However, he has now grown too old to continue and is in need of a successor. The wizard explains that Billy was chosen due to his misfortune: The Wizard Shazam declares the new hero "Captain Marvel" and orders him to carry on his work, as a stone block suspended above his throne falls upon him, killing him as prophesied. Captain Marvel's first battle was with the mad scientist Doctor Sivana , who becomes Captain Marvel's arch-enemy.
While the majority of Billy's adventures feature him as a solo hero, he also fought evil on a regular basis accompanied by several other kids who share his powers to make up a superhero team called the Marvel Family later referred to as the Shazam Family due to the issues DC Comics faced over the "Marvel" and "Captain Marvel" trademarks.
The first members of the family, introduced in Whiz Comics 21 Sept. Unlike Billy, Freddy retains his year-old appearance as a superhero. The basic elements of Billy Batson's and Captain Marvel's origin story remained more or less intact through , with minor alterations over the years. The New Beginning had a year old Billy being forced to move in with Doctor Sivana, who in this version is the cruel uncle who throws Billy out into the street.
In his new origin story, Billy Batson is a moody and troubled year-old foster child living in Philadelphia who has gone through several foster homes. Sivana unleashes the ancient magical warrior Black Adam from his tomb, [98] the Wizard of the Rock of Eternity — the last of a council of beings who once controlled magic — begins abducting candidates to assess them for the job of being his champion.
He dismisses each of them for not being pure of heart. Eventually, the Wizard summons Billy, who is another unsuitable candidate, but Billy persuades the Wizard that perfectly good people "really don't exist," and that, while he himself tried to be good, the world dragged Billy down to its level. In desperation and seeing the "embers of good" within Billy, the dying Wizard passes on his powers and teaches Billy they can be accessed through the magic word "Shazam" when spoken with good intentions. After saying the magic word, Billy is struck by a bolt of lightning which transforms him into Shazam, a super-powered adult possessing super-strength, flight, and vast magical powers.
The Wizard dies and Shazam is transported back to Earth, where Billy reveals his new secret to Freddy. The two scheme to make money and score beer with Shazam's new powers, but Shazam is instead led to crime scenes where he is needed as a hero. Shazam and Freddy have a falling out when Shazam refuses to change back into Billy, and as soon as Freddy heads back home, Shazam is attacked by Black Adam. When Adam again attacks, unleashing the Seven Deadly Sins on downtown Philadelphia and threatening to kill the other kids, Billy shares his powers with them, who all become magic-powered adult superheroes save for Darla, who remains a child.
Shazam's entry into the country is interpreted by the locals as illegal US entry into their territory. While exploring the Rock of Eternity, Eugene finds a formerly sealed off area of the Rock: The character obtains powers through a transformation from a human persona into a superpowered entity.
When the human persona, Billy Batson, says the magic word " Shazam! Though the link to the specific mythological figures is de-emphasized in some modern-day stories, traditionally the letters in the name Shazam each represent a specific superhuman ability:. In classic stories, simply saying the word "Shazam! In several stories, he is shown to be susceptible to high-powered magic, [] which can weaken or de-power him, [] and, in some older stories, to significantly high voltages of lightning or electricity, which would make him revert to Billy Batson form. Jerry Ordway's s The Power of Shazam!
However, he was required to remain on the Rock of Eternity and could only be away from it for 24 hours at a time. Since the reboot, Shazam's powers have been slightly altered. Speaking the magic word "Shazam" does not cause a transformation if Billy does not want it to, and can be used to cast magic spells other than the transformation. In Superman June , Superman found himself at odds with "Captain Thunder", a superhero displaced from another Earth and another time.
Thunder had been magically tricked by his archenemies in the Monster League of Evil into committing evil himself, which led to his doing battle with Superman.
Captain Thunder, whose name was derived from Captain Marvel's original moniker, was a thinly veiled pastiche of Marvel—down to his similar costume, his young alter ego named "Willie Fawcett" a reference to the publisher of the original Captain Marvel stories, Fawcett Comics , and a magic word "Thunder! He got his power from rubbing a magic belt buckle with a thunder symbol on it and saying "Thunder". Superman held him while he used his wisdom to escape the effects of the spell.
