For example, for serious depressive illnesses analysis examined the specialties and sectors of care used. This study aims to identify any shortcomings, such as problems at the interface of different sectors of care, and areas in which the care of mental illness might be optimized, through interdisciplinary and intersectoral analyses of the care pathway. The project involved secondary, mainly descriptive analysis of the care of patients with mental illness. See the eBox for a detailed description of the methods used. The limitations associated with secondary data analysis are described in detail in the Discussion section and the further description of the methods used eBox.
Of the insurance holders with an index diagnosis, The distribution of diagnoses has already been presented elsewhere 8. The differences between the distribution of diagnoses recorded here and that reported previously are the result of different groupings of the people in question: For patients with mental comorbidity, the most common diagnosis combinations came from groups F3 affective disorders and F4 neurotic, stress, and somatoform disorders.
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A code for at least one additional somatic diagnosis had also been recorded for nearly all insurance holders with a diagnosis of mental illness inpatient or outpatient F0: Of all treatments, Outpatient or inpatient rehabilitation care with a main diagnosis of a mental disorder was received by 2. These individuals formed the index population for sample analysis of the care pathway. A total of different care pathways were found; they differed in terms of the type, number, or chronological sequence of the sectors of care or specialties. Inpatient index care was very rare department of somatic medicine: The five most common care pathways in this research, which together accounted for more than three-quarters The rates of incapacity for work and retirement were significantly lower for the two care pathways that included no referral to another sector of care than for any others.
These care pathways also had the highest mortality rates. The most common types of service use resulted from mental comorbidity, followed by neurotic, stress, and somatoform disorders F4 , affective disorders F3 , and addictions F1. In terms of their relative ranking, the service use prevalence rates shown here essentially reflect the prevalence rates already reported in the German National Health Interview and Examination Survey 4.
This may pose a challenge for care planning in line with demand, as there is currently a lack of specialized physicians 9. All those with mental illness showed high rates of mental and somatic comorbidity during the study period. The high rate of mental comorbidity The comparatively low somatic comorbidity rate in those with schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders F2 may be evidence of underdiagnosis of somatic illnesses in this group of patients, as this is precisely where one would expect a comparatively high percentage of somatic comorbidity Overall, our findings highlight the high rates of mental and somatic comorbidity in those with mental illness 11 , just as those with somatic illness have an increased risk of somatic and mental comorbidity 12 — Most care services were used by those with mental illness on an outpatient basis, as already shown in the German National Health Interview and Examination Survey The current compensation structures mean that securing specialist care on an outpatient basis will become a particular challenge, as the funding structure does not provide a sufficient guarantee that guideline-compliant care or compensation for the necessary scope of treatment will be provided 9.
The German Federal Chamber of Psychotherapists reported very long waiting times for psychotherapy Primary care physicians remain the gateway for patients with mental complaints, and primary care carries little stigma An insufficient rate of referral to specialized care may also be a possible cause. Sample analyses of cases of severe depression reveal the low levels of collaboration between primary and specialized care.
The results shown here for severe depression are taken from care analyses that bring together various disciplines and sectors of care for the first time; until now only individual aspects have been investigated, at the most 22 , As shown by studies of the diagnosis of depression in primary care, depression in primary care practice is very common according to expert opinion, but only some are diagnosed as such 26 — In general, there are low rates of care for mental illnesses Furthermore, Schneider et al.
However, there are no systematic studies on the quality of outpatient care for depression in either primary or specialized care. In view of this situation, greater emphasis should be placed on measures to optimize the quality of outpatient care for depression and other mental illnesses. International studies show that depression is associated with an extremely heavy personal and societal burden, even more so than other widespread diseases such as diabetes and coronary heart disease 29 , The extent to which the care pathway is associated with unfavorable outcomes such as incapacity for work, early retirement, and mortality is not yet clear.
Such questions take on particular significance given that, as discussed, there is room for improvement in the diagnosis and treatment of depression. The analyses presented here do not show a systematic relationship between care pathways and these illness-associated events.
The lowest rates of incapacity for work and early retirement as a result of depression occurred in the two care pathways without onward referral from the initial sector of care. This may indicate that cases of depressive disorders with more favorable prognoses are found with this type of care; this is also suggested by the fact that these cases show the significantly lowest rates of mental comorbidity. An argument against this idea is provided by the comparatively high mortality rate. The mortality rate cannot be interpreted as an age-related artefact, because the average age was almost identical for all care pathways.
