Cases and Materials , 4th ed. De la Europa de Bismarck hasta el final de la Segunda Guerra Mundial and Historia de las relaciones internacionales 2: Del sistema de Yalta a nuestros dias, History of International Relations 1: From the Yalta System to the Present , trans. Vecino Quintana, Alianza, Madrid , and p. State Obligations prior to, during and after the Offence is committed , Ministerio del Interior, Madrid , p.
Pontificia Comillas, Madrid , p. Reflexiones de un iusinternacionalista, The Spain that could have been, the Spain that must be. Reflections of an International Jurist , Univ. Pontificia Comillas, Madrid , 66 p. XIII , XIII , — Una garantia de estabilidad y desarrollo? A Guarantee of Stability and Development? Humanitarian Asylum , Noticias de la UE, n. I , n. Analytical index] , 3rd ed. El sistema multilateral de comercio y su incidencia en el Derecho comunitario europeo , International Trade Legislation.
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Comments, Case Law, Legislation, Forms , 2nd ed. Home About Help Search. Privacy Policy Terms and Conditions. Remember me on this computer. Cancel Forgot your password? Showing all editions for 'Jurisprudencia sobre derecho internacional privado costarricense'. Year Language Spanish. Jurisprudencia sobre derecho internacional privado costarricense by Jane Rosabal Camarillo; Costa Rica. Jurisprudencia sobre derecho internacional privado costarricense by Jane Rosabal Camarillo;.
Restriction of Internet access in Turkey. Status of chartered architectural technologists in Ireland. Impact on millions of users of the abandonment of one of the most popular computer operating systems. Failure to return transitory pension funds in Switzerland — what safeguards under EU social security law? New rules for the implementation of security measures with regard to poor technological training of commercial pilots for flight operations.
Managing damage caused by wildlife, with particular reference to wild boar. Use of EU support funds for a hazardous waste incineration plant. Destruction of Syria's chemical arsenal. Destruction of chemical weapons — The threat to the Mediterranean.
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Costa Concordia disaster — lack of checks. Waste emergency in Rome and Lazio — Suspected unauthorised extension of the Cupinoro landfill site. Methods of calculating the fuel consumption and CO 2 emissions of heavy vehicles in Europe. Stassen to the Commission. Zero per cent VAT on new community halls. Follow-up question on linguistic discrimination in public procurement. Total expenditure for fixed-rate payments for travel to the place of origin of Officials of the Commission. Retirement of EU officials due to disability. Financing of the Seventh Framework Programme for Research — embryonic stem cells.
Restrictions on the free movement of persons in the United Kingdom. Protection of Unesco biosphere reserve in Paraguay. Integrated actions for sustainable urban development in Italy. Compensation for the victims of the Bangladeshi textile factories. Assisted reproduction and neonatal complications. Italian telephones and Slovenian roaming charges. Hyper-bureaucracy concerning vacuum cleaners. End of the goals in energy policy. Imposition of real estate levy in Greece.
Setting up a single European alert system for missing children. Prospects for the EU's trade preferences for Bangladesh. Recent infringement procedures relating to gambling. Investigation of licensing agreements for film broadcasts. Alteration of the method of calculation of the fuel surcharge in air freight transport. Freedom of movement and residence of persons with disabilities. European investment fund for industrial innovation.
Problems with a plant for processing special waste. The Crisis and the Immigration Act in Spain. Importance of maintaining support for the surveillance of Clostridium difficile infection at European level. Addressing the under-diagnosis of Clostridium difficile infection in hospitals. Sharing of best practice to encourage education for hospital staff on Clostridium difficile infection and to raise awareness among patients. High speed rail — Extension of the corridor of the Baltic-Adriatic axis.
National parliaments and the defence of the subsidiarity principle. Implementation status of national plans for rare diseases. The Genoa-Milan railway line and the Ligurian rail network. Directive on the placing on the market of food from animal clones.
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Right of citizens to a secure energy supply at affordable prices. Credit rating decision by rating agencies. Discrimination and social dumping on Danish vessels. Costs of obtaining authorisation of plant protection products for parallel trade. Supporting social tourism in EU programmes. Importation of eggs into EU from Ukraine. It has been brought to my attention, however, that excessive restrictions on the levels of these substances in smoked meat and smoked meat products could result in the collapse of many Polish small and medium-sized enterprises in the smoked and processed meats industry which produce traditional smoked meats.
