Facing the truth

They don't like prey that can cause them harm. Punching, kicking, stabbing and even head-butting are all ways attack victims have fought off sharks.

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The eyes are particularly sensitive. This kind of response seems to help the shark realize that whatever it just bit isn't its usual prey.

Whenever there is a series of shark attacks, news stories are invariably accompanied by some statistical comparison that shows some unlikely method of dying is actually more likely than being attacked by a shark. One that has cropped up repeatedly over the years is that more people are killed by falling coconuts every year than by sharks -- usually is the number cited.

No reference is ever given for this statistic, and it's actually false. You may not be surprised to find out that no one issues annual reports of coconut deaths.

How It Feels To Be Chased By A Great White Shark

There is no "International Coconut Mortality Journal. A survey of medical literature reveals only a few reports of coconut-related injuries Best, chapter one. The statistic is an urban legend. Can the sun kill you? Can you really escape an alligator if you run in a zigzag? Don't swim at dawn or dusk -- sharks are actively feeding at these times. Visibility in the water is lower, which can lead to mistaken identity bites.

1. Don't provoke sharks.

Don't swim in murky water -- again, the poor visibility increases the chances of a shark mistaking you for prey. Don't swim with open cuts -- even a small amount of blood in the water can attract sharks from miles away.

Cape Cod shark attack: Man dies from injuries suffered in incident

Some experts recommend that menstruating women also avoid swimming in the ocean. Avoid sandbars, sea mounts, and drop-offs -- marine wildlife tends to congregate at these areas, including many fish that are a shark's natural prey. The sharks aren't usually far behind. Don't wear contrasting colors -- high-contrast or brightly-colored swimsuits seem to confuse sharks. Even contrasting tan lines are speculated to lead to mistaken identity bites. Don't wear shiny jewelry -- the sun reflecting off of a watch or necklace can draw a shark's attention. Don't swim when a shark's natural prey is present in large numbers -- if you are swimming near marine mammals or other shark prey species, and you see them react with sudden alarm and flee the area, follow their example.

Don't thrash around -- smooth, steady swimming strokes should be used. Frantic paddling and splashing looks like a wounded fish to a shark. The swimming patterns of dogs can also draw sharks. Don't think you're safe just because the water is shallow -- shark attacks can occur in less than three feet of water. While shark activity tends to be greater a few hundred yards from shore, stay alert even if you're in thigh-deep water.

Don't leave shark bait in the water -- large amounts of bait fish or animal blood will attract hungry sharks. If you're fishing while standing in the ocean, keep your bait out of the water until you use it, and don't stay in one place too long. Don't swim when there are sharks in the water -- this is the most obvious way to avoid sharks. If you know they're present, stay out of the water. How Sharks Work Quiz Corner: Not at all, I would say. Lytton is in hospital in Boston, having suffered severe lacerations to his leg and torso. In recent years there has been an exponential increase in the number of grey seals.

I know these beaches well, and often swim at Longnook and Newcomb Hollow. They are alluring places that allow us to interact with the vastness of the Atlantic ocean.

In case a shark attacks, here’s how you can fight back | theranchhands.com

The sandy spit of the Cape and its waters present a fragile ecosystem, where animals from giant fin whales, humpbacks and highly endangered right whales to schools of tiny sand eels as big as football fields testify to a rich and fertile sea. It is in this contrast — wild beauty patrolled by seeming terror — that our dysfunctional relationship with nature lies.

But our distrust of the shark reaches further back than that. New evidence suggests Melville himself was playing on received notions made vivid by an 18th-century painting, Watson and the Shark , depicting a young man being attacked by sharks off Havana. The naked young man looks like a surfer himself; the pallor of his body , in the jaws of the shark, is a fearful augury of the recent attacks. But we must remember how unlikely such events are. This year has seen 28 shark attacks in the US — 14 provoked — just two of which have been fatal.

Even to call them attacks is to assume an anthropocentric stance.

How to Avoid a Shark Attack

The animals are merely behaving according to instinct. And they themselves are under threat, from us.

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A hundred million sharks die each year as bycatch or are over-fished, many to make shark fin soup — as eaten by President Trump in Vietnam. As ever in the fractured meeting of human and natural history that the sea so powerfully embodies, it is our actions that come back to haunt us.