But I think Boyd Haley also did this. They took brain neurons, snail brain neurons and put a solution of different heavy metals on the neurons and they show at least on camera is the neuron being torn apart when they put a solution of mercury on there. And then they also say when they add aluminum to that mix, it catalyzes the reaction. Are you familiar with that? Have a response to that? Explain that in a different way? No, I think that historically in medicine that studies in laboratory cells or studies in experimental animals are not always predictive of events in children.
And we got the same result. Exposure—exposing rats to mercury vapor caused the tubulin in their brain to dissipate. And they showed that mercury and only mercury, which is what I had found, that only mercury would cause these biochemical abnormalities when added to normal brain—human brain homogenates.
Uh, they found the same thing in the neurons in culture, that mercury and only mercury at those very, very low levels would cause the tubulin to disintegrate or fall apart. And I would say since, uh, then, just recently, people in, uh, Korea have published a paper, a very good paper, showing that mercury also, uh, when added to cells in culture, neuronal cells in culture, will cause the build-up of beta amyloid plaques. What Burbacher appears to be saying is that ethylmercury is not eliminated from the body. It just clears the blood. It goes to the organs.
Is that new information or is that disputed information? What Burbacher found is that it is possible for mercury, either as ethyl mercury or methyl mercury, to exist in the brain as essentially inorganic mercury, that the methyl or ethyl mercury molecule gets cleaved off. His study in experimental monkeys showed something that is interesting but has, to my knowledge, no correlate in harm. If it was harmful, then it should be shown in a study to be harmful. And the most sensitive way to answer that question is with an epidemiological study, not with an animal model study, not with a cell study of cells in the laboratory.
If you want to know whether or not something is harmful in children, test it in children. I mean, the studies with rats and—and they did this with rabbits. But while it was clearing the blood, it was going up in all the other organs of the body dramatically.
Thimerosal does not leave the body within a short period of time. Leaving the blood is just the first step of it getting into the other tissues where it has its toxic effects. But it does not prevent it from being toxic. And why he, uh, wants to say that this indicates that the—Thimerosal is removed when we vaccinated into children.
With regard to his epidemiological studies, those were mainly funded by the CDC. For example, in the study by Madsen, which is one of them he talks about, they said that removal of a toxic material, Thimerosal, which is a neuro-toxin, exposure—removing that exposure from infants caused the autism rate to increase twenty-fold. Most of them done in, uh, Europe. That, uh, flagrantly ignore the rules of statistics to get the answers they want. They were paid to get the results showing that Thimerosal was safe and was not causing a toxic effect.
And doing that, they broke all the rules of statistical analysis. But as Paracelsus said, you know, in the 16 th century, the dose makes the poison. He talks about Paracelsus. And, you know, there is a—a bit of logic to that. So there is, uh, uh, a tie-in with that. I mean, his—his mind was about this. Plus we also know that in the case of mercury, there have been studies done showing the synergistic effect with lead, cadmium, and certain other things like such as aluminum, and which we showed in the—the neuron study with aluminum.
If you put in Thimerosal and then add either lead, cadmium, or aluminum, you dramatically increase the toxicity of that level of alum—of, uh, mercury. Mercury is synergistically enhanced by the presence of most other metals. But Aluminum, you know, is certainly not as well studied, I think, as has been Thimerosal.
I mean, the vaccines require, some vaccines require adjuvants. Can our immune response hurt us? Can that be the problem with vaccines? What our immune system does as a result of seeing the foreign protein? And Lyme bacteria, you know, so called Borrelia Burgdorferi can cause you to respond, to react not only to the bacteria but also at the same time to these cells that sort of line your joints causing a chronic arthritis. What has been shown in a lot of research is that mercury increases the susceptibility to, uh, immunological problems.
And also infection from bacteria. In other words, mercury enhances the ability of the bacteria to penetrate the joints and start the arthritic, uh, condition. And we have done studies and these are now published in some of the best toxicological journals in the world. When those membranes become leaky, then the immune system loses its compartmentalization.
Uh, in other words, the immune system is meant to be compartmentalized into your blood system. Nor are intestinal particles, um, meant to get into the bloodstream in—intact. And when you are exposed to certain levels of mercury, you can open up these membrane, make them leaky, as you would see in leaky gut syndrome or in colitis and certain things.
And producing antibodies that it normally would never ever produce. This is the reason why a lot of people have antibodies to certain food products in their bloodstream that should never ever have gotten into the bloodstream. And the only way you can make those antibodies is to get that entire food particle into the bloodstream. And you do that by having a leaky membrane, either in the arteries or in the, uh, uh, intestinal tract.
To answer the question: Are you at greater risk of asthma? Are you at greater risk of allergies? And the asthma rate was much higher in those who got it at four months. Would you agree with that statement? I think his idea that autism is at the same rate as it was 30 years ago indicates to me that this man does not read the literature and the science at all. Our boys are becoming less scholastically capable. He should not, with his, uh, comments, be considered at all, any type of an expert about autism.
The format used in the pilot film is intended to give scientists on all sides a platform to speak to a broad public. If you agree that the question is vital and this format will enable advocates to educate the public about the issue, please support Public Affairs Media, Inc. By William Camacaro , Frederick B. Mills , and Christina M. Schiavoni , January 02 The National Assembly of Venezuela, in its final session before a neoliberal dominated opposition takes the helm of legislative power on January 5, passed one of the most progressive seed laws in the world on December 23, ….
Ecological Meltdown And Nuclear Conflict: By Colin Todhunter , January 03 A few months ago, entrepreneur Charles Devenish contacted me to tell me about his plans to develop various mining enterprises across India. He spoke about the massive amounts of untapped mineral resources lying beneath India that is just lying there and has been for a long time.
Genetic Manipulation of Organisms: William Engdahl , January 03 There is a very positive news coming out of Paris, a city with more than her share of bad news lately. The Health Impacts of Fluoridated Water. One of our pet peeves is when erroneous groupthink persists even in the face of contradictory evidence.