At the time of Superman , DC had been publishing Shazam! The Flashpoint comics miniseries, written by Geoff Johns with art by Andy Kubert , featured an alternate timeline accidentally created by the Flash , who then helped the heroes of this timeline to restore history. One of those heroes is Captain Thunder — an alternative version of Captain Marvel who has six alter-egos, rather than one, and a scarred face as the result of a fight with Wonder Woman , who in this timeline is a villain. The six children, collectively known as "S.
Pedro's pet tiger Tawny also transforms into a more powerful version of himself via the magic lightning. The six children later transform into Captain Thunder to help Flash and his allies stop the war between Aquaman 's Atlantean army and Wonder Woman's Amazonian forces. Captain Thunder briefly fights Wonder Woman to a draw before being transformed back into the six children by Flash's accomplice Enchantress , who is revealed to be a traitor. After the conclusion of the miniseries, the three new children from the Flashpoint timeline — Eugene, Pedro, and Darla — were incorporated into the DC Universe via the Shazam!
In the alternate universe Elseworlds book Elseworld's Finest: In the dark alternate future shown in The Dark Knight Strikes Again , Captain Marvel is visibly aged, with receding white hair and glasses. Lex Luthor, who has captured Mary Marvel, coerces him into working for him by threatening to kill her. During an alien attack on Metropolis , Marvel is trapped underneath a collapsing building with no way out, and admits that Billy Batson — here, clearly defined as a separate person from Marvel, rather than simply transforming into him — died eight years ago of unspecified health problems.
As a result, when he next speaks his word, he will cease to exist, like any dream that no longer has anyone to remember it. His last words to Wonder Woman are to give everyone his best, noting that it was nice existing, before he calls down his lightning and destroys himself. In the dark alternate future of the Elseworlds comic Superman: Distant Fires , where most of humanity has been destroyed in nuclear war, an adult Billy Batson becomes obsessed with Wonder Woman when they become part of a small community of survivors of the holocaust, with most of the surviving superhumans having lost their powers or dealing with altered abilities.
When the now-powerless Clark Kent joins their community, Batson's resentment of Superman becomes insanity, as he provokes his transformation into Captain Marvel despite use of this power causing damage to Earth. In this version, Billy Batson is an adult who now matches the appearance of his superhero identity. The human hostility towards superheroes has made him uneasy, and he has not transformed into Captain Marvel for several years.
Batson has become the brainwashed servant of Lex Luthor, who uses Mister Mind's mind-controlling worm offspring to keep him in check and bend him to his will. Nevertheless, Batson's potential as a being powerful enough to rival Superman causes many others to react in fear and unease when he mingles with them, believing it is a non-costumed Captain Marvel that serves Luthor. Events finally cause him to transform into Captain Marvel, and he unleashes a force that could destroy the world.
When the authorities try to stop it by dropping a nuclear bomb, Captain Marvel — spurred by Superman telling him that due to his ties to both humanity and the superhuman community, he is the only one capable of choosing which one to save — intercepts the bomb and summons his lightning to detonate it while it is still airborne, sacrificing himself to save as many lives as possible, both human and metahuman. The nuclear blast still kills a large number of heroes, but does cool the war-like attitudes of the survivors. Superman uses Marvel's cape as the symbol of a new world order in which humans and superhumans will now live in harmony.
In 52 52 May 2, , a new Multiverse is revealed, originally consisting of 52 identical realities, one of which is designated Earth As a result of Marvel Family foe Mister Mind "eating" aspects of this reality, it takes on visual aspects similar to the pre-Crisis Earth-S, including the Marvel Family characters. The Earth-5 Captain Marvel reappeared in Final Crisis 7, along with an army of Supermen from across the Multiverse to prevent its destruction by Darkseid. Little is revealed about her, other than the fact that her civilian name is Sahar Shazeen, and she is shown wielding a pair of swords during battle.
