastly smaller, faster, larger, and farther than ever before, we have been forced to confront preconceptions born of the human experience and create wholly new ways of looking at the world around us.
The theories of relativity and quantum physics were developed out of this need and have provided us with phenomenal, mind-twisting insights into the strange and exciting reality show of our universe. Ways of teaching struggling reading students, and beginners. Beginner teacher professional development: An action research and A beginner 's guide with plenty of screenshots and explained code.
Absolutely no knowledge of Irrlicht is necessary for you to follow this book! Full Text Available The vestibulo-ocular reflex VOR is essential in our daily life to stabilize retinal images during head movements. Balanced vestibular functionality secures optimal reflex performance which can be distorted in case of peripheral vestibular lesions. Luckily, vestibular compensation in different neuronal sites restores VOR function to some extent over time. Studying vestibular compensation gives insight into the possible mechanisms for plasticity in the brain. In this work, novel experimental analysis tools are employed to reevaluate the VOR characteristics following unilateral vestibular lesions and compensation.
Our results suggest that following vestibular lesions, asymmetric performance of the VOR is not only limited to its gain. Vestibular compensation also causes asymmetric dynamics, i. Potential mechanisms for these experimental observations are provided using simulation studies.
R statistical application development by example: Full of screenshots and examples, this Beginner 's Guide by Example will teach you practically everything you need to know about R statistical application development from scratch. You will begin learning the first concepts of statistics in R which is vital in this fast paced era and it is also a bargain as you do not need to do a preliminary course on the subject. Selecting literature for beginner readers in South Africa. Full Text Available This article explores complexities of choosing appropriate reading material which may provide maximum engagement for beginner readers in Southern Africa, with the aim of instilling a lifelong love of reading.
The article presents a case in favour of literary criteria as base line for choices of reading material for beginner readers. Furthermore, the article outlines general characteristics of reading material for beginner readers, as well as specific criteria to be considered in the Southern African context, taking into account the linguistic diversity which exists in formal education and the vast literacy backlog in the region.
A culture of reading can only be instilled by adhering to the following criteria, i. The book is written in beginner 's guide style with each aspect of NumPy demonstrated by real world examples. There is appropriate explained code with the required screenshots thrown in for the novice. This book is for the programmer, scientist or engineer, who has basic Python knowledge and would like to be able to do numerical computations with Python. A beginner 's guide to the literature search in medical education.
Conducting a literature search can be a daunting prospect if you have not done it before. This article aims to provide a beginner 's guide to searching the medical education literature, by describing how to construct an effective search strategy, the resources that are available and the basics of how searching works. Beginner 's Guide is a step-by-step guide that aims to empower you to build web applications packed with some really exciting features using Zend Framework 2.
If you are a PHP Developer who is new to Zend Framework, but you want to get hands-on with the product quickly, this book is for you. Basic knowledge of object oriented programming with PHP is expected. Utilization of balance equipment in windsurf beginners off water training. To determin and evaluate significance of balance equipment in off water training. The method of comparative experiment have been used in this thesis. Than the obtained data were evaluated. It was nessesary to create and compare two groups of people, compound of young healthy individuals in the age 20 - 30 both male and female.
The only condition for the research was their zero experience Computer Science Circles is a free programming website for beginners that is designed to be fun, easy to use, and accessible to the broadest possible audience. We teach Python since it is simple yet powerful, and the course content is well-structured but written in plain language. The website has over one hundred exercises in thirty lesson pages, plus special features to help teachers support their students.
It is available in both English and French. We discuss the philosophy behind the cour Robuste deutsche Konjunktur vor einem Jahr ungewisser internationaler Wirtschaftspolitik. Der robuste Aufschwung, in dem sich die deutsche Wirtschaft seit dem Jahr befindet, wird sich fortsetzen. This book is a part of the Beginner 's guide series, wherein you will quickly start doing tasks with precise instructions. Then the tasks will be followed by explanation and then a challenging task or a multiple choice question about the topic just covered.
Do you have a story to tell or an idea to illustrate? If you have that drive inside you to entertain people via the internet on sites like YouTube or Vimeo, create a superb presentation vid. Vaadin 7 UI design by example beginner 's guide. The book will teach readers through examples to use each of the exciting components to build and add various aspects of the user interface to their web apps. Basic Java programming skills are required, but no web development knowledge is needed at all.
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- Elemente des Grotesken im Werk Wilhelm Buschs (German Edition).
- Leaving Castle: A Short Story?
- Histoire des choses banales : Naissance de la consommation (XVIIe-XIXe siècle) (Nouvelles Etudes Historiques) (French Edition).
- Lash : The Hundred Great Scenes of Men Being Whipped in the Movies.
