We have received your suspected software piracy information and will contact you if needed. Search our offices worldwide. Supporto tecnico per i prodotti. Aerospaziale e difesa Innovazione e gestione dei programmi sincronizzata e collaborativa per i nuovi programmi Esplora. Industria automobilistica e trasporti Integration of mechanical, software and electronic systems technologies for vehicle systems Esplora il settore. Prodotti di consumo e vendita al dettaglio Innovazione dei prodotti attraverso la gestione efficace di processi integrati di formulazione, confezionamento e produzione Esplora il settore.
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"pirateria informatica" English translation
Your information was successfully submitted. The objective is to try and profile a piracy-prone consumer and explore if SBMS could be a viable alternative to online music piracy in Italy, where the general piracy rate is very high. The study is based on an empirical quantitative analysis through the collection of questionnaires completed by Italian consumers.
The paper highlights how Italian consumers reflect the attitude-behavior gap in music consumption, as they perceive online music piracy as ethically wrong, yet they still show low preference for the legal, reasonably priced choice such as SBMS. Younger, male, lower education, students have the highest propensity towards online piracy. In addition, consumers awareness, familiarity and interest in subscription-based music services are still very low. The limitations of the paper are linked mainly to the adapted scales, to the omission of alternative determinants of attitude towards piracy, to the composition of the sample and for analyzing only two subscription-based music services Napster and Spotify.
"pirata della strada" in English
The results call for greater efforts by music industry actors and public institutions to educate Italian consumers about the consequences of their online piracy behavior and the possible solutions offered by SBMS. Originality of the paper: This paper is the first to focus on Italian consumers music habits, their attitude and behavior towards online piracy and their interest toward subscription-based music services as a viable alternative.
Sharing and collaborative consumption online, Journal of Business Research, vol. Considering the similarities and the unique characteristics of online file sharing and software piracy, Communication of the ACM, vol.

Do males and females react differently? The Journal of Socio-Economics, vol. Differences in factors motivating piracy of music and movie content, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, vol. Evidence from the theory of planned behavior, Journal of Consumer Policy, vol. One way of addressing impunity is by the prosecution of piracy suspects in the region. This cooperation is an excellent example of how Commission programmes and common security and defence policy actions go hand in hand. Piracy has to be understood as organised crime that is happening at sea and on land. In the long run, only the establishment of the rule of law, good governance and economic development will bring the solutions we are seeking.
The EU is therefore strongly committed to supporting Somalia in finding a political solution to the ongoing crisis. At the recent London Conference, the international community showed strong determination to support the transition process in Somalia. Part of the new development funds will be directed to supporting the fishing industry, building alternative livelihoods and helping coastal communities and rural development more generally, thus tackling some of the root causes of piracy.
The European Union is also supporting the development of Somali security capacities. In addition to the training of police officers — we also provide some financial support if they stay in the service of the Somali Government — we are the main donor to the African Union peacekeeping mission in Somalia, which is funded through the African Peace Facility. There is also an important role for the maritime industry to play in containing the threat of piracy. Let me also assure you that the Commission is following very closely the case of two Italian marines, Salvatore Girone and Massimiliano Latorre, who are now in custody in India.
We have been in constant touch with the Italian Government on this issue from the beginning. It is clear that we need to address this issue in the broader context of our cooperation on counter-piracy and, more specifically, the regulation of armed protection aboard ships. We need to see what lessons we can learn to prevent this type of incident from happening ever again. The European Union and India had already agreed in principle to work on these broader policy issues, and this is what we are currently also taking forward.
Due to the immensity of the sea area where Somali pirates now operate and the scarce naval resources available to protect this shipping lane, the industry has had no other choice than to turn to the services provided by privately contracted armed security personnel on board ships transiting the high-risk areas. This is an increasing phenomenon that we cannot ignore. The International Maritime Organisation has already addressed this item and issued interim recommendations but, as no solution to piracy is apparent in the short term, we believe this must be addressed in more depth.
We are not confident with the idea of self-regulation by this new business in view of the risks involved in this kind of activity, which can potentially lead to the — sometimes lethal — use of force. In this regard we think that the IMO is the international body that should lead to the development of very clear, stringent rules and, in particular, of a mandatory instrument.
Ensuring prosecution of pirates captured at sea only takes care of one part of the problem. Law enforcement agencies of EU Member States, Interpol and Europol are currently cooperating, not only in attempting to trace any flows going into EU Member States but also in collecting evidence packages against leaders, financiers and instigators.
Another element of the EU comprehensive approach is the support of the region. It is in the strategic interest of regional countries to engage in the fight against piracy. The EU is definitely keen to assist and enhance local ownership. This is why the European Union has been a strong supporter of the Eastern and Southern Africa — Indian Ocean Regional Strategy and Action Plan, which was adopted in October in Mauritius to fight piracy and promote maritime security.
The Critical Maritime Routes Programme funded under the Instrument for Stability has also focused since on the security and safety of essential maritime routes in the areas affected by piracy. In close coordination with the IMO, one of the projects contributes to the implementation of the regional Djibouti Code of Conduct. These programmes will work very closely with the planned Regional Maritime Capacity Building Mission.