A Captain Marvel miniseries, Shazam!: The Monster Society of Evil , written and illustrated by Jeff Smith creator of Bone , was published in four page installments between February and July Following the lead and continuity of Smith's Monster Society of Evil miniseries, it was initially written and drawn by Mike Kunkel , creator of Herobear. Mazahs is a corrupted alternate-universe version of Shazam, introduced in the —14 Forever Evil DC Comics crossover event series. He is the super-powered alter-ego of Alexander Luthor of Earth Prime Earth's Lex Luthor and his team sneak in to the Justice League Watchtower where the Syndicate has Alexander hostage, and remove the duct tape over his mouth, allowing Alexander to speak the magic word "Mazahs!
While Prime Earth's Shazam is known for sharing his powers with others, Mazahs kills other superbeings and takes their powers for his own, as when he kills the Syndicate's speedster Johnny Quick. She also reveals she is carrying his child, who is prophesied to bring an end to the world. Exploiting his ability to use the powers of those he has killed, Mazahs easily takes down both the Syndicate and Luthor's team, but Prime Earth Lex Luthor having the same voice as Mazahs manages to call down the lightning, using a lightning-rod that Batman had retrieved to try and use against Johnny Quick based on his planned defense against the Flash, and transform Mazahs into his human form.
Sealing Alexander's mouth, Lex stabs him with a knife, killing him. Superwoman later gives birth to Mazahs's child in Justice League 50, and uses the baby's power-stealing abilities - inherited from his father and by her using his magic word—to remove abilities the members the Prime-Earth Justice League had inherited from their time on Apokolips after the death of Darkseid. The story ends with the orphaned baby having absorbed both the Omega Effect from Lex Luthor as well as the Anti-Life Equation from Justice League associate Steve Trevor , transforming him into a resurrected—yet still infantile—Darkseid.
In the prequel comic to the video game Injustice: Similar to the Golden Age version, this Shazam is suggested to have two personalities: Billy Batson is a separate person from Shazam. In Year One he, like the Flash, is somewhat skeptical of Superman's intentions, as his actions are often immoral.
Ultimately, Shazam decides to stay and support the Regime, devoted to its cause. He becomes the object of Harley Quinn's affection, being bound and gagged by her in Year Four. Eventually, Zeus is forced to return Billy's power after the Highfather of New Genesis intervenes in the conflict.
In Year Five, Shazam's relationship with Harley is complicated when she confronts him about being in the Regime despite their growing tyranny. In the traditional Shazam! A pink rabbit version of Captain Marvel, Hoppy the Marvel Bunny , appeared in his own stories featuring a funny-animal cast. The current-continuity version of Shazam has a Shazam Family made up of his five foster siblings, with whom he can share his powers at will: Shazam can also share his powers with Tawny, a tiger at the local city zoo whom he considers family.
The Marvel Family's non-powered allies have traditionally included Dr. The New 52 reboot of Shazam! Other Marvel Family foes include the evil robot Mister Atom ; the "World's Mightiest Immortal" Oggar , a god with magical powers who had been a former pupil of the Wizard Shazam; Aunt Minerva , a female bank robber and gangster inspired by Ma Barker ; King Kull , an intelligent, immortal caveman; and Ibac and Sabbac , demon-powered supervillains who transform by speaking magic words made up of beings who give them power in a manner similar to how the Shazam powers work.
Many of the character's appearances have been collected into several volumes:. The first filmed adaptation of Captain Marvel was produced in This production made Captain Marvel the first superhero to be depicted in film. The Adventures of Captain Marvel for which the man-in-flight effects techniques were originally developed for a Superman film serial that Republic never produced [] predated Fleischer Studios ' Superman cartoons by six months. The storyline has Carson as an ice cream vendor who also belongs to a home-grown Captain Marvel Club with some of the kids in the neighborhood.
New Line Cinema began development of a Shazam! Following the success of Warner's film noir -inspired Batman film The Dark Knight and the commercial failure of its lighter, family-friendly Speed Racer during the summer of , August departed from the project after being forced to make the film's script more in line with The Dark Knight' s serious tone.
Dwayne Johnson confirmed the project and his attachment on August 20, , [] officially announcing his casting as Black Adam on September 3, Dawn of Justice film; with a sense of fun and humor, but with real stakes and an anti-hero version of Black Adam. Sandberg was confirmed as director of Shazam! According to Boyar's faint memories in a interview, the show was initially produced in New York but after about a month relocated to Chicago; no further details about the show or transcripts of it survived. Existence of the show was confirmed by historian Jim Harmon via recollections of old time radio fans who recalled hearing it during original broadcasts, plus locating period program listings.