This book gives you both. Covering the basics through intermediate topics with clear explanations, hands-on exercises, and helpful solutions, this book is the perfect introduction to SQL. Topics include both the current SQL: Music teachers often encounter obstructions in teaching beginners in music reading. Conventional notational symbols require beginners to spend significant amount of time in memorizing, which discourages learning at early stage. This article proposes a newly-developed color music notation system that may improve the recognition of the staff and the….
A new tool for investigating the functional testing of the VOR. Full Text Available Peripheral vestibular function may be tested quantitatively, by measuring the gain of the angular vestibulo-ocular reflex a VOR , or functionally, by assessing how well the a VOR performs with respect to its goal of stabilizing gaze in space and thus allow to acquire visual information during the head movement.
In recent years, several groups have developed clinical and quantitative approaches to functional testing of the vestibular system based on the ability to identify an optotype briefly displayed on screen during head rotations. Although the proposed techniques differ in terms of the parameters controlling the testing paradigm, no study has thus far dealt with understanding the role of such choices in determining the effectiveness and reliability of the testing approach.
Moreover, recent work has shown that peripheral vestibular patients may produce corrective saccades during the head movement covert saccades, yet the role of these eye movements towards reading ability during head rotations is not yet understood. Finally, no study has thus far dealt with measuring the true performance of their experimental setups, which is nonetheless likely to be crucial information for understanding the effectiveness of functional testing approaches.
Thus we propose a new software and hardware research tool allowing the combined measurement of eye and head movements, together with the timing of the optotype on screen, during functional testing of the VOR based on the Head Impulse Test HIT. The goal of such tool is therefore that of allowing functional testing of the VOR while collecting the experimental data necessary to understand, for instance, a the effectiveness of the covert saccades strategy towards image stabilization, b which experimental parameters are crucial for optimizing the diagnostic power of the functional testing approach, and c which conditions lead to a successful reading or an error trial.
New features in this edition include: The authors have also updated the text throughout, reworking examples and exploring new applications. The book is essential reading for beginners , occasional users and experienced users wishing to brush up their skills. Further resources are available from the authors' website at www-math. The FAA is taking this action due to procedural changes requiring Semiokapitalismus und imperiale Kontrollgesellschaft Zur Digitalisierung der Produktion am Beginn des Jahrhunderts zur Kontrolle eingesetzt werden Specific problems of beginners at study of programming and possibilities of their solution.
This thesis deals with the problems of beginners in the study of programming at University of Economics in Prague, Faculty of Informatics and Statistics. This applies particularly to students who are studying the subject Programming in Java. Trendwende laesst trotz hoffnungsvoller Ansaetze nach wie vor auf sich warten. On the whole, a slight increase may have resulted, which has slowed the growth of the past few years. In the previous year alone, the weakest growth since the beginning of the century had been recorded, with only 0.
Insgesamt duerfte sich allenfalls ein leichtes Plus ergeben haben, womit der Zuwachs der vergangenen Jahre erneut gebremst wurde. What are the important manoeuvres for beginners to minimize surgical time in primary total knee arthroplasty? It was hypothesized that surgical time of beginners would be much longer than that of experts. Our purpose was to investigate and clarify the important manoeuvres for beginners to minimize surgical time in primary total knee arthroplasty TKA as a multicentre study.
A total of knees in patients averaged All TKAs were done using the same instruments and the same measured resection technique at 14 facilities by 25 orthopaedic surgeons. Surgeons were divided into three surgeon groups four experts, nine medium-volume surgeons and 12 beginners. The surgical technique was divided into five phases. Detailed surgical time and ratio of the time in each phase to overall surgical time were recorded and compared among the groups in each phase.
A total of 62, , and TKAs were done by beginners , medium-volume surgeons, and experts, respectively. Significant differences in surgical time among the groups were seen in each phase. Concerning the ratio of the time, experts and medium-volume surgeons seemed cautious in fixation of the permanent component compared to other phases. Interestingly, even in ratio, beginners and medium-volume surgeons took more time in exposure of soft tissue compared to experts.
Improvement in basic technique is essential to minimize surgical time among beginners. First of all, surgical instructors should teach basic techniques in primary TKA for beginners. Therapeutic studies, Level IV. Die Postmoderne als Mythos der Moderne. Die standardisierte, vor -Lacansche. A stargazing program for beginners a pocket field guide. Searching more for a learned appreciation of nature and our exact place within the cosmos than academic scientific knowledge, science and travel writer Jamie Carter takes the reader on a 12 month tour of the night sky's incredible annual rhythms that say so much about Earth.
During the journey he learns about the celestial mechanics at work in the skies above that are — to the beginner — almost beyond belief. On the journey he witnesses a solar eclipse and grapples with star-charts, binoculars, smartphone apps, telescopes, spots sa Revisiting the Spanish for High Beginners course. The second section describes the redesign process of the SHB course, including placement procedures, the Spanish Language Program sequence, and changes in the syllabus to integrate communicative and transcultural competences by implementing a combination of focused instruction, collaborative learning and task-based approaches.
