NET Bible The ravens would bring him bread and meat each morning and evening, and he would drink from the stream. New Heart English Bible And the ravens brought him bread and meat in the morning, and bread and meat in the evening. And he drank from the wadi. And he drank from the stream.
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JPS Tanakh And the ravens brought him bread and flesh in the morning, and bread and flesh in the evening; and he drank of the brook. New American Standard And the ravens brought him bread and meat in the morning and bread and meat in the evening, and he would drink from the brook. Jubilee Bible And the ravens brought him bread and flesh in the morning and bread and flesh in the evening, and he drank from the brook.
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King James Bible And the ravens brought him bread and meat in the morning, and bread and meat in the evening; and he drank of the brook. American King James Version And the ravens brought him bread and flesh in the morning, and bread and flesh in the evening; and he drank of the brook. American Standard Version And the ravens brought him bread and flesh in the morning, and bread and flesh in the evening; and he drank of the brook.

We are born natural — into the love of the world, into those selfish and wrong desires which we see so often manifested in children without ever having been learned from without. Everyone who becomes a Christian must be born again, born again by learning the truths of the Word, of the Holy Land, of heaven, and by living according to them and so cultivating the love of them.
Elijah had gone over into Canaan. He had been living there when a famine came and the Lord sent him back over Jordan into his own country. How like this is to the experience of every follower of the Lord. He leaves his native state, his natural external life, and sets out to dwell in heavenly things, which is spiritually to dwell in Canaan. But what man ever did this who was not overtaken by famine? Intellectually we cross over Jordan, we dwell in the midst of heavenly and holy things and desire to make them our life. But the old natural life cannot be sustained by heavenly things.
We cry, as did the Israelites of the manna, "Wherefore have ye brought us up out of Egypt to die in the wilderness? The inebriate knows it when he sets out to reform, when his body thirsts for its usual gratifications. The dissolute knows it when he seeks to mend his ways. The Christian knows it when he seeks to live up to his ideals. Then like Elijah we are permitted to go back across the Jordan — down from the ideal life to former states — to drink of the brook of natural pleasures.
It cannot be otherwise. Heavenly things must be brought down into the natural little by little. There is no great jump from the seed to the fruit. There is the gradual succession of leaves, flowers, and fruit; "First the blade, then the ear, then the full corn in the ear.
The story of Elijah fed by ravens at the brook Cherith reveals to us how the Lord sustains us when we are in natural states and have no desire for spiritual things, when religion seems unreal and joyless. He then sends the ravens to feed us, that bird which under the Jewish law was unclean and which is the symbol of what is false and destructive, which robs the nests of the birds of song and feeds upon their young. We recall that at the end of forty days Noah first sent forth a raven, which went to and fro over the waters. The raven flying over the waste of waters is representative of that state of life when worldliness like a flood covers the earth of the mind, suffocating spiritual life.
Before print out the activity sheet. In class have your children try to find the path that leads to Elijah. As you children work on coloring the picture talk to them about what they see and what they think is happening in the picture.
Elijah and the Birds (3 years old through first grade)
This lesson is presented with a bird puppet. The teacher can use the puppet herself, or use a helper to work the puppet. You will need a bird puppet with a beak that opens and closes, clock or watch, picture of Elijah, crown, spray bottle, statue idol , food, and the Bible verse written on a piece of paper.
If you are using a helper, you will need something for the helper to hide behind. I just used a piece of cardboard. My seven year old worked the puppet for me and did a wonderful job. Since she doesn't read that well yet, I used hand signals so she would know what to do next. I kept my hand that was closest to the puppet hidden behind the cardboard. When it was time to bring out another object I would spread out my finger with my palm up. When I wanted her to move the bird's mouth, I put my thumb and other fingers together like a bird talking. It makes a great squawking noise that sounds like a real crow.
I have a very special friend I would like you to meet today. Everybody say "hi" to my friend Polly. Says hello in bird talk depending on the type of bird he is: I just found out that Polly is related to one of the ravens in our Bible story today. Isn't that right Polly?
Polly's great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, grandfather is the second cousin of one of the raven's in our story. So this story has been handed down from generation to generation. I have asked Polly to come in today and tell you the story. I will have to help Polly because he doesn't speak human language. Okay, Polly, you may begin. Oh, Polly says that this story happened a long time ago. Have the bird turn his head around counter clockwise. Have the bird do it again. Okay, Polly, I think we get the picture.
This story happened in Bible times, way before Jesus was even born.
A picture of Elijah the great prophet. Take the picture from the bird and show the class. Polly says that one day Elijah showed up at the Kerith Brook in the middle of the wilderness where his great, great, great, great. Elijah was very tired because he had been running all day long. Elijah had been running away from a King.