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By Helen Gallant , January 01 Comment vous vous appelez, votre nom de famille? Un jour je lui ai dit: Je lui ai dit: Pourquoi Thierry Meyssan ose? Je lis tous tes articles, merci, merci, je peux faire une photo avec vous?! Tous ont pris position contre Netanyahu. Ils [USA] ne sont plus capables de voir le fonctionnement des avions. Ordre de la Maison Blanche? Les Saoudiens ont vraiment un moyen de chantage. Plus que le Qatar. Nous reparlerons des artisans syriens. Mais pourquoi avec du TNT?! Je vais en vitesse demander au veilleur de nuit ce qui se passe: Je parle un moment avec le veilleur de nuit: Braves gens ces rebelles.
Je recommande post scriptum deux interviews que me signale Dominique de France, tout frais sortis -sans date des interviews- sur Internet. Ici, en Syrie, on ne parle jamais de sa confession: Meyssan, 10 novembre , http: Commentaire dans le Jerusalem Post du. Fabius et Burgat, http: In his first major interview, Mr. Allegations of torture, rape and unlawful killing by British armed services personnel between and — after which they slunk out of Iraq under cover of darkness — has increased tenfold, since the Unit was established, in November To the cynic IHAT seems to have all the hallmarks of a typical British sweeping under the straw operation with the fox in charge of the henhouse brooms.
The Ministry of Defence has one last, well, defence — and defiance. They have been extended to Were there any will hidden somewhere in those handpicked from the ranks of those which includes alleged perpetrators to deliver justice, in such a time scale, given such a massive, meticulous legal task, it would be between Herculean to impossible to achieve. Of course before the invasion there was no terrorism, car bombs, suicide bombers in Iraq, Syria or widely elsewhere, they manifested and multiplied with the arrival of the invaders. Tony Blair is pursued globally by those aiming to try him for war crimes, crimes against the peace, or crimes of aggression.
Events have displayed his delusional mendacity not alone in his hand in the unimaginable horrors of the destruction of Iraq and that inflicted on the people, country and poisoning of the region by the chemically toxic and radioactive weapons used — but the totally predictable blowback it has wrought in terror alerts and acts in the West and against Western interests.
It is very little, very late. It will not quell the grief, the rage, home the dispossessed, the orphans, widows, or bring back the dead, but it would be a start. Its implications will be felt worldwide. If our world ever gets the will to rid the 21st Century Black Death plague masquerading under the name of Genetic Manipulation of Organisms or GMO, it will owe a huge debt of gratitude to the courageous work of Prof.
Hidden Agenda of Genetic Manipulation , by F. William Engdahl, directly from Global Research. Few are aware of their tireless and largely thankless work.
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The body is responsible for approving as safe a number of GMO plant varieties in France. Fellous himself is no small fish. The case was brought by Seralini in January The same Seralini team of scientists were in the middle of one of the most egregious of recent cases of professional misconduct involving his publication of an explosively damning rat study, one examining the effects over a full two year life span. The results were bone-chilling. The results of the study sent shockwaves around the world. The study found alarming instances of cancer tumors, severe organ damage and premature death in rats fed GMO corn treated with Monsanto Roundup with Glyphosate.
The Seralini study was published after a four-month peer-review process by scientifically qualified colleagues and two years of research in absolute secrecy to avoid industry pressure. Within hours of the public release of the Seralini study, a coordinated global media campaign to discredit the conclusions was launched. All science by definition is a process of mining, testing radical hypotheses, retesting old, on an ever deeper level.
Perhaps that will have to await a new Paris court verdict. In true science as in life, persistent honesty eventually trumps fraud, defceit and corruption. The entire field of so-called biotechnology is corrupt and rotten to its very unscientific, reductivist core. The analogies can be found in our plundered planet.
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Hidden Agenda of Genetic Manipulation. Washington ordered Baghdad to replace heads of antiterrorism, intelligence, military security services and the interior ministry. It wants a US-friendly team serving its interests on the ground. Washington supports the illegal presence of Turkish forces in northern Iraq. Death, destruction and human misery haunt millions of Iraqis. The Iraqi people have every right to live in peace and tranquility. The United Nations continues to deplore this continuing loss of life. The long-suffering people of Iraq and other troubled countries have no ally in the Secretary-General.
Scores die or suffer severe injuries daily in Iraq from violence alone, at times hundreds, civilians mostly affected. No count is kept on numbers perishing from lack of food, water, necessary medical care or overall deprivation. Nothing in prospect suggests relief, not as long as Washington continues pursuing its imperial agenda, ruthlessly disregarding human lives and welfare. Evacuating US sponsored terrorists is routine. To their biggest surprise, only a few bodies of the terrorist group were found when intelligence gathering by the U.
S led coalition and the Iraqi intelligence service confirmed the presence of around fighters in the city until days before the final assault. Six ISIS fighters were arrested while trying to flee Ramadi among the civilians who left the city one day before the final assault on the city center. If we want to benefit from an Air Force to defeat the terrorist group, we should bow to the American command. We were not allowed to engage against these and no one in the government can contradict the Americans for the moment.
S wants a homogeneous team that is friendly to its policy and presence of these US forces on the ground in Iraq. Qassem Soleimani over a few Iraqi armed groups. What is contributing to the success of such a policy is the fact that the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi is in a bad terms with Soleimani. This is why Abadi rejected, following an explicit American demand, to reject any Russia military assistance in the air, in Iraq, unlike the Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.
The Iraqi Prime Minister is aware of the possibility that the U. S would like to see 3 Iraqi cantons, one for the Kurds, one for the Sunni and another one for the Shia. The Middle East will never be the same as before. Shortly before Christmas I wrote the following letter to Mr. As Professor Michel Chossudovsky so aptly writes, western corporatism is waging an economic war against the world accompanied by increased militarism carried out mainly by the Pentagon and its minion European allies, NATO.
The BIS was created in with the objective to help with the settlements of loans related to the reparation payments by Germany after WWI. It later took over the role of coordinating and gradually controlling central banks around the world and the flow of funds between them. The Rothschild — Rockefeller families were instrumental in setting up the institution and are still today among the major shareholders of an entirely privately owned international monetary institution.
People who love cannot be defeated. The western immoral, nefarious monetary system forces starving people to death by sanctions, by IMF strangulations, by creating unemployment through corporate privatization of public and social services, by greed — is bound to provoke revolutions, perhaps slowly, but surely. Economy through the prevailing monetary system is used as a deadly weapon, as deadly as bombs and canons. The US today is nothing but a militarized police state.
