Als Fan moderner Technologien: Und wirst du das Spiel selbst spielen? We see the development of new integrated resorts in South East Asia as a major opportunity for the upward growth of all our product lines in the region. What kind of trends do you foresee in South East Asia over the next few years? The prevalence of linked progressive jackpots continues in South East Asia and this will likely develop over the next few years. This is a positive trend for slot gaming overall, and as more titles become available in the region, players have access to new types of games with different levels of volatility and math models.
NOVOMATIC has already started to drive development in the region with products specific to the market, providing a variety of slot content on internationallyproven gaming machines, as well as linked progressive jackpots, WAP jackpots and scalable casino management systems. Another trend is in the advancement of Electronic Table Gaming, with custom and stadium-style setups that feature large signage and offer digital versions of playerfavourite table games.
In the Philippines, the Otium bingo division has been delivering a range of video bingo games to the market for several years and following recent GLI11 v3. How is your company responding to those trends? What have been the biggest developments in Asia for you in the past year?
Leading cabinets such as the V. Wie reagiert Ihr Unternehmen auf diese Trends? Especially in the past three years, the Group has been driving a considerable expansion course, successfully completing several acquisitions and. The foothold in the Italian territory is growing at a fast rate with major acquisitions such as the Italian AWP producer and distributor SO. NOVOMATIC Italia focuses its attention on the most important trends in the gaming market and bases its development on the latest generation of innovative solutions and technology products for the future of gaming.
Innovation and a diversified product offer, together with great attention paid to customer requirements and management experience, have defined the success of the company in a market that is characterized by constant development throughout the country, both with traditional products like slot machines as well as newer products such as the VLTs. Within less than seven years, NOVOMATIC Italia has been selling its products to all concessionaires authorized by the Italian government, thus becoming the most important player in the market with a share far above 60 percent. The ADM governs the public gaming sector in Italy through constant monitoring of the dealings of the concessionaires and those who operate along the full length of the chain.
The measures include targeted action to tackle illegal practices. Gaming is controlled by the ADM through licenses issued to operators under appropriate agreements. Legal gaming in Italy can be divided into various product categories: The Italian market, considered by analysts and insiders as a mature market, still has great opportunities for evolution.
Colors and graphics, sounds and ergonomics, all are aimed to create the perfect products for the market. This integrated network architecture allows not only for full legal compliance but also for comprehensive reporting and constant analysis of the player popularity index. The recent strategic acquisitions in the Italian Bingo segment have added up to a total of 11 Bingo halls.
They welcome guests not only with Bingo games but also with a selection of snacks, drinks and meals at the table, as well as an extended gaming offer in betting rooms with leading AWP and VLT games. The premium quality level achieved by NOVOMATIC cabinets is guaranteed by the cutting-edge materials used and also by the exclusive design that satisfies any need for space and style in the market.
The evaluation of recent market changes and the constant development of new targeted solutions prompted the Italian subsidiary to present SelfService Betting Terminals SSBTs based on the new NovoPrime platform, ready to be deployed in Italy — on the basis and in strict compliance with the future indications of the authorities. NOVOMATIC Italia aims to target the market with the development of an innovative line of sports betting products and services through NovoPrime Sport NPS , a multi-platform sports betting solution designed to flexibly adapt to the requirements of an ever-changing market.
The key aspect of NPS is the flexibility of the solution to meet the growing needs of the bookmaker with expanding markets and a diversified sports solutions strategy for every type of betting. This is why in the last two years we have chosen to expand our product offer to include Bingo and Betting, without losing our industrial vocation as a manufacturer of high-end equipment and technology. Elsy im Jahr sowie zahlreicher kleinerer Betreibergesellschaften. The first award came at the Global Gaming Awards that took place in London for the first time this year, following its Las Vegas edition held during G2E, and is presented by Gambling Insider.
Taking place on February 5 at the iconic Hippodrome Casino in Leicester Square, the Global Gaming Awards acknowledges leaders across various categories of the gaming industry. Selected by a judging panel made up of 50 industry experts and independently adjudicated by KPMG Gibraltar, the award notes the contribution of companies who shape products and services that keep customers returning to casinos. Presented by Casino International, in association with the National Casino Forum, the awards recognise the operators, products and individuals that contribute to the success of the UK and European casino industries.
Die Global Gaming Awards wurden am 5. Bei der ersten Ausgabe der British Casino Awards, die tags darauf, am 6. Winter Paralympics in PyeongChang from March consisted of a total of 13 athletes: Austria was thus represented in PyeongChang in three out of six sports. On February 20, the Austrian Paralympic Team was officially seen off. The athletes achieved top results: Winter-Paralympics in PyeongChang vom 9.
Und die Erfolge blieben nicht aus: Silber im Banked Slalom. In , she won third prize in the international Maria Callas Competition in Verona, and a year later was one of the winners of the Franca Mattiucci Competition. In Rome she won the first prize at the international Ottavio Ziino Competition. This production is played twice on the day after the Vienna Opera Ball and is visited by 7, children every year. Diese Produktion, die traditionell am Tag nach dem Opernball in zwei. Hochexklusiv und individualisierbar begeistert der Crown Master die Gamingfans.
She analyzed the application possibilities of this modern tool in the operational gaming business and presented a pilot project for casino operations in the Czech Republic, in cooperation with her colleagues from the Czech Republic, Helena Jankovic and Philipp Nossek. From the highlights to the resulting expectations for the year He also discussed sales strategy against the backdrop of CRM trends, sales marketing as well the challenges that arise from everyday sales.
Gusenbauer emphasized the importance of stable growth for the adequate positioning of a company in a complex global market environment. The two speakers provided an insight into the world of technical service in their markets of Germany and the UK, forming the basis for the subsequent group work, which discussed the potentials and opportunities for maximum efficiency in this business segment. Alma Pupo gehalten, die im Auftrag von Dipl. Ein Highlight des 9.
