Editorial Reviews

This is no time for pessimism, overconfidence, or indifference. The events of this month are likely to affect both. The incoming vibrations of the 7 year are pointing out that your resources do not always pertain to funds or material assets but also to ideas, expertise, knowledge, talents, and connections. You are almost at the end of the 6 year in which you have learned a lot about responsibility and love. November emphasizes your inborn power to reason, survive, and prosper.

However, in order to take full advantage of this power at a time of such drastic and unpredictable change, it is also your responsibility to know what is happening out there in the big world, and to be aware of how others routinely use their powers to diminish yours or control you in one way or another. One of the most important lessons November has to teach is that peace cannot exist without freedom, and this is likely to be reflected in whatever conflicts still exist within your own personal relationships.

And, since security has been such a large issue for you this year, you can learn a lot by noticing the similarities between what is going on in your world and what is taking place on the world stage. It is imperative to your present and future wellbeing that you look realistically at world events and avoid the tendency to support — or get sucked into — anything that stands to take away your freedom or the freedom of another.

The 6 energy has deepened your understanding of HOME and FAMILY, and your current circumstances are taking this a step further by demonstrating that this planet is your home, and that everyone on it is your family. You are receiving a return on whatever you have invested into this world. You are reaping what you sowed. And remember that no one can define freedom for another.

Nothing we ever imagine is beyond our powers, only beyond our present self knowledge. By the end of the month, life will require you to come back to Earth with both feet firmly on the ground. Meanwhile, November marks the end of a deeply introspective phase of your journey. It underscores the preparations needed for a new phase in which you will be able to live successfully in the spiritual, emotional, and material realms simultaneously.

This has been a long year for you. You have endured some difficult moments — and some enlightening ones, too. Now you must allow all the feelings involved to move within you, and then release them from your body. This healing process needs to take place. The more you resist it, the more likely it will be that a situation arises that will bring these feelings to the surface. Emotions are magnetic, and they will attract whatever conditions will force you to give them movement. Let those emotions out. Create private time and space for this because there is no need to confront others or to hurt yourself or anyone else when expressing your true feelings.

What may seem like a new beginning is actually the ending of something that is no longer beneficial or relevant. Any major decisions or actions should be given careful consideration or delayed until next year. Some endings may be out of your control. If so, you can be sure there is a good reason for both the ending and the time at which it is taking place. Visualize the possibilities that a certain ending offers. Know how you really feel about things. Soon you will be feeling and sensing your way to something new and exciting. This is also a cycle of generosity and compassion.

There are many ways to give. Not all of them require sacrifice. A commitment to fairness, kindness, and acceptance is needed. A charitable, helpful, and optimistic attitude will attract opportunity to you. Either get it done, or admit that you cannot do it.

Now is the time to get this matter out of the way once and for all. Appreciate the blessings you already have. Things that are of no use to you and are cluttering up your life should be given to someone who does have a use for them. Sell them — or barter with them. Use what you have to get what you want. It is a waste of time and energy to try to hold on to what is leaving. If it is meant to stay, it will. Stop worrying so incessantly about things that have not even happened. You do not have to lose something in order to gain something, but you can gain something wonderful this month if you are prepared to give something.

Every exit is an entry to somewhere else. Recent events have created new and unique circumstances for you. New ideas are flowing and unexpected avenues are opening up. You have accomplished a lot, but this is only a stepping stone to greater possibilities. This is a cycle of beginnings, change, independence, originality, and self-acceptance. This new phase of your life is likely to start with the feeling of standing alone, feeling your own pulse, your own energy, your own satisfaction, and the power that comes when you truly understand something that you previously did not understand at all.

And you probably know that this marvelous feeling of being alive can only be maintained when you are being yourself. Doors are opening that were not open to you before. The problem is that we often cannot see the open doors because we are still focused on the ones that have closed. Allow the doors of the past to close completely — and then see the enormous potential that lies ahead.

This can only be done by expressing the feelings — from the past — that you are still holding inside. You are in very different territory now. Stay constantly aware of your new position. There is no need to prove how clever you are. In fact, you stand to learn a lot more by assuming that you do not know enough. The emphasis is on you: Accept yourself, faults and all, exactly as you are. Only by accepting your faults can you ever hope to change them, so do not judge yourself too harshly for having them. Give yourself credit for what you have learned and, in some cases, un-learned.

This level of self-respect will enable you to respect the individuality, faults, and abilities of the people with whom you are now dealing, and to realize that we are all in the learning stages of how to live, no matter what qualifications, claims to fame, or titles we may possess. You may experience a positive jolt of energy this month which comes from something that is entirely new to you. You are reaching a new level of understanding and, yes, one person can make a difference. This involves a feeling you will want to repeat often because, quite simply, it feels so good.

