NAFTA, Take Two: Your guide to who's who

Team Canada: Well-prepared, with firm priorities

Presumably, Ottawa is putting Canada first, but there has been no official acknowledgment of that. The negotiation process has been a contentious one, with Canada pushing back against tariffs on steel and aluminum imposed by the U. Trump repeatedly tweeted dire warnings to Canada that expressed his displeasure with its trade team. What will the U. Beyond the name, Sui says Canada must focus on diversifying its trade market and improving innovation and productivity to reduce its reliance on the U. There has been accumulating emotion here, so I understand the reaction. I just read that each country will be putting their own country first in the name.

NAFTA works so much better. Canada to flex legal muscle on tariffs following trade agreement signing. Trump vs the world: G20 summit stumbles on trade, climate. Tariff tensions shadow U.

NAFTA Negotiations: Your guide to the players and priorities that matter

Presence of Saudi crown prince complicates G20 for Canadian government. But somewhere along the line, Canada decided to put its own name on the deal. For the record, cusma. G20 summit stumbles on trade, climate Tariff tensions shadow U. Air passenger bill of rights a 'slap in the face': The United States also secured new restrictions on government-owned businesses, new protections for intellectual property and new safeguards for the environment.

But none of those hard-won concessions are going into effect. To Obama administration officials and other free-trade advocates, this feels like a gaping self-inflicted wound, a voluntary surrender of economic and geopolitical territory captured through countless hours of intense negotiations in drab conference rooms. Then again, TPP was flatlining politically well before Trump pulled the plug: Populists on the left and right hated TPP almost as viscerally as they hate NAFTA, denouncing both as victories for multinational corporations at the expense of ordinary families, attacking free trade in general as a scheme to move U.

They want a radical reversal of U. Free trade was a core Republican principle before his nationalist campaign, but he has repeatedly trashed multilateral deals like NAFTA and TPP as establishment efforts to appease foreign elites at the expense of hardworking Americans, a message that resonated with many blue-collar whites.

The White House would not comment for this story. Trade talks are multidimensional poker games involving hundreds of stakeholders, thousands of products, millions of jobs and the ever-present risk that an unpopular concession at the table can bring down the government of your negotiating partner. They get hung up on obscure disputes like a pitched TPP battle over whey, a dairy product associated primarily with Miss Muffet before Obama had to raise it in multiple discussions with foreign leaders.

Poor countries with weak militaries still get to influence outcomes. Still, forward progress is possible. And after multiple rounds of mostly dull, occasionally dramatic, round-the-clock negotiating sessions, the Americans secured a slew of other advances from NAFTA in TPP. Bush and signed into law by Bill Clinton.

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Trump might want to revamp it or even walk away from it, but like Obamacare, NAFTA would be extremely disruptive to repeal and extremely difficult to replace. The best way to understand how Trump might struggle to renegotiate it is to understand how Obama already did. Modern presidents of both parties have pushed to reduce tariffs and other trade barriers as a matter of policy, but there have always been vocal critics of free trade in the Democratic Party, and even free-trade Democrats have tried to emphasize their concern for the victims of globalization.

Obama straddled that line during his campaign. But he also endured a mini-scandal when it leaked that one of his aides had privately assured Canadian officials that Obama was a free trader at heart—and was just attacking NAFTA to play populist politics in the Democratic primary. Obama really is a free trader at heart, and he saw TPP—the largest regional free-trade deal in history—as a key to his economic and foreign policy legacy.

Company-dominated unions tend to sign company-friendly labor contracts that workers never even see; independent organizers often get beaten up or fired; and corrupt arbitration boards have been rubber stamps for the status quo.

NAFTA to USMCA - Special coverage of the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement

At the same time, they would have to accept binding new rules on environmental abuses like wildlife trafficking and overfishing. Similarly, in the original NAFTA talks, Canada had refused to even consider opening up its heavily protected dairy, poultry and egg markets to U. But when Canada inquired about TPP, Obama and his aides insisted that everything had to be on the table.

No more sacred cows. But they saw the TPP train leaving the station, and they were worried about their largest trading partner getting on it without them. For better or for worse, NAFTA had helped tie North America together, nearly quadrupling trade among the three nations over two decades, creating seamless continental supply chains where auto parts routinely bounced back and forth across borders before being assembled into truly North American cars. And while they already had access to U.

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As soon as Harper landed, the Canadians called back and said they were ready to join as well. This is the geopolitical rationale for free trade , the idea that reducing barriers to commerce can create bonds of community beyond economics. Of course, the main case for breaking down trade barriers is economic, the idea that even though deals like NAFTA and TPP always create winners and losers, more open competition across borders creates more winners in the long run. Nations will export the products they make best and import products others make better, while consumers and retailers will enjoy lower prices.

And foreign countries might retaliate with their own tariffs on American wheat or electronics, creating a whole new round of pain.

What’s in a name? Canada goes with CUSMA for new trade deal

The flip side is that change is painful. GDP, but still helps explain why outsourcing has become such a dirty word. For liberal activists who had correctly predicted that NAFTA would drain factory jobs to Mexico without significantly boosting wages on either side of the border, it was dispiriting to see a Democratic president so eager to repeat history with TPP.

Even after Mexico committed to enact reforms protecting democratic union representation and revamping its company-stooge arbitration system, the activists warned Froman that the new labor safeguards were barely more binding than the empty promises in NAFTA. They were especially furious when Mexican negotiators managed to fight off some of the restrictions that TPP imposed to ensure labor progress in Vietnam and Malaysia.

For example, NAFTA focused on manufacturing and agriculture rather than service industries, which employ 4 of every 5 American workers. So the United States led the push for TPP to knock down trade barriers in service sectors, many of them knowledge-based industries like information technology, wealth management, consulting, law and design. That was true for much of TPP. Its chapter on e-commerce and digital trade enshrined internet protections vital not only to U.

The deal also restricted government subsidies and other preferences for state-owned enterprises, a much bigger problem for Mexico than the United States.

Language selection

Some of its negotiating partners howled when it secured a year phase-out for its truck tariffs, the longest delay in TPP. Even some TPP critics acknowledge that the deal marked an improvement over NAFTA for labor and the environment, though they complain bitterly that the improvement was wildly insufficient. The result has been a dysfunctional dynamic between Froman and progressives, with Froman accusing union leaders and other critics of unquenchable ingratitude, while the critics accuse Froman of wanting them to shut up and be happy with crumbs.

Froman griped that the left was making unrealistic demands about a give-and-take process, while the left griped that Froman was more attentive to corporate interests than to the Democratic base. But the activists who warned the Obama team that it was misreading the politics of TPP and overestimating public tolerance for free trade look very prescient. The politics of trade haunted Democrats in Trump figured out a way to tie their traditional themes about families getting left behind to his campaign of cultural resentment, nationalism and suspicion of foreigners.

North American Free Trade Agreement

And here we are. It was such a contentious issue that Mexico and Canada almost blew up the entire nation deal to protect their home automotive industries.

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