The predictive power of the care analyses performed here was limited first of all by the fact that for index diagnoses made in the first quarter of no distinction could be made between insurance holders with and without a preexisting depressive or other mental illness, as there was no preobservation period. Additional analyses were therefore performed, including only insurance holders who had not had any contact with the health care system for a depressive or other preexisting mental illness for a one-year preobservation period.
This essentially confirmed the results of the first analyses. Because these analyses found no evidence of a systematic relationship between the characteristics of care pathways and illness-related events during care, detailed analysis should clarify whether other predicting factors, such as frequency of service use or length of treatments, have any influence.
These analyses were not included in the evaluations presented here. Further factors limiting the analyses of pathways of care are, on the one hand, lack of information on initial diagnoses, and, on the other hand, the fact that it was not possible to include contact with the health care system before and after the beginning of the observation period; this means the whole care pathway may not have been covered. A further limitation to be taken into account when interpreting somatic comorbidity is the fact that the analysis included all somatic diagnoses, in order to provide as complete as possible a picture of health care service use for somatic illnesses.
No distinction was made here between milder, short-term and severe, chronic illnesses. One major methodological limitation in the analysis of secondary data is the unknown validity and reliability of the underlying information No external data validation such as checking against medical records was possible; as a result, the influence of mistaken diagnoses cannot be completely ruled out. For primary care, analysis did show that for various reasons primary care physicians often do not provide a psychiatric diagnosis of depression, although they are aware of the mental burden on those affected and take it into account in consultation Further limitations of the evaluation of secondary data analyses are shown in detail in the eBox.
This project accomodates demands to use routine data for purposes of research into health care processes and for purposes of quality assurance The results of the analysis show, on the one hand, an imbalance between health service use for mental illnesses and, on the other, the high levels of somatic and mental comorbidity in those with mental illness.
Setting aside boundaries between different disciplines and sectors, the use of secondary data can, despite all its limitations, contribute to the detection of underdiagnosis, overdiagnosis, mistaken allocation, and intersectoral interface problems. This is revealed in the findings of this study, such as the detection of a high proportion of care provided by disciplines specializing in somatic medicine and somewhat low levels of interdisciplinary and intersectoral care.
More importance should therefore be attached to secondary data as a routinely available source of data for further planning of care for mental illness. He has received event sponsorship symposium support from Lilly, Servier, and Janssen Cilag. For eReferences please refer to: Shared decision-making in antihypertensive therapy: Risk recognition and sensation seeking in revictimization and posttraumatic stress disorder.
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A diagnostic accuracy study in 6, women. Effectiveness of psychotherapeutic, pharmacological, and combined treatments for chronic depression: Effective continuing professional development for translating shared decision making in primary care: Integrating research into policy planning: Development and validation of a new questionnaire for the assessment of subjective physical performance in adult patients with haemophilia--the HEP-Test-Q.
Use of Health Care Services by People With Mental Illness ()
Depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder and health-related quality of life and its association with social support in ambulatory prostate cancer patients. Loss of meaning, demoralization and embitterment. Mehnert A, Vehling S Societal, psychological, and clinical perspectives.
The effects of nonpharmacological interventions on subjective memory complaints: Meta-analysis as the core of evidence-based behavioral medicine: Content comparison of haemophilia specific patient-rated outcome measures with the international classification of functioning, disability and health ICF, ICF-CY. Cluster-randomized controlled trial of dissemination strategies of an online quality improvement programme for alcohol-related disorders.
Patientenorientierung bei medizinischen Entscheidungen im Krankenhaus. Quality of life after traumatic brain injury: Effectiveness of systematic treatment selection for psychodynamic and cognitive-behavioural therapy: Exploring preoperational features in chronic depression. Health-related quality of life in overweight and obese youths: Depression and anxiety in patients undergoing herniated disc surgery: Development and evaluation of a case group concept for inpatients with mental disorders in Germany: High agreement of self-report and physician-diagnosed somatic conditions yields limited bias in examining mental-physical comorbidity.
Eine Disziplin in der Entwicklung. Social ties and risk for cancer - a prospective cohort study. Entwicklung eines elektronischen Expertensystems. Diagnostik und Therapie depressiver Erkrankungen in der ambulanten Versorgung. Improving outpatient care of depression by implementing practice guidelines: Training physicians in shared decision-making-who can be reached and what is achieved?