The successful implementation of changes and its outcomes demonstrate that this course could be a relevant solution for Spanish programs at tertiary institutions with diverse populations, helping to solve challenges of placement, articulation, and time-to-graduation effectiveness. Full Text Available Global communication concern brings human to be familiar with English as early as possible. Nowadays beginner students started English orally in elementary school even kindergarten. At this moment, they dealth with listening and speaking skills and put them into practice. When they came down to English, some beginners feel uncomfortable in their learning because of facing formal situation.
The beginners who were typically keen on playing and having fun comfortably could not be treated in teaching-learning that was usually presented to intermediate level or adult. Teachers had to create informal situation so that they were more relaxed and got chemistry one another. Dealing with comfortable zone put into informal situation in listening and speaking practices for the beginners , this study focused on topical casual talks. It set up a relaxed spot in order to explore effective communication related to their subject matters.
This study used qualitative approach. While it refered to library research. The primary source was Elementary School Silabus. Whereas the secondary data sources were English teaching-learning books. This issue discussed about listening and speaking skills for beginners. The beginners classified into age In listening section, the students processed teacher talk instantly. Afterwards in speaking, suitable direct short response answered the teacher talk. This action could be assessed by subjective test in the form of wh-questions and short answers test. Ultimately, the next comparable studies may converse different competences and performances for beginners or any levels.
The main objective is to illustrate how sometimes to narrate stories is not that different from painting them. In fact, in the context of the article, to write and to paint are presented as intimately related. Man reasons out the world through stories but those stories go well beyond man himself. A novel technique for beginners.
To analyze mesh fixation with minimum sutures and postoperative complications. Place and Duration of Study: All inguinal hernia patients, who fulfilled the sample selection criteria, were admitted and planned for surgery. The prolene mesh is fashioned as in Lichtenstein's repair, placed and fixed only by three prolene stitches. The first stitch is made in the periosteum of pubic tubercle.
The second stitch is taken in the inguinal ligament 1. The incidence of long-term complications of three stitch hernioplasty are comparable to that of the other standard, tension-free open hernia repair as well as other laparoscopic procedures. Moreover, the three stitch hernioplasty method is a simple method, easy for the beginners to adopt, has less foreign body reaction, less time consuming, causes less tissue trauma, and lesser chance for vascular injury.
Tuning of gravity-dependent and gravity-independent vertical angular VOR gain changes by frequency of adaptation. The gain of the vertical angular vestibulo-ocular reflex a VOR was adaptively increased and decreased in a side-down head orientation for 4 h in two cynomolgus monkeys. Adaptation was performed at 0. The gravity-dependent and -independent gain changes were determined over a range of head orientations from left-side-down to right-side-down at frequencies from 0.
The frequency at which the peak gravity-dependent gain change occurred was approximately equal to the frequency of adaptation, and the width increased monotonically with increases in the frequency of adaptation. The gravity-independent component was tuned to the adaptive frequency of 0. The amplitude of the gravity-independent gain changes was larger after the a VOR gain decrease than after the gain increase across all tested frequencies.
For gain increases, the phase relationship as a function of frequency was inverted. This study demonstrates that the previously described dependence of a VOR gain adaptation on frequency is a property of the gravity-dependent component of the a VOR only. The gravity-independent component of the a VOR had a substantial tuning curve only at an adaptation frequency of 0.
Oracle Data Guard 11gR2 administration beginner 's guide. It has been designed to teach you everything you need to know to successfully create and operate Data Guard environments with maximum flexibility, compatibility, and effectiveness. If you are an Oracle database administrator who wants to configure and administer Data Guard configurations, then ""Oracle Data Guard 11gR2 Administration Beginner 's Guide"" is for you.
With a basic understanding of Oracle database administration, you'll be able. A beginner 's guide to 3D printing 14 simple toy designs to get you started. A Beginner''s Guide to 3D Printing is the perfect resource for those who would like to experiment with 3D design and manufacturing, but have little or no technical experience with the standard software. Author Mike Rigsby leads readers step-by-step through 15 simple toy projects, each illustrated with screen caps of Autodesk D Design, the most common free 3D software available.
The projects are later described using Sketchup, another free popular software package. Beginning with basics projects that will take longer to print than design, readers are then given instruction on more advanced t. Teaching Norwegian to Beginners: Six Principles to Guide Lesson Planning. Full Text Available Teaching a foreign language is no simple task. There are several factors to consider, from curriculum design, to material selection and lesson implementation, to assessment. The challenge, however, is even greater, if you are teaching a less commonly taught language such as Norwegian — a language spoken by fewer than six million native speakers, used almost exclusively in one country, and with a limited number of available pedagogical materials.