In no time Europe will be the same. Please allow me to write to you with one simple but monumental concern: The survival of humanity. Washington follows a foreign policy of constant provocation for constant conflict. It would be against all odds that a majority of people who suffered for years under drastic austerity measures imposed by their neoliberal governments, would out of free will vote again for their hangmen.
It is hardly coincidence that in Europe, not one out of the 28 EU members has a left-leaning government. The illusion that Europe could become at least an economic counter-force has vanished long ago. Europe, the harbinger of hundreds of years of atrocious and murderous colonization of Africa, Asia and the Americas is hardly the ethical and moral power to resist the new neoliberal Anglo-Zionist empire with headquarters in Washington. The so-called European Union and even non-EU members have long ago conceded most of their national sovereignty to Washington.
The EU, with the US behind its creation, was never conceived to become a political union. In such a scenario, a common currency, the Euro, was and is a sham. Lack of EU solidarity was exemplarily demonstrated in Greece. The concepts of ethics and solidarity do not exist in the EU, certainly no more than in the self-proclaimed hegemon of the world. Their blackmailing Greece into submission is a criminal act by any international standards of law — if there was still a court that would uphold such standards.
While the dollar monetary system commands the western world, one of the three key instruments of oppression and dominance the other two being war and propaganda , the death toll and destruction will further proliferate — unless — UNLESS, the monster is forcefully stopped in its tracks. Why do I tell you this? Thanks to the wisdom of Mr.
There is some awakening taking place. The tectonic plates may have started shifting. The concern is bloodshed, and possibly annihilation of mankind. My credo from one economist to another — There is another, possibly bloodless way to conquer the monster: Rapid expansion of the Russia-China alternative payment systems, fierce promotion of dollar delinked energy trading;.
With my best wishes for the Holidays and most certainly for a more peaceful He is also a former World Bank staff and worked extensively around the world in the fields of environment and water resources. In all the reporting by the media, the sources were lost. Couture-Rouleau had killed a Canadian soldier two days before Zehaf-Bibeau went on his rampage on October Presented subsequently in various media reports, the two incidents were said to be interconnected. They were portrayed as a coordinated and orchestrated attack. These were the first pictures of Zehaf-Bibeau and were widely reproduced by the Canadian and international media.
Maybe it was because most of the entries and posts on Breaking3zero were in French and ArmedResearch could not understand, but what Heavy. The person behind the post was French-Canadian writer William Reymond. William Reymond even wrote an article about it on his personal blog in both French and English on October 22, To set the record straight, on November 1, he reproduced the same text on Huffington Post.
He starts his text by saying:. Take a good look at this photo. This picture is going around the world right now. It shows Michael Zehaf-Bibeau during his attack in Ottawa. I want to tell you the story behind this picture. How it landed on my computer screen and how I was able to identify it before sharing it.
The following day, the RCMP told the public they did not know who could have taken the picture of the incident. It was later revealed that the source for the photograph was the local Ottawa Police Services. Around 2pm, one of my followers informs me of its existence, asking me if this really is the shooter. At this point in time, information on the Ottawa attack is still very vague and contradictory. My first reflex is to ask him about the source. He points to the responses to a tweet posted by the Ottawa police.
Not just any tweet. But a tweet asking the witnesses of the attack to share with the police any information allowing to identify the shooter. And there, among the first responses, is the photo of a man holding a rifle. It was deleted almost instantly. The rate at which it was taken off makes me think that it was probably the author himself.
Maybe he thought he was sending a private message. Maybe it took it down after talking to the police, following their advice. Whatever the reason, thanks to a screenshot, I find myself with a copy in hands in the early afternoon. The media and news agencies have failed to even correct their mistakes. Instead they have just moved on, leaving many Canadians in a blanket of ignorance and misconception.
Screen shots from Ottawa Citizen, October 23, At its worst, the failure of the mainstream media to report the facts is intentional. At its best, it is the negligence of sloppy journalists and media outlets. He was never planning on going to fight in Syria. The RCMP made this claim, saying that its source was his mother. She, however, angrily spoke out and said that she had even asked the RCMP to correct their mistake after they made the claim. There is an echo chamber of misinformation and disinformation where misinformed reports and conjecture feed other reports, leading to the construction of a distorted picture of the news and world.
Zehaf-Bibeau was never even on the national terrorist watch list in Canada. US law enforcement officials also released information about Zehaf-Bibeau before Canadian law enforcement officials did. This includes the release of his widely circulated picture from the day of his rampage on Parliament Hill. These branding campaigns have been at work to sell specific perspectives aimed at framing or re-framing the views of the public and the way that audiences understand or perceive the policy shifts in national security and foreign policy that justify war and the looting of national resources.
The focus and gaze of the public is being misdirected towards a misguided schoolboy through an illusion that ignores the real backers of terrorism. Here lies the irony. The farmers would also benefit from the profits that would supplement their farming income and also be funnelled into investment in research and knowledge, which would enable them to restore their soils and move towards organic agriculture that would be in harmony with the local ecology. Taken at face value, the plan sounds reasonable, especially given the current push to make farming financially non-viable, displace farmers from their lands and then implement a petro-chemical intensive system of agriculture based on the industrialised model of farming that the West has adopted.
This model has led to de-nutrified food, degraded soils, contaminated water, serious health issues and various other problems. The model of mining he is proposing seems a long way from those stories we hear about people being driven from their lands as big corporations move in to destroy the landscape and ecology courtesy of corrupt back-room deals done with officials.
The aim is to keep farmers on their lands and provide them with additional sources of income, not least from mining. But mention Gandhi in certain circles and the response is one of cynicism: Such a response could not be further from the truth. Gandhi could see the future impact of large-scale industrialisation in terms of the devastation of the environment, the destruction of ecology and the unsustainable plunder of natural resources. Gandhi was ahead of his time. He was committed to inflicting minimal damage on the environment and was concerned that humans should use only those resources they require and not amass wealth beyond their requirements.
People have the right to attain certain comforts but a perceived right to unbridled luxuries would result in damaging the environment and impinge on the species that we share the planet with. His own lifestyle was a highly sustainable one, focusing on simplicity, austerity and need rather than want. For Gandhi, indigenous capability and local self-reliance swadeshi were key to producing a model of sustainable development.
