Talks regarding the granting of candidate country status for accession to the European Union must concentrate on the need for concrete and urgent measures to eradicate any form of discrimination against citizens belonging to national minorities. Arresting presumed war criminals is not sufficient for Serbia to qualify to belong to the European Union. The Commission is aware of the incidents that took place in the course of in some Eastern Serbian towns and closely follows the situation.
The Commission has called on the Serbian authorities to investigate these cases and to bring the perpetrators to justice. However, the implementation of the constitutionally guaranteed rights needs to be improved and consistently ensured throughout the whole territory of Serbia especially when it comes to education and information in minority languages.
Concerning the Romanian minority, the Commission is not aware of any specific discrimination, denial of identity or persecution in Serbia. However, the Commission is aware of Romania's concerns about minority issues. The Commission is also committed to closely monitor the progress made by Serbia towards improving the situation of minorities. Det er kommet frem, at fiskehandlere i Danmark skal skilte deres varer med fiskenes latinske navn og fangststed.
Fishmongers in Denmark are required to display fish with their Latin names and catch locations. This obviously creates an incredibly large amount of red tape for individual traders, and it has been reported that some have had to hire consultancies in order to understand the new rules. It would be sufficient for fishmongers to have the information available, if it is asked for, so that it does not need to be written on every single price display? It has made any calculations of the cost of this administrative impact of the legislation is for fishmongers, who operate small and medium-sized businesses?
Fishmongers infringing that rule would be liable to fines and penalties imposed by the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration. The Danish Fishmongers Association is deeply concerned about this proposal and warns that it would only lead to yet more red tape, as each individual fish wholesaler would then have to pay for consultancy services to meet the new Danish Veterinary and Food Administration requirements and, at the same time, would have to take on extra staff who could translate into Latin.
Can the Commission confirm or deny the above and, if the report is true, say when it will be submitting the proposal for a directive? It has been reported in the daily press in Denmark that from now on a new EU regulation will force fishmongers to display the Latin species names of the fish they are offering for sale. Such a regulation would cause problems for many fishmongers, and it is difficult to see what purpose such a regulation would be seeking to pursue.
Will the Commission therefore advise what purpose such an obligation serves, whether, in its view, the expense involved is commensurate with the purpose, and what action it is intending to take to ensure compliance with this regulation? At retail stage, information on the commercial designation, the production method, and the provenance catch area or country of production for aquaculture products shall be provided by means of the labelling or packaging of the product.
The indication of the scientific name for consumers will not cause any additional costs as it has to be available as part of a traceability system anyway. The proposed reform of the common market organisation follows the same approach by providing additional information to consumers e. During the period, there was a rise in unemployment by a third. Suicides were actually falling before the recession, then started rising in nearly all European countries studied.
These rises are almost certainly linked to the financial crisis. The Commission is aware of the article by David Stuckler et al. The data collected by Eurostat confirm increases in suicide rates in many Member States between and , in line with the study. However, short-term trends in suicide need to be interpreted with caution. Furthermore, four out of the five Member States who have provided data on suicide for reported declining rates.
In addition, it needs to be taken into account that there is a range of different economic, social and health factors and causes involved. In the health and social contexts, the impact of the crisis on mental health and suicide is being considered with Member States under the European Pact for Mental Health and Well-being, the work of the Group of Governmental Experts on Mental Health and Well-being, and the work of the Social Protection Committee on the social impact of the economic crisis.
Does the Commission agree with this approach? Would it support the implementation of a similar ban across the EU? The implementation of this recommendation falls under the responsibility of Member States. The Commission supports its implementation by Member States. Concerned interest groups from the nutrition and food industry have recently criticised the European Food Safety Authority EFSA with regard to its methodology for defining claims relating to food and nutritional products. The Commission is satisfied that EFSA's assessments are consistent with the requirements set out in the regulation and there is currently no intention to review or modify the process to authorise health claims.
The Commission is aware that a very small part of the food industry is dissatisfied with the assessments carried out by EFSA, in particular as regards the establishment of the list of permitted claims pursuant to Art. The Commission is however also aware that the majority of the food industry and major consumers' organisations support the establishment of such a list. The Commission has been in regular contact will all parties interested in the implementation of the regulation, in a proactive and transparent way.
The Commission will continue engaging with stakeholders whenever this is necessary to ensure a correct implementation of the regulation. This investment has enabled this public utility company to supply water and provide a service to citizens at a reasonable cost, ensuring their basic human right to an adequate water supply accessible to all. Now, after all this public investment, the Catalan government wants to sell the public company, even offering a year contract and the right to set prices, which would mean that criteria of financial return will supplant the current criteria of a public and universal service.
This would seriously jeopardise the provision of sufficient drinking water for the whole population. This privatisation, as well as being opposed by the majority of the public, represents a direct attack on democratic control over management of this basic resource, and, as has happened in similar cases of privatisation in large urban areas like Paris, Berlin and Rome, will bring with it worsening service and rising costs, and will also cause more problems as regards inequality of access.