Somit bot auch das 9. To meet the challenges of the machine conversion to TR 5. We have been working intensively on mastering this task over the past few months because we want to make a promise to you today: And the demand for machines shows that our customers see it that way, too. But also proven machines continue to be very popular, as customers want a balanced mix for their arcades. We secure your business. Wo findet man die Blockbuster von morgen? Diese kommenden Shooting-Stars sollte man auf dem Schirm haben. All customers who have already completed commissioning their original inventory of rental machines or will have done so by March 31, , will receive the first upgrade in for free.
Only the conversion costs will be charged. It is our job to inform them about the novelties that the legislature has decided in terms of machine play. The event concluded with a gala night for guests and hosts with two exceptional acts: Intensiv haben wir in den vergangenen Monaten weiter daran gearbeitet, diese zu meistern. Denn wir wollen Ihnen heute ein Versprechen geben: November auf die neue TR 5. Beliebtheit erfreuen, denn den Kunden komme es vor allem auf einen ausgewogenen Mix in ihren Spielhallen an.
Intensiv haben wir in den vergangenen Monaten gearbeitet Mit der TR 5. Auf sie warteten in diesem Jahr gleich zwei herausragende TopActs: From bigtime thrills and new possibilities on the gaming floor, to dynamic new channels for marketing to your target audience, JCM is here to help you connect with your customers on every level. All while realizing new revenue streams and increasing the profitability of your current revenue sources.
Thanks to the commitment of numerous business partners and a unique tombola, donations in the high six-figure range are generated for the development budget every year. The electronic dart machines have been tried and tested for many years in professional use and are played in all major tournament series. The charity event was organized by Stiftung Deutsche Sporthilfe. Among other things, the company sponsors participants of the Paralympics. Februar auf dem Ball des Sports in Wiesbaden vertreten.
Als Platin-Sponsor der Auf der Messe wird eine Auswahl neuer, klassischer sowie marktspezifischer Spiele zu sehen sein: This linked progressive jackpot system connects two or more slots to create wildly rewarding jackpot experiences with four win levels: In addition, the Octavian myACP casino management system, which is highly adaptable to casino or route operations, will also be available for demonstration.
Significant decision makers are on hand and we take tremendous pride in our Tribal Gaming development focus, strategic growth and product presence. Premiering in a player favorite cabinet, the V. The Viking and Dragon are fortune friendly characters rewarding players aplenty. Wildly winning entertainment for your players. Contact your account representative for more details.
Sie setzt den Fokus auf die V. The main goal of the extensive TWC was the exchange of information, knowledge and experience between the participants as well as networking with new teams and employees. The lectures and discussions covered a variety of topics: A total of seven teams from six subsidiaries presented their work areas and editorial tools. Thanks to the professional preparation and cooperation of all participants, the feedback from all documentation groups after the two conference days was overwhelmingly positive. The idea of hosting a second Technical Writers Conference has proven to be extremely successful and was highly valued among all technical writers.
Further similar events will take place in the future, to be constantly up-todate in the faculties of technical documentation. Technical Writers Conference Vom 7. Once the maximum credit allowed on machines is reduced from EUR 20 to EUR 10, machines will need to give more change when players use higher denomination notes.
Players will stay happy, and machines will continue to run for long periods of time, saving operators the costs associated with downtime and service calls. The market demand for cashless may soon grow to the point that it is finally approved for Gaming.
When that day comes, CPI will be more than ready. Indeed, operators will not have to inhibit larger denomination notes in order to keep games running efficiently. Players can use the notes they want, and operators can continue to keep their costs down. This powerfully smart cashbox system leverages big data analytics to empower operators with the insight they need to make faster, smarter and more profitable decisions. This means operators no longer need to wait for the drop to understand how their banknote validators are performing and what the status of each cashbox is.
They are able to prevent machines from going down, eliminate emergency cash drops and move their machines to the most profitable areas. Not only do customers have instant access to their data, but they are able to choose from a range of applications that add specific benefits. For example, an alarm can be set when a cashbox is almost full so that it can be emptied before the machine goes out of service. It is all about reducing operating costs, optimising slot performance and improving maintenance processes. More consumers are using cards and mobile wallets — especially among younger generations like millennials.
In response, certain markets and jurisdictions are discussing proposals for cashless payment systems in legislation. Although Gaming customers naturally may not know this yet, CPI is already a leading supplier of cashless systems. The company has already sold more than , EMVcertified card readers into Vending applications, enabling cards of all types as well as mobile wallet applications. Operators will increasingly have to offer the ability for players to purchase a ticket from a debit or credit card. The ATR kiosk does this in a small and very affordable way.
Wenn es soweit ist, ist CPI auf jeden Fall bereit. Alles dreht sich darum, die Betriebskosten zu senken, die Leistung der Slots zu optimieren und die Wartungsprozesse zu verbessern. Das Unternehmen hat bereits mehr als Mixen Sie sich zum Erfolg! Als einziger Geldscheinrecycler in seiner Kategorie kann er jetzt sogar Geldscheine mit bis zu 4 verschiedenen Werten recyclen. In addition to expert qualifications, consistent training and education, as well as networked knowledge and experience, essential personal characteristics such as social skills and fundamental enthusiasm are of primary importance.
Baden, Lower Austria Company: In this new section, you will get to know the people inside the group — their devotions, special achievements and charitable activities, far from their professional lives. Privately he is a dedicated football player and coach for the Austrian national football team of people with visual impairment. Football for people with visual impairment is, strictly speaking, the UEFA-approved football variant Futsal: People with pathological visual impairment are admitted — except for the goalkeeper.