Under such circumstances, the task of preparing high quality communicative lessons is immense, even for an experienced language instructor. The goal of this article is to present how a successful language lesson can be developed even if one is using a textbook that does not foster communicative competence. As an example, I am using a unit from a Norwegian textbook for beginners: The lesson focuses on routines and times of the day, and it concludes with the students comparing and contrasting their daily routines with a partner.
This will enhance the management of aircraft operations over We present findings of a project that investigated the potential of an online tandem program to enhance the foreign language learning of two groups of school-aged beginner learners, one learning English in Colombia and the other learning Spanish in New Zealand. We assessed the impact of the project on students' learning with a free writing…. English Idioms and Iranian Beginner Learners: A Focus on Short Stories and Pictures. Idiomatic expressions are among the most difficult and challenging aspects in the realm of lexicon.
The focus of the present study was on investigating the effect of short stories and pictures on learning idiomatic expressions by beginner EFL learners. For this aim, 52 Iranian EFL learners were chosen and assigned to three groups randomly: Shifting ontologies of a serious game and its relationships with English education for beginners. This paper takes its point of departure in a language project, which is a subproject under the larger ongoing research project Serious Games on a Global Market Place. The language project follows how the virtual universe known as Mingoville http: Entanglement approach, relational ontology, serious games, teaching and learning English for beginners , educational technology research The virtual universe provides an online environment for students beginning to learn English in schools and at home.
This paper will focus on the shifting ontologies of Mingoville and teaching and learning situations in beginners ' English. This paper takes its This article reports a small-scale study carried out in a beginners ' Spanish class of second year undergraduate students. The purpose of the study was to investigate the effectiveness of a vocabulary task in terms of its impact on vocabulary acquisition, the learners' approach to vocabulary learning and their motivation and engagement.
This current study addresses this gap and investigates the factors affecting students' interest in a nongraded online learning environment and what kinds of tools,….

A Beginner 's Guide. A valuable resource for new or experienced school librarians, "Collection Development for the School Library Media Program: A Beginner 's Guide" is an easy-to-use guide to collection development. It provides practical and relevant information about collection development issues such as: Discussion of methods that can be used to teach beginner courses in computer literacy focuses on students aged The value of using a programing language versus using a generic software package is highlighted; Logo and Prolog are reviewed; and the use of databases is discussed.
Reasoning process characteristics in the diagnostic skills of beginner , competent, and expert dentists. The purpose of this study was to evaluate qualitative differences in the diagnostic reasoning process at different developmental stages of expertise. A qualitative design was used to study cognitive processes that characterize the diagnosis of oral disease at the stages of beginner five junior students who had passed the NBDE I , competent five GPR first-year residents , and expert dentists five general dentists with ten or more years of experience.
Individually, each participant was asked to determine the diagnosis of an oral condition based on a written clinical case, using the think aloud technique and retrospective reports. A subsequent interview was conducted to obtain the participants' diagnostic process model and pathophysiology of the case. The analysis of the verbal protocols indicated that experts referred to the patient's sociomedical context more frequently, demonstrated better organization of ideas, could determine key clinical findings, and had an ability to plan for the search of pertinent information.
Fewer diagnostic hypotheses were formulated by participants who used forward reasoning, independent of the stage of development. Experts evidenced cognitive diagnostic schemas that integrate pathophysiology of disease, while competent and beginner participants had not achieved this integration. We conclude that expert performance is a combination of a knowledge base, reasoning skills, and an accumulation of experiences with patients that is qualitatively different from that of competent and beginner dentists.
It is important for dental education to emphasize the teaching of cognitive processes and to incorporate a wide variety of clinical experiences in addition to the teaching of. When studying the genetics of a human trait, we typically have to manage both genome-wide and targeted genotype data. There can be overlap of both people and markers from different genotyping experiments; the overlap can introduce several kinds of problems. Most times the overlapping genotypes are the same, but sometimes they are different.
Further, over time some markers are merged and bad samples are re-run under a different sample name. We need a consistent picture of the subset of data we have chosen to work with even though there might possibly be conflicting measurements from multiple data sources. We have developed the db VOR database, which is designed to hold data efficiently for both genome-wide and targeted experiments. The data are indexed for fast retrieval by person and marker.
In addition, we store pedigree and phenotype data for our subjects. The db VOR database allows us to select subsets of the data by several different criteria and to merge their results into a coherent and consistent whole. Data may be filtered by: It is freely available from https: Documentation for db VOR can be found at https: Teaching of reading to school beginners: The teaching of reading at the early stages is important because it is the quality of the experiences that children get that affect or lay the foundation for reading development Chall, The theoretical background used includes reading and its importance, Languag Practice for beginners programming lesson using App Lab: Introduction of programming learning for undergraduate students.
App Lab is an online programming education environment. It was designed classes of programming for beginners using the App Lab. Through 15 lessons of the class, it was to understand the basic structure of the programming of the sequential-repetition-branch. Students were allowed to complete the game as a final project.