And, from where you are today, you can hear the call, and you can feel the exciting lure, of where you want to go from here. This is the call of your Will — your feminine energy — and you need to listen to it more attentively than ever before! Keep a low profile. Resist the urge to race ahead into territory that is not yet ready to receive you. Important matters of the past must be taken care of first. You cannot force or manipulate anything now without disappointing consequences.

The seeds you planted last month must be given the chance to take root and grow. Nothing can be overlooked or taken for granted. Patience can also mean that you simply have to WAIT for matters outside your control to unfold in their own way. An abundance of events and issues will keep you busy and you will have little opportunity to force yourself ahead. This is a good thing because your ego is not at stake here.

A certain situation needs your attention and cooperation. It also needs the cooperation of others, so it is essential to create an atmosphere of team spirit among those whose support you cannot do without. Try to relax with whatever your situation is, and despite the delays, intrusions and confusion, take one step at a time.

Some stress may have to be experienced in order to understand why it is so necessary for you to accept your past into the present. If feelings you thought had already been healed are triggered by someone whose connection to you is turning out to be very different to what you believed it was, understand how subtly denial works. There is no need to rehash old hurts but, when you realize that some of them were never healed, the healing you need can finally take place. Your current situation is actually aiding your plans and goals by providing just the right timing and conditions.

It is also providing important information that will make implementing your plans so much easier next year. This is a cycle of intuition and sensitivity. It is from your ability to feel and sense that vital new information will come to light. Something will be said, done, suggested, or perceived which relates directly to your own needs and plans.

Nothing can be forced now, including your search for the missing link. It will be found when you least expect it. When this revelation does occur, it will feel like a light bulb being switched on inside you as your feminine feelings finally make full contact with your masculine mind. November provides an opportunity to experience the actual feeling of evolving into higher consciousness. From this astonishing sensation, you will know that the goals you have set for yourself are only a pale glimpse of what you can really do. From this realization, a beautiful calmness will emerge which has all the tenderness and warmth of love, because love is exactly what it is.

By extending yourself to others now in an honest, friendly and diplomatic way, you will experience love of yourself, love of others, and love of life. In a month that tells you to take a back seat, stay in the background, and focus on someone or something else, you will be amazed at the richness of the rewards this offers. The quest for certainty blocks the search for meaning. Wherever you have been pushing too hard or focusing too narrowly, life will find a way to stop you from doing so this month. Stop trying to force your way ahead.

Take one day at a time and know that it is natural for you to be feeling highly sensitive, emotional, and responsive right now. Attention to detail, patience, and a truly caring attitude will serve you well. Your physical body may experience unfamiliar sensations this month because it is feeling the effect of certain emotions that are pushing outwardly in an effort to free themselves. Remember that stress, including physical pain , does not come from the emotions themselves, but from the level of resistance we put up against feeling them. Give yourself this kindness. Notice where you have been competing without even realizing it and, then, notice how your stress and pain is reduced when you replace rivalry and competition with patience and cooperation.

  1. Buy for others.
  2. .
  3. Young Heroes: Badu Boys Rule!;

Be tactful and helpful. This is not a matter of denying your own feelings, thoughts, and needs, but of discovering what your current feelings, thoughts, and needs actually are. Others may be finding you difficult to relate to — or understand what you are experiencing. You want them to be patient with you, but you will also need to be patient with them. More than anything, you must be patient with yourself and your own progress.

Stop trying to push against forces which you do not, at this time, have the power to change. The way things look at the beginning of October will have changed drastically by the end of the month. Do not rush into anything until all the information is in place. You now have a chance to form some kind of partnership in which individual talents can be combined. Cooperation is a two-way street, and no matter who else is involved, each must feel free to request and give cooperation as needed. Slow it all down.

You are experiencing a major transformation in your life. A new reality — a new beginning. Let it unfold as it needs to, and you will experience the evolutionary power of your own patience. If someone else takes credit for your ideas or efforts, it is possible that you have outgrown that particular aspect of your life and need to move on to something completely different. What happens in October may plunge you into a period of uncertainty, but this is actually improving your overall timing. It can help open your mind to something that will release you from the old and move you forward in your evolutionary journey.

Instead of taking center stage, stay in the background. There is no need to avoid issues or people now. Face them — and tactfully express where you stand and how you feel. Before you can move on, you need to relax with the people and situations that influence your life.

Give them your support; listen to them; cooperate with them; focus on them; include them. I was a hidden treasure and I longed to be known. Your situation needs to be put into a more realistic perspective. New ideas are needed, and this cycle is trying to help you open your imagination. To start with, imagine what you want to be doing, and most importantly, how you want to be feeling — a year from now, or even five years from now. Communicate from your heart, in a way that touches and connects with the hearts of others.