Furthermore, it would contravene European competition laws because it would create a natural monopoly with captive consumers. An adequate and accessible supply of drinking water is considered to be a fundamental human right. The EU recognises it as a basic right. With all this in mind:. Does the Commission have information on this privatisation process and is it ensuring that the abovementioned Community legislation is adhered to? Does the Commission intend to take effective measures to ensure that it is the public sector which guarantees that the human right to a sufficient and accessible water supply is upheld?
Does the Commission consider it appropriate to turn a fundamental right into a business, when doing so may mean that the right is no longer upheld? In , in the face of strong public rejection and opposition from the other political parties, the PP party approved starting a process to replace the current public enterprise by a company with a share of private capital.
From a democratic point of view, the whole privatisation process has lacked the necessary transparency and citizen participation. This is unacceptable in such a vital matter as the planning and management of the water cycle, access to water being a fundamental human right. Similar experiences in other European cities, such as Paris, Rome and Berlin, have shown that privatisation of water management brings a deterioration in services, making them more expensive and increasing problems and inequality in access. Does the Commission intend to take effective measures to ensure that respect for the fundamental human right to an adequate and accessible water supply is guaranteed within the public sector?
Does the Commission consider it appropriate to do business involving a fundamental human right, even at the cost of endangering the guarantee of this right? The Commission does not have any evidence permitting it to conclude that procurement rules apply to the present case. The Honourable Member is invited to provide the Commission with a fully-fledged complaint on the matter if it considers that EU public procurement rules may have been breached. Accordingly, the movement of a firm from the public to the private sector is an economic policy choice which falls within the exclusive competence of Member States.
Azioni in programma per la tutela dei diritti on line. Inoltre l'assenza di una regolamentazione internazionale condivisa crea un vuoto normativo che danneggia non solo i cittadini, ma anche le imprese multinazionali, che operano in paesi con regole differenti fra loro. Furthermore, the absence of a common international regulatory framework creates a legislative void that not only endangers citizens, but also multinational organisations operating in countries with laws different to their own. Does it intend to move towards an international and pan-European standardisation of legislation on privacy?
How will it safeguard the rights of European citizens in respect of legislation allowing access to personal data and providing insufficient protection of privacy? Utilizzo di mezzi sostenibili per trasporto di merci nei centri storici. Ulteriori dettagli sono disponibili al seguente indirizzo web: Methane-, electric— and LPG-powered delivery vans are the most ecological solutions for the transport of goods in the older parts of cities, where access is restricted and couriers are being used.
Out of over 3. These statistics, provided by the Italian Carrier Federation Fedit , relate to and show in general terms how much needs to be done in order to make courier services more eco-friendly. Is the Commission aware of the figures on the transport of goods in the old town quarters of Italian cities? Could it provide a general overview of the transport of goods in old towns and cities in the Member States? What will it do to encourage the wider use of sustainable vehicles to carry goods in old town quarters and areas of particular historical, cultural and artistic interest?
No — the Commission does not have specific figures for the transport of goods in the old town quarters of Italian cities. The Commission intends to come forward with a number of initiatives that will optimise urban freight transport in general. As part of the follow-up to its White Paper: Roadmap to a Single European Transport Area — Towards a competitive and resource efficient transport system, the Commission plans to present in a strategy for zero emissions urban logistics in major urban centres by All details can be found at: Does not such a restriction on trading conflict with:.
Will the Commission ensure that the Guidance allows parallel trade permits to be granted also for products authorised under the mutual recognition procedure? Where the manufacturer of the reference product has for any reason sought authorisation only for a single specific packaging size, does the Commission consider that a parallel trader should be able to secure a permit for a different size or sizes provided that such other sizes are authorised in that Member State for the same formulation type — thus increasing the choice available to consumers and removing potential unjustified barriers to the free movement of goods?
The draft Guidance says that, for purposes of ensuring traceability of repacked products,. Is not such a requirement more onerous than is required for the original product packaging and hence unduly restrictive of trade in parallel products, especially when the original product is sourced over time and consolidated in the re-packaging process, such that the product being re-packaged could derive from more than a single batch and it is not possible to label with certainty which batch the re-packaged product comprises?
In such circumstances, would the Commission agree that the proposed requirement would unnecessarily perpetuate a non-tariff trade barrier? The Commission can confirm that it is possible to obtain parallel trade permits for plant protection products which have received an authorisation on the basis of the procedure for mutual recognition. The draft Guidance provides that in the case of deviations from the packaging size of the reference product, if the package size does not increase the risk associated with the product, the package can be considered equivalent.
The draft Guidance does not prevent the granting of parallel trade permits for different packaging sizes than those of the reference product. Is EU legislation about levels of nitrogen in groundwater having the effect of preventing the use of natural waste as natural fertiliser and thus causing its replacement with — and driving up the use of — artificial fertiliser? This is designed to protect ground and surface water and to avoid eutrophication but does not prevent nor drive up the use of inorganic mineral fertilisers which, together with manures, contribute to plant needs. In particular circumstances established by the directive, the Commission can, at the request of a Member State, grant derogations to this limit to a higher limit provided the objectives of the Nitrates Directive are not put at risk.