This is in stark contrast to what is currently taking place. For example, Chennai Madras has just experienced its worst flooding in over years. In Delhi, the authorities are building on flood plains. They are also often encouraged to grow cash crops for export rather than supply local people. The result for many of them has been debt, suicide and financial crisis. Farmer and campaigner Bhaskar Save outlines what the green revolution did for India here.
Rather than a push towards urbanisation, Gandhi felt that the village economy should be central to development and India should not follow the West by aping an urban-industrial system. He noted that it took Britain half the resources of the planet to achieve its prosperity and asked how many planets would a country like India require? India is now 1. The US with million has already stripped much of the planet.
Gandhi argued that the type of industrialised development adopted by Britain was based on a mind-set that encourages humans to regard man as conqueror and owner of the Earth. Apart from uncontrolled urban sprawl that tramples over the environment, this arrogance also manifests itself in geo-engineering, genetic engineering and the appropriation of all facets of life from water and land to forests, seeds and food by powerful corporations. The view of development envisaged by Gandhi was fundamentally different.
Although there was a role for industrialisation that was not resource- or energy-intensive and which involved for example shipbuilding, iron works and machine making, this would exist alongside village handicrafts. This type of industrialisation would not make villages and village crafts subservient to it: He argued that with new technology even energy could be produced in villages by using sunlight and local materials.
And, of course, people would live within the limits imposed by the environment and work in harmony with the natural ecology rather than by forcing it to bend to the will of profiteering industries. Poverty has been aggravated due to cumulative environmental degradation on account of resource depletion, increasing disparities, rural migration to urban areas resulting in deforestation, soil erosion, loss of soil fertility, desertification, biological impoverishment, pollution of air, water and land on account of lack of sanitation, chemical fertilizers, pesticides and their biomagnification, and a whole range of other problems.
The village was the centre of a rural economy, which was the centre of entrepreneurship. Part of this process involves destroying the environment and moving hundreds of millions from the land and into what are already overburdened mega-cities. The wildlife has gone and the forest which had been managed for centuries by local people who had used its resources sustainably for their needs has disappeared. And the people who lived on the land migrate to cities to live in slums and search for work that does not exist.
They are seen as poor if they live in self-built housing made from ecologically well-adapted materials like bamboo and mud rather than in cinder block or cement houses. They are seen as poor if they wear garments manufactured from handmade natural fibres rather than synthetics. Das argues that the young generation in villages today prefers fast food to homemade nutritious food.
Similarly, many biodegradable, handcrafted, daily use items have given way to plastic and synthetic products. People are persuaded to borrow and live beyond their means. The mad craze for status symbol has indebted millions of people. Das calls for reinvigorating entrepreneurship in villages.
However, government after government aggravates the problems by creating an impression that the villagers are a backward, inefficient and unproductive lot who can survive only on relief. It makes real biological sense because, as Gandhi argued, our planet is like a living organism. Without the innumerable and varied forms of life that the earth inhabits, without respecting the species we share this place with, our world will become lifeless. Alternatively, before that happens, humans will become extinct and the planet will shake us off like a bad case of fleas.
But, in the meantime, how much damage will have done by then and how much suffering will we have caused by a system that thrives on turning people into slaves to their desires and allowing imperialism to reign free? He offered a vision for a world without meaningless consumption which depleted its finite resources and destroyed habitats and the environment. Given the problems facing humanity, his ideas should serve as an inspiration to us all, whether we live in India or elsewhere. Riyadh has stoked the sectarian fires at the start of with its decision, and carrying out, of the executions of Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr and various members of the Shiite community.
All in all, 47 were dispatched in a Saudi orgy of state-sanctioned violence. Since his arrest in the Saudi Arabian eastern province of Qatif, al-Nimr had become something of a talismanic figure, having openly supported mass anti-government demonstrations in the region in and expressing open sympathy with fellow Shiites. The lot of the Shiite community in that part has been a disgruntled one, giving the cleric ample room to insist on elections and criticism of the ruling al-Saud family.
The Saudi authorities have been left in a pickle as to how to respond. Arrest him for the charges of sedition was considered acceptable but executing him would be another matter. There had been various warnings issued by Tehran about the consequences of doing so, making the issue more incendiary than usual.
Furthermore, executing him alongside various al-Qaeda figures such as Faris al-Shuwail, and those involved in a series of lethal attacks between and , betrayed a rather distorted perspective. This is not to say that members of al-Saud had no reason to fear him. For one, the Sheikh was on public record against any violent resolution, which is precisely what made him terrifying to a regime positively addicted to it.
He was also suggesting an alternative structure of religious governance. Such views will have undoubtedly been influenced by ten years of religious studies in Tehran and a few in Syria. Pigeonholing the cleric as firebrand revolutionary or moderate democrat is tempting, though it is very obvious that al-Nimr was far more complex, a creature of religious politics rather than liberal awakening. The trial that followed the grandest traditions of display over legal substance, an attempt less to redress strict matters of law as those of political expediency.
Eyewitnesses, for one, were not called to testify. Whatever the supposedly peaceful views of the Sheikh, such historical reactions tend to be of the violent sort. The battles against Riyadh are unlikely to be resolved with a mighty pen over weaker sword. The international dimension has also seen similar reactions. The Bahraini village of Abu Saiba witnessed tear gassing from security forces. The result of this bloody venture has been to enrage the Shiite community in the country while antagonising those outside it as well. Warnings and unfavourable predictions regarding the al-Saud regime have come in a flurry.
Former Iraqi Prime Minister, Nuri al-Maliki, not necessarily the paragon of accurate crystal ball gazing, has suggested that the move will see the regime in Riyadh collapse. The domino effect continued in other countries with large Shiite representation. Hezbollah in Lebanon have insisted that the move amounted to an assassination. The Saudi embassy in Tehran was attacked on Saturday with Molotov cocktails, with some of the offices being ransacked. Politically sharpened eyes were invariably trained on the official Iranian response. They did not have to wait long.
The tinderbox had been lit. The Iranian Revolutionary Guards issued an unmistakable response to the execution via a statement carried by the Mehr news agency. The response from pro-Saudi governments, notably that of the United States, has been true to form. Since they have been as responsible for stoking sectarian violence in the region as any, public condemnations have been modest. For them, the concern is less about victims in a mercenary power tussle than strategic balance.