Spoken and written words have great significance this month. Your ability to communicate intelligently and honestly will impact your chances of success, and will affect the roles others will play in your life both now and in the new year. This month, even the words of songs or movies, or random words from strangers, can trigger useful ideas, feelings, memories and motivations. Developing genuine friendliness and closeness with others requires you to feel your true feelings toward them, which may at first be difficult.

This year, old friends may not have been so friendly, and those you did not like may have emerged as allies. However, you may meet someone now, or several people, who can make a positive difference in your life. Someone who is in a position to help has started to take you seriously. Remember that you are still in the slow-paced, low-energy 2 Year. This year has taught you that realism amplifies the joys of life and love, and that teamwork and equality provide the only realistic means of achieving peace and unity.

This is a chance to create optimism and enjoyment, not only in your own life, but also in the lives of others. Interact and network when you can. Social acceptance may be important to you, but deep down, you want more than that. You are seeking a more comfortable position in life. One of the basic lessons of this month is that you will never achieve social acceptance or any satisfying position until you feel these things within yourself.

You cannot expect others to create them for you. You must know where you want to be and realistically find a way to position yourself there. This will not happen overnight. Be willing to learn as you go. Meanwhile, have some fun! Experience the joy that comes from art, skill, and beauty. Pamper yourself in whatever way feels good to you. You do not have to be the star of the show to get your point across, or to enjoy yourself. Let someone else bask in the limelight and notice how friendliness, acceptance, and patience take you from one satisfying experience to the next.

Sometimes we must accept things just as they are if we are ever to figure out what needs to be done next. Great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things brought together. Life is becoming serious — to the same degree that you must now take yourself, your rights, your health, and your goals more seriously. You are seeing what stands between you and your aspirations, and the work that must be done to arrive at the results you want. Accept reality — and get better organized. Look for ways to simplify your life, rather than complicate it.

Find creative ways to bring order to areas of chaos. Determine which problems are of your own making and realize that some misunderstandings require more sensitivity — and recognition of the fact that you do indeed have your own faults and weak spots. Do not be afraid to be afraid.

Feel your fears and allow them to do their job, which is to alert you to potential trouble and point out alternate routes. And be sensitive to the fact that others are experiencing fear too, no matter what denial mechanisms are in place. Hurt feelings can cause unexpected reactions, so try to be patient with yourself and those around you. Try to work things out together. You may have to be firm and resolved, and diplomatic and patient all at the same time. Any anger that arises may be an attempt to hide your fear of failure.

This can make you appear unsure of what you are trying to achieve, especially if you resort to blaming others or finding excuses for what appears to be a lack of answers. Remember that your goals are your goals — and you are responsible for their every detail! The events of October are preparing you for success, and you are in a stronger position than you may think. However, your definition of success may change quite drastically now. You have traveled a long way this year, and you need to let that fact bring a sense of contentment into your life.

Assess all the possibilities rather than getting stuck in the problem itself. This practical cycle enables you to see other people in a different light. Do you need to break away for a while so that you can figure things out for yourself, form your own opinions, and make decisions that are right for you? Or, are you so detached from others that you never listen to them anyway, even when their advice is sound and timely? Now is the time to create a comfortable balance between your aspirations and your fear of rejection. Take everything slowly and methodically. Notice how you make extra work for yourself by insisting on doing things your way — or refusing to accept that there really are simpler or more efficient approaches.

If you have taken something as far as you can take it, you must either let it evolve into something else or, perhaps, just let it go. The walls of this restrictive month will slow you down whenever you move too fast or when you are not focused on the steps you are taking. Pace yourself realistically, and rest when you need to. Let others be who they are — or who they pretend to be. You must be yourself so that you can move forward again.

Notice just how powerful and resourceful you are when you allow yourself to think, feel, and act freely. A new situation will enter your life this month. Whatever it is, make sure you react to it in a way that best serves your long-term interests. October is no time for rash or thoughtless moves. Take yourself and your goals seriously, and patiently assess where each move is likely to lead, before you make it. This will enable you to position yourself just where you need to be. We act as if comfort and luxury were the chief requirements of life when all that we need to make us really happy is something to be enthusiastic about.

Once you start to unravel yourself from the numbness and get used to thinking and feeling on a deeper level again, you will realize that you are very much alive and ready to alter your attitude — and your direction. The narrow 4 road gets wider this month — and brighter too. You have choices — and a decision will have to be made. You now have a chance to do something unusual, different, daring, and exciting; to experience new places, people, and activities, and bring a sense of adventure into your life. The constant grind you experienced this year was never meant to be a permanent situation.

