The martyrdom of James the Just is related from Eusebius. Mark died in Egypt. Linus the bishop is martyred. Peter overcame the magical 1 On the name Ravenna, see ch. Paul were now martyred at Rome, and Vespasian sent against Jerusalem. The body of Clemens was discovered long after his death. The history oi the siege of Jerusalem is abridged from Josephus, only it is suggested that it was for the crucifixion of Christ rather than, as he says, for the murder of James the Just, that such a terrible visitation came. A certain bishop Julian us, said to have been Simon the Leper, died about this time ; but he is a different personage from St.
Julian, the patron of hospitality, whose history is related here. Anacletus the Pope, who is here said to be a different person from Cletus, died, and was succeeded by Evaristus. The chief authorities for the earlier portion of the Christian history are St. Luke and Petrus, and for the latter portion Eusebius. The notices of British history are very scanty, and are all from Geoffrey of Monmouth, except where Bede is quoted about the invasion of Julius Ctesar.
They commence with the death of Morvidus the cruel , 1 who was swallowed by a sea monster. Of his five sons, first reigned and died Gorbonianus the eldest. XXXI ceeded by Archgallo, whose cruelty provoked a rebellion, through which he was banished. The third brother, Elidurus, now succeeds, and in a hunting expedition in the forest of Galtres 1 finds his brother Archgallo in hiding, and induces the nobles to restore him to the throne. When Archgallo dies, Elidurus is again king, but is seized and imprisoned by the two younger brothers, Yigenius and Peridurus ; but when they are dead, he is released and made king a third time, and finishes his reign in peace.
Of the next thirty -two kings , 2 Bledgaret 3 is the only one noticed, and is said to have been famed for his musical powers. Then reigned Hely, who left three remarkable sons, Lud, Cassibalanus , 4 and Nennius. Of whom Lud reigns first, and built Caer- Cap. Andragius having incurred the anger of the Cap. The explanation of Calaterium in the text p. See Pear- son, p. That Emperor visited the Orcades, and named his son Britannicus in honour of his British expedition. The same Hamo gave name to Hampton. Arviragus succeeds his brother, and was married to a daughter of Claudius.
They were married at a place which received the name of Claud iocester, and is now Gloucester ; but Higden records another derivation for the name. Clau- dius sent his legions into Ireland. Arviragus after a time rebelled against the Roman rule. This rebellion led to the sending of Vespasian to Britain, and he Cap. Marius, the son of Arviragus, succeeds his father, and gains a great victory over the invading forces of Rodric, King of the Piets. Westmoreland has its name from this king. But this was because William had never seen the British book, and did not know of Marius, King of Britain.
The con- quered troops of Rodric were permitted by Marius to settle in Caithness. XXXlll led a peaceful life. In the preface to vol. Since that time I have been shown by Mr. Aldis Wright, a MS. There is a some- what similar account of the marvels of England printed by Hearne as the first appendix to his edition of Robert of Gloucester. The orthography of all the names in his Recount differs from that of the MS. From the descriptions given of them 1 For an account of his corre- spondence with Pope Eleutherius and the steps that were taken to Chris- tianize Britain in his time, see Geoff, iv.
A of this edition, having the continuations from , the one to , the other to They occur in the accounts of the Computi of Exeter and Queen s College. The death of Alexander. Alexander comes to the trees of the sun and moon. Alexander may not offer sacrifice to them. Certain responses given to him by them. He sends this and other information to Aristotle. A marvellous stone sent to Alexander. Its qualities, and the meaning thereof.
Lucius Papirius dictator at Rome. Ambassadors from the west meet Alexander at Babylon. His joy makes him forget the warning of the trees. Great strength of the poison. It is given to him at the house of Thessalus the physician. He names as his successor "the most worthy, overlooking his son Arideus. He is buried in Alexandria. Comments of philosophers on the life and death of Alexander. Division of his empire. Ptolemy Soter reigns in Egypt. Death of the high priest Jadus. Agathocles, tyrant of Syracuse. Age of Theophrastus and Menander.
Seleucus, king of Syria. Simon the Great, high priest. Pyrrhus aids the Tarentines against the Romans.
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The Taren- tines combine with the Carthaginians. Stories of the policy of Pyrrhus. Of the Roman velites , and their exploits against Pyrrhus. Of the response of Apollo to the inquiry of Pyrrhus. Seleucus, king of Syria, honours the Jews. Morvidus, king of Britain, succeeded by Gorbonianus, and he byArchgallo; then Elidurus succeeds. Thirty -two kings of Britain after- wards. Of Bledgaret, and Hely and his three sons. Of the Septuagint and of other versions of the Old Testament Scriptures. His release of Jewish captives. He asks Eleazar, the high priest, to send him some learned Jews, who should translate the Hebrew Scriptures into Greek.