Training for the amateurs takes place weekly in Vienna. His passion for Football for people with visual disabilities is easily explained: Most recently we have even won friendly matches against teams without any impairment. Our only major problem is the lack of players. If only one of us gets injured, we can hardly participate in any tournaments. Therefore we are constantly looking for new members to join us.
Privaten Ausgleich zum Job findet er im Sport — und zwar u. Sie werden von unseren Mitarbeitern auch privat gelebt und gepflegt. Unser einziges Problem ist der Mangel an Spielern. Wir sind daher laufend auf der Suche nach neuen Mitgliedern. As a qualified lawyer she not only gained her toolset for this new position during her political career but also during her time at Global Bochum hat sich z. Digital Empathy as a Service. I think at some points in time, I chose the unconventional path against all odds and dared to take on new adventures.
Especially, I could rely on the support of my family and friends, who pushed me to take the first step. As a first-time founder every day offers a whole bunch of new challenges. If I would have to choose right now, I would pick our market entrance as the largest ongoing tasks. What is in your opinion what is the crucial factor for a successful startup and why? To me the team is most important. And it is not only about having the right people, but more about building strong relationships and trust with an open feedback culture. As your team is steering into the unknown, it is critical to reflect honestly and hold on together.
Our main learning is to present even unfinished ideas very early to the right people, namely your customers. No matter how bad the feedback is, it is the most crucial source of the right ingredients for a functioning product later on. The Ruhrgebiet is actually a strong source for the most important resource of tech-startups: I think startups can profit a lot from the technically focused universities and lower competition for talents, as compared to Berlin.
Wenn man zusammen ins Blaue hineinsegelt, ist es wichtig, ehrlich zu reflektieren und zusammenzuhalten. How Finland Became a Startup Superpower: From Nokia to Startup Sauna. In the German-Finnish Chamber of Commerce he built up the start-up activities for three years starting in The community is the heart chamber of the Finnish startup scene and has produced the Slush Conference and startups like Supercell.
I am curious like a child. Therefore I meet people who give me new impulses and I have opportunities to do things that really spark me.
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Supporting our born global startups to do the market entry in Germany, France, Singapore or the States. That brings amazing challenges all the time. A monolithic team does not get far. You need different talents and steady discourse to do things the best way. Get out of your own environment and find new perspectives. More courage for disruption and you can do much better. Ein monolithisches Team kommt selten weit. Mehr Mut zu Disruption und das Ruhrgebiet kann noch viel mehr. Very often it is important to be in the right place at the right time. This combined with hard work and passion for what you do are the reasons why I became what I am today.
As CFO, you are no longer just an accountant who only takes care of the monthly and annual accounts. The essential factor is the people, founders and employees behind every startup. It is essential to have the same passion, fun and hard work every day to make the startup a success. Always believe in your own vision and have the courage to cross borders and do something totally crazy.
The Start-Up region has undergone an extremely positive change compared to , where I started. Such events as Ruhr Summit help to make the startup scene known here, for investors and even more important for specialists and potential employees. Sehr oft ist es wichtig an der richtigen Stelle zur richtigen Zeit zu sein. Die Start-Up Region hat einen extremen positiven Wandel vollzogen im Vergleich zu , wo ich gestartet bin. Something with tech startups, entrepreneurship education, and corporate education. Currently working on the next logical step for the NRW startup cluster.
Because I have a compulsion to make stuff suck less, and help great people succeed. Getting German companies to understand that today, as the going is still good, is the best time to get serious about innovation for tomorrow, because the good times are not going to last forever.
Intellectual honesty, grit and a good deal of luck. What do you think of the startup scene Ruhr area? What is your personal wish regarding the Ruhr area? How to convince an Impact Investor as a Social Startup? Patrick Ruf is an investment manager at BonVenture. He studied Catholic theology with a focus on philosophy and social ethics and economics together with financial and capital market research in Freiburg and Munich.
He always tried to bring the two perspectives together and therefore has been involved in networks for ethics in economics and practice many years. Prior to joining BonVenture he worked inter alia in an e-commerce startup and in the field of entrepreneurship education. To connect the dots: Because BonVenture is still the pioneer of impact investing in the German speaking countries, my job is even more challenging and fascinating.
This is something new every day. There are many factors. But the most important one is the perfect team. Everyone has to be curious and dynamic, needs a desire to learn and a motivation to perform. Stay curious and flexible. Ruhr area has definitely a good potential to become the next start-up-hotspot. Comparatively cheap costs of living, one of the best infrastructures and an old industry with some pressure to innovate can be a pretty good nutrient medium.
Er versuchte stets die beiden Perspektiven zusammenzubringen und sich viele Jahre in Wirtschaftsethiknetzwerken engagiert. Bevor er zu BonVenture kam, arbeitete er u. Das ist jeden Tag etwas Neues. Irgendetwas Unvorhergesehenes kommt immer. Es sind viele Faktoren. Aber der Wesentlichste ist das richtige Team. Der Pott sollte versuchen seinen eigenen Charakter zu bewahren: I have been working at the Fraunhofer Institute for Material Flow and Logistics for 18 years, first as a student of logistics at the TU Dortmund and from as a scientific assistant in the department of machines and facilities.
As a trained precision mechanic, I have always been interested in building things and I was able to bring this into the design department. In addition to research projects in the field of intralogistics, I have planned and optimized transport systems in numerous industrial projects. Since , I have been able to take care of strategy development at the institute, which includes in particular the development of new cooperation formats. Last year, for example, we put the Digital Hub Logistics into operation as one of these new formats.
Probably because my parents raised me well and I always liked to invent things. That you have too little time to deal with all, interesting, new things. Finding the problem requires not only cleverness and structure but also luck. For me, professionalism and creativity are the essential success factors for efficient problem solving. Be courageous and clever. Unique opportunities for new technologies and business ideas far beyond app and service development.