Old routines need to be changed. Listen, watch, and feel, for potential opportunity. Your awareness of reality will determine just how much power you have to change things. There is no sense in asking of others what they do not have the ability or inclination to give. Be honest about what you are feeling. Unexpressed emotions can stop you from taking even the simplest steps toward improving your circumstances.

Then you will have to rely on others to tell you what you can or cannot do, and even what is right and wrong. The more dependent you are on outside factors, the more you will become governed by them. The events of this year have made very clear just how un-free your Will is, and you are probably eager to remedy that situation. Although there is no guarantee that your attempts at damage-control will succeed, now is certainly the time to try. Direct your sights toward new ambitions and interests. In a year that places such a strong emphasis on work and your sense of identity, an important change will occur in these areas, or in your attitude towards your work and sense of identity.

Where does your work fit in to your overall vision of happiness? Truth is reality — and this cycle can help you find your truth by recognizing your mistakes, learning from them, and not repeating them. Try to feel relaxed and free. Accept your situation with renewed enthusiasm and take some breaks for fun and relaxation. Little by little, you are becoming the person you really want to be — so stop being so hard on yourself! Respect for the rights of others is peace. October emphasizes CHANGE in the areas of family, responsibility, relationship, domestic or legal matters, healing old and current wounds; marriage, peace, education, your need to love and be loved, and your sense of home and belonging.

Love has many different forms, and it is possible to love different people or things in different ways without letting guilt enter the situation. For example, it is possible to love a person one way and your work another way, forming two very different marriages in your life. Current circumstances enable you to love everything you truly love, freely and deeply, by coming face to face with guilt and blame and refusing to be ruled by them. Guilt and blame destroy love and freedom. You cannot destroy or eliminate guilt and blame because they do, indeed, exist. The less you judge yourself, the more self acceptance you feel, and the more lovable you and others become.

The judgments you make in this cycle ARE guilt and blame. This year is enabling you to find out who and what you love so that your love and your life can continue to expand. There is room in your life for all the responsibilities that are yours, including your responsibility to live as you want to live. It is also possible that a responsibility could be taken off your hands so that a different one can be assumed.

You do have a choice in every move you make, although your options can be difficult to recognize. If love is what you are feeling, then the choices you make will be based on love and will automatically be right for the situation. The choices you make create your reality, but choices that are made for you offer no choice at all.

The power of choice is largely what this year has been all about. Weigh the reality of each situation with your right to live freely. Now, you may have to focus on a specific family member, neighbor, authority figure, or close friend.

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The home itself is also emphasized. Whatever the case, you will need to stabilize all those things that matter to you, because they represent the basis of your upcoming 6 Year. One thing is certain. Love is in the air. Freedom thrives in love. Great strides can now be made which can lead to more ease and increased security for all concerned if you make a choice based on love.

In the past, you may have concentrated too heavily on one area of your life while another was neglected. You are now moving closer to the creation of a more comfortable balance — just as long as you can break a pattern of behavior or attitude that has kept you running in the same old circles for SO long! I look over the various parts of my character with perplexity. But who is the real one? October is more about planning than it is about doing. Take some time and space for yourself and carefully think things out.

You are unsure of what lies ahead, and there can be a tendency to think the worst. This indicates that certain fears are at last coming to the surface and need to be recognized, experienced, expressed honestly and healed. Only when you genuinely feel your fear will you realize that its purpose is a protective and constructive one. Most importantly, by feeling your fears they arise, you will be able to discern what actually needs to be feared and what does not and, therefore, prevent others from using fear as a weapon of control.

Notice how the past is being vividly reflected into the present. This is deepening your emotional and intellectual awareness so that you can plan your way out of your present circumstances and simultaneously, plan for the future. This is a cycle of wisdom and understanding, and a time of self-appreciation. Your intuition is made up of your collective feelings and is trying to make itself heard.

Your thoughts and feelings are separate energies. They need to communicate freely with each other so that you can know what is happening and where you currently stand. Where there is confusion, try to relax all mental judgments so that your true feelings have a chance to make themselves known. There is no need to allow your different wavelength to alienate you from others. Just take some time and space for yourself when you need to.

You may feel an urge to criticize everyone and everything around you, as you notice flaws that you did not see before. Try to remain flexible and open-minded, and notice where certain information has been over or under stated. Notice how these two words fit accurately into your life, as you start to accept the reality of someone or something that has played — or can possibly play — a major role in your life. Only by coming to terms with a secret you have kept from yourself — a secret feeling — will you ever really know where or with whom you belong. Admit how you really feel, because acceptance of your true feelings will allow them to HEAL, and then evolve into a workable solution.