The move on the part of Riyadh has been one of indifference to consequences. In that sense, the kingdom has shown itself immune to the external world which it has sought to control, with limited success. That said, it has been allowed a degree of impunity — oil, the usual venality of strategic calculations, and the blind eye — have all served to exempt the kingdom from closer inspection. This execution has proven to be a jolt, but it is unlikely to see the iron rule of the Saudi regime loosened. The most likely scenario here is an intensification of existing proxy confrontations, with more deaths.
Reform will be distinctly off the agenda. Liwa al-Islam is known to cooperate with Jabhat Nusra and conduct joint operations. We fight alongside them and they fight alongside us. Regarding the fact that there are some states that are not pleased with the Nusra Front, this is the business of these states. We praise those who fight alongside us and raise the banner of Allah. The consequences of adding al-Nusrah Front as a new alias for AQI include a prohibition against knowingly providing, or attempting or conspiring to provide, material support or resources to, or engaging in transactions with, al-Nusrah Front, and the freezing of all property and interests in property of the organization that are in the United States, or come within the United States or the control of U.
That none of this is mentioned in the weepy eulogies of Alloush in the wake of a Syrian airstrike should trouble the millions of Americans and Europeans who have been convinced for over a decade that Al Qaeda is their enemy and that the constant state of war imposed upon them to battle Al Qaeda and those that would aid and abet it, is an existential necessity. Analysts said the strikes were in keeping with longstanding efforts by the Syrian government and its allies to eliminate groups claiming to occupy a middle ground between Mr.
Assad and the Islamic State. The efforts are part of a broader objective to improve Mr. Al Qaeda stands accused of carrying out terrorism globally, including the terrorist attacks on September 11, in the United States that left nearly 3, dead in a single day. Its alleged role in the September 11 attacks triggered over a decade of global war, including the invasion and occupation of Afghanistan, the invasion and occupation of Iraq, and the chaos and bloodshed that continues to this very day in the Middle East and North Africa MENA.
It is global war, waged by the United States and its partners, in which over a million have died, including thousands of dead Western troops, and tens of thousands more maimed, and tens of millions of Middle Easterners, North Africans, and Central Asians maimed, displaced, or otherwise affected. The manual authorizes the killing of civilians during armed conflict and establishes a framework for mass military detentions.
Journalists, according to the manual, can be censored and punished as spies on the say-so of military officials. The manual freely discusses the use of nuclear weapons, and it does not prohibit napalm, depleted uranium munitions, cluster bombs or other indiscriminate weapons. The manual is an expression of the incompatibility of imperialist militarism and democracy.
The same government that orchestrated a coup led by fascists in the Ukraine, that backs a military dictatorship and repression in Egypt, and that supports mass killings and destruction in Gaza can hardly be expected to remain true to the rule of law and democratic principles at home. In this context, the Pentagon manual is a significant milestone in the drive to establish the framework of a police state.
In his farewell address in , President Dwight D. Bloated with unlimited cash, dripping with blood from wars of aggression, it boldly announces its independence, its hostility to democracy and the rule of law, and its readiness to carry out war crimes and other atrocities at home and abroad. The Pentagon manual reflects international imperialist tendencies. It is the outcome of a continuous effort through both Democratic and Republican administrations over a long period, including the Bush and Obama administrations. The Pentagon general counsel is Stephen W. Preston was general counsel of the Central Intelligence Agency CIA from to , during which time the CIA covered up its own war crimes and obstructed efforts to investigate its illegal torture program.
It is unclear to what extent the manual has been reviewed or approved by any civilian authority. The manual opens with this tribute:. After the triumph of the Allies over Germany and Japan in the Second World War, the victorious powers convened international tribunals to prosecute major war criminals of the defeated powers. The most important principle that emerged from the Nuremberg proceedings was the concept that the decision to launch a war of aggression is the fundamental crime from which all other war crimes flow.
While the Nuremberg prosecutors exposed some of the greatest crimes in human history, they maintained that the primary crime was the decision by Hitler and his close associates to launch the war in the first place. His assistant, Telford Taylor, emphasized in a memorandum to Jackson that the underlying motivations and aims of the Nazis were not the decisive legal questions: In other words, launching a war of aggression is a criminal act—a crime against peace—no matter what arguments or policies are invoked to justify it.
These were powerful democratic conceptions that reverberated long after the trials. More recently, on July 12, , NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden invoked the Nuremberg principles to justify his refusal to conceal evidence of illegal spying. Therefore, individual citizens have the duty to violate domestic laws to prevent crimes against peace and humanity from occurring. The Nuremberg precedent expressed the confidence of the United States as the dominant imperialist power emerging out of the Second World War.
The American ruling class felt that it could afford, under the circumstances, not only to assert democratic principles, but to declare that these principles were universal, applying to all countries, including the United States itself. If launching a war of aggression is illegal, arrest warrants should be forthcoming for Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, George W.
Ample evidence exists for indictments. One powerful exhibit in such a trial, for example, would be a November 27, memorandum by Donald Rumsfeld that contemplates various phony justifications for a war of aggression against Iraq. US discovers Saddam connection to Sept. Dispute over WMD inspections? Start now thinking about inspection demands. As a result of this illegal aggression, hundreds of thousands of people lost their lives, if not more, and millions have been turned into refugees.
An entire society has been devastated, leading to the rise of movements such as ISIS, and trillions of dollars worth of property have been destroyed or wasted. The Nuremberg trials featured similar exposures of the criminal Nazi conspiracy to invade Poland based on false pretenses. During the Nuremberg proceedings, this incident was exposed as a staged attack on a German radio station by German forces posing as Poles. Hitler had boasted to his generals: The victor will not be asked whether he told the truth.
However, as one reads further, it emerges that this principle applies only to countries other than the United States. The refusal of the United States to recognize the authority of the ICC has deep historical significance. The United States played a leading role in establishing the Nuremberg precedent, but now refuses to submit to its enforcement. This amounts to an admission that if the United States were subject to an impartial application of the Nuremberg precedent today, virtually all of official Washington would have to be transported to jail.
