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Do you ever feel consumed by self-doubt and disabled by insecurity? This little book is based on things that have helped me through my own battles and those of my singing students. It is here to help performers but is relevant for anyone who needs to perform in any capacity of life; parents, teachers, managers, students September 21, by MoshPit Publishing. Find out practical ways you can start helping the environment, and live in harmony with it, NOW. Catalyst by Brad Green Price: September 20, by MoshPit Publishing.

C11, a wonder drug that could cure any disease. The media lapped it up, the people applied pressure, everyone wanted to see the results.

  • Complete Printmaker by John Ross, Claire Romano & Tim Ross on Apple Books;
  • A Thanksgiving Gift;
  • Storia di un ragazzo (Italian Edition).
  • No One Ever Told Us That: Money and Life Letters to My Grandchildren!
  • Camilla e il Rubacuori: Un caso di Camilla Cagliostri (Italian Edition).
  • John Ross - Author.
  • An Intriguing Life: A Memoir of War, Washington, and Marriage to an American Spymaster?

By the time the side effects were truly realised, too many had changed. From the chaos, Mutant Suppression Squads were born. September 4, by MoshPit Publishing. But her dreams of a family reunion are reduced to ashes by some unwelcome truths. Eva is near breaking point, having spent seven years looking after both their father and the family business. Food for Thought by Harry M. September 3, by MoshPit Publishing. Harry Milson Smith was born in a small coal mining village in Derbyshire, England in Having lost his father at age five, he was raised by his mother and step father, amongst siblings and step-siblings in humble, some might say impoverished, surroundings.

Harry put pen to paper in to capture some rambling thoughts and perhaps format them into a book one day. The stories in this book make a collection of diverse adventures and are designed. September 1, by MoshPit Publishing. The two mice plunge into a series of heart stopping adventures. Will courage and quick thinking be enough to keep them safe?

Sarra Gilbert arrives at Ellenville Village Court on Thursday afternoon.

The Distant Kingdoms Volume Six: August 27, by MoshPit Publishing. Catastrophe has struck the Hamaforth Kingdoms with his Royal Majesty Entell Thellon the Third and his sons, the prince heirs to the throne having been abducted by an army from the Azzil Territories. August 25, by MoshPit Publishing. After a miserable childhood, Lark has finally found the family he always wanted. August 22, by MoshPit Publishing. Miller asks the reader to examine the teachings of Jesus as recorded in the bible, while acknowledging that it is still debatable whether Jesus even existed.

Come on a journey through the Gospel of John and think about how the Christianity of Jesus can be applied in the reality of the 21st century. August 6, by MoshPit Publishing. This story occurs from the s to the s. A little island girl is rescued by missionaries after a tsunami, and this tragic event marks the start of a series of turbulent and challenging years as the girl moves between families and homes, her freedom and safety constantly at risk. July 20, by MoshPit Publishing. Health is our greatest wealth; it is the platform upon which our lives are built.

It is the key that unlocks the many gifts that life bestows upon us. Once Upon a Record: July 16, by MoshPit Publishing. Once Upon a Record takes the reader behind the usually sacrosanct doors of the music industry. Geoffrey Weule has worked with some of the greatest names in music and entertainment.

Complete Printmaker

His career, spanning more than half a century, covered record retail, record companies, artist management, music, video publishing and, live shows. July 10, by MoshPit Publishing. From Behind the Machine is a bitter and beautiful love story told across intrepid travels to unknown places with unknown people. It is timeless, painful, compassionate, and, above all, it is a reminder of how we should all be living and loving - with honesty, bravery, curiosity This book will captivate readers with its fascinating, reasoned and true accounts of our spirit survival after human passing.

All's revealed in meditatively relaxed states. Finding the right practitioner or group is key; training in the author's psycho-spiritual methods also revealed to them, within. July 5, by MoshPit Publishing. This is fascinating prequel to Rocking Horse Rider provides the back-stories of the complex characters in the later novel.

  • Lily Naiad and the Extraordinary Pearl.
  • Chattels (Conviction Series Book 1);
  • Its Not F**king Rocket Science.
  • Les notions despace en géométrie : De lAntiquité à lAge Classique (Acteurs de la Science) (French Edition).
  • Featured books by John Ross.

June 12, by MoshPit Publishing. We live in extraordinary times. The world is fast becoming hot, flat and crowded. The central theme of this book is the need to Evolve. Drawing on the discoveries of Swedish scientist and mystic Emanuel Swedenborg plus thirty years of his own research, author and social ecologist Kirk Holst proposes that we need a spiritual revolution to save ourselves and our planet.

With the aid of an unknown amanuensis, he invites us to grasp his paw and accompany him as he takes us on a journey back, into his dark and loveless past …. The Shadow of His Hand: For centuries the oft forgotten Unseen God has seemed distant and uncaring, but when the Realm is threatened by the all-conquering armies from Jerika, an ancient oracle is triggered.

Now this foretelling is the only hope of salvation and its fulfilment lies in the trembling hands of a reluctant soldier, a princess and an infant marked by prophecy. A Tucker PI novel by T. June 7, by MoshPit Publishing. Kensei Tucker is a survivor. Kensei was the only survivor of this terrifying ordeal. Fast forward and Kensei has moved on with life … until her phone rings. It seems that Nightmare is back and has abducted five new girls.

June 5, by MoshPit Publishing.

John Ross on Apple Books

In this, the final book in the Wisdom series, Carla and Ariel are back in New Sydney, beating the odds and each other , trying to cope with reconciliation tribunals, a newly organised free press, and several inexplicable events that are causing death and disruption for no apparent reason. June 1, by MoshPit Publishing. When she marries David, an Australian engineer from Warrnambool, her life changes forever.

But she can never escape the memories. Haunted by her past, Lek eventually makes a choice about her future. May 25, by MoshPit Publishing. May 17, by MoshPit Publishing. An epic adventure story set on the coast and inland, detailing life in Western Australia in on a sheep and cattle station. This is real outback living where dramatic events can occur and unforgotten shadows effect the everyday lives of others. One World League by d'ettut Price: May 11, by MoshPit Publishing. Were Herman Melville 's disabling attacks of eye and back pain the product of "nervous affections," as his family and physicians believed, or did he actually have a malady that was unknown to medical science until well after his death?

Was Jack London a suicide, or was his death the product of a series of self-induced medical misadventures? Yeats 's doctors dose him with toxic amounts of arsenic? Did James Joyce need several horrific eye operations because of a strange autoimmune disease acquired from a Dublin streetwalker? The Bard meets House, M. The author takes us way back, when leeches were used for bleeding and cupping was a common method of cure, to a time before vaccinations, sterilized scalpels, or real drug regimens.

With a healthy dose of gross descriptions and a deep love for the literary output of these ten greats, Ross is the doctor these writers should have had in their time of need. What Killed Jane Austen? And other medical mysteries, marvels and. A Short History of Medicine.

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A Life in Medicine. Lives of the Novelists. The Story of Pain. Digging Up the Dead. Flies in the Ointment. Voices from the Asylum. Robert Lowell, Setting the River on Fire. How Our Ancestors Died. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine. Blessed Days of Anaesthesia. Body and Behaviour Mysteries. The Greatest Benefit to Mankind: Not Your Ordinary Doctor. A Fever in Salem. Amazing Doctors and Nurses. The Pioneering Life of a Forgotten Surgeon. Hai inviato la seguente valutazione e recensione.

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