Il gruppo ha subito violenze terribili, soprattutto le donne tra cui una ragazza incinta che per questo motivo ha subito un aborto. Alcuni di loro sono stati ammazzati e i loro cadaveri gettati nel deserto. Il testimone sa esattamente dove sono custoditi i prigionieri e sa la sorte che tocca a chi non riesce a pagare il riscatto.
I banditi si accorgono della sua fuga e cominciano a inseguirlo sparando. Svegliati dagli spari, i beduini salafiti dello sceicco M. I trafficanti di uomini e di organi sono alla ricerca incessante del testimone e hanno messo una taglia di 50 mila dollari su di lui.
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Tenuto conto che il governo vieta ai funzionari dell'Alto Commissariato delle Nazioni Unite di uscire dal Cairo, la soluzione della vicenda appare complicata. Si teme una sortita della banda, o che qualcuno dei salafiti ceda alla tentazione dei 50 mila dollari e consegni il giovane.
Abbiamo seguito molto attentamente la questione dei profughi del Sinai tramite la delegazione al Cairo e in diverse occasioni abbiamo espresso la nostra preoccupazione ai ministri egiziani degli Affari esteri e dell'Interno. L'interlocutore egiziano ne ha preso atto promettendo di seguire la vicenda.
Purtroppo, finora si sono registrati progressi limitatissimi. Auspichiamo che con la fine della fase di transizione post-Mubarak e la nomina di un nuovo governo eletto democraticamente venga rivolta maggiore attenzione agli aspetti della sicurezza e dei diritti umani nella regione del Sinai. Last December, a number of people were kidnapped outside a UN refugee camp in Shagarab, Sudan, by human traffickers from Rashaida and sold to a gang belonging to the Ramailat tribe.
The group was subjected to terrible violence, especially the women, including one who was pregnant and miscarried for this reason. Several were killed and their bodies abandoned in the desert. The witness knows where the prisoners are being held and what will happen to those for whom a ransom is not paid. On Thursday night the young Eritrean man broke out of his leg irons and discovered a hole dug by prisoners. When the captors became aware of his escape they chased and shot at him.
Awoken by the shots, the Salafi Bedouin tribe led by Sheikh M. His fate is hanging by a thread. Given that the government is forbidding United Nations High Commission employees from leaving Cairo, the solution appears to be complex. The gang want to silence him for good, because his voice is the ultimate confirmation of the torture that Eritreans kidnapped from Sudan are being subjected to.
We have followed very closely the issue of the Sinai refugees through our delegation in Cairo and we have expressed our concerns at numerous occasions to the Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and to the Ministry of Interior. The Egyptian side took good note and promised to follow the matter. We will continue to urge the Egyptian authorities to take the appropriate measures to address the problem of human trafficking in the Sinai and to ensure that the human rights of migrants and refugees residing or transiting in Egypt are fully respected.
Unfortunately, progress has so far been very limited. We believe that the best way to improve the security of this volatile and strategic region would be through a thorough reform of the security sector allowing the Egyptian authorities to fight traffickers and to control the borders in a more efficient manner while fulfilling their international human rights commitments. The EU stands ready to support Egypt in this endeavour but our Egyptian partners have been rather slow to engage on these sensitive matters for the time being.
We hope that with the end of the post-Mubarak transitory phase and the appointment of a new democratically elected government, the security and human rights issues in the Sinai region will receive greater attention. In , the Hungarian Parliament passed Act CXCX concerning the sale of centralised mobile distribution services via a mobile payment system, which treats local road, trunk-road, water, local suburban and national rail services as centralised mobile distribution services.
This operation is run by an organisation a so-called national mobile payment organisation appointed by the Hungarian Government and wholly owned by the State, using its own system. The system shall be operated by the organisation appointed by the government. The Commission understands that the implementing regulations of the Act have not yet been adopted and the operating entity has not been appointed. An analysis of the compatibility of such an Act with the Treaty always requires a detailed analysis of the facts and the specific circumstances of the case.
The Commission will therefore monitor the Hungarian payments sector for any indications that could raise concerns in light of the relevant Treaty provisions and the prevailing case law. The Commission is not aware of any EU impact study examining the effectiveness of such centralised mobile payment systems. EU policies on municipal solid waste management prioritise the Waste Hierarchy, that is, waste reduction, reutilisation, and recycling.
The Clean Development Mechanism CDM is a technology neutral mechanism, where all incremental improvements can be credited. The environmental integrity of the CDM is first and foremost the responsibility of the UN's CDM Executive Board, while the determination of priorities and assessment of a project's contribution to sustainable development is something that host countries must confirm. It understands that following these criticisms, the Board has revised several waste methodologies and tools to improve their consistency and integrity.
While the legislation allows putting in place further use restrictions adding to those adopted in early , the Commission is currently not planning any additional use restrictions. This will de facto remove EU demand for credits from landfilling and waste incineration projects from new projects outside LDCs.. A single speculator was behind this remarkable price peak. The aim was clearly to drain the market and create scarcity, drive up prices and sell on the acquisitions at a higher price. In the United Kingdom this well-known speculation ploy is termed a squeeze or corner.