Similarly, the Pentagon manual declares that torture is illegal: The manual is full of caveats, disclaimers and weasel words. On the one hand, the US constantly seeks to dress up its imperialist projects in the costume of international legality. On the other hand, notwithstanding all the talk about international law, national sovereignty, and territorial integrity, America invades and bombs anywhere it sees fit, without any regard for such considerations. Where the United States can obtain international legal approval for its aggression, it does so, but otherwise the aggression takes place anyway.
These defendants did not rely on any law at all. Their program ignored and defied all law… International Law, natural law, German law, any law at all, was to these men simply a propaganda device to be invoked when it helped and to be ignored when it would condemn what they wanted to do.
The manual explicitly gives the Pentagon a green light at any future time to repudiate the principles it ostensibly lays down. Les filles de la NYU sont mieux loties que les Grecques. Cette histoire est un mensonge. Michael Hudson raconte brillamment cette histoire dans son nouveau livre: Pour des raisons de politique partisane, on peut parier que la bonne intention de M. Obama prendra le bord des tablettes bureaucratiques…. Maintenant, les bonnes nouvelles. The book is available in English and German. Since its inception after World War II, it has expanded its sphere of influence to the remotest corners of the earth.
Its membership currently includes countries on five continents. There is hardly a country on these continents where its policies have not been carried out in close cooperation with the respective national governments. When the global financial crisis broke out in , the IMF turned its attention to northern Europe. Since the onset of the Euro crisis in , its primary focus has shifted to southern Europe.
In reality, its operations are more reminiscent of warring armies. Wherever it intervenes, it undermines the sovereignty of states by forcing them to implement measures that are rejected by the majority of the population, thus leaving behind a broad trail of economic and social devastation. In pursuing its objectives, the IMF never resorts to the use of weapons or soldiers. It simply applies the mechanisms of capitalism, specifically those of credit. Its strategy is as simple as it is effective: When a country runs into financial difficulties, the IMF steps in and provides support in the form of loans.
The consequences are disastrous for the ordinary people of the countries affected which are mostly low-income because their governments all follow the same pattern, passing the effects of austerity on to wage earners and the poor. In this manner, IMF programs have cost millions of people their jobs, denied them access to adequate health care, functioning educational systems and decent housing.
They have rendered their food unaffordable, increased homelessness, robbed old people of the fruits of life-long work, favored the spread of diseases, reduced life expectancy and increased infant mortality. At the other end of the social scale, however, the policies of the IMF have helped a tiny layer of ultra-rich increase their vast fortunes even in times of crisis. Its measures have contributed decisively to the fact that global inequality has assumed historically unprecedented levels. The income difference between a sun king and a beggar at the end of the Middle Ages pales compared to the difference between a hedge fund manager and a social welfare recipient of today.
Although these facts are universally known and hundreds of thousands have protested the effects of its measures in past decades, often risking their lives, the IMF tenaciously clings on to its strategy. Despite all criticism and despite the strikingly detrimental consequences of its actions, it still enjoys the unconditional support of the governments of all leading industrial nations.
How can it be that an organization that causes such immense human suffering around the globe continues to act with impunity and with the backing of the most powerful forces of our time? In whose interest does the IMF work? Who benefits from its actions? Furthermore, social tensions had constantly threatened to break down the established order. The conference had been preceded by several years of secret negotiations between the White House and Downing Street which had already been working on plans for a new world monetary order since It did not take long before their contemptuous attitude rebounded on Lord Keynes and his compatriots.
During the course of the conference, it became increasingly clear how much the global balance of power had shifted to the disadvantage of Great Britain. The leader of their delegation, economist Harry Dexter White, in turn presented his own plan that was finally adopted by the conference. The plan was supplemented by US demands for the establishment of several international organizations designed to monitor the new system and stabilize it by granting loans to countries facing balance of payments problems.
After all, Washington, due to its size and rapid economic growth, had to move ahead in order to obtain access to raw materials and create global sales opportunities for its overproduction. This required replacing the hitherto most widely used currency, the British pound, by the dollar. Also, time seemed ripe for replacing the City of London by Wall Street, thus establishing the US in its new position as the focal point of international trade and global finance.
The distribution of voting rights suggested by the US for the proposed organizations was also far from democratic. The US thus claimed for itself the right to be permanently informed about the financial and economic conditions of all countries involved. When half a year after the conference the British insisted on an improvement in their favor to the contracts, they were unambiguously made aware of who was in charge of the IMF.
On December 27, , 29 governments signed the final agreement. On this occasion, Lord Keynes and his compatriots were once again left empty-handed: Contrary to their proposal to establish the headquarters of the IMF, which had in the meantime been declared a specialized agency of the United Nations, in New York City, the US government insisted on its right to determine the location solely by itself. The rules for membership in the IMF were simple: Applicant countries had to open their books and were rigorously screened and assessed. After that they had to deposit a certain amount of gold and pay their financial contribution to the organization according to their economic power.
Seven were elected by the members of the IMF, the other five were appointed by the largest countries, led by the US. These official terms make it seem as if the IMF is an impartial institution, placed above nations and independent of political influences, its main objective consisting in running the global economy in as orderly a manner as possible, swiftly correcting malfunctions. This is no coincidence. This impression was intended by the authors and has in fact achieved its desired effect: It is exactly this notion that has been conveyed to the global public for more than six decades by politicians, scientists and the international media.
In actual fact, the IMF has, from the very beginning, been an institution launched by, controlled by, and tailored to the interests of the United States, designed to secure the new military superpower economic world domination. The first foreigner, selected in , was Camille Gutt from Belgium. As finance minister of his country during World War II, the trained economist had helped the British cover their war expenses by lending them Belgian gold.
Gutt headed the IMF from to During his time in office he largely focused on the implementation and monitoring of fixed exchange rates, thus ushering in a new era of hitherto unknown stability for US and international corporations when exporting goods and purchasing raw materials. He also paved the way for major US banks seeking to deal in credits on an international scale and opened up markets all over the world for international finance capital searching for investment opportunities.
Above all, the Soviet Union took advantage of the post-war situation, characterized by the division of the world among the major powers and the drawing of new borders in Europe. In any case, the fragmentation of Eastern Europe meant that Poland, East Germany, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria and several other markets became blank areas for international financial capital.