Has the Commissioned assessed the potential consequences this regulation may have on competition in the smoked and processed meat industry in various EU Member States? What measures has the Commission introduced, or is it planning to introduce, to provide assistance to enterprises subject to these restrictions, and when? Is the Commission of the opinion that measures reducing the maximum permitted levels of benzo a pyrene in smoked meat and smoked meat products, which may cause the collapse of many enterprises and increased unemployment, are proportionate to the objective it wishes to achieve?
By applying good smoking practices, also with traditional wood-smoking, the lower maximum levels for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons PAH in smoked meat and smoked meat products are achievable. The application of these good practices is feasible for all companies active in the smoked meat industry. The Commission is considering providing without delay assistance, if requested by the competent authority, for the application of the good smoking practices.
Maximum levels have therefore to be established at a level as low as reasonably achievable. Therefore the Commission is of the opinion that the reduction of the maximum levels is proportionate to the objective. Furthermore, how does the Commission plan to promote the sale of fish products to third countries if these products are not included in the proposed regulation? The European Maritime and Fisheries Fund EMFF , which is the proposed new fund for the EU's maritime and fisheries policies for , foresees to include specific marketing measures for fishery and aquaculture products.
Once the legislator has reached an agreement on the promotion scheme for agricultural products, the Commission will further explore possibilities for establishing an efficient and practical cooperation between the two instruments. Its aim was to disseminate and implement evidence-based practice for those affected by traumatic events.
No partners from Northern Ireland in the UK were involved in this project. If not, does the Commission have any prospective strategies for tackling the issues surrounding PTSD and promoting the involvement of Member State regions in these strategies? The Commission currently has no plans to develop additional specific activities on post-traumatic stress disorders.
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The Digital Agenda for Europe set out clear objectives to be met by the Commission by in relation to the full accessibility of public websites and websites providing basic services. However, the directive excludes a number of areas in the public sector, including transport, banking and schools. Furthermore, the directive does not apply to other means of digital support such as tablets or mobile phones. The proposal for a directive on web-accessibility aims to approximate the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States related to the accessibility of public sector bodies' websites to all users, regardless of functional limitations, and not only visually impaired people.
The proposal aims to achieve this by harmonising the accessibility requirements at EU level for a set of public sector websites and thus ending the fragmentation and lack of confidence from web-accessibility providers and procurers in the internal market for web-accessibility.
The proposal targets only a subset of public sector bodies' websites in order to avoid undue implementation costs and market distortion. Public expenditure on web-accessibility for these websites alone can already create a secure and sizable market for web-developers. In accordance with the findings of the Impact Assesment, the proposal is focused on tackling the fragmentation of the internal web-accessibility market.
As a consequence it is focused on websites, without specifying the device from which they are accessed. Authorisation is dependent on an evaluation of whether the applicant has extensive knowledge of the product, with the applicant bearing the considerable cost of the authorisation process. While industry can afford either not to apply for authorisation — on account of an expansive portfolio of PPPs — or indeed go through the authorisation process, small farmers find the costs of authorisation significantly more burdensome.
Furthermore, what resources are available to these groups given the role they play in assisting small farmers in complying with the aforementioned regulation? The report is currently under adoption by the Commission and addresses issues on information sharing and coordination of minor use work between Member States and stakeholders. Moving forward, can the Commission provide more detail on how it will ensure that regions in the European Union with devolved responsibility for organ donation, such as my own constituency of Northern Ireland, can fully avail of best practice throughout Member States?
It works on the basis of projects and exchanges of best practices, e. On the basis of this study, the Commission intends to put forward a mid-term review of the action plan in the coming months. In this respect, on the basis of a proposal to be made by the Commission in early autumn , which will draw on the latest estimates regarding payment appropriations, the Council has committed to decide on a further draft amending budget without delay to avoid any shortfall in justified payment appropriations.
Ruolo e influenza del club Bilderberg in Europa. Parrebbe trattarsi di un club privato molto influente, in grado di indirizzare importanti decisioni di natura politica ed economica. Infatti, sembrano essere diversi gli uomini politici ad aver partecipato, o a partecipare, agli incontri del club Bilderberg, avendo ricoperto in passato, o ricoprendo attualmente, ruoli di primo piano nell'Unione europea.