We have the universities, the inventors, the industry and, of course, the customers in sufficient numbers — now we just have to take more advantage of the opportunities. Als gelernter Feinmechaniker hat es mich immer schon interessiert Sachen zu bauen und dies konnte ich gut in die Konstruktionsabteilung einbringen. Neben Forschungsprojekten im Bereich der Intralogistik habe ich in zahlreichen Industrieprojekten Transportsysteme geplant und optimiert. Seid mutig und schlau. Lasst euch nicht von dummen Geld in die Irre leiten.
Matthias Parlings has been working as a research associate since After participating in several research and consulting projects in the context of logistics planning and supply chain management with a focus on the automotive industry, he has been leading the Industry 4. He is a member of the Digital Hub Logistics management-team. Because I am ambitious, have clear goals and I am willing to invest a lot. To maintain an overview of the many initiatives and projects that are pending in the context of digitisation, start-up funding, etc..
A good idea preferably with a tech-feature and an interdisciplinary, harmonious team that consistently pursues this idea.
In my opinion, it offers all possibilities for prospering start-ups, especially in the B2B sector. The big challenge is certainly to really bring one region together without all regional princes competing with each other. What is your personal wish regarding the ruhr area Acting together, combining initiatives, focusing on content in the cities and not constantly competing with each other. Matthias Parlings arbeitet seit als Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter.
Weil ich ehrgeizig bin, klare Ziele habe und bereit bin viel zu investieren. Why TV presence and events are essential for the development of innovative business models in Germany.
Tanja Rosendahl is Director at Network Corporate Finance and responsible for tech business models and startups advising clients regarding equity financing and exits. BANK regarding digital business models and tech startups. A total of ten years Tanja worked as an investor and hold several board seats at Startup companies. Coincidence — during an internship I got in touch with Venture Capital and stayed in the ecosystem because it still fascinates me to work with so varying people and ideas. There are a lot of startups searching for equity in a very early stage. This is still a great challenge to find the right investor; especially for larger amounts or with helpful expertise in the specific industry.
Here is still a lot of potential in the market for investors. The right people are crucial for success. It is essential for founders to be conviced of your business model. But sometimes it is necessary to question yourself if you are still on the right way. Therefore founders should stay flexible to change their path if necessary.
From my point of view the Ruhr area is a interesting ecosystem for startups. There are not only large corporates but SMEs as clients. Hier besteht noch viel Potential im Markt. Der wesentlichste Faktor ist Mensch. The Ruhr area — an excellent location for data-driven business models!?! Marc Weimer-Hablitzel has been involved with data science for more than 15 years and was responsible for the development of digital business models and innovations in various positions.
Before that he significantly shaped the Data Analytics division at eBay and subsequently supported the development of several successful start-ups up to the exit, including his own. There are probably 42 smart answers, but it was most likely just my early enthusiasm for technology and entrepreneurship.
I have always been following what inspires me. But more and more companies are realizing, that sitting on a treasure box of data does not create value. Companies need to work together to ensure that Europe does not lose the connection in data science. The DataHub partners realized it and are therefore going a progressive way with us. Focus and the right people.
You can overcome any obstacle with fun and mutual drive. Test your critical assumptions as early and as cheaply as possible without writing a single line of code. The Ruhr area has a lot of potential, especially in the B2B and industrial sectors. But it still needs a few more success stories and courageous founders that are able to realize what drives them in the Ruhr area. From my point of view, the established companies should continue to open their doors for start-ups and invest in cooperation. The regions themselves should create space that can be designed and in which you can simply DO things.
Aber immer mehr Unternehmen haben erkannt, dass das reine Sitzen auf einem Datenschatz keine Werte schafft. Das haben die Partner des DataHub erkannt und gehen daher mit uns einen progressiven Weg. Fokus und die richtigen Leute. Innovations and digital transformation in the energy sector. Here he is also responsible for corporate development and IT.
He has been a municipal utility company for more than 20 years and knows the energy market in all its facets. The graduate economist always has an eye on new business areas. To turn a brilliant idea into a success, a startup needs courage, speed and stamina. Burning for the idea and convincingly selling the business model.
To always be one step ahead. To accept setbacks as well. Have fun with what you do and think of the customer and not first the money. Stadtwerke are the players who innovatively implement the energy system transformation. Innovationen und digitale Transformation in der Energiebranche. Hier verantwortet er auch den Bereich Unternehmensentwicklung und IT. Er ist seit mehr als 20 Jahren Stadtwerker und kennt den Energiemarkt in allen Facetten. Immer einen Schritt voraus zu sein.
Stadtwerke sind die Akteure, die die Energiewende innovativ umsetzen. As founder and managing director at etventure, he drives the development of digital strategies and business models for companies and start-ups. Looking back, I have always been tempted in my life to try something new and to deal with innovations.
We have been on a very dynamic growth path with our company for a long time. It always sounds pretty simple, but it requires constant change and rapid structural adjustments. That can sometimes be quite exhausting. Courage, a healthy self-confidence and stamina. Enjoy the time — it will be the best of your life see also question 1. We are still quite at the beginning here, but therefore full of passion. The engaged stakeholder take this journey serious and are getting more and more connected.
The companies, but also the municipalities, are already drivers of the start-up region. But we need many more motivated founders who want to make a difference. In my point of view, the universities play a key role to stimulate entrepreneurship among the students as a valuable opportunity and to provide them with the respective progressive support actions. Wir befinden uns mit unserem Unternehmen seit langer Zeit auf einem sehr dynamischen Wachstumspfad.
Das kann manchmal ziemlich anstrengend sein. Die einzelnen Akteure vernetzen sich zunehmend und meinen es wirklich ernst. Aktuell reicht das noch lange nicht aus. This is the reason for him to talk about the concept of bootstrapping and his two successful crowdfunding campaigns. Because my family gave me all the opportunities to become who I am today. At the moment we are working on a strategic framework for the future of both of our companies.