Ont-ils le don de sonder les cerveaux en plus d'avoir celui de savoir tout sur tout? Mais elles ne font pas l'impasse! Elles n'en ont simplement cure. Je vous laisse juge:. Ca promet pour la suite. Dans ces conditions, il est facile de gagner. Le nombre de prix Nobel aussi. Tout,cela, on le voit tous les jours. Mais il y a beaucoup plus grave. Ou on se donne tous les moyens de gagner. Ou on vient faire de la figuration mais qu'on ne se plaigne pas de ne pas gagner. Y aurait-il des sujets tabous? Supprimer la naturalisation par mariage.
Lisez sur la franc-maconnerie et sur le talmud de Babylone. Ils manqueront de clients! Est-ce que ce sont ces nouveaux venus? Accessoirement pour les musulmans.
Dans 5 ans, dans 20 ans? En tant qu'homo, j'ai choisi. Et il a raison Il est interdit de rire! Bref, laissons le parler -et bercer son adoratrice aveugle Cette vision un peu abstraite, artificielle de la nation rejoint quelque peu celle de Renan: Qui donna au Monde la configuration politique que nous connaissons. Plus de citoyens et … plus rien, le vide. Le peuple n'est pas d'accord? A commencer par les plus anciennes et les plus marquantes: Rien n'est trop gros. Le riche contre le pauvre. Nous restons toujours dans la lutte des classes.
Est ce que je me trompe? Voit-il les contradictions de ses appellations? Elle ne survivra pas. La suite ici ". Mais il y a pire, selon moi. Tout le reste n'est que "broutilles". Le souligner est par dessus tout indispensable. Sans peuple d'origine un pays et son Histoire n'ont aucun sens et devient celui que les nouveaux lui donneront. Pas pour la gauche qui me laisserait moins d'argent afin de financer des projets qui ne me concernent pas directement.
Est -ce fantasmagorique ou bien? A moins qu'il ne soit pour l'immigration. Ils ne pourront plus dire, plus tard, qu'ils ne savaient pas. Et sans doute bien avant comme tous les peuples antiques. Non, non et non! Bonne nouvelle chers amis! Il n'y aura pas de champagne, dommage. C'est un constat et un pronostic. Que dire de plus? C'est une question qui me torture: La honte et le regret me submergent. Toutefois, je pense qu'elle aura ses signatures. Nous saurons rapidement en mars. Votre post se veut surement ironique, mais je vous rassure, il n'a rien d'un pronostic. Sachez que c'est de l'erreur que l'on apprend.
Le monde pharmaceutique est d'ailleurs un petit monde. Enfin,la France qui descend dans la rue. Pas de solutions, du racolage. Du bon gros racolage. Mais cela ne marchera pas. Encore une chose perdue par ces incapbles. Alors pas de bulletin. Un passif qui se chiffre en millions de personnes qui entendent vivre ici comme chez eux. Alors pourquoi Sarko le ferait-il maintenant et surtout pourquoi le ferait-il pendant son prochain quinquennat?
Comme pour la dette, tout se payera comptant dans l'avenir. On n'imaginera simplement jamais assez ce que de tels propos peuvent signifier. Je ne suis pas de votre avis. Il y a pourtant des homos partout. Contre Hollande au second tour elle a sa chance Et quand ils peuvent.
Les ministres sont sur le pont! Sarko et sa clique ne nous auront plus avec leurs discours Un homme, une femme des enfants. Ce serait le jeu le plus intelligent pour les abstentionnistes. Une solution ne pourrait-elle pas consister: Faut-il acheter Valeurs actuelles? Sur son site je ne trouve rien. Les voyageurs qui se trouvaient dans le Paris - Rouen - Le Havre le mardi 31 janvier n'ont pas vraiment compris ce qui se passait.
Il est 20 h 27, en gare de Gaillon-Aubevoye, dans l'Eure. Et qui en sont les auteurs. Je n'y crois pas. Mais ce sont des artifices. Hommes politiques mais aussi des gens plus en retraits et influents, au niveau international. Ce langage deviendrait donc courant un jour. Celle-ci vit de subsides publics, comme dans le bas Empire romain. Mais cela vaut la peine de lire son article plein de talent. J'en sais quelque chose D'autant que pour les fossoyeurs vampires tous les moyens sont bons: Les citoyens ne font pas abstraction du contexte.
C'est un peu contradictoire: S'il n'y avait que cela. Vu sous cet angle, un duel P. Tu veux des cours? On nage en plein…. Et si l'on proposait aux sondeurs de faire un sondage sans le Hollande et le Sarkozy Un vrai chemin de Damas! Vous avez du vous tromper en cliquant. Vous devriez recommencer,cela en vaut la peine. On en est loin. Avant que les portes ne se referment, des jeunes arrachent colliers et bracelets Quand les incendiaires deviennent pompiers, ils prennent les grands moyens Alors oui, nous sommes tous coupables.
D'autres arguments de Montezuma par exemple, sont aussi bons et concluent inversement. Certains par exemple, ne peuvent pas se permettre de laisser un challenger gagner et exposer au peuple l'inventaire de ce qu'ils ont fait contre le pays. Qui eut jamais cru que l'esclavage cesserait un jour, la fin de l'apartheid, le vote des femmes, les mariages mixtes, et que la Terre tournait bien autour du soleil et non l'inverse Car il nous restera toujours nos faces de craie.
Toutes les civilisations se valent. C'est vous qui voyez Il se situe plus par rapport aux droits de l'homme et de la femmes. Civilisation Chinoise , que j'adore et admire! Cela lui conviendrait, non? Il suffit de regarder la campagne d'affiches en ville,dans les rues. Taper sur les musulmans,quel courage Monsieur Gueant,taper sur les faibles,quel courage.
Quel argumentation de bistrot,de beauf. Vous irez tres loin. Est ce que toutes les femmes musulmanes portent la burka? Peut on resumer la civilisation juive aux pratiques des juifs loubavitchs qui ont des pratiques du Moyen Age? Bien sur que non. Sachez que la civilisation arabo musulmane est grande et forte. Vous ne cessez de faire la guerre et d'agresser des populations civiles musulmanes Irak,Afghanistan,libye. Votre civilisation c'est un monde de debauche sans reperes religieux. Votre civilisation c'est egalement entre autres ces soldats americains urinant sur des cadavres afghans le sourire aux levres,c'est le massacre de Colombine,c'est emile louis,francis heaulme,Fourniret,marc dutroux,xavier de ligonnes et des tas d'autres criminels de souche chretienne..