Beck and writer Rod Reed prepared seven sample installments of a comic strip, but syndicates expressed no interest in it. Reed suspected that the DC lawsuit was the syndicates' reason, for fear of becoming parties in the ongoing litigation. Captain Marvel's adventures have contributed a number of elements to both comic book culture and pop culture in general. The most notable contribution is the regular use of Superman and Captain Marvel as adversaries in Modern Age comic book stories.
The two are often portrayed as equally matched and, while Marvel does not possess Superman's heat vision , X-ray vision or superhuman breath powers, the magic-based nature of his own powers are a weakness for Superman. Superduperman, endowed with muscles on muscles, does battle with Captain Marbles, a Captain Marvel caricature. In contrast to Captain Marvel's perceived innocence and goodness, Marbles is greedy and money-grubbing, and a master criminal. Superduperman defeats Marbles by tricking him into hitting himself.
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While publishing its Shazam! He apparently battles against a Monster League, who cast a spell to make him evil, but Superman helps him break free. It is in this story that Superman and Captain Marvel first meet, albeit briefly. King Kull has caused Superman to go mad using red kryptonite , meaning he and Marvel battle, but Marvel restores his mind to normal with lightning. Sivana creates several steel creatures to destroy Pittsburgh's steel mills, after getting the idea from reading an issue of Action Comics. He finally creates a Superman robot made of a super-steel to destroy Captain Marvel.
They both hit each other at the same moment, and the robot is destroyed. First Thunder miniseries establishes them as firm friends and allies to the point of Superman volunteering to be Billy's mentor when he learns the boy's true age. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. For other uses, see Shazam. For other uses, see Shazam disambiguation. For the English cricketer, see William Batson cricketer. National Comics Publications v. Beck with Nick Cardy and Murphy Anderson. The Power of Shazam! List of Marvel Family enemies. Archived from the original on June 14, I've always felt that it was this origin story and concept that made Captain Marvel instantly popular, to the point that it was outselling every comic on the stands for several years throughout the '40s.
The Museum of Comic Book Advertising. By the middle of the decade, Captain Marvel had received a self-titled comic book, Captain Marvel's Adventures [sic], which had a circulation that reached 1. Captain Marvel's circulation numbers exceeded National's Superman title and the rivalry between the companies led National to sue Fawcett for plagiarism. The Lost Years, pt. Retrieved 11 September Retrieved 5 December New York, New York.
Archived from the original on External link consists of a forum site summing up the top characters of Wizard Magazine since the real site that contains the list is broken. Archived from the original on January 10, Captain Marvel Adventures [1]". Retrieved 24 October What to Buy" PDF. Archived from the original PDF on In , the best-selling comic book title Captain Marvel Adventures sold more than fourteen million copies for the year.
The Law for Comic Book Creators: Essential Concepts and Applications. Otto Binder Had a Vision". National Comics Publications, Inc. Retrieved 6 September Comics Buyer's Guide Retrieved June 19, Detailed summary of the cases and rulings related to National Comics Publications v. The Transformation of Youth Culture in America. With avenues of appeal still open but their outcome obvious after the first court ruled for National Periodicals, Fawcett Publications settled out of court in late Fawcett agreed to cease publication of all Captain Marvel related titles.
However, Fawcett's decision to give up the legal battle came when all of the company's superhero titles were reporting greatly diminished sales was no circumstance. We both figured at that time that Captain Marvel was a thing of the past He was colored differently — green instead of red, I think. But then when reprinted in a Lois Lane Annual [sic], they put the red union suit on him.
The Shazam Years, pt. Retrieved 14 September Responsible for resurrecting the lightning-charged champion, writer Denny O'Neil and original artist C. Beck together explained Cap's absence. The Comic Book in America: World's Finest Comics ". Justice League of America ". All-New Collectors' Edition C". The New Beginning Years". Retrieved May 24, Archived from the original on September 5, Retrieved August 28, The Modern Years Part 1".