Moreover, the price of feed wheat has an impact on the price of food wheat used, for example, to make bread. It is now more necessary than ever to strengthen the trade rules governing agricultural markets. At a time when more than a billion people in the world are suffering from hunger, it is unacceptable for agricultural commodities to be treated as the playthings of speculators. What rules and effective supervisory bodies will the Commission put in place to stop this unregulated speculation threatening world stability?
MiFID includes a number of measures specific to the commodity derivatives markets, such as reducing the exemptions to ensure that all relevant players are authorised, enhanced transparency, position reporting requirements, and a position limits regime. The MAD review extends its scope to market abuse cases occurring across both commodity and related derivatives markets. The introduction of a position limits regime combined with the strengthening of the MAD framework will prevent market participants from building up large positions in the futures markets and explicitly prohibit the use of derivatives to manipulate the price of the related spot markets or to use transactions in the spot markets to manipulate derivatives markets.
The national financial regulators are already today responsible for the supervision of all types of commodity derivatives markets. The increase in transparency and the new supervisory tools described above will allow them to better understand the role of speculation in these markets and to react more swiftly to disruptive or abusive trading practices.
The proposal also introduces an obligation to cooperate and exchange information between financial regulators and the regulators of spot i. Weight loss, improved sexual performance, giving up smoking, combating depression and cancer, are all reasons why offers for such medicinal products are appearing in their droves on the Internet. These types of counterfeit medicinal products can have fatal consequences for patients, who may not be aware that they are victims of deception and that the medicinal products ordered on the Internet are only imitations.
In accordance with this directive, a standard logo will be introduced in order to identify reliable websites that sell pharmaceutical products. In this way, buyers can tell if the site is secure, and whether it is legal or illegal. What measures does the Commission envisage regarding continued non-compliance with legislation in this area? What measures does the Commission intend to take to inform European citizens, firstly, about the risks of purchasing medicinal products on the Internet, and secondly, about this unique identification system for accredited sites?
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The Commission is aware of the problem of illegal sales of medicines on the web and is working on the implementation of the abovementioned Directive. The directive foresees that Member States will be responsible for laying down rules on penalties effective, proportionate and dissuasive applicable to infringements to the provisions set out in the directive and they will have to ensure that those penalties are implemented. The directive also foresees the promotion by the Commission, in cooperation with the European Medicine Agency and Member States authorities, of information campaigns on the dangers of falsified medicinal products, in particular, those sold over the Internet.
Further campaigns may be promoted once the trust logo for online pharmacies will be put in place. Certain leading mass retailers, particularly in France, have chosen to guarantee the best possible quality and the traceability of their products from field to fork, in order to offer their customers fresh and authentic products and to establish sustainable partnerships with producers and farmers. This innovative approach is mutually beneficial, as on the one hand it allows mass retailers to source products which comply with strict environmental and quality criteria, and on the other hand gives farmers and producers secure outlets and allows them to sell their products at high prices.
This is an undeniable asset, not only as regards farm income and rural employment, but also as regards the promotion and preservation of traditional and well-established know-how. This method also makes it possible to anticipate and organise production and to counteract the negative impact of the seasonal variations in agricultural activities, since it involves committing to expected sales volumes in advance of production.
In a situation where the agricultural community is being increasingly weakened, and where consumers are making ever greater demands in terms of quality and traceability, the quality commitments made by these leading mass retailers should be supported and encouraged. Does the Commission support this kind of approach, which creates a sustainable partnership between all players in the food logistics chain and the distribution system? To what extent could the Commission support these supply chains based on quality and traceability, and encourage their development?
The Commission is indeed in favour of appropriate initiatives by retailers to guarantee particular qualities in their food products — provided that all relevant rules are complied with. In the current period of , the EU's rural development policy can help farmers meet the initial costs of becoming involved in food quality schemes recognised by a Member State. As regards voluntary certification schemes, the Commission developed guidelines showing best practice for their operation.
According to the Commission's proposals with regard to the rural development post , support should be available not only for new participation by farmers in Union quality schemes or those recognised by Member States according to certain criteria, but also for voluntary agricultural product certification schemes recognised by Member States as meeting the Union best practice guidelines.
The High Level Forum for a Better Functioning Food Supply Chain is currently exploring possibilities of creating a database of existing labelling legislation-, which could also include voluntary food labelling. This could help to provide guidance and lead to further harmonisation concerning voluntary schemes. Misure per il settore dei foraggi essiccati. L'eventuale chiusura degli impianti, la mancanza di allevamenti, la concorrenza dei cereali e delle biomasse mettono a rischio questa coltura che non troverebbe collocazione.
Since the mid-term review and the partial decoupling of EU support, European production of dried fodder has progressively dropped from 5 to 3. Without such farms, there is a lack of manure, but soil fertility is assured by the cultivation of alfalfa. This directive lays down the conditions that must be fulfilled by the family members of persons who, although not citizens of the European Union, are legally resident in its territory. The objective of the Commission is to revise the wording of the current directive to strengthen the guarantees for family reunification.
