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Chi ama i libri sceglie Kobo e inMondadori. Harvard Hottie by Annabelle Costa. Free eBook Add to My Books. Ratings and Reviews 3 31 star ratings 3 reviews. Yes No Thanks for your feedback! But maybe i'm too idealistic regarding on the guy being paralyze. Anyways, the story is sweet: Good n interesting read Surprisingly, I liked liked this story. It readed welll, and I learned a lot about people that are quadriples. This is a five star story, and I will read the next book.

How to write a great review Do Say what you liked best and least Describe the author's style Explain the rating you gave Don't Use rude and profane language Include any personal information Mention spoilers or the book's price Recap the plot. Close Report a review At Kobo, we try to ensure that published reviews do not contain rude or profane language, spoilers, or any of our reviewer's personal information.

Sep 21, Goddess Of Blah rated it it was amazing. Luke starts out as a cocky, intelligent show off - very good-looking, preppy, privileged, and into sports. He's sarcastic and is constantly picking on Ellie he's attracted to her but doesn't know how to approach her because he's the Harvard Hottie and she's the Harvard Nerd. I was interested in this due to the Harvard educated heroine the author has written another book featuring a quadriplegic hero but no Harvard heroine. I love reading about intelligent girls but with the added quadriplegic hero made this LOVE story unique as it's not a common theme.

It's easier to ignore or rendered de-sensitized to disabilities, suffering and physical impairments. If a man has the slightest "weakness" despite a colossal intelligence which would is far more powerful than brawn some romance readers may shudder away from such blatant deflection from the "tall, dark, handsome, wealthy, ALPHA" cliche. Departing from the established norm requires an imagination to produce an engrossing tale so that romance readers can engage with the characters in their love seeking quest.

A beautiful, funny and deeply romantic love story. Apr 11, Wealhtheow rated it liked it Recommended to Wealhtheow by: Frizzy-haired computer nerd Ellie meets rich, golden-haired Luke in their first semester at Harvard. She hates how attractive he is, and the way he needles her during class. Sixteen years later, they meet again when Luke buys the company Ellie works at.

Their attraction to each other hasn't dimmed with the years. Each of them has self-esteem issues: Ellie still feels low-class and unattractive next to Luke, and Luke is bothered that now that he's in a wheelchair he's no longer the golden god he Frizzy-haired computer nerd Ellie meets rich, golden-haired Luke in their first semester at Harvard. Ellie still feels low-class and unattractive next to Luke, and Luke is bothered that now that he's in a wheelchair he's no longer the golden god he once was.

Nevertheless, their attraction and affection for each other grows--until Ellie learns a disturbing truth about Luke view spoiler [ that he's a ruthless businessman who has gutted the previous companies he's acquired hide spoiler ]. I really liked the relationship between these characters, which felt real and grounded.

The book doesn't shy away from the physical and social ramifications of Luke's injury. Plus, I liked his personality, which combines charm with occasional bursts of being a selfish shit. I could completely understand why Ellie was both lured in and cautious of fully committing to him.

The book ends abruptly, with several large plot events happening all at once, but other than that I quite enjoyed this. Aug 24, Cal rated it really liked it Recommends it for: It might be considered an ordinary, juvenile romance from college breakup to wonderful reconciliation some years later at the story's end. It is all that, just not ordinary. Two angry college competitors that throw spiteful jabs at each other builds up to a split of irreconcilable differences and separate ways well past the ten year reunion time. Getting to the HEA is not even thought of until Luke Thayer of Thayer Industries buys the company that Ellie Jenson worked at as a computer programmer It might be considered an ordinary, juvenile romance from college breakup to wonderful reconciliation some years later at the story's end.

Getting to the HEA is not even thought of until Luke Thayer of Thayer Industries buys the company that Ellie Jenson worked at as a computer programmer and the incendiary sparks at contact reappear.

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They relive the dislikes and now the complications of the buyout and possible job loss. He now seems a bitter wheelchair bound corporate CEO who regrets she got away and she remains competitively antagonistic. However, they have mellowed with time and the past spark of interest becomes more dominant. And builds at a torrid pace until she finds the truth about his past and company ethics. Then the plot twists and turns and I will not divulge a spoiler to tell you how and why it ends with a HEA.