Vorig jaar waren er maar liefst aanvallen en pogingen tot aanvallen op schepen in een gebied dat enkele jaren geleden beperkt was tot de Hoorn van Afrika, de Golf van Aden, maar ondertussen zowat de hele Westelijke Indische Oceaan bestrijkt. Daarbij werden 25 schepen effectief gekaapt en meer dan bemanningsleden vastgehouden. Wij tellen ook elf dodelijke slachtoffers. Tijdens de eerste twee maanden van dit jaar zijn er alweer 35 pogingen tot kaping geweest en zijn drie schepen ook effectief gekaapt.
Deze situatie leidt ertoe dat bemanningsleden hun leven riskeren om hun werk te kunnen uitoefenen. Maar ook dat er aanzienlijke economische schade wordt geleden, rechtstreeks en onrechtstreeks in de vorm van losgeld, hogere verzekeringspremies, omwegen die gemaakt moeten worden om gevaarlijke zones te vermijden, de operatie Atalanta zelf natuurlijk, hogere voedselprijzen, etc. Operatie Atalanta werd weliswaar verlengd tot eind , maar in enkele jaren tijd is het aantal schepen dat actief bijdraagt tot de operatie verminderd van 35 naar 10 en begin dit jaar zelfs naar drie schepen.
Ik denk dus dat wij daar goed naar moeten kijken. Een aantal EU-vlaggenstaten laten dit toe, andere niet.
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Het is wenselijk dat de Europese Commissie met richtsnoeren komt om dit duidelijk te regelen, bijvoorbeeld afspraken te maken inzake opleidingscriteria van bewakingsagentschappen, procedures om gewapend op te kunnen treden, registratie van incidenten, de aard van wapens die aan boord mogen worden gehouden. Ik zou u willen vragen om hier toch even iets over te zeggen, en te verduidelijken hoe u dat ziet; en ik vraag u ook niet te wachten op de IMO maar al in actie te komen op dit punt, en natuurlijk ook op andere punten die collega's zeker nog aan de orde zullen stellen.
Nuestra primera prioridad es liberar a las mujeres y a los hombres que permanecen hoy secuestrados por piratas, sea cual sea el mar en el que estos operen. Desde esa perspectiva, los piratas no pueden justificar sus ataques, y nosotros no debemos permitirlo. Apostemos por insistir en esas actuaciones antes de que sea demasiado tarde. We recognise that maritime piracy is an extremely complicated and problematic issue, but we also believe that it is a horizontal one incorporating development, security and foreign affairs aspects, while the link with transport issues is more secondary.
Greens are completely against this shift, as solutions to maritime piracy do not lie primarily with changes to transport policy.
Therefore we welcome the fact that this resolution was taken off the agenda for this plenary session. If Parliament is determined to have a resolution on this, we think it should be led by another committee such as the Subcommittee on Security and Defence, as well as being better timed in order to tie in with the external work and developments. Apart from the fact that we do not think that the Transport Committee should be leading on this issue, the solutions in the draft resolution are not in line with previous Parliament resolutions on piracy, Somalia and the Horn of Africa.
Furthermore, they are too militarily based. We are against further militarisation and strongly in favour of strengthening the criminal justice approach to piracy, as advocated by the United Nations Special Advisor on Piracy, Mr Jack Lang. This ultimately would also need a change in any future resolution from this place on this issue. Wat wij zien is dat meer schepen gekaapt zijn, meer zeelieden gegijzeld en dat het werkgebied van de piraten veel groter is geworden.
Ook is de prijs die wordt betaald in mensenlevens en in losgeld gestegen. Hoog tijd dus voor een steviger aanpak ten aanzien van piraterij. En ik denk daarbij aan vier punten.
pirateria - Italian-Azerbaijani Dictionary - Glosbe
De EU-lidstaten moeten nu eens een keer allemaal instemmen met de inzet van gecertificeerde en gewapende beveiligers aan boord. Nu zie je dat het ene land die bewapende beveiligers wel toestaat, en het andere land niet. Maar die piraten weten exact hoe die schepen varen en volgen ze precies, dus men weet bij welke schepen er geen beveiligers aan boord zijn. Dat is dus een extra risico, juist voor die schepen. Dus het gaat om veiligheidsrisico, maar ook om competitie, om concurrentie.
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Er zijn aanwijzingen dat de piratenleiders geld witwassen via banken in Afrika en in Europa. Dat betekent dat de veiligheidsdiensten deze geldstromen in kaart moeten brengen en moeten zorgen dat de banken die daaraan meewerken worden aangepakt. Wat mij betreft, commissaris Piebalgs, mag er iets meer ambitie komen, en ik hoor graag uw antwoorden. Juozas Imbrasas, EFD frakcijos vardu. Wir im Verkehrsausschuss wollen da auch keine Verfahrensfrage daraus machen.
Also, das ist unsere Vorgehensweise, die wir auch beschlossen haben. Den darf man auch nicht vergessen. Das ist, was wir erwarten. Pior, a pirataria sofisticou-se e vai de vento em popa, e os al-Chebab cresceram, armaram-se e radicalizaram-se.