I programmi di assistenza vengono negoziati con governi sovrani, che rendono debitamente conto ai parlamenti nazionali. Talvolta alle riunioni hanno partecipato dei commissari europei a titolo personale e non in quanto rappresentanti della Commissione. Every year since the Bilderberg Club has brought together some of the most influential figures from North America and Europe in the fields of politics, industry, finance and the media. The purpose of the club would appear to be to enable the elite of Europe and North America to exchange information freely, away from public scrutiny.
It would seem to be a highly influential private club that can address important political and economic issues. A number of investigative journalists writing mainly on the Internet have revealed very close connections between the annual Bilderberg meetings and certain important decisions taken by the European Union, particularly with regard to the European Stability Mechanism ESM , as well as the successful careers of certain politicians who have attended them. Indeed, it seems that several politicians who have held or currently hold high office in the European Union have taken part in Bilderberg meetings in the past or very recently.
Does the Commission believe there may be correlations between the decisions reached by the Bilderberg Club and certain decisions taken by the European Union? Can it confirm that the objectives and operational procedures of the European Stability Mechanism ESM serve the real interests of EU citizens whilst respecting the political sovereignty of individual countries and their right to decide democratically how public funds should be used? Does it believe that politicians who hold or have held key positions in EU institutions and who attend meetings of the Bilderberg Club should be asked to provide a detailed account of their proceedings?
Does it intend to propose an inquiry to determine whether the transparency of democratic decision-making is threatened by the current or previous involvement of European politicians in the Bilderberg Club? All assistance is linked to a MoU that sets the conditions negotiated with the Commission and the ECB for financial support as well as surveillance.
Extranjeria y Cooperación Judicial Internacional: Books
Assistance programmes have been negotiated with sovereign Governments, fully accountable before their national Parliament. No, see also supra 1. The official site of the Bilderberg Group gives account of the themes discussed in its meetings and its organisation see http: European Commissioners occasionally participated to Bilderberg meetings in their personal capacity and not as representatives of the Commission.
In the European Union Strategy for the Danube Region, environmental protection focuses on three priority areas: To achieve the targets, these objectives have to be integrated into other policies. However, those ports have not been capitalised upon so far. This priority is based on the potential that tourism has in making a significant contribution to growth in the region, with sustainability being a key criterion to take into account.
The Commission sees the value of raising awareness of the tourism potential in the Danube region, connected with protecting and maintaining the biodiversity. Romanian ports are part of this potential, as well as the opportunities offered for Romanian SMEs. It is however for the participating countries to come forward with such an idea, which could then be coordinated by Romania and Bulgaria through concrete actions to be implemented in the entire Danube territory. Several mobility trends are apparent at EU level, especially as regards young Europeans many young people from Eastern and Central Europe are heading for countries in Western Europe, while young people from Western Europe, especially from Ireland, are leaving the European continent to look for a job.
The Commission considers the workforce, and especially the young workforce, to be a fundamental European strength and a pillar of EU development. In tackling unemployment, EU and national level policy solutions valuably complement each other. Employment policy remains principally the responsibility of Member States and national administrations are best placed to design and implement effective employment policies targeting youth.
The EU plays an important supportive and simulating role by providing financial support and policy guidance. The EU also constitutes a valuable platform for encouraging youth labour mobility. Several initiatives have been launched with the aim of improving the functioning of the labour market and taking steps towards the creation of a true European labour market, including measures to remove legal and practical obstacles to the free movement of workers and to enhance the matching of jobs-seekers across borders.
In this regard, a regulatory proposal to develop EURES European Employment Services into a true pan-European job placement and recruitment network is currently in the legislative process. Has the Commission indeed examined the relevant information requested from the managing authority and checked whether any infringements of cohesion policy or any other applicable EU rules have occurred, as announced in his reply? The Italian authorities have not provided yet with the required information on the complaint raised by the Honourable Member.
The Commission will inform him directly as soon as possible. S obzirom na deklaraciju usvojenu u Lisabonu u rujnu Stopa smrtnosti djece u A further two million women have failed pregnancies. Although maternal, foetal and neonatal health is subject to national policies, disturbing statistics suggest that an EU-wide approach is required. A considerable difference in the registered termination of pregnancies and foetal deaths can also be seen among Member States.
In , the infant mortality rate varied between 3. By , both the infant mortality rates as such and the gap between MS had considerably lowered to between 1. This provision serves as a base to the overarching principle that everyone should have access to healthcare. The European Union institutions must comply with this principle in their actions. EU on mukana mm. Unionin ulkoasioiden ja turvallisuuspolitiikan korkea edustaja neuvottelee parhaillaan komission tuella EU: Space debris may collide with the operational satellites and cause severe damage, or even make certain orbital bands difficult to use.