The effectiveness of App the Lab has been confirmed from these results. We considered a learning programming process based on software design for technology education. Lessons of computer program-aided measurement and control are for beginners to learn programming. These lessons are efficient to learn the step of programming, but the main of the lessons are works of typing the sample programming and debugging.
Therefore, these lessons have a fundamental lack of the concept of design. Then we considered learning processes of programming and applied the process of Avoidance of criminal liability and civil liability]. In all phases, patients are entitled to receive medical treatment according to medical specialist standards.
Operations performed by " beginners ", e. However, there are increased liability risks, both for the specialist and the assistant physician. Furthermore, there are risks of criminal responsibility for causing bodily harm by negligence or negligent manslaughter. This article portrays the requirements of civil liability and criminal responsibility concerning beginners ' operations on the basis of cases and judgments of the Federal Court and the Higher Regional Courts in Germany.
Additionally, the reception of the jurisprudence by the relevant legal literature will be discussed. Jurisprudence and legal literature categorize breaches of duty of care. Assistant physicians can be subject to contributory negligence liabilities, while specialists can bear liabilities for negligent selection, organization or supervision.
Full Text Available We present findings of a project that investigated the potential of an online tandem program to enhance the foreign language learning of two groups of school-aged beginner learners, one learning English in Colombia and the other learning Spanish in New Zealand. Data analysis indicated statistically significant gains in foreign language writing and positive attitudinal changes toward foreign and native language learning.
A beginner 's guide to writing the nursing conceptual model-based theoretical rationale. Writing the theoretical rationale for a study can be a daunting prospect for novice researchers. Nursing's conceptual models provide excellent frameworks for placement of study variables, but moving from the very abstract concepts of the nursing model to the less abstract concepts of the study variables is difficult.
Similar to the five-paragraph essay used by writing teachers to assist beginning writers to construct a logical thesis, the authors of this column present guidelines that beginners can follow to construct their theoretical rationale. This guide can be used with any nursing conceptual model but Neuman's model was chosen here as the exemplar. The book is written as a practical, step-by-step guide to using FusionCharts Suite.
The book not only teaches you the fundamentals and implementation of FusionCharts Suite, but also makes you the data visualization guru among your friends and colleagues by teaching how to select the right chart type and usability tips. Filled with examples, code samples and practical tips in a no-nonsense way, the book is a breeze to read. This book is both for beginners and advanced web developers who need to create interactive charts for their web applications.
No previous knowledge of FusionCharts Suite is a. Instead, it suggests that opening up the shifting ontologies of Mingoville i. Full Text Available There are two basic approaches in learning new programming language: It has been said that if a learner has already acquired one language, the top-down approach is more efficient to learn another while, for a person who has absolutely no knowledge of any programming languages; the bottom-up approach is preferable.
The major problem of the bottom-up approach is that it requires longer period to acquire the language. For quicker learning, this paper applies a top-down approach for a beginners who has not yet acquired any programming languages. Written in an informal and friendly manner, the style and approach of this book will take you on an exciting adventure.
Piece by piece, detailed examples help you along the way by providing real-world game code required to make a complete 3D video game. Each chapter builds upon the experience and achievements earned in the last, culminating in the ultimate prize - your game! If you ever wanted to make your own 3D game in Flash, then this book is for you. This book is a perfect introduction to 3D game programming in Adobe Molehill for complete beginners.
You do not need to know anything about S. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the usefulness of a tool that we developed to simulate performance of visceral angiography to train beginners in the field of splanchnic angiography. Seven residents and two fellows who were rotating within the Division of Interventional Radiology at our institution between June and August participated in the evaluation of this tool.
They had no experience in performing visceral angiography as an operator. Time for selection of arterial branches arising from the celiac axis on the model was measured before and after training. After such training, the participants performed actual visceral angiography as an operator with instructors beside them. Success of the trainees in selecting visceral arterial branches was evaluated in these real-life cases. In the first test using the model, seven of nine trainees After training using the model, all trainees succeeded in selecting all required arteries just before the actual angiographic study.
In the actual angiography, the catheter was successfully inserted from the femoral artery and advanced to the superior mesenteric, celiac, splenic, common hepatic, gastroduodenal, and right and left hepatic arteries by all trainees with only two exceptions. In conclusion, this tool is helpful for training beginners in visceral angiographic procedures.
Peculiarities of mathematics instruction for beginners for children with disabilities in regular primary schools. Full Text Available The paper studies the issue of education of visually impaired children, hearing impaired children and children with intellectual disabilities in regular primary schools in the context of mathematics instruction for beginners.
The authors state the basic characteristics of mathematics instruction for beginners with respect to the contents studied in the first four grades of primary school, as well as the key problems and educational needs of visually impaired children, hearing impaired children and children with intellectual disabilities.