October is a time for studying, learning and planning, not doing — not yet. I never thought people would take my thoughts seriously; I know I never did. Some of the knowledge you gained this year can now be put to practical and realistic use. You know that a significant change must occur in the level of power you have in the world. You have not come this far in life only to remain unfulfilled. You know that you can improve your life by improving the quality of what you contribute to it. October provides glimpses of greater possibilities, and instills a new sense of ambition that is based on realities which can no longer be ignored or denied.

Certain actions can be implemented, but remember that you are still in the 7 Year which encourages planning rather than doing. On an inner level, your horizons can certainly be broadened, enabling you to see that you can, indeed, expand what you once thought were your limits. But there is still much knowledge and insight to soak up between now and the end of the year. In order to avoid disappointment, try not to push too far too soon, or expect the cooperation of others before they are ready or able to give it. Your intuition is very strong now — highlighting the importance of a balanced coexistence between the emotional, spiritual, and physical aspects of your life.

This recognition will not only open your eyes to your own greater potential, but will also open your heart to the needs and potentials of others. As new opportunities begin to appear, you must reacquaint yourself with the more earthly and material aspects of life. Opportunities should be approached decisively and confidently, with dignity and composure, bearing in mind that it will take more time and effort for the benefits to fully materialize. The tide is beginning to turn in your favor. So, take yourself seriously. A new approach to financial and business matters is necessary.

Not only are we living in a rapidly changing world but also, in a world that has already changed drastically. Many old beliefs about prosperity, financial security and power are no longer valid. Continue to observe, study, research, analyze, and learn. Approach all matters in a businesslike and realistic way. Express yourself with confidence, but be willing to admit where you have gone wrong and learn from your mistakes.

Do your homework before making strong statements or taking irreversible action. If you are fully aware, there will be no need for nervousness or ill-timed reactions. Feel the dynamics of your own personal power emerging from this year of learning. It will not be too long before you will be using all this new knowledge to your full advantage.

See a Problem?

If it feels as if you have taken this route before, maybe it is because you have. All life goes in cycles and it is, therefore, inevitable that certain flashes from the past will appear at various times in your existence. The only difference is that the lessons learned from previous experiences mean that you are better able to handle them the next time around. The emphasis is on your sense of satisfaction, as it is this feeling that will prevent you from taking things too far, or finishing prematurely.

It will enable you to let something go without being overcome by fear, and to conclude something at exactly the right time. Some fear is inevitable as you wonder what the future will bring, or whether you are doing the right thing. Feel this fear because it has much to offer in terms of keeping you safe and secure. And remember that success is achieved after your satisfaction has allowed your goal to move forward. Success, therefore, is always behind you or in front of you.

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It is the feeling of satisfaction that is experienced in the present. There are no guarantees when it comes to creating your destiny, but some kind of ending that takes place now will reveal new potential for you. Then, let your belief in yourself attract its own success. A break from your own ambitions may be needed now so that you can better understand where your journey has taken you, and to heal whatever wounds you incurred in the process of empowering yourself.

Loosen up, relax some of the rigidity you thought was necessary this year, and let yourself unwind. Your passion to succeed is commendable, but it may have caused you to overlook some of your most basic needs. Your passion to succeed will stay with you for a long time to come, but the first stages of a particular goal must be ended or completed in October so that a new phase can begin in November. The efforts you made this year have brought you to a brand new level of potential.

You are reaching the end of an old path. Now, although you have come up in the world, you are at the bottom of the next level. To some, this can be frightening. To some, this can feel like failure. You recently became a big fish in a small pond and, according to the choices you make, you could soon find yourself swimming in an ocean of greater opportunity. There is much to learn and, as ideas you once cherished are turned inside out, you are likely to learn something new, unexpected, and valuable.

Try to give yourself to others in some way, not when guilt tells you it is the right thing to do, but when your own feelings tell you it is what you want to do. There is a lot going on in October, including an opportunity to feel the satisfaction that comes from compassion and giving. As you know, power comes in many forms and, this month, as a segment of your life phases itself out, you are likely to experience the greatest power of all …..

Perfection is attained by slow degrees; it requires the hand of time. The less unfinished business you have to deal with, the more clearly you will be able to sense your way ahead. Yes, you can take an important step forward now — cautiously. You need to be sure that a new venture or relationship is not just a different form of a past mistake. You are still in the 9 Year but, now, you can start to position yourself closer to the reality you want, provided you make yourself aware of precisely what you are dealing with.

When you enter the 1 Year in January, you will need a flexible plan of action because 1 is the number of change — and everything will change next year. Yes, you do need the cooperation and support of others, but you cannot depend on them for your happiness, success, or well-being. If you keep the needs and feelings of others in mind, cooperation will be given freely.