Each year several new satellites are sent to orbit the Earth, producing ever more debris after eventual collision or disintegration. The Commission has since been involved in international negotiations on the active removal of space debris. Are there any plans to trial this method in the near future?
The EU responses to the issues related to the proliferation of space debris is conducted at three levels. The EU is involved in research activities including those aiming at cleaning up Earth orbit. Indeed if not completely mastered, such technologies could end up increasing the population of space debris. These projects require coordination with ESA's and Member States' activities and also with international partners and leave to the candidates autonomy both on the proposal and when selected on the exploitation of the results. The EU is involved in international discussions.
In , the EEAS advanced this major EU initiative through two rounds of multilateral Open-ended Consultations bringing together more than 60 countries. Following a third round of Consultations, envisioned to take place in the first half of , the process should move to the concluding phase towards adoption by the international community.
La comunidad internacional siempre se ha conocido como un actor relevante en este tipo de conflictos. The amendment of a law on the electoral process, which created a government monopoly with questionable transparency, triggered a boycott of the elections by the opposition which declared open season for disturbances, police raids and insurrections, with tragic consequences. In view of this anti-democratic scenario and the refusal of some international players, including the European Union, to send observers to the elections as a sign of their disapproval of the chaotic course of events, what actions does the High Representative intend to take now and in the future?
The government and the opposition have both failed to demonstrate peaceful and democratic intent. The international community has always been seen as having an important part to play in this type of conflict. Does the High Representative intend to apply pressure on behalf of the European Union to resolve the issue and to guarantee effective democracy in Bangladesh? The EU played an active role in the months leading up to the elections, urging all parties to agree on a formula that would provide a sound basis for peaceful, transparent, inclusive and credible elections.
We also expressed our readiness to send an EU Election Observation Mission, subject to the security situation and the prospects for credible elections. Regrettably, the main political parties failed to agree on conditions conducive to inclusive elections. The elections were marred by violence and turn-out was low. Political leaders in Bangladesh will have to take their responsibility for finding a solution. The EU will stay engaged and continue to monitor the situation closely.
Co-working is an alternative working practice that is gradually becoming more widespread throughout Europe and the world. It consists of a work space in which, in addition to sharing office costs, different companies, usually start-ups, share ideas, resources, contacts and projects. This kind of synergy enables barriers to market entry to be lowered for entrepreneurs by reducing costs and creating added value through an interdisciplinary feedback between companies.
The effects of this method of collaborative working, which is so practical and flexible, are clear in terms of innovation, networking and job creation, all of which are in line with the Europe strategy. Would it be possible for the Commission to consider the possibility of including these kinds of projects among its priorities? Does the Commission not think it would be highly beneficial to promote these practices among SMEs by means of investment incentives?
The average duration of the projects of some entrepreneurs who use these offices is three months, which makes it difficult for them to obtain financial support from European funds. Could the Commission review the funding conditions applicable to companies using this method? The Commission is more than ever committed to boosting competitiveness, growth and employment, including through the transformation to a dynamic digital economy in Europe. This requires the implementation of Digital Agenda including actions for entrepreneurship and for development of digital skills e.
The use of co-working spaces indeed benefits young firms sharing resources, ideas and experiences with other entrepreneurs. We support it through actions targeting co-working practices and as part of incubators or accelerators programmes. This will be extended through the new programme — Horizon For instance, a specific action promoting co-working spaces activities in ICT will be launched in There is no restriction for firms using co-working spaces to participate in EU programmes. It provides staged support covering the whole innovation cycle in three phases complemented by a mentoring and coaching service.
Projects can be run by a consortium of SMEs, but also by a single company avoiding the obligation to negotiate a consortium for close-to-market activities in a competitive environment. Despites this, the nature of EU programmes makes it difficult to allocate funds in a very short timeframe. This is something the Commission will continue to do in ICT.
No obstante, la ley ha de ajustarse a las normas europeas. Does this not indirectly harm the freedom of the press and freedom of expression? With regard to the proposed law, the Commission has already conveyed its concern to the Turkish authorities, with regard to restrictions on the freedom of expression. The Commission recognises that the text contains certain positive elements, such as introducing the concept of proportionality and eliminating prison sentence for hosting providers.