Assessment of health-related quality of life and patient satisfaction in children and adolescents with growth hormone deficiency or idiopathic short stature - part 1: Health-related quality of life of children and adolescents with growth hormone deficiency or idiopathic short stature - part 2: Laientheorien, Psychosomatik und Migrationsfolgen. Association of sexual functioning and quality of partnership in patients in cardiovascular rehabilitation--a gender perspective.
Effects of gender and cognitive-behavioral management of depressive symptoms on rehabilitation outcome among inpatient orthopedic patients with chronic low back pain: Admission procedures for medical and dental students. Evidenzbasierte Gesundheitserziehung Kliche T Evolutionspsychologie Klusmann D Der Mensch zwischen Natur, Kultur und Technik. Challenges in reporting meta-analyses of diagnostic accuracy studies. Analyzing effectiveness of long-term psychodynamic psychotherapy. Development and psychometric properties in a primary care sample.
Influence of educational programs on attitudes of medical students towards psychiatry: Effects of psychiatric experience, gender, and personality dimensions. Early- and delayed antipsychotic response and prediction of outcome in severely impaired patients with schizophrenia treated with amisulpride. Kommunikation mit onkologischen Patienten. Sinnbasierte Interventionen Mehnert A Fear of cancer progression and cancer-related intrusive cognitions in breast cancer survivors.
Medical care of overweight children under real-life conditions: Sleep disturbances and emotional distress in the acute course of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. General practitioners and online continuing medical education - which factors influence its use? Patients', physicians', and pharmacists' preferences towards coagulation factor concentrates to treat haemophilia with inhibitors: Patterns of multimorbidity in primary health care - protocol of a prospective cohort study. Handbuch der Gesundheitspsychologie und Medizinischen Psychologie: Mental and physical quality of life in actual living liver donors versus potential living liver donors: An analysis using the axes of the Mainz Pain Staging System].
Drinking before going out--a predictor of negative nightlife experiences in a German inner city area. Interest in a psycho-educational group intervention among out-patients with malignant melanoma in relation to their need: The patient with dementia, the caregiver and the doctor: Overweight and obesity are associated with psychiatric disorders: Stress Bergelt C Berlin, Heidelberg, New York: Quality of life in partners of patients with cancer. Finding the ideal place for a psychotherapeutic intervention in a stepped care approach--a brief overview of the literature and preliminary results from the Project PREDICT.
Effects of written information material on help-seeking behavior in patients with erectile dysfunction: Psycho-social determinants of quality of life in children and adolescents with haemophilia-a cross-cultural approach. Sense of coherence and social support predict living liver donors' emotional stress prior to living-donor liver transplantation.
Nosological and health care related perspectives of sexual dysfunction: Caroll J, Alena M eds. Nova Science Publishers, Shared decision-making in diverse health care systems--translating research into practice. Criminal recidivism in sexual homicide perpetrators. Confirmatory factor analysis of the German version of the international index of erectile function IIEF: Effectiveness of long-term psychodynamic psychotherapy: Psychological comorbidity and health-related quality of life and its association with awareness, utilization, and need for psychosocial support in a cancer register-based sample of long-term breast cancer survivors.
Short forms of subjective quality of life assessments from cross-cultural studies for use in surveys with different populations. Evaluation of Community Action Against Asthma: Health-related quality of life and psychosocial consequences after mild traumatic brain injury in children and adolescents. Health-related quality of life in children and adolescents in Germany: Prevalence of mental health problems among children and adolescents in Germany: Cross-cultural development and psychometric evaluation of a patient-reported health-related quality of life questionnaire for adults with haemophilia.
The effect of detailed, video-assisted anesthesia risk education on patient anxiety and the duration of the preanesthetic interview: Healthcare needs and healthcare satisfaction from the perspective of parents of children with chronic conditions: Efficacy of Interpersonal Psychotherapy plus pharmacotherapy in chronically depressed inpatients. Social support group attendance is related to blood pressure, health behaviours, and quality of life in the Multicenter Lifestyle Demonstration Project.
Comparison of therapeutic action, style and content in cognitive-behavioural and psychodynamic group therapy under clinically representative conditions. Mental disorders in patients with obesity in comparison with healthy probands. Prevalence of mental disorders based on general population surveys.