The character of their translation. Of Aquila, Symmachus, and Theodotion. The dates of the several translations of the Old Testament. The first Punic War. At first in Sicily, then carried into Africa. Regulus conquered by Xanthippus. The embassy of Regulus to Rome. War between Ptolemy and Antiochus,. Antiochus poisoned by Laodice. Silver coinage at Rome. Of Egypt , and the Second Punic War.
Ptolemy Euergetes invades Syria, but is recalled by a conspiracy of the Egyptian nobles. The sons of Antiochus Galericus. Antiochus the Great defeated by Ptolemy Philopator. He is brought to Rome by Cato. His mode of life. Unsuccessful expedition of the Gauls into Italy. Their oath, and its fulfilment. Ptolemy Philopator reigns seventeen years. In his time was written the earlier history of the Maccabees.
Expedition of Antiochus the Great against him. Ptolemy dies, leaving an infant son. Commencement of the second Punic War. Hannibal, sworn to make war on the Romans, besieges Saguiitum. Unsuccessful Roman em- bassy to him. The ambassadors go to Africa, and return unsped to Rome. The Saguntincs burn themselves and their city. Hannibal leaves Hasdrubal in Spain while he crosses the Alps into Italy.
Of his passage through Gaul. Battles of Ticinus and Cremera. An earthquake during one battle unfelt by the soldiery. Fabius Maximus sent against Hannibal; defeats him. Hannibal might after this have utterly destroyed the Romans. Of the recruiting of the Roman army.
Romans refuse to redeem their captives. Low state of Roman exchequer. Private offerings towards the war expenses. Romans propose to leave Italy, but are hindered by an oracle. The statue of Cybele brought to Rome. Received by Publius Nasica. Festival instituted in honour of the event. Engage- ment prevented by a storm. Hasdrubal conquered in Spain. Levinus, the consul, conquers Philip, king of Macedon. Two Scipios killed in Spain. Of Publius Cornelius Scipio. He takes New Carthage. His policy secures nearly all Spain.
Fabius Maximus recovers Tarentum. Hasdrubal sent for into Italy; is killed. Scipio recalled from Spain. Continuation of the history of. Egypt, Judaea , and Rome.
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Ptolemy Epiphanes begins to reign when five years old. His kingdom protected by the Romans. Ptolemy subjugates Syria, but his forces are soon repulsed. Ptolemy marries Antiochus 5 daughter, who has Syria for her dower. The Jews had thus to pay tribute to two kings. Onias the high priest protests, and his nephew Josephus obtains a remission. Of Hyrcanus, the son of this Josephus. His youthful dis- cretion. He is sent by his father to carry congratulations to king Ptolemy.
His device for procuring the royal favour. His adventures at the Egyptian court. His brothers envy him. He establishes himself beyond Jordan, and wars on the Arabs. On the death of Seleucns, king of Syria, Hyrcanus commits suicide. Scipio the Great sent into Africa. Con- quers Hanno, Hannibal withdraws from Italy to Africa, where he is conquered. End of Second Punic war. Roman victory over the Macedonians. The Romans attack Antiochus, king of Syria, because he had received Hannibal. Antiochus Epiphanes, son of Antiochus the Great, taken as a hostage to Rome.
Hannibal flees to Bithynia. A volcanic island appears in this year at the north of Sicily. Death of Scipio Africanus. Traits of his character. Scipio Nasica stops the building of a theatre at Rome. Why the Romans instituted stage plays. Seleucus Soter rules in Syria and Asia. Fate of his father.
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Ptolemy Philometor, king of Egypt. Simon, son of Onias, high priest, bought the priesthood. Seleucus interferes, but is prevented from spoiling the temple, and killed. Conflicting accounts of Josephus and the second book of Maccabees. Jesus son of Sirach flourishes. Aristobulus, a Jew, writes a commentary on the books of Moses. Perseus, son of Philip of Macedon, rebels against the Romans. Is conquered by iEmilius Paulus. Nobility of the conqueror. Macedonia becomes a province of Rome. Emilius Paulus brings books from Greece to Rome. Julius Caesar tried to form a library.
Of the library of Pamphilus. Of the works of Origen and Augustine. Antiochus Epiphanes a hostage at Rome. Succeeds his brother Se- leucus. Gives his sister in marriage to Ptolemy, whom he afterwards causes to be murdered. Antiochus besieges Alex- andria. Roman ambassadors sent to him. Onias, the high priest, goes into Egypt and builds a temple at Heliopolis. To please Antiochus they adopt Gentile names and manners.