However, the law needs to be in line with European standards. The Commission is currently in correspondence with the Turkish authorities, and is expecting further clarification as to how provisions set out in the amendments align with the acquis and European Standards. This incident has highlighted the vital need to control cross-border risks in the event of an oil spill involving a Third State, which could have a devastating effect on the marine environment both in the country where the incident took place and on the coastline of an EU Member State.
Despite the high levels of risk associated with heavy traffic in cross-border marine areas in the European Union, this incident shows that, at least as far as the Spanish Government is concerned, no progress has apparently been made in developing better mechanisms or protocols for controlling the risk of oil spills. Given the proposals to construct new oil platforms in the area, this lack of security protocol in relation to potential oil leaks poses a dual risk to the coastline of the Canary Islands.
The cost of controlling the risk at all levels, including at cross-border level, should be factored into exploitation projects, because when disaster strikes it is the State that suffers the consequences. Does it know what preventive cross-border oil accident security and risk control protocols were employed during this crisis? What means and resources were called on during the crisis? Does it believe that they would have been deployed adequately if the running aground had led to a spillage?
The Commission is aware of the incident. Because of the location of the grounding and the spill and the normal wind and current there was from the outset almost no chance of polluting the Spanish coast or waters. Subsequent images covering the area did not detect any oil spill. The Commission has investigated the project for hydrocarbon exploration in the waters off the Canary Islands. As shown by this investigation, the environmental impact assessment procedure for this project is still ongoing and no authorisation has been granted to date.
This case has raised the issue of the critical need for monitoring cross-border risks when there is the possibility of an oil spillage in a third country that could have a devastating impact on the marine environment of both that country and the coastline of a Member State of the European Union. The cost of risk control at all levels, including cross-border, must be internalised within exploitation projects given that it is the State that pays the consequences for oil disasters. In terms of political relations with Morocco, what agreements exist for the prevention and control of oil disasters?
The tanker Silver ran aground in Moroccan waters; as a consequence, its re-floating and unloading was under the responsibility of the Moroccan authorities. This is the international instrument that provides a framework designed to facilitate international cooperation and mutual assistance in preparing for and responding to major oil pollution incidents. It requires States to develop national systems for pollution response, and to maintain adequate capacity and resources to address oil pollution emergencies.
This includes developing measures aiming to prevent maritime catastrophes and deal with their consequences. They say that this results in a loss of potential clients as well as economic loss. The Commission is aware of the introduction of a register for architects and building surveyors by the Building Control Act of Such regulatory protection, for a profession with not only significant safety but also environmental and urban impacts, is common across many Members States and as such Ireland is not a minority in seeking to reassure that standards are made, met and maintained.
Inoltre, gradualmente, anche i fornitori di software, hardware e accessori smetteranno di rilasciare aggiornamenti e driver, contribuendo a creare condizioni di lavoro sempre meno sicure. One of the major computer giants has announced that in April it will release its last ever updates of one of its most popular operating systems installed on one-third of the world's computers. Over the past year, experts and analysts have repeatedly raised the alarm, drawing attention to the consequences that this decision could have on hundreds of millions of users.
When the computer company stops providing corrective patches or technical assistance while computers continue to connect to each other online, they will constantly be exposed to attacks from viruses, spyware and malware that will, at the very least, be able to cause serious operational problems to PCs and maybe even steal private information.
In addition, suppliers of software, hardware and accessories will gradually stop releasing updates and drivers, helping to create working conditions that are increasingly less secure. To avoid these consequences, besides the impractical solution of isolating computers as much as possible, by preventing them from connecting to each other online, an upgrade needs to be carried out by choosing a. Does it not agree that private individuals and businesses need to be adequately informed so that they can take the most appropriate decisions?
Would it not be possible to follow the example of the United States and urge banks to put in place all necessary measures to prevent any theft of information? The Commission is aware that Microsoft will discontinue supporting its operating system XP, first released in Users of the system may be vulnerable to security risks. Informing users is vital. In this regard, Art Failure to update obsolete operating systems resulting in personal data breaches may lead to administrative sanctions and to civil and criminal liability.
Without prejudice to the powers of the Commission as guardian of the Treaty, national authorities are the competent bodies to monitor the application of the national measures implementing the above Directives. Mancata restituzione di fondi pensione transitori in Svizzera: I conti contengono in media 7. In questi casi, i titolari dovrebbero trasferire il loro conto al fondo pensione del loro nuovo datore di lavoro. Queste persone tuttavia possono reclamare la loro pensione col sostegno delle istituzioni svizzere.
