Why does your startup need a blog?

No time to blog? Our copywriting and content creation team can work with you to create thoughtful, informative posts for your business blog. Small Business Internet Blog Tips and techniques to help small businesses benefit from using the Internet.

6 tips to make small business blogging easier

The Case for Small Business Blogs Here are some of the most important benefits of having a blog for your business: Boost Search Engine Optimization -Search engines love fresh content. What better way to provide frequent content than with blog posts. By blogging consistently, you give Google and other search engines new content to index and you create opportunities to plug in those all-important keywords to increase your visibility on search engine results pages SERPS. Develop Relationships with Potential and Existing Customers -Blogging allows you to connect with your site visitors. This can be accomplished by asking your readers questions at the end of your posts to get the conversation going or by simply allowing comments and feedback.

50 Small Business Ideas for Bloggers - Small Business Trends

Establish Your Business as an Industry Leader -No matter how small your business is, you can build trust and clout within your industry by providing valuable, expert information in your blog posts. This is especially important for small businesses looking to gain credibility to compete with larger companies. Blogging gives others a sense of the corporate standards, vision, and personality of your company. If fashion is your area of expertise, you can start a blog related to the subject and then work with fashion brands to facilitate ads or sponsored content opportunities.

Likewise, you can work with beauty brands by starting a blog about hair, makeup or other beauty related topics. You could also start a blog that features a lot of DIY tutorials and projects and then work with craft brands and other companies that might provide some of the supplies you use.

Food brands can also provide opportunities for bloggers to earn an income if you start a blog that provides recipes and other food related content. You could also potentially start a blog that covers several different topic areas and call it a lifestyle blog. Then you could potentially work with brands in a variety of different industries.

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If you want to actually write for other companies on a freelance basis, you could also offer your services as an email marketing expert or writer. For those whose expertise lies in the technology industry, you could start a blog about tech and then work with brands in that niche. You could also earn an income by starting a blog on a specific topic and then offering a membership section of your site that people can access for a regular fee.

Blogging Business Ideas

Or you could specialize in covering news related to a specific industry and market your content and marketing services to companies in that niche. If you have a great sense of humor, you could try to channel that into a humorous blog where you could sell ad space or earn income from affiliate programs. Giveaways are also incredibly popular in the blog world. So you could specialize in hosting those contests and even charging a fee for brands that want to take part. Or if you specialize in fitness, you can use blogging to earn an income and to promote your services to potential clients.

  1. Best Small Business Blogs 2017!
  2. Goodbye Stranger, My Friend, Goodbye!
  3. Ricky, the Little Elephant;
  4. How to Improve Small Business Blogging in 6 Steps.
  5. Being and Truth (Studies in Continental Thought)?
  6. Wilnius und Ich: Fast ein Bericht (German Edition)!
  7. Unstoppable in Stilettos: A Girls Guide to Living Tall in a Small World.
  8. Or you could specialize in blogging about mobile apps and then work with mobile app companies to offer ad space, affiliate links or even offer your own app development services or apps for download. You can also start a blog about video games and similar topics and then work with gaming brands to earn an income. Or you could specialize in blogging about educational topics and then work with educational institutions or companies that make educational materials. Or you could start a blog about financial topics as a way to share your expertise and offer financial services or products.

    If you start a blog that offers instructions for people on how to do anything from losing weight to learning an instrument, you could potentially turn it into a business by offering more in-depth guides for sale or working with brands that relate to your instructional posts. For bloggers who specialize in pretty much any subject, you could also start an income stream by having a directory section of your site where you charge businesses or individuals a listing fee.

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    If your blog topic relates to jobs at all, you could potentially start a job board on your blog as well and charge businesses a fee to list their openings. For those who have a lot of experience in blogging, you could start a business as a coach for other bloggers to help them get off the ground. You could also start your own community on your blog or another platform and use that as a way to monetize your blogging skills.

    Or you could build a business as a thought leader in a specific niche or industry and use blogging as your main way of showcasing your expertise for hire as a consultant, coach or speaker. You could also build a business as a copywriter and use blogging as a way to show potential clients your writing skills.

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    You can also blog about a specific topic and then host workshops related to that topic, either in person or online, and earn an income from that. Or you could set up a larger conference type event related to your blog and use that as a source of income. If you want to start a podcast, you can easily use a blog site as a way to host and sum up all of your episodes so that listeners can easily access content and learn more about your podcast.

    Likewise, you could start your own video blog and then also have your own site where you can host ads or earn income in other ways. If you want to help beginners learn the very basic technical or writing elements behind blogging, you could start a tutoring service. This is another way bloggers can earn money from blogging.

    6 Tips to Make Small Business Blogging Easier

    You could also have a blog where you share some content for free, but offer some other, more advanced content for a fee. Of course, the harder it is to learn a skill, the more of a demand it will have. Thank for sharing these amazing small business ideas for bloggers. Normally, these ideas seems easy and can be done with less efforts. But as per my experienced, these are small business ideas can be very powerful and can lead you to successful business owners.