The debate could, however, be affected by migration policy problems, which might be difficult at present, as many Member States do not support an open migration policy. Does the Commission consider the timing of the revision of the directive on the right to family reunification to be appropriate? If so, how will it ensure that the debate will not change and that the revision will not have a negative impact on EU migration policy? Both the Stockholm Programme and the European Pact on immigration and asylum identified family reunification as an issue where EU policies should be further developed with special regard to integration measures.
Meanwhile, some Member States set up restrictive rules in order to tackle alleged abuse and better manage the inflow of migrants. The Commission invited Member States who reported problems of abuse of the right to family reunification to specify and quantify them in order to be able to address them at EU level.
Depending on the outcome, the Commission will decide whether any concrete policy follow-up is necessary, e. Set i lyset af det seneste lovgivningsarbejde lader det nu imidlertid til, at sagen er blevet stillet i bero. Does this not constitute a barrier to free circulation and a breach of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade GATT , under which each WTO member accords treatment to goods from another member which is no less favourable than the treatment it accords to like goods from any other country concept of non-discriminatory treatment?
If current trends prevail, what actions will the Commission take to speed up efforts to keep students in school by ? It has launched a strategy aimed at supporting Member States' efforts.

It lays out a holistic approach to this issue and calls on Member States to adopt evidence-based, comprehensive strategies by end , consisting of prevention, intervention and compensation measures. For its part, the Commission has launched a series of measures, making full use of the open method of coordination. A Thematic Working Group on early school leaving, with representatives from nearly all Member States will facilitate exchange of knowledge, practices and policies, and the development of innovative approaches so as to provide policy guidance and advice for Member States.
The Commission will also organise conferences, peer reviews and seminars at European level to further support progress in this area. As regards financial support for projects on ESL, the Commission has proposed that the new legal basis for structural funding contain a condition that Member States must demonstrate that they have a strategy on early school leaving in place.
Fraud is often difficult to combat, due to constantly evolving methods of fraudulent behaviour.
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What can the Commission report on the progress and success of the Anti-Fraud Strategy? In the economic crisis and times of tight public budgets, fraud prevention and detection measures constitute a particularly important contribution to sound financial management. The priority actions are in particular:. This clause was included in all legislative proposals submitted for the Multiannual Financial Framework in ;.
This network is already holding regular meetings allowing to share information and best practices in the fight against fraud;. This will be completed before summer Despite the assurances of the Hungarian Government, its formal responses to the letters of formal notice had not fully resolved all the problems raised by the Commission.
Even though the scope of infringements has become narrower, there still remained open questions in connection with both the Data Protection Authority and the National Bank of Hungary. Therefore, the Commission has recently addressed a reasoned opinion to Hungary on the issues still outstanding in respect of the Data Protection Authority and sent an administrative letter requesting further clarifications from the Hungarian Government relating to the measures affecting the National Bank of Hungary and its Governor.
Any further proceedings will depend on the replies provided by the Hungarian authorities. Now that the ECJ has ruled on banning all stem cell research patents, has the Commission undertaken to reform the ethical review that it applies to EU research funding requests? Therefore it does not concern research per se, and for this reason the Commission sees no need to reform the ethical review that it applies to EU research funding requests.
However, in practice this is very unlikely because patent costs usually occur after the project has ended and would therefore not be eligible for reimbursement. This matter is in fact sub judice owing to a legal challenge brought by the Inuit nations, which is currently before the European Court of Justice. Can the Commission outline how it intends to act on the findings of this review, prior to the completion of these legal proceedings so as not to prejudice its outcome?
The purpose of the study is two-fold. It is to be noted that the study was not launched for the purpose of reviewing the impacts of the regulation, but rather to inform the Commission about the trade situation following its adoption. Can the Commission confirm the exact amount of the allocated funding the Irish Government has drawn down to date?
Under EGF rules, there is therefore no need for the Member State to present payment claims and draw down funds at its request. At this stage the Commission does not have any information as to the amounts that the Irish authorities have already spent on the EGF agreed measures, both before and after receiving the EGF contribution. The Commission is in the process of recovering the unspent monies. Furthermore, when does the Commission expect the evaluation mentioned in the answer to be ready?
Finally, what actions is the Commission planning in to tackle alcohol-related harm? The report provides an overview of actions by Member States and of voluntary actions by a wide range of stakeholders taken in the framework of the European Alcohol and Health Forum. As regards the results of the external evaluation of the Alcohol Strategy, this will be available in autumn and will include an assessment of the added value and impact of the actions generated in Member States and through voluntary action by stakeholders.
On the basis of the results of this evaluation, the Commission will consider the way to continue its work on alcohol and health in and beyond. Many of the stakeholders' ongoing voluntary actions will in any case continue beyond Wie beurteilt die Kommission die aktuelle Situation? Non-EU countries are intensifying the fight against plans by the European Commission to include all airlines in its emissions trading scheme.
Thus, airlines have to buy pollution rights for the CO 2 emissions of their aircraft if they want to take off and land in Europe. Other states seem to be preparing legal prohibitions towards their state airlines for not taking part in this system. What has the Commission done recently to discuss and negotiate the Emissions Trading Scheme with these countries in order to increase their acceptance and understanding of the importance of the scheme? How does the Commission judge the current situation? Might it lead to a withdrawal of the trading scheme by the Commission?