It should not be expected or demanded. This is a month of fantasy and reality, give and take, ups and downs. This erratic movement can increase your confidence if you do not take things personally and realize that others are not the cause of your problems. Make sure feelings of superiority or inadequacy do not get the better of you. Begin something new — nothing major because major beginnings cannot succeed within your current energy cycles. Allow each moment to move into its natural position, behind you, where it cannot impede your freedom to move forward.

Feeling your feelings, as they arise, moment-by-moment, until they are completed, is the natural sequence that ensures continued personal freedom. While some feelings are pleasant and others are painful, feeling all your feelings is needed. Apply this understanding as a way of life, rather than just a mental concept, and notice how original and creative you are when you allow your feelings to move freely.

Feel what you desire and deserve in this lifetime and expect to get it because, only from the acceptance of your desire, can you know if — and how — it can be fulfilled. For you, September is a 1 Month in a 1 Year. For you, September is a 6 Month in a 6 Year. This is a time in which old unresolved issues can be understood, concluded, healed, and put in their right place — behind us.

Emotions of every description — highs, lows, and in-between — are fueling our way forward because emotion is honesty — and we are, indeed, becoming more honest with ourselves as we continue to evolve, individually and collectively. So let yourself feel what you are really feeling.

Being honest with yourself enables you to intuitively make decisions that are right for you. A separate article is on the way… check back here for a link or join my mailing list for notification. This is a double-1 month for you — a combination of your 1 Personal Year and the 9th calendar month: The secret of change is to focus all your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new. You are on a fast-moving and unpredictable road which brings the focus back to you, and those close to you.

Your situation has changed more than you may realize, and if you cannot recognize the opportunity in all this, look harder for it — it is there! Be prepared to act on it as soon as the details become clear. This new experience with independence and innovation is leading to something much better — if not now, then in the near future.

Remember that when we are searching for a way out or a way forward, we very often find something entirely different which is more beneficial than we previously imagined. If comfortable and familiar aspects appear to be collapsing around you, they are doing so to make way for the new beginnings you crave. What are you really afraid of? Or the possibility that things will remain the same?

You are probably afraid of both these things, and you will need to face these fears head-on. Recognize the potential value of something already existing in your life and treat it as an opportunity to lead yourself in a better direction. Success often requires a giant leap of faith — a radical shift beyond the previously imaginable, which of course, requires courage. You now have the opportunity to become a leader of some kind. If you have specific goals in mind, you will know what this means, and you will want to take certain steps which will help you to lead your own life.

This does not necessarily mean that you will reach your goals this month or even this year, but information received and decisions made now can help set the foundation for how you will be living in the years to come. This is a month of timely action. Now is the time to act. An important change must occur to increase your independence and enable forward movement. If an issue of the past reappears, bring it to a conclusion. Understand its importance — or lack of importance — and release yourself from its emotional weight by letting those old feelings out of your body, safely, and privately.

You are in the process of breaking free so that you can be yourself — as you are now. The same unsatisfactory conditions will stay with you until you commit to finding a more independent way to proceed. This includes following ideas and desires which originate from you. Making this commitment will take great determination. Not making it will prolong your discontent, your unhappiness, and your fears about the future. Begin something new or start a new phase of an existing experience. The most important changes have taken place inside you and are creating changes in your day-to-day life. The adversity in the world is real and dangerous, but it is also a reflection of the emotional turmoil that has yet to be released from our bodies.

Outer peace comes from peace within. No matter how wonderful or awful the people around you seem, it is you who have brought them or kept them in your life. They too are a reflection of your inner reality. By accepting others as they are, you can finally be yourself — an original, unique, creative, powerful, and beautiful individual, unlike any other.

Some people fear their individuality. They interpret uniqueness as being alone in the world. They choose to follow the crowd and then become trapped in their own dissatisfaction. You are not alone; you are free — just as long as you are determined to take charge of and be responsible for the quality of your own life, regardless of current circumstances.

The events of September will show you that authentic freedom is the home of love, and that love, which has many forms, is what you most need to give and receive right now. Be patient toward all that is unresolved in your heart. Learn to love the questions themselves.

As the 2 energy doubles its intensity this month, your understanding of patience, cooperation, partnership, diplomacy, and intuition is bound to be tested. Do not argue any point too strongly or push yourself to the forefront. Stay calmly in the background wherever possible and look objectively at the conditions and circumstances involved. Notice how various factors are linked. The double-2 vibration of September enables you to relate one thing to another and make a variety of insightful connections.

Use this expanded awareness to connect the dots and provide a larger and more detailed picture. Pay great attention to those previously overlooked or misunderstood details. If something does not feel right, there is no reason for you to be involved. Continue to cooperate where you can, but never forget that you have your own life to live and that certain needs and principles cannot be compromised.