The basic characteristics of inclusive education and the key role of teacher in this process are pointed out. Starting from the developmental peculiarities of children with disabilities, the authors emphasize the importance of applying an individualized approach in teaching mathematics. Possible didactic and methodical solutions are discussed, as well as different approaches in teaching this subject that can facilitate learning of mathematical contents to visually impaired children, hearing impaired children and children with intellectual disabilities.
Bearing in mind the peculiarities of inclusive education, i. This study investigated the effect of input-based tasks on the acquisition of vocabulary and grammar by beginner -level learners of L2 French and reported the introduction of task-based teaching as an innovation in a state secondary school. Developing literacy skills and attitudes towards learning to read were assessed in a group of 17 struggling beginner readers aged years.
Peer teaching has been used as a mechanism for promoting learner autonomy in a range of language learning contexts. This article explores how absolute beginners in a Chinese class can engage in reciprocal peer teaching RPT from the start of their language learning experience and how this contributes to the development of their autonomy as…. Through an experimental study, the present work aims at testing the effectiveness of diet and mental imagery on the success of free throw in Congolese beginners Basketball Players.
These subjects were divided into 3 groups. Design and Pilot Formative Evaluation. This paper presents both the design and the pilot formative evaluation study of a computer-based problem-solving environment named LECGO: Learning Environment for programming using C using Geometrical Objects for the learning of computer programming using C by beginners. In its design, constructivist and social learning theories were taken into…. Transfer and bachelor's degree attainment rates of low-income community college beginners lag behind their middle- and high-income peers.
As community college continues to be an affordable and accessible route to higher education, consideration should be given to how to close the gap in transfer and bachelor's degree attainment rates of low-income…. From Theory to Practice: The article is based on qualitative data collected from a purposely selected sample of 19 beginner teachers who graduated from two higher education institutions that offer PGCE programmes….
The FAA is taking this action to Is there anything more wondrous and alluring than the night sky? You've seen the stars, and you know about the constellations--but there's so much more to discover! George Moromisato's magnificent full-color guide introduces you to amazing sights, from Saturn's famous rings to the Andromeda Galaxy. Learn what to look for and when and where to find it! This astronomy book is perfect for beginners , so many objects can be seen with the unaided eye or binoculars, while others simply require a small telescope. Guide to phenomena and objects of the night sky, ranked by beauty, accessibility and historical importance Information about equipment needed, from binoculars to small telescopes Full-color photographs, including many from NASA Astrophotography tips on taking pictures of the night sky, such as snapping shots with a phone through a telescope Charts to know when to look for solar eclipses, meteor showers and other notable events.
It seems as if everyone is writing applications for Apple's iPhone and iPad, but how do they all do it? Right here, even if you've never programmed before! Objective-C for Absolute Beginners will teach you how to write software for your Mac, iPhone,or iPad using Objective-C, an elegant and powerful language with a rich set of developer tools.
Using a hands-on approach, you'll learn to think in programming terms, how to use Objective-C to build program logic, and how to write your own applicati. Full Text Available The New Atheists are occasionally accused of lacking nuance and sophistication, or of existing in an intellectual vacuum. To some it may seem that Dawkins 'et al'. Lawrence Krauss, Stephen Hawking.
Kupisch, Tanja
Into the fray steps Michael Palmer, offering his attempt to popularise a version of atheism that is underpinned by a long tradition of philosophical inquiry. Its companion text, 'Atheism For Beginners ', is a coursebook aimed at tutors seeking to teach this material. Optical spectra of phthalocyanines and related compounds a guide for beginners.
This book displays how optical absorption, emission, and magnetic circular dichroism spectra of phthalocyanines and related macrocyclic dyes can be varied from their prototypical ones depending on conditions. As these compounds can be involved in colorful chemistry which might be driven by impurities in solvents , their spectra behave like the sea-god Proteus in their mutability.
Therefore, those who have been engaged with phthalocyanines for the first time, including even educated professional researchers and engineers, may have been embarrassed by the deceptive behavior of their compounds and could have, in the worst cases, given up their projects.
This book is aimed not merely at reviewing the optical spectra, but also at helping such people, particularly beginners , to figure them out by showing some examples of their prototypical spectra and their variations in several situations. For the purpose of better understanding, the book also provides an introduction to their theoretical backgrounds as graphic The first survey was done in February aiming to discover some Chinese character learning strategies employed by Danish and Swedish learners.
Based on the 1st survey, the second survey This study was conducted at three universities i. Drawing from the strategy A preliminary analysis revealed that the students used primarily three types of strategies 1 compensation strategies i. A new edition of this best-selling introductory book to cover the latest SPSS versions 8. Written in a clear, readable and non-technical style the author explains the basics of SPSS including the input of data, data manipulation, descriptive analyses and inferential techniques, including; - creating using and merging data files - creating and printing graphs and charts - parametric tests including t-tests, ANOVA, GLM - correlation, regression and factor analysis - non parametric tests and chi square reliability - obtaining neat print outs and tables - includes a CD-Rom containing example data files, syntax files, output files and Excel spreadsheets.