Reha-wissenschaftliche Forschung in Norddeutschland. Rehabilitation, Physikalische Medizin und Naturheilverfahren. Detection and management of alcohol use disorders in German primary care influenced by non-clinical factors. The alcohol use disorders identification test for detecting at-risk drinking: Incentives increased return rates but did not influence partial nonresponse or treatment outcome in a randomized trial.
Psychological strain in urgent indications for living donor liver transplantation. The economics of haemophilia prophylaxis: Gap junctional control of glial glutamate transporter expression. Depressive coping is a predictor for emotional distress and poor quality of life in a German-Austrian sample of cardioverter-defibrillator implant recipients at 3 months and 1 year after implantation.
Can written information material help to increase treatment motivation in patients with erectile dysfunction? A survey of men. Participation preferences of patients with acute and chronic conditions. Increased month prevalence rates of mental disorders in patients with chronic somatic diseases. The impact of patient participation on adherence and clinical outcome in primary care of depression. Patient and citizen participation in German health care--current state and future perspectives.
The effects of a shared decision-making intervention in primary care of depression: Prevalence of acute and post-traumatic stress disorder and comorbid mental disorders in breast cancer patients during primary cancer care: Presence of symptom distress and prostate cancer-related anxiety in patients at the beginning of cancer rehabilitation. The association between neuropsychological impairment, self-perceived cognitive deficits, fatigue and health related quality of life in breast cancer survivors following standard adjuvant versus high-dose chemotherapy.
Distinct mechanisms of altered brain activation in patients with multiple sclerosis. The German system of medical in-patient rehabilitation in children and adolescents. From dihydroxypyrimidine carboxylic acids to carboxamide HIV-1 integrase inhibitors: SAR around the amide moiety. Differences in prevalence rates of psychological distress and mental disorders in inpatients and outpatients with breast and gynaecological cancer. Lessons learned in the implementation of an innovative consultation and liaison service for children of cancer patients in various hospital settings.
Cross-cultural development of a child health care questionnaire on satisfaction, utilization, and needs. Cognitive function in the acute course of allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for hematological malignancies. Field testing of a European quality of life instrument for children and adolescents with chronic conditions: Measuring shared decision-making--a review of psychometric instruments.
Depressed patients' perceptions of depression treatment decision-making. Handbuch der Psychologischen Diagnostik. Petermann F, Eid M eds. Stressful life events and cancer risk. A systematic review of research on strategies for the management of antipsychotic-induced sexual dysfunction: Georg Thieme Verlag KG, Gesundheit im gesellschaftlichen Wandel.
Hinz A, Decker O eds. Comparing two measures of quality of life for children with haemophilia: Social support and quality of life of patients prior to stem cell or bone marrow transplantation. Quality of life assessment in clinical practice in haemophilia treatment. Fatigue in multiple sclerosis: Physical exercise in multiple sclerosis: Psychosocial aspects of pediatric living donor liver transplantation. Factorial validity and norm data comparison of the Short Form 12 in patients with inflammatory-rheumatic disease. Psychosoziale Versorgung in der Medizin.
Entwicklungstendenzen und Ergebnisse der Versorgungsforschung. Pawils S, Koch U Entwicklungstendenzen und Ergebnisse der Versorgungsforschung.. Pawils S, Koch U eds.
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Psychosoziale Versorgung in der Medizin.. Post-acute service utilisation and parental satisfaction with health care services after mild traumatic brain injury in children and adolescents. Generic health-related quality-of-life assessment in children and adolescents: Neuropsychological function in high-risk breast cancer survivors after stem-cell supported high-dose therapy versus standard-dose chemotherapy: Health-related quality of life in breast cancer: A cross-cultural survey of German, Japanese, and South Korean patients.

Vital exhaustion and risk for cancer: Efficacy of PDEinhibitors for erectile dysfunction. Health-related quality of life in long term breast cancer survivors treated with breast conserving therapy: Psychosocial care of cancer patients--international differences in definition, healthcare structures, and therapeutic approaches. Wege zu einer gelungenen Interprofessionellen Kommunikation. Change and quality in human service work. Kommunikationstraining als Teil des Medizinstudiums: The efficacy of short-term psychodynamic psychotherapy in specific psychiatric disorders: Jerusalem M, Weber H eds.
Knowledge and attitudes of gynecologists regarding genetic counseling for hereditary breast and ovarian cancer. Gesundheitspsychologie von A bis Z. Sexual motivation and the duration of partnership. The sick-building-syndrome--do women suffer more? Changes in adolescents' sexuality between and in West-Germany.