A condition de ne pas venir chez les autres. Dommage que la terre soit ronde! En fait, knut, sans l'espoir on est peu de choses. Faut-il penser que Gouverner c'est subir? C'est bel et bien fini Et surtout ils en plus que marre de se voir attribuer tous les maux de la terre Merci pour votre commentaire. Pourquoi s'il vous plait? Ne le comprenez-vous pas? Vous vous doutez bien que ce n'est pas une coincidence. Idem en ce qui concerne Zemmour. Votre civilisation c'est un monde de debauche sans reperes religieux" Mon cher Maximus vous avez fini par sortir de la sieste?
Vous avez combien de Saint Vincent de Paul? Pas beaucoup n'est-ce - pas. Vous appelez cela comment vous? Chez nous cela porte un nom mais Je ne comprends pas! D'accord mais il faut aussi avoir les yeux en face des trous. Le mouvement Forces Nouvelles rassemblait personnes,aux meilleurs moments, pour batailler avec les gauchistes d'Alain Krivine.
Bien sur que Claude Gueant attaque ici les musulmans et la civilisation arabo musulmane. Disons qu'il seraitbon de l'instruire aussi.

Vous avez donc reconnu votre propre civilisation? Il faudra bien finir par le comprendre, il s'agit de notre pays et je peux vous assurer qu'on va tout faire pour le reprendre. Sur FR3 mines gourmandes ce soir: Mais alors quid de Bayrou? De plus en plus C! Donc elle serait absente au second tour. Mais, finalement, chacun s'en lave les mains. Alors, quid de ces fameux instituts de sondages? Ainsi, en , au cours d'un entretien, Roland Cayrol disait: Il y a sur le FN une sorte d'interdit social.
Et mon chiffre d'affaires en souffrirait". Par ailleurs, le FN ne peut plus que monter. Et on compte bien y rester et d'en faire partir ceux qui viennent contester cela. Et pour cela on va se battre, mais pas gentiment. Comme l'immigration qui rapporte. Surtout dans le cas des familles polygames avec 25 enfants.
Vous vivez dans un bocal quoi! Des bocaux il y en a plein! On parle de lapidation … et Hop! Le droit de vote? Cet homme n'est pas respectable.
Bloc-notes : droite et gauche font l'impasse sur l'Etat-nation en crise
Les chiffres sont mauvais. Aujourd'hui les adeptes du politiquement correct et tout ce qui va avec vont prendre leurs ordres rue Cadet. Parrainez Marine le Pen. Devons nous ne pas voir?? Mais de quoi avez-vous donc peur? Je crois que l'on ferait mieux de se soucier de l'islamisation en France car les Fachos barbus se baladent librement et appellent au djihad! Maximimus et Milo Avez vous une raison?? Faudra changer de lunettes, camarade Stakhanov! Pour eux, c'en est trop! Tiens vous voila entrain de defendre les propos nauseabonds de Claude Gueant.
Il vise donc les musulmans cette islamophobe,tout le monde l'a compris sauf vous. Le Coran n'evoque pas la lapidation. La burka est un vetement traditionnel et non musulman. Sans ces derniers nous serions encore entrain de nous soigner avec des plantes. Non vous n'avez pas les memes droits que les hommes en France. Ca ne se discute pas. Faut enlever le voile de temps en temps, on respire mieux et on y voit plus clair. La civilisation occidentale c'est aussi la shoah et le massacre de 10 millions de personnes dont 6 millions de juifs.
C'est un peu rapide. En effet je lis "civiliser: Deux poids, deux mesures? Ces livres "saints" et puis quoi encore? Messieurs, il faut parler plus haut et plus vrai! Ca se passe en France et en ce moment ! Ca ferait mauvais effet pour eux Vous pouvez toujours courir mes amis! Les propos de M. Il serait interessant de comparer les flux migratoires vers toutes les "civilisations qui se valent" C'est incroyable de manipulation.
Vous parlez de la Turquie. Vous voyez que l'on peut trouver tout et son contraire. Comme qu'Il existe d'ailleurs, j'entends du point de vue scientifique? N'oublions pas les Egyptiens. Le terme "Renaissance Wisigothique" fait partie du langage habituel de l'Histoire de l'Art. C'est en effet la loi ,telle que je la connais ,mais je ne vois nulle part une confirmation de ce que vous disiez: La stambouliote est en effet bouillante.
C'est beaucoup plus marrant que Lourdes by night: Il suffit de s'y rendre pour le constater. Istambul est la vitrine trompeuse d'une boutique qui veut cacher qu'elle est islamiste. Heureux les simples d'esprit comme vous, proclament les Evangiles. Cette comparaison est tout simplement ignoble. Ce n'est pas demain la veille.
Je voudrais vous faire entendre les discussions dans ma salle des profs. Comme beaucoup, j'ai cru en l'Europe. Et pourtant, il a de beaux yeux, lui aussi. Au fait, lisez, voyagez un peu. Oui, fort heureusement, et je l'assume et le revendique. Ah ,les miles de Lannier!! Oui,vous avez raison de citer cette extraordinaire paragraphe du discours de Jules Ferry. Ce sont des armes authentiques. Qui finit par s'exprimer, un jour, naturellement, quand des gens du peuple "en ont gros". Mais vous avez raison, pour le fait de conclure que je ne crois pas que cela changera l'issue pour notre pays: Nous devons donc le soutenir pour cela.
Et voir ce que cela donnera. Vous devriez mieux lire avant d'intervenir. Encore faut il en avoir conscience. Pour ce qui est de la conscience des choses. La guerre civile nous attend, quel que soit le contexte politique futur de la France. Mais au fait,en quoi mon Dieu je suis catholique est il "exotique? Pouvez vous situer l'origine de votre religion? Ceci dit, vous avez raison: C'est tellement plus simple de montrer l'aspect comique d'autrui.
Eh bien, sur ces points au moins, nous sommes d'accord. Je ne se demande pas pourquoi, je trouve pourquoi