Captain Marvel (DC Comics)
Captain Marvel gets name change to Shazam! Thunderworld Adventures 1 " ". Retrieved 21 October It's Going to 'F' People Up". Retrieved December 30, DC New Worlds Order". Billy Batson and the Magic of Shazam! Plastique is a fictional supervillain appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics. She is an enemy and love interest of Captain Atom. Fictional character biography Bette Sans Souci was introduced as a terrorist attempting to coerce the separation of Quebec from the rest of Canada.
First appearing in Fury of Firestorm 7 December , she subsequently made several appearances during Conway's tenure as writer of that series. She then began appearing in DC Comics' first Captain Atom series from onwards, at first depicted as an adversary, though that relationship eventually evolved toward the romantic. Firestorm In her first appearance, Plastique attempted a bombing against the New York Herald-Express a fictitious newspaper appearing within the DC Universe using a set of bombs attached to her costume, only to have Firestorm disarm her by vaporizing h The statue of Millicent Fawcett, the suffragist leader and social campaigner, in Parliament Square, London, is a work by the Turner Prize-winning artist Gillian Wearing.
The statue, Parliament Square's first monument to a woman and also its first sculpture by a woman, was funded through the government's Centenary Fund, which marks years since some women won the right to vote. The memorial was unveiled on 24 April They first appeared in Whiz Comics 21 in The physical appearance of the three characters was based on three real-life members of the Fawcett Comics staff: They were retconned out of existence during the Crisis on Infinite Earths in The characters were reintroduced in Trials of Shazam!
She recently became known for her role in decoding a message, which led to the sinking of the German battleship Bismarck. After six months, she was told by her parents to return home to "come out" as a debutante. His career extended from until the early s. He was one of the few actors to have earned a PhD degree. On September 5, , three days before his twenty-second birthday, Fawcett was licensed to preach by the Hamline Quarterly Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church of Minnesota.
Contrary to the usual popular stereotype, the encounter proves most pleasant as they quickly become staunch allies whose individual differences complement each other well. Plot Set at the beginning of what the Wizard Shazam calls "the second age of the great heroes", after the debut of the Man of Steel, Batman, and Captain Marvel, but before the coming of Wonder Woman, the Flash, and Green Lantern, the story begins with Superman traveling to Fawcett City in pursuit of a group of criminals who have just robbed a museum from Metropolis and used magic against him.
Upon arriving in Fawcett, he finds Captain Marvel fighting the same group of thieves. Together, Superman and Marvel dispatch a pair of monsters in a battle where Superman is impressed at how this new hero is able to w She is known for her role as Kelly Garrett in the television series Charlie's Angels — , and was the only original female lead to remain with the series for its complete run. She reprised the role with a cameo appearance in the film Charlie's Angels: Beginning in the s, she began developing and marketing her own brands of clothing and perfume.
Smith began her career in in television commercials. The show propelled all three to stardom, including an appearance on the front cover of Time magazine. Bulletman is a fictional character originally published by Fawcett Comics. Fictional character biography Jim Barr was the son of a police officer who was killed in the line of duty and as a result took it upon himself to fight crime. He was rejected from the police academy for physical reasons, but got a job in ballistics. Like many characters of the time, he used chemistry to develop powers for himself, in his case greater muscle mass and brain power using his "crime cure.
Edgar Fawcett May 26, — May 2, was an American novelist and poet. Biography Early life and education Fawcett was born in New York City on May 26, and spent much of his life there. Educated at Columbia College, he obtained the A. In , his poem "Box" appeared in the Sacramento Daily Union having been reprinted from The Atlantic, where it would appear in the September issue. Stirling Castle, located in Stirling, is one of the largest and most important castles in Scotland, both historically and architecturally.
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The castle sits atop Castle Hill, an intrusive crag, which forms part of the Stirling Sill geological formation. It is surrounded on three sides by steep cliffs, giving it a strong defensive position. Its strategic location, guarding what was, until the s, the farthest downstream crossing of the River Forth, has made it an important fortification in the region from the earliest times.
Most of the principal buildings of the castle date from the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. A few structures of the fourteenth century remain, while the outer defences fronting the town date from the early eighteenth century. Before the union with England, Stirling Castle was also one of the most used of the many Scottish royal residences, very much a palace as well as a fortress. Since , DC has instead used the trademark Shazam!