1 Kings 17:1-7 : Elijah is Fed by Ravens
Elijah was hiding from King Ahab. Elijah was afraid because King Ahab was mad at him. Oh, Elijah told King Ahab that it would not rain again until he said so. That made King Ahab was very mad. Elijah was afraid that King Ahab would try to hurt him so he went to hide in the wilderness at the Kerith brook. Oh, God told Elijah to tell King Ahab that. But why would God tell Elijah to say that? People have to have rain. If it doesn't rain, nothing will grow and there will be no food. Oh, that is a bad thing.
God gets very angry when people pray to anyone or anything but him. So they were trusting idols to bring them rain instead of God. So God told Elijah to tell King Ahab that it wouldn't rain until he said so. He wanted to prove or show to King Ahab that he is the one who makes it rain. That is why King Ahab was so mad at Elijah. And that is why he had to run away and hide from King Ahab at the Kerith brook where your great, great, great. Polly said that God didn't forget about Elijah while he was hiding. God told Elijah to do something that was very scary and dangerous but he took good care of him.
He told Polly's great, great, great, great. They brought him food in the morning and again in the evening. Oh, Polly has a Bible verse he would like to share with us. Polly says that God may have us do some hard things, but he promises us that he will take care of us. Thanks you, Polly, for coming to tell us that story. I hope you can come back again sometime. Father, we thank you for every thing that you have given us and for taking care of us.
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Help us to trust you even when things seem hard. Place all the objects that were used in the lesson on a table in front of the class in random order. Ask one the children to come up and pick the first object that was used in the story and tell what it represented or reminds us of in the story. Keep going until all the objects are picked in order. In this activity the children pretend to be ravens and bring food to Elijah.
Before class draw some pictures of food, color them, and cut them out, and write one word of the verse on each food. Hide the food pictures around the room. Pick a child to pretend to be a raven and fly around the room until he finds some food. When he finds something, he should bring it back to you. Take the food from the raven. Ask another child to come up and tape it to the wall. Then have another child pretend to be a raven and do the same thing. Pick another children to tape the food to the wall in the correct order of the verse.
Keep going until all the food is found and the verse is complete. Have your bird puppet bring a snack to each child. Have the children put some of the snack in a Baggie and place in the paper plate birds they made earlier. Also make copies of the Bible verse for each child and staple it to the outside of the Baggie.
Tell the children to take their birds home and have him deliver the food and verse to someone they know and to tell that person about Elijah and how God cared for him. You could also put snacks in plastic bags and hide them around the room. You may have to use another room that isn't being used.
Have the children use their bird puppets and go into the other room to look for food.
Raven Delivers Food: Elijah is fed by birds - Tim Dowley, Steve Smallman - Google Книги
When they find some food, they should bring it back to the room and give it to another student. Send one child out of the room and pick another child to hide some food. You can use pictures of food or plastic food. Call the child in or have your Crow Puppet caw. As the child searches for the food make your puppet caw when he is going towards the hidden food. If he turns the wrong way have the puppet shake his head no. If he needs to look higher, have the puppet point up with his beak.
When the child is really close have the puppet caw very fast. Keep playing until all the children have had a turn to find the food. In class place the cards in a bag or display them on the table with the words facing down. Also have some kind of snack available, such as crackers or cereal. Each child takes a turn spinning the spinner and doing what it says on the wheel.
If the bird's beak lands on "Pick a card" that child should pick up one of the cards. If a child lands on "Pick a card from another player, he can take a card from any of the other players. You may want to skip this one, or change it to something else. Very young children might have a hard time with this one.
Keep playing until all the cards have been picked up. Write the Bible verse on the board. Ask the children to look at the words on their cards. Point to the words on the board one at a time and ask the child who has that card to come up to the board and tape the card underneath that word. Go over the previous words each time you add a new word. When all the words have been taped to the board, have the children say the whole verse.
Before class print out the Bird Puppet Patterns and make copies. Have your children color the birds or use the colored patterns. Prepare one puppet for each child or have your children make them. Print out the Bible verse cards. Use a sharp object to score the dotted lines and then cut out the cards. Fold them up and tape them together so they stand up. Place the Bible verse cards at one end of the room with the teams. On the word go children take turns picking up a Bible verse cards with the bird puppet, running across the room, and placing the card in order of the verse relay style.
The team that completes the verse first wins. He flew off to get some meat, So that Elijah could have something to eat. Three little ravens sitting in a tree, One of them said, "Oh, Elijah needs me!