That brings with it a lot of changes. You got to solve a problem people have. In addition to that people have to be willing to pay for your solution. Stay alert and hungry! Right now we are in a fortunate position. Due to the high density of universities we have a lot of highly qualified employees who more and more understand the concept of start-ups. Compared to Berlin or Hamburg this is a comfortable situation for employers.
In addition to that we have a great infrastructure and cheap rents, we probably only lack enough investors. The start-up scene here became quite vivid and is still growing and growing. More contact to mid-sized companies and big corporations. Mittlerweile betreibt Stefan einige Projekte und Events parallel ohne jemals strategische Investoren oder Banken mit ins Boot geholt zu haben: Wachsam sein und immer hungrig bleiben!
Wir befinden uns in einer lukrativen Situation. Zimmerman initially worked as a controller in the hotel industry. While her husband is responsible for production and logistics, she focuses on human resources and controlling. I wanted to pursue my own ideas, shape things and stand straight for my decisions. To be pressed into a tight hierarchy was difficult and not desirable in the long term. Coordinating the suppliers, providing the right people with the right tasks at the right time and not neglecting my son or family. Diligence, perseverance, courage, creativity and from the beginning to work only with people who enjoy the task.
Fold it, remove it. Anyone who is vain gets tired quickly. Who is tired makes mistakes. Even if you have faster success than expected: As a region with a lot of potential and interesting people who sometimes tolerate mistakes and speak an honest language. In eine enge Hierarchie eingepresst zu sein, empfand ich als schwierig und nicht langfristig erstrebenswert. Die Koordination der Lieferanten, die richtigen Menschen zur richtigen Zeit mit den richtigen Aufgaben zu versorgen und meine Sohn bzw. Klappt sie, baue sie aus. Auch wenn du ggf.
Als Region mit sehr viel Potenzial und interessanten Menschen, die auch mal Fehler tolerieren und eine ehrlichen Sprache sprechen. They were just 22 and 23 years old. They now employ around people and ship luxury watches to countries.
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The platform lists 26, models from renowned dealers. They are not only pure online dealers, but also sell stationary. In total, the financing volume since its foundation amounts to around 52 million US dollars. Watches have always fascinated me. After graduating from high school and during my studies I worked for various jewellers and my dissertation on market dynamics in luxury watches further deepened this fascination. In the meantime, the watch industry is slowly opening up to online trading. This path we have taken must be further deepened.
We are also faced with the challenge of taking on fair pricing. The price structure that was created online by Ebay etc. Online trading must be linked to stationary trading. In order to get rid of price discrepancies, distribution must be rethought. For this, the watch industry needs partners who centralize distribution. To bring together the right people, who run together in the right direction and of course perseverance — even in difficult times not to give up and believe in the idea. No founder knows an answer to every question right from the start.
Makes mistakes, also gladly correctly and with the next opportunity better! Setbacks are part of it and strengthen you. Although we are not exactly located in the Ruhr area, we are close to Cologne. While the startup metropolis of Berlin is characterised by greater staff turnover, we are fortunate to have qualified and committed employees on board, many of whom have been part of CHRONEXT since it was founded. Sie waren gerade 22 und 23 Jahre alt. Die Plattform listet Uhren haben mich einfach schon immer fasziniert.
Dieser eingeschlagene Weg muss weiter vertieft werden. Die Preisstruktur, die online durch Ebay etc. Um Preis-Diskrepanzen loszuwerden, muss Distribution neu gedacht werden. How does a startup change after VCs get started? Stefan Peukert is founder and CEO of masterplan. Already in they founded meinpraktikum. They want to support German corporations in the digital transformation. I have always been a curious guy and had the tendency to question everything. I rather try to consider new perspectives and — if possible — improve things.
Most important to me are the people I work with and that is also the biggest challenge, in my opinion. When your company grows at a constant rate, so will the challenges. But I still want to guarantee a certain degree of sustainability. This might come off as repetitive, but speed is the main advantage startups have over large companies in my opinion.
Consistent action is almost as important. Less strategy, more action! When we founded meinpraktikum. Fortunately the scene grew much bigger now, better connected and better perceived in the media. That is due to the huge commuter belt of several big universities and long-established companies. Put more old money in new ventures! The Ruhr area has an awful lot of potential on both sides! Ich war schon immer sehr neugierig und hatte die Tendenz, alles zu hinterfragen.
Konsequentes Handeln ist fast genauso wichtig: Besser, man macht Dinge falsch und lernt daraus, als einfach nichts zu tun. Weniger Strategie, mehr Doing! Als wir vor acht Jahren meinpraktikum. Steckt mehr altes Geld in neue Unternehmen!
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Das Ruhrgebiet hat hier auf beiden Seiten wahnsinnig viel Potenzial. Paul has been an Internet entrepreneur since the late s. First as founder and manager in eCommerce eBay Powerseller, Babymarkt, preis24 , later as director and consultant for large companies. Today he is managing director and co-founder of Myra Security, which is an internationally successful IT security company. He is personally very interested in digitization, future-oriented education and cybersecurity. I always wanted to move and tackle things myself. As a true child of the Ruhrgut, I learned early on to act honestly and directly while always keeping my feet on the ground.
This gave me the necessary traction in entrepreneurial life. It helped me with my successes and gave me the valuable reflection of failures. As a hands-on managing director, I am not in an ivory tower, but am involved in everything from strategic orientation and recruiting to the daily important exchange of customers in all acute areas of the company. From time to time, replenishing the coal in the engine room helps you to better understand your own team and your own company.
And, by the way, not to neglect your own friends, family and private interests. This was by far the account that had the best customer ratings in the world, as the eBay management later told me. Thanks to this customer satisfaction, we achieved brutal growth. I see many entrepreneurs who prefer to listen to expensive consultants and copy the competition rather than understand the needs of the target group and really analyse them deeply.