Go get the book It is free at the moment. Jul 13, Valkyrja rated it it was amazing. Like always, Annabelle has a way to drive you through the story and to make you feel what the characters are feeling.

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That's why, at the begining, I couldn't stand Luke but Thank you Annabelle for a so nice book. Jul 18, Milla Diaz rated it it was amazing Shelves: Not your typical lust-at-first-sight romance. Luke's disability is depicted realistically. There is no miraculous cure to the problem but the characters find a way to live happily despite it. Actually read in Sep 03, Riri rated it liked it Shelves: The first half was good and I like Sadie to be my neighbor.: This book started off with a bad case of "prologue syndrome" - I realize we're establishing that the two characters knew each other in college, but honestly, I could hardly get through the opening.

It wasn't until the present that things began to get interesting, and I think the book may have benefited by using flashbacks later rather than starting off with the faux-prologue, since things got more interesting in the present. However, the biggest problem I had with the book was the fact 2. However, the biggest problem I had with the book was the fact that the narrator and MC was so dislikeable. Here, it just made the book hard to get through. Honestly, if Luke weren't such a likeable character in contrast, I probably would have given up on the book entirely I almost did after that horrible faux-prologue.

I think part of the reason I found Ellie so annoying was the fact that she was supposedly this really intelligent computer programmer, yet I never once felt like that was the character I was reading. It felt like almost the exact same voice as The Boy Next Door , only not as funny. I just never believed that she was this super-smart computer programmer. It felt almost like a caricature of what a programmer should be rather than a fully fleshed character.

Like an archetype the author had picked out of a hat awkward, nerdy girl vs hot rich boy.

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I know almost nothing about her, despite the fact that she narrated the entire story; I know more about Luke, and feel like he had more of a character arch than she did. I didn't feel like this was a huge deal for Ellie at all despite the fact that it apparently was? I also never really understood what Luke saw in her. Yeah, I'm told time and again how smart she is, but I never felt like I saw that in the book. For example, I just found her outrage - to the point of breaking up with him! Either Ellie is stupider than even she comes off as despite being so "smart" , or she really is naive.

Similarly, this book suffers from a similar flaw as The Boy Next Door when it comes to the ending. There's very little set up for it again. It might have been nice to get hints that Luke really wanted to be a father earlier in the story. As it is, the ending feels a bit of a Deus ex Machina and also terribly abrupt.

I would have liked to have seen some dynamism in Ellie's character that we just don't get. She's a blah, clueless person in the beginning, and she's pretty much the same at the end. It is nice to see a story in which a character with a disability is the romantic interest and there isn't the typical miracle cure or pity-me story line. He's portrayed as attractive and sexy despite his obvious disability, although it did annoy me that every time Ellie talked about how she found him sexy, she always had to preface it with, "He doesn't have a great body, but" or "Compared to how he looked in college Yeah, we know he doesn't look the same, but why keep bringing it up as a qualifier each time?

Is it like you have to justify it to yourself? For the most part, I found the sex scenes a little lackluster, too, though thankfully better than The Boy Next Door. I feel like the author really missed some good opportunities to not only show how sex was different yet still great for Ellie and Luke, but also to show more of their relationship blossoming. There was some of this, but I would have liked to see more. I will say that despite all my complaints, Luke kept me reading.

Despite his potential to be a cliche on so many levels , he manages to circumvent them and become a sympathetic character you really care about. Lastly, I felt like the title was weak. Yes, they met originally when they were at Harvard, and yes, Luke is a "hottie. Some people may criticize me for being so harsh for a book that was free, and maybe I am, but it's really hard for me to give a higher rating when the main character was so dislikeable and when the ending was forced.

Nov 06, Anna Marie rated it it was amazing. This book is THE most honest, best look at the life of a disabled person that I've found, yet. Eleanor got into Harvard on brains.

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Luke got in on his daddy's money. It was hate at first sight - he argued with every single thing she said, and she despised him for being rich, handsome, entitled, and for poking fun of her every chance he got. Yet he seemed to seek her out, to egg her on. And once, he even This book is THE most honest, best look at the life of a disabled person that I've found, yet. And once, he even came onto her.