If the system comes into effect according to schedule would those airlines who fail to pay be denied permission to fly to the EU? The EU remains firm in its position that operators from other states must respect EU legislation. It continues the implementation of aviation ETS legislation, while engaging positively with international partners as described above.
Furthermore, the Commission will review and possibly propose an amendment to the legislation if and when an agreement on global measures is found in ICAO. As a last resort, where all other measures to ensure compliance have failed, operating bans could in principle be applied. Can the Commission confirm that the Irish Government has drawn down all the allocated funding? Can the Commission outline in detail the way in which this money was utilised by the Irish Government?
Il regolamento UE n. Tuttavia, ai sensi dell'articolo 2 del regolamento in esame: Die Erweiterung der EU wird zunehmend kontrovers diskutiert.
Wie verlief die Vergabe? Viele Menschen haben in Sozialen Medien im Internet kritisiert, dass dieses Video rassistisch und sexistisch ist. Fernsehwerbezeit wurde nicht gekauft. Cinematografische propaganda voor de Europese Unie. Als onderdeel van deze campagne zijn videoclips geproduceerd en verspreid, elk met verschillende doelgroepen, distributiekanalen en doelstellingen.
Er werd geen reclametijd op televisie gekocht. De Commissie betreurt natuurlijk dat deze clip door sommige burgers als beledigend werd ervaren. Wij blijven echter geloven dat verschillende communicatiekanalen en producten, waaronder sociale media, moeten worden aangewend om de verschillende doelgroepen te informeren. Met name voor producten die online worden verspreid, zullen wij alles in het werk blijven stellen om de boodschap zo duidelijk mogelijk over te brengen. EU enlargement is increasingly the subject of controversial debate.
There is growing support among the population for the belief that a phase of consolidation and internal integration should precede any further enlargement. The website of the Directorate-General for Enlargement explains that the video is intended to encourage the audience to rethink its perception of the countries shown. This is part of a campaign to generate more attention and to show a different side of the region. To what extent does the Commission see itself legitimised in its attempt to use this film to influence future decisions on enlargement? How was the contract awarded?
What other advertising methods has the Commission used to promote EU enlargement? At the time this question was being written, one commercial with a plot based on a misplaced European superiority complex had already been withdrawn from distribution. People who went to Dutch cinemas this weekend have drawn my attention to another commercial, however.
The illusion is being created that these candidate countries deserve to join the European Union just as much as the current Member States because they also have shiny office buildings. If not, why not? Less than a week ago, the Commission released a video promoting the enlargement of the European Union, which was considered by many to have racist overtones. After several days and numerous complaints, the video was withdrawn from official circulation on the Internet.
What conclusions has the Commission drawn from this experience and what does it intend to do in future to avoid such situations? A video made by the Commission as part of a campaign to advertise the benefits of admitting new Member States has been withdrawn by the Commission from the YouTube website. The video, intended to promote the benefits of EU enlargement, shows three men from various ethnic minorities using different threatening martial arts skills to surround a young white woman dressed in a yellow jumpsuit similar to that worn by the heroine in the Kill Bill Hollywood hit movies.
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Many people have complained on social media sites that this video is racist and sexist. Furthermore, why did the Commission produce this video only to then withdraw it? As part of its information and communication activities, the Commission implemented an audiovisual campaign aiming to raise citizens' awareness about EU enlargement and the candidates and potential candidates, in line with established EU policy.
Within this campaign, video clips were produced and distributed, each with different target audiences, distribution channels and objectives. No television advertising time was bought. Its objective is to familiarise EU citizens with the candidates and potential candidates. The Commission obviously regrets that this clip was perceived as offensive by some citizens.
We continue to believe that it is necessary to use different communication channels and products, including social media, to inform different audiences. In particular for products distributed online, we will further endeavour to ensure the clarity of the message to be conveyed. The contract for this campaign was awarded following a competition among a pool of contractors invited to tender as part of an existing Framework Contract. Waarop berust haar democratische legitimatie eigenlijk? Hoe verklaart de Commissie dit verschil?
Een vooraanstaand lid van de Nederlandse Rekenkamer, de heer K. Dit is niet in overeenstemming met internationale controlestandaarden.
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Kan de Commissie dit uitleggen? Waarom vindt stemming binnen het ESM nu ineens plaats met een lichte vorm van gekwalificeerde meerderheid, waar voorheen telkens met unanimiteit werd beslist? Het ESM-orgaan waarbij de uiteindelijke beslissingsbevoegdheid berust, is de Raad van gouverneurs, die overeenkomstig het ESM-verdrag toezicht houdt op de werkzaamheden van de Raad van bewind en besluiten neemt. What are its actual democratic credentials?
The Netherlands contributes 5. How does the Commission explain this difference? This does not comply with international control standards. Can the Commission explain this? Why is it that, all of a sudden, voting within the ESM now occurs with a light form of qualified majority, whereas before, decisions were made unanimously? It is composed of members of the governments of the ESM Members who have responsibility for finance and who are accountable before their respective parliaments. The adoption of a decision to grant or implement financial assistance is in principle taken by mutual agreement requiring the unanimity of the members participating in the vote.
