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Another key theme that arose was that some of the astronauts were puzzled by the fact that feelings of insignificance were not triggered.

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On the contrary, feelings of significance were reinforced. One explanation for this unanticipated outcome might be that the astronauts felt deeply connected to Earth and so part of something much bigger and more meaningful than their mere selves. All the participants were more reverent toward their home planet.

Seeing Earth from Outer Space

They came back more geared towards solidarity and less towards individualism. Their inclinations to promote and act on common goals such as environmental issues were strengthened. The experience resonates with them all today and they continue, years after their return, to make sense and draw from it.

A new type of therapy? The future mental health demands of a population that is growing rapidly, ageing and increasingly feeling more detached, need to be discussed and addressed. We provide a free online form to document your learning and a certificate for your records. Already read this title? Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience this may cause.

Seeing Earth From Space Changes You – And You Don’t Even Have To Leave The Planet

Exclusive web offer for individuals. Seeing Space 1st Edition Robert A. Add to Wish List.

NASA Video : Earth From Space Real Footage Video From The International Space Station IS

Toggle navigation Additional Book Information. Summary Spatial vision is a subject in which philosophy, psychology, ophthalmology, neurophysiology and pathology meet. It is the unique contribution of this book that gives a survey of the whole subject, in historical perspective. The author, a former professor of ophthalmology at the University of Amsterdam, is an authority in the field of binocular vision Diplopia , and colour vision History of Color , Seeing Space is written for ophthalmologists, optometrists, orthoptists and other practitioners of visual science, but also for psychologists and anybody interested in the philosophy and science of perception.

1st Edition

Below are some of the images that modern satellites have captured. Hover to view image details. July 25, Landsat 2. The resolution is 60 meters per pixel in this false-color image, where shades of red indicate vegetated land and grays and whites are urban or rocky surfaces.

Seeing Earth from Outer Space

Now, let's look through the eyes of a satellite. Continue scrolling to zoom in on Earth Because the Earth is a sphere, it's impossible for a satellite to see the entire map at one time. Many satellites are in geosynchronous orbit and go around the Earth exactly once every 24 hours. Some satellites are geostationary , meaning that the satellite always remains above exactly the same spot on the planet's surface. The first Landsat satellite, launched in , had a ground resolution of 80 meters, meaning that objects at least 80 meters across could be distinguished from one another in the captured photographs.

The Landsat program has been incredibly successful in offering open access to the images that are collected.

  1. Beginner's Guide to Seeing the International Space Station (ISS) - Universe Today.
  2. Holding Her Head High: Inspiration from 12 Single Mothers Who Championed Their Children and Changed History.
  3. Seeing Space - CRC Press Book.
  4. Total Loyalty Marketing: Mit begeisterten Kunden und loyalen Mitarbeitern zum Unternehmenserfolg (German Edition).
  5. The availability of satellite images has led to the creation of a number of companies that write algorithms to analyze the imagery and provide competitive analysis. These companies, and others like SpaceX, are leading the way towards the commodification of geospatial analysis and satellite operation in general.

    Today satellite images of just about any location on Earth are public for anyone to view, and — if you are willing to pay — they are available in very high resolution. Some modern commercial satellites are able to distinguish objects that are less than one meter in size.