Put it into question! In the end, only the satisfied customer pays the bill, comes back, recommends and contributes to the success of the company. I find the phrase silly and outdated. In this picture the company would not be at the important eye level, but subject or even court jester and thus in no successful starting position. Not to be blinded in the daily struggle by the all too easy working success stories of other founders. Every successful company I know has faced the abyss at least once.
In addition, one should have learned to listen openly to customers and target groups and to really understand their needs and to question them. Only then can ideas for the future take hold in the here and now. Henry Ford, one of the pioneers of the automobile once said: I am pleased that, in addition to the hype of Berlin, Munich and Hamburg, the Ruhr region is also developing into a founding region to be taken seriously.
The products seem technically adept to me here, and the founders are down-to-earth, which speaks for the long-term nature and the good foundation of this development. Auf seine Unternehmung vertrauen u. Ich wollte schon immer Dinge selbst bewegen und anpacken.
Es half mir bei meinen Erfolgen und gab mir die wertvolle Reflektion von Misserfolgen. Ab und an im Maschinenraum selbst die Kohle nachzuschippen hilft das eigene Team und das eigene Unternehmen besser zu verstehen. Dank dieser Kundenzufriedenheit erzielten wir ein brutales Wachstum. Jedes erfolgreiche Unternehmen, das ich kenne, stand schon mindestens einmal vor dem Abgrund.
Nur dann greifen Zukunftsideen auch im Hier und Jetzt. Henry Ford, einer der Pioniere des Automobils hat einmal gesagt: As Managing Director, Daniel passionately drives the company forward and ensures that more people enjoy the unique drinking chocolate every day.
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- Inventing the Child (Childrens Literature and Culture).
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- Geheimnisse des Chinesischen Horoskops: Alles über die chinesische Astrologie (German Edition)!
I always wanted to make the world a better place! We want to achieve an even greater impact in the countries of origin of our raw materials with koawach in the future. For example, we want to promote the cultivation of organic guarana with a project in Brazil. These projects are extremely important for us, but also a great challenge. We also want to launch even more products on the market and become a well-known brand in Germany and Europe. Test your market and check your approach and products over and over again.
No matter what comes, believe in your idea! Be open to feedback, learn and implement quickly. I am thrilled at how quickly such a huge startup community has formed in this region. Egal was kommt, glaubt an eure Idee! Ich bin begeistert davon wie schnell sich in dieser Region eine so riesige Startup Community gebildet hat. Ich glaube hier schlummert noch eine ganze Menge Potential.
In this function he supports the digital transformation of the entire company and the development of new digital business models for the various holdings and divisions of Haniel. My background is IT and technology. Within the scope of a project within the CIO function, which I still hold, the opportunity arose to focus on the topic of digitization. To manage the balancing act between corporate complexity and agile approach and to understand the requirements of our customers or to set new impulses.
I try to give my employees the freedom they need for their work. Believe in yourself and your product. Let us help you and use the ecosystem! The last 3 years have shown the positive trend. We can do our own thing here if we manage to turn our strengths outwards and act accordingly. Mein Background ist IT und Technologie. Den Spagat zwischen Corporate Complexity und agiler Vorgehensweise zu managen und die Anforderungen userer Kunden zu verstehen bzw.
Neue Impulse zu setzen. Schielt nicht auf die anderen. Glaubt an Euch und Euer Produkt. Die letzten 3 Jahre zeigen den positiven trend. Live-Podcast with Carsten Maschmeyer. The annual OMR Festival is one of the largest digital conferences in Europe, with over 50, visitors and high-ranking executives from major European and well-known international companies. In addition to the festival, OMR publishes daily articles about the digital industry on Rockstars Daily.
Philipp and the OMR team also produce the OMR podcast with 30, listeners a week, the largest job exchange in the industry, in-depth analyses and guidelines in the form of reports as well as other special thematic events. Prior to OMR, Philipp has built up two ad-tech companies together with his partners in recent years and sold them to Bertelsmann and Zalando.
Occasionally he is a national as well as international speaker, as an expert for media and marketing. To establish a second media brand alongside OMR. In our case, the FinanceForward brand. The key question is always, do you solve a problem for someone else and if so, the willingness to pay for it is there. Besides the answer to the question above, one should perhaps ask oneself personally whether one can develop great passion or at least interest for the topic in question, otherwise it will be a tough professional life and the company will only rarely work.
A lot is happening. The big hits, i. I think it would also be important, in contrast to other cities, to state clearly what the region stands for in terms of content and areas. If so, everything else went well. Live-Podcast mit Carsten Maschmeyer. Eine zweite Medienmarke neben OMR aufzubauen. In unserem Fall die Marke FinanceForward. Soweit meine Meinung aus der Marketingperspektive. Es tut sich einiges. Wenn dem so ist, ist alles andere gut gelaufen. Hendrik Lennarz is founder of www.
A Growth Hacking learning platform. I love to help businesses any size leveraging Growth by killing weak- and strengthen sweat spots. To infect people with the Growth Hacking mindset of execution ideas instantly instead of doubting. Focus on getting the 1st paying customer, instead of doing something else. After the 1st paying customer, focus on the 10th.
Konzentrieren Sie sich darauf, den ersten zahlenden Kunden zu bekommen, anstatt etwas anderes zu tun. I grew up in an entrepreneurial family and realized very early what it means to start and run a business. Not to stand still and reflect on yourself. It helps a lot to give yourself and the team regular time off and to work on the vision and the corresponding strategy.
Only if you as a founder carry the fire with you can it be transferred to others.