However, an emergency procedure requiring qualified majority voting shall be used where the Commission and the ECB both conclude that the failure to urgently adopt a decision or grant financial assistance would threaten the economic and financial stability of the euro area. The refugees are fleeing to neighbouring countries, including Niger, Burkina Faso and Mauritania.
In the opinion of the Red Cross and non-governmental organisations, the local people are leaving their homes in haste, often without the means to survive. The consequences of the violence are exacerbating an already-strained situation in this part of Africa, which is plagued by incessant droughts and resulting food crises. Many aid organisations operating in the region are predicting a major food crisis in , as a result of crop failures and losses of domestic animals following a dry rainy season. With this in mind, is the Commission planning to take any steps to help the refugees from Mali?
If so, what will the steps be? Nearly , of these are internally displaced in Mali. The rest have sought refuge in neighbouring countries, primarily Niger, Mauritania and Burkina Faso. Many of these people are from areas already considered highly vulnerable and food insecure as a consequence of the Sahel food crisis caused by poor harvests and high food prices. This assistance, which will be channelled through UN agencies, the Red Cross family and international NGOs, will help alleviate the most urgent needs in shelter, access to food, water and sanitation and healthcare.
One argument in favour of reform, and consequently in favour of increasing future income from contributions, is the fact that every one of the Member States that has had or still has a pay-as-you-go pensions system has accumulated massive debts as a result. Does the Commission have any figures on the level of the abovementioned debt in relation to GDP in EU Member States, both as an absolute value and as simulated annual budget payments to pension systems? Within the framework of the European semester, will the Commission recommend remedial measures to the Member States most burdened by such debt?
If so, what will these measures be? The Commission recommends, in the context of the European semester, structural reforms to pension systems to curb future expenditure increases. The recommendations are based on the Sustainability Report and on country-specific factors. This decision comes after the movement of significant military resources to the Persian Gulf and the Strait of Hormuz as well as repeated violations of Iranian airspace, for which the Iranian authorities blame Israel and the United States, among others.
Instead of seeking a political solution to the conflict, as it is imperative to do at this juncture, the option being favoured is confrontation, reducing the scope for dialogue and diplomatic negotiation. What was the reason for the boycott of the nuclear fuel swap agreement between Iran, Brazil and Turkey in ? What are its conclusions? Does she not believe that all this amounts to a policy of double standards? What measures has she taken to date to promote the dismantling of the illegal Israeli nuclear arsenal with a view to establishing a nuclear weapons-free zone in the Middle East?
The EU remains determined to work for a diplomatic solution through negotiations. It has always followed a double-track approach, combining incentives with pressure. It is for this reason that the decision to introduce a phased ban on the import of Iranian oil is accompanied by a process of adjustment which is given the necessary priority. Estudos sobre a capacidade da frota dos Estados-Membros e financiamento da recolha de dados. Que meios financeiros foram disponibilizados aos Estados-Membros para a recolha desses dados? What scientific data does the Commission have on fishing overcapacity in the Member States?
What funds have been made available to the Member States for collecting those data? Is the Commission willing to propose an increase in these funds in order to provide a more substantial EU contribution for data collection? A new approach is needed. In the context of the annual fleet report, Member States are requested to make an annual qualitative assessment of the balance between fishing capacity and fishing opportunities.
Instead, a qualitative descriptive assessment of the degree of balance or imbalance executed by the Member State is useful when based on evidence. In the words of its members, the association has, since its foundation, worked for the community in the areas of housing, support from childhood to retirement, and promotion of cultural and sporting activities.
However, owing to its difficult financial situation, it may have to cease operating if it does not get the support it needs. What programmes could be used to help this association and what support can it be given, in view of its important community activity and its role in the social, cultural and economic development of the surrounding population? Within the framework of the shared management principle used in administering cohesion policy, the national authorities are responsible for project selection and implementation.
The Commission, therefore, suggests that the Honourable Member contact directly the managing authorities responsible for the programmes concerned:. Impacto ambiental da atividade da Savinor. For reasons inherent in its activity, it has had to deal over the years with the consequences of the emission of odours from the products sent to it for processing.
As far as we can tell, these investments have been made without any financing from the Portuguese Government or the European Union. The Commission is not aware of the situation of this company and the issues raised by the Honourable Member. Taking into account that a raft of regulations is currently being debated for the programming period, how will consultation with small businesses be guaranteed? Does the Commission have in mind a particular consultation process that will guarantee the participation and involvement of small businesses in the current planning process?
Et tysk firma fik The Commission would like to draw the Honourable Member's attention to the fact that it cannot interfere in the process for registration of Community trade marks at the Office for Harmonisation in the internal market OHIM. The OHIM, which is responsible for registering Community trade marks, is independent in relation to technical matters and has legal autonomy. The Community Trade Mark Regulation provides as well that following the publication of a Community trade mark application, any natural or legal person may submit written observations, explaining on which grounds the trade mark shall not be registered ex officio, while after registration, any natural or legal person may submit an application to OHIM for a declaration that a Community trade mark is invalid where in particular, it was registered in spite of the existence of an absolute ground for refusal.