She, of course, blew him off. A guy like Luke would never be interested in a brain with frizzy 'Gilda Radner' hair and glasses. Sixteen years later, Ellie who refined her look over the years is a supervisor in a large company in Boston, which has just been taken over by you guessed it Luke's corporation She is so ready to hate him, all over again - and then she sees him. Life wasn't a cakewalk for him, as she figured it would be. Luke had fallen during a rock climbing weekend and broke his neck - he's a quadriplegic, with no trunk support and only partial use of his hands.

Women don't flock to him, anymore - unless they're after his money. His father sees him as broken and worthless. His friends mock him. He works his butt off to try to prove himself, but it's an uphill battle, all of the way. Of course he's still the same toward Ellie as before - egging her on, poking fun of her. But at the same time, there's a depth to him, an understanding that wasn't there before. And she sees now that he'd teased her like Gilbert in the L.

Montgomery 'Anne of Green Gables' series because he'd liked her. He thought she was the most intelligent, interesting person, and he'd just wanted to be around her. That's what he wants now, too. But Ellie doesn't know what to believe about him - the gossip that he's heartless and seeking to destroy people's lives by firing them and throwing them out on the street, or if he might just be making changes to turn the company around.

Ellie is SUCH a fun character, in this story. Her voice is so snarky and at the same time uncertain, and she's such a push-over, making Hamentashen with her elderly neighbor and letting Luke talk her into going places with him that are WAY beyond her comfort level. The story just weaves such a light, intricate picture, and I loved every minute of it. And it's SO contrived. In this book, the tough reality of an SCI are discussed, and no punches are pulled. Sep 18, Ice rated it it was ok Recommends it for: I didn't like this book.

It actually started really great , I had a good laugh and giggled a lot because the start was nicely done. Ellie had a great sense of humor Halfway, I swear I wanted to strangle her to death. She gets annoyed when someone judges Luke because of his disability when she kinda did, too, at that part where she saw him crippled for the very first time. And then, she feels bad for him but doesn't even console him or squeeze his shoulders or anything!

I mean, I know it's just not her, but, come on! And then, the prostitute thing happened.

harvard hottie wassup

And also, I find Ellie really emotionally detached. Yes, I laugh a lot when she speaks her mind, but I want to cry my ass off, too, and I just couldn't. I don't know, I just couldn't feel that she really cared for Luke and loved him. And when she found out, she's gonna have a baby with him?! And what's with the ending?

It could't even be called an ending!!! God, I swear, I never badly want to kill someone. Don't even get me started with the supposed-to-be hot, intimate scenes. This is the first time I've read your book and well I had read some of the reviews on here before I started to read this, and was afraid I would end up with the "It was okay" team.

Instead, I could not stop reading this little juwel. It was this good! One of the most realistic romance stories I have read so far! I was afraid Ellie would make the wrong decision, but she came to her senses in the end And then relief washed over me and a weight fell of my chest. Well, it ended too early for my liking. Jul 13, Pinkie87 rated it liked it. This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. This book made for a very nice read! I have gone back to read it a few times now. I loved how the main male character is living a productive life with a job etc but how also the author portrayed his disability.

The female lead was also very nicely described - an independent woman getting to grips with her own feelings. I look forward to reading more books from the same author This book made for a very nice read! I look forward to reading more books from the same author! Nov 13, Lauren rated it did not like it. I liked the idea of the book and the blurb was intriguing. But the writing didn't flow and everything seemed so stiff with tons of cliches added in. There were multiple grammar issues, tense changes, and missing words.

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The only thing I liked was that the author didn't sugar coat anything about being disabled. I got this for free on Amazon and I still wanted to get a refund. Apr 13, Christine rated it liked it Shelves: I give the first half 3 stars and the second half of the book 2 stars. The heroine became an idiot at the second half of the book. The book finished abruptly. Then there is a preview of another book.

Apr 14, Chelsea rated it really liked it.

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I surprised myself by liking this book way more than I expected. I must say though that the ending felt a bit rushed but all in all a good book. Oct 29, Lina rated it really liked it. But boy oh boy!