When referring to the Marvel Family on comic book covers or various merchandise, they ar The film then cuts to young Billy Batson living alone in a rundown slum in Fawcett City. It is later revealed that Billy is an orphan whose foster parents threw him out. He goes to a diner to meet with Clark Kent who is writing an article about Billy's situation. Black Adam arrives and attacks Billy, stating his intent to kill the b Jacob Fawcett was a jurist in the states of Illinois and Nebraska. Career Fawcett was admitted to the Illinois bar and practiced law.
He served on the Galena, Illinois, city council. He then served in the district court in Nebraska from to Fawcett died on April 19, , in Lincoln, Nebraska. Born in New York City and raised in London, she began her career appearing in British films, with a supporting role in 's crime thriller Layer Cake, followed by Alfie also In , Miller portrayed the lead role of Edie Sedgwick in Factory Girl, followed by a supporting role in Stardust Miller would garner mainstream attention in the late s for her role in G.
In , she starred in two biographical dramas, Foxcatcher , playing Nancy Schultz, and American Sniper , portraying Taya Kyle. The following year, she starred in the dystopian drama High-Rise and the independent drama Mississipp Shazam is a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics. Djimon Hounsou will play the ancient wizard, Shazam, in the upcoming theatrical film. Publication history Created by Bill Parker and C. Beck for Fawcett Comics, he is an ancient wizard Whiz Comics 2 gives his age as 3, years who gives young Billy Batson the power to transform into the superhero Captain Marvel.
In , DC officially changed Captain Marvel's name to "Shazam", to resolve trademark conflicts with the Marvel Comics character of the same name. This is a list of fictional towns and villages in comics. It is well known for its mayor and local count who is also a mad scientist.
The venue hosts the annual Hall of Fame Game, along with various high school and college football games. Dedicated in , the stadium's original name honored the memory of John A. Fawcett, a former Canton board of education member, who died several years before the stadium was completed. Avernus Cemetery, a burial ground located in Central City for enemies of the Flash known as the Rogues; it is in a hidden location.
The Batcave, headquarters of Batman. Located directly beneath Wayne Manor. Belle Reve, a high security metahuman prison located in Louisiana. Headquarters of the Suicide Squad. Located near Gotham City, a prison known to house mostly non-metahuman criminals for Gotham. It was there that a demon was summoned and John Constantine failed to save a young girl who was taken to Hell. Crime Alley, the most dangerous area of Gotham, where Thomas and M Fictional character biography Pinky was the adopted son of district attorney Brian Butler, also known as Mr.
Scarlet, who fought evil in his city for several years. His father's success was such that his employment was frequently in jeopardy due to a lack of crime. As a result, he throughout his series took up several odd jobs to supplement his family's income. Although initially appearing in the s, Mr.
Scarlet and Pinky were revealed to still be active and at relatively the same age level in the s during a team-up with the Justice League of America and Justice Society of America. It was during this teamup that the two crimefighters joined with several other heroes to form Shazam's Squadron of Justice, as King Kull had captured Shazam and the Elders that gave the Ma Charles Matthew Hunnam born 10 April [1] is an English actor. Legend of the Sword His father, William "Billy" Hunnam , was a junk seller who left the house when Charlie was 2 years old.
His mother is Jane Bell, a ballet dancer and business owner. Black Adam is a fictional supervillain and occasional antihero appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics. Created by Otto Binder and C. Beck, the character is the archenemy of the superhero Shazam, also once known as Captain Marvel.
Goyer as a corrupted antihero attempting to clear his name and reputati As an economist, Adrian has also spent two terms of Government on the board of the Department of Work and Pensions. He is interested in business opportunities arising from dislocations created by changes in regulation or legislation in a sector. Sectors include financial, legal, packaging and healthcare.
His previous main roles include Chairman at A R Metallizing,[5] having successfully created the global leader in the metallized paper and packaging sector. The business was sold to Japanese listed company Nissha printing in September a market leading transaction.
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The Weeper is the name of two comic book supervillains originally published by Fawcett Comics and today owned by DC Comics. The arch-foe of Bulletman and Bulletgirl, the Weeper is capable of the most brutal of murders, but sheds tears for his victims; he hates to see people happy but feels bad after he hurts them. The Weeper wears a blue opera cape, a top hat, and carries a small walking stick and tear gas bombs.