This flame must not go out. A clear division of roles based on the talents of the founders. In the best case, paired with blind trust and understanding for and from each other. Few ideas are VC-compatible. Keep the burn rate as low as possible and get feedback from as many potential customers as possible very quickly. Absolutely exciting what has developed there in recent years. Capital, talents and some exciting start-ups are already there — but just like for any other location, of course I would like to see even more start-ups.
Formats like the RuhrSummit help immensely to network the Ruhr area even better with the outside world and make it more transparent. A large part of my network of founders is located in the Ruhr area and I would like to expand it even further! Nicht stehen zu bleiben und sich selbst zu reflektieren. Die wenigsten Ideen sind VC-tauglich. Absolut spannend, was sich dort in den letzten Jahren entwickelt hat. Matthias founded DCMN, the growth marketing partner for digital companies and start-ups, in together with his long-time business partner Andreas Dengler.
Prior to DCMN, Matthias founded and helmed 15 ecommerce ventures and worked as product manager in the music industry. The company today has 9 offices on 4 continents and, according to FT , is among the 10 fastest growing German companies. I always wanted to run my own company. I have always wanted to use new ideas to improve things I did not want to content myself with. And as founder I have learned to learn from mistakes and see failure as valuable experience. My motivation today is to help other founders to grow their businesses without making the same mistakes. DCMN is one of the ten fastest growing companies in Germany, with 9 offices on 4 continents.
The key factor of this growth is our company culture. In order for us to further scale without losing mobility, success and fun, the challenge is to maintain and continuously improve our company culture. In your opinion what is the crucial factor for a successful start-up and why? That founders pass on responsibility at an early stage and let their employees be experts and make self-responsible decisions. Think hard about what kind of company you want to be and select the right team accordingly. Include the team in important decisions. How do you think about startup scene Ruhr area? There is a sizzle in the air — and you can hear it all the way in Berlin.
The former coal region is turning into an ecosystem for digital diamonds. With its long industrial and SME tradition, founders find excellent growth conditions in the area — but of course there is still room for improvement. What is your personal wish for Ruhr area? The entire start-up location Germany will profit from it. Werdet nicht zu den Corporates, denen ihr entkommen wolltet.
Bezieht Mitarbeiter in wichtige Entscheidungen ein. Achtet von Anfang an auf die Etablierung von Kernwerten und Leitprinzipien und lebt diese selbst authentisch vor — sonst funktioniert es nicht. Davon profitiert der ganze Startup-Standort Deutschland. After working at Serviceplan and BrandTrust as a brand consultant, she is excited to be building her own business together with Martha Kift. As far as their company culture is concerned, she is convinced that there is no contradiction between ease and enjoyment and ambition and professionality — instead, these things complement each other.
Her mission is to transform the many great ideas of founders into meaningful brands of the future. I grew up with an extremely cross-cultural background that involved a lot of traveling and discovering new cultures and all these experiences had a powerful formative influence on me. What I love is seeing new places, trying to understand what I experience, questioning and learning new things. I cannot wait to work with interesting characters and gain insights into innovative ideas and business models. Together, we will create the brands of the future. You could say my biggest challenge is my biggest adventure: I am convinced that you have to be clear about who you are and what you stand for as a company.
Self-confidence and the right partners at your side are crucial for your success. Believe in yourself, your ideas and stay uncompromising in your mindset and convictions. At the same time, remember to stay agile in your actions on your path to creating a successful brand. Der Weg von deiner Idee zur bedeutungsvollen Marke. Glaubt an euch und eure Idee und seid in eurer Haltung kompromisslos, bleibt aber gleichzeitig auf dem Weg zur erfolgreichen Marke in den notwendigen Handlungen agil.
After having worked as a strategic planner in an agency and as a brand consultant, she felt her apprenticeship years were now complete: She was looking for more freedom and self-determination than possible in any corporate context. Her passion for strategy and brands has always paved her way and it feels wonderful to finally announce to have founded her own company together with Michele Schmitt and to lead this company according to their own beliefs. It took me some time and likeminded people to discover that having my own mind and convictions is a strength; just like a strong brand I am uncompromising in what I stand for.
I am eager to work with disruptors, rebels, crazy dreamers and visionaries: Founding your own business is time-consuming. Nothing is ever really finished and that feels strange, especially for me I love ticking off to-do-lists. Another kind of flow can be achieved by tackling challenges with ease and flexibility without losing sight of the big picture. As a brand strategist I am convinced that it is the brand. We live in times of saturated markets when consumers already own everything they need, so nobody cares really about any product which can always be copied.
Instead, people buy what they identify with and what gives their lives meaning! Be really clear about your goal and your attitude and never let others knock you off course. Clarity, consistency and an uncompromising approach have positive side-effects: Because people know what to expect, the right partners, customers and ultimately employees , will find their way to you automatically. This saves time, money and energy.
What is vital is to know exactly what distinguishes us from other startup hotspots and to stay true to ourselves. Es gibt schon alles und wir haben schon alles. Menschen kaufen Marken, mit denen sie sich identifizieren: Seid von Beginn an ganz klar, was euer Ziel und eure Haltung ist und lasst euch davon nicht abbringen; habt keine Angst zu polarisieren! Klarheit, Konsequenz und Kompromisslosigkeit haben den positiven Nebeneffekt, dass dadurch die passenden Partner, Kunden und letztlich Mitarbeiter zu euch finden.
Das spart Zeit, Geld und Energie. Als Ruhrpottkind im Exil beobachte ich die Entwicklung gebannt. So wie ich die Menschen im Pott wahrnehme, sind uns die besten Voraussetzungen in die Wiege gelegt: How to stay focused despite setbacks and headwinds! Adrian Rouzbeh is a self-made entrepreneur, entrepreneur, coach, martial artist and speaker. Since he regularly holds seminars and lectures, among other things as a lecturer for his own innovative company PHP. Adrian Rouzbeh successfully mastered the initial difficulties of establishing a non-existent market. Today, his company has several locations and helps hundreds of people — young and old — and companies achieve their goals.