Recent activity has exposed both the in sensitive and over sensitive responses in yourself and others. Now is the time to BE real, and then watch the real way others respond to you. This emotional year has given you deeper recognition of where you stand. You know only too well that nothing and no one can be taken for granted, and that Love cannot survive in captivity, guilt, blame, or judgment. You have matured a lot, and you no longer have to make a big deal out of petty issues. Notice how insensitivity can undermine otherwise loving or friendly associations.

Use gentleness and affection rather than force. Do not depend on anyone but you for your emotional security. Meanwhile, there are many details to sort out and deal with. Approach them confidently and with careful attention. Nervousness is bound to occur, and this natural fear arises from accepting a truth that you previously resisted.

By accepting fear as part of the growing process, this emotion will move through you and out of you — all for the purpose of helping you understand what needs to be feared and what does not. You will also reach a clearer understanding of what triggered your fears in the first place, and how to deal effectively with whatever life throws your way. Your powerful masculine mind your consciousness or spirit , is expanding. Open up to them, let them in, experience them, and allow them to send messages to your mind as to what your options actually are. Then you will realize that your Will — your feelings — your emotional self — is feeding you the solution you have been seeking.

In order to receive it, you must be receptive. You must be open. Beware as long as you live of judging by appearances. A decision you make now will determine the quality of your life for some time to come. So, within the realms of your reality, do what you want to do — live as you want to live — and let go of any doubt as to how others may fit in with your plans.

Whatever you started in July is now showing signs of progress. Seize every opportunity to move forward in the direction of your choice. Begin to create your desired future. The mere dreaming of it is not enough now. At this point, it makes no difference what others think of you or your plans. If you wait for their approval, the opportunity may be lost. Take full responsibility for your own life. An emotional situation may arise which forces you to express yourself in a way you thought you never could. Now, the power of words is stronger than ever, and what you have to say can set the record straight once and for all.

Nothing can be gained from saying merely what you believe others want to hear. You may shock yourself as you realize just how deeply you feel about a particular matter; or how much you love a certain person. Or, perhaps a friendship or loyalty has been outgrown and it is time to go your separate ways. Try to spend time with people who are supportive, creative, and expressive. Every situation has the potential for either a creative or destructive outcome.

This does not contradict your need to speak up. Your desire for peace does not mean that your needs and feelings should be silenced just because someone else has a different point of view. Only the facts are relevant. Avoid criticizing, gossiping, or resorting to hearsay — there is no peace there. And do not stretch yourself in too many different directions. Focus on what is important to you. Social interaction or simple conversation could be enlightening. Someone you know, meet, or would like to meet, may have a major role to play in your future.

Continue to take yourself and your goals seriously. Your passion and confidence — or your defensiveness and insecurity — will rub off on others, creating either friendly or hostile environments. But who knows what brilliant ideas will surface when you release those barriers that your well disguised fear of rejection has placed around your creative mind?

You are on this Earth for a reason! This is a 4 month for you — a combination of your 4 Personal Year and the 9th calendar month: Even the woodpecker owes his success to the fact that he uses his head and keeps pecking away until he finishes the job he starts. This was necessary earlier in the year so that you could get organized. Only then will you be able to relax and be kind to yourself, which you need more than anything else right now. Remember that getting organized is not meant to be the end result. It is just the beginning.

Organization provides the foundation upon which other goals can take root and develop. You may prefer to deny the existence of this natural feeling, but it is there anyway. In order to forgive, you have to remember — not forget. It may seem easier to bury deny painful events of the past and forget about them, but this is much harder on you in the long run as you must then carry those unexpressed feelings around with you — and resentment weighs a ton! Those very feelings are likely to be the source of the pain you are currently experiencing, and forgiveness is the key to releasing it.

Forgiveness is the key to improving so many different aspects of your life. Forgive for your own sake, so that whatever happened can no longer hurt you.

Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow

You may also be dealing with the fear that something will prevent you from making the changes you want to make, and the same INTENT must apply in that case, too. The quality of your intent — loving or unloving — can make the difference between a creative outcome and a destructive one. Meanwhile, you may be seeking results that are currently too far ahead of their time and ignoring what should be aimed for in the present. It is time to redefine and simplify your life. September is a vital turning point. This is where you must take care of many details, some of which hold hidden opportunities — and let go of other details once you see them for what they are — petty, unimportant, and distracting in the overall scheme of your life.

Avoid impulsive moves and do not take risks with your health, resources, or general wellbeing. Take everything in your natural stride. Make time for things you enjoy, take frequent breaks, get adequate rest, and try to be easier on yourself in terms of feeling that you should be accomplishing more than you currently are.