Advanced Beginner to Competent Practitioner: New graduate nurses NGNs are a precious resource, but their development from advanced beginners to competent nurses is challenging. This qualitative descriptive study explored NGNs' perceptions of strategies that influenced their development in the first 2 years of employment.
Semistructured interviews were conducted with a sample of 13 nurses. The study revealed that NGNs learn to master aspects of the nursing role as they construct a professional identity. They identified organizational, educational, and personal strategies as being important to their development, including tailored orientation, opportunities for skill acquisition, and personal support.
Few strategies supported the development of professional identity. Mastering the nursing role and constructing a professional identity is central to NGNs' development. Further attention from nursing leaders is needed to promote concurrent development in both dimensions. Nurses with a strong professional identity are more likely to remain in the profession.
The Beginner 's Guide to Wind Tunnels is a Web-based, on-line textbook that explains and demonstrates the history, physics, and mathematics involved with wind tunnels and wind tunnel testing. The Web site contains several interactive computer programs to demonstrate scientific principles.
TunnelSim is an interactive, educational computer program that demonstrates basic wind tunnel design and operation. TunnelSys is a group of Java applications that mimic wind tunnel testing techniques. Using TunnelSys, a team of students designs, tests, and post-processes the data for a virtual, low speed, and aircraft wing.
Wheelchair propulsion kinematics in beginners and expert users: Biomechanical studies have linked the handrim wheelchair propulsion with a prevalence of upper limb musculoskeletal disorders. The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of the wheelchair settings on upper limb kinematics during wheelchair propulsion.
Recordings were made under various wheelchair configuration conditions to understand the effect of wheelchair settings on kinematics parameters such shoulder, elbow and wrist angles. Ten experts and ten beginners ' subjects propelled an experimental wheelchair on a roller ergometer system at a comfortable speed. Twelve wheelchair configurations were tested. Kinematics were recorded for each configuration.
Based on the hand position relatively to the handrim, the main kinematic parameters of wheelchair propulsion were investigated on the whole propulsion cycle and a key event such as handrim contact and release. Compared to the beginner subjects, all the experts' subjects generally present higher joint amplitude and propulsion speeds.
Seat height and antero-posterior axle position influence usage of the hand-rim, timing parameters and configurations of upper limb joints. Results seem to confirm that low and backward seat position allow a greater efficiency. Nevertheless, according that proximity of joint limit is a well known factor of musculoskeletal disorders, our results let us think that too low and backward seat position, increasing joints positions and amplitudes, could increase the risk of upper limb injuries in relation with manual wheelchair propulsion.
Kinematic differences highlight that future studies on wheelchair propulsion should only be done with impaired experienced subjects. Furthermore, this study provides indications on how wheelchair settings can be used for upper limb injury prevention. Is Contrast Enhanced Ultrasonography a useful tool in a beginner 's hand? How much can a Computer Assisted Diagnosis prototype help in characterizing the malignancy of focal liver lesions? The CAD classifier managed a The overall classification rates for the evaluators, before and after clinical data were: Model simulation studies to clarify the effect on saccadic eye movements of initial condition velocities set by the Vestibular Ocular Reflex VOR.
Voluntary active head rotations produced vestibulo-ocular reflex eye movements VOR with the subject viewing a fixation target. When this target jumped, the size of the refixation saccades were a function of the ongoing initial velocity of the eye. Saccades made against the VOR were larger in magnitude.
Simulation of a reciprocally innervated model eye movement provided results comparable to the experimental data. Most of the experimental effect appeared to be due to linear summation for saccades of 5 and 10 degree magnitude. For small saccades of 2. Three-dimensional framework of vigor, organization, and resilience VOR for assessing rangeland health: Rangeland health assessments play an important role in providing qualitative and quantitative data about ecosystem attributes and rangeland management.
The objective of this study is to test the feasible of a modified model and visualize the health in a three-dimensional model. A modified Costanza model was employed, and eight indicators, including the biomass, biodiversity, and carrying capacity [associated with the vigor, organization, and resilience VOR ] were applied. An entropy method was also developed to calculate the weight of each indicator, and a three-dimensional framework was applied to visualize the indicators and health index.
The conceptual model was demonstrated using data from a case study on the alpine rangeland of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, one of the globally important grassland biomes being severely degraded by natural and human factors. The health indices of four grassland plots at different levels of degradation were calculated using a modified approach to measuring their VOR.