He also lectures regularly at universities and schools. He also travels to various trade fairs and speaks to companies or advises them. He raised his own company without outside capital, partners, investors or the like — and at a young age: Adrian Rouzbeh was born in and was already regarded at the age of 22 as a sovereign leader who successfully brings his team and his concepts to their goal. Heute hat sein Unternehmen mehrere Standorte und hilft hunderten Menschen — von jung bis alt — sowie Firmen bei deren Zielerreichung. The innovation evangelist and digitization expert has many years of project and management experience in DAX companies.
In addition to partnerships, she is also responsible for workshops and training sessions at the Impact Hub Ruhr. The graduate business economist, communication scientist M. Innovations are an alliance with the future. Developing the future together with different people drives me. To think visionary and not be completely besieged by day-to-day business. Perseverance and openness for changes to the so beloved original idea, if the customers need something else.
Put ideas through their paces with customers as quickly as possible and learn from them. The cereals are no longer bought just online, but also in their own shops, several countries and supermarkets. Max Wittrock is Chief Evangelist at mymuesli and is primarily responsible for public relations. What I mean by that: I am interested in very many things and I am happy that we and I in our job, as founders, to try a lot and are flexible in our roles.
We have become much more mature as a startup and company; this is super and important. But of course, there are very different challenges for a larger company than with three friends sitting together with an idea in the shared kitchen. Above all, I would like to give something to those who are about to set up. You have to try it! I recently got to know masterplan. Die diplomierte Betriebswirtin, Kommunikations-wissenschaftlerin M.
Das gemeinsame Entwickeln der Zukunft mit unterschiedlichen Menschen treibt mich an. Es ist Zeit die Startup Revolution Ruhr zu starten. April , ist mymuesli heute auf mehr als Mitarbeiter angewachsen: Was ich damit meine: Man muss es ausprobieren! Ohne es auszuprobieren, wird man nie wissen, ob es funktioniert. Da gibt es aber sicher eine ganze Menge, klar. Deswegen find ich es super, mit so einem Event auf die Region aufmerksam zu machen. Anna Yona actually wanted to become a journalist. Or preferably both at the same time.
Since February the barefoot shoes are available in their online shop Wildling. Walk the first steps in relatively unknown territory, tame wild growth and build structures that will last. A true USP, a strong brand identity and an abnormal portion of optimism and resilience. Be unique and solve a real, existing problem! Ulrike Trenz is co-founder of the Impact Hub Ruhr and is responsible for room booking, space design and strategic exchange with the global impact hub network.
In the Ruhrgebiet, she is committed to increasing the visibility of topics such as social entrepreneurship and social innovation as the key to social and environmental challenges. The greatest potential she sees at the interfaces of various disciplines and industries that must collaborate to build a sustainable future. The Impact Hub Ruhr represents a perfect hub for her. Ulrike has a business education and a degree in cultural studies at the FH Potsdam.
After exciting study projects at the interdisciplinary interfaces to culture, economics and sustainability, she was a graduate student in futurology at Daimler AG. Because I always followed my gut feeling. I always made sure that I do, what makes sense to me most. I am convinced that human beings are meaningful driven people which only can develop to their fullest when they realize the purpose of their actions.
Doing the right things at the right time. A team you can rely on. I truly believe in collaboration on eye level — which btw also means same loans for bosses and team! Find and sharpen its own profile. Integrating social entrepreneurship and promoting responsible entrepreneurship to build a region fit for our grandchildren. After completing his doctorate in number theory, Dr.
On the one hand because of my interest in technology and building things and on the other hand because I enjoy working with ambitious people. To find the right mix of breadth and depth in order to help founders the best way possible. A strong team with relevant expertise, customer focus, execution skills and motivation.
Pitch Competition - RuhrSummit
Other factors are important, too, though: To have an opportunity-oriented mindset, to be focused when working on achieving goals, but also to regularly reflect on past performance and to be open for change. I see a big chance to grow to one of the most relevant startup scenes through the proximity of several larger cities Dortmund, Bochum, Essen…. Janna Prager is co-founder of the Impact Hub Ruhr, where she is responsible for community building and community management. She organizes events and is the first contact for the member experience in the Impact Hub Ruhr.
She is also responsible for all online and offline communication and press relations. In addition to music, they are also interested in topics such as new forms of work and the promotion and networking of female founders. It is important to me that I do a job that makes sense and in which I can make a difference.
Here I can implement new projects together with the community, bring together great and committed people from the region and help to tackle social challenges. And of course there is no shortage of fun. To manage everything I want to implement. Besides the idea, the team is crucial.
I think you have to get along well outside work, too. This makes difficult phases easier and you generally have more fun at work. Connect and take every opportunity to present your startup on a stage. The structure is still partly under construction, but this can be seen as an opportunity. Carsten Maschmeyer is an entrepreneur, consultant, investor and author. All its activities are bundled under the strategic umbrella of the Maschmeyer Group.
Carsten Maschmeyer is also the inventor of independent financial consulting. He has been married to the actress Veronica Ferres since From to , he advised innovation- and technology-driven start-ups for the win Business Angels Initiative of NRW. BANK in order to bring them together with private investors. All my life I have played various sports with a lot of ambition. This has influenced me, both privately and professionally.
Maintain a clear USP with a variety of support offers for entrepreneurs. In addition to a unique product and attractive market, the founding team is the decisive success factor for me. The staying power until the successful foundation. A great potential that is now being tapped further and further. I always want to make the next step and the best time for it is always when the success is greatest.
Doing a good job every day anew. They need knowledge, passion, attitude, diligence and the brutal will to be successful. A culture of failure. A great potential which should finally be lifted. Berat Gider studied and worked in Dortmund, New Orleans and Berlin with a focus on innovation management.