You have not traveled this far through the arduous 4 Year without learning that all problems have solutions if they are handled patiently and realistically. This means knowing what the problem actually is. Life is not throwing you anything you cannot handle. Remember that you are not responsible for the happiness of others or for their current circumstances. Believe in yourself, and do not give up. It is your belief in yourself that makes courage possible!

No, you are not having some kind of break-down. A risk is anything with an uncertain outcome. If you allow for that, only then do your choices have the possibility of bearing fruit. The 5 Year provides opportunities for change, but it is up to you to make those changes happen. There is a pattern of behavior or attitude that really must change now, because it has been causing problems for you for a long time. It is time to take a chance on something new — or a different kind of chance, such as walking away from what you know does not work for you.

Life does not come with guarantees, and as you already know, life itself, at this stage of our evolution, is one big gamble — the constant weighing up of the odds, followed by intuitively-based action. Make the changes you have been putting off. Notice that when you change something positively on the inside , something positive follows in your outer reality. Refusing to deal with certain issues will prevent new opportunities from entering your life.

Stay open and alert, because opportunity is all around you now. Be aware of your own reality. You must now navigate your way through this unpredictable energy that thrives on constructive change, and different approaches to old problems. Be determined to steer your life in the direction that feels right for you. What will make you happy?

What will it take to make it happen? These are the questions to focus on. It is time to broaden your horizons, look at the big picture, and make changes that will lead to a deeper sense of fulfillment. A mountain is climbed one step at a time. Continue to take steps and you will eventually reach the top. Choose your steps carefully, but decisively. Be a part of your own adventure!

Do not give up just as it seems that you can succeed. This month, an unusual agreement or arrangement may mark the beginning of an unexpected responsibility or situation, although you may not fully understand this until next year. You may encounter something or someone whose presence, positive or negative, will be felt for some time to come.

Recognize how easily you are influenced by others and be determined to stay awake and aware. Flow with any sudden movement confidently, responsibly, with high expectation, and with your eyes and mind wide open. Your 5 adventure is not over yet. In fact, by the end of September, you will realize that a new phase of your adventure is only just beginning. We do not remember days.

Real power always resided with networks. Individual human beings are relatively powerless creatures, no match for lions or bears. These groupings — corporations, religions, states — are now part of a vast network of interconnected information flows. Finding points of resistance, where smaller units can stand up to the waves of information washing around the globe, is becoming harder all the time.

Some people have given up the fight. In place of the founding tenets of modernity — liberalism, democracy and personal autonomy — there is a new religion: Its followers — many of whom reside in the Bay Area of California — put their faith in information by encouraging us to see it as the only true source of value. We are what we contribute to data processing. There is potentially a huge upside to this: Our likes and our experiences will merge. Our lifespans could also be hugely extended: Dataists believe that immortality is the next frontier to be crossed.

  • Homo Deus by Yuval Noah Harari review – how data will destroy human freedom | Books | The Guardian!
  • Legal Lore: Curiosities of Law and Lawyers;
  • Crime Is Not the Problem: Lethal Violence in America (Studies in Crime and Public Policy).
  • But the downside is obvious, too. Nothing more than an accumulation of information points. Twentieth-century political dystopias sought to stamp on individuals with the power of the state. There is a dystopian political aspect to this, too: Gaining entry into this new super-elite will be incredibly hard. The future could be a digitally supercharged version of the distant past: Harari is careful not to predict that these outlandish visions will come to pass.

    The future is unknowable, after all. He reserves his strongest opinions for what all this should mean for the current state of relations between humans and animals. If intelligence and consciousness are coming apart then this puts most human beings in the same situation as other animals: Harari does not seem too worried about the prospect of robots treating us like we treat flies, with violent indifference. Rather, he wants us to think about how we are treating animals in our vast industrialised farming systems. Pigs unquestionably suffer when living in cramped conditions or forcibly separated from their young.

    Soon the same will be true of us.

    Monthly Forecast | CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY

    And what price our suffering then? This is a very intelligent book, full of sharp insights and mordant wit. The datasets are pretty limited. Its real power comes from the sense of a distinctive consciousness behind it. It is a quirky and cool book, with a sliver of ice at its heart.

    Harari cares about the fate of animals in a human world but he writes about the prospects for homo sapiens in a data-driven world with a lofty insouciance. I have to admit I found this deeply appealing, but that may be because of who I am apart from anything else, a man. Not everyone will find it so.

    But it is hard to imagine anyone could read this book without getting an occasional, vertiginous thrill. Nietzsche once wrote that humanity is about to set sail on an open sea, now that we have finally left Christian morality behind.