Falls nicht, warum nicht? Some Member States have difficulties, for constitutional, legal and political reasons, in transposing this directive into national law. Is the Commission examining this option in the context of its current evaluation and impact assessment of the directive?
With regard to the question of the Honourable Member on the possibility of having an optional application of the Data Retention Directive, it needs to be underlined that this is not possible for the following reasons:. Opt-outs for individual Member States are only possible when they are foreseen in primary law. In line with current Treaty provisions, these are not applicable for the data retention directive. Given that the data retention directive has to be applied in the entire EU, any optional retention would reintroduce obstacles to the internal market.
In absence of exemptions flowing directly form primary law, secondary law can foresee derogations in favour of the Member State in question subject to specific objectively different circumstances. Although European requirements have been increasingly stringent regarding GMOs, hormones, meat meal, residues of medicinal products and animal welfare , these imports have not met European standards. Is it logical that the European Union should abandon part of its production, which fully complies with the health and food regulations, and be exposed to an ever-increasing dependence on meat supplied from external markets?
EU high standards on food safety, animal health, animal welfare or environmental protection reflect our social values and are the result of a legislative process involving the European Parliament and the Council. Trade data show that there is no evidence that these standards negatively affect EU production. The EU is the world's biggest exporter of pigmeat with an export volume of three million tonnes. Igualdad de trato irrespectivo de la lengua utilizada.
Parece ser que el agente dijo al joven: The young man in question was taking part in a protest against the monarchy in Spain. It appears that the police officer said to the young man: When the young man refused to switch languages, the police officer explained to him that he was from Malaga and, therefore, did not understand Catalan. The young man then switched to Spanish. Will the Commission consider introducing provisions against linguistic discrimination in the reform of the Equal Treatment Directive COM ? The European Union can only act within the limits of the powers conferred on it by the Treaties.
DB AutoZug caters solely for passengers making national and international rail journeys together with their car or motorcycle. Persons who are precluded by their disability from obtaining a driving licence, and thus from driving any type of vehicle, cannot therefore travel on motorail trains, despite the fact that on many international routes these are the only trains which offer direct services, something that is often essential for people with reduced mobility wishing to travel by rail. The motorail train service has to be understood as a service allowing people with car or motorcycle to be transported by train with their car or motorcycle.
The operator has therefore chosen not to open it to anybody travelling without a car or motorcycle. Hence passengers with reduced mobility PRMs seeking to travel without a car or motorcycle are not discriminated against compared to other passengers wanting to travel without a vehicle. In diesem Zusammenhang ergeben sich folgende Fragen:. OLAF hat ebenfalls ein neues Logo erhalten. The new Commission logo was launched at the beginning of The following questions arise in this context:.
What is to happen to the documents, letterheads and business cards carrying the old logo? How long will any transitional phase last? OLAF has also been given a new logo. How much will the design process and changeover cost? How long will the transitional phase last in this case? The Commission is collecting the information it needs to answer the question. It will communicate its findings as soon as possible. There was no transitional phase; the refreshed logo has been used as from the date of its introduction.
These two criteria are likely to be frequently mutually exclusive. Of these ten candidates, five are Polish and five come from various other Member States. Let us imagine that the five Poles are the most capable and qualified candidates and achieve the highest marks in the competition. Would the European Personnel Selection Office put all five Polish candidates on the reserve list, as their superior performance in the competition would merit?
If so, how would EPSO and the recruiting institutions explain the failure to recruit on the broadest possible geographical basis? If not, how would the refusal of a place on the list for the lower placed Poles who still performed better than the five other candidates be justified? What explanation would be given to these high performing candidates, excluded merely because of their nationality? In questa collezione, suggestioni esotiche rievocano luoghi lontani e tessuti pregiati e pietre preziose conferiscono a ogni scarpa un'aurea regale.
Nasce Giuseppe for Jennifer Lopez, una capsule collection esclusiva di calzature disegnate a quattro mani da Giuseppe Zanotti e Jennifer Lopez, disponibile da questo mese in selezionate boutique del brand. Indossate i nuovi sandali in velluto di Zara, con decorazioni argentate di stelle cadenti, e immaginate di essere l'eroina delle avventure psichedeliche dei Beatles, che passeggiava su un cielo stellato pieno di diamanti.
Immergetevi in un'atmosfera sognante e surreale e ricordate: Gli stivaletti immaginati dell'enfant prodige inglese per questa primavera sono femminili e avant-garde allo stesso tempo: Provare per credere Costo: Sognate una scarpa da Cenerentola moderna? La sua collezione include stivaletti in pelle con tintura vegetale, ciabattine con maxi fiocchi in coloratissimi tessuti africani e sandali con lacci alla caviglia in pelle di Springbok Costo: Piccole onde circolari e geometriche nascono come dettagli e diventano extra-large su capi e accessori: Oltre a kitten heel preziosi e pantofoline da smoking, ci sono le sneaker Lola in pelle bianca con bordo in pelliccia di visone: Le scarpe non bastano ma i.
Le donne lo sanno benissimo.