The results indicated that the least disturbed plot was relatively healthy compared to the other plots. In addition, the health indices presented in the three-dimensional VOR framework decreased in a consistent manner across the four plots along the disturbance gradients. Such rangeland health assessments should be integrated with management efforts to insure their long-term sustainable use. Full Text Available A major learning difficulty of Japanese foreign language JFL learners is the complex composition of two syllabaries, hiragana and katakana, and kanji characters adopted from logographic Chinese ones.
As the number of Japanese language learners increases, computer-assisted Japanese language education gradually gains more attention. This study aimed to adopt a Japanese word segmentation system to help JFL learners overcome literacy problems. This study adopted MeCab, a Japanese morphological analyzer and part-of-speech POS tagger, to segment Japanese texts into separate morphemes by adding spaces and to attach POS tags to each morpheme for beginners.
Disease specific stress of tumor patients at the beginning of radiotherapy. Effect on psychosocial support requirement; Krankheitsspezifische Belastungen von Tumorpatienten zu Beginn einer Strahlentherapie. Auswirkungen auf den psychosozialen Betreuungsbedarf. Die Radiotherapie bringt Tumorpatienten in eine besondere Lebenssituation, in der sie eine Reihe von unterschiedlichen Faktoren ausgesetzt werden, deren Auspraegung weitgehend unbekannt ist. Intention dieser Querschnittsstudie war es, erstmals systematisch die spezifischen Belastungen von Tumorpatienten zu Beginn einer Strahlentherapie aufzuzeigen und einen belastungsabhaengigen Betreuungswunsch zu erheben mit dem Ziel einer Belastungsreduktion und Verbesserung von Lebensqualitaet und Compliance waehrend einer radioonkologischen Behandlung.
Folgende Erhebungsinstrumente gingen in die Auswertung zu Beginn der Strahlentherapie ein: Patientinnen mit einem Mammakarzinom waren am staerksten belastet. Review of applications of TLBO algorithm and a tutorial for beginners to solve the unconstrained and constrained optimization problems. Full Text Available The teaching-learning-based optimization TLBO algorithm is finding a large number of applications in different fields of engineering and science since its introduction in The major applications are found in electrical engineering, mechanical design, thermal engineering, manufacturing engineering, civil engineering, structural engineering, computer engineering, electronics engineering, physics, chemistry, biotechnology and economics.
This paper presents a review of applications of TLBO algorithm and a tutorial for solving the unconstrained and constrained optimization problems. The tutorial is expected to be useful to the beginners. Damit — so eine Quintessenz — schneiden sich heutige Kritiken von ihrer eigenen Geschichte ab. This study investigated whether measures of verbal working memory are less sensitive to children's socioeconomic background than traditional vocabulary measures.
Participants were school beginners , divided into high and low socioeconomic groups. The groups contained equal numbers of English first-language and second-language speakers. Implications for Bilingual Language Assessment. This study compared bilingual and monolingual school beginners on measures of simple and complex verbal working memory and receptive and expressive vocabulary. The aim was to determine whether the tests of working memory are fairer measures of language ability than the vocabulary tests for bilingual children when tested in their second language. Its objective is to elucidate one of the existent axiological position presented in this literary work, specifically, the romantic one Girard, The reading of the text is organized in two parts: Hour of fog producers; Atomkraft: Seven advanced nuclear power plants in Germany can withstand a frontal crash by a full-tanked Jumbo-Jet.
But for five older plants even smaller planes can cause an hazard impossible to control. A fog generation around the power plants, favorized by operators and politicians, to camouflage this plants against terroristic flights is absurd because of the possibility of flight automation.
However terrorists may attack reactors also from the ground, but how they can do is top secret. Bei fuenf aelteren Modellen kann dagegen selbst ein kleineres Flugzeug ein schwer beherrschbares Unglueck ausloesen. Obwohl Experten eine vorzeitige Schliessung solch alter Meiler fuer realistisch halten, ist die Verhandlungslage aufgrund ideologischer Einfluesse verfahren.
Die von Betreibern und Politikern gern gepriesenen Nebelwerfer zur Tarnung der Kraftwerke sind wegen der Moeglichkeit des Instrumentenfluges sinnlos. Die beste Abwehr bieten vorgelagerte Schutzbauten aus Beton. Jedoch koennen Terroristen Reaktoren auch vom Boden aus gefaehrden, wie, ist natuerlich geheim. The faults which would appear regularly in work structuring prompted the present research, the aim of which is to compare the information about the IMRAD format with the specific difficulties beginning authors would often face when preparing their works for publication.
The main materials to be studied were sources in Russian and in English published mostly in s and devoted to the problems of structuring works according to the meant above format. The main methods of our research would remain structural and comparative analysis of texts. As a result, our research revealed the fact of inconsistency of the available information on the IMRAD structure. It would often demand deep thinking and explanations. Different authors of reference editions would as a rule differ one from another in their interpretation of the degree of necessity of this or that composition element, of the amount of details in descriptions, etc.