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The Helper will in fact continue to do the work that Jesus had done with the disciples by working through the disciples. Now, the disciples, the pastors, any follower of Jesus is enabled by the presence of the Helper or Holy Spirit to do all of the things that Jesus has done. Part of the work of the Holy Spirit then, is to empower the counselor to do the things that Jesus did in His ministry. But in addition to the help that the Holy Spirit would give is the element of compassion that He would bring. Growth requires help from others as well as from God.

Then he must call for the elders of the church and they are to pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord; and the prayer offered in faith will restore the one who is sick, and the Lord will raise him up, and if he has committed sins, they will be forgiven him. Therefore, confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another so that you may be healed.

The reason one must go before those who are Spirit-filled is that healing only comes through those who have grown spiritually. James connects healing with the condition of a righteous heart— regeneration has taken place in believers. The Spirit-to-spirit guide is just that, a guide to be attentive to the Holy Spirit within the meetings between counselor and client. The ancients thought of the inward parts of the body i. Conclusion The call of one in Pastoral Care is to be a helper, advocate, counselor, comforter, and intercessor for another. This type of healing comes through having freedom in Christ.

Freedom means we are able to move on into maturity and fruitfulness in our walk with God. Divine Invitation God cannot do any work without approval of the counselee and an invitation by the counselor to be included in the discussion.

Spiritual gift

This divine invitation is the first step in finding life and asking God to bring new life into our midst. It requires full dependence on God the Holy Spirit. In order to expose the problem, serious questions must be asked, such as: What does the counselee believe about God? Have they ever sought forgiveness? For the Spirit searches everything, even the depths of God. Emotions kept in the dark are attachments the Adversary may use to claw into the lives of humanity. Seeking honesty and facing who we are in our current sinful state allows the Holy Spirit to bring to light anything not of God.

Immersion in the Word of God and the promises He gives to those who love Him transform the distorted view counselees have had on the belief that God could not love them. The words that I have spoken to you are spirit and life. To the one who conquers I will grant to eat of the tree of life, which is in the paradise of God.

This may be gradual or occur like a miracle when epiphanies bring about sudden transformations. In whatever stage healing takes place there must be time for wonder moments where both the counselor and client worship God for His promised work to restore all things like new.

Worship takes the mind from the worries that were once carried around as a burden and places the fullness of thanksgiving at the foot of the cross of Christ. The disciplines help us access the presence and the power of the Spirit leading to further growth and healing. The Holy Spirit will not force Himself on anyone. Counselors should continually seek to model their lives after the Holy Spirit. Because He is personal, we should expect it necessary to seek His counsel and blessing in the fulfillment of the counseling ministry, expecting the dynamic involvement of the Holy Spirit as we depend upon Him.

Counselors do well to acknowledge that training in psychological theory and clinical techniques offers no guarantee of adequate strength or wisdom to give help to the individuals. The counselor should be a catalyst in the healing process, pointing the individuals to God who alone has the power to deal with all our problems. God intends that we be fully alive and whole in Christ. The love of God and the fruit of the Spirit must be manifested in the counselor's life.

Counselors face many baffling circumstances and problems in working with people. Our resources and our skills are challenged along with our faith at times. We rest assured in the power of God to answer prayer. Paul's admonition is a model for every counselor, "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God" Philippians 4: Keeping the channel open to Heaven is an important part of effective counseling.

Jesus placed a high priority on prayer. We need to model lives of prayer as spirit-baptized believers who know that the Spirit helps us in our weakness and intercedes for us according to the will of God. Baptism in the Holy Spirit opens the door to a new level of prayer. Praying in tongues, energized and enabled by the Spirit allows us to intercede and worship on a new level.

He went around doing good and healing all who were under the power of the devil, because God was with Him" Acts With the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, we can expect to do great things for God. His power is available to us. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, Christian counselors can believe God and see miracles of recovery, change, healing, restoration and growth like the secular world could only dream about.

Christian counselors, by the power of the Holy Spirit, are moving forcefully against the forces of darkness in this world. We are seeing the hand of God move, lives changed, and many miracles taking place. The existentialist talks as though the problems of earth will be solved, but live as though there is no tomorrow -- no eternity. Instead, we should live for eternity and not worry about tomorrow. With no future, there is no hope. With no hope, there is no reason to change.

A belief in eternity does not result in a lack of responsible motivation. What it does is that it frees us to consider our alternatives and to make wise choices. There is the proper blend and understanding of growth, self-actualization and self-realization in Christian counseling. Psychology and theology blend and can be integrated. Assumption and conflicting ideas taught in secular, Godless fashion must be rejected. The result can be a powerful, life-changing, Spirit anointed approach to working with and understanding people. The essence of psychotherapy and counseling is growth; growth, which eventually leads to maturity and an ability to fulfill one's individual and interpersonal needs.

Therefore, the goal is wholeness. Thus, the nature of counseling consists of the following ideas. The Holy Spirit can influence the mind and change the will of any who allow His intervention. It is the work of the Holy Spirit that produces such positive character traits as love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control Galatians 5: The Holy Spirit is capable of working in individualss to accomplish everything that could be desired by a counselor who has genuine concern for the growth and maturity of those who come to him with problems.

It is impossible for the Christian counselor to separate psychology and theology as they relate to the counseling process. The truths of who people are and what they are like is a part of God's Word and God's plan. The object of counseling is helping a human being created in God's image; wholeness is achieved only when life is lived in a manner pleasing to God.

Spiritual gift - Wikipedia

Jesus Christ is a superb example of a whole, complete, actualized life. Jesus possessed a capacity for spontaneity, emotional honesty and self-trust that awed and inspired the people He met. He was flexible and authentic in expressing Himself. Psychology and theology both agree that not coming to grips with basic anxiety and fear blocks growth and fragments relationships.

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Counselors have a unique opportunity to inspire the broken-hearted, impart courage to the hopeless, and give direction to those who feel lost in life. Understanding ourselves and others is a prerequisite for reaching our God-given potential.

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In 1 Thessalonians 5: Paul wrote, "And we urge you, brother, warn those who are idle, encourage the timid, help the weak, be patient with everybody. We must urge, warn, encourage, help and be patient with people as we are used of the Holy Spirit in counseling. As we look at how the Holy Spirit permeates our human personalities, we need a simple language to use in order to understand ourself and personalities.

Following is a chart designed to give an overview of the DiSC. Notice the four behavioral styles: Most people are highest in one or two of these styles. It is important to understand ourself and to understand how people are different.

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Also, we need to know how we can allow the Holy Spirit to meet our needs and desires to make us more like Christ. People have certain expectations and needs. We can demand that we get our way and that others meet our needs or we can manifest the fruits of the Holy Spirit and discipline our needs and our behavior. We can replace harsh judgments of others with acceptance. Instead of us trying to change people and get our way, the Holy Spirit wants us to seek to understand and communicate with others as we work together.

Pastors and church leaders know how different people are and how we need the help of the Holy Spirit in ministering to the needs of people. Notice how people want different approaches in local church ministry. There is no perfect or even best personality style. Whatever style is most like us is okay.

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What is more important is that we are totally committed to Jesus Christ and that we live full of the Holy Spirit. Thus, our contentment is no longer dependent upon personal circumstances, people, or upon material possessions. It is then that God can make us all that He intended for us to be. It is then that our inadequacies can become divinely transformed into strengths.