Modern Engine Blueprinting Techniques: How to Design, Fabricate, and Install: The efficient flow of air through an engine is instrumental for producing maximum power.
To maximize performance, engine builders seek to understand how air flows through components and ultimately through the entire engine. Engine builders use this knowledge and apply specific practices and principles to unlock horsepower within an engine; this applies to all engine types, including V-8s, V-6s, and imported 4-cylinder engines.
Detalhes do produto Formato: Compartilhe seus pensamentos com outros clientes. Arrived fast and in great condition. Got this for my son. He loves the book, which was in very nice condition.
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I expected more general information, was of limited value to me. This book is well written and thorough in its coverage of theory and practice.
While it covers well what specialists do, it gives little encouragement to the amateur who wants to try for himself. The author does offer a good resource list and makes many good references through out the text.
Competition Engine Building
All of his examples in the text are backed by examples of how the pro's see and fix the needs for better air flow in high performance and race cars. After reading this book you will know how and why specialists do what they do, informed consumers are better prepared to get the most for their money.
And this book will do that for you. This review was originally written for LibraryThing by Thom. It is an in-depth book that covers performance theory and applications, how to interpret data once you have it, flow bench testing, and optimizing intake and heads. I like the way this book is laid out because if follows in a rational order and it has lots of photos and drawings and is very easy to understand which is good because this is a very difficult subject to grasp. The parts that I thought were especially interesting were the engine airflow components, like carburetors, throttle bodies, and how to do wave tuning.
There is also a section coving torque peak RPM. Then we get into cylinder heads and that where this book really shines.
Then we move on to combustion chambers and cylinder filling pressure recovery and combustion power and efficiency. And from there we move down to the bottom end, which is the exhaust system. I especially like the photos and the detail in the charts as you go along, which helps to explain the different types of exhaust ports. Vehicle Dynamics and Damping. Editors of Truckin' Magazine. American Electricians' Handbook, Sixteenth Edition. Newnes Industrial Control Wiring Guide.
Home Generator Selection, Installation and Repair. High-Performance Handling for Street or Track. Performance Automotive Engine Math. How to write a great review. The review must be at least 50 characters long. The title should be at least 4 characters long. Your display name should be at least 2 characters long. At Kobo, we try to ensure that published reviews do not contain rude or profane language, spoilers, or any of our reviewer's personal information. You submitted the following rating and review.
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