Antiochus first appoints Jason, but soon puts his brother into his place. The holy fire died out at the time of this traffic in sacred things. Antiochus takes Jerusalem and pollutes the temple. Mattathias and his sons rise against the Macedonians. Judas is made leader of the people. Successes of Judas Maccabeus.
Institution of the Feast of Dedication. Terrible end of Antiochus. He is succeeded by Antiochus Eupator. He wars against the Jews. Of Jewish affairs , and the Third Punic War. Demetrius Soter reigns in Asia and Syria. He had gone to Rome as a child to accuse his uncle Antiochus Epiphanes. Alchimus and Bacchides sent by Demetrius against the Jews. Nicanor sent against Judas ; is slain. He is succeeded by his brother Jonathan.
Alchimus dies of palsy and Bacchides returns home. Ptolemais occupied by Alexander, son of Antiochus. He, in league with Jonathan, kills king Demetrius. League between Demetrius and Jonathan. He is friendly towards Jonathan. Friendship renewed between Jonathan and the Romans and Spartans. The Third Punic war. The two Hasdrubals are leaders of the Carthaginians. They are defeated by the younger Scipio, and Carthage is destroyed. The wife of king Hasdrubal throws herself into the flames of the city and perishes as Dido had done before.
Evil consequences to Rome. Of the kings of Egypt. Ptolemy Euergetes, king of Egypt. The younger Scipio defeats the Numantines. Tryphon meditates the murder of Antiochus, but is afraid of Jonathan. So he first kills the latter and then the former. Simon succeeds Jonathan and makes a league with Demetrius against Tryphon. But Demetrius is killed by the king of Persia. He is succeeded by his son Antiochus, who at first is friendly to Simon and attacks Tryphon, but after- wards attacks Judea. Simon renews the alliance with the Spartans and Romans. Attalus leaves his kingdom to the Romans.
Ptolemy, a governor of Jericho, kills Simon, who was his father-in-law, and is pursued and besieged by John Hyrcanus. His device for stopping the siege. Antiochus Ponticus besieges Jerusalem. With some of the money he builds hostels for the poor. Great plague of locusts in Africa. Roman losses in Africa. Carthage restored and colonised. John Hyrcanus devastates Samaria.
It is restored by Herod and named Sebaste. Gallic expedition towards Rome. The Romans remit the tribute of that town for ten years. Life oj Cicero , with some part of the history of Rome and Jtcdcea. Ptolemy Soter, king of Egypt. He was the Chrysostom of his time. His speech of the source of eloquence. He wrote the Iliad in such compass that it could be enclosed in a nutshell. His speech about buying a house. His jesting mode of answer when he was in fault. Death of John Hyrca- nus.
His eldest son Aristobulus. Kills his mother and imprisons three brothers. He afterwards causes his fourth brother Antigonus to be slain. Kingdom of Judah restored. He is succeeded by his brother Alex- ander Janneus. He leaves two sons, Hy rcanus and Aristobulus. Alexandra, wife of Janneus, rules after him. Marius defeats the Cimbri. Ptolemy Alexander, king of Egypt, Ptolemy Soter being expelled.
Birth of Lucretius the poet.
Of his writings and suicide. Syria becomes a dependency of Rome. Social war in Italy. Of Marius , Sulla , and Mithridatcs. Ptolemy Soter recovers the kingdom of Egypt. Rivalry of Marius and Sulla. His seventh consul- ship. His attack on Rome. Dread of many lest they should fall into his hands. Mithridates vanquished by Sulla. Number of civil wars of the Romans. Of the younger Mithridates. His devices to avoid being poisoned. The conduct of his wife. Pompey makes Tigranes king of Syria, and sets fire to the temple at Jerusalem.
Of Pompey and Ccesar. Ptolemy Dionysius, king of Egypt.
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Plautus flourishes at Rome. Death of Nicomedes, king of Bithynia. Of the war of the Romans with Mithridates. War of the gladiators at Rome. Alexander reigns over the Jews. Pirates render the seas unsafe. Mithridates attacked by bis son Pkar- naces. Mithridates poisons his wife and daughters. Is killed by a soldier at his own request.
On the death of Alexandra, Hyrcanus and Aristobulus contend for the succession. Gives the priesthood to Hyrcanus, and leaves Scaurus as prefect of Syria. Pompey commits a sacrilege in the temple at Jerusalem and is never successful in battle afterwards. Sallust wrote a history thereof. Yirgil educated at Cremona.
Julius Caesar consul ; afterwards has Gaul and Illyricum as his province. His invasion of Britain. He returns to Gaul. Death of Lud, king of Britain. Cas- sabalanus, his brother, succeeds. Crassus goes against the Parthians. Takes treasure from the temple at Jerusalem and is consequently conquered. Of the Civil War between Ccesar and Pompey. Cleopatra, queen of Egypt. Cause of the civil war between Caesar and Pompey. Caesar desires to be honoured with a triumph. Of the first triumvirate. He flies to Greece. Distributes treasure to his soldiers.
His con- quest of the Pompeians in Spain and Greece. Rebellion of the young Ptolemy. Caesar spent two years in Egypt. He corrects the calendar. Of the Roman calendar. He is made consul for the third time. Vanquishes Scipio, Cato, and Juba in Africa. Of the death of Cato. Several persons called Cato distinguished. Meaning of Imperator and Ccesar , and Augustus. Caesar is warned while going to the Capitol that he is in danger.
He neglects the warning and is killed. No wound appeared on his body. His conduct to the traitor Domitius. His tolerance of comments upon himself. Of a visit made by him to Cicero. Anecdote of Accius the poet. Of two children who were brought to Caesar. Comparison between Marcus Cato and Julius Caesar. Cassibalanus, king of Britain, dies, and is succeeded by Tenuancius, son of Lud, and brother of Andragius.
Andragius went with Caesar to Rome. Of the Emperor Augustus , and of the affairs of Judcea. Julius is succeeded by Octavianus. Octavianus had conquered Mark Antony at Mutina. Of the length of his reign. The reason of his name Augustus. An account of his parentage. He conquers Brutus and Cassius. Gives up Cicero to Antony. Division of power between Octavianus and Antony. Death of Porcia, wife of Brutus. Ovid is born, and Sallust dies. Sallust always a rival of Cicero. Sallust first introduced the letter K into the Latin alphabet. Of the reign of Herodes Ascalonita.
Of Antipater, the father of this Herod. Herod promoted through the favour of Antony and made king of Judoea. Antigonus opposes him, but after a contest of four years Herod obtains the kingdom. Of a quarrel between Mariamne and Salome. Mariamne is put to death. He adorns the temple, restores Samaria, and completes Caesarea. The Jews are displeased with the respect he pays to the Romans. Antony marries Cleopatra, and wars against Octavian. He is defeated at Actium, and flees into Egypt, where he kills him- self. Egypt comes into the power of the Romans. Tercntius Yarro, and of Yirgil. Yirgil is buried at Naples.
Of Virgil as a necromancer. Alexander dc Natura is the authority for these stories. Yirgil frees Naples from a plague of blood-suckers. He knew how to keep flesh sweet for five hundred years. Of a dis- course which Yirgil had with the nephew of Augustus. Birth and parentage of the Yirgin Mary. Kymbelinus, king of Britain. His two sons, Guyderius and Arviragus. Porcius Latro puts an end to his life. Points of difference between him and Christ - pp. Of the Sixth Age of the World.
Thus ends the fifth age of the world, in the forty-second year of Augustus. Various computations of its length. The sixth age begins, according to some, with the birth, according to others, with the baptism, or the death of Christ. Age of the world at that time. Of certain supposed coincidences of time in the events of Adam's life and that of Christ. Visit of the Yirgin Mary to Eliza- beth, and return to Nazareth. Of the decree of Augustus, and the reason why it was made. Joseph and Mary go to Bethlehem. Events of his life at Bethlehem. Plot of Herod to kill the child.
The idols of Egypt fell down when Christ entered that country. Chronological discussion on the date of Christ's birth. Difficulty of such investigations explained. Of Herod the Great and his family. Of the fountain of oil which flowed at Rome when Christ was born. Other wonders which happened at that time. He was accused by his sons, Alexander and Aristobulus.
Of the three most notorious members of the family of Herod, and first of Herod the Great. His design that Antipater should reign after him. He burns the ships of the people of Tarsus because they had conveyed the Magi. Reconciliation between him and his sons. On his return from Rome he slays the chil- dren at Bethlehem, and among them one of his own is slain.
He puts to death his sons Aristobulus and Alexander. Anti- pater designs to poison Herod, and is imprisoned. Jocular re- mark made by Augustus. Grievous bodily ailments of Herod. Antipater is put to death. Birth of John the Evangelist. Death of Herod the Great. His device that he might cause a mourning at his death. His destruction of the Jewish archives. Contentions of the sons of Herod at his death.
Jesus returns from Egypt. Of Christ in the temple. Accusation and banishment of Archelaus. Length of his reign. Of the Emperor Augustus. He added the letter X to the Roman alphabet. His boast about the improvement of the city. Of his moral character. The Romans would have paid him divine honours.
Answer of the Sybil on this point.
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An example of his clemency in his treatment of Cinna. Of his purchase of certain birds trained to speak. A saying of his recorded. How he trained his family. Of the reign of Tiberius, and some account of Pontius Pilate. Of his moderation in the early part of his reign. Of his attainments and character. Jocu- larly called Biberius Mero. Of his policy in the administra- tion of the provinces. Why he put an artificer to death. Probable reasons for it. Pilate made governor of Judaea. Of his birth, parentage, and early life. Herod Antipas gave him his first office in Juda3a.
Pilate and Herod become enemies. Tiberius is afflicted with a sore disease. He hears that a physician in Jerusalem can cure diseases by a word. He sends to summon him. Finds out that Christ has been crucified. Of Saint Veronica and her linen cloth. Tiberius is cured by looking upon it.
Pilate is summoned to Rome. When he is stripped thereof, he is condemned. He is said to have committed suicide in prison. Of the three Jewish sects. Tenets of the Pharisees. Of the strictness of the Essenes. They have a community of goods, arid follow no trade. Will not take any oath. Of their mode of judging causes.
Of Christ's life and miracles , and some notice of John the Baptist. Three thousand years, according to some authorities, since the creation of Adam. Other opinions on this point. John the Baptist baptizes Christ. Of the meaning and application of Epiphania, Theophania , Bethphania , and Phagophania. Of the age of Christ at this period. Of the cleansing of the temple. The call of Andrew, Peter, Philip, and Natha- niel. Of the imprisonment of John the Baptist. Of certain differences between St. John the Baptist beheaded. Of the place of his burial. The collection and ultimate destruction of his bones.
The preservation of the finger with which he pointed at our Lord. Discovery, loss, and re-discovery of the head of John the Baptist. Of its present place of preservation. Of the seven deacons: Roman and British history. Of a great eclipse and many earthquakes on that day. This was the cause of the clefts in the rocks as they are now seen. Of James the Less, Bishop of Jerusalem. He first said mass. Of the seven deacons. Of Nicholas, one of the seven.
Of the other appellations of James the Less. Of his great sanc- tity. Matthias is chosen into the place of Judas Iscariot. Judas was the son of Ruben of the tribe of Issachar. He was in the service of Pilate. He slays his own father and is married to Ciborea his mother. Peter becomes a bishop in the East. After that he came to Antioch and then to Rome. Of the conver- sion of St.
Paul and his various travels. He meets Seneca at Rome. Persius the poet is born. He is succeeded by Gaius the son of Germanicus. Death of Kym- belinus, king of Britain. His son Guyderius succeeds and offends the Romans by the refusal of tribute. Of the Emperor Caligula. Why Gaius was called Caligula. Of his wicked reign. He tries to put his statue in the temple at Jerusalem.

He releases Herod Agrippa from prison and con- demns Herod Antipas. The earth swallowed the daughter of Herodias who danced before Herod. Pilate is banished to Vienne. Of his accusation by the Jews. He commits suicide in prison. Pate of his body. Another account of his banish- ment to Lyons. How the two stories may be made to accord. Of the reign of the Emperor Claudius. Claudius made emperor by aid of Agrippa. His most famous exploit was the subjugation of Britain.
Of a law which he made. Of his three wives. Britannicus was the son of his second wife Messalina, who also bore him a daughter, Octavia. Octavia was married to Hero, who was the son of Agrippina the third wife of Claudius. Mention of Messalina by Juvenal. Of the famine about which Agabus prophecied. Of a visit made by Helen, queen of the Adiabcni, to Jerusalem.
Of the places to which the Apostles went. Mark and his ministry at Alexandria. How he strove against being made bishop. Claudius visits the Orcades. He slew Guyderius, and gave name to Hampton. Arviragus, brother of Guyderius, taken into favour with Clau- dius, whose daughter Arviragus marries. Of the origin of the name Gloucester. Arviragus refuses to be subject to the Romans. Vespasian is sent against him. Of the death of Herod Agrippa I. Of his imprisonment there, and the cause of it.
Of a prophecy of one of his fellow prisoners. He is delivered by Caligula. Rivalry between Herod Agrippa and Herod Antipas. Herod Agrippa slew James and imprisoned Peter. Of Herod Agrippa II. The Christians flee into his dominions before the destruction of Jerusalem. Death of the Virgin Mary. Inquiet, Fennymore enfourche Monbijou. Ils annoncent une terrible nouvelle: Tante Else vient de mourir. Paperback , Witty , pages. Published September 2nd by Albin Michel first published October 1st To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up.
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