Esistono pertanto misure adeguate per il coordinamento dei sistemi di sicurezza sociale nazionali, anche tra l'UE e la Svizzera. It has recently been discovered by the Swiss authorities that an unclaimed amount of more than five billion euro is lying dormant in Swiss pension fund accounts. These accounts approximately have been transferred to a special fund which has been given the task of finding their beneficiaries, according to a Swiss national TV channel. In total, the sum amounts to 6.
According to the director of the fund, they have been forgotten because their beneficiaries have changed jobs, gone on maternity leave or left the country. In these cases, the account holders are supposed to transfer their accounts to the pension fund of their new employer. About half of these unclaimed accounts belong to foreign workers who have left the country.
These people can, however, claim their pensions with the support of the Swiss institutions. What measures to coordinate national systems does it intend to take in order to ensure that the rightful owners of these funds are able to reclaim the sums due to them?

Does it not agree that it might be advisable to launch awareness-raising and public information campaigns to facilitate the procedures for the recognition of cross-border pension rights and payment of the amounts not yet reclaimed? All countries in which the person has been insured for at least a year will have to pay that person a retirement pension when he or she reaches retirement age.
Even if a person has worked in more than one country say, three , he or she should apply for a pension in one country only, which will request the others to provide information on all pension contributions paid by that person. A pension consisting of three separate old-age pensions will then be paid, regardless of where the person resides. Nuove disposizioni per l'implementazione di misure di sicurezza riguardo alla scarsa preparazione tecnologica dei piloti commerciali per le operazioni di volo. Un recente studio commissionato dalla Federal Aviation Administration statunitense ha decretato come la tecnologia e il ricorso ai sistemi di guida automatica stanno erodendo le competenze dei comandanti di volo.
Lo studio descrive come la tecnologia abbia reso i piloti degli aerei poco reattivi: Questa rilevazione ha evidenziato che i piloti stanno gradualmente dimenticando come si conduce un aereo senza l'aiuto della tecnologia. Per esempio, spesso si affidano troppo ai sistemi automatici e possono essere riluttanti a intervenire o a disattivarli in circostanze rischiose o eccezionali, o non hanno conoscenze sufficienti e approfondite per tenere sotto controllo la traiettoria degli apparecchi. Fra i motivi principali di queste mancanze si trovano i metodi di addestramento e il poco tempo a essi dedicato.
Intende acquisire i risultati di tale studio e intende promuoverne uno di rilevanza europea simile a quello citato? Ritiene sia il caso di indicare di concerto con l'EASA nuovi standard minimi per implementare le misure di sicurezza per l'addestramento vigenti e l'aggiornamento dei piloti di linea commerciali? I progetti concreti per modificare le norme attuali saranno elaborati secondo le procedure abituali. It was concluded that they are not very reactive and unused to holding the joystick.
They have also failed to master the latest on-board electronics. The study describes how technology has made aircraft pilots unresponsive: This survey showed that the pilots are gradually forgetting how to fly a plane without the aid of technology. For example, they are often over-reliant on automated systems and may be reluctant to intervene or over-ride them in hazardous or exceptional situations, or do not have sufficient in-depth knowledge to control the trajectory of the aircraft.
Among the main reasons for these shortcomings are training methods and the short amount of time spent on training. Does it intend to examine the results of this study and does it intend to promote one of European relevance similar to the one discussed? Does it believe it is appropriate to lay down new minimum standards in conjunction with EASA to implement current safety measures for training and retraining of commercial airline pilots? In fact, over the past years EASA has actively participated in several international working groups that have provided results relevant to the FAA on the issues highlighted by the study.
For the moment, the Commission believes that the ongoing activities in this area are sufficient from the perspective of aviation safety in Europe and that there is no need for the kind of study referred to by the Honourable Member. Together with Member States and industry experts, EASA is preparing new standards for intial and recurrent pilot training that will take into account the latest knowledge in this area.
The concrete drafts for amending the current standards will be elaborated according to the normal procedures. The publication of these drafts is foreseen in the framework, and the adoption and entry into force of the amendments may take place by late La compresenza di iperomocisteinemia troppa omocisteina nel sangue e iperlipidemia troppi grassi ha dunque un effetto sinergico negativo.
I risultati del recente studio cinese menzionato sono in linea con tali constatazioni. Livelli elevati di omocisteina nel sangue sono un indicatore di stili di vita non sani. La Commissione ha posto in atto ampie strategie per affrontare questi fattori di rischio.