He also drives a hearse and is accompanied by his henchmen called the Bittermen. Fictional character biography Mortimer Gloom Formerly known as the "Crying Clown" or "Weeping Willie," Mortimer Gloom is fired for dishonesty from his work as a circus performer. Sometime afterward, he commits several acts of revenge.
He then takes on the name "the Weeper". The Weeper sends letters and visits a number of families telling them tragic news. He tells one family their son has died in the war.
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He worked toward, but never completed a Ph. A teacher and coach, Fawcett was superintendent of Gambier Public Schools — , Defiance Schools — , Bexley Schools —47 , assistant superintendent in Akron City Schools — , and superintendent of Columbus Public Schools in Fausto Borel Cardoso born May 10, , better known by his stage name Fausto Fawcett, is a Brazilian singer-songwriter, rhythm guitarist, lyricist, novelist, short story writer, playwright, journalist, actor and screenwriter, famous for his frequent collaborations with fellow musician Laufer and for being a major exponent of rap rock and cyberpunk literature in Brazil.
The Power of Shazam! The page story, depicting the revamped origins of former Fawcett Comics superhero Captain Marvel, was followed by an ongoing series, also titled The Power of Shazam! Captain Marvel's origin would also be retold in Jeff Smith's Shazam!: The Monster Society of Evil limited series in , though this origin takes place outside of DC continuity.
As The Power of Shazam! Murdering the elder Batsons, Adam also kidnaps their young daughter Mary and steals a scarab necklace once attached True Confessions is a confession magazine targeted at young women readers.

It was originally published by Fawcett Publications, beginning in Directed at a female readership between the ages of 20 and 35, the magazine climbed to a circulation of two million during the s, carrying such articles as "The Romantic Story of Jack Dempsey's Cinderella Bride. Plot This contained two segments Hero High - A group of students attend a high school for superheroes. From time to time the characters of one show would appear in the other. The actors who voice the Hero High cartoon characters perform onstage as their characters each week in live-action song-of-the-week and comedy-sketch segments during the program.
The Hero High Singing Group: Lead Vocals Glorious Gal: The following list is of characters that appear in Young Justice. From left to right: Founding members The initial six main characters were chosen by the producers, from a list of potential candidates of 50 to 60 DC Comics teenaged superheroes. His powers, channeled through the tattoos on his arms, are a mixture of Atlantean sorcery and science. He displays super strength, durability, as well as the ability to breathe and speak underwater, typical of Atlanteans. He also possesses the ability to form har Lucy Kate Jackson born October 29, is an American actress, director and producer, known for her television roles as Sabrina Duncan in the series Charlie's Angels —79 and Amanda King in the series Scarecrow and Mrs.
Her film roles include Making Love and Loverboy Jackson began her career in the late s in summer stock, before landing her first major television roles in Dark Shadows —71 and The Rookies — She also appeared in the film Night of Dark Shadows The huge success of her role as Sabrina Duncan on Charlie's Angels saw her appear on the front cover of Time magazine, alongside co-stars Farrah Fawcett and Jaclyn Smith, while her role as Mrs.
Crisis oInfinitete Earths 7 Retrieved 22 July Archived from the original on Power of Shazam Graphic Novel. DC Comics Power of Shazam DC Comics Whiz Comics 2. Member feedback about Fawcett City: Member feedback about Lost City of Z: Secret places Revolvy Brain revolvybrain. Member feedback about Farrah Fawcett: Member feedback about Percy Fawcett: Member feedback about The Lost City of Z film: Plan B Entertainment films Revolvy Brain revolvybrain.
Member feedback about The Lost City of Z book: Member feedback about Millicent Fawcett: English feminists Revolvy Brain revolvybrain. Fawcett Comics topic Fawcett Comics, a division of Fawcett Publications, was one of several successful comic book publishers during the Golden Age of Comic Books in the s. Member feedback about Fawcett Comics: Defunct comics and manga publishing companies Revolvy Brain revolvybrain. Member feedback about Fawcett Publications: Comic book publishing companies of the United S Member feedback about WHIZ comics: